HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Fordwich Record, 1901-09-26, Page 8Having decided to move to New Ontario I am selling goods and Below Cost 1 am adopting this plan in order to reduce my stock as rapidly as possible. The Up-to-Date Hardware Store L. G. 'HOOEY. GOO S OUR FALL STOCK IS NOW WELL TO. HAND AND ITS 80 BIG, 80 DAINTY P, SO SALEABLE ` SOME OF THE LINES ON OPENING WE HAD JUST A SIGHT OF THEM AND THEY WERE GONE. THIS APPLIES SPECIALLY TO DRESS GOODS REPEAT ORDERS OF WHICH HAVE ALREADY BEEN GIVEN FOR SOME OF THE LINES SOLD OUT. --'01511'01111tow"-- WE OFFER THE BEST VALUES IN Handsome Slack Figured Dress Goods THAT HAVE EVER BEEN SEEN FORDWICH Our Grey Home Spuns WE CAN s SAFELY GUARAFTEE TO WEAR—WELL JUST TILL YOU ?ARE TIRED OF THEM. nadeisnassease SEE OUR Black, Grey and Oxford Home Spurs Black and Colored Satins. Black and Colored Velveteens Clan Tartans Suitable far Girls Dresses, etc. German Plaid Dress Goods Wrapperette Dress Goods The Latest tioveities in French Flannels Flannelettes and Flannelette Sheetings 1 and 2 yd Cotton Sheetings 2 yd Bleached Sheetings Gig Bargains in Grey and White Cottons Big Bargains in Fanoy Quilting Prints 1 and 1 yd Floor Oil Cloths 1 1-4 and 1 1.2 yd Table Oil Cloths Cotten Shirtings and Gingham Moleskins and Cottonades Halifax Tweeds Itcrne-made Heavy Tweeds for the Cold Winter Home-Made Blankets Home-Made Yarns, 2, 3 and 4 Ply ' Table Linens, Special Values Towels and Towellings, etc., etc. SEVERAL NEW DESiONS IN CARPETS blade to Our Order by one of Our Leading Manufacturers at Special Frioesi . S. COOK LOAN AND REAL ESTATE AGENT Conveyancer, Insurance Agent. Commission in High Court of Justice. Money to Loan at 5 per cent. Real Estate Bought and Sold. BusinessConlidential. Apply to B. S. COOK, FORD worm, ONT. Toronto, Sept. 24, 1901. Cattle— Shipping, per, cwt.... .. , .... 34 23 Butcher, choir., do- 4 00 Butcher, medium to goods— 3 25 Butcher, inferior 2 75 Sheep and lambs— Ewes, per mat 3 00 Bucks, per owl 2 50 Spring Jambe, .each 2 50 Milkers and calves— Cows, each 90 00 45. 00 Calves, each 2 00 10 00 Hogs— Choice hogs, per cwt 7 23 Light hogs, per cwt 7.00 Heavy hogs, per cwt 7 00 MaRDWICH MARKETS. Fall wheat, per bash 00 63 90 62 Barley, per bush 0 40 1 40 Oats, per bush. ...., '0 29 0 34 Peas, per bush ... 0 60 0 68 Bran 14 00 14,110 Shorts 16 00 16 00 Eggs,fresh, per doe 0 11 0 11 Butter, per nound•.. .. 15 C 15 Kidney lard, per pound..:.: 0 12a 0 15 Dried Appless 0 05 0 04 Tallow, per ab ...... ... 0 05 0 .051 Hides, per lb 0 03 0 Una Calf Skins, per lb 0 1:0 0 07 Sheep skins • 0 25 It 75 Hay .. . 9,00 0 On e. tento Fail F airs, Rowick, Gerrit, Oct. 12. W. Wellington, Harriston, Sept. 26-27. North Braun Penis, Sept. 20-27. Great Northwestern, Goderich, Oct. 1-2. N. R. of Oxford, Woolsnoth, Oct. 1-2. North Grey, Owen Sound, Out. 2-4. East Huron, Brussels, Oct. 3-4. Blyth and Morris, Blyth, Oct. 0-5. Turnberry, Wingham, Sept. 26-27. Listowel, Listowel, Oat. 1-2. tMan.;:y F!..31„tla With 13:14'211s Mame% . , . x. •Seveee and Torturing Ctn. of Iirldhtirs d'untlee tit tine Proton Certifies to the Cure DY Ct ear,. Iii,;,3e.3 -Ltzto Pitt*. i7 James De ilibunt, a much respect- . re r. sident 'IS Coes, en,, Ont., etnteee— "I was a enteeree tree, seriamee Disease -or several reers, e ea et, arnes the toe- of he--..y were almost be. Valid MACS:MC, Thri,.pailtS P'ore hi my lead, botweeh the shoulders and down fie whole spfne, cOutccutrating across .45 kidneys, where I was never entire- tree Orem pain. When I got u in tee rimentna, p went about heist over ,early &male. It gave- me great pain .3 urinate, and at times the water- was --cry scanty. Medicines seemed to have 'tile or no effect in my case, until I ..elan .the use of Dr. Chase's Kidney- • Aver Pills. The first dose relieved me, nd ittie boxes- ehtlreiy cured me. I .ace no pains In 'my kidneys, and can o as good a dare - work as I ever mid." Mr, 3. S. Ward, J.:P., of Conseson, car- les Vast he - knaves Istr. Dentine-nee .