HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-06-30, Page 14
VOL. XXI.---NO, 1110.
The hot weather is bore and yon are
looking for ocololothing of all kinds, we
have everything yon want. In ladies' vests
we are showing a big range, different kind%
weights and prices, Hoisery and glove
stook it complete. Wo have a beautiful
line of printed Irish lawns (exclusive to
this etore) and which make up very prettily
in dresses and Mottos, our gullies at 8 and
10 cents a yard, are film values and mullet
be beaten. We lutve a lot of remnants we
want to, get riri of.
For you men, we have t wide range of
negligee shirts in different colors and nutter
ials, underwear in all sizes, Balbriggan an
light weight natural wool, . Groceriee as
usuat, fresh and well aneorted. Tem Leen
is hard to gat now-adays, we have it.
Don't forget that this is the only plaoe
where you can get a firsnolass tea for 35c.
Shop early and secure prompt delivery.
This store closes at seven,
4t4'tg e
•• .
lerpSe ...Aut.. . p ,
Direct Dry Goods Important
Tim Been, Jena 2e, 18:13,
Marriage Licenses
•Issued by ?RAMC PAtimsoN. No 23, Vic-
toria stroot,Wirtghatn, Ont. No witnesses
—Don't throw your anima peels on the
. •sidewalk.
—The public sebo4 close this week for
the summer vatVbi0.ij
—Fon TIM BOYS AM" GXRLS.—Two glasees
of soda water for 5 cents M R. Hren's.
• —It is reported in to en that Mrs. (Rev.)
H. McQuarrie, late of • is town, has fallen
heir to $10,000 by the oath of a brother.
--Querterly review -ervices were held in
the Sabbath schools 1Jst Sunday. Theser-
'vice b the Methoc 'st Sunday school wag
largely a song servic
—For Sale, a pod, young working horse.
MaLeen Sox, Wingliam, Ont.
crops aro look
'cinity. The fall wh
t out. .Hay will be a VP
Rev. L. G. Wood,
tame ancl E. C. Cia
est week, attending t
a- nod of Huron.
)g eplendid in this
et is nicely headed
y heavy crop.
and Messrs. Crowell
ke, Were in Loudon,
a meeting of the Sy-
-41a11 at tbe Star Ream:trent for a big
- assortment of fruit. SAS. Mailmen:.
—The detailed stat moat of the accounts
of the town of Wingh em, for the year 1802,
has just been issued i pamphlet form from
the Timm office,
—Mr. W. F. Bract enshirenvits in Hamil-
ton this week &gen ng tee Meeting of ib
Grand Lodge of Ind penitent Order of Go
Templars, as deleg •a from Anchor of Hope
Lit ge.
s Dominion Da will be observed- in
elpinghttne, on Motu is' next, when ell places
1::" of business will ba closed. There will be
no celebration here, but our citizens will no
doubt visit differenttowns where celebra-
tions Will beheld. Our baseball club goes
tie Wroxeter °tithe day to play the Ueions,
end it ig likely they will he accompanied by
quite a number of t twnpoplo. 'taloa •
• —Palmerston 1 ptitai ttIi! Thos.
Blaolt, of Winglia 'tetgyed -Sriterdity and
Sunday lest in tow with his brother Wm.
of the Williarn F ?livery ana exeliatige
stables- Tommy formed an admirable
opinion.ofthe tom while here, and will
in all probability 5.00 beeMem et permanent
resident of the nit oad hub. '
---Ateatly prt tel and protneely illus-
trated book entitle "Summer ..Teurs on
the Canadtian Pa filo Ritilway,'Phat been
received &t this 0 Rea. rt gives accurate
and well written eseriptione of the beauty
spots elong,the c, engravings of some
of the most noted pieces of scenery, ani
full particulars to rates and rotttes,
They may be teach front the O. P. It, agents,
—At a, meeting of the Fartnets' Institute
nt Holyrood in etuntent last, Mr. John
jai:skeane of Abbi don, gave the tollowmg
formula lar "S eep dieete, he used with
lambs thortly af that_ nook is elitared,
Where the gas a e found on the lettibst—
Oltebbnit acid in eryetals, 1 oz.; soft soap,
Otta pint ; watsr 10 gnats. Keep- the /Man
n the dip about one minute. Mr. Hutt
MO that by givit a second dip about ton
agog after, the oele woila be entirely
ototuisea tinkfle
—Gravel is bein put ou a nun -deer f
streets in town.
