HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-06-30, Page 5•
-The Revere •l•>IoueA, ""l.3russols, will, lne
offered for awe by public .auction on
July 13th.
leuasell Member, of .frusetsls, was
eppointed Geieittty • Secretary •ef the
Royal 'r`eira•*l,>,t's ••of Jl'enepera,rece iu
place of John lleat't•re, eSee,fertb,
resigned, at vlie;D.iatrict ttieQtierQ';lield
4 at Exeter, tate ,week.
Consul entitle. difiiontty •was experienc.
ed by Capt. ta,i.n es in ._getting :leo. ••O
Volunteer Clonapany ot:t to Frill this
veer, ()wing to ,the ethsenue • of• :the red
• corps of for•uasm•yeare. •It is•said out
• pf 84 men *,'Fbo tittondod the last ,drill,
only 3 are ozow ••ronidcnts •of this
• loon lity, the •r:i{rtjoeityihtave gauteto the
U, S, Oept. •Ith yai and .1iout. eSha,w+
fruited brgEsnla and.'Jusaeter companies
, the (atter bcii. g without oflieers this
Ura Sundey,,•JuneiI;Gth, Frear. ea 'oF,-
e Salton preached 'the closiue diaeourses
••, of his pastorate in 't 3tersrtols to ilarge
congi'egatiene. 'Devitt his stay here•
as marked (ie•.gi ee of • success a'ttencled
his efforts In. ifirian'titaing the heavy
....church deem •llea .succeeded admirably
,.and encouraged •the•epeep1e toeai,d in'
, this work to•such an extent thet about
.42,Q00 wits •lutid•on the debt. t: to ad
dition to this on ,other:„r ineneial .obli
gatious were .met. tAeat preacher t141r..
"Salton ie hard to equal, beinge'eff Gent,
well posted anti:ablss.tow:fake goaxl•uso
of what he sews (find • reads. Zee aeo>;i-
laection wife tther Zepwrsirth League he
• endeared hiieneelf to hi land as tiesinell
token of tete veteeintinewhieh they held
h•�,im be wars s�reas(rnted�ewith $17tel •ou
MAnday es a •,pita•tinyg Gift. Oli T,uera-
dey the aNt:ormalellastegave hint a•feen-
taift pen. We welsh ifs. Salton and •
his,good wife .sueeea,e's'_n Stratford.
Brei: Sete people +will •always hew dm;
welcome ii,or teems. :wStratford Metho-
rliste aur• eve 4314 eengrattii«a Led ort •se-
•eurteg tele et redo 'beet rumen in `:the
Gutt}l.ph t.;oeterenedr.
Os1 Frridasy (cradlingrif last w,rek
Archie, fifth soma Of t Mailer Jackwon;
•diedeitt tl to re flsi i e of ;ads parent$,
a'eds Tv -ars anti aniont;,s. Il had
not ht;�n rr,ell star,gotaie leaf c , but 1a;ad
-only :been ins mesal )lava, Lays previouw.to
his deceit, Tls,e'fulaeral ewes ,on Seta-
-day at;B o' dock aretf•tv.as 1swe;l,ly atte tacit
ed. 'Vie serroa i.• g :ones have i.� e,
sympathy i ill rheteerisliau.teiitj in thre
• time a3i; tro utale.
Tho Dairy Sotrc�ri,
•41r, J. W, W heaton,$ecretaary of the
Western Ontario Dairyman's Aseooia”
tiote, visited 'tile Tevietook pair)?''School last week, end reports tile work
there progressing very ..favorably.
Th shoo is operated by'tlie Dairy,.
room's air s AsBoo9ation for tliA•purpcse of
•l providing a plane whereebeose makers
'r>"ho get oft" the track in malting may
go and. get help; and elsewhere cheese•
•makers may acquire the best methods
of making' ufirst-class article of cheese.
