HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-06-23, Page 7l4ft.'cee Int tee poote' Eyrie.
'FVhon lilacs iu the door -yard bloom,
And lift and shake their plunxy sheaves;
When sunbeams smite the forest's loom,
And winds to whispering through the
When wrong and robins build again
In peace antler the cottage eaves--
Thenn, though my strength is something
And though my eyes are growing dim,
I thrill with gladness anti eontont,
itty out sends up a joyful hymn,
And in the beauty of rho world
I fuel rrty spirit overbrim..
Long years have gone since nether tool}
The lonesome way that Angela mark;
Tito memc-ry of her latest look
If like a cradle in tlto dash;
But when the lilacs bloonrl see
Iler sweet face in a starry arc,
She loved so well these heavenly iiowei•e7
She broke theta for my childish hand;
They speak to me of happy hours,
By mother love and patience spanned;
Their perfume has a waft of sweet '
• Blown hither from t1I' immortal strand.
1 like the dear old fashioned things,
I always find them just the same;
.And as the fancy wakes and clings
That, blooming by whatever mane,
I'll one day pluck the lilac sheaves
Where Bowers in deathless gardens
Change of Name.
Toronto, Ont., June 19. --Tile announce.
• went has just been made of an important
business change in this city, which will be
noticed with interest through the Domin-
ion. The business of Dr. L. A. Smith &
Co„ manufacturers' of Dodd's kidney pills,
Anti-Ilandruff and other preparations, will
in the future be conducted by a company to
be known as The Dodds Medicine Com-
pany, Ltd. There is no change in the man-
agement, but the formation of the company
was deemed necessary and, advisable be-
cause of the enorinous increase of business
and the new name was chosen to identify I
the company with the most popular remedy
Dodd's Kidney Pills,
Tho company has fowl it necessary to 1
enlarge it premises and to build a Burge'
shipping warehouse, to accommodate the
additions to its working staff and to give t
increased facilities for shipping, Orders
for Dodd's Kidney Pills are pouring in
daily from all pacts of Canada and the
United States and the company finds it
difficult to keep up the supply equal with
the demand.
Mistakes of our Time.
Pew of us do comprehend Air •
When W(4 get tate grip wit don't re.,
T ---
Re, must certainly have noticed the
stir among tate speetaturs, but he did
not pruse,---assured by people whose
When we gat tL(: Bevil itis prol,ably words I revered that heaven helps
broause we deserve it; but we don't 'leo who helps binseale i helped my -
like to confess this, as least I don't. self and look --
Do you ? But the strong .nrrn of the law inter-
- fered and he was taken away.
From L riond to nun. c' ,
d Zrefx lit Q Vromise Cage,
it)w erucic S!BYRNS GOr QtJ 1 p7.' A. I1d
17 A]r1HrIiA
;MK' 1'I175;.
It was % ease ofi plaeutolneual inter-
est, and everybody was ready to have
a :r>uger in the pie,
First, there Were the engageuleut
Hoek Stevans, good-looking and a'iab,
a bachelor, Awiry Smith, a little
clerkess in the post,oflice. What luck!
the girls all said when they sate her
driving behind Hank's team of prize
bay8, And the little thing folded her
hands and tried to he happy.
Par it wasn't all plainstuill
ng. &he
had struck a snag early in the voyage
of love, Adtxliry didn't love Hank one
little hit, but shedid love somebody
else. She was marrying flim to ilei f,
her family out oe financial difficulties,
Sbe had about made ftp liter eked
that 8110 couldn't marry Hank after
all, and wondering bow she, would be
agile to tell hien and break his heart
when he threw himself on her mnrtiy
and said he don't love her, and would
be doing en awful wrong to marry iter'
and offered to settle a breach of prem-
ien case without judge or jury, hy pay-
ing bur $,10,000 damages to her uflcc-
tines in spot tush.
Alu►irj' was so surprised at thio car-
rying of the war into the enemy's
camp that she nearly tainted.
Poor girl, how she loves the thought
Ten tllousaud dollars isn't to be
sneezed •I t, thought Alnniry, but she
looked sad and distressed, as if it were,
a cheap plaster fur a broken heart.
But she accepted sure, and even
said confidently to !lank:
I'll spend it till In your store Su you
will Reit it heel; agruu,
And sIu did. Site bought hHr+
trousseau there when she married the
other fellow.
F'orov✓arned to Woreartued.
��yy yy
ANY of the worst attacks d elaolera
pVI morbus, cramps, dysentery, toile,
oto., come suddenly in against thein. Dr,
Powlet's Extract of 'Wild Strawberry is
the remedy. Keep it at hand for emer-
gencies. It never fails to cure or relieve,
aliz, that it is because we don't know
how to dress to suit the weather.
When we get he blues we don't
credit our livers of being the cause.
