HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-06-30, Page 3C. Ts U.. COLUMN. rc(illalarrt'G"ra frit' 'iib! Wisashiti4VeiP *n) •14/ •"a For Gori and Holm' and Native mama!'° yi'a„ib�v.ld tho.at'onttou of tho twother® and RtstorO to the,f;ece. that rho Woman's (:atsistlun 'Peau pert +shu1cetittrin rodaarlI,'•tiOorioho r,Lat AlntJlehu'stJre idence,,tlko tt Viclestnset. Ml ladies :we made wdleame, der drt ?d a monthly trnspol westing; can 'OW.13ut Aronday of every month, except when otherwise :'Rdverticed, to iniac!: Wresting we d,acite .the iurblr^• fug Ells • own ''hosine§s,' When the t enerally terriblett I �ttt thst�i"4 or has kindly gives out ;part of 1!i t r became known to the •tspara,,Ser onr work, we ask friends •)f the •o•.�nso,to deceived 'lather, there were frantic, t,serid harts of interest on all moral •tttresttonsoft rho :,aal•,te,atly of our metubere. etf0i'te to •8ttva „Ida on ails Aldo a �•' humbin -•califession lite his neighbor, ' Eaton. tether boys,•toct were tempted, wham Shaft NO. 1 and' fill, and almost every family in thii e'lmtnuuityafhit'stlie evil influence Mot evert n stone to record hie rraurue tc. those who pass by it. •Bot this sad fact Nast all, fur he, (alas, dial drag others 'along with Ilial, until they tc;o felt.&the demon's breath tlpo>li their faces,'atrf•tben the straggle for liberty was long rand terrible. One of,ltis boon'campariiv;ne was the son of lir. 'Marshall, wimrhelieyetli,rx'mind.. By cranes sonszi.b. springing, up and hearing frit from 11 ,hen:c d Mount Sinai's brow was wreath,- two•or tl'i'reerfacb young men. lsn.dauds and smoke, alirll'lituing :So it wait somebody's business. be. „friends sides thciapuor Victims who went to --About,* bout,rt, while the thunder larew'thed , "r'uil► Other !!cines, ..'vete filled with Their .warnings forth to heats,dismavredr, sorrow aria othendiyes were ' hauntecj i11,tlien al.1 the mountain quakod,,aud God , i with sad memories ter • lona years, be - Descended led on that awful spot, t ..t\.nd.talked with Moses face;to:faou, cerise there uvas'none to reach out a • ehovah uttered, "Thou shalt not:" i I5 ping baud to a.wauderer away frow ahraugh:all the ages passed mmeay„ al pure life. Thatt,trasning voice rang loud and•dlea itt,plainiy speaks to us to -day, ,A•ndraureo to them that will not&earll uConcesr>;in; every evil thing, The flagrant act or secret thought, `.z'.Chl,possfon's sin or the nati nis.c>:itrse, 7• lie,plt,r,•igeless law is "'Thou shalt nritlP", % Our.,na,tion sanctions and defends 21,a >,aauor traffic. Year by year .;Its :deadly. subtle power extends Prom,la:ast to West, from far ,anftntv r, A magltty,;:rai1 of woe is head!; !•protest comes from hall mad cot, 11Yhilea:wietr. bid defiance bold, And,tlainkayon that our God is :deaf To ,hitt©r cries of dark despair.? Send n1l t"nhoeding of the grief That those poor burdened victims Anew? Wp.y, verily, God is not slack Concenntrtz promises wo're taught, 4nd,woe tiytall who proudly spurn .The; just.. commandment �e2'hon •andit ..not." t0•li; let usrr:ise while Mercy plettls, vArtd. saver land from I',una"s,fell swcohtl, yd's. grace, is pledged for all our. needs, He.oalls-no,- shall wo not abe7,a,' Whiskey is kypour . gseatett enem Thtreopposi, g oroes aro arrayed— ''w, Y, .nias conbaet is with meaning fraught. j .skid a pastor to " an inttat�tl5eratat Irian. •itnrn's benne F• plead for cornproniise, 9CFt ail, doesnrit• the !Bible tell ns to ,The,ltost Arr2rod says, "Thon:dhiclt not:; Illiovo,our enemies'? 