Tete school is under the able manage-
ment of Mr. A, 1. Bell, who acted as
,int; trtietor in cheese- tnalui?lg at -the dairy
.f.chool in connection with the Ontario
•I.gracultural College last winter and
;lis capabilities us a cbeeeeetealcer and
,Advanced dairyman are 'recognized by
•the cheese.rnakers of W+eaitern Ontatia,
There Ilan, been a very ..fair atten•
deem at the Soboot ao fara•this Beason,
,bait it is hoped that more -of the makers
will avail themselves of this opportur
ity ,provided for their:' benefit and
avili endeavor to spend • a few days
sat Tavistpok during the-s�etnuner. It
•is.not, always wise t,ospostpone matters
:tilt a difficulty arises, and• to run the
risk of lraviri'g a /lumber .orf culled
eareese on the rasing -roam shelves.
Is,ie much better to beeforeifCed against
mistakes and losses.
Mr. W. J. i'altnder., :B•YS ::31.,, who so
•successfully managed the travelling
dairy last season,and Mr.E+Ei,,Idareourt,
'J . „S. A., a recent graduate • of the C.
A. C., are in attendance at the school
fur the purposed of acquiring a prac-
tieat knowledge of idle besf.praetiees in
making line Canadian ••cheese. It
speaks well for the ,ferbere of our
c.hos.se inchxstry that •yo:>&eg +hien who
leavespent several years, in •••acquiring
a,training in scientifictxrin�ciples of
agriculture feel t+hatcteeir .,.knowledge
•is, . i o nplete wetbaot •.a • . 4racrreal
knowledge of ear eeheese•.analatug byai-
..•'.J?be milk at thee Ta;sistock+•• Factory
is paid for according to•ttlae.•.pe tentage
ofa.butter-fat, and tis:giaxng.tood satis-
factaou to the patcons.
:,fir. Wbeatoe ,htas,. Rso • ,:•vieiterl a
nwaaber of tine factories ,ine,tho west
this. season, that are ,.payiug•tev this
systom. This method so, far•..aeem to
Bebe ,,giving pretty ,general satisfaction,
a nd,,no doubt in ft ,9eerrrr:en• two. wiI l he
adepfen by nearly all,war r factories.
1How ver there is ahere..and there a
itthee "•lissatisfaeti(aae expeassed•,e biefiy
tlts man sending a.peer,lquatity of
taiilk:i . He prefers ithe,pwuslang•,nutnhod,
Listt91. ,b
Mr. Jtrt am Austin„ ,cff!Toronto, as, it.+,would allow iuia:3t r ct t :rnillr
Zsundt'y+i . to ten. 1 ,
Miss :Sand erson, •csf tSteatford, ieleto be,aa-veraged tray vwvitli,his . nt�igl or's
paying a visit to Mies (tEl. ^Nitlhnl, ri ,per Bohm milk, and .make xit .eworth
Mr. nohie meLeoei, ,wstili.known moretthan its real value.
• among Fee football s ar'69 .s cart a few
.,P , P
days in town renewing mild 'acquaint- ..1 4 ' Money cal>ta..:Brketned.
ancps. ;If, tlae Reformers were iu oresr -lo-
in a g,o•reecion-pleasi
e lootba match sp
rthe singla,tatnn of tht eiiano iifactary 114°.sroav,_tlsey could not,Save,une,dalfar
s .our
p ubli.e expenditnaes. ,0 a
defeated the =married meta ihy,ta score
.of 3 goals toll,
James iBr(rek has purltehaereil the
(slam,, stociieaa+re3 :mplemet•>'ts'Of.lalacob
,a �n
'Tennant minx of � d t\
n sant for•t1�r s a 0. 7r.
!Brock is neweene of the leeriest rraairy
efaetners in eliera+:eighhorirood.
, On Tuesriny,,€a'ening a ratite! •twill
`be given be 411)(1enrusic pupils of 'Miss
nna B. Oiitsnie, tiu the show ,croon: of
rr<be piano factory. .4. large naternber of
invitations are ;issued for it.
Wit Sundayeavodimg Lieu. J. Levine
,atone preached Ibis a'fat•ewell semen
tris congregation.. Owing to the
Methodist chnrt,h ;bean repainted the
service was held in :the Presbytetsi•an.
