HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Fordwich Record, 1901-09-26, Page 1THAT IN SOME OF THE LINES ON OPENING WE HAD JUST A SIGHT OF THEM AND THEY WERE GONE. THIS APPLIES SPECIALLY TO DRESS GOODS REPEAT ORDERS OF WEI 15 HAVE ALREADY. BEEN GIVEN FOR SOME OF THE LINES SOLD OUT. —""011111/ Ll WE OFFER THE REST' VALUES IN Handsome 'Black Figured Dress Goods THAT IIAVE 'EVER BEEN SEEN-IN FORDWICH Our' Grey Home Spuns WE CAN SAFELY GUARAFTEE TO WEAR—WELL JUST TILL YOU ;ARE TIRED OE THEM. —SEE OUR Black, Grey and Oxford Horde Spuns Black and Colored Satins Black and Colored Velveteens Clan Tartans Suitable for Girls Dresses, etc. Cerrnan Plaid Dress Coeds Wrapperette Dress Goods The Latest Nevoities in French Flannels Flannalattes and Flannelette Shsetings 1 and 2 yd Cotton Sheetings 2 yd Bleached Sheetings Big Bargains in Grey and White Cottons Big Bargains la Fe.1-4 Quilting Prints 1 and 1 1.2 yd Floor Oil Cloths 1 1-4 and 1 1-2 yd Table Oil Cloths Cotton Shirtings and Ginghams Moleskins and Cottonades lialifax Tweeds Home-made Heavy Tweeds for tho Cold Winter Home-Made Blankets Horne-W.ade Tarns, 2, 3 and 4 Ply Table Linens, Special Values Towels and Towellings, etc., etc. SEVERAL NEVI DESECNS CR CARPETS Made to Our Order by one of Cur LcadMg, Manufacturers at Special Moos COME Early and Secure First Choice as the Salo has Commenced and We Mean to Make Prices Interesting for all. WM. CASTELL FORDWICH. Sept. 10, 1901. GOOD E WS OUR FALL STOCK IS NOW WELL TO HAND AND ITS SO BIC, SO MTV 2 SO SALEABIE 50 YEARS' EXPEFEENCB TRADE MARKS DrniGns COPYRIGHTS &C. meti:s'ary iTardth:ti.nenInteiefereethelsvErhuefieg otvonisoo In probably pa(aotubla. °Con.monic, Gam strictly minsdantial. Handbook on Paranna mut tree. Oiled agency toe mouringpaimits. recants taken tbroutrk atone & receive ep fat caw, vrithLutt charm. lathe Scienliftic Ritterican. A handeomety inestnoeu weekly. Lamest eir. '3%,;',U=lufelttni.wget=ali ttUrstgekti. MUNN & Co28113madi"Y. New York Snook 050o. two F St.. Washington, D.C. Central, tratford, Oat. Some Reasons Why You Should Insist on Raving EUREKA HARNESS 011. Unequalled by env other. Renders hard-leather soft, Especially prepared. Keeps out water. A heavy bodied oil. HARNESS ....%. An excellent preservative, Reduces cost of your hareem. Never burns the leather; its Meknes, is increased, ecures best service. s titches kept from breaking, 0 I L is sold in all Localities manufactured by imperial Oil Conosan1. GEMS OF THOUGHT Every day should be dIstingthelma fey at least one Particular act at Lire, —Lavater. I think it is vine to G^d with our every want that he loves, the oftener We go the moos We please him,—Rose Porter. Alas! this time is never the time for self denial; it is always the next time. Abstinence is always so much more pleasant to contemplate upon the other side of indulgenee.—George Macdonald.- 1 ._ Most people dread far More the ro- Cal frown which follows the doing of something conventionally wrong than they do the qualms of conceenee which follow the doing of wreathing Maiesically wrong.—Herbert Spencer, That which is often asked of God Is Met no much His will and way as idis approval of our way.—S. F. Sedielh He that gives good admonition and bad example builds with bne hand and pulls down with the othee.--Willlath T. Bacon Do not dare to live without Force Meer intention toward which your living shall be bent. Mean to 110 something with all your might—Plille lips Brooks. Silk worms, in Fiamarion's exile l- roeute, have attained their m trim etz production In white, red, and blue light. The first two planetoids In 190) Were discovered, the one by the Aus- trian astronomer Paliga and the other by Cearlois of Mee. Let us lay hold of Abe happiness Of to-day. Do we not go through life blindly, thinking that some fair to- morrow will bring us fhe gift we miss to-day? • • e. Know thou, my hea t, if them art not happy to-day, thou shalt never be happy Anna Robert. son Brown, No one has any right to suppoae that he will do better by and by, un- less be le prompt to seize Up0a means and plans for doing better. Bettor living and better service do not come by chance; they are the result of thoughtful and earnest effort. We grow as we go. JAMES BESMITHERICK, Merchant Tailor, GORRIE, - ONTARIO Has in stock a