'sn, said the,;,pastor; grttdaely, but it 'dheti23't tell us tc."swalloavttketu. liady Battei; 8s, -,iii presiding at a n'ecet meeting addressed by Lady Wise y Somerset ,and 11 Lisc Willard, aoi,n,todly said t;;o the audience: ff you. -cannot be tmrohea in our temper. anee,w:'ark, let the beg •of you that you 'a'ill,nct be. extinguishers. .German army.cibials gravely chs eatsaiin a uiilitaay,tatag,szino,tlso injpr•. 1oa143 et Mets bf alcf:ll4lil3 • stimtil ups nh their.lacrses, and .decide that ;the more severe ,:the exertion ,a horse bas to undergo, the moro••oa:,efully sheald he and�11r. Marsha!! looked as though gau'ar:8od from dic p�tolic slim dation. theanatter did,rofi concern him imr:any Cfl.,ta®a regiments tin:Illdia were ".'i tper&nce, I should„say from experience that Alcohol lathe "nfost,destructive agent that we are -aware of in this country. Sir William ;Phe town of Goie na, Japan, is a total abstinence plate, and over each house it is a'ctaated •a ..motto is placed, veadding, Frugalt,iu fl'i. ,things; liquor pp;pohibited. dTlse a tlmost,unani•n ous'testimony of ra large noniber of superintendents of 'poor houses is that,. poverty is the 4fieet, not the,oaase.of.of.. tempt'ranee,— J.v-•nion Signal, 'i•The chief justice.oftrKausas stated in. a nubile .,nreeting•'that prohibition is -as well infeacricl 4 any -criminal law intim state, and .rrnuch.hewter enforced than any license ',awoin.,otherstates,-- -Clarion Signal. tf)li,'slat,ais tiadtil.he armour on, Agrinst the'powers of derknesa:staud, Ye(a,an&if, ti ?; be stand alone .Aud.hold tl1ejA ort at his command. Our cause is j,ue,,t, our Loader true; .,;iihe"oe nnay,tcil and rage and plot, :int ;<r , sha11.•trixmph in the harass ,f)f,11411.whai krt said "Thou shait•not." ,;h'I Qho tT''s Business." ;ail' „Ari �'r U. A. MOLT. "W l,l art is•n•fsca3 of my bosiuea►ss,any- has+w. Elf the idsl insists npea going tr the de ii,l,,why, lie will have to Igo way, ° Ton ai'o.inistaket,t, lir. Marshal, tin thinking tdass is Wrists of your business for itiiy ;your ,busilaciss--as much ao yit is mistime or :any OU5 else's. A. young man flille,l' tivard5.fos;u,w, s will not t•tc ruin .e.lonerrfo►• lir. ,u;,11~I, sure to ilatlre kept mailer strict .observation” The five Ohaaaa:and six hundred soldiers; were divided ,into three ..alai.ases, free and modetlatolsxinkers and:tctal.abstliitners. The d -earl, rate Of the free drinkers was fawr:t&sz,es, and •tb.ee/loath rtaitc of • the utodorate drinkers, wrce that of l et $ ellii g ik'Ipyvexe, b t the dinner•table ons Oar 4iistor Anna A vrry fJharuriug'ideft, if well or, mid; "I de not !Ilse 1'.•r•. Smith's ra* tied eu sftye a il'riter fn C7attage Gur• Jntwr4.0i be talks too n,uolt, '"Tap which ifttld E dce,ning, .redid. ba that of fatl;'txiino is 7f2•afnie addarl: •'fi,a's qutita retnarkabi garden•of sweet smelling plants. QJtt, isn't he, meter?" of the sweetest: things in summer is 1 _._ ...:.. - .