HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Fordwich Record, 1901-09-19, Page 2The Fordwichalteeor
Th e Fordwich Drug
A Full Stock of all Patent
Bickmore's Call Cure for
Horses, ,
Oil Cake, Herbageum, Con-
dition Powders,
A. M. SPENCE, ui. .
--'-al-t:.-'`-`-= - Just think he* one short week ago
We all did much perepire,
Now down the cellar steps we go
To light our furnace fire.
Mr. John H. Webster took a business
trip . Hanover on Wednesday.
*Beet Niagara and Concord Grapes
25 ors. basket at Rogers' on Saturday. ,
Alm. William Henry visited at the
home of Mr. Fred. Sothern on Wednes-
day. .
Mra. 11- brrt Itmey and Mrs. Jones of
Michigan were the guests of Miss Goggin
est Tuesday.
Mrs. Richard McBride of Mint. visited
at the home of her brother, Dr. Spence,
on Wed"eadeY•
n o01111-011 the 4th con., Howick, on
Saturday, Sept. 14th, . Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Sothern, a daughter.
Owing to the very high wind on Man-
day the bricklayers at the Pre.byterian
church had to atop work at abbot 9 a. nl.
Mr. and Of John Wright and Mr,
and Mre. JohnG 1 f Lek I t spent " ree" eY ° e e 'Pe
Sunday with Mr. James Brown and
family io the village.
Mr ,litn eig 8.,ipch,ktoo i,,i,, eoid hi. fine
residence end grounds to Mt Robert
Dar ling for the sum of $1,400. That a
one of the finest properties in the village.
painters are at work painting the
station house and freight shed at pre-
sent. It was much needed and will add
greatly to the appearance of the old
The Fordwich Record and. the Ment
real Doily Star for one year and a copy
in advance. Leave your subscriptions at
this office.
Mr. 0 Wade purchased a very fine
three-year-old colt a sleet time ago, and
now he has a standing offer of $126 for it
as .run as broken to drive. Orlando is
a good band with hors. and, makes a
nice little sum of money on everyone he
"She's My Own Girl,' by Andrew
sterling and M. J. Steinberg, two of the
host song writers of toalay, he cue or
those catchy, melodious songs that every-
604 likes. Thin song will be a success,
tie fool sure. It is published in the Sep-
Neater number of the J W. Pepper
Piano Music Magazine, containing 21
• complete pieces for the piano 10 songs,
11 instrumental-10 Cents. For sale at all
"e`" d"le"'
A Coed Crop.
Air. Ales. Orr has. one of the Sliest
crops of beans in Huron County, and on
Tuesda with thehelpf y, o a -an puller
and men he pulled five seven of beans,
which, he thinks will average at least 45
laterbek to the acre, tut some peo0e as
theywill overage nearly 60 and that he •
will receive nearly $. WO fur the crop at
the price beans are now selling at. Well
done Alta. you will soon make a fortune
if you continue having such paying crop..
bits Jelin J. Montgomery of Orange Hill
p oled ere scree of the tame kind of
bee. feat week but we have not heard
.f they were en Wok on the ground or so
well loaded as Mr. Orem
- Scarcity of Potatoes. .
. . . .
• Such a scarcity la experienced m the
potato supply this year as has not been
felt in many years. The recent crop re- flee i • t issued by the 0ntarto Government
States that "judging by the number-of
correspendonte oho report one of the
year. yet for potato bugs, the
beetle moat hare done a lot of injury.
Tile, coupl, d with the weather prevail.
hog for some time past, has told greatly
against the chances of the crop; and
while some correspondents epeak - of a
fair arid even a pod prospect, the bulk
of aloft reporting describe the tubera as
small in size and likely . be eOrtaiderall.Py
below the average in yield." . •
District Meeting.
