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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Fordwich Record, 1901-10-24, Page 1VOL. V. FOR TKE NEXT 15 DAYS 15 WE WILL SELL WALL PAPERS AT 20 per Cent. Reduction TO MAKE ROOM FOR MERE GOODS The Fordwich Dmg Store LECAL. MORPHY -& CARTIIEW, LISTOWEL ONT Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, Sch- emers, EtC. Solicitors for the Bank of Handlton. MoneV to Loan. Offices above Carson At McKee's Store, Main Street. BLEWETT & BRAY, LISTOWEL, ONT., Barristers end- Solicitors, Notary Publics and Conveyancers. Money to Loan, Solicitors for Scott's Banking Howe andOnt. Fern). Bldg. and Loon Association. P F. R. BLIMET. GE°. Baer, ANSON SPOT:TON; 1..a.rr1ster, Solicitor, =to.. HARRISTON, ONT. Money to Loan at 4.1 per cent. on Good Farm Mortgages. E. L. LICKINSON, BARR!STER, ETC., Scum-roc roe BANK OE HAMILTON Wingham, Ontario. DENTAL. J. T. IRELAND, L.D.S., D.D.S. HARRISTON, ONTARIO. Honor graduate Of Dental Department of Toronto University. Office over W. F. Brisbin's Book Store. Prices as low as good work can guarantee. Gold filling and preservation of natural teeth a specialty. Vitalized Air Gas if required. Will be at Palmerston the est and.3rd Monday, and at Clif- ford the and and nth Monday of each month. DR. T. E. BALL, L.D.S. First Class Honor graduate Dental Dept Toronto University, Licentiate Royal College l)enral Sur- geons of Ontario. DENTIST, HARIRSTON, Will be at • THE ALBION HOTEL, FOROWICH, On the Second and Fourth Monday of each month. The First and Third Monday will be spent M Wroxeter, MISCELLANEOUS. W. N. NEWTON, Licensed Auctioneer in the COunty of Heron is prepared to do auctioneering in all its branches. Sales solicited, satisfaction guaranteed and charges moderate. For part rs icula apply at True Ftscome r.ffice or at his residence Fordwich, Many Children Suffer from HEADACHE when attending SCHOOL and perhaps get behind in their STUDIES all because parenta NEGLECT to brave their EYES TESTED. It is a fact that 60 PER CENT of all persistent HEADACHES in the old or }toying is due to EYE- STRAIN which correct glasses will cure. N. McLAUGHLIN, Craduate Optician, - Gerrie N. WAIT, Conveyancer, Issuer of Marriage Licenses at office or residence. MONEY ON MORTGAGES at of and 5 cf,', good privileges of repayment. Notes and Chanel Mort- gages Cashed. FARMS FOR SALE-Salve fine bargains, or will boy one any time if right price. Nice Resi- dence to exchange on land, balance paid, Call or write me. Office opposite market HARRISTON, ONT. \ \ \ '.\.0\' COLD WEATHER GOODS TO HAND THIS WEEK AT THE FORDWICH CASH STORE. —IN— Ladies' and Children's Underwear, Flannelettes, Gents' Underwear, A few ends yet on hand of Ladies' Mantlings at Half Price. WM. GAHM.. Fordwich, Oct. 23, 1901, AnarAWASZOINK45713714IS,VVIF,IVAPSAY taVaelersBneer....v,AsPeer *WAWA:. •44,:•ftvAzeo ", • 4241:40',..WAIP THREE PAPER n IN ONE. Eight pages! of summarized and classified news, Eight pages of practical agri. cultural and live stock articles. Eight pages of interesting fin- don and magazine features. k WEEKLY MAIL & EMPIRE 3 Sections. 24 Pages. i> $1.00 Per Year. Balance of rcoofreith subscription for The Record and Weekly Mail and Empire Dec. 31, rom for $1.73. CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS, COPYRIGHTS Aug DESIGNS. send ynnr business direct to Washington, saves thao,costs leas, better service. Mx, ales close to 17. 8. Patent Men. PEES grelledn- r.,-.7.—,_,Ar..,V,..tatitret PEWIT= A(Pru...e.P.PeReetes. Pooh 'Movie obtain Parente," etc., teat Ira. Paate procured through 0. G. Biggers receive special notice, without charge, in too INVENTIVE ACE iumigat . ed monthly E - R Keven L 9 th a 1 t y e S a o w f F — C te . r a T m . . s S . n $1. . D W par. E.CS100S'WA 8 HIN S GTON D.C ,. etweseewwievvvvir FORDWICH, ONT., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24. 