HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Fordwich Record, 1901-08-29, Page 4OUR CUR:NIES. rpRINITY CHURCH...Sim-Me every Sahlaath at Rev. A. puts a. blar in.: Saiulay to 0. nt. Rector • 13. ney,. 1,,,TETII.)DIST...Scrvice evOry Sabbath at i0:30 • 141 A. m. and p, 1[1,, SIIIIAay Schoal at 030 p. in Prayer Mmting an Wednesday evening ; Dolor and Epworth Frith, eat ning at y and o'clock, respectively. Pastor, Rey. It. Rogers E3RESBYTItilliN Servirc every Sabbath 1 morning at is 01c.lonl.; Sumlay School A. B. at ro a Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m. Paater. Rev. Dobson. • scount Sale! In order to make room for fall goods and to turn our stock into ready cash we have decided to give the public the benefit of 25 cents on the S without reserve as we are bound to reduce our stock before the new goods arrive. Remember this is a BONA FIDE: sale, as you can see by getting our prices on any article In the store. OUR SOGMTIES. .11011.1)W15:1* LO D G J,'„aenhe,;,2!.11, O. " J OSEPH fora.ADAIILIN, IVIATTNEW eY WILSON. Master Workman. Recorder. 117ORDWICH I. 0.10, No. 64. meets in their ball nn the Friday on or before full moon in .ch month. Visiting, brethren alwa,vs welcome. THOS. Gnome, B. S. Coon, Worshipful Master. Rec. Sec. !'LOOK'S 0. Y. B. LODGE, No 4, meets on the First Wednesday of each month in the Orange Hall. Visiting brethren always welcome. ISAAC GAPINLN, WES, Kr Joeusvott „ ,Wershipful Master. Rec. , Sec a ) OVAL BLACK KNIGHTS OF IRE-LAND... U. Red Cross 'temple, R. B P., No. 331, meett in the Orange Hall on the 'Tuesday on or before toll moon in sash month. Visiting Sir• Knight's al- lys made welcoMe. one Dorracity, Vents, Worthy Preceptor. Registrar. VORDWICH COUNCIL, No, sr, CANADIAN Order of Chosen Friends meets on the, and end last Tuesdav to each month in Donaghy s Hall. Visiting Friends always welcome. Teas. J. NU-WILLA, We. WATT.., Chief Councillor. Recorder. flOURT HOW ICK, No. 84, CANADIAN ORDER `kJ of Forests, meets in Donaghy's Hall on the East Saturday in each mouth. Yeasting brethren medially invited. m listmatan, WO. WAITERS, Chief Ranger. Rec. Sec. JUEL.E.,ET.Cm0pUZC.1,L,.N;3.,229, ROYAL TEMP- I. , every Monday at a p. tn. in Donaghy's Hall. Visiting members always welcmyled. • Wm. WATTERS, AFIA Steno, Select Councillor. Rec. Sec. Select Degree in COMING41011...JONN M. Tnomp- son, Ben Sec. ',Railway Time Tables. C. P. RAILWAY) TraigclitaralVT3.'ewr„:fi.:,h2g2T.'" NAST BOUND. WAST BOUND Express yip a. to, Mail t2A3 P. m. Frekght rotao a ea. Freight 2:30 p.m. Ma it 4.9 R m. Express 'r0:05 p. ru C. T. CAILWAY Trains leave Harriston as fellows over the :lines of the Grand Trunk Railway, P. J. Guthrie, Sta- tion Agent; W. F. Brisbiu, Town Agent. SOUTHAMPTON LINE: SOUTIA NOV • AOSTA BOUND. :7 Express 0: gamin, Txpress P. P. m. Mixed ru . Mixed p. WIARTON LINE: Passenger 8:16 a. a. Passenger Y;45 P m Mixed 6:55 p. m Mixed 6:3.3 a. m Freight 11:50 a. m. . Freight imao p, Bank of HarniltOtt, GOARIE Capital, $2,000,000. Peet, $1,250,000 President—Jolla STUART VICO-President—A. G. RAMSAY DIRECTORS Jelin Proctor, Geo. Ranh, Wm. Gil's... Of. P., A. T. Wood, M. P., A. B. Leo, (Toronto.) Cashier—J. TIJRNAULL. OP en for business on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday of each week. Savings Bank—Hours from ser est . Deposits of $5 and upwards receiced andi allowed from date of deposit to date of withdraw]. Special deposits also received at torrent rats of interest. Drafts on dreat Britain and die United States Bought and Sold.' Travellers are notiged that the Bank of Hamil- ton and its Branches Ismael Circular Rates on Na- tional Provincial Bank of England, Limited, which can be cashed without charge or limbic in any part of We world. C. P. SNITII, Sob. A etit. MA A RE you a Mutant to terry, burning. Itching eczema, salt rheum or ecz- ema of atiy form , Then you needn't be any longer. Our SPECIAL ECZEMA TREATMENT will cure you, wa care not how bad nor of how long standing the trouble is. A Charlottetown, P. B. I., lady writes,l'immuct express my grati- tud to -- yowl' nthminent Kieg's Counsel says he spndreds of dollars before coming to us. We cored hint for less than ten dollars. Conseil us free at office or by letter, We have many orher enthusiastic en- dorsements Moue wonderful treatments. CURED we have remedies and treatments for the cum or removal of all skin diseases, moles, waits, red veiny, birthmarks, sup- erfluous hair, dandruff, falling hair, grey bait , etc., etc. Results guaranteed. Corns, bunima and all foot troubles successfully created. Sesd stamp for descriptive booklets to THE GRAHAM-DERMATOLOGICAL INSTITUTE; Dept. F. 502 Church St., Toronto. • • AT . r n m f .... 