HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Fordwich Record, 1901-09-26, Page 5The Montreal House. We are still giving Bargains in the followl...g. lines : Ladle's Waists 25 to 40 cents, worth $1.00 Muslim 0, 3 and 10 cents, worth 15 cants Gingham:. 6 to 10 cents, worth 15 Cents Ladle's Wrappers 79 cents, Worth $1.00 to $1.50 cent Prints for 11 cants ; 10 cent Prints for 8 cents Art !gushes and Cretons 6 to 10 cents, worth 10 to 15 cents. Summer Dress Goods for 10 cents, worth 15 cents Ladis's Summer Vests and Men's Summer Shirts and Drawers below cost 4 lbs. No. 1 &Jested Raisins for 25 cents. Tomrtoes, Corn and Peas 8 cents per oan. 1i lb. Gen Forest 0ity Baking Powder 18 cents. Part of our Fall Goods have arrived and coming daily. John Donaghy 0' _Son 3 GORR/E. BLOOD ,. t•E /1,00 ever contracted any Blood Dismiss yen me never sae mils. the 7E1.0US or poon has been eradicated from the system. at times coo see alarming symptoms, bet live in hopesno serious results 10111 follcm Nave you any yr the following symptoms? Sore throat, ulcers en the tongue or la the mouth, hair falling out, ache mg pains itchiness of the ekta.ono or blotches on the body. eyee me. and miler!, 1:7.t're'a'j‘Z.Iri—t...f1' zyge. post..,: potash-which only antruat to lack- - Don't nelids. the symptenia tote time only tobrea4on t again who's happy in domestic life. Don't la experiment. you. Our NEW FIF.THOD TREATMENT is guaranteed to sure yen. Oat Euarar, sewn ago bactsel. by Battik bonueln that Lis diem. Will never retera. ThouSanOS of patients have been alreorly ored by our NSW' liNTHOD TP.EATNIENT for oSCI• yoarl, and en return of tilt (Inmate. No experiment, no Sisk—not a "patch up," bet sicks live care. The worct caeca INEFNOUS DEBILITY „ y t 01.trd WHW 1:11ET0(30 TiRlieliTBIEGHPF.`trill litre pee, and meta a man of pin. Hader its influence the brain bemuses actiYe, the blood poet Ged GO that ll pidiples, bleb bes and ulcers disappear; the menus beeeme stmag as steel, co hat nervousn.a bashfulness and despondency rHcappear; the eyes become bright, the face full and clear. energy reterns to the body, and 03n:oral, physicial and seu• eat systems are invigorated; all drains cease—no more n Mal waste from the sm. The various organs b...tee natural ,. yste a manly. Toil feel yourself a man and anew marriage cannot be a failure. We invite ali too abide-Mato cen snit ct confidentially and free of charge. Don't let quacks and fakire rob yon of yeas hard-earaw dollars. WE WILT., CURE TOD 010 NO. PA f. We treat and care INTSVOITS DEINLITY, SEXTJA7, WV:AB:MSS, Elite SION% SYPHILIS. GLEET, STRICTURE, VAINCOCELii, SIDNBY BLADDER DISEASES. and an diseases peculiar to men and wounn.Cares g-naran. teed. 1LtJ ABER! Ar...g.,,wLik7;Za;7:,-kTa`',Z.,r,td1';'EL14'1'.'::1=1:.`52: NO matter 'Ness? ILIZ8nte Now Method 'rreoenccei cri:f cure you. C icg harges reasonable. Cfooksfrob—s-ihe Golden Monitor" illii'strated on Disc...god Ail “Dissases of Word." aa'aa Wage, of Stu.s "Vericosele, Stricture All sent Free sealed. No modesine sant C. C. P. No ildo:12 CO cr envelnron. Everylla confidential. atieglion 1lsi and teat of Treatanni, FHEE, for l awn Cab. P,e7r rrPeP OPidt.Eti' ktL.. er44-,,kk. 143 SHELOY Y. DETWO/T FORDWICH'S cap GrecHy Mrs A /IL OW TON BLOCK is Oat:place to buy year E-reocries, In OUR STOCK OF fl 0 FOOTWEAR i ..larl:,;:ll rFr.1,0,171,-..;,,:vs rtl "The giaa, Quality "W. A. Marsh anti • Crockery, ti hi - tlassevare, '1Caned Fieh and Meat, Fruito, Etc. Try Our 25c Tea is is the best in the market at the price, cuaLa BOLWIR, ETC. sicrain "lPugh+Pv AT TH E— IRDINGH BARGAIN FOR 30 DM'S TO REM wee, els lea EN.a.Cu %OUSE laturday, Sept. 14, 01 %Ft on,karta7v_". To make room for In-coming stook we must get rid of a large quanity of goods 2uriog the Next Thirty Dug,' In order to do this we offer Coccia at Men lielprecedegeA Dome hi and get our Prices on est-tons, Flarineiettes, Shlrtinr,;s, Shirts, Overalls, Cot.