1901. NO. 51 Howiok Council. 'Feed wick, Oct. 10th, 1901. -Council met today in the Albion Hotel, Fordwich, pursuant to adjournment. Members all present. The Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. Thomas McClement waited on the council asking for assistance in put- ting in a drain. Mr. Nelson and his sureties executed their bond for $14,000 in open Council, and deposited the same with the clerk. Moved by Smith and Morley, that this Council adjourn to meet on Saturday, the 9th day of November, to transact general busineaa —Carried- CG, ROBERTS,- Clerk. foregoing accounts be passed and peid.— Carried. - Bylaw No. 361, appointing John Nel- son collector of rates for the township Wallace for the year 1901, -wan introduc- ed and read. Moved by Burns and Koch, that By- law No. .361 as now read three times be flow paned and signed,—Carried. General Local News Interesting Items Picked Up By Our Local Reporters During the Week. eese If you want some rood, fresh, pea-nure go to the Fordwieh Bakery- . *Any quantity-of rood Dried Apples wanted at 'The Fordwich Cash Store. *Labrador Herrings, 25c per dozen, at Rogers'. *Nice What? Those Ready•made Suits and Overeoets at McKee a,- Cheap, tote *Fresh tamely this week of Rolled Wheat sad Corn Meal in bulk, at the Fordwich Cash Store. *Just in. A new -thing in Navy Blue Homespun—G. E. McKee & Co. *J. S. Nicholls has -added another branch to his business and is selling American and Canadian Coal Oil at the very lowest pricea. Call when in want of good coal There will be soleIby auction on lot 14. con. 6, Ho wick, on Tuesday, Oct. 29, of live stock and implements, els. Terms- 12 inonths, 6 per cent. off for cash. A. Nicholson. Proprietor ; W. H. New- ton, 'Auctioneer, Pan-American Exhibition will close on Saturday, November 2. Mr. Allan Buethert of Engus spent a short time_ with trienda in town on Sun- day. • Mr. James Montgomery of the Listowel Banner gave us a friendly call on Satur- day last. - Teeth is no longer any hope for the recovery of Mr. W. E. IL Massey of Toronto. Mr. J. R. Ward has had his store and ice cream parlor nicely re-papered which adds greatly to their appearance.. Mr.. and Mrs. James Montgomery efe leetowel spent Sunday-last at the home' of the latter's cousin, Mr. Ezra Riehm. If you can't say anything good about a an tiey and think up something. Yen may Went to borrow. money from }dine some day. • Read the new adeertiaement of Nicholla and the changes of The Fort:bride Drug Store and The Fordwich Cask Store. They are all offering big bargains. Mr. and Mrs. Josh. Scott of Harriaton went Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday forenoon with relativea in town. Mr. and Mrs. Scott intend moving to Wingham in a short time. De not fail to hear Mr. Jeuies Fax, the celebrated humorist, comic vocalist and entertainer at the Y. P. S. C. E. Concert in the Foresters' Hell to-night (Thursday).:'' Mr.- Carnegie has offered $15,000 to- wards a public library at Brockville. Why should not the Board of Manage- ment oak Mr. Carnegie to give Fordwich library a similar amount ? • Roy Acheson of threClifford Express, accompanied by his setter Miss May and his grandfather, spent Thursday last in the village. They were the guests of Mr. T. J. Nicholls and family. The carpenters and lathers are'at work at the new Presbyterian church primer ing for the plasterers, who will commence their work shortly, and the pipes for the nytelene gee lights are being put in shape. Mr. George A., Fawcett of Drayton, Provincial Oiginizer of Canadian thdei of Chosen Friends, is in our village at present, assieting the lodge to increase its membership, and is meeting with good *You can get all lines end colors of Yarns from G. E. McKee se Co. Mr. Alex Orr arrived home on Tues- day evening after 5e month's trip and is looking