HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Fordwich Record, 1901-09-19, Page 5Our New Fall- Stock is Almost Complete We have something special in Ready-Maileyrappers, New designs and made in the latest styles. • See our stock of Black and Collored Dre:m Coed:, before deciding en what you are going to wear this fall. They are what the ladies' call stylish. ggL.Hte dr?, eiiette Furs! Furs ! Furs ! - It seems a little hot for to mention Furs, but anyone thinking of investing this season will do well to just take a peep through our stock, never hefore have we shown anything to compare with the values this fall.- dicakcIAIIVION eo HENRY THE GREAT OARGAMMUSE, HASIRIT5M. THE -HICIIEST PRICE PAID FOR PEE-LUCE. AGA:NST THE LIGHT. gr117171.71yrf.21117:1177./TMITII.111.711-tritgee ,,,, ,, , er!-elelt•Trini4.7R7R--777.yr-7177.:.-!:,T.77.7.r.z. A. N. Writ.es of 74.)beillenco to Keep ifI ':!1111Ealiranrill7gUritiNgaV Over this list : something you You will see want. 014 CITRIPIF.*. Y CH URGI-T...Set, vice every Sabbath at Vi.a.TrtriSv iadAy Soacol m a.m. Rector ..Service every Sabbath at I0,30 , mi.. and Eper.trth Leanne On Friday evening at 7 arel o'clock, respectively. Pastor, Rev. D. Rogers )R ESBYTBRIAN Sorvice every Sabbath muriti•og ar o'clock, Sundty School et re-a .-n.; Chi-isnot Elate rvOr at 7 p. tn. Pastor Rev A II. D thson. OUR SOCIETIES. lt.i103WWICH LODGE A 0. U. W., No...3, elects in Donaghy's Hall on the last Friday in each Month at 8 p nt. JOSEPH MCLAUGHLIN, MeSTIIBUI WILSON, Mister Workman. Recorder. i,'00 D \1' It ti L. 0. L., No. 54e, meets in their P hall on the Friday on or before full on in e tondo. - Visiting brethren always welcome. GOSIGIN. II, S. Coos, Worshi n i111 Muster. Res. See. .NOOK'S G. 1'. II LODGE, Sri 4. meets on the / First Wenn:soap of mach month in theOrahge Hall. Visiting brethren altim., welcome. Issao GeNtS1.D. WISSE,L, JOHNSTON, Worshiplul Master, - Roc: Sec IOYAL BLACK KNIGHTS OP IRELAND.. 1 Red CrossTemple. R. B P. No„ 335, meets In the Orange Hall on the Tnestiuy on or befrire loll Motto in each month. Visiting Sir Knights al-t.: I., made Welcome. Jona Dee ,c0, Wit. McKee. Worthy Preceptor, -• Registrar. 1,10RDWICII COUNCIL, No. als, CANADIAN I` Order of Chosen Etiends m on the end and last Tuesday in each month in Donaghy Don aghy s Vie:Ding Friends always welcome Thos. J. NICHOLLS. We. WATTURS, Chief Councillor. Pee rder. COURT HOWICE.No. Sr. CANADIAN ORDER Last aStaru'rr0rirri. me ets cock month. Visaing brethren in Donaghy 'a .Hall on the Cordially invited. Dee HALLelAN, WIC WAT eltetice se.. Chief Ranger. 7 UBII.EE COUNCIL, No 229, ROYAL TEMP- O lays of Temperance, meets every Monday at 8 P in Donaghy's Hall. Visiting members always Welcomed. WATTERR ' D.BRA Rteed Select Councillor. Rec. See. Select Degree in conuection...Joua M. Toone- EON, Ben Sec. :Railway Time Tables. C. P. RAILWAY Trains leave Fordwich es follows-over the Canada Pacific Railway. J. J. Crisp, Stories Agent. EAST BOUND. BOMID Express 7,3o roas p. nr. Freight es.,3o tn. Eteight floe p. m. Gail 4r9 P. at. Express to p. IC. T. RAILWAY Traigh lancer Ilarristoo as follows over the liars of the Grant-111.MA Railway. E J. Guthrie, Sta-tion Agent I W. F. Itrisbin. Town Agent. SOUTHAMPTON LINE.: gourd rang, ...tell BOUND 7.7 Express 8,5 a, in, 7..xpress 7:55 p. m. Mixed Imo a. m. Mixed tz,55 p. WIARTON LINE: Passenger 806 a. em,. Puss 705 P. m Mixed 615 p. m Mixed •Aat, a. m Freight 11:30 a. nt. }aright p. m Bank of Hamilton, CoAn; E Capital, 82,0U0,000. Rest, 81,250,000 President—Josh STUART Vice-Prehittent—A. G. RAMSAY tit irk drems John Proctor, Geo. Roach, Wat. Ciihn011, M. P., A. T. Wood, At P., A. B. Lee, (Toronto) Orshier—d TURNAULL. _been for limn,. on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday (leach