The The financial .rneetin - g of Wingham
„f the Methodist church met in
Wilighem on Tuesday of last week. There
was a good attend.ce of both ministerial
and lay delegates. The educational and
misaionary services ter each Cifellit Were
left Imply in the hands of each ewe.- to
m.lre his own arrangmnents. The claims
of Tirei ton mission fur aid from the tide.
simians, fends of the church was pre-
sented and tl e meeting recommended
that theMiestonery Board be asked to „,,
' sion a grant of $300. The glue the ”'
d ims of St James church, Mentreal, a on- the Methodist people generally were
Presented and it Wan decided tO make an
effort to do as mush as poaeible in aiding
to free that church from debt. f
Mr. B.Miel Harris, of the 11th con.never
Harvest Nome. .
On Tuesday night the congregation of
Trinity church, Fordwich, decided to
have a Harvest Horne Supper and En-
tertainment on Wednesday, Oct. 2nd.
Tea to be served in the Foresters' Hall
and. entertainment in Sothern's Hall,
Posters will be out this week giving full
Harvest Thankegivitm Service in Trini.
ty church on Sunday, 29th inst. at usual
hour of service.
Harriston Show Sept. 26 and 27.
Don't miss it. Price list revised. Er-
rot in no prize offered for Durkin' Bull
Calf and Carriage Brood Mare Prizes
will be paid in both cases. '
Gathering Plume.
On Sunday last a gentleman and his ......, it of the village wept out to the
country to visit friends, and while there
asked their friends if they had any plums
left Epon being informed that there
were a few remaining on the trees
proceeded, with pile in hand, and amt.-
ered and brought their ails full with
them home on the:Sabbath. It is said
that their friend, did not care 'for the
value of the plume but that they did not
want the Sabbath day broken by gather•
• mg plums. Remember George, "Thou
shall not work on the Sabbath day."- Cp.
Fur Billheads, Letterheads, Envelopes,
eta. try The Record.
.- --
Pram The Guelph Herald of Sept. r6.
The World Publishing Company of
Guelph, Oct., have arranged to issue in
Canada the best of all -the forth-coming
books on the life of the . lute President
McKinley. It will be a magnificent
work profusely illustrated, written by
Murat Halstead. the' ceebrated war core'
reepondeetr the man that was selected by
the Government of the late President
McKinley to write the official report on
the Philippine Mends. 'Murat Halstead
has been a lifelong friend of President
McKinley, and it will be a labor of love
for him to finish this book, which has
long been in preparation. It will be
complete-hie boyhood, manhood, war
serviees, political and social life, assess-
ination, full account Of the assassin and
the anarchist's comipirecy connected
therewith, medical treatment, death, bur-
ial and state funeral. The book is so
cheap and so excellent that every family
should have a copy.
We understand that a magnifitent per-
trait of President McKinley, 18 x 22
Md. in size, on card board, will• be
eiven with each copy of the both.
- The work will be sold by subscription,
and agents will find an announcement of
interest to them in another column.
• - ..„---two
,--r.---_,,,ts 6t.: 7.1-: L7; ,...
, Local News
Interesting Items Picked Up By Our Local
Reporters During the Week.
- -..__:-...-2-tt=g2.--...,-;„-.5,---•-ntT___
*See Nicholle' Wrapperetta at lege.
*For Ladies' Handkerchiefs commend
me to The Fordwich Cash Store.
*Black Serge Pants $2 00 at Nicholls'.
*Garden thieve. beware. Tresepsesers
on my premises will have to take the
risks.-Tetos. MAGUIRE.
*Flannelett for 5c a yard at Nicholls'.
.. Wanted-young man to learn photo-
graby. Apply at once. Good 'upper-
trinity. C. A. Lee, Listowel. .
*Num.—Persona having four-foot
Soft Wood for sale should see the Ford-
etch Baker.-J. R. Ward.
*A large lot of Blue and Black Serpa
in Meek and will be made to order at
order at very Lowest Prices to clear.- J.
Argue, Fordwich.