Without doubt We oats say that it Havas
that thirgest gatherinz ,roll people ewer
prea(3hed to in thistown. Rev. Dr •
Willoughby will be the next pastor.
Kidd Bros. have sold to Mr. Chas.,
11riie s, of Paisley, .cheer handsome
young; •two-year•old ratl4iien, •Listowel,
by Oliver Wickes, damn 'hy old Cleat
Grit, eeeond dam by a son of Lapidist.
Listowel has trotted eighths in 20
seconds, Sia 2.40 clip. We sanderstand
this price was $400. Another Oliver
Wilkes' eolt, lately sold by Ii;nda 13roet.,
Wats the yowling Marshall, lam by
Ridgewood, .second dam by Weight of
Ashland, to Peter W. Giennie, of
Winterbourne, Ont.
A Sunday school has been started
its Holmes` school house, under the
leadership of Hr. W. 13. Hutton, of
Wingham, It commence at nitre o'clock
eery Sunday moral ng.
A. large number from thisvicinity
attended the lecture in the Methodist
°lowish en lfonda. and Tuesday even-
ings. They seem to be well pleased
with, the epesaker,
A number of our football sport
rnleog with many othere, attended the
Catholic pitenie oat near Peeiwitter on
Wednesday tui.
A number of those who have beau
ltd to
forerre e►nce a aisleta'tio i t are
now writing far the same is Wing- t
curisittysvzas evergovea.ed with sheer
or reeonaRy than is this ..Roaxutrion. --•-
aux [ilf. (i
aux nunseuaia,t
`,Itheyeened save money by.,dif;peus
ing ,vt,itli,the Dominion Feanchkse•Actl
a u asure.tltat was petitionediior ,by
no one, .and which has ooet the taax
payer€:, 01,0 0,000 in the eastbalaf•dezi
en ;mem
They teeold save .hundreds of
thousar.scts,oft`;chars annually hy,iusist;,
lag on Jato,nest r iu the carry+,` ]g Out of
public oantratats.Take the dvholesal(
thieving ,roared to have been permit.'
ted, by ,taad (management rte almoast
every pubLie murk: under the preselat.
,regime. `The ;,`Curren bridge easenlie
ties at .VIorazreal „is the latest illus.'
They could aiaate thousandsof delel
,laar•s by dispensing with the services
of the John F. Woods, and Chattel
Wallaces, the .l J. Omaha in the!
felexernmeut. Why shoald every
seventh member of ,the dominant party
iaa P+:rtiament be an office holder ?
They could save motley by dispete '
lug with Sir Charles Topper's services,'
tite papnneut of hie ineorne tax, and
many other luxuries costing a large
sunt annually.
They ,could save money to the riiass,
es by refrtieiug from collecting from
them more taxes than are necessary
to ecotiotuisally govern the country.
Yes, in a hundred different ways an
economical Government,, we dare not
by what name it goes, could Rate
millions of dollars yearly, directly and
indirectly, to the taxpayers,--Lendnn
now to riot to "Snnhtght” Picture.
Send 20'Sunlight"Soap wrapperb_(wrap•
per bearing the words" Why hoes ax Woman
Look Old Bonet Thin a Man") to Lever 1
Bros., Ltd., 43 Scott St., Toronto, and you
i,rill receive by post a pretty piotur•, free
from advertising, and wall worth framing.
This its An rally way to decotrto your home,
The soap ie the best in the market and it
will only cosi ane out postage to send in
he Wrspper% if you leave the ends open.
Write your tddrees eerefufly.
I The lett,1elwinllooth left a fortune
of $000,000, mostly to hie daughter.
BeeAle George Leslie, member of
the first Torotito City flouracil, stied
Saturday, aged JO years
G. T. 3. saroings for the week end"
ing $qne 17, 1893, euso,134, in
oreasa' over same weep in 1882 of
The Earl and Gauntest of Derby
will sail from Quebec lei- 1nglend ray
the Sitrdinian on July Ill a000rdine 1a
present arrangements,
Arrangements have been completed
for the running of the Detroit eteamor
Flora between Port Stanley and Clew -
land throe tines a week..