-atement c-f his cure to be correct and sue end without exaggeration. It seems --cues to trifle with newefangled man- roes when you con got the tested and :trven kind. lir. ChasoidKidite7-Llirer ▪ one pill a dose, 2a erfItt a heir, alt Cea 'ere, cr Beimanson. Bates & CO., 01-c110. Agents sr-anti:1 0ev nr. Uhe.":^:t3 ;net andcomplete eleetaite :Muir-. 04 75 4 20 3 75 3 09 3 50 3 00 3 00 7 37 7 00 7 00 MARION Sr MARION Patent Experts and Solicitors. emcee:f Nvw York Lila Plent:17,1/ Atlitodd Eidg',Vreshingten D.C. ISO YEARS' EXPERIENCE. 4 TRAP2 mArms dOrTntoEsi-Tas&c. oae.wasiiins skel rh and deseriptkui may llandbookon Pmonts D 21 Tt:t4tes :hares, in the. ;:itrican. • KURTH'ILLE. Messers. Noah Bowman and Geo. Znr- brigg arrived home on Saturday. They report having load a splendid time. When is Kaiser Wilhelm going to get his hair cut again? We suppose when the CAKE SILL.' Messrs. Thomas and William and Miss Minnie Peel attended the Mair-Pritchard wedding at Redgrave on Tuesday. Mice Allele Wilson and Miss Bessie Bricker is visiting friends in Teeswater at present. Dlr. Thomas Walker, jr., returned home from Manitoba on Saturday. He does not think much of the Prairie Province. Mr. Wm. Musgrove took a business trip to Dramas on Monday. Mr. Wm. Gallagher of Belmore deliver- ed a tine heave horse to Mr. David Wilson on Saturday. Mr. Edward Sotheran completed the erection of a wind-mill at his well last week which will be a great convience to him. Ile has the piping so arranged that the water goes to :slag tank at the barn and from Caere to the house. Ed. believes in having things bandy about him. COME Early and Secure First Choice as the Sale has Commenoed nod We Mean to Make MORS Interesting for all. M. CASTEL/ . FORDWICLI , Sept. 10, 1901. WHITESYILLE Mm. Jonas Hallman returned to her home on Thursday from Williamsburg where she bas been visiting relatives. Mr. and. Mrs. Wm.- Armetteeng vitsited rele.tivee in Wellesley last week. ale. Henry Darcy and his sister, 'Miss Sarah, spent Sunday afternoon with Mias Tante Buschert. Miss Linie Carter spent a few days this week with her meter, Mrs. Lewis -Arm- strong. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Allen of your village spent Sunday with Mr. and Men. Erma Albright. COMM. Mr. J. E. Mulholland, the photographer, is:in the Commre gallery every day in the week. There are quite a few people who think that he goes to Fordwich on Satur- days which is not the case. We have re- duced our priced. Give us a trial. MrsaEdmund Smaller and Mr. R. C. Sperling of the National Insurance Co. is in, St. Marys this week. The learvesethome anniversary services a ill be held in the Methodist ohurch on Sunday and Monday, Sept. 29th and 30th; bemoan will. be preached on SundaY by the Rev. Henry. T. Ferguson, B. A., B. D., of Mono Road. It will also be rally day for the Sabbath School which meets at 2.30 p. in. A grand dinner will be served on alonday in the basement from 5 to 8 p. m. after dinner a good program will be given. Addresses by Revs. A. B. Forney of Ger- rie, A. B. Dobson and D. Rogers of Ford- with and Henry T. Ferguson. Special music by the choir of the church. Admis- sion 250 and 15e. Pastor, R. J. Garbutt. Mr. Wm. Loth of Carrick was in town on Wednesday of last week. Mr. W. J. Williams is raising the roof of his residence which make a vast im- provement to the same. - A cabload from Wingleam consisting of Mr. Thomas Moore and wife, Mr. William Moore and wife and Mr.