--It is expected 4iat the volunteers will
return from °amp jt London to -day.
—Bananas 20 cents per dozen, lemons
15 to 25 cents a dozen at R. Man's.
—o-morrow.-JJ1y 1.st—one. Dominion
w'll be twority-seve years old,
We were fever id with a heavy fall of
.a.in on Tnesday ef!ernoon last.
—Caelt for good butter and emit at 11 A
Graham's market grocery.
—Already the en all boy is beginning to
look up into the t nes to sop if he can dis-
cover any green ap es there.
—The Saturday excursions to Kinear-
dine and Goderiehe ere conunenced on Bat-
urdey last.
m A Cents Cash will pay for Ts Time
Ult./ for new subscribers, till tho end of
the year.
--The semi -amen
Orange Lodge of N
in the Orange Hall
There was a good a
of a private nature
—Messrs:J. H.
.Martin and R.
to Clinton, on Sun
They made the ru
thirty-five ming
some -hours there,
the evening.
meeting of the County
rth Huron, was lield
re, on Tuesday last -
endgame, and business
nly was transacted..
tisbolm, W. A. Jchns'
ornyn, took a run over
ay, on their bicycles,
over in two hours and
s, and after spending
eturned in the cool of
—Clearing e of boots,shoee from
now untilSa utday evening, drily titb. I
will offer my ntire stook gt cost. This ir
no sham Jo. The stock must bo cold, a
I am givij up bnsinoss here.
—Mr. Murray, of the
Company, Ingersoll, wg
delivering copiee of the
directory of the counti
Grey and Sinews. Thi
ly engaged in the public
—A union meeting
Foreign Missionary Soo
the Congregational Chi
7th of July, at throe o'
dial invitation is exton
in missionary work.
J. J. It/e1KILL0P.
in tome this week
atost edition of the
s of Huron, Bruce,
firm is extensive -
tion of direetories.
of tho 1Voirrea's
•ety, will be held in
on Friday, the;
ock sharp. A. eort
ea to all interested
snt Canonz, -Sec.
—Now that the hot weather has come,
people shbuld come to the fouutain and -get
a fine drink of lemon sour, venilla, straw-
berry, raspberry, pine apple;ginger,
late, sarsaparilla or ice cream soda, one of
the finest drinks in the land at R. 'Hum's.
,—Strong soapsuds ' which a little coal
oil has been poured is aid to dest:ay the
oyster:ellen bark lot se which infests the
orchards of this dist]. et. It should be ap-
plied where possible ith a brnsb, and if
the inaccessible limb are sprayed the sot-
ution will hill any of the insects which it
Our lacrosse boy expect to have a
etch with thc Han ' • club in the course
of a couple of weeks 'hey have not been
able to arrange -a ne cli with the Teeswater
club. The Secrete ,. of the club has
written them seven, letters, but up to the
present the Teeswat r club has not con-
descended to name any of them. This is
w•nat we would call cant courtesy on the
part of the Teeswat r boys. ,
-e-Peexes—If you -went earl v tornatoee.
cabbage, celery, onedillower; 'Rower (dents
—stooks, egos, partsicteepte., orderfrom V.
C. Grahem, at the X;o idge Apiary mid
Greenhouse% A. choice tenrole of honey
still on hand for Sale. T. C. G11,11•LUE,
Lower Wingham,
—The Atwood B e speaks thus of a young
men who is knows to many in Wingham
and other Parts f the ooente-: Mr. J. H.
