HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Fordwich Record, 1901-09-19, Page 6AT — The Montreal House. We are still giving- Bargains in the following lines : Ladle's Waists 25 to 40 cents, worth $1.00 Muslins 6, 8 and 10 cents, worth 15 cents Cinghams 6 to 10 cents, worth 15 cents Ladle's Wrappers 79 cents, worth $1.00 to 61.50 12.'1- cent Prints for 11 cents; 10 cent Prints for 8 cents Art Muslins and Cretons 6 to 10 cents, worth 10 to 15 cents. Summer Dress goods for 13 cents, worth 15 canto Ladies Summer Vests and Men's Summer Shirts and Drawers below cost 4 lbs. No. 1 Selected Raisins for 25 cents. Tomrtoes, Corn and Peas 8 cents per can. 1i lb. Cen Forest City Baking Powder 18 cents. Part of our Fall Goods have arrived and coming daily. John Donaghy & Son, GORRIE. HURRAH FOR THE FORRRRRa PALLERY ul RE-OPENED. Gallery open Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of each Week. Look Here What a Chance You Now Have 4 Elegant Photos for 25 cents. 4 Larger Ones for 50 cents. CABINS I:8 from $1 en per do. and uawar4. Photos on Bre wiles, Butt as, Watches, ete. PICTURES COPIED AND ENLARGED font any Tintype or Photo to Life Size. Don't miss this CheriC•t bet come shime and get your pilot takes at The Fordwich Photo studio. The First Three Sittings For Ladies Free 'FRE UNION ART & PHOTO CO. rain or s! r ins! es-atacv.....Vesene....`ssae_ce-heresEN-trel Great Slaughter Sale —AT T 11E- . FORA101-1 BARGAIN HOUSE FOR 39 DAYS TO BEM ON Saturday, Sept. 14, 01 A. M. MOORE gr...„Ltz4 41'pi-1 it ii r t 5 UT WEAR OUT, S 'OCK OF -,VPrirWWW(tzigti;:t4Witt u Eir, 7.-em PEYw Dm askw till /7o other. Medical Firs in the world ha: the establirhed repurZtion for curing Mon and Women that Ora. H. dr K. est7oy. Their Now YeberHod Treat-ment, diccove-- cod perfected by these IT.ariaeut SpecializW, bes trenbt 'jey, appteeso and comfort to rhorsands of iwn,es. Wok yours e.- coca is the treatatett thee, Crwauca they on guarantee to Lowe cr ha lt ay- '1s. mono, Nervolso Debility, byphihs, Vorimteete, Stricture. &sorsa Brats.,:, Brarporeorey, en:atm/ cr,1 Mental Vier-lane nn, IL 1.1- raoy fronOt Cl0,Msas Disonnytt. Their guarantees are backed by (lank Bonds. J ° n'3 - BI n17.1, Ye" maybe,: a seems drain thronals the erire-that's the reason yon feel tired Colin the morning. 'Yo u are set rested, your Isiduers se e, v-es de-round' - t ad have no ambition. Don't tot yourirldad be &aimead' array. Drs. E. & E. guarantee to Caw or no ii S701111% is the scogroyof van:rind. It :may not he a settee to have it, for it may be inherited. but It is crime to It cv it to remain is the urutern. Lute father-II tce we. Beware of bbo-cury and Potash treatment. Ors. Sf. E E. pOSitin.4 cam the ocwt caws or no Day. IC ALE LTRICTU The Hew hgetkoll `Drys:Among errs them dioceses safely sod-rely. Eta pain-na cifierin.r-undetenti,ifrunt , Don'trk opera rtou and solo your se cos I organs. The striorare Curiae:8 eseerrig-dand canners: return. Ifra. gnarentes Corte. K "10 : n-. . ',bee aLs Don't softest your fridset s. Tent` aching back tells the tato. Dean lot pactors expatiate:scan yr.. D,s. N. & W. car. Gtrre youif you are not beyond bunch aid. T hey gaaruu tee to Cure or No Pay. CURES GI7to R 477T1.11e33. NO CORO NO PAY. Corson:Mgt°. erne. Hook. neat Fres, (sealed.) Write for Onention Minsk far Home Treatment. Etverytning Confidential. DRs. KENNEDY & KERGAN, 143 SISELEI STREET, DeallniV, MICH lft Come o Us And Circulars Booklets Price Lists Catalogues 1 Programmes Dodgers Posters Etc.; Etc. You'll Get It Cheap Eslin2ales fat' All Kinds of Printing Cheerfully F:trhisheil. THE RECORD, FORD IN/CH, • ONTARIO Everything Goes at Unheard-of Prices. 00 E. McKee & Co. RICHEST PRICE PAID FOR PRODUCE. When In A Hurry Envelopes Cards Wedding- Cards Invitation Cards Statements Billheads Noteheads Letterheads For Good! Printing JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN, HARRISION, - ONTARIO Is the place to boy All kinds of Silverware, Jewel- lery, Clocks, Watches, Chains, Etc. AT LOWEST PRICES. JAMES ROWE REAL ESTATE INSURANCE AGENT Is trill welt ,ado larae a‘tsdr,r;,:r;',Pflg,f.rgZ?s g "The King Quality 1,4 "W. A. Harsh and' fgi F. J. Waston'a . [7 HIGH , GRAM SHOES ! tore, All kinds of Produce Talc.is Fr(; Exclutne at 01 The Old Reliable B.,ot and Shoe S The Solemn Han and the tamped Joke. The man with the paper laughed up, amariously. "What's the matter?" asked the sot -emu man. "Why, here's a story of a horse that got into a hammock." "I don't see anything funny 1p that,; ` remarked the solemn man. "Nothing funny in it:" exclaimed "the man with the paper. "Why, just think of it! A man Who has been enjoying a quiet snooze levees his hammock to go into dinners-and when he comes out he Mods a horse hoe usurped his place. He tried to get tee horse out, but can't do it. Horse is all tangled in the netting, you know, and they finally have to cut the hams Mock down to get the horse out." - The solemn man continued to emote