When we got the tualttri,t 4.e don't
think it is ite-ctruse we hitve been ex-
posed to open trenches ie tlse . way of
streets. •
When we get sober we dou't give
• time the credit but our own neglect.
When are get rich we tltinh we are
alTIart .
When we get poor we think we are
just as smart, but not much nppreei_
When tvu get lazy We call it weak.
It was with no in considerable &gree
dejection that the prisoner at the bar
eceived arigorous sentence for steal.
ern a roasted chicken.
He !tad sn artifical brown complex -
,n relieved by short• but copious
h iskers.
fie signed and looked very sad.
May 1 say a few words? lie faltered
ruing an appealing glance toward
e court.
"You may."
The prisoner cleared his throat.
I wish, be said solemnly, to warn
y fellow -Hien not to crust do int-
ieity in the pr'oinises of religion.
Goes the story of the excellence of hood's ' nail Blood Curod.
Sarsaparilla and what it has accomplished GNNTI,15uAN;—I have need your Boraces
and this is the atron ;est advertising which Blood 73}1 tees fo
HanctivaPpect--•.lout,-,• v Ilia Am Vitas Staid.
This year ie not leap -year, and Rao A chill eat ward was blowing, but
sofne of tiro giels are seriously handl- that iliti not prevent the Matt with a
oapped, butt • ttlltr.ly ;;“'ttoe from- rersnirinn
Aa they stat under the low banging,when be awoke with a start endiQdly llearrlrao�tddepartrwt� ,...
trees on the Itill slope in Eldredge parkt, tectei} tilt-, Found of stealthy footsteps
.., a,l
and the last rays of tit. 4t tt.ilq simile. the Apartment td p n .For Toronto .,»
Ali �' c i t 10;811 ji, ni 1?orTesiwa
*Test to laud, a a loud of No,1. 1 iet+'vtxo
l , aoinl,i,,, t Ii M t t �I ger an
,gilded the green, with marquetry a l Prescrtly a eh idnwy furls flitted 'n- !
gold, she moved a little closer and to the room.
t :nigh I r in
her peztusol ilu looked l: to her fact°
tapped her little foot impatiently with! The man with a sandy gnat eo sokxe.1
1J .
his pistol and was talsinr,
ltrx'll ES, �" tit '
liurrgi'ity. Careful slid w}iich we will sell at rices that. def ocln- --TIME: TAPIR.
"Uh, Clara," said he !rt rt low Alla when be 1,pit iia warm {;tin ted violent p
petition. Also, llrat•class Y tt•arrr. AT wlsuuos
imp -Aimee tones! -in shite of tete }toots !orchis be ht held the agonized taco Guelph, Tomo
that no 0110 ever addressed a girl as,of his wife
NOOTH SPIOR ,SHIN rrES }is.,Jdl',rrn,I't4lru,•i,4tou,Gtuc
fit 1. na su
��A x,21" Square, 20,07 pian, rnr• lila •A`
n .. r l08ot 1s t! , '
"'Ob, Ciera," when he is in dear ear- Yiiil}iatu--
ne'&t. "cls, Clara," the v
year t j (:l id b • 1 t l - quality guaranteed. " s xaa, ua London, Clinton, &•c.,
a s (dCli t Rlloot p m •+ .
to a light to ,Slue whispered dtatrosefully.
ser the
1'Ig r et` t fall the stun ---for heaven' a ke '
Why lint} It's l,[tl'}tti'a,
iii rr'site or, 'on are m ori'r
exquisite than ali the art n tisene4: j t�tllhtiln-,--
stet miry lour }see isa vision of blissHer ci'uutrrleImee was ltu.;ly;urd will
and your lips are the ►Hosie--- l fright.
!'herr quickly she spuke,her dimpled
hand upon ills arab
•'1'heu wily,.•,_
Silo leaned n tittle nearer in the
hush --
"T)r:A't you
Fier breath funded it:s cheek—
"Veen the trttlsis ?''
He did—so veva I times --iii rapid
Tariff' Reform,
-ramify Iieforut is in the air. The
praises of B. B.11, are also heard
everywhere. No other medicine ourea all
diseases of the ls and
so rapidly and sl sure stomach, liver,
sBurdock eBlood
Careful Crus.
Gus tie Smith --hiss Esmeralda, I
am delighted to item you.
Esmeralda !The pleasure is mutual,
Mr. de Smith, I assure you.
If T
were to present you with a bon-
trnet, would you accept it?
Oertninly, Mr, de Sn:itli, put you
have ea bouquet with you.
1 tate going out i.o buy ol:e for yo'1
right now, You sen, I didn't care to
invest any miouey ou n bouquet until I
was sure you would accept it. --Vexes
English Spavin Liniment removes all
hard, sort, or calloused Lumps and 131een
ishes frotr, horses, 131ood Spavin, pCiurbs,
Splints, Rini; Bone,' Sweeuey, Stifles,
Sprains, Sore and swollen Throat, Coughs,
etc. Save 050 by use of one bottle. War-
ranted by Chisholnr's drug store.