The township of Hallett expended
in erecting and naintititiieg bridges
since Jan. 7, 1885, the swag sum of
$24,800, or an average of $1,375 a
The young girl, May; 'Gibson of
Brussels, whose case eamg'up on re-
mand before Judge Tows, et Cloderien,
was sent to the Mercer one year and
six months.
A cow, belonging to 'Ztlward Mo-
Quillin, West Wawanosli, wlaieb last
year gave birth to a calf ;weighing 11'+1.
pounds has reoentiy gave'hirth'to an•
other weighing 11.7•,
Last Tuesday Mr, J. A.'O1ar'k, bak-
er of a eefortit, had a tenable mare
stolen out of bis stable. Two Strang:
ers that hart Leen hanging around
town all day are supposeil'to be the
In his inelis•+srxtimeat the opening of
the Worfere Fair Mr.
.cunt+ -y, if Tarrytown, ''N.'Y., pray-
ed the Lord tosend the cholera•to Attt-
erica:to 'destroy 1 011840,OOO,'people.
'The :people et T3•araniston are heaving
a great time with American silver
eertifie,ites'for $1. 'Tele Store keepers
refuse to give More than sixth cents
for then, and there is a Teenier deleue
of this drasroytfi thylbriore in e4e coun-
The Mesons of Toronto gathered on
Saturday .t ftennoon•in great iforce in
Alount t`f'cievtsairt+.0ecnetery:•to witness
and babe ,partiinthe 'unveiling Of the
3faasonie •neonument,,end the •txandi•ng
over of tilte,piot -for Masonic • burial
pueposeeae tprest,tited lay Past blaster
1. Rjas atobertson, Grand 2,1a.; ve
J. M. Gilboon,(ana pee esral •ilizsittaries
of 1itie Coa'rt were .present •and took
pare in este ;prateediuge.
A Dundae.man,:i7ohrt Wallese, -has
been. sent i e jytiilaon:ena uansoil:.charge.
At the request of.John Wilma, the
license inspector 'notified !the liquor
deatets that tolheywere not to,sarall:diquor
to Aromas Wiilson, an 'inebriate. Th
latter;got orar.the difficulty layegettan
otheapeopte, ,eanong them being Wal
lace, to buy liquor ler thim 'Young
Wilson warmed Wallace tuotrto.io so
but t ' et latter • ^l,
i;� tel 1 tt did nio, 1 .ed. i
tl. h he
bad hint arrested ,und-ar•e,tlew of the
Ontario •Goverarmaent, taathieh provides
that any person •,eho,l>atty.e, iliatior for
carr inehriat;e, wfunisi the a:aetoen kt pera
+'dove been prolydlaiaed fn.ntn servtvag,
ap3iall be 1ie,ale ;o a Aloe of it20 to . "1p iO.
Wallace was tried ;before Meteor MM-
E:t,chnie and was fined $25'or :3Cetiv t.
Aja be did not have.: the money he .feud,
ten Westminster totenship,esest.out.
aide of Loudon,, there resietas
•J tunes Griffiths, who Saturday restaffed,
the aetonishing age of 107 years. Ail -
though so far past the usual limit of
life's teaistenere this remarkable mania
stp11 ,orect iii stature and vigorous in
constitution. The natal event was
Mr. James Griffiths, ,who enjoys the
distinction of being probably the oldest
man in Canada was born in Cavan
cosutry, Ireland. • tie secured a good
education at Uuhtiu University.
Shortly after the great famine he re-
moved to Liverpool aid engaged in
his profession. Four years later found
hien in Boston, Maas. After a resi-
denee of two years in the American
republic he went to London, together
with his family in 1842, where helms
resided ever since. Mr. Griffiths has
Leen wedded twice, and has a family
of six daughters, all of whom are Mar-
ried. Three live in London and one
tech in Stratford, Detroit and liullett
township .lie is the happy posseasoi
of 46 grandchildren, and hat at present
26 great-grandchildren.