*If you have any trouble with your
eyes do not fail to call at the Albion
Hotel on Tuesday, Sept. 240 and 'see
Prot T. P. Smith, and get a i Pa-r of glaases if you need them.
*Black, Grey and Red Coating at
The shooting season opened on Mon-
day for partridge and some other kinda
,.,f game. .
Mr. William Pollock of Detroit "s'
apending his vacation with Alm. Annie
Hutchinson of the 2nd con.
Mr.' L. .G. Hooey left on Tuesday
morning for Toronto, Orillio. and other
places Cubueincia and pleasure.
Who was the young dude from the city
that kissed the young lady at the corner
of the-and con. before leaving here.
Agricultural Hall for Flerrhipin 311ow
has been reshingled and in Ladies' Dm
partment goods will be safe rain ur ohm.,
Ite.v. Mr. Harris of Lucknow spent a
few dos the latter pert Of last and the
trot part of this week nth hie °omit, '
Alt and Mrs Thomas McClement and
Mm. Annie Hutchinson of the Sad con.,
and Mr. Will Pollock of' Detroit, Mich.,
spent fifeedey evening at the home of
Mr. Willie. Gibson.
See apeeisla offered at Harristen Show.
Nuke r au entries early. Dal Lists - -"
mailed on application to the Secretory*
Error corrected. . Prizes piid for Bull
Calf (D rh ni) and Carriage Brood Maros a ' a • •
We have just received a very neat lit-
tle paniphkt. from The Toronto 01,the.
entitled "How to .en Toronto in a Day."
Bated. a ma of the city it *intake a • P great deal of ieforrnation wheat the city,
the street railway system, etc. , .
If old prophecies speak true we are to
have an exceptionally long'. and cold
winter. The Mop of beechnuts and but.
Le11111W1 1.1e not teen so prolific for
many yearn, tad according to the old
say mg, nature is providing for the gelid
An excheege tells as that the proper
. method of keeping apples in winter is to
wrap them in an old neivapaper to ex -
elude the air. The oeimptiper, however,
meat be toet on which the subaeriptitat
h. been paid m tatneas result-
ing from what in "dew" may muse the
fruit to spoil. .
bee drawing gravel to his sheds and yard,
and now h. excellent sheds which wilt
accommodate 14 or- 15 teems and are
open to the general public free of charge.
Mr. Orr givea the men who were at the
bee great credit for the amount of womb
they dil ill ouch a short time.
Noah was one of the earhest ad vertis•
era and advertised that he would ,ail op
a certain, dale. Those who didn't believe
iu advertaiug fe led to, gvt tickets mid
during the teem fel forty days were loft
out hi the rots withotit . umbrella ur
bathing ' A - mostcould en& s o them not
swim, they toter . the trees. and became
moukeys. . e.
ttearge Kara, Guelph, has a living
curiosity in the shape of -a pig that was
born on Aug. 14th. It haa a body like ti . bhead ' 1' pig,at theis like a monkey'. with
First-Class Honor Faduate Denial Dept. Toronto The
On she see. .i
XS., of the Late President hieBudey.•
Etc., Etc.they
On Friday het Mr. Alex. Orr had a worm
*See the latent novelties in Ladies Ties
at The Fordwich Cash Store.
*Filo ailka for Embroidery at Nicholls'.
*For Sale at a Genuine Bargain an. A
No. 1 Secured-head Top Buggy, almost
new Apply at The Record office,
*We are getting ready for the fall
knitting with a fresh stock in ell the
leading odors in Saxony Wools, Z ply
Wools, Shetland Floss, and Berlin
Wools at The Fordwich Cash Store.
*Fall and Winter Gooch arriving daily
at Nicholls',
'1 We are back from our holidays and
will make until further notice a arm
pietnres inch and a quarter by inch and e
half in six different positions for Net.
These photos will he nicely mounted and
bremiehed, Don't min this.-J. E
Mullhulland, Gorrie.