- A. Moore and children were pests of Mr, Hueston here on Sunday. Mr. W. H. Kerr has sold his bakery and confectionery business m Mr. Thomas Wright of lSudbuery who took possession on Monday of this week. Mr. Kerr's many' friends will be sorry to lose him. During his stay of four years in the town he has won the respect of all. Alwaya having a cheery word for every customer and a eroiling countenance which wins and keeps. a friend. The writer Solna with the whole town in wishing Mr. Kerr mecca.- where ever he may pitch his tent. To Mr. Wright we extend a hearty welcome and treat that he may not only retain but add to the nu- raurous customers, which we fell sure will be as well pleased in the future as in the past. It was announnced by the ladies of W. M. S. that Miss Rutherford, a Missionary China, would give an address in the Meth- ' odist church on Monday evening. The lady arrived in the afternoon from Moles- , worth and was entertaided by the ladies of W. M. S. at the home of Mn, E. L. Mon- ' rem. There were present, by invitation, JAMES DESWITHERICK, Merchant Tailor, GORRIE, ONTARIO Has in ..k a large assortmcnt of t . Black 'and Fancy Worsteds, Tweeds, Etc. F" h '7:7iiT'rf aklg uY n the 1:fetfteanoosTleanTglelrices. Perfect Fits and Coed. Mork Cuarantems f,a Please give me a call and be en sr need, DISTRICT HEWS. (Prom onr own norressondeeis REDCRAVE. Miss Etta Waddell of flarriston Sun- dered with friends in our burg. Mr. and Mrs. James Johnston of Cedar Grove farm visited at Mr. W. Ashton's this week. Mr. and .Mrs, A. Bacon of Harriaton gave friends in our burg a call on Sendai, last. A number of the young people -attended the Mair—Pritchard wedding on Tuesday afternoon. Miss Calkins of Harriston visited with her friend, Mrs. E. Khrow, this week. The Johnston Bras. with their fine herd of Short-horns are attending the Palmer- seen and Harriston shows this week. Mr. D. Hark.ss is at present working on his farm in our burg. Mrs. Pt hard Morrell is at present visit- ing her daughter, Mrs. S. Fisher, of Cree- l:00re. MOLESWORTN. Corn cutting is the order of the day. John Doig, accompanied by Mrs. Doig, has returned from Kansas City, Mo.,where he has lived for the last eight months. Jack is convinced that there is no place better than Ontario. J. G. Patterson had the misfortune to lose a fine jersey cow last week from Comm unknown. Rev. G. Ballantyne also lost a fine calf caused by dringing too fast. PRETORIA. , Mr. and Mrs. Simon Snyder spent Sun- day visiting Mr. and Mrs. Whitemore of loll Creek. Miss Palmer and Miss Martha Cathers of Salem spent a few days this week with Mrs. Robert Cathera Mr. and Mrs. J. Koch of Shipley spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Keil. Our horse buyers are busy at present scouring tine country for horses for the army. Mr. Beat Cooper delivered a load of bogs to Gorrie on Monday. Laat week Mr. Hugh McCullough while engaged feeding Mr. Wm. Fleet's thresh- ing machine at Mr. Robert Sanderson's got a very severe stab on his arm from the band cutter's knife Whiole will lay him up for some time. Mr. Henry Darcy, the popular thresher, wee busy during the past week threshing in this district. He has a now traction engine and new has One of the best outfits on the road. Mr. R. J. Jamison took a business trip to Harriston on Saturday. SECOND LINE EAST. The farmers have harvested their corn here and report it being a good crop this Year. Rev, Mr. Cameron of Toronto gave a lecture in tine Baptist church on Wednes- day evening on "Missions." Those who missed hearing it missed a treat. L. Gibson, who has been working for Mr. W. Ellis during the past few weeks, has been laid up fora fews days by having received a kiak front a horse, but we are glad to hear that be was able to resume work again an Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Stewart of Hamil- ton are at present