- tonades, brass Coeds, Tweeds, Ready-Mada Suits, Shoes, Glassware, Salmon, Starch, Raisins,. Soda, Yeast Cal-se, Soap, Eto., Etc. Our New Sten of READY-MADE SUITS his arrival are. are a Marvel of Quality and Cheapness;' Everything Goes at Unheard-of Prices. McKee 'try c PRICE PAID FOR PRODUCE. Sae A. M. raocraE, JEW sIA.Bli AND ORyietaN, VARRIST051, - ONTARIO I, the place to buy Ail kinds of Silverware, Jewel- lery, Clocks,- Watches, Chains, Etc. AT LOWEST PRICES. My Goods are all Flesh mad of the Best The Wear t Quality. anti the Prices are Right ri TRY US FOR BARGAINS .T S NICEEOLci All kinds of Produce Taken in ri The Cheap Granary Man. Mebane at ' The Old Reliable Dom and Shoe' 6 r L. RECKER, :FORUMN. riH1C11 CattE SOUS l r ll a The Fit, Store, JAMES ROWE FORDWICH, ONTARI2 CONVEYANCER, Issuer of Marriage Licenses REAL ESTATE —AND-- INSURANCE AGENT -,flaxgr ro Zoom- At 4aaa interest on Real Estate - Security. wo To prove to you, that Dr. riles ar0,12:gre.nt.i:2:r'etal and every forin of itching, bleedingand protruding piles, the manufacturers have guaranteed it See toe timonials in the daily press and ask your neigh• bore what they think of it. Too eon tote It and get your money back if not cured. Toe a box. at all dealers or EtaferreON,Barns & Co.,Toronto, Dr, Chase's Ointment MAUDE AND THE JUDGE. The ex-judge sat in his rustic chair, Dreaming of days when prospecti were fair; When ho was a clerk in a groceri, store, Reading law at night for an hour WI IssOra. Then polities gave him a playful nudge And set him up on the bench aa a judge. While on his vacation one summer's day Re met Maude Muller at work In the hay. Now, Maude was as shy as a turtle dove, So the judge fell heels over head in love. 'Maude, dear" said be, "for pity's ,ate , Come, be my bride, and give up that raker But Handle answered and said, "Oh. no; The chap for me is the man With the hoe." raHeag off Itte eat, flffi triage Safe "See, For your sake, Maude, I'll a farmer be." So the lovesick judge gave up his job And became a granger—alael poor slob! They married and bought a farm on time and settled down to a life sublime. For eighteen hours they toiled each day, Trying the mortgage on the farm to Day.. This happened smre forty-odd years ago, But still the ex-judge wields the hoe He is getting stiff in elbow and knee, For he isn't as young as he used to be But he often dreams of what might have been, For the mortgage is bigger now than then. —Chicago News. oG 00000 000000 00000 000c. Null's' Uncle Jerry. 00.0,‘ 0..00. As the junior partner of the old- established firm of solicitors, Gale, Tempest & Hopkinson, of Lincoln's Inn Fields, I wan brought up in closest touch with the office staff One old clerk, who had started as office boy to the firm named, was celled S. Nevil, but his baptismal pa- tronymic was generally shortened by his confreres into Snivel, a name which described Hs temperament to a fine point. How he had been kept on so long was a mystery to many, but It was mainly through my instrumen- daisy. The fact is that Nevil fell ill with influenza. and during his absence his daughter called for some wages due him. I saw and was greatly im- pressed by her. Her manners were those of a woman of gentle birth and breeding, but her face, which was more than beautiful, bad those lines of pa- tient suffering which plainly told her story. There was no need to ask her it, for it wets plainly enough written. I really guessed that by domestic tyranny he found an outlet for his petty nature which his own sex would not allow him to exercise on them. After seeing his daughter I resolved that Nevin place in our office was to be permanent so long as I could ass my influence In his behalf, and at Christmas !,—but that is outside the story. One morning as Nevil came into my office with some letters for signature I was struck with his woful appear- ance, and, as I have foreshadowed my interest In his family affairs, It was natural that I should ask what wee the matter with him. "A dreadful and shameful 'oaks hay been played on me, Mr. 