*Prof. T. P. Smith, the eye specialist r „„ o f 'more whit be at the Albion Hotel, ,,,,ede e,', e, d on 1 ues ay, Sept, 24th for one
day only.: If you have any eye trouble
whatever call and see him, he will treat
you in a scientific meatier and will charge
you but a moderate prem.
*Merci.i.ed SateenS, fall weight at
Rev. A. G. Harris of Luckuow visited
friends in town on Monday.
Mrs. Lowry of Wrrareter is upending a
few days at the Parammge. -
Mr. and Mee. Arthui'Spotton visited
e t tlm Ortgein house on Monday.
Mr. Charles Schafer shipped a carload
of fine cattle to Toronto on Monday.
The Pastor will preach at both services
in the Methodist church on Sunday next.
Mks Lola Stewart haa been visiting
her emit, Aloe E. Sondra, fur the last few up.
Rev. A. a Forney and Mt Joseph
Wade were in Harristim on Wednesday
on bushiest
FOR SALE-A Knitting Machine in
good workiate order will be Seld Cite.
Apply to Wm. Castell, Fordwich Cash
Mies Lillie M. Rogers returned list
week from an extended visit with friends
at Summitville, Toronto and Erin.
The Record and The Weekly Globe w01
be sent to new eubecribers till the let of
yeeeney. 1902, for 40 cents. Tull v
friends. ' • • -
Mr. James Clark and abater, Mts.
, Jessie, of Fergus, were pest. at the
home of Mr. William Caatell from Satur-
day midi Tuesday kst.
W. A. AL A_ met at the home of
Mr. Wm. Goggle- on Thursday late .Ic
is their intentions to pack a bale of goods
at their next meeting.
• •
d .team on Sunda and Mont, The ''''' Y
day last did comidereble damage to the
orchards in this vicinity, many of the
apples being bluen off and badly braked.
LOST-Mink Boa between Gerrie and
C lialltnart's, 12th con., Howick. The e _ . he n er will y eating t " el `I berewarded _ b I --
Battle Ill. the store of H. W. Carte.,
Gorrie. .
Tha following parties from the and
con. teek in the Exposition at London
and report spending a pleasant time i-
Mr. cud MM. Themes MeClements Mr.
Will Polled( and Mrs. Annie Hutchi, -
""• ..
Mr. J. Cerbett, who has been visiting
(Hew% in Bowmenville, Stoneville and
Toronto returned home a week ago look-
Mg hale and hearty, and, like all other.
old pioneers, thinks there in no place like
knale• _
' • ' Mies Sara (leggin, Who ht., been' visit.
hog friends in Turonto, Peterbore' and
Oman em the 1Wt three weeks; returned
home last week accomPauied by her
i Mien r t a • BMW, 1./L11 a .3Lta wart.
What happened M. G.'s hat Satur-
day ? Now p.m man take my advice
.d beware who you lend your hat to in
the future, or When it is retlumed you
will have nothing but the crown and two
long pies.-Cob.
Sales solicited, satisfaction guaranteed and charges All
wry, Solicitors, Notaries, Con-
encore, Eto.
at teensy to Solicitors for the Bank a flanti en. .
Loan. Offices above Carson & McKee s store.
Main Street.
*Mini MsKee nod Mies :Nellie Castel'
have retuaned from the Fall Millinery
Opening and the huh of their trip will
be in evidence at The Fordwich Gash
Store a week or teelater.
. _ ____ .....
of the King's portrait all for $1.75 .cash I
We Stock Markets.
• --
Toronto, Sepe 17, 1901.
At the Western cultic yards this morn -
th tei it were 70 carloads of live e re P
mock, including L220 cattle, L420 sheep
and lambs, 700 hogs and about 30kalyes
and much ee,re.
