HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Fordwich Record, 1901-08-29, Page 5A. M. MOORE, JEWELLER AND °Millets, HARRISTON, ONTARIO Is the place to buy All kinds of Silverware, Jewel- . lery, Clocks, Watches, Chains, Etc. AT LOWEST PRICES. OC:1dSsrewv;ill'reigivepjrCe!dp-t at s 2""Y iiregliedRitedZeNYLW,IP sl`in eN) (3-7.4 THREE PAPERS Eight pages! of summarised and classified news. GEMS in Pints, Quarts and Half Gallo. at Lowest Prices My Goods are all Fresh and of the Best Quality. • J. S. NICHOLS, The Cheap Grocery Man. MARION & MARION , Patent Experts and Solicitors: Olflusb New York. hUn B'ld'g, nantreal 1 Armoric BftOg,Wnshington D.C. BO YEARS.' EXPERIENCE . .;....:......x.r.g...-- PROMPTLY SECURED Write for our interesting books "invent. scu' Help" and " How you are swindled." d us a rough Metal or model of your in. veration or improvement end wewill Mil you free our opinion as to whether it is probably patentable. R ented opplicationshave often been succensfully. prosecuted Byus. We conduct fully equeoped offices in Montreal and Washiegton ; this einalifi. tie toter-omelet- } ly dispatch work and ennekly secure Patents as broad. the invention. Highest references furnished. Patents procured through Marion ge Ma. Oon receive special notlee without charge in over too newspapers distributed throughout theominion. Spe Dcialty r—Patent business of Manufac- turers and Engineers. r Odra: fir tratIont\ BEST CelitiaP.CIAL SCHOOL IN CANADA. Its Graduates are in Strong Demand as Teachers in Business Colleges, Thousands of former pupils now in bus - nem life. • WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. B. S. COON LOAN AND REAL ESTATE AGENT Conveyancer, Insurance Agent. Commission in High Court of Justice. Money to Loan at 5 per cent. Real Estate Bought and Sold. Business Confidential. Apply to B. S. COOK, FORDWICH, ON T. HOME Tto CailfRACTORS. When In A Hurry Envelopes Cards Wedding Cards Invitation Cards Come To Us And Programmes Dodgers Posters Etc., Etc. Stateinents Bililteads Noteheads Letterheads For Good Printing Circulars Booklets Price Lists Catalogues You'll Get It Cheap Est iniates for A11 kinds of PrintingCheerfully Eurnished. RECORD, ONTARIO WESTERN FAIR, LONDON Sept. 5th t. 14th, 1901. :Entries Close Septem tier 41h. • A home exposition of genuine merit—New exhibits and leading attraetions—Look, hart', performing ELEPHANTS,-THE THREE GRACES sud -"TOM TOM" the baby elephant and many other specialities of a high, ordt.r —Erand -fireworki display, including representation of "Fall of China" and "Taking of Pikin." Spe- cial trains over all lines each evening after fireworks. For prize list, programmes; etc., apply to LT..COL. W. M. CARTRAORE, J. A. NEUSS, President. Secretary. BLOO POISON If you ever contracted any Blood Dime. you are rover safe unless the virus or poison has been eradicated from the system. At tim.vou see alarming symptom., but Ilve in hoges no eeriena results win follow. Hare you any et the following symptoms? Sore throat, ulcers on the tongue or iv the mouth, hair falling out, ach- lag penis itchiness of the skin, sores or blotches on the body, eyes red and smart, dyspeptic stomach. metres weakness—iodination of the secondary stage. Delft trans to luck. Don't rein your system with tits old logy foza time , treatment-eel...ley and y tohzt••k out again whim LT.py't'ren"id'ol'elee"'Ic7171T.P=4 thegatrel°'-'-' TRIEATMEINTtnis geneanteed -Lure yoitrtruir -;eirarcettme are backed ei you. Gee NEW METHOD by hank bondo that the 01..0 will EkE1,, reeurn. Thonenede of eattierite linoe been already cured by oar NEW METHOD TREA'rMEN'F for over en yea., and no return of the disease. No oz invent; no risk—not a 'patch rip," bafaporsa five cum. The worst CASSE solicited, E 0 II IA ITT MEW FaTETHOD TRIGAirmrwr will Mee yetnenn make a men of yo Under its influence the brain becomes extlee, Om time punned to that all samples, blotches and, ulcers disappear; the nerve,: become stems as steel, en that nervousness b.hielneen and desponeeney disanpow; the eyes become bright, the face fall and energy Let.. to the Lady, and the 11:07111., physical and sem. not systems are cleanseInvigored; all drains cease—no more vital weete from the system. Tan varione organs become natural and manly. Too feel yourself a man and know' marriage canmt be a failure. We Invite all the afflicted to...lilt es confidentially and free or charge. Don't let quacks and fakir rob you of your hard-o.zied Cellars. WE WILL CURE VOU-OR NO PAY. We treat and noes NERVOUS DEBILITY, SEXUAL WEANNEF.S. EMI& MRS, SYPHILIS. CLEET, STRICTURE, VARICOCELE ,KIDE and BLADDER DISEASES. and all die... peculiar tomer. and wornen.Curesgraran- teed. Are yen a victim? Have 9011109t hope? Are you contemplatieg marrlas.e? Has your bleed been diseased? Have yen any weak. nem? Our New Method Treatment will cure you. goemitistlea Free. No matter who has treated yon svelte for an honmt opinion Free of Charge. Charges reasonable. Docks Free.