HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-06-23, Page 5IStoWel.
The Bank of HDrxriltea are ndva?rtia•
int+ for Genbera fall alterettion t,f their
premises, corner of Maiit and Mill
'Street, to be refitted with vaults, cosecs
etc,, for their nosiness.
Mr, J. 15, Bowman is reuzovin'g itis
stook of general dry goods to one of
fir. Philip's stares on Wewllece street.
There were about sixty delegates at
the L. 0. L, Rail here on \Vedneeday
last After trirnsteting I/twines& of the
order, the celebration of the 12th wee
discussed. It was thought by •seine
that stew rather small ,for 'a
county iielebratiort and tlio Blum ledges'
decided to go to Stratford,
Atnottg the auoeessful sr<udan'ts.aat
the 'Toronto ;University examination
J. 11. t\1eBein, Attvvod, honors in
Onhilesvphy'torth year and bliss V. E.
tayton, be3ondyear, honors in modern
Mr. &bort Il, O hnje, eldest .sou
of Mr.- j. ill. tllitrrie, was xazarriad on
the Beth ult., to Hasa 111. Mott, .at
Birrie, N. W. T„ lav .the Bev. Wm.
Summerville. It is about 15 ,years
since he left for the West, though he is
well remembered here .and ornrny
friends sr=uct good wishes,
/tr. James Sugree, of M..Berost,
late of ,D.tia'ha;nz, ,tarts .purchased .frena
{kiss, Wtrso,i the lease of the Mangell
.goose at the station and has taken
.possession. Mx, Wilson leaves .iu.a
few clays on.a trip to old ;Ireland to
visit the scenes dills youth.
At the late examinations of the
,Ontario •.College of Physicians and
•Sor,peous among the successful ..can -
dictates were A...H. .Iv'ichol, .1+,. sfiar.
Vey, Newry and W..Elliett, Mitchell,
E. A. Downie,.Listowel,•passed•priau-
Nfr. Dail Mrs,.G. Y.,Donaldson •have ,
returLeel &ow a two weet(s.trtp to the
of tt b flair.
Messrs Moses ,thicker •acrd .,J.
McGregor left tact .week, .driving
..Port 'Elgin .for a few !Solid
:They will ttilte.in all theetrout street
by the way,
.Mr. Robert ..play and Mrs. W
&Garnett, 11;oronte, are .the _guests
airs. W. A.,P,liilli.ps,
The aery hot weather of theelast ,t
'days has had the effect of attracts
.kidestrains.to.the welcome shade tr
' of which our:town so liberaiy .aa1iote.0
•'the showeL•s.ef :Enesday'.pi,ht howey
.have cooled „the at;woephere .ve
Messrs., nosy .Bros„ me having th
*warehouse nud.grain elevator. repazn
,ecl.whictt 'has .greatly improved .t
.t;t,'.pearance of .the .bitildin; s, .Ti
item always ,keep •Shaer ,fareperty
,Rood repair ar4d eppeaaaaam.
:A somewhat .serious and likely
sbe,fattil raising .iac:cidei1t, steepened
Me% W. Ward's.baru, on the 6th;eu
of ;Enna, on Monday„ when by th
fabling of zt bent ,four ruen.where badly
Wined, one oi' .whoa, ,it is feared
fat.elec 'Tie aciiidrint.as sate•i to be.the
resat:It of pure eaitele*enese, and not
as meal from .raoiz°g. by opposiezg
tle.kitevcrnoitel„,e,;german farm
in Wallace. was ,suonlrtzng•ctn the bite
of his farm cutting .wood, apparently
in goad :health, on Monday 'morning
nut ail,et °mice he fell down, and the
man working with denim went to his
assistance, but to his display, the poor
fellow w& dead, Supposed,to,tiie 'heart.