the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Ellis, Miss Rowe of Kinloss is the guest of Miss Martha Botham this week. Sonic of the farmers delivered fat hogs to Palmerston and Fordwich this week. Mi. George Fritz with his gang of ma- sons are at work building the stone facade- tMn fer the new cheese factory which is to be built next year on the second conces- sion by the Fordwich Cheese and Butter Company. TOLL CREEK Every person is busy these days and things, an a rule, are pretty quiet in our district. Miss Maggie Gibson spent Sunday with Mies Mary Wright in your town. It is reported that the Boers have invad- ed the west end of our district and some of us will have to get out. Mr. and Mrs. M. Albright visited friends in Agion on Saturday and Sunday. Tanner and Shaggy were out a-berrying in the Bernanny grove on Sunday after- noon but got abased by Tony's big beast. Shaggy scrambled up a tree but Tanner ran to his second dad for protection, but only received a good shingle-spanking in- stead. Mr. Lon. Gibson received a kick from a horse which laid him up for a few days last week. KIMBERLEY Mr. and Mrs. Hoegi and Mr. and Mrs. Rachyle returned home to Melaillop last Friday, having visited friends in Orthard, Clifford and Normanby. Pringle Bros. aro in this vicinity with their threshing outfit. - Messer% Hallman and Porterfield are bray filling their silos with corn at present. Mrs. Cls Hubbard of Lakelet visited in our burg lest week. Ere this shall appear in print onr form- er minister, Rev. J. A. Hair, shall have taken unto himself a partner in life, sor- row and joys. Congratulations to both concerned in this conspicuous event.. fa, S. No. G has a Junior Football Club and the clubs of other schools better watch Out for a defeat. ' ' several Indies from the local societies. Mi. s Rutherford gave an address for tile ladies by a lady which drew favorable cemmeet. In the evenitg the elmreh was eomfs rtably filled by an appreciative audience who list- ened to a very interesting leetura THREE PAPERS! • .. •• tt IN ONE. .• Eight pages! of suanumised and classified mews. Eight pages of practical agri- sultural and live stock Yrys,artlolea. Fight pages of Interesting Gc- tr!. • lion mil magarioe fcainres. • WEEKLY MAIL & EMPIRE r 3 Sections. 24 Pages $1.00 Per Year. Balance of moo free with for mos. • • The Rem., and Wovkiy Mail and :piss < . • „ In cons—salt Dade a, ienitll4 Oli COMAS!. Central tratford,,:vini. SPrenty five per costs of the 71CW students from outside of Strat ,ord, who were enrolled at the opening of our Fall TerN, came from nearer other business colleges than ours,and students were enrolled from places iis- otleer business colleges are located. They wanted the best business and shorthand training and came h re for it: -Otto- gratfrates get employment immediatelY on leaving college. Nine of onr students have recently taken positions tecchers in business col- leges. Write for our catalogue. Enter ;arto if possibl',. W. J. ELLIOTT, Klondyke Brick Yard JOS. BESViatiEllielf, PROPRIETOR: Having leased this wall equipped brick yaid n,i the Azth con., Howick, I would say that the yard will be enlarged and any riaantity of First Clans Red Neck turned met an moderate prices. As I have beim in the bnsioess for some years the public can depend oil gottiog as good or a better article than ever before, in high grade brick' Send hi your meters early. JOS. DESWITFIERICK. 1001110, P.O. ca b_ ri T 41 41:-,0,4„;,„.•:,,„,„ C %YEATS, TRADE MASKS, COPYRPONTS Attu DESIGNS. raendy6nr business direct to Washington, saves time, tnete loss, better service. One or.ca nines to 0. 5. Pend Offtee. FRES mellraln. my smeibUtiona toot,. Ad', Poe not doe oatil pat.- la tocotod. 