—"'Lilts Golden Monitor" Ullustratedl on Messes of men "Diseases of WQ/11.1. "TINE Wage. of Sin." "Varlcomle, Stricture And Glees." All sent Free sealed. No medicine cent C. O. 0. No names on beans or envelopes. Everything onfldential. Question list and Cost of Treatment, FREE, for flame Care. Our fee returned if we fail Any one sending sketch and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent- ability of same. "How to obtain a patent" sent upon request. Patents secured through us advertised for sale at our expeide. Patents taken out through us receive, special notice, without charge, in THE PATENT RE( 01[D, an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FREE. Address, VICTOR J. EVAN[ fit' CO.,, - (Patent Attorneys,) EV2A9 Cullang, - WASHINGTON, D. C. Svi,scribe far The Record. Balance of 1)01 for 25 cts. NtsiENNEDY KERGAN B1'IELBY ST. DETROIT MICH. p Eight pages of practical agri. cultural and live stock articles. l?, Eight pages of interesting fie- lion and magaeine features. V 4 . WEEKLY MAIL & EMPIRE x4 4 4 3 Sections. 24 Pdges. 51.20 Per Year. k: Balance of wee flee with subscriptions for 1901. 4. The Record and \ Noddy Mail and Empire to De, 1*, Tg., for FOR DWICH'S Cheap Grocery Store ARLINGTON BLOCK Is the place to buy your Groceries, Crocery, Glassware, Caned Fish and meat, • Fruits, E. Try Our 25c Tea it is the best in the eamket at the price. CURED MEATS, BOLOGNA, ETC. There are hundreds ef women in Tor- onto and thousands in Canada to whom life is an absolute burden on account of the unceasing ache in the back, the it IA 0 la OUR STOCK OF FOOTWEAR Cr N -. A Nwpm IM CHE SHOES ! 1 - r Ef3 k 01 g r d Til3 Fit, _ The Heap 0 ! l A and the Prices are Bight i fl SEALED TENDERS will be received by the under- slued tip te SATURDAY, THE 3ist INST. at 3 oaock p. ni. for the Building of a Stone Foundation Mo. and sand furnished) for a Cheese Fame), to be imilr en Lot no. Coo. 3, HowEk, also for a Cement Floor in said Factory. Pluu and specifications may be seen at the Secretary'a Other. Knoxville, or at Architect W. E. BINNING'S Office, Listowel, on and after Sat. erday the orb hr.. Parties tenderieg by mail must mail the same so. to reach Knoxville P. U. en Friday the 3.1) hoe The lowest or any trader nor nermssrily anzpAri. M. DAUM, Secretary, Fordwich Cheese & But Co. N. B —A Joh of Excavating for the above Runde tion will be let by Public Amnon on Teesday, Aug. soh t6 o'clock P. M. et the new site of the Cheese Factory. M. 1). irritability, bladder and urinary troubles, elto me reticent about mentioning their ailments to anyone. To all these kidney and backache suf- ferers Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets come as a veritable boon and blessing. They clear out the clogged-up kidneys, cure the backache and urinary troubles, roll away the burden of pain, and give health, strength and energy. Miss Anna Defoe, a young lady whose address is 355 King street west, Toronto, recently mete as tollows `For a number of years I have had kidney trouble and backache, so bad that in the morning I could hardly raise my- self. A severe dragging pain would catch mein the small of my back, and I had no appirite, and often suffered from severe headaches, and a general breaking down of the entire system was the result. But, th inks to Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets, they put new life and energy in me, relieving me of thet awful pair and soreness gently and easily, so much so, that I continued to get better, until I was entirely cured.- I am in condition now to make known to the world what Dr. Pit- ches Tablets have done for me and for whose future welfare I have the best A Modern Prayer. Buildings to the value of over $2,00ta. 000 ill be erected in Winnipeg next yerre Hen. C',orles B. Rdulesii, Judge Of Sce rre'll, fiOlIrt of the Northwest feint ,. re:, died at Aleutredl, A Boom Town. Bridgewater, once a boom toe n a note, nos br. ught into existence by tine of the arrmigeet gold finds and crazes iu the hiatery of this contineti•. Nearly thirty yearn ago trIarmens wife was searching the woods near their farm for a sore that lied strayed, and, becom. big thirsty, stopped to get a drink froml a spring. Slipping, she fell upon a email, loose rock, which rolled to her feet, and which proved to be a twenty- pound nugget of almost pure gold. Bridgewater at that time was nearly forty miles from the