HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-06-23, Page 4THE * INGHAM TIMES, JUNE 23 1. lS93.
4E. WI!
r., .
ck , t 1:;3'.1, Referred t:) read and bridal:. stmt. t over. it was reeotutneuded that the mat.
r I tutee, iter be laid ager uutit iteat meeting to wait.
I'stttnrn front roll ptyers of Iullett, 'remelt of a p
cal of Huron ys. Morris,
\e-t•an41la t \eeettnosh re ebiu,e of
A. Re foot -bridge ou idle site of Grctbi rn'e
school eeetlon boundaries, was read and bridge near Wilt helot it was recommend'
I •eferr d to the educational ootnrnittee. eel that 51300 be gran tad for the ereetion of
t e
— A ;fit' - 1 ;\. deputation was heard relative to at .card bridge progided that interested part--
Inew bridge en the site of the old Graham ice sign a pond relieving the ceuuty from
- •• .N. r•r1 el:Nee- 3 of I any further resl•oustbility,
••••,e) p. i i :), r i Melee near W I nglisii. Oa motion
.,, a "" ' " s i c d G `ii'sou the matter was 0. The letter from warden of Lambtou
Messrs. Holt an. r l antra' the road corntnirsioner to meet
• referred to tho roitil and bridge , cath -
r i their council, it was reeommouded that he
.... ntittce. >r r , o or not as he leases, but the county of
'_t } l 'V
R, r~ ;y ' ', The letter ant'l report of J. T. Gamow, I R p
ACT w , .,`;., f, l,a - in reference :to the Matter of Morris and t Lambtou should pap his expenses.
a ° The report was taken up clause by clause
t11e Comity of Huron, was on motion of The coo& oil thou. went into ;a aotumittos of
fd 1 t,•.. ilei e 1 1 Messre. dolt and Older referred to the
k 1...1.s....•.. t 4l t 1. se•
committee to report. the whole, lir, humidors iu the chair..
The c1'onrod to meet at The committee rose and xeported' pro;ro$s
rhe couucil then a s 1 2 3,46, 7 aud a3 of the re-
. • 30, p. m•
ou clauses ,4, ,
— - - Council loom, a 30 o'aluck. I reit he warden then reeumed the chair.
s i • The couucil resumed, the warden in
jl / 1y, ei ' L”
3 "'l-1 9 e i , i ;, Rilltthe chair. the county solicitor, re ll'Luuicipal act, sect..
a• Application to have Wesley 11. lou, 520.
of Exeter, put on list of county wards I 1. Qrlu the couucil pass a by-law Beim;
was referred to the finance committee. 1025.00 or auy other sunt to be granted
Supplementary report of gaoler prop- municipal councils of this county or ether
i arty committee.
I The report of the gaoler stated that at ouch person 2
present there are night prisoners in the o2. `What do the words "whole of partial
goal of whom three are committed for support" t do in sect. 52P'?
larceny, nue antler sentence, two con- Motion of Messrs. 1'ioudfoot and \1e.
Pherson that a house of refuge be erected
iu•the County of Uurou, was referred to
the executive committee.
Council Room, June 9, 1893,
EDUCATION REPORT. 10 o'clock a. m.
The following recommeodations wore Council reseaed, All present.
made : •i\lotiou of Messrs. Rollins and Spaclk-
1. That Peter Douglas, in conjunction man, that clause 9 of the report of load
with Juclge Toms and J. E. Toms be and bridge committee he amended by re -
arbitrators in connection with applioa- quiring our commissioner to attend at
municipalities for the use of said commit -
tion of S. S. No. 1I, Hay township. Sarnia the meeting of the Lambton conn -
,and use file reacting xoom. Filed. 2, ,John Britton, John Bowers and cid at our cost is to be adjusted witbLamp- tee'
Latter from Mr. Collins, claiming dam- •• 2L'rrEL)LENTAI1T Moo= 0) ROAD YND BRIDGE
ages from this council for Mr, McInnis
Finlay Andersen' wore recommended as ton, when the bridge nest is adjusted. Car-
t slots re. petition of Hullett, East vied, coatalarTES. a
I' ou account of accident at Exeter bridge. In reference to appeal of bylaw No. 9 of
Referredto the finance'cognmittee. and West Wawanosh in connection with Report as amended was adopted. 1874, it ;vas reconatneuded that it be carried
A number of accounts were referred to some school sections. Report of the county property commit-. out on condition thne municipaiities hay-
t110 mance committee. Report of executive committee was. tee was read. The couucil went lute com
ing heretofore not received equal assist -
Application to have Robert Currie,
Margaret Currie, and Wm. Currie, of the REPORT OF TME
township a:' Ash Kele, Joanna McKay of
The following
the t nen of Gncerich;, put on list of made :
ceunty wenn. Referred to the finance 1. That the applications of the East,
committee. _ West and South Huron Farmers' Institute
9.pp kation from South Huron 'Lear- for grant of 525 be not granted.
niers' Institut!. for the. usual grant was 2. The contract for supplying stationery,
referred to the executive coommitteo. black books, etc., had been awarded to
Petition from Tovvnehip of Hullett John Butler..
i asking the county toy assume share of 3. In reference to petition from commit -
cost of bridges under`section 533 (a) Con- tee of 33rd battalion it was recommended
eolidatel !Municipal Act,1892. Referred that no grant be made as the Dominion
The following questions were referred to
FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 1803.: 2
nuaox ComITY 001.11`1'o.IL.