large assortment of Black and Fancy Worsteds, Tweeds, Etc. To tolteensrMIT:Ial'onikeeasftea101eelryicoe':. the. Parfaut Flts and Coed Work Guarantee*, £ Please give me a call and be con v need. B. s. COON LOAN AND REAL ESTATE AGENT Conveyancer, Insurance Agent. Commission in High Court of Justice. Money to Loan at 5 per cent. Real Estate Bought and Sold. Business Coufideutial. Apply to B. 8. COOK, FORD WIGS, ONE Seventy five per cent of the new students fihm outside of Stratord, who were enrolled at the opening of our Fall Term., came from nearer other business colleges than ours,and students were enrolled from places in other business colleges are located. They 'wanted the best business and shorthand trainingand came h re for ill Our graduates get employment immediately on leaving college. Nine of onr students have recently taken positions ns teachers in business col- leges. Write for OUP catalogue. Enter now if possibk. W. ii. ELLIOTT,- Principal. Klondyke Brick Yard JOS. BESWITHERiCK, PROPRIETOR. Having leased this well equipped brick yard on the tath con., Renick, I would say Mat the Yard will be enlarged and any qmatity of First Class Red Briok turned out at moderate prices. As I have be in the Intsiness for some years the politic can depend on getting as good or a better article than ever before, iu high grade brick- .Send in your orders early. JOS. BESWITHERICK. GORRIE, P. 0. ROAR FOR SERVICE. The undersigned has a Theroughbred Yelkshire Mite Bear:fur service .on lot 23, can. 1, Howiek. HENRY SCHAFER. HOME-MAC= FILTER. flow a Very Cheap One Can Be Made From a itar. el. When rain water Is used for drink. fee sue household purposes, it should be altered. Very good filters for the Purpose oan be obtained in almost every town. Those who prefer to save the cost by tuaking their own filter will find the accompanying elietch and de- scription suggestive. A barrel or half. banrel may be used, accordingly as large or smaller quantities of water are required. It need not be new. only water-tight and cleat. One head is removed and in it is set a wedged- shaped box, as shown in the sectional vie* herewith. The top of the filter box projects four inches above the barrel. Four inches from the bottom of the filter box is a closely-fitted bot- tom of wood or tine perforated with small boles. Above this perforated bot- tom are placed four Inches of charcntl, a layer of the coarsest pieces at the bot- tom. If gravel is obtainable a layer of two or three inches deep may be put In over the cbarcoaL Four In- the water, and if the chernial has been well pressed In place the water will Saar slowly through. A faucet is placed near the tbottom of the barrel as shown. Two of the lower edges of the filter-box are deeply notched to al- low the free escape Of the filtered water as it comes through the pee (orated bottom. nenhoe at American Sheep Husbandry. 'As sure as one and one are two the sheep for the fanners Is one com- bining in a high degree a good mature carcass at two years old and a fleece of clean, strong, lively wool that will weigh ten pounds -or more. Men with such sheep have not been -complaining of hard times during the last five years. Nor are such sheep hard to find lay any means. Good sheep, good pastures, good breeding, good man- agement in good hands have lees coin- petition than the opposite kind of sheep and care given. The or- dinary wool grower wants to timed this. He has need of Vetteng outside, above the class ho complains of. It Is better beyond where the best products are offered in the markets. Mutton-sheep raisers want all they can get for their wool as well as mutton, but mutton-raisers say least. There-has been a rainbow la sight all the time for them. Accuracy and DieseurIng. Many farmers work too much by guessing. They do not know the num- ber of acres in teach field, or how large a piece of laud- has been plowed In n day. By knowing the breadth of a lot, one may know the width of each acre, the quantity of seed required and the product per acre of each crop The implements to be used, may be two-rod surveyor's chain or a pocket tape line, a pole eleven feet long, three lengths of which make two rods, yard- sticks graduated, and a small pocket rule for measuring the size of fruit and roots and for other purposes. A frequent