Week. Savings Battle-Hotirs from 9 to 3. Ddpesits of It and npWards received and interest allowed flout Bate of deposit to dam Of withdrawh Special deposits also received at current rats of Intern.. Drafts on Great Britain and the United States Bought and Sold. Travellers are notified that the Bank of Hamil- ton and its Branches i Circular Rates on Na. Burial Provincial Bank of England, Limited, which can be cashed without charge or trouble in any ' part of the world.. C. P. SMITH, Sub. Agent. ECZEMA A RE you a vicium to firery, burning, itching eczema. salt rheum or ecz- ema of any form? Then you needn't be any longer. Onr SPECIAL ECZEMA TREATMENT will cure you, we care not how bad nor td how long standing the trouble is. A Chai-lottetown, P. E. I., lady write§,-el .nnut eiptess my grati- tue to you." A proinittent King's Counsel eays e spen handreds of &Wars before coming to us. We mad, ..lrint for less than ten dollars. Cotf3811Fus free at office or by letter. We havu, many orher enthusiastic en- dorsemeros nf oar wonderful treatments. CURED we have remedies and treatments for the cure or removal of all skid diseases, mules, warts, red veins, bit thmarks. FIIP - erflxious hair, dandrfid, falling hair, grey hair, etc., etc. Results guaranteed. Corns, bunionsand all foot troubles su S ccessfully treved. end stamp fur descriptive booklets to THE GRAHAM DERMATOLOGICAL INSTITUTE, Dept. F. 502 Church St., Toronto. AT HOME THAT MAN. COLE, The Tailor, Is making New Suits to order every day, and giv ing such goodatisfaclion that the handlers of ready.inade clothing are becoming nervous. ALL IN THE LATEST STYLES Call and see him if you want tO look well dressed rn your next suit; E. C. COLE, The Reliable Tailor, Ford, ich, 0111 I -IN C h b 0 ,r • A' g tt 5 lute each insertion. Chan, of Advertisements nest be in he Monday Iinn OD to take effect in the following issue. JOB PRINTING This Department is complete in every respect. We have every facility for the execution of plain and fancy Job Printing of all kinds. Our work is meat andprices moderate. Tarots-Cash. A. W. MOOTS, Editor and Proprietor. FORDWICH RECORD THURSDAY, SEPT 19, 11101. Stylis For The Winter. . The easiest mot simp- lest way we can suggest for our readers to get a good idea id the styles that will be popular this winter is to Ims, n copy of the October Delineator just on sale at every news stand. The Delineator for October fore- iihadows, by means of its New York, Paris and London connections, those •endencies of fashion that will certainly prayer. In aldition to the fasbionifeatures and practical dressmiking advice that has made The Delitteator famous, the Oa- t,ber number is full of good general reading, most tastefully illustrated under the immediate direction of a well-know artist, Willem Martin Johnson. Mr. Johnson's work is known to lovers of the biaotiful, by reason of the Garfield edi- tion of Ban Hur, as well as some other hooks id large sal Mr. Johnson be- lieves in illustrations that illustrate, rather than in pictures that only erne- :nenta pogo. Thu whole October aunt- her of Tim Delineator is full of interest to nen as well as to women.. A Marvellous Medicine. Having a direct and - combined action on lc,ith the liver and kidneys, De. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills will positively cure many complicated ailments which cannot be reached by .y other medicine earl hence its extraordinary success and popularity. Btlieustiess, liver coin plaint, ihight's disease, deranged kidneys and stomach troubles are promptly and ihoroughly eve: come by thin great family medicine.. One pill a dose, 25 cents a box. o. a.. • -.Oa- Antonio Maggie Lynched. Washington, Sept. - 14.