HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-06-30, Page 7;Ati.l for since Say the es int - Mau train talon Wino wore. ell But awing einem N having y the ) eXOIt- ' cols!. ay, on to the further change of the ci.ently lOuuIiO- )rts in. high orothy lio1 be im very man - of this wanted cheque rzel 0'- peiople sed she er rub, me was e whole tis mode precious ip00ning write to was in g or two visit to different is deter - tor at the out some idea in- o station. -,erswere d among ,ntly and ndezvous es drunk- , but for I brought cclusively E revenge tat letter )e such a lolly well r writing it his eyes e for the 110 atiouery, letters on 'evil bad minutes and ad- it Chester xd Kestrel oi11ar-box A short, rge scarf, n over his this to the .elhuskily; )ice, and taco: 1" mutter- all:ed un - cep his al)- das,'which, hjs mental ams 01 dors aritry -lilt-- uaritra. it this from the S111sbee in, Mass.: tan, more than f Ito speaks, riff Le fanllty have le can endo- 9 benefits to ante. 1tey wife it from severe Ch° She has tried ail bat per - aye her a bete eons strrpi9s- (1 and did do ideeroaseaIn 11 thetr•tnten- las been im- been better. lite! mroteita.nt .. Wizztaitts, filly °Interne, teak 4 r Bits of A,dviee to Girls, A loud weak, affected, whining, )utast, or shrill tone of ernes, Extravagance. in eon versation—such phrases as 441,Wfuily this, "beastly that, &hands of tittle,'don't you know, 'Bate,' for dt�hdtr etc, Sudden exelantatiofis of annoyance surprise•, tux4 joy, such as ',bother t fgracxoua V 'flow ,jryllIy 1 Yawning when listening toany one Talking on fainiIy !hatters, even to bosom friends Attetxtpting any vocal or instxnmen. tai place. Af 4.1311b10 you e;annot execute with ease, Crossing your letters, Making a abort, sharp nod with the htiad, intending to do fluty as a Clow,, An unaffected, low, distinct, silver, toned voice. The art of pleasing those grotto.! you, anti seething pleased a itlr them and all they toffy do for you, The charm of nlaltmg !stuff sacra- fioes quite nhterttlly,au if of no account to 3'oursetf. f The habit Of malting allowances for the opinions, fet•lieles, or prejudices of others • An ereot carriage, tt sound body, A good memory for faces teed facts connected waitwaitthent, tintsavoiding giving offence through not recugnizjnr; or bowing to people, or Haying to theta 1 what had bias• be left unsaid. The art of listening without ironed -1 ence to prosy talker's, and stninug at't the twice, told tale or joke, ! THE WINGTIA TIMES -3 rT UNE 30, 18934 F'IzciXtg up, a Dainty fair Qt Shoes, Au ingenious young woman Iles sacoeeded io votering tt pair of old slippers to go with a. Costuine elle is to wear iu Wane t &hleatiX, in which a stow►► wjulf a court train end high heeled shoes figure cotibpicaofisly, It wasn't eetety to get shoes,, the , exact shade n$ the front to the cos- favus, ante besides the yottug woofsr Wes Of a frugal mind and objected to paying even tt reaaottalfle•sum for, a pair of shoes that at best she would ugly wear for one Oren int if she r'Aulfi pots�sibly wake something else do, ?pieces of the goods that made op the slid color of the gown,a it of shears and abottle of mucilage were all that was required—the deft lingers of the young woman did tl'e rest. She sat pieces r,f the goods -»-a soft satin* -'-ails! floats theft]neatly,stickitit them in place wttli the mucilage till the half worn blank slipper's was changed to to gay