� the nigfit.seented matouk, The seeds may •be sawn,in .vt.pril in the border and .itflowers• from '"Jane onwards. It grows s:feothighfs ,ld the flowers vary between white and pink. They are scentless an the daytime, hot the: evening; and in the night they are de. ligh-tful. Nit:miens. fl#lin s is another sw.eet••thiag tiiatemay be sawn in Aprit batt, ,os,it,ts tender, it will be sown under glass, and pricked oltt after- wards,. lit grows about two feet high and ltsts•white r:ilfawerta, Sweet peas and 'mignonette are indispensable, and so are the ten -week and the Brompton stooks, The 'tttallliewers, the blood red anvdrthe yellow are beautiful its ta,ptptatts. •Oa anations, plcatr'ees, and rank are, or ought to be, everybody's tiowens,••and,utay be raised from seeds s,tttrui,Tti.sspring, ,though the plants so raised will i ttiflcai*ter until the follow., i ttg season. I like the old British plant, .woodruff. It is coalmen. to gardens, and IJns u pleasant smell olf• eiew•zu wn • hay •wlren taken in diet hand. rSome people say that, if placed in 'roams infested with moths, it will banish thr'ri. }1t has white ilowor€ zzttd rows 01ro14 a foot high. Musk, both tira•eorn.mon and Harrison's, are indispensable In a garden of 'sweet- soented,tiowers;.so also are the prim - rosy and violet in spring, and Lite. hyacinth, •daffodil, and Illy of the v:alliay. :1Vo,garden of the kind would' ire 'corskpletle ;without a collettiou of; thymes -and other sweet•emelling herbs ata ithillivend.av and. rose -,nary, in large: l,aashes,.anti. sweet scabious, lilies to. various'kinds, the froxinella, with its' spice sseim, -and, pbloxr•s,in many vain' t bies.and,•co•ltaurs: the winter hclitrope: ("Ilroimsilaugo fz•ag*rasp,), and the common: ]ia;Iitrops :A. garden furnished wird,, OW,lty tll080. plants en ra te Cl week! R.� hM ,ctery -sweet, !Trees and shrubs PJY'SToEPS)ss.' :•�iLADACFSS CONSTIPATiON H1;ADACI c Sr I ..1 RHEUM. SCROFULA. HART BURN..SOUR STOMAC -I DiZZINESS. DROPSY RHEUMATISM. SKIN DISEASES Nuzzotramt Ivo' ceinFlzo� ltvG NeorU1. GU's wet only, cG rgfi'ef but a cure for all kinds of . HEAD 'PAINS, SiCK S'I-OMACH AND BILIOUtu'PMSS Ranliless. 'Contain no liuitfu1 drugs, A •wPndorfinl Compound. A'lce to take, *taro death to pain, • 'Bo' sure you got STARES. 'PREPARED «Erf R. STARK, M O.0. P., CHEMIST FRO0.410LASOOW UNIVCRanr:•, SCOTLAND, ,FOR'TIE R. STARE( Mt'9EDICiNE CC. d'i�&�1&'f S l a box. Soits 1110, all airug 1?a IEntirel;a sow Compound vvcw,�° .s, tt, 'Regulates the ;"stomach. Liver aril Bowels, unlocks tin:eSeorotion;,.,?t,rifiesthe Blood and rer`-u ve:3 all Im- purities from -•a Pimple to the woreit Scrofti lous Sore. espl•tseially'>; hichrtfiower iu spring, are, in 'ninny iustanoes,very fragrant. Tll•e t onn•s, Jasmines, honeysuckles, ole- nta iF, !fleas,•, philadelphus mock orange sad die ..wistaria are familiar to al'l who visitgavdena, and should help t 411E FINEST HIGH GRADE OILS form 'the •frunlewerlr•of that garden at ' . t secelited;flotwers,•.V._r�r:wY ��•i'sa%.vr3,S3ire4 + ,.•,=�{' �:t AN`t. FA OTU RED .t> T H1 A Blessing to Every Efo> M HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINT These remedies hare steed the tot of fifty Yt3U's etperienee, and are pronoueo$ the bead k,aueliy use. PI.,� IZ S Purify tho tIllud, correct all disorders of the LIVJSJU, STOMACH, i1IAN'F.Yfi ANN ltitJw Invaluable in an coonulalso incidental to females of, all agrw. . 