HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-06-30, Page 2IMO ferea with consideratione of conamerce are inter Q,. 14111 An indioation. a the interest lum- berman manifest in the present move : talent of the governmeut is shown by a ' letter from Messrs. McLachlin Bro., of Arnprior, who are owners of extent. sive timber limits in the vicinity of the FleIDAY, JUNE 30, Me. rrF•••••••l••••••••••••••••••I•••• THE WINGHAM TIMES, eTILTNE 30, 1893, ". 7. "IPTIPTP7r Pearls of Truth. Summer approachee to keep an invit- ing table ; give old and young plenty of fruit and vegetablein It ia better to pity a little extra for such things than spend a mouth in nursing besides pay- ing a doctor's bill. Remember that, a tumbler of milk with an egg beaten in it, followed by an orange, baked up- ples or a saucer of prnnes is a hearty breakfast for a ohild, so don' e worry if the youngsters will not eat bread or meat at this season ; as the sunny weather comes and they can spend half the day out of door, you will find your bread duly appreciated. Imagination is the eye of the tioul. The best hearts are over the bravest. The oue prudence of life is conceu • ttation, Tale-bettreta are just as bad as tale - makers. tequila, Pule and 'orest Pro- proposed rsservation. They have nskedl Heaven from all creatures hides the s l teet ion. . the Commissioners that the bourmlaries book of fate, te bill of the Cof the perk he so arranged ato take onnnissioner ofThe jest which is expected is already umber of the townships over rnl. .mtlail to. Potagish a forest le- , - ttaon and national park, passed: some of which they hold the right to The goverment have included le session. of the Local Legislature elit` of these within the proposed w Werke Billee, givee a practical tw° to Canadian forestry. The mat- , boundaries. The land set aside by the 4„0.8 tweet under consideretion hy governnaeut for the park belongs whet - government for some years and ly to the Crown and as a consequence tt, a year ago a Royal Commission there are no vested or private interests eppt mted to enquire into nd re- in it to be brought up or dealt with. e This field will prove a satisfactory on, the matter. This report was before the Legislature at its last one for experiments in forestry, and lumberman, no doubt, will watch with on. deecription of the location interest. the development in this h. of the k has already appeared in these dtrection.—Canadian Lumberman. ittme. It will be tituated in the • How to Control a Horse. district, embracing about iteee townshipscomprising 938,180 .A. atalAwAY Neve sn MASTERED DT US - Is or 1,340 square nines. Of this DIG A LITTLE JUDGMENT. ,000 acres were under water. One i _ ortant 'nestle for the seleotion of i A. horse cannot nor will not run teee,enid the Ron. Mr. Hardy away with his neck handsomely arched • the d, lee' withiu its bounds the and without bearing hard aimiust the .. , ut s11 tee considerable rivers bit. By having hint carefully flexed me iate the .idipissing or Muskoka 1 and mouthed you put his head, neck , Those having charge of the 1 and mouth in position.to make resist - t would be able to inaugurate a 1 ante against the :it a physical imps cm of forestry that would be I sibility, and even if he should be efisiel to the whole province. The { frightened into runeing, the inuseles itory, in addition to being a spleno 1 of his neck and jaw having by previous 'fishiog ground, was the uatural training been brought under absolute e of the moose, deer, otter And control, he will quickly yielding to the ver. It was not intended to allow 1 pressure of the bit and can be manag... destruction of these animals,those 1 ed with ease. Besides forcing the barge, however, being empowered I horse into physical ohedieue,e, flexing ill destructive animals, such as and mouthing have an equal moral yes• in certain portions Permis- effect—viz, being taught that the pain i would be given for the erection of