MoBain, of Atwo d, has made a brilliant
recprd for Wine if at the Albert College
auttNictorieUniv ratty, kgeed physique.
a 'commending resenceot deep, logical
thinker, a fluent, maker, besidespesseesing
other admirable ( gentles ot head and heart
which bespeak fo Rev, J. IL MoBitin, B. A.,
he this age of pro ressive thought, a bright,
useful and etnin it career.
—As far as po sible during the summer
cold drinks shot d not be taken with mettle.
Cold drinks ti ken on a hot day stops the
action of the et mach for a while and then I
brings about a emoomfortable feeling of I
warmth. The •td water first eausgsl'the
blood vessels to noixtraet, had thOtAN,"'"A
the ie action t '61ficod vessels beci4i411.
hated,ara there is an, insensible Sinof '
oppression and heat, wbich leads to ',the
drinking of tier • ice water and to renewed I
oppression and 1 eat. The best way to get'
the anima Of • der necessary for the.
systern is to Mk it hot before breakfast on 1
fin empty stoma• i then tO drink nothing ./.
mote during the
—The stone work n Dr. Macdonald's
block is 1.)&1.11g pestle I doing rapidly.
—The Automatic Telephone syetern is
t. .
[ping splendid eatisf °time in Mitchell.
,51200yea.extg":14bigliTeg, 7t-Z.;1.erfir"gf
—The West Huron ,Varreers' excursion
to the Model Farm, f tenpin on Tuesday
lag, wee very well pa renized.
—Rev. S. Sallow, B. D., was at St. Marys,
last Sunday, telciag tl e work of Reve John
Scott, M. A. formerly f this town.
--Ladies, have your gnrrrtents made by
itliss at, Johusten, Gregory block, oppoeite
the Queenbi Hotel. Litteet stytee, good
work, always that -class fit.
Mr.- A. E. Simmo
on with the voluntee.
day last, one of his alt
ously ill.
—Entrance and oth
conducted tide week
The results of the e.
given in a future issue
s, who was at Lon -
s, rammed. on Fre-
drea being danrer-
r examinations were
the public school.
neningions wilt be
f, the Tines.
—G T R trains for Term, mid emit
leave Wingham at 0.25 a at and 11.20 a re.
via W G B Division, aud at 0.40 a in
and 3.45 p m, via Clinton and Guelph.
Good eon/motions by all trains.
—1Vfesers. a. Davis
fine foals tram Messr
mage's celebrated hot
--Mr. JQs. Vans(
ether of Messrs. B
Walter Vitustoue, of
been very ill far soot
able to be out for an
nd Peter Deaaintve
X. H. et: W. P, Dul-
e, "Slander." They
ne, of Kincardine,
diard, William - and
his pleee, who has,
time pest, is now
iring in a cerriego
—Another car load of Massey -Harris
twine at T. L. Jobb's. Prices right quality
end gnantity in length considered. Also
all kinds of machinery repairs for the Mao -
Bey -Harris, Patterson, Wisner and D. Max-
well machines on band. All kind of repair--
ing done to harvesting machinery.
. • - T. L. .T..00s.
The Winglman Ora gemen will cele -
rate the Battle of the oyne, on jelly 12th,
in Blyth. It is expecte that the gather-
ing there will bo a 1 rge one, as ell the
lodges in North Huron vill resent, ex-
cept those in Howlett istrict. Addresses
will bo delivered by eovs. ompsen, of
Kincardine; Hughes, o Adelaide, and Hig-
ley, of Blyth, and othe s.
—The Legislative . ohne school appor-
tionment in Huron is s fellows :—Aslifield,
$40; Brussels, $147; 5115; Clintom
1801; Colborne, 5245; Goderieli township,.
5322; Goderich town, 403; Exeter, $200:
Sonforth, $315; Gre 5488; HaY(1.152:
Howick, 5537; Hell t, $808; MoKillop,
$330; Morris, 5351; S nley, 5292; Stephen,
5415; Tuckersmith, 5 45t Ternberry, $2$4;
Uaborree $300; Waw noell East, $239; Wa-
wanosh, West, 5238; iinginun, 5225.
Tou .