11-1 QE-TM_*•L .i •,•tw'1l T is the-a'£y reliable remedy for bad legs, sores, ulcers, and old Wounds. FORMROif(� THROATS,, Cottons, fpoLAS, .GOUT, Jt1 PUhIATISai, fLAPU.GAit SWELLINGd AMD DISlaASEs IT JiAs NO11,UAI,, Manufactured only at 7:a, New Oxfoad, Late 035, Oxford fitraee and soldtAy all Medicine Vendors throughout the world. --Purhasers should look to the Label on the Boxes mid Pots. If the ff 4'0.448 Oxford Street, Loudon, they acre spurious. W1NGHAM MARBLE WOR MESSRS. VANSTONE BROS. " of Jiincardhre have bought the Marble xlusiness of Air T T Watsen, formerly carried .on, by W Parties requiring wort; in their line velli do well byealling on them or seeing one of theft. asen purchasing. You will find our prices. aro away down, Our workmanship is unsurpassed, Wo will but the very best stock and by square dealing hope to secure a liberal share of thewhile : atrona P Watson, who has teen running the business for the past year, will ;represent us on the road. a I Call ani so our stook and prices. VAYSTOND 13R MCC° LS OIL s 3[i ARE THE BEST MAOHX$.lcs:'1 OIC,,. Cit113124017 t0.,01JD IRDAL OII, OF THE DOMINION YLTNER wear twice as long as any other make at. 'wonder£za1 • new ••corabiva,tion is St:Rol; s Headache, \Neuraaigia and Liv Posed ere. woe to tteke; '.perfect harlula Mr. 'rillstG'bief of Poliee,Woodstock, say •sure•eure••every bhn,e:'° Ald. Patmcl Barniater, ;Hamilton, attys. 'aI exporie ced almost immediate relief from their u for sick ',headac fes'," Mr. Mercer. co tractor, lion -Alton, says: s,I consider the a vesw,naluablevremedy, and for surpa sing many others t have tried." ilia. Ga toe, Hamilton, s"rys',I have, derived ere ARE 1%, TEE :LAKE 120UT13TO:fitii?'aVOl2I4I'�il:AI1Q �;�u +j �fm• er VIA PICTURESQUE MACKINAC. TORONTO AS. • Avciiil.the heat and dust by preach_ g ; 'tt , ActUthr 'B ALL THE LEADIN 1:31 d.LERS C fa'; Tonthe.liloating Palaces of the Deizo:s �s ' STN THE - GOLTfi?,' •rlevel u and Steam Navigation. 4te 11- n: s- s•, atuzioe'per hour, mucin& tinio 'Two mew steel passenger stearxic :hha, e just teen built for this lipper'aka ro-:: .costing•$300,000 each,•and are guar .ct•d to :be :the grandest, largest, sal,,.,," n d .fastest:steamers on the Lakes; speed 20 itALeTED 8i SCOTT' BAN F 0 }IAA ILpg Cleveland, Toledo inclffiieago1 t .:.s i � � � , ; y' Capital, $1,250,000. Rest,$610,00 as :fiD,haurs. Four trips per vve;:'i- b r "^n a+ '. TO 'benefit ,frorr them, . having been a loz u, 'Toledo,'Detroit,Alpens.,.iIackina s t.Presiaebt-inn O'rvta'r. iv ley .and. Chicago. Daily trips 1w-', ' "4:4411fle I'tieel - - *plan?, l ng, vice"rresider,t—a. G. Rama. time ,a•nri2eret from. headae(so, biliousne and mreuralgia;" Mrs. Cr'isct, Hamilto says: "'bIo'med'ietue or doctors did n daugimter,any.good until we raced Stark Headache, 'Neuralgia and river - Powder rs t ainetlgiving a daylight -ride acroas.1..:?"t' :Flrie. ;s Detroit fund Cleveland; .during July ^gid s; Augustdouble daily service -will 1424°4, they 1eave•effeoted•a complete•tcure." rs Daily service between Cleveland it M Keats, Hamilton, says: "Four powde Oiou:t Forest, rise tntn, plactaine rs. have been the :greatest blessing tome." and Put:iu-Ray,_ First-class Marcie.