caused with: the beginning of his mer cottages and hotels, and he obedience, he always, as it were, ane no doubt but it would be in time a I ticipates your wishes by yield im. t popular resort for health and mediately. These results obtained by eation. No fishing. except . with 1 flexing and mouthing refer to both rod and line, would be permitted. driving and saddle horses. Have your superintendent e%y t a salary of horses ell trained,flexecl and mouthed ut $800 to $1,000 and four or five before riding thein through the streets destroyed, Getting into debt is getting into a tanglesorne net. The blast that blows loudest is soonest overblown. You believe easily that which you hope for earnestly. Heaven will permit no man to se• oure happiness by crime. , Behavior is a mirror in which every' one displays his image. Mon do less than they ought, i>aless they do all that they can. No man of woman born, coward or brave, eau shun his destiny. A court is an assemblage of noble end distinguished beggars. Calamity is the perfect glass wherein we see and know ourselves. A churlish courtesy rarely comes but either for gain or falsehood. Do not speak of your happinese. to one less fortunate than yourself. The secret of making•one's self tire- some is not to know when to stop. The rays of happiness, like those of light, are colorless when broken. He is not valiant that dares to die ; but he that boldly bears calamint.. The beet pt urs are found on the Ceylon coast and in the Persian Gulf. Style is the erotsainer on Which the seeds of truth float through the world. Violent excitement exhausts mind, and leaves it withered sterile. Every duty whieh we omit obscures some truth that we should have known. The gi cutest evil of modern educa- tion is the evil which inflicts on health. Poor is the friendless master of a world; a world in purchase of a friend is gain. Honesty is one part of eloquence. We persuade others.by being in earn• est ourselves. Silence is the parfeetest herald of joy. I were but little happy if I could say how much. Imitation causes us to leave natural ways to enter into artificial ones; it therefore makes slaves. Temperance is co rporal piety; it is the preservation of divine order in the body. Hundreds of people write'It is impossible to describe the good Hood's Sarsaparilla has done me." It will be of equal benefit to you. is rangers at a salary of about le500 would be necessary. A $1,000 would be erected for the superiue ent and ten or fifteen huts at a of about $20 each merely for ping purposes. This would be ut, all the cost outside of a, tew im- ents. 'he report of the commissioners epees en intelligent and sytnpathe- nterest in the general subject of stry. Tne names of the commis were Alexander Kirkwood (chair- ), Aubrey White, Ambit) ild Blue, esDickson and R. W. Phipps. have to a considerable extent been ful students of forestry, and they e at the same time a very general wledge of lumbering interests'and here is a gnod deal to be said on subject of forestry from the scien- and also the national point of . No intelligent lumberman:will end to say that serious coose. ces do not come to any country result of the too prodifia.I destruc- of its forests. As the Ontario missioners remarked in their re - Tho experience of older coon- s has everywhere shown that the lesale and indiscriminate slaughter rests brings a host of evils in its Wide tracks aro converted fertile plains into arid deserts, figs and streams are dried up, cud rainfall, instead of percolating tiy through the forest floor and mg its way by easy stages through ok and river to the lower levels, descends the valley in hurrying nts, carrying before it tempes- us floods." ith a somewhat rapid denudation tario forests of lateyears,a nation - Lew of the question is one that is ing borne to the people with en- ced emphasis. The timber ree rtes of Ontario and the other pro - es as well, are among their richest essions. Should these