01:1l:LUr,LD FROM lrAST WEN.
Council Room, Juno 9, 1893.
The C(.uncii met pursuant to adjourn-
ment, the warden in the chair. All the
members present. Minutes oflast meet-
ing; were eeed ea adopted.
1.1 otter fr lir warden of Lambton
County ro lsidge et Grand Bend was
read and referred to the road and bridge
• Invitation from the secretary of the
Goderich, Mechanei's Institute to the
members •.: 11 e County council to visit
of county wards and paid for the following.
accounts ;
Larch Williams, Drussele, $100 per an
num; Margaret McGuire, Coderieh,,1175 00;
Auuabella McLean, Gederioh, 672,00; Toe,
SamsoW, Stephen, $100; Susanna faeo
Steppes!, 072.01:William, 'Robert and Mar-
garet Currie, clshlfeld, at' 1100.00 each per
annum; dei, Barnes, W. Wawauosli:51100;
W. 1L Sutton, Exeter, 072.00; 7ohauha
McLay, Godariuh,1172.00..
Motiou of !Messrs. Prouclfoot and ilolt,
that, in coneideratiou of Mr. Bert's long
nub faithful services to the county, ho be
paid -1200 by the couuty was referred to
executive committee,
Motion of Messrs. Proudfoot and Gibson
tbnt a house of refuge 1)e erected in the
county, was referred to the executive coin-
The ee:icitot',i opinion re ee' tion 520 of
the Miku)cipa1Act wits referred to a special
Motion of faleasrs.Itoliins anb Spackman
that 51100 he expended iu getting plans and
speeiflcatiuns of a house of industry to ac-
commodate 60 or 75 parsons, was lost.
The couucil then adjourned to meet at
persons for the subject of iusana, dis-
tribute persons in this couuty, irrespective
of the cost of the necessary =intones of
victed and awaiting sentence and three
'Report of education committee was
recd and adopted.
of gravelling:32 roads. in Douglas' swamp
to :air. VI/auk 0. Wright at 1111.1 also let
a job of gravelling 30 rods on 13 lino to
;dr. John Johnston at 711 onto a rod,
township to pay for gravel..
171•,Gowmill reported having let job of
raising road at Wylto's beaver meadow,
to Messrs. Parish and Wheeler et 012.
Communications were road from Mr.
\\r, Sutton re Government drain Oth
con.;. one from Robt, and Ed. Jenkins re
dog having been poisoned ; also one
from Culross council, esklu;r Turnberiy
to pity sharp in undorgrouud drain at
13eltnor°, No notion was taken in the
Jonkin's communication,
Moved by Jr' Diment, seconded by
Mr, Gomtnill, that the clerk be instruct-
ed to write to Mr. Henry McKay, Tees-
w°ater, asking him to meet our Reeve at
Belmore, on Saturday, June 24.th at 30
o'clock, a. m,—Carried,
Moved by Mr. Cruickshank, seconded
by Mr. Mandell, Haat Mr, Diment meet a
member of Grey council on boundary
between Turnberry'-and Grey townships
ou Saturday, June 24th at 10 o'clock a.
m.— Carried.
7.30 p. m. Moved by Mr. Diment, seconded by
7.30 o'clock, p, tn, Mr. Mundell, that the .Deputy Reeve be
A number of applications for the peel, instructed • to have some gravelling done
lieu of caretaker, doyen in Wombat, were on Wawanosh boundary as soon as pos-
read and the council proceeded to ballet Bible --Carried.
for the election of a caretaker with the re -
Moved by Mr. Cruickshank, seconded
suit that Wm, McCreath seethed the poli- by Mr, Diment, that Geo. Walker put in
ti u.
Thy suplemeutrary report of the Toed.a three toot cedar culvert ou the B line
and bridge committee was read and clause a3 51—Carried.
1 was ordered to be atrnc !( out and the Moved by Mr. Gemmill, seconded by
motion of !Moms MoiMurohie and Milne Mr. Diment, that Mr. Mundell let a" job
referred to the road and bridge Committeeof gravelling ou 10th concession line,
to report at next meeting and the engineer opposite lot 10, not to exceed 515—
was instructed to prepare a statixent of Carried.
the number and values of bridges within
Moved by Mr. Getntiiill, secondeclby
Mr. Dimont, that Mr. Cruickshank let a
job of ;;ravelling on gavel road, north
of 13 line, not to exceed $1O—Careied.
• Moved by Mr. Mundell, seconded by
Mr.'Cruicirshank, that Mr. Gemmill let
a job of gravelling on oast gravel road,
north of Morris bank, not to exceed 815
Moved by Mr. Gommill, seconded by
Mr. Mundell, that Mr. Diment let a job
of gravelling ou B line oast of Bluevalo
sideroad, net to exeeed..11 5 --Carried.