in the best of health. Mr. Orr spent the most of his time at Mt. Clem- ense Mich., where he' took mineral and mild baths for rheumatism, and says the aches and pains have all left him. *Our Wool Blankets are so good and an chimp that We have had to repeat in them the third time-eG, E: McKee & Co. Mr. 5Itiffatt of Listened, who has been here for the past week taking and pack- ing up the stook of hardware of Mr. L. G. Hooey, leaves to-day for his home, Mr. J. R. Grant, hardware merchant, hiving bought the stock which has been taken to Liseowel and will be disposed of there. *We have all the Negatives made Ly our predecessors from which. Duplicate Pee,. may he toil at any time.—J. E. Mulholland, Guilt°, Moved by Strong and Schurter, That the matter be left over until next meet.. ing of. Cd. The judgment held by the Council a• gainat Robert Jamison jr, was then tahen up for consideration. Moved by Sir, , McLaughlin that the Council accept the offer made by Mr. Jamison of $20.011 as settlement in full of the judgment held against him by the Council. There was no seconder to Mr. McLaughlin's motion. Moved by Strong and Spence, That the Council do not accept the offer of $20.00 made by Mr. Jamison as settlement in full. Carried. Spence, Schutter, That Councillors McLaughlin sad Strong be a committee to arrange for two meetings, one to be held in Gorrie and one in Fordwich, to be ad- dressed by W. A. Camphell,Conemiasion- er of Highways.—Cd. Mr. McLaughlin gave notice that he would bring inn motion at the next meet- ing of the Council asking for Legislation to do away with assessing every year; else t' at Municipal election's belheld every two years, same as for Ceunty rurposee; also that he will bring in a motion ask Mg that a By-!. aw commuting the ,Statue Labor to be voted on at theenext Municipal Election. Spence, Schutter, That the following accounts be paid. Cd. D. Scott, part contract cutting hills lot 17 con. 10-ned lot 19 $ten. 10, $50.10. W. Samisen, rep. culvert and bridge Itch H con. 6 and lot 15 con. 4, $6.50., J. Moss, rep, bridge, Ford trich, $169. 0. Wade, rep. road machine, $1.00. A. Brown, gravel and damages $8.00 H. Toner, gravelling lot 5, con. 5, $37.10C W. C. Montgomery, approch to bridge lot 3 con. 3, $32.00. ' A. Staome, plank for drain in Ford- wick, $4.00. D. Zeigler, gravelling lot 30, con. 17 $42.50. W. T. Sharpen, advertising, $1.80. J. Mathews, ditch in Fordwieb, $2.50. J. D, Scott, gravelling and ditching lot 15, con. A and lot 16, con. B $80,75. 0. Rogers, ditching in Fordwich, $13.00. J. F. Southeran, gravel, $11.40. J. Butham, rep. cavort, lot 24, eon. 3, 65 cents. ' A. Zurbrigg, brushing road lot 25, 2.3, con. 3, $1.60. A. Johnston, rep. bridge and gravel lot 28, con. 4, $1.00. R. Sandford, gravelling, lot 30, and 31 eon. 1, $48.70. C. Rogers, widening grade on hill, $40.00. Geo. Wylie, rep, railing ott bridge lot 16, eon. B. $1 00. C. Rogers, gravelling lot 20, con. 9, $27 00. Peter Hackney, gravel, $4-20. T. Hall, set salary for printing, $20.00, Scburter, Strong, That thin Councildo now ajoure to meet again on the third Wednesday in Nov. in the Township Hall, Gorrie, Carried, L. WALKER, Tp. Clerk. ase. w . Wallace Township Council. The Council of Wallace met in the town hall. Gowanstown, on Saturday, the 12th of October ; all the members pres- ent, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of last session were read and, on motion of Kech and Morley, were adopted.. The following accounts were submitted: Edward Hanna, half coat of gravelling town line, $24,20. • W. Mahlon Davis, civil engineer, $106. H. Coghlin, balance of fee for on Klapp award, $2. R. G. Roberts, clerk's fee on Knapp award, $2. Municipal World, voters' list forms, 45 omits. John Koch, 1 cord atovewood for town hall, $2.26. A. Ackeentan, half cost culvert, town line, $2.50. Th.. Gummerson, half