col only. "What's so tarnation funny about it?" he asked at length. "it might be worth talking shout If the horse had usurped the hammock's plate, and it had been necessary to cut the man down, or if the hammock had usurped the man's place and it had been nee, essary to cut the horse down, but as I understood it the horse merely ueurped the man's place and It was necessary to cut the haemmock down, which was the reasonable and proper thing to do," The man with the paper looked at the solemn man and gradually edged' away. suppose his keeper is in the vi- cinity," he muttered to himself, "but I don't like to take any chanees.",-- Kansas City Journal, , Why the Offleo Cat la Undor the Sofa. "No, that young man isn't working here any more!" snapped Dodson. "What did I discharge him for? For inattention to business. Do Ton sue- pose that I want any one around here weeding his time writing letters to 'Darling Tootsia' and 'Precious Dar- "When my wife went away for her 'Vacation I promised her faithfully to write every day under penalty of buy- ing her a new gown if I skipped a Gay. Well, I did for three days, and then I commenced dictating them to my pri- vate secretary, who wrote them for be on tale typewriter. The second week I told him to go ahead and writ them himself, as he knew what to say as well as I did. I believe in mak ng them models of the letter-writ(ng art. I looked over the first few and found them to be better than if I had writ- ten them myself, so I shook hands with him and toid him to keep it up. "'After a few days I had so much confidence in his letter-wri log abili- ties that I got in the habit of signing them and sending them to Mrs. Dad- eon without taking the trouble to read them. There was where I made a mis- take, but It wocidn't have happened if that young fool bad been attending to his business. The infernal idiot has a 'Darling Tootsie' to whom he writes every day, and he made a mis- take and handed me the wrong letter, which I promptly signed and sent to my wife. "That explans Why she suddenly cut ter vacation short and returned to town. It also explains why that young man no longer works here, and why the ofilce cat has been under the safe for three days tad still refuses to some out"-Detroit Free Press. GOOD THINGS TO LEARN Learn to laugh. A good laugh II `--otter than medicine. Learn how to tell a story. A well- laid -story is as welcome as a sunbeam an a sick-room. Learn to hide your aches and pains trader a pleasant smile. No one cares whether you have the earache, head- eche or rheumatism. Learn to attend to your own buSls POINTED PARAGRAPHS. Weeping willows should be palated in tiers. The plainer a Welnall is the more she moramoralizes..' Continued cheerfulness is a manifest Eden of wisdom. To become rich Without tabor is the Idea of most men. Judge a man by his address rather( than by hie dress.. A man must feel girlish when he makes his maiden speech. Creditors and poor relations alwaye call at the wrong time. It is an easy matter for a man to ree slat everything but. temptation. If any homely woman lives long en. ough she -will become a pretty old one. A writer says the only gems that art a drug on the market are gems of thought. Many a man carries his total asset& on his shirt front in the guise of 0 diamond pin. Speech is silver and silence Is gold- en-and there is more silver in cir- culation than gold. The public trusts many a man with an °face that his butcher wouldn't trust with a pound of bacon.-Chicago News. The river Jordan has its origin in one of the largest springs in the World. Howitzers are steel breechloading weapons weighing 2,500 pounds and having a length of six feet ten inches. The shipyards of Great Britain, all Working together, count. turn out a big steamship every day of the year, Whatever the harm of sensational literature, It teaches the people to read. Despite the defects of the American press, it holds up a mirror of the whole world's affairs. The mirror may not be the right kind, but its ten- dency is to lead the people to self- consciousness. If you do not Bice vice and crime, change the light. If you look into a mirror and see a dirty face, do you wash the face or the mirror? I do not want a press which shows ep the virtues of humanity and not the faults; but let us have more truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. GEMS OF THOUGHT Deeds are treater than words. Deeds have such a life, mute but un- deniable, and grow as living trees and fruit trees do; they people the vacuity of time, and make it green and worthy. Why should the oak prove logically that it ought to grow, and will grow? Plant it, try it; what gifts of diligent judicious assimila- tion and secretion it has, of progress and resistance, of force to grow, will then declare themselves.-Carlyle. The longer we live and the more we think the higher value we learn to put on the friendship and tenderness of parents and of friends.