—Chief Wilkie of the Secret Service to-night received a despatch fri m United States Marsind Foraker at Albuquerque, N. M., stating that Antonio Maggio, the cornetist, who was alleged tin have predicted that the PresidendwiAild be killed before October, .mud to have repressed regret that he Was net the mon who mgs to do the killing ;me been lynched. Marshal For .litr gave no details, but stated that his in. formation came front the Sheriff of Grant. Comity, where Maggio Wan a prisoner dc- wined on suspicion. Maggio was given an oppert Laxity to explaie his prediction and ihe allegation that he had wished he was the man who was to do the killing, but declined to make an explanation. ewe It is stated that President McKinley's life was banned for between $100,000 and $200,000. The big loot strike in the United States is settled and the men returned to work on Monday. 6111LOREN'S KiDEYS. Br, Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets the Most Successful Treatment for the Kidney Yieakness of Children Mothers know what distress and an- xiety they have when the little ones can- not retain their water properly, or have arty trouble with their kidneys For any weakness of the Kidneys, bladder or urinary organs' of children ,Dr. Pitcher's B let:ache Kidney Tablets, w hich rre the preseriptien of the eminent Spa. eialist Dr. Zino Pitcher, are the most ,ffectual remedy known to science. Mrs. W. H. Glorer, Pearl St., Out., says 1-..One of my children that had been suffering from sleggiatt kidneys read abiatt Dr. Pitcher's Be:k- aolin: Kidney Tablets and procured a bot- tle. They evotoved the whole difficulty ,rompt Iv That depressing pain over the kidneys Stopped. dizzieess and head- aches ceased, and there e'en a general in- , igorating of the system. There is no imeation regarding the Merits of those Tablets for the back and kidneys. We have great confidence in them and recom- mend theta blutily.' Dr. Pitcher's Backache • Kidney Tab• 'eta are CO cis. a box at all druggista. The Dr, Mina Pitcher OIL, Toronto., (Int. Canadian Apples. Nothing, in the Canadian Pavilion at Glasgow, which is always crowded with visitors, attracts so much at- tention or causes so many inquiries as the exhibit of apples, which, fresh from cold storage, look • as though :they had just been gathered. This is en object lesson at once of the value of the •production and of the system by which it can at all ams•ons be placed in the hands of the consumer in the best possible condition. In attempting to give any particulars regarding individual exhibits great difficulty is found In tun the neglect of many exhibitors to send with their wares any tokin by which they can be distinguished, or information from which prices can be ascertained. ;The attendants in the employ of the Government do all that they can to remove these de- fects, but they cannot be expected either to devise. labels or to fix prices. Somebody has missed a good advatising chance. Waifs Pent to Camillo. Since the emigration work in con-• nection with Dr. Barnardo's Home began 11,047 young people have been sent to Canada. A party of 101 young girls have-just sailed for the Dominion in the Allan liner Tun- isian, this being the eecond party d• spatchEd this year, says a London letter, It proceeds: The Hon. 'Fran- cis J. Lescelles, who shot a China- inan 'employed on his ranch and is now in a Vancouver asylum, was the ninth of ten boys, and is thirty years of age. The family owns a large estate in Yorkshire, and a con- siderable amount of property in the west end of London, but it is not ranked among the rich. Harewood, the Yorkshire estate, was once de- scribed by Wilberforce, when on his emancipation campaign, as "one of the finest Places in Englatid..' The Fisherman's Luck. Mr. Lou Chapman, grocery travel- , and comedian, is considerable of a practical joker, but the laugh is rather on LOU