nearest railroad, and the present site of the town was nothing but a wilderness, but inside of six months what had been a burned-over berme wilderness was eonvertedd into a sub- stantial city td nearly five thousand people. In digging a shaft about a mile south of the town site, an immense quarry of the pureat white marble was found, and the town was practically built of marble, for it has to-day fhe only hotel, church, school, courthouse, and private dwell- ings constructed entirely of white mar- ble in the world, and a mile north of the town. are an abandoned axe factory and grist mill, whose foundations aro built of the same beautiful material. And now cornea the strangest part of the story. During the building of the town thousands of men prospected the entire country, and shafte and tunnels were driven—some of them nearly one hun- dred fest deep—but, strange as it may seem, there was never enough gold found to pay the cost of a einele shaft or tun- nel sunk or run in the entire diatret. General News. Reports received at the Manitoba Department of agriculture indicate that one-half of the wheat crop is out and in stook. Weather conditions were perfect on Saturday and yesterday. There are 602. prisoners in Kingston Penitentiary. The Province of Novia Scotia has a surplus of $76 000. MI prospecta of securing old Upper Canada College grounds for a public square is ended. The university has cold a lot in the centre of the block an a factory site. The Sultan's decree that Turkish chil- dren shall not -be educated in "the foreign way" any longer and that Toth- ish women will not be allowed to have Christian companions has been received with different feelings, it is said. Sew r. al high oficiala are deeply displeased by the order, but one highly educated woman of rank, wife of a dignitary, in quoted as saying that her own experieuee had coeviimed her that it was much bet ter to have no education than to learn what life might be, yet have to spend it in a harem. She had refused, thereft re, to allow her own daughters to be edu- cated as she had been, and regards the Sultan's decree as a wis on. many years. At hlauch Chunk She ,corm was attended by four fatalities. Jesse Struthers, a prominent citizen, and three boys were standing on a bridge spanning. Mauch Chunk Creek, when the supports collapsed and the four were preei ph seed lido the water and drowned.. The Stream had become a raging torrent by the bursting of a dam half a mile above the borough line. All the collier- ies in the Panther Creek valley are flood- ed. Crops in the Catawissa valley, a farming et ction, are practically ruined. Seaforth, August 24.—The oldest resident of Huron distrior, in the persoii of :leen Gellaugher Laird, relict of the late Samuel Laird, has passed away at the advanced age of 107 years, nine months and twenty-three day.. The deceased was a native of Ireland. Few People Escape The Torture of Piles And D. Chase's Ointment is theOnly. Positive and Gonranteed Cure for This Wretched Disease. There is usuelly very little satiSfaue then in consulting a physician regard. big a ease of plies, In nine eases out Of ten he will recommend a surgical bpesetion, forgetting; it may be, the elek, suffering and physical an well as financial expense Which this treatment entails. For this reason very felanY people are suing about in misery with piles, believing that they cannot be kcared except by means of the surgeon's nife. It is to such persons that this ad- vertisement will bring good new of great value. Dr. Chase's Ointment has never failed to cure piles and -it is re- cognized the world over an absolutely the only preparation that can be relied upon to cure every form of this fright. fully common ailment. 11 seems strange that anyone should suffer the wretched line/winses not acute torture of burning, itching plies when it is SO easy to Dooms, Dr. Chnee'S Ointment, Nearly every dealer in medicine keel. Dr. Chaze's Oint- ment, and you can apply it at home without any inconvenience. If you meter send Ill) cents to Ed. itimon DateS St CO., Teronto, and a. _bog will be sent postpaid to your addeme. ASK your neighbor or druggist about this remnrkable remedy. no OW ReiialAe Hardware Store HEADQUILTERS FOR Machine Oils in Castorine, Lardine, Cylinder and Black. There is no trouble with thistles, etc when you use A TORONTO LADY'S STORY Suffered rrom a.c&Ka 011,z, ev 2 re She Could Hardly Raise in Bed. SHE THANKS Gd. PITCHER'S BActi.ick.u-: KIDNEY TABLETS ERR COMPLPTELY CURING flPR AND HIVING HER NEW LIFE AND ENIRISIY. • THADE bistros M4 4 CerneRIIIHTS &a. md Anyone mending a Orel ret ume.ileiret rune aseortele lnn l ,- ""'"' 'IllendoCek en Valenta "Tier"rel' teen'ee% nev.fer