Trade we. fair to-day oonaidering the ' • • quelity of the cattle, and prices were
about steady at tLe quotatious of bat
• . Friday. • The trade m export cattle was a little
quiet treday, principally becauae ate.,
lei. apace ia scarce. and also because
there was Mile really first-clam cattle on
sale. The pe y beat price id to.da was
$4.00 per cwt. For medium cattle there . .
was a limited demand.
There was a small supply of the better
grades of butcher cattle to-day, and about
.h° heat 1"i" paid was $4.40 g" "I' Prices for uredium and common stuff are
• nrit quotably changed ft ern last week.
More Choi. butcher cattle would have
easily sold. ,
A few good milch cows are wanted,and
will Mill up to $50 each.
Stockers, feeders and bull are not
quotably changed,
A kw pod veal calves ama in request,
and will sell up . $10 each.
no lambs the proapects are steady and
title. firna.
The export [sheep trade M dull and will
probably remain. au for a week or ten
days, as space on the boats eonhot be ob.
worth f 3 toale Export ewes are wort from i s
per lb.
Bucks are worth from lag to 2ic pe
Culls .11 at from r to $3 each.
Limbs are worth from $3 75 to $4.35
per cwt.
the smell stuff was sold out early.
Hogs to-day are firm at 7g per lb for
prime stuff.
for The best price r "singer." is 7$c per
lb; thick fat and light hogs are worth 7c
Per lb.
Hogs to fetch the top price meet be of
Mime quality; and eerie not below 160
nor above 200 lbs. '
Following is the range of quotations:-
$4 21 94 oc thui Teal: choice, . . .. 4 00 4 50
Hutober, medium to good . 3 50 4 00 ,
Butcher, lured.. 2 75 3 25
Sheep and Iambs- Ewe., per cwt g po 3 75
Beam per nut 2 50 3 00
Spring limbs, each 2 50 3 00 milkers mid calves-
C""'"h 30 00 45 Ott coves, each 2 00 to oo
Ho •a-
(-3?-eieeb°go' ger cwt 7 25 7 37
Light hop, per ewt 7 00 7 00
Heavy hop, per cwt.. 700 7 00
t per bush $0 63 90 65
Barley, i';',4 bush ' 0 40 0 40
Oats per bush. 0 30 068
Peas, per bush • •• 0 _66 0 e !Iran 14 ou 14 Ou short. -16001600
Egge,fresh, porde. 0 11 0 11
Batior, Per pound 15 f 15'
Kidney lend, per pentad,. .: 0 124 0 15 _ ned Appless 004 0 ire
Tallow, per lb 0 03 0 05i
Hides, per lb 0 05 0 054 Calf Skins, per tb ti,her,i, ejse;e
" "7
0 2., 0 75
Hay • • 7 6° 8 00
tm ewe.,
Barristers and Solicitors,
Notary Publics and Conveyancers.
hi...7 to Loan, Solicitors for Scott's Barking
}louse ens Ont. Peon. Bldg. and..Looa=oga_ian.
F. R. Mew., A
"I have used your Hair Vigor
for five years and am greatly
pleased with it. It certainly re-
stores the original color to gray
hair. It keeps Illy hair soft,"-Mrs.
I. ei...t4eiter„ ,Solleitor, 't°-.-
Money to Lean at. 4g per cent. on Good
. VArrn Afortgegem , Ayer's Hair Vigor has
been restoring color to ,
gray hair for fifty years,
r and it fails to do
this work, either.
You can rely upon it
for stopping your hair '
from falling, for keeping
your scalp clean, and for
making your hair grow.
MA a bottle. All 4.11111.
Wingham, Ontario.
Homemade. of Dental Department of Toronto
University. Office over W. F. Brishin's Brook
s"" P.." I"' " oil ``'''' `" g"r"t". Gehl Mlieg and preservation of natural teeth a
specialty. Vitalized'Air Gun if require& win be
at Palmerston the rat and 3rd Monday, and at Clif-
ford the and and ph Monday of each month.