Wbether on pleasure bent or business,
should take on every trip a bottle of Syrup
of Fig% as it acts most pleasantly and
effectually an the kidneys, liver and bowels
preventing fevers, headaches and other
forms of sickness. For sale in 75 cent bot-
tles by all leading druggiste.
—Anion other oh ges in the militia,
gazetted on Saturd y, is the following :
33 -rd Huron Boatel • n, No. 3 company,
Gerrie-21/0 ba seem lieutenants, previa-
inually, from 10th Jt. e, 1803, Sergt. S. G.
Keine, is succession o Lieut. Christopher
C. Keine, who retir s retaining rank, and
Wiltinin Doig, viol V. R. McDonald, re-
signed. No. 9 corn any, Dungenuon—To
be 'second lieutenn, t, provisionally, from
19th June, 1893, J seph T. Goldthrope, in
succession to Lieut Robert Huston, who
—The Rev. J. L Hector, the "Meek
Kniglit," conduct 1 the services in the
Methodist church, n Sunday lag, both
morning caul oven church was
crowded at both se vines, mullets discourses
were' interesting nd entertaining, His
Ieetteree, in the e urele, on Monday sent
Tuesday eveninp, re else largely attend -
ad, Ito every one .etned to be highly pleas-
edtte"! 01eeture litetidity tveniug wet a
itof life,- int Oiti,os told 1.1,1 iffi,tH
rented much Merriment
eveat, g the title of hie lecture
vaveThe Devil reseed. in White."
',reveal* be a spl aid temperance address.
Although Mr. cater is a self -eat -mated
Mara, he veeele mognita g good
mowledge of e erything pertaining to
man's happiness, nd, fix his inimitable
style, discusses "hi subjects with ease, bril.
ad bolds the ohm (Mem.
0 from start to finih.
of language, and his
illustrations are g oa,
IM6Yoftle '(;lintt;ici''t
•ie has a great flo
—Division Qurt was Belt in town en
Wednesday, Ju ge Doyle )residing.
T, J.
able witch. cow,
—The Tray
Thursday, givi
making, ,Sc,
—Vor st-otass tailoring and cheap
gents' tun 'shines, try Webster & Co,
Remember the place, only two doors north
of the old stand and between Ross' book.
store and Pate 'eon's jewellery shop.
liott, of tewn, lost a vain -
this week, fro n milk fever
ling Dairy wns in town on
dale exhibition of butter
—The town and went to Brussels o
Thursday, hievi ig been engaged by tl
Driving Park soetation of that town,
—.11 the burd cks, thistles, &a., on bit
sites of many o the ;streets in town wet
cut, it would be a decided improvement.
—Methodist iuroh pulpit topics for 'tax
Sunday g, "Chureh Prosperity.')
Eueniug, "Chris knocking."
klip-ZST ,VONGa.F.OaT1ON.134 (.41STE,011.
Wtiouam.--W. H, Watson, Pastor, Ser-
vices each Sunday at 1-1 a. M. and 7 p,
Sabbath School and Bible Olnee t2.3o,
Pram Dileotiog every Wednesday
41 Ei" p, me Christian Endeavor on same
eveni ng at 9 p, m, .411 maclo welcome.
Seats free. Strangers welcome. Sunday,
July 2inl. Morning subs t melt
uegleotod prophet." Eve leg subjeet,
"An earthquake and its c isequeuces."
Lord's, supper after the or ing service.
0 __Brigadier T. Holland, of tl a Salvatioa
10 Army, visited Wingliam on Vednesday, •
and a, special meeting was held m the Bar- .
o racks in the evening, tyldeli was fairly well
.o attended. Ile was assisted in t meetings
by Capt. Wiggins, Ensign Mal; .y, Capt.
Nuart, and others. Brigadier loth:aid, is
an Englishman of commandine
—Messrs. Cro
vivalists, are h
Watford, and ar
cess in their wot
'—ltfr. 5, No
slay and Hunter, the re -
Whig special services in
meeting with great sue -
1, of Listowel, who has
been in charge o the Salvatiorx Army in
town for a sh .1time past, farewelled on
Thursday eveni , and is now located at
—Large num erg of our townspeople
went to Bruss is on Thursday, the great
attraction being he matched racebetween
Messrs. Beattie • ros. mare "Wanda" and
Mr. I. E. Swart. horse "Walter G."