^: i ;1 . sod12 pt1e•else to ptllll' u1. AtLd brasi�2eej Price, f85p,eeti s,aa box,. Sold by affil medicine accommodations and menu and Gree.:;:". D so~'`tE sesames and teres, i5 is•a,inorscl..er l„nua•,rc.pon any neigdd- The J1iawr,l Comtni.satirelt .00 prcNi:i- dealers. thigly low Bound Trip Bates. The pals I alka<ved. borhoott salh•, ' a Aright yuong wase tbition int t6enada brougit.t 'io light tithe !tit .equipment, the luxury of the appoint - like ft award 1tareh s.%tt0ug t,, ruin, x4:011 !Prot that. 'the. gra. at ItlpniiSe srDay Coan• stents makes traveling on these steamers Money to P+taxr.,-r„ni„ and • i:. £carr, Listowel :DOe,v;lTe p thoroughly enjoyable. 'Send for 'filus- ;anslnee5 Men, no hand is reins lied qir to save him_ ipa'uy i1a,s:sinme in tltelliipour business triaed_pamphlet. Address d. A. Sehe.ntz, A.nd 111Lt;.al,atop, us tie said this, look- ,eateusive1lji,,%.uch to k.s disgrace. The G..P.A.,.DetroltttCleveland Steara •Cao.044 long orellorttime, •on endorsed notes ed sober and theuglttf d;:.. 'desire of t;ia1is • company ,has heretofore CIa,,.Aetroi$alich, or collateeal.eocuz'ity. bale notes bought How serious ;youilogh at everything, E ata fair valuation. Money remitted to all *m preSarive a ip*: .n24(4'4 tolls.: t ! Rather ,a ,,tilain ,•,,luestict,, The -a, tdgrap--sty of tit;provokes rellectian and .x3Yuites cUSIOSit•,y. • Does the Lord love a man who spends kyr ;beer, cigars or unertcessari- ly, the mousy th,at:�ha ,owes fot•a,C7aes to arta„ to neetsict the a,loolatitio trazilil a fraternal ,os,der•'1 .,Eton. Now a believe chat Howard d h + �, � , � � parrs of Canada tet reasonable charges. Yonne wall do=j:mYst as ;he pleases, and aramlti” its employees —6lhtcat •o Unlottt r3Nt t • ;Special A't.'tantxo;2 ',Given to Col - would not he inthieucsdalay you or me, SiTytenl t { When we aSSei"t;tl let Or in fact .by any one. Then why worry over what.4oas not affect aur interest in tfae feat. iI'4i4;.sure that as .long as he idoes ,not trouble me i will ,not molest tairm. mean ,.thoroughly rto tnind my owes irnsiness. Well, perhaps yea aro aright, hut ,' War reasoning sounds very ;much like the one who asked, Am I my brother's 'keeper ? I thfltic that yee will see you mistake lateroe, although 1 sin. •nerri:,y hope that the devil wil,i;iseep his hands away from your own boy. Don't borrow any trouble &,301t my son, lutea for itis all qt,u earl do Ib '`Rie tenr•pe,senAe inoveratent,auays the Glasgow ifetalat, is spreauting rapidly arnaasg railrtnadf mon. atir-eady ten thousand whits fitnttons, stamped with initita9•r sigiltfyiiaar the Rai4araty • ,.Tem- paratses Aesocia,ttiiun, have been dia. trihuteti, ilnWng engineers ;mid •traln- Jneo,an4 the den:Laura for thea ;hest/been SO great that fifty rtiltousand tsrzrre'I:atve been ordered. Queer, is,nfttit, that such a question W:oold be asrliedrin.thisttp:nligbten l day and amid ate ,blaze of home and &toii)/ 111ght, which aaltines.i,,i fxxll blast aoound ue., But somehow ,people wish b euat:ons, and ov.ant, to know, you know. Let. the poor, •unsoit,histftated member whc s trouble& ;about the answer to tlliueiuestion sit &* n slot»e by biiw 'lf and study out tke •asa.swer. If he lima The roti Ytark'i4':ladi;cal Titraws.giw.es it too,tnuch to ategOnaplishrtrueoessfudtY? 