• If your druggist cannot ,apply Y.., send us one dollar and we will express pone bottle. De ante ancbgive the name
' Ili e Address ex Pr" sea et i.,..,„„„, i}o ,.:
, eet . .
, e
'ereteet 00....., co____ COMINOt
- .
DR. T. E. BALL, L.D.S.
University, Licentiate Royal College Dental Sur- g.na of Ontario.
Will be at
a 11.11 d Fourill Monday M ea. month.
The First and Third Monday will be spent in Wiumter. . .
Graduate New York, Philadelphia, and To.. Optical Wines.
Call early and avail yourself of hi
valuable services, as this is a rare
opportunity to have your eyes proper-
ly tested, free of charge. No guess
work but a scientific certainty. ff
cult cases accu re tcl y fitted. -ALL
terie..r.e.an et private Mum.
Tuesday, Sept. 24th, 1901.
Licensed Auctioneer in the County of Huron is prepared to do auctioueering in. all Its branches.
moderate. For P.O.W. +PO' at Tn., Kncelln office or at his residence Fordwich,
Free I
If you have any eye trouble have
eyes tested by the undersigned.
If yon need glasses a perfect fit
• is guaranteed.
If you do not need them we will
tell you so, Mid it Oust you.nothing.
Graduate Optician, - sortie
. N IT, r•';
,., conveyancer, issuer of Marriage
Licenses at office Cr residence.
MONEY OORTGAGES at eft and 3 S. good M N M privileges of repayment Notes and Chattel Moro gage, Cashed. .
FARMS FOR SALE-gnne fine bargains, or wet buy one any time if right price. Nice Real. dence to exch.ge . laud, balance paid.
Call or wrote me. Office opposite market
GENTS WANTED-For the. Life
Price only $1 50. A magnificent portrait
el President McKinley, 113x22 inches,will
be given as a premiumwith each copy
sold, or, if preferred, a church of nine
other premium pictures, iticludittg the
Duke and Duchess of York. Prospectus
free ; em. 10e to pay hoist of -mailing.
Credit given, liberal terms, freight paid.
Fon our Xmas books, they are the best.
A premium with re ery tone. Addreee.
World Publishing Company, Guelph, Outbreathes
F li S
COPYRIGHTS ALID DESIGNS. eandynorbusInesedlrect to Wnaldamilm, saves time, melee 1.3, better service. 31.7 oferdmises to II. 8. Pput.2c,:4 =rabi%
reiXr's. Passes. asurwrzoservmr-li etsAls AMVALXPERTEECR. neek ,lowtoehtavarasenum .Rent sear atents mama through E. O. Mesas nova ereetel A e1f ee r ..sous Ohm.. M the INVENT/NE ACE
illostratea zavelbly-13enath year-tanne. 61. • tor,
E 0 SIVERS '''''''F.c.s'71.1's'::
. h
•watennenrOtt, D. e.. ....:AWSWeWiWWWW,,,,e.wew.WWWWW.OWWW1e:,
a mouth like a fish. It has no nose, but
through its fish-like mouth.
Mr. Kern. has had some to mptirg offers,
bat soya it will be a large twin that will
tempt hint to let it go, an he is somewhat
of , , e himself -d thinksI
freak manager an he
can make money by showitig it at the
fall thews.
Immediate possession and undisputed ittle given to aLl
Umonials bo what .getyour dealers
the manufacturers
To MOM to you that ler. Cheee's Ointment is a certain and absolute care for each and every form of itching,_ bleedingendprotrudiegvarta have guaranteed It. um to.. in the daily Men and ask yourneigh- they think Mk; Yon can Melt and move y back It not cured. 60c a. box, at or EDELLWEION,BATIES 82 GoeTeronto,
Chase's Ointment
• Property for Sale
A. Comfortable Frame Cottage along with Out- building, good well and six lots for sale in Gerrie. The above property will bc sold cheap for cash.
purchaser. Apply for further particulare to