use of these measures en Wales the owner to judge with much accuracy of the distance measured by pacing or hand measuring. Lower California. . Lower- Calitornia, an immense ten ritory . of 20.12 square miles, contains only 21,000 inhabitants, of millet pee baps 1,000 are foreign. As yet It has no telegraphs or cables, and sometime. It Is an entire month without rectha Mg news from the outside world. This territory has long been noted for the variety of dyes which It produces, such as orchilla weed, etc., but the Moots tree bark, recently discovered, has come into great demand, and sevens.' large shiploads have been exported to Europe. As yet there seems to be bet little deniand for the article is the United States, although It is cheap er than orchilla and other dyes, pro doteng in its natural state a dark red color, which is quite indelible. It le now collected and sold in the market of La. Pee at el to $1.50 par 100 poundi end the supply seems to be enormous Sisabifemp. Sisal-hemp culture is making marvel rnr progress in the Bahamas. Capt. allots from Great Britain, Canada end Newfoundland bought 120,00f acres of government land last year end are putting it into easel, but the government has declined to sell morn land at present Unimproved privet. lands can be bought for from $S to 512 per acre. It is believed that in short time the exports, which nos average about 000,000, evill run uj Into the millions. Sisal plants are it great demand, and the price has ad vaneed from REX to thirty-six cents per dozen. A plantation once started reeds no replanting for several years °moieties of old plants have latelj been discovered on some of the Mori do keys, Which suggests a trial of the hemp Industry in Southern Florida. BACHELOR REFLECTIONS - Determination is obstinacy that slid coeds. It is only a very feollsh woman thal can malts a smart man a fool. If you con once wake a woman's Curiosity YOU can make her do ane- tlegg for you that you whet. When a woman has the same hired g.,1 a year the other women say sac use' -Tare executive ability." Women will never take much real Interest In politics tio long as the campaign comes at the same time the magazines are all . • of e styles that are going to hi) porn nest winters lor•nting Pit dreg :he Of this be certain: Mime, as be courses onward, atm un- rolls fthe volume of Concealment. lu UtO future, As In the optician's glassy cylinder, The indistinguishable blot! and cola Of the dim past collect and shape themselves, • •elpstarting in their own comple'ed image ' tro scare or to reward. —CelerMge. I went to the woods because- I wished to live deliberately, to frost only the essential facts of life, and :Me If I could rent learn what It had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived—Thor- eau. Love is like the wild-rose briar, Friendship like Die holly-tree, The holly Is dark when the rose briar blooms, BM which will bloom mot con- stantly? Bronte. We do not judge of the acts of na- ture as we do these of man. If We did nature would frequently be sentenced to death without benefit of clam N-- ture is irresponelble, unaccountable end incomprehensible. Oh, deem not they are blest Wore, Whose lives a peaceful tenor hoer she Power who pities man hate shown A blessing for the eyes that weep. —Wm. Cullen Bryaet. WORTH KNOWING Satan gets the most of her salt from Germany and Mina, the best coming from Germany. She makes a consid. arable quantity of her own _from an, "rater, but the quality is poor. Hearty all of the -"mire olive oil" Imported into this country is cot on- seed oil made In the Southern States, sent abroad and there refined and re- turned to us as the pure product the Mediterranean olive. Argentine flour, which is trying to Make Its Way lh'o northern Brad', cannot compete with the Arceican product. The palm trees of Venezuela co-ta'n large silk-spinning spiders, makleit white and yellow silke but they Cannel be used commercially, cw'ng to the expense of keeping the cp:ders re -a. rated. If left together they will dr your each other. Wasps eat honem-honey dew and tee juice of fruits, but they also are car- nivorous and live largely upon other insects'. Pollen of flowers they are not supposed to use. Commenting on the amount which a spider actually consumed during twen. tly-four