National Characteristics.
A. German and a Frenchman sat
opposite each ether at a table d'hote
in a Swiss hotel
You are a Frenchman, I suppose'1
enquired the German at the commence
meet of the meal
Yes, wtcs the reply, But how did
you manage to find that out?
Bt rause you eat so much bread, Said-
aidthe. German. There was a lone
pause. When the dinner was over the
Frenchman in his turn questioned his
vis -avis.
You are a German, 1 presume 4
To bo sure ; but tell tae, pray, how
you made &bat discovery 2
Because yon ate so emelt of every
thing, was the dry retort.
Iteectereete,X Geese INA. MM.—South
American Rheumatic Cure of Rheumatism
and Neuralgia radically eures in 1 to 3
days. Its action upon the system is re
r bad blued and firm it, MBA' able and mysterious. It removes at
is done nu behalf of this medicine. We without exception, the best pit tifying ton to ouce the cause of the disease Immediately
ende}corto tell honestly what Hood's in use. A short time ago two very lar,;e disappears. The first dose greatly bene -
Sarna 11 d h t 1•
parr a IS au w at 1 wl I d0, but and paiufut bolls came on the back of 'lav
what it has done is far more important • neck, but B. B. B. completely drove theta
and far more potent. Its uuequalled re- away.
cord of cures is sure to convince those who
have never tried Hood's Sarsaparilla that t aAuvsr, I3nAEN, Toronto ;Function.
it is an excellent medicine,
Loves Sacrifice. to see if 1 can find out how I fall to
ts. 75 cents. Warranted at Chisholrn's
drug store.
Mamma—Why don't you go to
sleep ?
Herbert --I ata just lying awake to
Jaw -Breakers. With a cry .she threw herself upon sleep. Last eight I tried it.
1Jisproportionnblenc+ss, with 21 !cit. I her father's bosom. flemena--And did you find oat?
ters, is said to be 'the longest Englieb The old man ett•oiied her golden Herbert—No, mamma, I didn't,
word. Other languages furnish num- brown tres3es, but dared not press her .After I had been awake about three!
" web + for her motives. hours, I fell asleep accidently.
Brous examples Of loner ones, For Oh papa, she rrsurtnured ecstatically.
instanon, ono of the villages iu Lis„ P F ,
North of tVhales is celledLlletntairpwt• What is it, my child!
Igyug+lgoeerpwllaltdypiltvgogo. On the Only tlliab Cilleriev---=-
Isle of 1llril, its Argyllshire, there is
!ler eyes grow 111,?ist at the mention
tl pl•tce Galled Dry,►tteirlltorickleillietla, of she naive,
ttltn, The two loti»est words til the `-"bas arranged so that we Orn—
Gerivan language are (xri;ttn,ilseitswie. earl--—
det1ipstellungszusatnlnenmiechuugsven She faltered, and in her ronfusiean
rhaltnisskuudiger and Oobataiiiinopol. she was lovely.
itaoischerdudelsaekpfeufergesel ls.haft• r'^`- he married.
The parents lips moved, but gave no
**6.. sound.
A Complicated Case.
Dian 5re,-1 was troubled with bilious. m'►' child.
nosh, headctene and Ioes of appetite. I Would you believe the oecrifiue he
could unit rest at night, and was very made for love of met He has juet
weak, but tfter tieing three bottles of li, told me that he would try, ob, so bard
13, le. my appetite is good and 1 am better to live within your income.
than for years . past. I wood not now be
without 13, l3', 13,, and am also giving it to It tvrsro It captious nature that would
my children, heave' withhold peternetl setllction.-•y.
Una. WA7,tan Dunne. Detroit Tribune.
llfaitlaid, N. S.
It is said that the Xing ofIta ly,tiitrs Stuoit to the Eight
liiu falnoile „ nor, Anctor 1,nianuel
art1'takes one dealt a (lay.
Do you read tl o t istimeniele peblished
le beletIf of nova's Sarsallari1fa7 They
are thoroughly . reliable and wrathy you
oenfiden ee.
, night actions sprint; from right prin.
Cramp:4, col}C, summer comyitaiedt, chelate,
nteerbus, eto,, the right remedy is Potter's
;Detract Of 'Wild 18trawbetry,—ttntde'on the
t principle that ntLtare's reibetdies etre boat,
Never travel without it.
e}ples. Ill cases of diarrheate yseutery
Itch nn human and horses and all ani-
mals cured in 3U minutes by Woolford's
Sanitary Lotion, This never fails. War-
ranted at Chisholtn's drug store.