some day me extinct would not the financial dition of the country become °Indy impairedl To many we know (petition will seem so chimerical ,tt will not cost them a moment's deration. Such it possibility will me in our time is It frequent g of the problem. But from the gorate the nerves, promote health, and ely national standpoint have reinstate the weak to an ardour of f the present day no interest feeling never before expected. The ndition of the future? sale of these Pills throughout the globe anger usually in pursuing a astonishes everybody, convincing the 7 of this question front either the most sceptical that there is no Medi. ie or national side is that one eine equal to Holloway's Pills for re - that when the lumberman hie moving the complaints which aro his thousands and perhaps his incidental to the human race. They a et eollars in the products of are indeed a biasing to the afflicted, et it ia only by making this and a boon to those who suffer from able that he can hope for a pay. disorder, internal or external. Thou- rti for his invebt merits, And , sands of persons have testified that hy I dissolved. Dry well With a pieoe of s forestry regulations exact un- t their use alone they have been restored soft. flannel and your: marble will be riations in the cutting of thei to health atter other° remedies had clean and white as when 110W4timber in that, measure the proved unsuccessful, An exchange says: Take tare as Barkwell's Bronchial Balsam Will eureany Cough Cold, Bronchitis or Asthma. A Question of Character. THE SAILOR WHO IVAD NONE DISAPPAR• NZ ED LIA THIEF. GlIabbbag. Mkt The Tinss and Toronto Globe per year 76. The Totes and Taranto Empire pei' year 8 78 The Timm andlondon Advertiser per year1 fie The Timirs and. London Free.Pi via per year, 74 IN The 'Timis and Montreal Herald per year00 Tho Tim its and Montreal witauseaor year , 76 TheTns ss auMontreal Family Herald and Star 147A Reduced rates.witla all .othin weekly mem not% mentioned in ttlb.aborealet, The captain of a large steamer was filling up his crew for a .long voyage, when a seaman came up and said: I want to sail with you, sir. All right, my man, rkahed the cap- tain. "Where have you sailed before? P. and 0., sir, to Australia. What countryman 7 m An Oirshan, was the ready re- sponse. Well, you must get a character. The discharge was obtained, and as the Irishman was presenting it,anotker seaman came up and said he wanted to join. What line were yota asked the captain. Cunerd, sir. Whet countryman ? English, Your Honor. Ah right. Good forward. Shortly after, as the two were ling the deck in a heavy sea, the Eng - the Hallman was swept overboard, bucket and all. Unmoved, Paddy finished his job, oncl then went to the captain's cabin. Come in, responded the his rap. Wnat's up now Do you remember .BillS Smith, the Englishman and Cunarder 1 'qeeried Pat. Certainly, my man. You took him without a character , What of that'? overboard wid JOB: PRINTING. • • YNCLUDING Book, Pamphlets, Postern. Bill Ileads, Circulars, &c., &a:,.executcd; tha best th style of e art., at moders40 prices, emboli, short notice, Apnly-or address,. EDIMOTT, 3O410s Office, Wins:barn 011 before ? LOOK J... c. 101)12t' nam Einas , 1 -181 PUBLISHED - EVERY FRIDAY 111ORNINkl. —AT TRW- itilYIES OFFICE, JO$EPHINEIT NY INGHAM, ONTARIO.). Subscr1ption price, $1 per year•ircadvaueie . — ADVERTISING RATES,v. . ----- ...—...- ' Space 1 1 yr. ...1 6 mo. 1 8 mo. I 1n. One Colman 800 00 i3600 320100,. 4', 0 1 Half " 35 00 20 00 12300 8 09 HERE1, 00 12 Og 72,c*t", insertion. -,--... Local notices 10e. pe • ...nes for arst.incortlaN. an 5o. per line for each subsequent insertion,.1 No, Won S 'liorne,',. Every-. 