little ukluir frons heel to toe, and a full frill df theretiete•rial sewed in the front came well up over the instep stud gave the pretty effect as=cribed to e. high instep obit made the foot look exceedingly small and dainty, I wonder if there isn't a suggestion in this that will be Misled with, delight byj young women who are to take part iu j u nttnival i--13ntfalo News, 1 A compitaptett Case. • DsAn Sin,. -I was troubled with bilioue- nef,a, heedaebe and loss of appetite. I could not rest at night. and was very weak, but :titer using three bottles of Ie. 13. 13. my appetite ie good and 1 oris better ban for years past. I woud not now be IN B. 13. 13., and tam also giving it to my ohildrau, Summer Weakness And that tired feeling, Ioss of appetite and I nervous prostration are drive&; away by 1 Hood's Sarsaparilla, like mist before the morning sun. To realise the benefit of this A great lueclieine, give it a trial and you will ti .join the army of enthusiastic admirers' of it Hood's Sarsaparilla, t 1, Mits. CVAtkett Banns. Maitlaid, N. S.1 `,!'here is Stre,t„•tIt deep bed,fed in i tar hearts, of winch we reek but little ll the shafts of Heaven have pierced s fragile dwelling. Al fist not eerrit e rent before her gaols are found 7—.1 rs Ilt•,nttus. Sure, efiicient,easy_Hoon's Pmts. s. They should be in every traveller's grip and every medioine chest. 25 cents a box. Evolution. I am looking, said the dusty, travel; stained roan with the valise,for an old 611TFiend of thine who used to live on title street. Tariff iteform. "(`!'It1I1+' Reform is in tbe air, The +1 praises of 13. B. 13. are • also heard everyrhere. •No other medicine eaves all diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels and so rapfdiy and s., sure as Burdock Blood Bitters. What's hie name? inquired that Ji,cepti Par•Iter, L. D. : There was policeman le.using against the lamp one counitehdmeut,in Eden,:tbere were Bost.. ten Commandments on Sinai. There Dobbin ars ten comtnandru.uts, not because No roan of that name living along , virtue is divisibly into ten mysteries, Kers, I but because vice has made ten attempts No, I reckon not, said the dosty to break I trough the golden circle of traveler, looking in 0 p4•rplexed way obedience. at b metnoranclum to his hand and ' row of stNtaly dwellings in A then at tet+ Iilr>;tracATlsar Grimm ix n DAxAmericanf -South th nt of him but he Rheumatic Cure of Rheumatism used to Nee ill a i and Neuralgia radically oures .itt 1 to 3 Otto -story cottage right Where that big ; days. Its action upon the systern is re :&tone front stands, 1 markable and mysterious. It removes at Was he a short. heavy than, with a once tbe cause of the disease immediately The first dose greatly haus bald head and nee leg a little aborter `lits, 75 cents Warranted at Cbisholtn's than the utter 2 i drug store. Yep, that's the man. Where is he now v A woman's tette dowry, in my opin- Aftviiys walltrtt aitll his hands be,1ion, is virtue, modesty and desires re- bind him and wore chin whiskers? strained ; not Holt tvhfuh is Usually That describes him exactly, called sO. ,1'lnuttta. Why, he got a street -paving eontratlt English Spavin Liniment rernoves all .()anointed um ps andB!etn ashes fro&!, horses, !'loci Spavin, Curbs Spifuts rtiu• Dome S � • Good for D rhl,in 1 1Vhni's become Spratce, bore awl swollen Throat, coughs, f him 7 is he in Europe'! etc. Save 350 by use of one bottle. War - three or four years tilfrl and he's worth bard, soft or e $100.000. , Y 1, �) ee, Sweeney, Stifles, No, answered the police. nln, paint. !ranted by Uhrsbulm's drug store. int.