-Dr. John' son. You may find two wily men, ten clever men, and twenty-foolish men before you will end one prudent-or thrifty man.-Old Humphrey. About any art, think last of what pays, first of what pleases. It is in that spirit only that art can be made. -It. L. Stevenson. One more good man on earth is bet- ter than an extra angel in heaven. Man thinks he knows, but woman knows better. It is not the wine that makes a man drunk, it is the man. Only imbeciles want credit for the rehlevements of their ancestors. Floquence is a painting of the thoughts.-Pascal.thoughts.-Pascal. All things come to him who makes ether people wait. The average woman has a lot more Intimates than she has friends. Women consider any brilliant man good-looking, and men consider any good-looking woman brilliant. Whenever a woman who is carrying fat baby meets a man leading wound a little dog, she always looks indignant at him. When a woman tells a man he night to be aehamed of himself for doing something, half of the time it Means that she would have been ishamed of him if he hadn't. Nature never did betray the heart that loved hen-Wordsworth. There are truths which are not for all men, nor for all times.-Voltaire. A day for toil, an hour for sport, but for a friend a life is too short.-Festers son. Our ilOw Stock of READY-MADE SUITS Has arrived and are a Marvel of Quality and Cheapness. Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending sketch and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent- ability of same. "lloiv to obtain a patent" sent upon request. Patents secured through'us advertised for sale at our expense. Patents taken out through us receive special notice, without charge, in Tun PATENT REconn, an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Immstors. Send for samplecopy FREE. Address, V ICTOR J. EVANS & CO, (Patent Attorneys,) Evans.Ridleling, - WASHINGTON. O. C. Ei 9 FOROWICH, - MARI° ri'Tile Fit, CONVEYANCER, 1,1 The Hear li''' ei issuer of Marriage Licenses ri and the Prices are Right SSI ili (.1d Tra US FOR RARGAIRS ' 0, IA CAPE COD STORY.. qignil Went With Si,. 't-o:0 ust Otwe to Her Surrow, ' Not all the residents of Cape C'd are eccentric, as those who are not familiar with the region might infer from the many stories which are told of queer character's there. But it is no doubt a fact that many Cape Cod people have strongly aceentueted positions in one way or another. In Cotuit, many years ago, a local legend runs, Captain Barnabas H-- and his wife, Abigail, who:were botn queer after their -way, lived at peace for a good many years, in spite of the fact that Abigail was said to bo the "contrariest woman on Cape Cod." Whatever was said or proposed she pas almost sure to go against it. But Captain Barnabas was as pa- t ient as his wife was contrary, and by dint of always allowing for his wife's disposition, and usually propos:32g tho exact opposite of what he wished her to do, he got along very comfortable Coe many years. - But at last on one evil day,- when Mrs. Abigail p— was down at the barber visiting a relative on board a schooner then in port, she fell over- hoard and sank in the water. Captain Barnabas was :war by and Was called in haste. He reached the spot and immediately went out In a boat to search for his wife. "Lock here!" some one called 013. frantically, seeing him push off. "You're-going the wrong way of the tide. you're looking up the tide. not down the' tide." ) The captain kept on. , • -Mabee," said he, calmly, "you warn't acquainted with Abigail. If stens anybody else they'd gone with the tide but bein' as Abigail, reckon if she hain't gone aganst the tide it warn't her that fell in." This time Barnabas's philosophy was wrong, His wife's body was - found next day down the harbor. For once she had gone with the tide.-Hz Security. their awn hearts to ba hotheeed Fix boxes for $2.30. Dr. Chase's Olut Loax e:os ' • • ' t ' Learn in greet your friends wih 20 Cents a box. Dr. Ch Fe `s Litter Clre. At 4.2% thietest on Real Estate sr(L. BECKElli FORDWICH. 9 r,ttirt. They marry too many frown 5q cents bottle. Dr. haFft's Swop . Linseed and l'arpentthe, 25 rents a home. nr.es. A very important point. (7, DR. CHASE'S DEMEDIES. Dr. Chase's KIdoey-Liver ruo. one yel a dose, 25 coots a box, live hoses tor MOO box Dr. Chase's' N'erve Food rent , AO except the last two will he sent peat- paid on receipt of Trice, by Dimaason, aces & Company, °rent°. DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, GLASSWAFIE and GROCERIES v®a e~e es 4W6 To make room for in-coming stock we must got rid of a large quanity of goods During the Next Thir4 Days. In order to do tICs we offer Coeds at Prices Unprecedented. Come In and get our Prices on Cottons, Flanneiettes, Shirtings, Shirts, Overalls, Cot- tonales, Dress Coeds, Tweeds, Ready-Made Suits, Shoes, Classware, Salmon, Starch, Raisins, Soda, Yeast Cake, Soap, Etc., Etc. Subscribe far The Record. Calanoe of 1901 for 25 cts. :with any of yours.