5 EMS THAT MAN COLE, The Tailor, Is inaLing New Suits to order every day, 1/..1 tag h 'gducl satisfaction that the handlers Of ckady-made clothing ato becoming nervous. • AI,L IN THE -LATEST STYLES Call and stn hint if you want to look well dream) ymur next snit. . • C. COLE, -;,111112111111111Mrallialilitalla217.7777, ........ 77.777 Over this list : You will see something you want. For Farmers; Binder Twins, Harvest Mitts, Machine Oil, Oilers, Forks, Rakes and Hay Fork Rope. For Housekeepers : Stew Kettles, Sauce Pans, Drinking Cups, Fly Traps and Fly Poison. The Up-to-Date Hardware Store, ,22..1. G. HOOEY. I Trvic ordwieli Bargain House l`--ILL TO THE FROST ARO OFFERS SOME Special Inducements to Customers FOR YOUNG MEN AND BOYS WE RAVE The Very Newest Things in NECKTIES, at Right, Prices Fancy Print Shirts--New Styles and Colors FOR YOUNG LADIES AND GIRLS : Drill Skirtings—latest things, Ilygeian Vests—all prices, Velvet Ribbons—all widths. --cwweerepapy liMoNs""-- Bargains in Groceries Good Pickles at 15c a Quart, All Sizes of Fruit Jars at Right Prices, Potted Ham, Tongue, Etc. at 10c, Prunes 3 lbs. for 25c. E. MeKEE Highest Price Paid for Pict:ince. Pa eferetEffier; e -, e ;Acetae exalt; . Granaton Vetinary Surgeon and Dentist. Honary Member of the Ontario Veterinary Medical Society. prepared to treat all diseases or Domesticated Animals intim Latest and blest Scientific Principals. All calls flight or day made in permn, by' tele graph or telephoascpermillzfiart,tuttlyed to. ELOSA STREET, - CLIFFORD, ONTARIO. Will be at ALBION HOTEL, P(91RDWICI-I, en the forenoon 0,1 the First and Third Thursday each month. JAMES BESINITHERiCK, Merchant Tailor, GORRIE, - ONTARIO Ilea In stock a large assortment of Biaok and Fancy Worsteds, Tweeds, Etc. To''1'137telrt'T‘1:01'iTeda;lontsliblisuirriCe'% the Perfect Ms and Coed Work Guarantees' Please give me a call and be conviiced. This statement you ran prove by in- vestigation. When a person whose ancestors had long lives dies in middle age you oan in nine cases out of ten trace the cauee to disordered kidneys and con- sequent suffering from Bright's disease, rheumatism, fatty heart or dropsy. Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pals prevent and cure these fatal and painful diseases as no other preparation was ever known to do. One pill a dose, 25 cents a box. Bullfighters Afraid of Cows. It will probably [surprise many persona to hear that most Spanish bullfighters object to fighting cows. A sportsmaadike objection to perseouting a female animal has nnthing whatever to do with it. The fact is, that the average toreador is sin- cerely afraid of a cow. Arid he has good reason.. The cows of the half wild breed used for the arena are much quicker in their [nos mints than are the bulls. Their horns are more pointed and more formidable. They do net loser their heads to the ground, that their eyes and charge' like a locomotive upon the rails, but are alert and ready to follow entry movement of their peraecuturs. Their warlike tactics hare been adapted not to blind, bovine frontal attacks, but to the strategy of ...cave and cunning beasts of prey, of which the human bullfighter is only a feeble mimic. If these cheap idols of the Spanish populace would face young and attire wild cows which had just been robbed of their calves, they 'nigh haps forestall the butcher, but the. would, at any rate, do something to earn their laurels. The captain of an ocean steamer is ':•f ten warned of the proximity of icebergs by the men in the engine-room. When a ship enters water considerably colder 'han that through which it bag b en going its propeller runs faster, and as such water surrounds the ticinity of ice- bergs for many miles the engineegs know that when the propell.ra action is greatly accelerated