1 the followiugternpereame or intiemper, that insist go to his evife and elsiidren arta 1 ai1ce statisties: In (treat Britain and ask for their hedp Ito ,the answer„ Ireland 145,000 perasits are ,ev.a•avyr Doubtisras they Ruane aalnething arbour: year commuted toprisoattas- drunkard% tains your own business, spurt: look 113,000 Of tlJeIW are ,uUG11, the rest after Howard Youngs, stud sir. ,Mar. Wotneri, Three thouatrxad and (our i rest shall la"tt;;ted lust its lie :i]wluya diel women were murdered iia the United; over trivial wtit tars Kin'dare iron] January 1, 1851), tit' Two years passed after the atlxive Jatllzary I, 131, by drunken !fust conversation °centred before flowaa'fl bztllds. Youngs reached the end of his course- —the devil, as Mr, Marshall express; d TO Invade the Muted States. it. Probably the !easter slid not mean to have the life witch was completely in his own power cut oil so suddenly, for the misguided pang, men was do- ing too much for Satan to be taken from the world by one whops he was laboring so faithfntly for. But ire had violated nature's lawn, and the laws was just in nlecoin„rout the deserved penalty' So filar died after t leo weeks carousal, pend was laid away itl the grave ere he had fairly .reached man- hood's , hand hien land. e 8 n e d supply e I Vein! v he to 1 the fat u i Gd n Cal d,a rnaikat andthe o k ,,, pliy llaltilau w it. Ar444 if. you Data rat thew: courage,' up to tta.e:sticking point, they Will tell you all tisey know, tvitlSties, at;ta�rnt may he. At first thought, one would think it en.seeptihte ,af a ready at►sorer, as,d with little need for any great atnou32t of casuistry, Reflection, however, may suggest difficulties. These thin„$ ;Yet Toronto, Ont „June 28th,—Another an- terribly mixed ftp son►crimes, sig that nouueement of interest is made by The it is tiers to tell which is which. And Dodcl s Medicino Company Ltd., of this city, to the fact that they have decided to so, literal casuistry 0011105 in here to establish a factory and warehouse at Duf• make ell things even, just how it falx, N. �1•„ in order to supply tiro growing Will work out this ilue'stion wo cannot denxand for Dodcl's Kidney rills in the 'United States, Tho remedy has never eSacti3' tett. Bailie of a modest, dtf. n are res reeled bon advertised or put on silo in the Unit.. ftdeut ttiru of mind, we t ed States, but the .,popularity of the remedy, from speaking out, We do not like to and the news of its sneeesses in Canada rush in "where angels • fear to tread,". quickly rlied the people of the neighbor- And so wo pass the conundrum along grepublic, an 1 orders have poured iii, un- r solicited, frotn every State iii the Union, to the one who "knows how it is hint. The capaoity of the Toronto factory is tax. srlf." Let hint answer if he will w-•• ear - management ement fool that the •eau only died as man others who have cal g y y do Y o.b t1 justice t Eco to 'both foreign t Jr n an i home demands A t o t 'rtt r'o'b ped fall that til ke+i Ir 3 !rMims novel it f a "u a uttt lv e slea'ps i11 a dishonored grave with !falling a depot and factory' therm lihouleatifeetNeartagia',aratsits, etc, Crown itemerly,, truant careen by invading the United States and estab• earth, guaranteed to enregerrorat,Net•repuel)Obitity, • • Dodd's Kidney Pills ' F 0Vrd0Wr4,otik A. Cure Bar.kache, I)ropsy,t Lunabagq, Bright's. Dis— ease, ,,Rheuamati.sin end atI other fotlfas of Idney Troubles, we are backed by the testimony or aII who havesed them. THEY CURS *TO STAY OURED. . fly all dnrgsts ormail on receipt of'price, 6o cents. 