1 li:urvstilllst charged less then 20e. ,. til Vilcsi=11UtDeuriett loretWitgVIZ01; T 1 , 1.11 taw 'nonpareil, $1 per month Houses and Farms for Sale, not exatedime & lines, i,..1. for flist month, 60o. per subscomminmenbli ' These terms will be strictly adhered, to Special rates for to advertishebante, or lull longer periods, Advertisements and local notices,,without small% directions, will be inserted till forbi0:. and charged 1 accordingly. Trruielkory advedisenaenta must 1 paid in advance Vo,.are sellin ' Changes for contract advertisommts• lutist be the otlico by Wednesday noon, snihartiantek appall Best Goal Oil at 12 1-21 that neck cents per Inaperial gal - R. ELLIOTT'i Pitoratmoies AzanFusitthisik lion, or a, can containthe I MACDONALD, and or park, and you will have fewer ac- cidents, fewer wagons to repair and fewer doctor bills to pay. , To hold a spirited horse—one of those tuggers who nearly pull you off the saddle or who pulls the wagcn by the nioutb, with the reins as traces fastened to your bands and you as a substitute for whiffietree—is plea- sure. You wrap the reins around your hands. You use buttons or loops or universal or patent bits, which, giving the horse more pain, only causes him to pull harder, for he wants to free himself from the torture inflict- ed by the bit; or by a overdray attach- ed to the thin bit; the latter pinching the mouth (the thinner and mailer the bit the greater the torture), you elevate his nose and tie it up to his tail, keeping him for hours in a strain- ed position, which produces that pe- culiar stiff movement of shoulders and forelegs so noticeable in horses checked by high overdraws, But you do not remedy the trouble; the horse still "lugs." If you, instead of fighting the whole horse at once, would first become master of his separate parts, particu- larly his neck and jaws, by having them flexed, and supplied so that you can handle them with ease, you would have no trouble, no lugging, no running away. If the horse lugs with his jaws resting against the bit, it is not caused by thd hardness of flesh in his mouth, but by the position of Itis head and neck and the stiffness of the latter, receiving and centering in it the impetus of his body. He may, for Instance, have a heavy muscular neck and strong, narrow jawbones. The museles of the neck not being, by flexiug„ taught to yield, those which carry the head end neck stretched out are predominant, and although he would like to evade the pain inflicted by the bit he cannot do so, but must rush against it, Remove the cause, and the trouble will dieappear. Hints for the Ho usehold. Eat slowly and you will not eat. Late to breakfast, hurried for din- ner, cross at tea. A short needle makes the most ex- pedition in plain sewing. Matches out of the reach of children, should be kept in every bed room. They are cheap enough. When sheets or chamber towels get thin in the middle, cut them in twc, sow ilia sides together, and hem lie sides, officer to over I believe so. He's gone bucket. the equivalent of five D American gallons for JOSEPHINE your COUNTY FUNDS TO LOAN. 50c., exclusive of pack, age. American Axes, 50C. to 65c. each. Crosscut Saws, 45c. to $1.00 per foot. We to -day reduce our quotations on Binder Twine one cent per ib. J. A. CLINE & CO, On the security of Cultivated Farm, Interest six per cent, payable annually. An'y portion of the principal may bo repaid at any time the borrower wishes. All expences paid by the County. No person except the County Auditors allowed to see mortgages or to know to whom money is loaned. Apply to 'YM. HOLMES • Goderio h, Aug. 8th 1802. Co. Treasurer. Hom,owAy's Pxia,s,—The Greatest Wonder of Modern Times.