—Mist Maggi lifeLauchlin, daughter of
Mr. Jas MoLane din, of this town, is ill
with typhoid fe r iti Macon, Georgia, U. -S•
Her brother Frt ids, of Detroit, is with her
now, and the la est word received from her
she was on the lend.
—Mr. Jas. D Long has planed a, malt
steam propene on the south brat -Lela of the
Maitland, antli making trips nearly every
evening up the ver to Mr. M. Cessels'.
He mils his boa, "The Maitland," and has
carried as ma s y as sixty passengers the
raid trip,
choice New Teo.
Wholesale—Gordon & McIntyre are in a
condition to supply families or societite
with new teas, et jobbers prices. Now is
the time to *mare your tea.
—Mr. Wm. Von r, of Kinde, Miebigan,
a former resident ot East Wewanosb, has
been in town. for son e days introducing a,
patent manger for stebles. He will soil
the right to manufa ture 31 30 this county,
if he cau get a 001 tomer. Ile owns the
patent right for Oft useful article for both
the United States a d Canada, except for a
few counties, whiel he has disposed of.
—James 11. Allen representing the Su-
preme Lodge of the Sextenniel League, was
brought up befor the Toronto police
magistrate lately nder the Ontario In-
surance' Corporat n Act of 1803, charg-
ed with collecti moneys on bebale
of the said le sue and transmitting
the sante to t e United States, such
league not bein legally registered. He
was fined $20 10 d costs or 30 days i:n.
prisonment, TI s is the first conviction
under the act which lots been in force
sinee lest Docen
—The Wester
reaChecl US, thro
Thos. A. Brow
calls to mind t
gone on steadily;
importance sine
dates this ye
September 14 t
liet we find •ha
Cols itt Karnes
said fillies of tit
been tovived.
and ,tyrshiree n
4 year old cows
inent a class fot
Deno° Jersey Ti
to -compete wi, h the Tarnevorthe. The
poultry class liaae had Bose Comb Leg -
horns added, a x t itt the Ornamental clots,
Magpies. The 1 iry interests have receiv-
ed special oaten ' n, being now among the
leading fitting?' s in Canada. The one
judge system is to bo contintted,,having
proved far more Ittisfactory than two or
more, and in o ery case the ineu selected
are experts in th departments, being the
nominees of the iffeeeet Live Stook As-
seeiatioos, Tit direetors of the Western
Pair are °viden y men of geed judgment
and eisoutive a tlity, who spare neither
time nor labor
the- front. The
paralleled suttee
past. Prize lists
readers on applic
FeirPrize List hes again.
ah the kindness of Mr.
the Secretary, and it
fact 0:0; ' the fair hes
Onproving and growing in
its inception in 1808. The
• remain tite same, being
V. In viewing the prize
a class line been added for
and also that the teams
general purpose class have
n the Holsteins, Jerseys
section has been Added for
and in the sheep depert-
Hampshire Dowas, The
'd Hogs have been allowed
keep these exhibitions to
richly deserve the un.
'they have enjoyed in the
an be had by any of our
tion to the Secretary.
and has been engaged in Salvati 1,1 Army
work for many years; in Canada . nee 1889,
and is now Provincial Secretary o Western
part of Ontario, and has control ver the
workings of the Army in all Ilia section,
subject to Commandant Booth.
—A well-known lawyer givos 11
ing as the law for the public hi
towns and, cities: Tho street b
teams and vehicles, and pedestri
no more right upon them then
would have upon the walks. The
at the street comers belong to tat
trims, who hare the right of way
law, as against teams. Man
ignore the law, and dash over
walks, endangering lives and tite
the pedestrian% without tbinkin
vie/Ming the law. No vehicle ot.
within the law, be driven rapidl
crossings, nor can the driver
ores:Mtgs. .•
—Kincardine Reporter :—O Thursday
of last week the beloved wife 1 Mr.J. T.