securing 1.1..11N. neliaten. ta'ken throne, 31.nel tee. receive !pedal withemela me, intim Scientific HtnelirAll. A herulsomeW theetratol weekly. enreent celation of elor mie.. journal. Terms.. u yowl foe , nlenthe. SI. Bold by newedereell. MUM &Co,S812"8""'New YOH( Bram% Offlem tree v Ste Washiesten. D. C. hi Fit re, sel Is still well assorted' !ravine recently lg made large additions of goods such as ..the King Qualitr Rt y "W. A. Marsh and pt F. J. gesten's tk Ili TRY US FOR BARGAINS Ail kitlegg:LEL l Taken in ini-ij The Old Reliable Boot and Shoe le Store, 1,4 C rii L. SECIOR, FDRDINiCII. ., relliFi r',..riFnaTa2.9F,--ealfeTge-151.7-RDITFerg wishes" dragging pains its the loins, the headaches Dr. Pitches Backache Kidney Tablets and sideaches. ore 5o cents a box at all druggists. The Many, too, are suffering from kidney Dr. Zina Pitrtier Co., Toronto, Ont. Ir Oh Lord, I come to Thee in prayer once; Bast pardon that I do not kneel before- Thy gracious presence—tor my knees are sore With too much walking. In my chair instead. I'll sit at ewe, and humbly bow my head. I've labored in Thy vineyard, Thou doss know Foe sold ten tickets to the minstrel show. I've called on fifteen streamers in car town, Their called to our church pot down. live baked a pot of beans for Wedmeday's spree— An "Old-Tirne Supper" it is going to be. I've dressed three della for our annual fair, And made a cake which we will raffle there. Nova , with Thy boundless wisdom so .blime Thou knowest that these duties all take time. I havexio time to fight my spirits foes; I have no time in mend my husband's clothes. My children roam the streets, from morn till night, I have no time to teach them to do right, But Thou, oh Lord, considering toy cares, Will count them righteousness, and heed my prayers. Bless the bean supper and the minstrel show, And petit. the hearts of all to go. Induce all voirers to patronize The men who in our programmes advertise, Because Fee chased those merchants till they hid Wheneler they saw me coming yes, they did. Increase the contribution)) to our fair, And bless the people who assemble there. Bless Then the grab-bag and the gypsy tent, The flower table a Id the rake [hags sent. May our whist club he to Tby service blest; The dancing party gayer than the rest. And when thou hest bestowed these bleminga— then We pray that Thor wilt bless our sank, Amen. —Caroline A. Walker. in New York "Life" To Have Beautiful Skin. Every one who would have a clear, soft, velvety skin free front pimples, Philadelphia, Aug. 24.—Reports re. blackheads, redness and disfiguring map, ceived in this oily to-night state that the thine must use Dr. Chase's Ointment, It heavy rains, which I see fallen almost is a true food for the skin, dues not clog incessantly, during the past week the pores as do powders, and iusures throughout tile State, have resulted in permanent benefit. There is not a eingle the most disastrous flood experienced in itching, burning akin disease of men, women or children that Dr. Chase's Ointment will not cure. Mothers find ie invaluable for Baby Eczema, scald head .d chafing on the little ones. • Last month saw the establishment. New York of an enterprise by which men and women of small means can de- vote the day to basinesss, as most of them have to, and yet peas the night in the fresh and health-giving breezes of the open sea.The undertaking was set on foot by a rich manufacturer, who con- verted three brie sailing vessels into floating hotels, and provided a steamer to take them out and bring them back on days when there is nu wind. The largest of the fleet is a thousand-ton, full-rigged shin. The upper deck, pro- tected by a water-tight awning, has been fitted with bunks, which are converted into seats during the day. There are also fifty-four staterooms, each accommo- dating either two or four person.. On the mein deck is a large apartment for women and children and a smoking room for men. The second member of the fleet is fine yacht, the third a converted pilot-boat, and the lest a large seagoing tug. Both of the sailing vessels have been fitied, like the shirr, with bunks and staterooms for the accommodation of guests. Every evening, except Sunday, the fleet sails from the Battery at half- past six o'clock, returning in time fur bueinebs the next morning. These who go out on Saturday remain until Monday morning. Breakfast and dinner are served on board, and the lowest possi- ble prices place the benefits of this novel and attractive enterprise within the reech of those who need it moat. MURRY'S HARVEST MITTS. ELM. Low. Qu day High , I make a Specialty Eavetroughing and Guar- antee perfect satisfaction. A. McCUIFIDY.