— They correct bile, prevent flatulency,eleanse the liver, and purify the system, reno- vate the debilitated, strengthen the stomach, increase the eppetite, invie A pound of chloride of lime mixed with a quart of water, and placed %there roaches aboued,is destruction to them. Equal parts of powdered cam- phor and borax scattered over shelves and in crevices is also efficacious. CORWIN 1pROS, UNDERTAKERS WINGHAM, ONT. 4a.zzagensmazaw.sagsm —721, IS " :Sti „ 4 ,11, • -,•4•• .14.F..s, • •.1.4,"1 WINGHAM SIN PUMP WORKS, Dalt EWEN, Application painless and easy elief immediate This preparation fills a great and louirfelt want among those who suffer from pi es. It is a remedy of the highest merit, effecting aid reliable, and has more than met the anticipations of those physicians who have•used it in their practice. PILLKONE 18 A rewire emus when other treatments fail to relieve. Testimonials furnished. Price $1. For sale by druggists, or by nail on receipt of pi:ice. W.,T. STRONG, Manufacturing Chemist, 184 Dundas treet, London, Ont. slissene, WISOIIAM, ONTARIO, wB. TOWLER, . . Member College Physicians...and, Smixemez, Ontario -Coroner for County% Office Up -stairs, next to Mr tIduntmel• office, Wing. ham, Ont. OFRIOR Hou. -0 to 12 m.,ns.„1 too p. m.. or at Residence, Diagonal Street. TAR. J. A. IIELDRUM, LI Honor Graduate efa Toronto University-, and Member of the College of•LIblysihinas and Surgeons Of Ontario. Office and Bosideace.-Cbenen ofi Centre and Panel; streets, formerly occupletty, De. Bethune. WINGNAIA • ONT VANSTONE. 1.1/. BAR RISTER.,„,S01110,1TOBA Etc., Private and Compauir, funde fro loan at lowest rate interest. No conuMsalernabarged. Mortgages, tow and fo.rimwopento bought and old • OFFICE-BeavcoVeck: Weissman PROPRIETOR. I wish to inform thepeople of Wing - ham and surrounding Country, that, as I have purchased thie Steam Pump Works lately owned by Mr. H. Clark, I are prepared to supply all kinds of Wooden, Lift, Force & iron Puffin And attend to the wants of the public in anything in the Pump line. As I have a long experience in the business I guarantee all .my work, and if not satisfactory will refund the money. We also deal in ALL KINDS OF WIND MILLS. pm.soft water cisterns made on short notice. Orders by mad promptly attended to. D. SHOWELSh. Ivam. Painting the kitchen walls enables one to wash them off, and in general tends to a neat appearance. The paint should be good oil paint applied as for outdoor work, first sizing the surface to be 'coated with a solution of one -hall -pound of glue to a gallon of water. Split Rolls.—To one quart of light dough take three-fourths cup of sugar one-fourth cup of lard and one egg ; work in flour to stiffen, not quite as rtiff as bread dough. When light roll ont and cut with round cutter, spread melted butter on one half, turn other half over; let rise again, and bake. To Clean Marble.—Mix two parts of powdered whitening with one of pow+ dered billing and half a pound of soft soap, and allow it to come to a boil; while still hot apply with a soft cloth to the stained marble, and allow it to remain there until quite dry; then Wash Mt with hot water and 4011p in which tt little gaits of lemon has been TVIEGREAT Cores Consumption, Coughs', Croup, Sorts Troat. Sold by all Druggists on a Guarantee. For a Lame Side, Back or Chest Shiloh's Porous Plaster will give great satisfacton.-s6 cents. SHL.W3 VOTA2412ZER. Mrs. T. S. Thatrk.Ins, Chattanooga. Tenn.. says: "Shitoleo Vitatteer LIFE,' ! consider itthebtetternedgfol'adeblittatecisvaton I ace escd." For Dyspepsia, Liter or widneso trouble it excels. Price 75 eta. 1 IISS," CANA R Have you Catarrh 2 Try this 150133 507. It vim positively relleVe and CUto you. Price 50 etS. This Inieetor for its successful treatment i33 furnished free. Retuctul tcr, Shiloh'S lternedfeS re sold 013 5. Guarantee to give satisfaction. TWO KINDS OF • MORTON BARRISTER , Ont iighant 1VIEXERt 1:'• DICKINSON, H. W.. C.. MEYER Q. C. 1 E. L. DICKINSON, DIA BARRISTERS, AND SOLICITORS, Etc., Etc., So. lici.torslor Rank of Matnilton, Commissioners': for tatting, afifamits for Manitoba. Farm, TOM and Vinal4p property bought and sold. Money (pirate f.unds),Inaned on mortgage security at 51 pmeent, Money invested for private )ersons, upon to beet mortgage securities without any expeuse,to the lender. Lauds for sale in Manitoba atid th0,.140Ith. west. Office”-Eent's Bleck, Winglmin. ENTISTRY.- J S. J Eitomp, Is manufacturing Celliiladd Plates. 