Gook; of Wing,harn, died at tit residence of
her father, Mr. H. H. Benne Broadway,
Kincardine, in the thirty-si. th year of her
age. Deceased bad been ill since April,
mad a Jew weeks ago she ea ne to 'Sincere
dine in the hopes that a clta ige of air and
scene would be beneficial. hie was not to
be, however, and, she pas- d peacefully
envey on the above ante sum. ended by her
busband and family arul the dear ones of
the old home. She leaves a tusband and
four children. Tim funeral it Satunlay
afternoon was largely attend1, the Rev. 8,
Sellery, of Wingham, ofnciati
ways follow-
longs to
us have
le teams
here, by
be side-
imbs of
they are
verse MON
over the
street the
—Through the courtesy of
of Aberdeen (wife:of our fu.•
General) we have receiver
from Dingwall in the port
copies of the publications at which her
ladyship is editor. The fir t is Onward
and Upward, the orpu of tl e Onward and
Upward Association, and it ontains a vast
amotint of it-darn:m.0mi total tg towatde the
elevation of the messes. iv of ti: nova:
interesting articles is one or the IriS11 N 31-
In,ge at the World's Fete. C deep. by the
editor. 'Wee Willie Winkle
n, eland's peeler edited by 1
Gordon and her mother, an
magazine as will please the
of pictures and short stories.
—We take the following
sels Post of last week On
of lag week the spirit of Jtt
old resident of Brussels, pas, ed away. Mr.
Laird wasborn in County D negal,
ou February lst, 1827, and came, with his
parents, to America when 13 year; of eget
They lived for a short into at Boetoe.
when they moved to Wi not township,
Waterloo Go., where they t �k up Mud ing
farmed, The deceased Wa illtited in otter-
riage to Mise Eleanor Tort time, of Dem, -
ham, when 25 years of ug but Mtn. Letied
only lived eight years aft. ', leaving four
children to the care of he linsbaud.
Laird was married again i t 3851. to :thee
3..301.0 Garrard, of Elore, N ho tiervives biro.
Twenty-four ycnrs ago tl ey came to Bens.
sots, having resided in Elam towoehip,
Teviotclale and Seafort for stunt periode.
Form years ago the font) • removed te Port
Elgin, and afterwards li ed. in Southamp-
ton, Tiverton and Uud' wool. The utib-
jog of this notice took. illlest December,
end, despite all that me kat skill and ceret
fel nmising could do, be gradually- facd.
Carlo to the ho of his danghter in
this place filet weeks as he desired to
be buried here. The c' Ise of death was a ,
anter in the stomach, 6 is said. He was
greateuffere:r at thus lle epoke more
than once of the fear of death being renew -
ea and having a 'desire o got away to be at
rest. Eleven children tie liting, viz.
Mrs. Drt e; Mrs. 3. Con.
stable, Hetdor
Joseph, of Wi
4ine; Jetties,
Tilbury Gent
Duluth; Eva
was drowned
ago while bat
Moo3e, who
were about as
Ives Ira indulg
bor, whole b
those in need.
it; Samuel IV., teat
gbam; Seatnee, ee tee
of Underwoel; Jelin
; NcilideM/
111,40D, 1011 abrzy. •
a the llaitlend river1,4 y eeetet
Mg with a compTnion 11
leo 3041 his Ilia. The be
crit'S of age. Mr. Late .1kt,
nt itareot and a hied ut-igh;
d as ever ready to hali
Miss Dane, Gm.ro, viiiiting
W. B. Hutton's this week.,
Mr, H. Melf gene, repanetating W. e,
Gage in Co., wa la town on Mooney, in
the interest of le then.
Mr. X. 13. Fur nsan, town c14-..14•7, left foto!:•;:
Pelee Island, ou Ikkozolay lm -c, nreenlearee
ate, Itis health n t haeieg bowi1OV1. fe-r 4,1
short time pig.