without any increase of the steam power icebergs may 'be expected. Of coarse, the therernoraeter is the must useful indicator of icebergs. A curious custom exists in the Prue- sian royal family of selecting every July a half dozen deserving young couples too poor to marry, and to have them wedded in the garrison church as Potsdam on the anniversary of the death of Queen Louiee of Prussia. After the ceremony each hoists receives a gift of a sum equivalent to about $115 and a handsome family Bible. The function took place, as usual a short time ago, ie the presence of Prince. Margarethe, the eldest unmar- ried daughter of the Prussian royal —IS PUBLISHED— Every Thursday Morning AT THE OFFICE OF TTIF. RECORD, DONAGHY'S BLOCK. Subscription Rates, Jit.no PM Your in advance, otherwise $..25. - Sample Copies sent free to any address in Canada No or the U:.ited States.. correspondence will be published unless ao. comparied by the name of the writm. Rates of Contract Advertising [made known on application at the Office. THE FORDWiCil HORD triAPsLISvi L(..ofigyRELti,colta,d: aa Transient Advertisements, such as Chancery Bohn& at t rn.; B. Y. P. U. ota0Ttil,A';Y evuLiak Sales,.Mortgage Sales, en, 8 cents per line for first tizirkoorch, All will he Welcome. Pastor Ray. J. ailnl,::3,jool,a11,,dny,,,certzLe.r2.1rn,03ot each subsequent rubbish and turn dewe ,he best, re tieing half a [1, ern furrow's with Gm plow, and by Nov. let, the ground, if harrowed cure or twice, should be in good condi- tion to rebel ve the young trees Selected and planted us we have broifty indicated there need be no such thittg as failure In thy ease of hedges, the top and sides must he severely pruned, and in other ateAg cases, a foot or so of the main top .shoot ffl; should be cut off when the tree is three or four years old. Tide will cause the side branches to grow out stronger, mid make a more compact tree. If allowed to rue up naturally, the tree will Boast become [Trawling and open in appearance There probably have not been for twenty years past as many improvements to farrehousereand horns made as in the ['tweet seaeon, which is an evidence of crowing intelligence and thrift', and im- proved financial condition, occasioned by better prices for Canadian farm products and better methods in farming, and also more leisure to devote to enhancing the appearance • of the surrouudings of the farm home. Amid all this progress, let not the planting of evergreens and other trees be negleeted; and, if you have not already done se, give the spruce a trial. The results will so please you that you will soon want to plant more.—Farmers Advocate. Long Life is Inherited. Local Notices in the reading matter 5 matt per line each insertion. Change of Advertisements must he in by Monday noon to take eftext in the following issue. J013 PRINTING This Department is complete in every reapect. Wo have every facility for the execution of plain and fancy Job Printing of all kinds. Oar work is neat and prices moderate. TEAMS—Cash. RA. W. MOOTE,dto r E and Proprietor. To make an agricultural country of Ontario, Quebec, and the Maritime Provinces, it was necessary to destroy the primevale forests. The destruction was not complete, but is still in progrese. By way of reatoration, comparatively little had been attempted. The effect upon the climate has been injurioue, but even for pureeses of shelter and orna- ment, hosts of fanners have as yet done little or no tree-planting. Too often this is the last improvement the farmer set.about making, whereas it should be one of the first, for it takes time for trees to grow and their full benefits to accrue. Trees and hedges not only add to the comfort of 'the homestead, both in hot and cold weather, but improve the ap- pearance and enhance the value of the farm many times the little outlay invol- ved. Plain, modest buildings surround• oft by evergreen and other trees will im- press the passerby or stranger as a home occupied by a family of taste and com- fort far more than the large, pretentious farmhouse. bare-lOoking for the want of trees. We question if any investment made will give as certain, as [satisfactory or as large returns. For hedge purposes or wind breaks all the year 'round, nothing equals