When the 8.15 train eafzze iu from
Stratford Tuesday eventing a.gooely
number of ;people had .cettgregated
siround elle depot, expec'ti'ng to get a
d;llmps of .r. R. R. any and kis
bride, whn were expectrd is on that
train, but Rus„ alto in a bashful Sort
of ,fellow and not ready to meet such.
an ,overflow of eongrattiationa, fooled
thea;urious ones day handing his ibrid.e.
intolaa carriage that was stationed at
the one end of the platform and drove
away .clown town • afore scarcely Any.
body was tewat they Mud loft the
train. The noptual knot was tied at;
the h(:Selo cf the 'britfe'e father, Mr.
Marshall, of Stratfoncl, Tuesday after,
noon l y Rev, 3. P. Eerie, of Toronto.
Ever) bed' 'doilies in wishing the happy
conpleall sorts of future happiuesa=,
Rev. James Livingstone ti ill pre:neb
iiia farewell sermon on Sunday, evens
log, and owing to the almost universal
pnpular,tty of Sir. Livit+;tstone it largo
teathering is espeeted. Tito,1!ethindiot
cbttrcli is undergoing rennuiatiotis and
for some time back the congregation s
Iia%ei,ettii worshiping in the baasement,�s
but the writer heard it intimated on a
"\;t'cc#nesd'al morning that the Presby d
terian':d had kindly offered the use of p
their, eomedious z:burc11.
The re -opening cif this Meslicidjst
elitz.eh ie to take place the 2nd Sri clay t7
iii July, when sermons still be preach.. s
rd 1,y Bev. Dr, Griilin, of Taronta, o
and ?ref Mills, of the Ageicuiture tl
College, Guelph, ti
un. ay Rev, 4 . P. $alto
preached thea closing sermans of 1tj
pastorate in Brussels,.
A. new bass viol has been put'el)aso
for the Sundan' school orchestra o
the Methodist church,.
3. l andesborie and wife are visiting
at R, :f,eatherdi*le°s, They interrtl eek
fog a lzoljday trip through sowta of the
Weetern Sttttes,taltjng in the World'tt
.1, T. Pepper has been appointed
local Agent for the North .A.werieip Life
Iusnrenee Oo.
• 1~'astmeetear harrow and A. irfaLen-.
1 nab have set out nice cedar hedges
on their reepeetive properties,
Thomas Curry. of Bruseel•s, who
makes a specialty of grating feuit trees
completed :a very busy season. last
1Pridey,, big hes put on no less than
2$,220 grafts, the largest umber since
he has been in the business, His big-
gest days vett' vias 1,014, Mr, Garry
eeye the grafts are grewing splendid,
Ile •has already got orders hooked for
next 'spring.
At •the.zzeeting of Brussels Council
Royal rlewplars of- ;1'ewperaaoe.
I'zlesday evening of last week. Oift.
cera were elected for the current terns
as follows : --- W. 11, .`.l'ierr, Select
Couseiilor;Itirs,MeLauciaw, vice Conn -
(teller; Jas. Moore, Se'cretar'y; Miss
Annie aims, FM -See etary; Nelson
Gerry, Treasurer; Jas. Saenoe, Herald;
.0. • ;
G, l:�,vizg, Chaplin; '`i.iatrntmel Plum
Guam; •Wm. Grztlith..t ntinel; 3, Mc-
Alpirie,, .J. B. i41cLaucduu and G. A,
DeridinQaie, Trustees.
The.services of Rev, Q. F. Salton
were called into requisition Tuesday
evening of last week .:t the residence
of Alfred Lowry, 'Tuna berry street,
Brussels, when 1., W. Kingswood, of;
St. T1>,oruats, and Miss Rachel, second'
daughter of J antes S•iharp, of Morris,
(were united in marriage. iiliss lin-
RV f nie :Sharp, sister of the bt•ide was:
fvr4bridesmaid and William Lowry!
j.grootxisru»n, The guests partook off a,,:
ys. most Qy:client spread • after which thei
evening was pleasantly spent. r>l'lac:
happy -couple took the night trate afo•ra
"I 4.SC..Thomas carrying '.svith them ti e
'Of . best wishes of a lergeeeirele of Meads
for their future happiness and prosper''
tan ity.