J: have lost my little Fido, said the
young women, chokingly. Here is a
notice offering a t'eward for his recob.
To In in the want colttm, I suppose}
said the adver•tieing clerk,
No, sir 1 she replied, haughtily. I
want tt to go among your other per-
sotrui items, sir..
Sixteen ounces of gold are sufficient
to guild a wire that would encircle the HarmlessContain no hurtful drupe. A
--s8 sl1rP n8 you shoot. you'll wake
the },ally, ..
Ilp4:o1 i111; aintlda?i,;y, as if he hal
All kinds of
Dressed and Rough Z nrrIb+er, Lath,
Barrels, Wood, &o,,
1 i sheep as the cheapest..
1- Jit I4i Aly. 44 $ON,
Wiul;llatll, tune 7t 11, 1803.
kept constantly ou beast.
OP 4' Meet! ae ualeitpe i ted It oar, he
snl1''red the weapon to drop from his
eerroles,t bawl—Detroit 'fi lune.
elleastoue rer.e.tltly reunit ,d that
nothing except the mint mut make
money wir bout atlserttail The
(.frau,! Old Mau i, ie hie 84+h �•eer,
but be kers,. his noteleet ttbretibt of
the proces'ion.
Miss Winks.. Do yott find the wo,1,1
quite rkilretent .since you've put 00
Your glasses ? iilr. Nearaiigl,r--Y(.s.
Do you know I really '»•tall to 11bink
you quite prott;•.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. ,
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Aiiss, she clung to Castoria. ,
When she Lad Children, &legate them Castoria.
Manager—Why don't Little Eva j
(mule on e Un,•le Tont and --She is l(
twlakin, a litt.e speech t't the enmlrltnv
that+k+t,g it fort)rt• pieustuat way it had .
retnembe •cd iter 62 id turthday.
crlves !Triune Lessons to Vocal Training, both in Stair
and Tmetc.5n1•Fa Notation. Open for eureAnients
for Concerts or Church meetings. Terms moderate.
nuts. 11. mom -tows,
24 Shutes St Mush=
When the oarsman retires be COtips; FIATS,
out of his shell
Pr'1%,• f} rhtue� dor;:• a geed deal to.
wards heio,ag riot the r.heory 'hat man
deseended from the brute creation.
Is leiitkt'nin et -1y ill Yea ; he is
perfectly I,.,rle s Delft eukp interest
--say, doctor ; you try herrowing it
few hundred from lritn.
,,,�F `,. r f B
6 (�' uT
F.r. st
' A.a
t„.„, yytaa .
t ♦:4 r
1•. r•H` fin' kt
,/,,1•40 i 1 isd r
+At, Ess ti�-'p pp
rvlst. 11 b1
'fie o ,'s 1,.,I>l
e /IV its !'ION
••• � t • M:a r:5ui.:
Not only a relief but iii cora for alt kihds of
wonderful Compound, Nlco to take.
Ivililams'ttoyat Crown Remedy, greatest dare on
earth, guaranteed to etwe general Nervous nobility,.
ittiettia tttsin, Neuralgia Paralysis, Ole.
Fully 215 per cent. of the chain.,
pague tondo is Inst by the; bursting of
t0ako rlt's tironchiat Balsam Will aureany Cough
Cold, ilronetlttis or Asthma.
Oilier—nave you .Lucile nitong-
NItei Newgold, . No, but if she watts a ,
place tell her x'II pay her better wager!,
than the cab get any Mace else,_
Sure death to pain.
Be sure you got STARI#'S.
5e6M Ol.As8bW UNivca ire, SoOTtANtt,
25 eon *box. bold by all Printouts
T.nti*tely new +Loilniiotthd
41 PIsn n 1{4 u,., sa t'a,yrrt, it, 1110
hart. Urate r to 1'... Xf,.,+1 (.l,l.;
sold ey druggists or sent by nodi.
bk. XT. Ytaatitle'.Warren, Pa.
R TH.111
Agency f
For inter/nationand ireeeC� n0bo kTil
31UNN (i Co., 551 Bnudn'Tgy, I41e
Oldest bureau for seouries patints AU
Every patent taken out by us. ap bro•
the ttablie ban notice given lroe pe' char_
'dentine Zintvz
Larges circulation of any soleritaitc pa
world Splendidly iilwttrated. No
should bo without 15, Week!
ru�r1Issmzt4,$ 361 oadway t et
rft n
- --- (4()
a, )q,N, y
Cheap for - ,.ASH,
E B r E 1ti•
toves, ;, .ti nfl �`f-'�'`�,' "C' r, +�t•�h tov
All intending purchasers of stoves or
winter;Will save money by buying from.
Having bought a very large vbiriety of
S - --957
to choose from
livery store guaranteed against breakag
to give co piete"satisfaction.
IIingb stuff Wl;ebar 8ttii 0 I,