evergreens. Cedar lende itself admirably for hedge purposes, being in seine respects unsurpassed; but, all points considered, the spruce is probably our meat hardy, useful and handsome everg, van tree. , It is really astonishing what a trifling $10 investment for labor and youog [spruce trees will accomplish for the appearance of a farm in five or Len years' time. The transformation is a oaying one in every respect, and, once established, the tree practically takes care of itself, barring a little occasional trimming. June has been considered Ike one popular month for planting, but ideas on this pond are changing, excellent resulte being attained by doing the work late in October or November. Lerge numbers of trees are new succesefully planted , it, the fall. Hence, the reader aced not put this work off till another [season, The chief reason why NO little planting is done is amply procarstiaa'ion. Men know they should do so, and desire to do so, but some other duty no more imp°, mei, or some trifling pleasure crepe up, and the work is postponed from year to year. The moral is: "Prepare now to pistil aprlted this fall." It is a mistake-to select large trees for this purpose. From two to three feet is a good bight. Trees that .have been root-pruned are best. They -should be carefully taken up from the nursery row with a good root, and must not be ex- posed to bun or wind. Two hours of suoh exposure of roots is enough to kill a spruce. Make a hole large and deep enough to take in the roots without crowding or twisting, and what is most important of all, see that the moist, mellow earth is closely and firmly packed beneath and around every rootlet, so that they seer at once begin sucking in moist. ore and plant food from the earth. It is a fatal mistake to leave cavities about the roc's of a newly planted tree. A small tree properly planted will seen outgrotv and surpass tho larger one. Once well established, it will male a growth of some eighteen inches to three feet every year. If a drought should succeed plant- Mee water the. trees oocaaionally. The writer recalls the getting-out of some 75 emu. treee, a few years ago, On Middlesex, Ont , farm, about the lost 4 f June, succeeded by a stye e aed reo longed drought, but by care in planting Zed a few waterings not a tree was lost If intended for a hedge, set them [drew lour tad crack, and if for other purposes, Such as in clumps or as a grneral wind- break rew, plant about 15 or ill feet apart. The lower limbs will in a few yore reach cut and touch each other :MOM piece them eight feet apart, nerd then in aeople of yearn - remove aheree e, 'ees to put in other places. While the tree,. aee young, keep the ground 'about them free from weeds and gran by culii- reties], eor by mulehing with strawy matitire or come similar thaterial. liy way of preperation for !depth,: The Reliable Tetley, • Foidwich, Ont. this fall, clear away the old fence or sri There is this peculiar thing about Ayer's Hair Vigor—it is a hair food, not a dye. Your hair does not suddenly turn black, look dead and lifeless. But graduallythe old color comes back,—all the rich, dark color it used to have. The hair stops falling, too. -=MEiMaCitara-s -v Gray Lrair FR: Good We Can Save You Money On . . 81.80 it balls. All druggiks. If ur- droggIst cannot supply yon, Benda one dollar and w e will earloceo oou a bottle. Re aura end gise the nine, f your nearest ASTrem office. Add re., J. O. AYER CO., Lowell, Item. FORDWIOII RECORD THURSDAY. AUGUST 29, tem, Evergreens on the Farm Plain anJ fignred cress Coeds ; Colored Dress Coeds in home spun ; Tweeds, Serges, Sadies' Cloths, Lustres, Muslins, Piques, Cinghams, Sateens, Prints, Flannelettes, Shirtings, Cottonade, Tichings, Carpets, Curtains, Table Linens, Table Covers, Ladies' White Wear and Shirt Waists at 50 per cent less than regular price. Men's and Boys' Clothing at prices that can't be beaten. See our Serge for Men's Suits to order, $15.00. IVIoCRINIVION ez HENRY, TEE GRENT BARIAINCISSE, HAilfiESTM. TEL HIGHEST F RICE PAID FOR PRG:DCZ. "I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for over thirty years. It has kept my scalp free from dandruff and has prevented my hair from turn- ing gray.!'— Mrs. F. A. Soule, Billings, Mont.