s •D., who comes to 13ra ssels�t is month
ds, as the pastor of the Methodist chs.ve•h•
er, fins been ordained i3 years, lite grasid-'
ry mated in '.arts at Victoria College a
1885 arid ;tools his 13. i). in 1888, all&
air supplied •tet Galt for/ser. months befrere'
ts eirdinationr•(to whiche,town he was ens
he ?r'ted backs' and has been statione.ra.at
'B'aisley street church, Guelph, for .fe
al .years and :Dundalk oche past J ysatsar.•
• Mr. Oabbleclict: has :attended consider,,
to &Ale prominence in rrxriection with
at',Yeang Peoples' Societies and is nowan.'
u. member of et he Provincial Exectiv,e•at
8 the Epwortl;: League,:dtc. lie was ie '
ThE WI G M TIMES JUNE 2 , t803a
u ilclr, Jolla Andersen, of Philadel-
phia, i
�s is laaQte on a visit to lila parental
near this village.
M. John °palters, or. hada large
f barn raised ort tllondiay afterupoat.
The Presbyterian congregation
has'elaosen a site for their new ouurcli
which is I'm be erected next yeer on the
street leading to the station,
The sports of the town are talking
of building a race coarse, It would be
aoS auy idea,ood ascription,e atWeo AttrahaveStions
eineHpebdy stock zu and around the village
but leave eta ohttnne to develop it on
oocount of tieing so fair away from any
Mr. Je4m (Janrpbell lost a valuable
young mare hest week from the result
of foaling.
Mr. W. Robertson of Blyth, spent
Sunda'* at his old home m \Vawanosh.
Mr, ; Livingstone spent $uiidey in
Mi ldin•ay.
Aft, 3. Walker, of Repartee, is
spending a, few days among friends
near this plaee.
Lange quantities nt saw logs ere be.
bag d'rawzl to Livin;;ston's grill from
the .8th concession of Wi wanoslt,
Three kgs which ware taken frim Ur.
Walith's bush azre said to leave txiade
six large loads of lumber.
Servide b the Methodist church
neer;. Sabbath evening. It was closed
last Sabbath, owing to the!energy and
Weed will of a few ladies of the con,
.,rekuttot►, soliciting, subscriptions to
have the inside 'renovated, which has
been nicely dere, by our local dpoorstor
and painter 3. Va+9izorman.
Both the iu ligd and results where,
Syrup of Figs is taken; it ispiaasant
awl refreshing to the taste, and set'
gcntlyyet promptlyon the Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, .cleanses the sys-
tem effectually, dispels colds, heed -
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
en1y remedy of its kind ever pro-
d:aced, pleasing to the taste and ac-
ceptable, to the stomach, prompt in
its act?on and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
heelthyand agreeablesubstances,its
many excellent qualities commend
it to till and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
:Syrup of Figs is for sale in 750
'Wales by all leading druggists.
�.ny reliable druggist who may not
lerrre it on hand will procure it
pxeinptly for any one who wishes to
tsl it. Manufactured only by the
News Item. ! e•srestsuiLIZ. KY. W YORK. LW:,
'The Formosa brewery•rvas dostroVed
't_v flee on Thursday eight last. We
,u2_dersti nal the setas is iatthe neighbor-
hood of $12,000 with sae irsnearree.
The town couaaeil, or:angersoll, tins
'decided to grant the Beard of Edema
teen of that town the clots of $20,&0
sf)o•ereet a new Collegiate Institute. ( W. Kelly & Son ''hipped tL car load of
ry Within the patar six weeks sugar ha' ' vsettle to the old co.tar>;,ry laet week.
or,vaneecl a cent a ponied! wholesale in 'Owing to the bear shower on Friday
ta,antr.a1. ¬herviews%rd atovrmet it evening the attractiess awl band had to
bei the local tearlest•>a>a,y'•t(1on li,r lax,• 'be dispensed Wats? int'1 a park.
Teeter]. The ardatama:ce;is attribnthcd to Mr. A.11IcKeller -INr.ting the fetnada
the protracted :1•nawght sin the eszze 'tion dug out ter :i +Urge brick residence a to,
gt win^ countries, ae erected tis aurn�ra,er r., the lots 'he.�
The propeietazs of the above n)eutioned
iv inking model of the same oil exhii,i
Ontario, after Tune 26th, for a limited
necessary information and wilt offer for sal
Bruce' counties or any timid territory, the
Province a.