+ at the hig stone front. Ile lives No clond can overshadow a true right there,and hie name's D'At t igne. Oil•ribtiuu but his•fttith will discern a' rafnho{v in it.-73ieltop Horne.. Rebecca Wilkinson, of Brownsvalley Itid., says t "1 hall been in a liktresse, k.tUcic to the Right. condition, for three years from Norvoud Bight ectious spring from right prin. •2tess. Weakness of the Stomach, Dyspepsia eiples, •In oases of diarrhoea, dysentery, and Indigestion until my health was gene...cramps. colic, summer complaint, cholera I had been dootoriug eonatantly ivtthoet enerbus, etc., the right remedy is Fowler's relief. 1 bought one bottle of South Asn. Extract of Wild Strawberry,—made on the erieau Norville, which done me mete gond principle that nature's remedies aro best, than any $$50 worth of doctoring 1 ever did Never travel without it, in my life. 1 would advise every weakly peXstta to use this valuable and lovely Vete edy." • A trial bottle will eonience you. All men worths he master., of others, ,Waarratteil at Chir,holm's drug store. and no men is lord of hitnseif,--(G , e - Prof, Drnrnmond : Ralf the world the, j's on the wrong scent in the pursuit Batt I3lootl cured. of happiness, They think it Consists Grsamsn.ly,-.4 have used your Iiurdeck in having. and gotriu; , and in beim; 1310od Bitters for bad blood and find it, servers by others. It consists in !~iv- without exception, the best putifylugtouie served Ill serving other's.11,use` A. short nine ago two very largo tract painfttt bulla carne on the back of my Freta 11: t r t c a 1:c i s neck, but B. 13, 13. eorrspletely drove them Gees the story of the exeeilouce of rinod'e , ltwItY' Sarsaparilla and what it has accomplished' 1 :ober. Btafx, Toronto .Tuttetion. and this ie the strongest adt'ertising which 1 A eutleman apologized for words ut. ie done en behalf of this medicine. We g endeavor to tell honestly what Ilnod's tered in wine I slid not mean to say what Sarsaparilla is and what it will do, but I did, but I've had the ruisfortunte to lose what it has done is far more important setae of my front tooth, ILIA words got out andotent, Itunequalled c rdfttr of carte iMores sure to eonvfnce theme whho 1 every !tow alae then without my know• have never tried Food's Sarsaparilla that I ledge, it is an excellent media:lta. 1 Forewarned is tt1ore:tented. Golders little ; It is tt,tte to he nus•� ll of the worst, attacks t:1 cholera pus of any Tine of belief or conduct 1 trtorbns, cramps, dyseutery, tatic, that grieves devout people and A dehghtr.etc„ ecnrysud•lte•ont yoits ta1ah1nst tltoern. f yDrsIe irreverent and immoral ithe remedy, /teen it at hand for otter, Canadian 'averited_eneiea. It bevel fella to ore or relieve. The season esf'!!veet) fruits ,x`ttd eta -enter drinks' is the fill , when the were& forms! Be: "1 am rather In favor of the English • of 0holera rhombus, iliarrhtes and bowel than elle Alderieaa mode +of slrellfllg, romplahlte prttenol. API a 13014Kkkrd DCowler's. ,1 should be kept traet in• LiterInnatefld porr8( yearee Uhestt tit . flaying" l cfvi lgt'11' i it ounces all it has been the .moat -reliable remedy. 1fthe difference iu the What is %"' ,••• • J -a', .'