cost gravelling, $25.: H. Felker„ gravelling contract, half to be paid by Remick, $41.64. D. Berlet, repairing approaches le bridge, $1. Selectors of Jurors and J. Stewart, J. F., $4 each—$16. I Moved by Smith and Koch, that the For October .or November.. - From out the North the sweeping-air Is blowing fierce and cold ; The leaves are falling everywhere In ghee/era of tarnished gold. The trees are losing all their Pride, And, in the woods and street They stand, 'midst desolation wide, Aeaiting snow and eleet. Special Meeting The Chosen Friends will hold a special meeting on Friday night for the inetia- fleet of candidates and will holdttheir reg- ular meeting onr Tuesday evening of next week. All inetnbers are requested be be present. • Masonic Sermon. On Sunday last the members of the Masonic Lodge attended Divine service ie Trinity Church, when -a sermon was preached by Rev. Bro. A B. Farney which was much appreciated by the 0 der. 'Visiting brethren to the number of about twenty-five were present from Harristnn, Brussels and Drayton. After service the brethren marched back to their hall 'where a lunch was served, The Star's Souvenir Number: The souvenir number of the Teronio Daily Star is the neatest and heat got up thing of the kind we have had the pleas- ure-of reviewing for some time. It con- tains a full acceunt of the tour of the Duke and Duchess while in Canada, with fell pogo illustration of the royal couple and also of the King and Queen. The number throughout is beautifully Blue- trated and reflects great credit upon the enterprising managers of The Star. Left Town. , Messrs. ,L. G. Honey, Louis Becker, There:is NIT.L.ughlin, George Willis and J. C. Moss left on Tuesday morning for New . Leskeard, Temiscaminque District, New Ontario. Mr. Hooey intends start- ing a hardware 'store and will remain, but the rest of the gentlemen have Went to see the eountry and, some of them at lent will remain, if they are suited with the country. Although wewould like to see them 'all return to Fordwich we wish them every prnpority. An Old Resident Cone Edmund Thomas, who has been a real-. dent of Fordwich fur upwards of 28 years, and known as the oldest man'in the vil- lage, being in his 97th year, I ut the place and people that knew him so long will know him no more forever, for death semm )lied him hence early Tunday morning. The funeral took place on %Verb:lead:1y afterio-oon to the Ferdwich cemetery, being attended by friends and relatives. He teepee a wife and -a num- ber of eons and daughters to moans this loss. Corrections In last week's issue the following -errors were made in the prize list : Car- riage Brood Stare was credited to Juhn L. Wilson and should have been( to Wm. Lambkin; Leiceeeer Ewe should have been credited" Retreat Sanderson, both let and 2nd, instead of Wm. Brown and and a diploma for the best pen of sheep aid for Leicester Ram, any ago, won by Robert Sanderson was omitted. There were no entries for twenty ptennd tub of butter. There were twee_me,rit. ies in col- lection os weeds but were overlooked by the judges. Bicycle Repairing This business, which was formerly car- ried on by Mr. L. G. Hooey, has been purchased by Mr. Cheater Adams, who will in future give it hie closest attention. Prices will be found right.