0 Vulcanite plates of the bostmateriat as cheap as they 0511 IFR got in thel Dominion. All work warranted. Painless extraction of teeth by the,sse of Elecerie- ity or Vegetable Vapor. e4TAIIE NOTIC11.—I Will extract te0:a for 25 centch.s FICE : In the Deaver Elora, opposite th° Brunswick. Come. Win. H. Macdonald, L. D., S DENTIST. 4 OFFICE, - - MASON'S BLOCK Opposite the Quee0 Hotal, Winghto. Will visit Gorrie.lst and 3rd Monday§. of each month. OUSTOMERS. T1 AM.'S WIDE AWAKE KIND BUY FROM THE . City Fruit & Confectionery Store Because they can get goods that are right and up to the timos. ANOTHER KIND ARE w r,. K v 14 NERVE 13EARd are ft new die• ...,........,-, ...,....-. "4' covert that turn the vont emirs of Nervous Debility. leost Vigor and BEANS g.isIT.E.m,r°°a1,vieg.412., the by wee -were. or tee errore or oir• moos of youth. Titb Whitely taros the toot OW:tato OS** tom o Rontedall other y W - t rileaTatiorrs bars tolled mato tidier Sold by drug. gists at goer package, or ex for tt,s, or tent by 10115 on reeeipt of pee* by oddrt oasTSRx TSR JAMEE MEDICINE! 00•• Toronto, Onto Write for oamphldt. fetid la* Winghotri, A-, 14, 11A1411•TOR. .11231.01.(1.1.10411.3112•9011111f1 FAST ASLEEP But they aro waking up to the fad that I can give them goods that will please them Fulllines of Fruits, Oysters,ConfectioneryM APPLES BY THE BARREL. JOHN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE, AGENT IVIxonAit, NUR f) DEANS, JR., WI:MEAN, • LICENSED AUCTIONEER *Olt THE COUNTY OF HURON. Sales attended in any part of the Go. Charges Moderate. Agent for Parker' ti Dye Works, Canned goods of every description al - Ways on hand and my prices aro as low an the lowest, norttforget the place, opposite the new Bank or Hamilton. ,11:013T. BILL J OHN CURRIE`, Wixenatr, ONT., LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR 'FITE COUNTY OF mauve A11 orders left at the Timm office promptly attend ed to. Terms reasonable. JAMES HENDERSON, MONNE:BD AUCTIONEUR POR COUNTINS 1.11/RON ANA Baum All sales attended to promptly and on the Shortest Notice. Charges Moderate and Satisfaction Guaranteed, All necessary arrangements 080 be made at the offiec lVixonAst ON'r ryt. R. J. MoASII, M. E. Toronto, Members College Physicians and Surgeons. Ontario. 13thOnAVE • ONTARt0 — Money to Loan on Notes. Notes Discounted AT REA.SONABLE ',RATES Money advanced on Mortgages a Nine: tent with privilege of paying 51 the end of any year, Noted I and accounts collected, novr, hisiNtictet, Evertioelc,—Winginirri Ont. -7, • 34 ' •,‘ For God weika the 50 T1104,1 a IRI101) los me • sherpoloi one I rick' street. A 4teld 11) 11) Monday of 0,, ,tadverliecd, to generally As tha rdito spitrooScr onv Nserid items of 1 044,4*.t0,a01y of ell,theinent 111 eee/.1 iInealoud: i!,P10,270' 4about,it, - Their AvaX 1.1Vbeinal1 51 JJectai1et „And .141tecl Jiehowah TLatowr Ip1i1y 8] ...A,ndo000 1 1.COneelITIPIg The. Ilagr.e !:Tho peve'on'i 'rho oll,on.1 t Our. notion .,.The liana E From.ailm A migntr.r.-., .Aprotest reVbileesinerF Andebirdsee Trsbitfer .And., alt tens .That thee Way • 'Couceinpl A,11,ncl,woe toy ..The just, ,.not." tfalAi let usag _Anil sayer grace,. He calls n opposir confl .1turo's barna l011,aet.11.8, gi Age hist tt Andhold (Our cause is .1:1.1,hn•fon21 Bot no. shal (rAsx, :JD w. tif the (-text anti Mr. the 'matter waT, roti.o.re. thitohieg tIo for las .yai is mime or mai) ruin ttioriq, S01116 rone.e it IS' 010 1% borbood like fiewat no hand is And Mr.. ed sober an How erre Ep.tou.214 Youngs ai would 3301 Or in fact worry over interest ia Jong as he mot moles rto mind in: • Well, pe vit.2,115 reaSo ,thS one wh Ineiioer : you.; !nista nerely hops Imnas itwa Don't 90n, Eaton tri hid you efter How obeli laage over trivin: Two yeu conversath Youues re —the devi it. Probe to have th. in his own for the mi ing too mt from the e laboring s( violated 1 was just it penalty' carousal grave ere hood's e diel as ow robbed of He aleeps