hours, Sir J. Lubbock s y3: eat a similar rate of consumption man weighing 160 pounds will reeeice ea whole fat steer for breakfast, a :tear and five sheep for dinner, and for nip. per two bullocks, eight sheep and f ur bogs, and just before retiring nearly four barrels of fresh fish." If we examine s fly's head with the enierostope, we shall notice that It has two Method kinds of eyes; large ones, plated on each side of the face, and little ones or "ocelli," disposed in tri- angular form on the vertex. The' large eyes form two convex protuberarcee and are composed of a multituee of juxtaposed' begagonal facets. Th es facets appear to be about four nom sand in number; they are not of the - same size, those of the upper part !M- ing one one-thousandth of an inch in • diameter and those of the lower part only about one two-thousandths of an In olden days, when tea was a lore and precious luxury, silver strait:ea were used, into which the exhausted leaves were put when they had been well Watered and drained. They w;r3 • " afterward -eaten with sugar on Mead and butter. This fact is recorded by Sir Walter Scott In "St. &maul DISTRICT HEWS. (From our own correspondents ) TOLL GREEK Mrs. James Tope and eon Gale, who leave been visiting at the home of Mr. It. Gamble for the -past few weeks, returned to their home in Shwerston, Ohio, on. Friday last. - Tanner took his second dad to a party in Listowel on Wednesday cf last week and brought him home again all 0. K. They report having had not a tor; '•retten" a time for kids. Mr. T. It. Redpath delivered eight hogs to your town on Monday for which he re- ceived the sum of 0112. Flogs are pretty Marco in our district. Mr. Stuart Littlejohn left for Guelph on Tuesday morning where he will attend the Agricuttoral College. We wish him arm- One of our enterprizing young farmers took a sly trip to Palmerston on Sunday last. What are they selling fence wire and garden tools for down there Isaac? The man in the meon smiles when he sits on a loaded oatridge. Some our young men do not smile when the alt down on en upturned carpet tack though: Have an- other please.. Mr. and Mrs. /3en'j ,Gibson are visiting friends in Thedford, Ont., at present. Rabbit hunting is the order of the day in one district and We expect bonnie will have to lift hie tail and get there. Mr. and Mrs. A. Miltson of. Springbank visited friends here on Sunday. WHITLSVILLE Elmer Bricker is at present staying with kis grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bricker. Miss Lizzie Hallman is staying at the horns of her uncle, Mr. Jonas Hallman. Mr. and Mrs. A. Buschert spent a day with friends in Kurtzville. Mos emit's of your village visited Miss Linda Bricker on Saturday. Miss Jennie Ariestrong spent Sunday with Miss Elias Foster. KIMBERLET Mr. and Mrs. Hoegi and Mr. and Mrs. Rachylo of McKillop are visiting at Mr. W. Meiers at present. Mr. J. Connell of Clifford paid our line a visit last week. Mr. 13. Snholtr. thresibed for Beams. Bowes, Feather, Stewart, Shorter and Reidt lately. Mr. S. Hallman is out cutting corn with corn harvester and sleds an abundance of work in that line. Several of our farmers delivered lambs and sheep to Mr. Holliday in Clifford last Friday. Who ,brought the hone-yard in that day ? Hired men are scarce and you come across some on the silent hunt for such occassionally. THE SUFFERINGS OF JON. It the agonies of Job were any WM.me than the torture of itching piles from which au many people are now suffering he hod much to endure. The difference a that there is no reason for any one to endure the miseries of piles fur a single day. Dr. Chase's 'Ointment has cured toms of thousands of cases and is ab- a,lutely guaranteed to "cure each and every case of piles. 