—lm Runaway Accident Whet might have proved to be a se- lions, if not fatal, accident occurred me Wednesday morning when Clifford, the eldest son of Mr. Melvin Johnston, of the 4th con., was thrown from a cart, re- ceiving a bad bruise on the left temple which rendered him unconscious for about half an hour, It appears that the boy, who is only about 12 years old, came to the village with a horse and cart to purchase some oil and paint and was returning twine when the horse, which ia-a spirited one, took fright just before reaching the net end of the bridge and started to run away. The right wheel of the cart kept on the sidewalk until it teached the brace of the bridge up whir', it went about half way when the mart up- set, throwing out the buy and the other commits. The young lad was immedi- ately picked up and conveyed to the drug store and Dr. Spence summoned, who attended to his injuries, after which he was conveyed to his home. The horse was captured in a gravel pit a short distance from the village. *New Figs, 6c per 'pound, at Rogers. *Prints to clear at G. E. McKee & Co.'s. *Poultry Wanted at the Fordwich Cash Store. ,'For first class Photos go to C. A. Lee, Listovrel. *Choice lot of Fresh Candies Arrived at the Fordwich Bakery. • *Far a Fell and Winter Cap try G. E. McKee & Co. bibs ofGood Raisins for 25 cents at Rmers'. *Advanced Prices this week In Pro- duce at the Fordwich Cash Score. 'Out first lot of Ready-made is almost gone and the new lot just in. Call and see theme-Cr E. McKee & Co. *Bring along your Butter and Eggs, Dried Apples and Poultry to the Ford- wich Cash Store where you will find rock bottom prices ' in Dfy Goods, encoring and Millinery. Miss Lena Donaghy left for Toronto, on Wednesday morning.' Boaz—In Minto, on Sunday, Oct. 20, to Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Hill, a Bon. Who boeght the ticket for Wingham Saturday night ? Was it J R. or A. I Mr. Benjimen Reeve of Palmerseon spent Sunday last with hie parents in the village. ' Mr. and Mrs. D. R imsey of James- town spent Sunday with 5Ir. and . Mrs. J. S.-Nicholls. Hon, George W. Ross announced on Monday that. the Legialathre will be called early in January, Mrs. J. H. Webster is et present spending a short time with her parents near LucknoW. .. • . Mrs: FraSer of Witten to tiit`peenee t v isiting her mother, Mrs. McMinn, and other relatives in Mien. *New Figs, the best and cheapest ever. seen in Fordwich, arrived this week at the Fordwich Caah Store. Mr. Scott of Wingham spent from Sat- urday evening until Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. J. R. Ward. Annual meeting of the Bible Society In the Methodist Church on Wednesday evening, Oct. 30th, at 8 o'clock... Mr. John Henneberg had the misfor- tune to lose a valuable cow on Monday evening by the 10 o'clock train running over her. Tee Gorrie Vidette has changed and is now conducted by Mr. W. Sharpie who has been empeoyed in the Vidette office 'or SOM0 year, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Fennell returned home Monday evening from Manitoba, where they had been spending the past couple of months. Rev. D. Rogers is attending the ace neat meeting, of the Missionary Commit. tee of the London Conference on Thurs- day of this week. *Overshoes needed sorting up and we have done so. All lines anti sins cheap. —G. E.:McKee & Co. Mr, and Mrs. E. Riehm spent Sunday evening with the fernier's parents in Maryborough and Monday with relatives in Moorefield and Palmerston. The King's birthday, Nov. 9 is a pub- •ic holiday in statute. The 28th of November (Thankegiving Day) will make the second public holiday next Mee th. The Bell -Ringers, whose entertainment was so popular when in these parte tome time ago, are expected to be at Mayne and Fordwich on October 31st and No- vember lat. The A. 0. U. W. will hold ther next regular meeting on Friday evening 25th inst. All members are requested to attend by order of Joseph McLaughlin,M W. Visiting brethern cordially invited. *ee large tot of Blue and 'Black Serges in stock and will be made to order at very Lowest Prices to clear.—J. Argue, Fordwich. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Aldrich of -Niles City, Mich., Mr. Peter -Sheppard of Michigan and Mr. and Mrs. Laybourne of River View, Ont., attended the fu- neral of the tato Mrs. McFall on Friday last, and are at present visiting friends and relatives in the village and vicinity.