Mr. Griffiths lits been an Orange•
man ever since he Wits 18 years of age;
tae Always been a staunch Oonserva4
five; and has been, uninterrbptedly,:
A faithful chnrchwsn. Ile has always
led a moral, teetperate life, and new
is kits declinintt"dn)'a enjoys the love
tl itifiictioit ,5l!g hi `nutnerotts ofI`epring
and the respect and admiration of all
w',l ooltntiw'him;
UN E R )st 1893.
]Both the method and results when.
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
andeefreshing to the taste, and acts
gently yet prornptlyon the Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys-
tem effectually, dispels colds, head-
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. ,Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro.
(bleed, pleasing to the taste and ac-
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
affects, prepared only front the most
h ealthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend
it to all and have mado it the most
popular remedy known,
Syrup of Figs is fox sale in 73e
bottles by all leading druggists.
Any reliable druggist who may not
have it on hand will proautre it
promptly for any one who wishes to
try it. Manufactured only 'by the
Petroleum .Entry Ports.
Ottawa, June 20.—An order -in -
;i council bur, beam passed designating
:the ports at which l.etroleuan for il-
.1untivating purposes may •be imported
.ts tank ears unt4er the act of last ses-
i cion in regard to the duty on ail.
j The Ontario ports Ave: Toronto,
i+Htareilton, St. tc',atthariees, Whitby,
kOshawa, Owen :'.sound, 5London, St.
1]somas, Stratfov+tt Brantford, Guelph,
Galt, Berlin, Sarnia, Cornwall, Press
tett, Smith's Falls, Perth, Ottawa,
e:Pomhroke, Kingston, Beeletille, Nap-
anee, Port Hope., Petertwro, J3rnek-
virile, Fort Erie, Sault, Ste. Marie,
Port Stanley earl Port 3tt;•tl,ur.
Till, order uisr,per•rtits petr.olPlun in
paeltug.s of ii(t salIons or less to be
entered at any dell esus;wished custom
port. Ar, alt snek Porte a+t,'Iiet1 Ua,. 0iee
'pacer is present for ;tvarktt,1e the duty
elf ieSpeetion ,;•ra:tll i.e •perfurwmd by
and under tiro •;r::,.•rvita,ttt of the col.
leerar,of err-t.,w,a or sur"sia poet, which
ofiirwr ut:et oe r,,r.(J•iwith❑a.ppointea for
MAUL purpose.
o ;ftr•v, Dr, Howl., •rlte,:hlind preach,.
g er, formerly of Da• easel•e,-nytsils for Liver-
^ pool,or, A.tt,: i,, wort mil afterwards
go tel,Palestine.
ekl •
Aires. 0riut+ason, 4,f T•iroet°, received
$1 27Z damage;: from ow Clifton Sus -
l, r
pend= Bridge dJ„asnf,arty. While
petssitut a,V.r•• r•,. bri(•l•.rn Nssm. Grinaasuu
fell rlad,oniir at oo."as,,s le tit the side.
Shie w„i; . a,,.rat ir, tett 1.sruers under-
tadrtth ',aid I urn.' su 1. a d' -'4i 200 feet
Abu ve rh,. Ni..gara 3;;, ••, ue•ii rp:•ell 'ad •
Wash Day
No Steam
0 SB
AND Sias work
so out daft
tacatayotu g
girl or deats,atte
woman can do *
tat»ily lvasihins
TO Llrr '
You Say:
fest aside your own (doss aeidt w`esh•dey
wow/ tate easy, claw, "SWILI011 t ' way.
sriouthgoircwneu-alar go by WIthooi
TowOntario f 73Y VIRTUE,' of a warrant issue i by theTaynrurs
Town of Wiu„Itaan, . Corporate Seal of the Town of %rostrata, to me (linseed, i,..•:.