'Opkinson, hr," he said. Neva was always erratio with his h's when "nut aut." "Sit down, ray man, and tell me all about it," I said, for, much as I dis- liked the man, I could not help feeling sorry for him, so distressed did he teem. "You know," he continued, "that I have always looked forward to Uncle Terry heaving some of his wealth to us when the end came." "Well, Nevii," I interrupted, "has he died?" "No, sir; worse than that. I am afraid I would not be so cut np about that, but ho has played a, dirty trick on me and mine that I am as much disgusted as disappointed." As I saw he was bursting to tell me his sorrow I told him to proceed with the story of his wrongs. "You meet know- that Uncle Jerry last Christmas, as was his usual cus- tom, invited ell his poor relations to dine with him. "The nieht passed smoothly, except- ing that two cousins got excited in a political araament. These evenings waund up with a speech from our host, end then, after singing 'Auld Lang Sync,' we would separate. The speech last Christmas was a memorable one, and I remember each word burnt itself Into my memory as it fell from Uncle Jerry's lips. " 'My dear relatives,' ho commenced. you will be sorry to !earn, aa I am to announce it, that this gathering, which It has been any pleasure as well as Pay duty to hold at this season of geed- will toward all men, Is to be the last. " 'Yes, the last, I grim to repeat. Ton are all, I Writ, aware of the sud- den collapse of the company which promised to be one of the greatest and most successful undertaking's of /nod- ern time. I will be brief, as the sub. Sect is to me a gainful cam. Iu thud eempa'ny I was 100111111 enough to Ili- vest my money, not so much for my self as for the benefits I could bestow upon my kith and kin. That dream bee ended as dreams do—suddenly. My riches have taken to themselves . wings. I remember with pleasure the many professions of affection from you all—without a single ex- exception. Those presents which you see on the eieboard'—here every one mentaly totted up what his owe cone tribution had cost. " 'Those presents are, as yon know souvenirs of your affectionate regard • and remembrances 631 my birthdays. I will treasure them as they deserve to be treasured. I ate about to try the experiment, a painful one at my age, of existing on 270 per annum, Instead :of ndally es many hundreds. But I feel confident that such affection as you have always shown me, and such solicitude ford my health, was not by mercenary motives. My declining days will be solaced, oven pndor my grievously altered circum- stances, by my relatives, who will, I am mire, entertain me, Inetead of their being entertained.' "The assembled relations gasped with astonishment at the first tcW sentences, but before Uncle Jerry con- cluded his speech, and he was in no hurry, I assure you they had recover- ad themselves suflieletly to applaud in the right places and to utter platitudes at the end. "As to myself," continued Nevil, Was as mad as any of them, but as my daughter and I were walking along our street I was suddenly struck with the notion that it might be a 'plants You eee, sir, I am a great reader, and in novels and those short stories which one reads in the evening papers rich old uncles have a habit of springing these surprises on their poor relationa at such festive gatherings In order tel teat the genuineness of their pro% Leased affection." "Well, sir, I stopped and danced on to pavement until my daughter caught hold of my arm and said: 'You'll have a crowd 'round us in a minute, father.' "Next morning I called to see Bale blecombe of the Northern Shire: Bank, whale tlRele Jerry has his ac. count, and told him ma suspicions Habbleconibe is under an obligation a me, which I need not specify, and, al- though this Made him inclined to ans wer my questions, the fear of the hank act prevented his gofng into details At last, after a lot, of consideration, as said: 'Neva, you place me in an awls Ward predicament; you know as well as I do that your questions are irreg. clan But as I wish to do you a turn I will tell you that I think they If every probability of your being 001 In your surmises.' "I could not get anything more definite from him than that, .although I tried hard enough. The upshot war that I farmed