60 cents at all deal- ers or by mail froth Eliminates Ijacon SL Co., Toronto. . COME. Coverilate Hanes of Ethel passed through town on Thursday on hie way to Mildmay. Mr. R. Ross' office is being re-shingled this week by Williams and McGrath. Mr, Robert Deachman left on Friday to attend the Ontario Aerimitural College at Guelph. Mr. N. McLaughlin and Mr. James Walker have decorated the fronts of their shops with a coat of paint. They were their own artists and weilded the brush themselves. Mrs. David Sanderson went to Toronto last Friday to consult with an eye special- ist. Mr. W. G. Strong is having a furnace put in his residence. This will increase the comforts of the home. Mr. John Masser and ilia sister Matilda left on Monday morning for Mon, Mich. Their many friends hero wish them can- cels. Mr. Percy Hill was in our burg on Mon- Mr. James Leach left on Tuesday morn- ing for the North West. day. Percy is proprietor of the Winghtun Soda Water Works and does a good trade in this section. Mr. Foster Fife of Wingham Sundayed in town. Miss Ida Hornuth of Winghans spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Mulhol- land. Mr. and Mrs. Cy. Horton visited friends in Lakelet on Sunday. The strong wind on Sunday and Mon- day played sad havoc with the orchards. Mr. W. A. Irwin drove his children to Palmerston on Sunday where the mother of Ides. Irwin is very ill and not expected to recover. Mr. James Share and wife spent Sunday with friends in >Blarney. Miss Maggie Hooey returned with them and will spend few days with her sister, Mrs. Shore. Mr. E. A. Forward of Iroquois is visit- ing in town at present. Mr. Yorward's parents lived here some thirty years ago. No deal there is a few at least in this vicinity who will remember them. He was the guest of Mr. James Leach on Monday. The quaranteen was raised on the only case of small-pox in town on Tuesday and Gerrie hoe now a clean bill of health. The Board of Health are to be congratulated upon the prompt steps taken for issolating and confining the disease to tho one house. .fte.Mr2g, rfm.7:7nz, Sh122, Craclieel LiZilfi3i Sore Ear. Two Illustration,' of slow Dr. Chase's Olnirractit Cures itching Skin DIn eases and Eruptions. Mr. James Iricisascs, 25 Elgin St.. Ottawa, Ont., writes:—"I suffered with wit rheum for upwards of ten year*, the skin on my hands cracking and breaking ect es to make them asMess. After trying -all sorts or remedies irt VP In, I become discouraged and thought my curiosities would never end. Last spring I used Dr. Chase's Oint- ment end in a short time was perfectly cured." Mr. D. Nicholson, Manor House, Win- three. Man., states .—"For several months I bed been - troubled with eczema on my ears, and for weeks doctored with a prominent . Winnipeg physician, but to no avail. I was in- stead by a ellora Sufferer to try Dr. Chase's Ointment, and em happy to say that the first annllention gave instant relief. I am completely cured, and have hod no return of this troublesOilidi disease." There is no limit to the healing qual- ities of Dr. Chase's Ointment. It is remarkably quick to relieve and posi- tively cures each and every form of it- ching- skin disease. 110 ets a box, all dealers or Edraanson Bates & Co., Tore unto. FOROWICH'S Cheap ornery Store ARLINGTON BLOCK Is the place to buy your Groceries, Cnr.cicory, Glassware, Caned arid Meat, Fruits, Etc. Try Our 25c Tea is the Lest in the market at the price. CURED MEATS, BOLOGNA, ETC. GEMS In Picts, Quarts and Half Gallons at Lowest Prices My Geode are all Ft ash and of the Best Quality. J. S. NICHOLS, The eh:sap Croccry Han. KURTZVILLE. (SpeciaL) A gang of threshers from near Fordwioh went through here on Tharsday, last en- route for Gowanstown where they unload- ed a fine new traction engine which they dulybrought back. On their way up here they did not seem to be very particular about their firewood es they chopped up rails taken from the fence along the road and even took some wood from the ehteroh just west of here, and had it not been for the presences of miud of the young lady in the wagon who grabbed the fines on W. B. no doubt the horses world have run away and tore off another 40 rode of Mr. Doe!- saw's Page wire fence. They were a , lot and did not seem to mind the 'rain in the least as they wcro shout as wet inside as out anyway. -Fall Fairs. Ilowick, Gorrie, Oct. 12. W. Wellington, Harriston, Sept. 26-27, Guelph' Central, Guelph, Sept. 17-19. North 13rant, Feria, Sept. 20-2I. Great Northwestern, Goderich, Oct. 1-2. N. It. of Oxford, Woodstock, Oct. 1-2. North Grey, Owen Sound, Oct. 2-4. East .Huron, Brussels, Oct. 3-4. Blyth and Morris, 'Meth, Oct. 0-9. Turnberry, Wingharn, Sept. 26-27. - Listowel, Listowel, Oct. 1-2. Elmo., Atwood, Sept. 24-25. South Huron, Seaforth, Sept. 24-25. Palmerston, Palmerston, Sept. 24-25. Teeswater, Teeswater, Sept. 21-25.