these. days,. Says the Bruce Herald. He was enjoying a sew days' halting at Hepworth last week. The blue., flies are pretty bad up them. so th,, fisherinen put amine kl.1.1 of a mixture on their faces to keen thorn off Lou got hold of. the wrong bottle and plastered, his face end nevi: most beautifully with var- nialt After site shaves and four shampoos he was again able to Pro- em..., ltirmrli to his customers, but lie still bits a rather odd aPPeer' artta, which is accounted fur by lois earn being still stuck to his heard. Caundian Cent. of 1801. By the recent census returns it ap- pears that tine whole population of Upper Canada is 803,503, of which the cities and towns have 64,860. Toronto, 25,165; -Hamilton, 1.0,321; Kingston, 10,097; Brockville, 2,757; Bytown, 6,616; Corn,all, 1,506; London, 5,125, and iv:it-ware, 3,282. Population of W.-MgsAdi he fol- /owing is from the census of the city and its immediate neighborhood ler 1850, City of Kingston, 10,700: .M1 it ary , 1,f.00; soldiers, women and ebildeen, 400; Barriefield,. 200: or tsinouth .500; Pen i ten I. ei.ev, f.c17. 1,0100101 ion 13,017 — From . The Globe of June -24, 1851, • Eta 111 rg FOROWICH'S Cheap arooefl? Store .171f,INGTON BLOCK.' Is the place to buy your ercoeres, Crockery, Glassware, Caned Fish ard Meat, Fruits, Etc, Try Our 25c Tea it is the best in the market at the price. CURED MEAT8, BOLOOMA, always in stock. G E S in Pints, Quarts and Half Gallons at Lowest Prices Sly Goods are all Ft esh and of the Best Quality. J. S. NICHOLS, The Cheap Grocery Man. C. K. Cranston, Vetinary Surgeon and Dentist. Holm, Member of the Ontario Veterinary Medical Society s prepared re treat all diseases of Domesticated Animals in the Latest and Most Scientific Principals All calls night or day made in person, by tele graph or telephone promptly attended to. OffiCe and Infirmary, ELORA STREET, CLIFFORD, ONTARIO. Will be at the ALBION HOTEL. FORDWICH, on the forenoon of the First and Third Thursday o each month. BOAR FOR SERVICE. The undersigned has a Thoroughbred Yorkshire White Boar for service on lot 23, eon. 5, Howiek. gENRY SCHAFER. f-4 -:.,.-- PECIMF,TLY SECURED j or's NNW' and " How you ere swindled." itention or i.mprovetnent and we will telly ou free our amnion as to wheth,:r it is p. arthly conduct fully eenipped offices in Montreal Scud us a rough sketch or model of your in- been successfully prosecuted by de. We lnd Washington ; this qualifies us to prompt- as broad as the Inventton. Highest refs relic. eatemable. Petected apptlestionshaveoften y diApetch work 011,1quickly secure Patents Wri:, for our interesting books" Invent- furnished. patents procured through Marion & Ma- nion receive special notice without charge in ,tuver too m-wspapers distributed throughout the Dominion. spacialty i-patent business of Manufac- i turers and Engineers, • MARION & MARION Patent Experts and Solicitors. Offi.es. Zr.nYtirpg7v,:t?:7',./ The Old Reliable Eardware Store IS IlEADQURTERS FOlt Machine Oils in Castorine, Lardine, Cylinder and Black. There is no trouble with thistles, etc triton you use FATURDY'S HARVEST MITTS: ZW s rricirt airy For Farmers : Binder Twins, Harvest MittsrMachine Oil, Oilers, Forks, Rakes and hay , Fork ;Rope. For Housekeepers: Stew Kettles, Sauce Pans, Drinking Cups, Fly Traps and Fly Poison. The Up-to-Date Hardware Store' L. G. HOOEY. MISS S. E. TAGGERT, 168 West Avenue, BUFFALO, N. Y. Desi tea to inform the ladies and gentlemen of Fordwi. h and vicinity who contem- plate visiting the Pan-American Exposition that she can furnish them with First-Class Rooms at a Moderate Price in her private residence at the above number. This residence is on one of the main street car lines end very elnvettient fur getting to and from the Pan-Am. grounds ROOMS Reserved in Advance for