‘.. \�5[K\ Castor#taw IS Dr. "8azaltel .'itelzer's prescription for Infants anti Chia -ren. It contains neither Opium, 191:orpliino nor c)tlzer Narcotic Stzi)startco. It is a It armless substitute for. Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, anid Castor 011. lit is Pleasant, Its guarantco is thirty years' use by Millions ofllfotbors. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castor's., prevents goxxtitint; Sour Curd, curet, Diarrboen, and Wind Colic, Castoria relieve, teething troubles, cures constipation pati S1at.ttIeney, Castoria ncsirtiilates the fool, rt: ;ulatt!5 the stomach. and bowels, giving healthy attcl natural sleep, Casa torso is no Children's Panacea—tlio Illcather's Friend. Ola cI form.,. "Caste. ria is a:i ceec11e (41nrcilcina for ehli, dren. !lathers have repeatedly #.Id moot its good effeot epee their children." Pe. Cf. 0. Oacoon, Lotvcli, Slaw, "Cis itonin 14 tho L•cst remedy for children of which 1:v_t:wet:aiuted. 1 hope t:ro (.1 .y I,31 Ot far 4Uiveaut veeenlnothers willcoosi.!erthe real interest of tavir children, e-nd use Cactor0i fa - stead of the varionsquack nostrums which aro destrivieg their loved ones, byforeleg-opt itis, morphine,. soothing syrup and other hurtful agents clown their throats, thereby send:ug them to premature graves," I? i, 3. F. R.ntenarott, Conway, Tho cca:au Com^) • 7e "Castor(;ranowon adopted ist''$ ;ren tens I reco:nmol 4 it rssuperiorLowly preseriptron ir.nown to Mo." Arrnt:m,11. 111 So. O+fnrrit.t.,'I:roo4.1y1, 17. il. "Our l:3 tciatns lo rho cult.Irn'i',: d^;larrr niettt Imre spoi:en l.ir ly of t:.c:e 0:tperi vnco in their outside nr,.etico wah and although 17c only (laws oven:( medical 121pnifcs {vheit la known a:1 r. produot:•r, yet ;s -o pro free to confess that the merits of Castoria hoe won us to loot; ss•itb favor upon it." L.ireee Iiosrirdt. elle Dtcge:\SAI^-, DoetOn, Mass. A:.1 :1 C. Ssnxn, Prea„ �arny Streot, Now i'ork City. i It Ai'.fl!'`lit'1gt,%rrC1"r ltwr••31, '• ? . ABSTRACT —0l' .RECEIPTS Mill EXPEN IT —0N 1892. TOWN OF W1NGHAM FOR THE YEAR 1892. RECEIPTS. Tan. 1 To balance from 1891....808 87 Nov. 11 Taxes collected for 1891.....• •••••••••• 20098 01) Deo. 31 1892... 7531 00 Proceeds of $13450 00 in notes discounted.. . • 13250 00 Rent of Town Hall....151 50 Cemetery lots sold..., 135 00 • Rent of weigh scales to Dec:, 3rci, 1802 . . • 55 00 License receipts.,.. .- "549 23 Factory bonuses..., ....1000 000 Grants.... 287 Proceeds of land sale for taxes 42, 849 Nen-resident taxes per W. Stein,4 84 Fines, pop Clerk.- .. . , , , 5 00 Miscellaneous , , , , . , . , 18 35 Total receipts for 1802.. .... $2045(; 18 1892. ' EXPENDITURE.... Dec. 31 By Tax exemptions for 18;11 and part 1892... $ 4555 15 Coupons for 1891.... .. , . 235 00 Conpous for 1892.... ' . - . , 1000 00 Public School Beard.. , • :1184 00 Bank of Hamilton, paid notes.. 12750 00 'Tow,) 1-1a11. , .. , . .. . . Town Hall expenses....• •04 40 ' Streets.. , 421 05 Street lights, balance for 18111. 52 50 " in fall to Nov.0th, 18:12•.+, .. 125 35 v 3+i8 35 County rate for 1891, . , , .... Waterwor... ks, ... . • . , 494 93 Charity.4.0 4 1494 Cemetery, . , . 140 31 Deposit to credit of Biukiug Fund. , 1000 00 Officers' salaries.... Postage. '••• •'•• 1282 80 1lectious for 1891, , . . . • 11 87 -... e1 88 Printing and stationery, . . N0 47 Miscellaneous expenses..., 219 30 Cash in Bank of Hamilton to Trets. ala at date :e00 54 E Total expenditure for 1892 $30150 18 We, the undersigned Auditors' for the Tows of Winghani fe r the year 1892, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and stirred Abstract of t to lie seipts and Expenditure foe the said town for the year, eudinee the .81st December, 1802. Il. VANSTONE, t Ar1•rronu, UA Dated at Wingham this 0ttt duty of 1'ebruaryW, A. oD.