Mr, Geo. 111
Manitoba, caleir
Messrs. W. G
were iu teem 01
gave the Tutus
Mr. W. E...L
igen, is in town
friends. He is
who has been
agriD, frorio.
g 011 ttioadt h. town,
and Alex. fitrcitg,of Conn%
business, on illonde..y, and
itit, of Pattie Greek, Mich
visiting bis pareatt and
ecompanied by his brother
a resident of Michigan for 1
Mrs, John Di isley a,nd. Mise Pottoson'
ars visiting the VoilO's Fate. :t
Mx. Jas. Ilan mond, of AtmLotri, was in
town on Satnii -Ey last, at' 1rt.-inestit and
gave the T11148
Mr. Jas. A. b alma:, af Uebridge, was in;
town last week visiting 1Le fettlee .2i1:0+
atitegi Cergin, of
Duluth, are so ediug ;the' holidays w'a.ta
their parents i town.
in town.
this town, is v -itiag relett4ese and eeieudst
Bas. Goth y, of fett7t7,...-12;1:, lorrt".3.11-
Master Jam s Dewsoneettlt ,bisesit
tending echo in Oi'ronitlnio3s
home for Ji. holidays, '
Miss Ne is Grey, of Erinini,';-ltttre York; -
is home fo her holiaays.
Ses,fort1 Expositor: Miss addle Mc-
Dougall, f Virden, Manitoba, who bee
been span ing the winter ha Wingleate,-17 at •
vi iting relatives lie town.
Miss H .daker, who has been ;visiting at •
Mr. John Velsh's for Horne time,,:etlen
to her horse in Toronto this week.'
Cornyn spent Sunday in Clio -
lie Conntese
re Goveraor-
ail the w'''Y business
ol 4cot1and, miss L
thP 11FOUP 111
ray Ma'j'tL,
34 jtIst.
muegeters, in
ram the Brae- t,
ter Taylor was at Luc:knew on ,
La Tilesclay.
:tie _McKenzie is Immo from --
onto, a pending her holidays with,_he
parents it town.
'41r. Gu MoLanehlin Sundt §ed in
Miee try e eLeen Is visiting 3mItele
grant am' vietility this week.
Mr. J.. . Hiscoek, ?It the firm
s nt Chicago takmgiatii W ;
Mr, D. 13Callmu, of Muske.,..a, we,
ing in. to; . , this week. •
Mr. L. .•to!lter, of Fordwicaolpent
day last i tcwn.
‘Villisalls* Little tauten -ma
Pills will cure Headache.' Bilieeteleatt
Sea.: ntonieeta, etc. Try tie eti onset mad
you will 210t USe env other. Ittiee 1:5t.
box, itt ail drug stofe.i.
Sa1'ssLoni' tii1'11,r8tit
oils. is am ()est tit G'
world. leettnet eine 1 es I an
Bruises. Beware of nnit ime. seek1'
Salmon's English White CI .1.
Dr. King's 11701ent libowderti
are side mid suee. 25c. a, lo:.
Itte a th ?%ioli•xtlsanc.-
will utero the worst cold. ,ftuatrode
testimonials testily to its 1 :its. Money
w'iUpoeitively be refunded. i; Hes-tittle '
Healing Balsam does not t-, -all Met
clalintel for it.
Dr. Riug's Siediecti Disetiv,
ery is tit,' great blood UI 1.151', It will "f
make the blood pure and keep it pure. •
Cures dyspepsia and all forms of stomach .
and liver troubles. It is the best; buy the
best. Price one dollar a bottle, silt -bottles
for five dollars.
WinitutiS' .11;laits ihtliitat)
Stilutotti's llinglis14 'Viii
11)::.1king's fir'coltax P4110.er. —1
ileatitiltiii's Ilealittg 1.1
. ' 1
Dr. lilting's itetlictil Hsi'y , 1
Art' all rc1i5lt1e inedielttes s.nd, th(k pval,
prietors pa "We satisfaction in
Paso or inoosy fundod,
, ,Ael•