1)r.. L. A. iSatith & Co., Tomato. DMECTORS Ione Paoeroa, Cn,4s, Qin ear, (:sa 1t0.C11, i SVoo», A.. 13. L>s (Toronto). Cashier—J, Tu1tNSULr,• Savings leaank--lours,10 to 3 ;Saturdays, 1. Deposits of ,'1 and upwards received and inter allowed. Special Deposits also received at cumin rates of interest. Drafts on,t,rcata'.-.-._ . ._ United State bought _- bonght and sold 13.'WILLSON, Aers MEYER S DXCEIt5ON, Solicitors. letting •€a.ccou1Xttt and Notes. 1 ash 1 .f. LA W .9.! SA' ' geiats cenad.--71-ma-h—ts.B—k cGEORGE` OMSVND Proprietor. of Canada (Mae noun.--5z::m t, a. :n, 55:5 A. E. SMITH., 00511'}7 CoWAN, Cnrar OTw DIV, COMM, Co. diaitoN, 'Lumber of all kinds. First-class Shingles, and Cedar Posts.; Car Load Orders u ; rciEi y. AUCTION -LP R, issuiut OF MARRIAGE LICENSE'S! Com msroven Ya H, 0. J., ETD. WnUXLTEr• t)1 T. 1 WOOD delivered to may. part o' Wingham. ,f3rOrdet's by' mail promptly itttendo to G51015ON Ti•IOAMSON, Rex 136, "%Ingham P. 0. }low many persons know that Ripens Tabules, -now solargely= adveltia,ed and used, are simply ...e favorite preserit;;tion of their family doctor prepared in a seiep. tifc marine:' and a forth convenient hand- ling, f r of conveyance, !preservation and apse? In the great hospitals of the metropolitan cities,where wvealthy find better care than in their own luxurious homes,the i igi'edients of lti pans a,b . .,ntIr. ed to thousands of rich and poor alike with beneficial affect. They aro tho l ales are administer. most � t to main dependence of rise incur eminent physicians in cases of derangements of the digestive organs, such as d spa1sia C0nsti atxoz, biliousness and other ills connected with the stomach, liver and bowels. For soma years ono of the principal 1 l iileJpal la oslaititls in New York Oity "has used a formula, differing slightly from the common one, that has ben found of unusual efficacy. :through commendations of physicians its lnissiotl Of healing has rapidly extending that it filially seemed desirable to re sate the n'escri `, beenso widely ano prepare 1 pt2 pn in a convenient foam, so as to make it available to the whole public at a s loderate price, and to announce the ftot through the recognized medium for seeming publicity—advertisement in the columns of the newspapers oftbe hind. This has s been done, and now the time is not tar distant when every family of intelligence will be as eel' ainto t possess r supply of it' Pinang T n,bnit.s cooking as a clockalready 0 0 1'I> a Coo xn yk i st ve. l where, and any druggist or dealer will supply therms A. box, econtainins tvials, found soldx forl7 = almost weld' gross package, dontaining four boxes, for $2. They will be sent by ' r o rents, and •, ipt of vibe, by the ll,iIpan3 Chemical Company, No, 10, Spruce St,, New York. rtd, to any address, on 1e*