Pan-Am. Visitors THE FOROWICII RECORD -IS PUBLISHED- Every Thursday Morning AT THEDZENZLOI;,rilmil,2:ECORD, SubscHp•ton Rates, Stan per year in advance; nherwise 8t.o5. Sarenle Copies sent free to any address in Canada - the United States. NocoTre.nondence will he published onless ac- .ompa• aul by the name of rho writer. Rates of Contract Advurti.ing made known on responsibility. )‘PTIST CHURCH S. vend Line, flowick . mplieatron at rho Office. With that knowledge, which makes ) Service every S dthath at .4,3o ; Sunda, Transient Ad.. ,tisemeets. such as Chancery k us men, there must go obedience to b.1.4 II. Y. P. U. on Tuesday evening ere.: 8 cents Per our manhood true. We must fel at 7.mn'olock. Alhvill be weleome. cv, J. insertion and,* cents per line for ea oh subsequent 110t only know that there is Et right II uttilmar abA iosertion, Nonpareil measure. and a wrong in personal actions; we must do the right and not the wrong. This is the absolute and imperative law of conscience, and any offence against it does violence to the moral nature of the offender. The moral history of the individual and of the race is determined by obedience or ilisobedia.t.: to the accepted stand- ard of right and wrong. The stand- ard may be defective, but its behests are absolute. To him that thinketh a thing to be sin to him it is sin. In this day, when a short-sighted and selfish utility is set up as the criterion of life, it, is worth while recalling ourselves to the soberer judgment not of the Bible only, but of all the great moral teachers of the world. A man's true nobleness is in his moral integrity; he must be true to himself arid to the life he has. If to his own sense of right he is not true, if he shuts his eyes to the light or is blinded by selfishness or passion, he plays over again in his own personal history the tragedy of Macbeth, and, whatever the gain, there stands against him the crime of moral suicide. Every sin again.st the light is self-murder. 'In the ordinary affairs of common life the testing comes unannounced, and' in the secret chamber of the moral nature the choice is made. That choice makes for the fixing of character. If to the "Thou shalt" of conscience refusal is given, that sin against the light makes the light hateful and blinds the eyes. There comes a time in the down-grade journey of a moral being when the light which at, first was refused, then hated, is no longer seen. Then it is that the interior light is darkness and evil is chosen instead of good. There is needed this day a strong voice in the home, in the school, in the church, in the street, calling aloud and earnestly to a generation given over to shallower thoughts, that life is not a jest, that truth. is truth, and only they who seek it shall keep it; that only they who love the light shall find it, and that to sin against the light we have is to lose the power of seeing. We may do evil in doing what we think is right; we do the greatest evil, even the murder of conscience in the soul, when we do what we think is wrong. Thesense of right is the divinest thing in human nature.—J. A. M., in Toronto Star. This is a moral world. The deep- est distinctions in life are those ra which separate actions as good and bad. Every responsible being knows that in conduct there 'is a right and there is a wrong. That knowledge ,,,41 of moral distinctions is the basis of enter Manhood a rue." fe ices Low. Quality High. make a Specialty Eavetroughing and Guar- antee perfect satisfaction. McCURDY. Two Family Papers For 35c THE RECORD and Family Herald and Weekly Star, together with photo pictures of the Duke and Duchess of Cornwaii and York, Will be sent to any address for thc balance of this year for thirty-five Gents. Subscribe now and get two good papers for the price of one. (