722.11SONAS, largieMON GIVEN-1e Mies ACTUAL INMIIIMPON. Zook ”Zolt to attain Potooto,” Itgrisf:eTtel"=?X'irttkrtreettolit tag: URI/EI-WE ACE Liktotrota Otoothki— AW E Year-demis On. year. E a. SitiGERS ' eta r Sr., N.W Late of 0 A. snow a co. ;WASHINGTOND. 6'. i 0 WimiowiveremorrommismaimetevemommiesewWwwwed G. E. Cranston, Vetinary Surgeonand Dentist. Honary Member of oleo Oe:orlo Veterinary MedicalSoclery A y ore-oral to ¢seems diseases o Domesticated and Sum, All calls night or day made in perlion, by tele. graph co telnpfimp6roftitai,t1nrdyed to. , ELORA STREET, -• CLIFFORD, ONTARIO. Will be at the ALBION HOTEL. PORDWICH, on the forenoon of tbeTirsi and Third Thursday o each month. PSOMPTLY SECURED W.ite for our interesting books e Invest. as weakly. Innowt rode looms/. m tone rim R T s a A,$„ Bold bruit nw mea O I gca..!°"4"ev York Bro... 0 cora. it et. Washington. It 0. MONAWKSVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dee, spent last week with relatives in Stratford. Bea'j ard Miss Emma Vegan Of Carrick 'spent Sunday at the home of Mr. John Dante, Misses 011ie and Mabel Miller left here mt Monday roaming for Manitoba. Me. and Mrs. Matthew Dane visited friends at Markdalo last week. Muss Annie Strong of Gerrie called on friends in this vicinity on Friday last. Miss Minnie Miller of Morrisbauk visited friends herelast week. Misses Julia and Lillian Sharpe of Brussels spent Saturday with their annt. Mrs. Julia Day. Dr. G. W. Garrets of Buffalo, N. Y., visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Dane on Monday last. barber gets a :stronger pair of dippers. inn house reeking a specialty of fine ebb- spending spending a couple of weeks with friends y and relatives in this vicinity. The members of the Ksrtzville String Band have each purchased a new Christy- stiff hat, and wherever they go folks shout Hello! where did you got that bat? se•iption books. Having solenpeople in Mies Emma Schmidt of wh,gh. is very nook of the country the compan enjoys a large and growing, trade. As this oemparry has a known reputation for liberality towards its agents and fens treatment of them, an agency in this community for the above book, Sr sense other published by this company, would be a source of considerable profit to the one fortunate enough to secuee it. In- terested readers should write the com- pany for full partienlars. Live Stook Markets. Soft Harness Another Fine Veltinie. Standard beets are very welcome who n thee dome to us in terms and bindings representing all the embelithments of toe art of bookmaking. Seth a book is Pict- orial History of America's New. Posees- 'dons published by The Dominion Com- pany, Chicago, a copy of which has just come to our desk. The contents aro well arranged, the illustrations ate fine, the print is clear and neat and the bidding is superb. The. Dominion Company is forg- ing ahead ait the leading western publish' ma!' m a poor /mania soar UM new.. Maas of pure, heavy bridled oil, ea- morally prelammt W with-Mond tee weather. UREA Harness Yon den make your hap an d as soft as a glove and m tough au, %Oro by using EUREKA Her- nose 011. You mu lengthen its life—make it lost twice ae long ea it amain} weida• or's MIR" and "Bow you ere swindled." Bead us a rough sketch or model of yourin-vention orImprovement and we willtell you free ode opinion as to whether it is probably patentable. Rejected applIcationshaveoften been successfully. prosecuted hy us. We conduct fully equipped offices s in Montreal and waehington ; thisqualifies us to prompt-ly dispatch work. and quickly secure Patents as broad as the invention. Highest references, furnished. Patents procured through Marion & Ma:. rlon receive spade! notice without charge in over too newspapers distributed throughout the Dominion. Specialty i—Patent business of Manufac. tutees and Engineers.