P ince and Z iovit:ce of Manitoba and its
VENDER, formerly ctif Aulrere, 0
% orf, ~ itario,
ion a
'ricd sr
the ex
<ix eoctii
atarlo. J.
VARY JOT N 13031
tnan ger will Manse
the Queen's total
I will be glial to fu,
iusi4e right of TT
•astern counties
eine Already s
SMITH, for
The home Clod, held there regular Beg, to announce
meeting in the tempe.ntuce hall 'e ; erous-�
etas' cit 14lon.t i'elilr✓ c`$3�
E3.1e. 1lxeltiu:tow a'Y tlo have had theiri.Lr
*ikarre re.slti ui;tarl , I ��•�[�a�J'y$j1 a(,��j,J'�' ,j •
SU.V nhin'ea:L7u /a,'([y��}y Ian
BUSINESS at herii t d. establzu ment s
St., 13ngha. a ., UNTIL
(TIL On Jose
�✓ .� NTi l .N
x;Georga. Mornay, a'fet;•rater tivin . pia 'oeoently purebaver!'mn Dintley St.
;the township of t+�e atirie i, was ki'd+•d °lieu. Mr. Luxe, of l:ielgrave, °rel gned the'I
•St .idly morning while on his way to:�tpulpit of the i'raatuyeeriau church on Eean
Griffin's Corner.. :Kis tenni became:44y evening israt.
•bateianageable anti •ran a%vgy, 1llr,,j
11Rerray felt trot caf'hia,.ri?; on hies taM,d The members of !the L. O. L. No.53G3.1
,with such tot crttaai,:lass Dui li head
a f,are very busy 'uaki the necessary .&r•-
row minute.^:. y i'rarrgemeuts for ';+e reaming twelfth. Itis;
,ekpeeted that there will be the largest.'
sA bill has psaaed the xioeat Legs-.1:gathering ever seats irs this place on that.
b tttt•e by wbath iattioeersraare protected ae,*.
'frost; sulro.00iatr•lrre-'t Now the eon.., adl.ov. Mr. Osznpbelci.,;pastor of th. Metlao Of the ±1ewesgs
tractor is held reeponsillite and lie %vitt; . s T =af �. desrip
•i�tierwfore be more �articulaaz' to whom Ir1Yst•chureh, after w;t'ls,:oe year's pastorate stock.
he ech-lets a job. 'Under the iievr.loveripreaeh his ;areavell sermon on Sunday;
Aetsthe contractors will the expeetrei j�varitng nest.
to krek rafter the senate resGasraf those ens- Theunion S S Verges, of this place, is to •
plured, he held ea the 3t)tti inst.
Rey. T. E. Ffigley .au,t P. Metcalf, lay
i.dele;,as,tes, are atteudiett the Ilaroci Synod
Steel .."'•b>aeeaasei'$. �av'hieh is being held itelLoudou this week.
'ke Mitchell Recorder.4peaking of ',I. Bev. A. McLean is at present on a visit
slay, aptly puts it; as follows :--.The leo the :World's, Fair.
Mgt stove pedlar et•rtick thin coria- ; Mr...F-1'108. Jpnr:.,, .;f Lc't ibtr'•y was oatl-
•fesir weeks Sego amsd •we•beiieve has ink os ,4141 frir'n,":,. it, ,,,,,, .,,;
k,e faw of tette frtrtiiaze with a .:.Y.,�,_741t- 4'444.,-,r,,,''„„,",.,„y,,,, ,m•
S EPTE E p ..
toan last week nmal;itz; arrangements,
far moving ,Lore on the 27th. Ile
w. 11 occupy bS o pulpit.eu the Zit Stale/.
bath of July, --�� •�
:Saw to Ge't+a. '.Sianiihata,;,” Picture.
ec 1 eu,llc•'Sursfrght"aoup..tvrappere(wraia-il
k per bearing the words" W.11,y,.Does a Wotnau .