Uncle Jerry tor all I wet worth, and more. For I bad to borree money to cover increased expenditures I first had him to stay with as at Brix ton, and then took him as part of tie( family to Margate, when we went fot cur holiday, paying all his expenses and keeping him supplied with to. &Mesa and he smokes no small amount *Under proper circumstances, that Is, according to novelists and star/ writers, I should have been reward al with a handsome check, and ultimately been his sole heir when be died, but In such luck for me. "Suddenly, one morning, about Month ago, Uncle Jerry said he 'wet going to town , where he intendel tt take cheap lodgings and look out fat some work. From that day to this have ever men him, much as I haul tried. "To-day the final blow has bee, dealt to me. I read in this mosninga paper of the Taarriaaa at jeremee Zoskins to Susan Hobbs. No cards. NG cake. No presents. Susan Hobbs is a buxom wench about twenty-five of thirty, and is certain to have a squat Of children." " Poor ::evil! I could not help laugh. fag at him, for all he looked much d picture of misery. I proposed to the beautiful daughter the next day. Ate ti-e holy Ghost. The old blackened weather boaters 1 church among the pines stood on the summit of the bill. It was during th been at the business of calling sinner Semi-annual revival. The preacher had I to repentance for many a year and was acquainted with all the little arts I known to the profession in catchina 1 there both ways, going and comings 1 But his plan for this spring was thil greatest he had ever practiced sad wag I the talk of the neighborhood. For MOM he had worked it, with tbg 11 aid of a very young member of tha church, the son of ono of hie daapaae 1 1 superstitions that has been thoroughly II proved. These charms can be made exceedingly pretty as a bracelet. Sundays ago he returned home just be- fore the 1 o'clock dinner hour. Instant- ly the little tot was en his knee aek- ing for a kiss. As her requma Wag granted she said knowingly: "Daddy, this is communion Saltily isn't it?" "No, my child," was the paternal an- ewer. "Communion Sunday doesn't come for two weeks yet. Why did you think so, dear?' "'Cause," answered Miss Wisdom, 'your broff smells fee like it did once before when you said it was coannun, ion Sunday." "Oh, yes my darling. I think your mother is calling."—Kansas City Stop . "I am here, geutlemen," explained a pickpocket to his follow-prigoners, "aa a result of a moment of abstraciton." "And I," said the Incendiary, "be: tame tel an unfortunate habit of mak- in " light of things" And I," chimed In the forger, "on account of a simple desire to make a It" GEMS in Pints, Gnarls and Half Gallons at Lowest Prices F. J. Waston's Gr OF Envelopes Cards Wedding Card Imitation Cards orne To us And Pro:Tramlines Dodgers Poster Etc., Etc. Estimates for fill Kiwis of Prinli,:g Cheerfully Ffirw-shell. • Statements Pinheads Noteheads Letterheads or Good • Cireulais Poolelet4 Price Lists Catalogues You'll Get Cheap ONTARIO DRY GOODS, I:7 00LS AND GB:0)&3, GLESSIN-AFIE and GROCERIES , j-s:Ihen inn II A Hurry Hyde Park has a family of Episcopa- lians, which inaludes a small anal serving daughter. Every Sunday the father comes down I; FORD w/CH, town to be shaved, and as the deugh- I. • ter supposes, to attend church. A fele it THE RECOND Our fee returned if we fail. Any one .ending sketch and description of any invention Will promptly receive our opinion, free concerning the patent, ability of same. "How to obtain a patent" neat upon request. Patenta secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. Patents taken out through us receive special notice, without charge; in Tim PATENT RECOnD, an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy F NEE. Address, VICTOR ,61., LIME' 61 Ca, (Patent Attorneys,) name y Evans Esdidin,T, °°• wizzszem-rag, D. C.; "And I," added the burglar, athrough nothing but taking advaa- take of an opening which offered la a Subscribe far The Record. - Briance. of -14 i for 25 cis, Urge mercantile establenhment la aowaa'aeaarea.a..:::a"'‘- 7! or m se