To wit: f date the Tweartyt)iini day of June, 1t393, coI,.i.u.attrliug erre to
upon and sell the lands mentioned in the following list, for arrears of ta::es clue t'"
I hereby give notice that unless such arrears and all costs are sooner paid, Isbell' pr
to sell said lands or so much thereof as may be necessary for the payment of the
and costs thereon, at the Council Chamber, in the said Town of Wingliara, on
TUESDAY, the Third Day of vetches, 1393,;
M the hour of TWO O'CLOCK 111 the [afternoon ;
of Land. Tars. Costs, Tatailf;
3-5 acro 3 20 e 1 75
47 67 0 .50.
11 72 4 25
800 2110
800 2090
1172 425
0 a00 2 60
6 00 2 60
4 80 2 40 7,,
4 80 2 40 7
1607 510 211
142 173 317'
6 00 2 00 8 60,
000 280 091
No. Street. Survey.
23 Boland Leet d Devin
Pert 1 Joreplriro W Foley's
21 McIntosh N P. Fisher's
22 i. ,e
23 11 .,
36 Scott 8 C. T. Scott's
s7 "
38 „ e
4 Victoria 8 B. Power's
138, :i Francis W
N half 92 Carling II
9 JohnX
10 ,i
Lett re TcKay's
Leeti�.' Davis' .10
24 set
2 feet
if .
RN DICKSON, Treasure
Treasurer's Office, Wingham, June 23rd, 1893.
Begs to announce to the people of Wiugham.. an
surrounding country that her stock of
o m
iscomplete in all the latest novelties in
LACES, &c.
Meyer's Brick Bloc
Wein+thaw, t1'larel1.:20th, 1803.
Tour -spiting loupe cleaning always is. You are surprised to lint
t,Iae carpets so ,much worn and the way the lace curtains have (,•slit
toleo proves a surprise to. Yonr counterpanes, ,heets and linene, every
tthing,,needs replenishing. We have made large purchases in all tires
lines and. can give you a genuine surprise in the way of variety an
A special line of .American goods, 47i, 55 and G5 cents a yard
Tk.ey are always ahead of Canadian goods in both quality and price
nen. ;they are gone we cannot repeat theta owing to late tariff change
la lag Ontaiu, as t lIcUo Js kft Ir
We 'have the best as:orttnent in town. 16 yards of good art must
lin Cer•rnr•te dollar and better lines at, equally loan prices. Double avid
curtntiirn'nett in -white, cream with taped edger! from 10 to 40 Cents a
yard.. Lace etia+txains from 45 cents to $8.00 a. pair. Curtain poles com-
plete witi'h rings,and brackets for 25 cents each. A line of carpet sweepers,
newest snakes ttarad latest improvements, at low prices. Colne to head-
quarters for yonr sprint house furnishings..
L.; just now attraeting the attention of shrewd buyers. A good Print
at 5 and ,eents n yard, a special ease lot of regular 10 cent print at 7
and 8 cents a yard. You cannot get tts goose value elsewhere.
AMERICAN SAT1alENS, guaranteed fast colors at 11 and 13 t cis.
a yard. Delaines and chillies at all pt•ieree. Black and coloiwetl dress goods
hi all the new materials and shades.
Ladies' and Cents' Boots and Shoes
In all prices and styles. A special line of lad les' fine shoes in buttoned and
lace at $1.25, worth $1.75.
Men's fine flannelette and sateen shirts in light or dark effects. Harte
Ties, Gloves, Collars and Cuffs for everybody. Ladies' undervests at
5 cts. each. Hose, 3 pairs for 25 ets. Pure silk ribbon 3 yards for 100.
Shiites and Cottonades $ttnill pricee.
We carry the largest selection of FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS
in the county. A ear of corn to band this week of the following vaar-
ieties; Cotnptons Early Pride of the North, Learning Golden Beauty,
Canada Flint, Mina of the Earlies,Red' Cob,,Matnnioth Southern Sweet,
and Giant Prolific,' 'Special.prlces itelsr e. gtiantities. All hinds of
Clover ,and Glraes.seeds.
• as rtt.entn. ua •. •
Highest :price arid.` ..
Make all 1 ou can o . o _'
y �t ofy, urlints;il0ybygvezlding it ivitii•trs:•