.,Loop. 4kid Sooner Than a itlau") to Lever, peal
Bros., b•td., 48 ,`ieot.'t »t., .Terouto, and you
' -witl receive by pwst.a.pretty picture, free ;C •
.;from .adrertlsibg,,.aud Well.%wrth framing . cCy .L
Th n
This is as easy essay to decorate yvur }tamp .true
w be soap as the best in the.iliteoruet Sand
twill only,cost one cent postage to send
tke wrappers, if yqu leave tine ends op
Writeyr,ar. addreyn.oarefnlly.
1 i3Curoxa Mems.
.Igeilitf ' %inglish, to! the.Central pri-
, arrived in Ooderioh Tueeday after.
noon lest,and retuned Co ..Toronto by
the next train takierg with flim three
prisunere .from Godcricla fail, via.,
William Walsh sostteu.ced to nine
nit.ntlis imprisonment for -stealth's a
suit of,e(tothes from Nixon ,Study, of
t;oderiob township; .i. uis 3etrique,
sentenced to six menthe for being an
aeoesory and Jae, Wilson, of Wawa -
nosh. who was sentenced .to eriven
tnouths tor ,stealing harness.
Alt Association game of footbsdi be-
tween ZJistowel and Brussels was play-
ed at Brussels on Saturday, The
game was to decide which club was to
wear the medals. The pleying was
geed, acid the result was 2 to 0 in favor cod JLhn
steel :z a have ucrtlra+ig to say
4lgaivat'.tie steel ranges, Nit it is well
khriwei'tIs Jt any restular' dn,#Ie1 in the
coati- ys:in supply any good :.iauadiau
made Tangs for *40, whii,e 'there ped-
lars are asking and ohtn4tiinrctaetween 1
Wit) ,fru.?.; 70. It is a singular thing
that many a farmer could not kce
iuep i to:btty an article in the 'vegulns t
niarket even for a moderate price and
will he,oauglht at his own bouos for
the same Article; by any oil -tongued
pedlar; at a much higher price. It
stands to rearon thatra pedlar, in order
to irlnice. 'tip his salary and expenaa
must have a larger profit on all
article titan •as:teeter iu the regales.
tion is
tit, k's lfoi%da he,ioNeuraLlgiai�aud Liv •
Powders, nice to take; perfect harmless.'
Mr. Wins chief. ofPollee, Woodstock, says:
"A wire curo every tube." Al(1. Tarnier,
Barrister, ;:Tatnilten, says : ” exparieu..
Mit immed ate relief from their use IT DOES AWAY
k headaches." Mr. Mercer roar l J'tJb83"l�!
tractor. rJ,ani3ltAu. says: "1 consider them
Winghano, Isdaroll 16th, 1893.
Icons are n
"SAT %; ikallUrEIZET442:s Cga%11
1 have just received a full supply of Christmas goods. consisting of
awl jewellery of all Rinds and latest designs.
BIG BARGAINS From Now Till Christ
All geode bought fer cull and We CAD ;wit cbesp at the chespe
There's Nothing I
Like iBePs to announce to the people of Winghan
Aft1 ourroun ing country that her stock of
A„ sheloton was recently utioartneu Et very I
sing ma
ton, tia
tune a
and no
they ha
bares he
l?rice, 23
On Mr. Jas, More's farm .4th comes-
thborne. It was rather a small
keleton, being that of it woman or
small man was buried about two feet
eep. It is in a Vety good date of
The Londesboto' Batter Notary is
Sawn. They are making 600 pounde
!o- popular maneges of the Factoy,
minable remedy, and for surpas- •
ny others T have tried," Mrs. Gas.,
roilton, says "X' have derived great
from thorn, • baying boon it 10))8
effetor from headache, biliousness '
uralgia." Mrs. ()riot, Varnitton,
medicine Or doctors did my
ve effected a complete cure." Arts.
en the greateet blessing' to ine." •
oents a box, gold by all medicine{
let tliNAVVI
is complete in all the latest novelties
LACES., Svc,
Alleyees Brick 13
Wirighatr, March 30th, 1803.