•,sT1803.1t111 S,er/lized tri k a very evident de.. vice for ett'attlte and iovelide l;, sells as high tt:t artyCr;ilts a (111011 444!4! Is bought sometimes itt cl.uxutitt••s to hest the iudividuai eonsttlner a y•-ar. it is even sent to Custattrers in Mimeo. It is shipped in hermetically Reeled vets- sels, and may he kept like oily other preserve, Speeirneee have been Immo sweet and wholesome two years after leaving the «ow, hob alt human and horses suet alt 14111. male Cured itt 30 minutes by SVoolfor.d's Sanit.4t'y L !tion, '1'i,fs never fwrls. War- rattted at 011isholtn 4d:ug stars. P1143 tinpitnetla Sty, A man takes a drink, then the drink takes a drink., and the next drheltd.akes the matt. H PfSn" a 17R . A 08Weltek ALL ELSE FAILpostott time. rattle, by ereg0a .; CSN$,UNIP.TICaeq' e Orr itr a 104 RAWBE E 5 a: CURE CH i.�ER ""MQR8 Ea ANlti Ll LA IstiagoH:DYR:51142014:TADIEUR: Price ,`s.K ttt✓Atie i 11t91irATiONS Canadian .Parnti,i 04, ay. TAI3I,llg. dust to hams, n car Intel of No. 1 tt•#1vro arrive end deport. ks tc]tawet; l.xaavt,ra 1 1 / 1 :40 44 I0.........,k'or Toronto,... 1•:31j pt. 4.(4 I f ¢l i'1 a, t, ta. 10'48 p.as i (I IfIC W!:Na ar tte4•I p, to For ; 'Agee -ger- .d,4rt .. which we will sell .tt prices ttntt rely 1:44444. - -- -.MVI ~ TAKE...., .. .. petitieu. Also, that glass t!, lRft'H AT tri'lsit[AU MINN wide NORTH SHORE SHINGLES �t a 110•!n.,Pelnierstan,Gttelph,Teronto,, e.tt lap tt .1 WLES ll: (1 ', " r, 1220 " wen. 40. '• mix .1 for lifneerdine zi dill 4p 113 m At $111..7+74 per Square, 4:a' p. !n, fur Tin 140 ni u? •� „ 017 Araquality guaranteed. .. 40e.in. Londa!` " " Clinton ,fie. 0,00 " . .glop nu , I. ., 0. " .all kinds of - IDressed and Rough Lumber, Lath, , Barrels, Wood, &c,,. kept ooustantly oft band. PLAINE MHJ MATCHING DONE cheap as the cheapest. 11oLEA 4t; SON, Wingltam, .Tune 7111, 1803. PROF. SCOTT, MUSICAL LEADER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 5h•es private Lessons in VocalTraining. both 144 Staff and Tou1c•501•pp Notation, Open for entragements for Concerts or Church meetings. Terris moderate. Apply at elf trf1ARkc , COPYRealiTStn For information aid free ilandb000keettte to WNN t; Co., 5U1 nnoARwA- N4;w Yonir. Oldest bureau for 5eenrliig patents in America., ltvery patent taken out by u•4 is brought before the public byanvot1e oven free of charge in the "fi1b ii1'yy Largest circulation of any soleutiflo paper In the world, Splendidly 1lluetrated. No IntO1llge0 tilts Ir. J1OItROw•C, yemeta ahourd be without it. Address lkttyy $g.o() a 24liltuter tit 11.4ophan! £44L1IL1 XEus mouths. Anse. g w Ui1N & C o, -- _. -..___ _��^ -•-.- •• ' 3451 Si:oadwllr, :..oR �. tele city... BEST I!` AL tiJ E ------ -IN pewl -pQx ^�p� ki -371„ i m LOTHI CYC) TO -- HATS, 3, V AP rte', COLLARS, SE IRTS, ours -3, Cheap for KASH , ves,oto Stov All intending purchasers of stoves kr this .. winter will save money by buying from D. SUTHERLAND. a o Having bought a very large gra r -.ty of HEATING A COOK *It" �.aF 4 f, to Choose f em vie s/ stove guaranteed. against breakage awl to give complete satisfaction. StIT116. LAND. ughttiln, ootobee s th 1 0. r,