Moved by Jr.,,JGemmill, seconded by
itr. i`ruickshank, that 9'ir. Dimwit let a
job of gravelling on 10th sideline, be-
tween lots 10 and 11, concession 5, not to
exceed S25 --Carried.
Moved by Mr. Cruickshank, seconded
-by Mr. Diment, that any person found
digging holes in the public, road for
gravel, sand or'clay, and leaving them in
an uneven or dangerous,condition
be prosecuted according to law—Carried.
Moved by Mr. Diment, seconded by
Air. 'Mundell, that the Reeve, Deputy -
Reeve and Clerk be a'committee to take
any action that may be necessary iu con-
nection with the Douglas and Porter
Moved by Mr. Cruickshank, seconded
by Mr. Diment, that the Clerk write to
Mr. James Parish asking him to have
the Government drain cleaned out
through his place on or before July 15th
or iu default, the engineer will be
brought on to let the work—Carried.
Moved by Mr. Gemmill, seconded by
Mr. Mundell; that Mr, Dimwit • lot a job
of repairing road on B line and 5th side
road— alried.
Moved by 3v1r. Gemmill, seconded'by
Mr. Diment, that the Treasurer's bond
having been read, 1.vo• accept of it as
satisfactory to this Council—Carried.
Moved by Mr. Gemmill, secouded by
Mr. Mundell, that •Messrs. Cruickshank
and Diment examine ground where
The clerk was instructed to ..memorialize .culverts are wanted on 8th concession
15th next, providing that such con- lino at Gilnore's and let job of one or
the local Legislature to have section 033
tractor erecta suitable bridge across the morn culverts as required—Carried.
(a) of Municipal Act of 1892 repealed. 1 The following accounts were ordered
river at Grand Bend to accommodate the,_•h'
ted t
recommendations wore
to the road and bridge committee.
Tlie report o: county commissioner
wa : read and referred to the road and
' b:•: io cotumittze.
contract for the Bayfield bridge
h uton let to Robt. 'Jamieson at 31145
to , a ec,mpleted by Sept. let 1893. •
The contraot for Hall's bridge hasbeen
1 let to the same person for 3655 to be com-
pleted by August let fleet,
•: Same 'supports were put under the
Grand Bend bridge until a new bridge
could lie built. Tenders wore asked for
the erection of a bridge at Grand Bend,
tendon to be in by Juno 5th,of which
i four were received.
On account of some of the county
bridges being badly damaged by spring
freshets, the county commissioner re-
cotnineuded that the council adopt some
puttee on the whole, Mr. McLean iu the
. In regard to heating of court house it
was recemmended that the tender of Ben-
nett & Wright of 02,100, steam, be accept-
ed. The other tenders were, Sanaders
Co., hot water, $2,782. C. A. Humber, hot
water, $2,408. Bennett & Wright; hot
water, 32,050. C. A. Humber, steam,
32,297. Bennett & Wright, steam, 02.100.
The committee rose to report that the
report of the county property committee
Goverulnet is the proper party to grant is adopted except part of clause 10. 7.11ha
soon increased pay. warden resumed the chair.
4. It was recommended that 0100 bo Motion of Messrs: Cox and Rollins that
granted the Horticultural Society on con, ahtluse 10 be amended by purchasing the
ditioc that samples be taken from as. many ug; on the prisoners from Nixon
sections of the county, as possible, and ' a Sturdy for the sum of 5912.00. Carried.
detailed statement of the expenditure
The report as amniended was then ad-
shown to the council at next session. opted.
Motion of Messrs. Beacom and Woods
granting !lotion of Messrs. McMurcbio and Milue
that clause 3 be amended by 6 g the
sum of 59100 to noncommissioned officers bridges and culverts be repealed; and that
and men of the 33rd battalion while in this county do not assume or maintain auy1 Foliowfrty, recommendations were made:
camp, was lost. statutory Refer- 1. Motion of ietessrs. Peoudfoot and Mc -
Motion of Messrs. Cox and k mbridges exceptsaybridges.
att, that red to too road and bridge committee. Pherson that a house of refuge be erer;ted
clause 4. be amended by granting $200, was Motion of i\lersrs. McElvau and Malloyin the county. The committee was unable
lost. that 'notion granting 3300 to build a. foot to agree curl refer matter back to couucil.
Motion of Messrs. Pronoand Wet. bridge on the site of the old Graham I 2. It was recommended that .100 be
sou, that clause 3 of the report
t be amend bridge near \Wingham be reciuded. Car- , granted to John Reid on his retiring from
ed by granting 10 cents per day to nom tied, the position of &retailer.
commissioned officers and men of 33r1 A vote was taken ou the erection of a
'Motion of Messrs. Katz and Eilber that
battallion while iu camp. Lost.house of refuge but was lost on a vote of
Motion of Messrs. Girviu and McDonald this county grant the contractor of the
Grand Bend cut the privilege of moving 22 to 28.
Supplementary report of the county pro-
perty committee was read and adopted,
Report of special committee wee read.
that by-law No. 0, 1874, assuming certaiu
lance in the way of bridges should receive, e
fair rotuuneretiou so as to put theta on a
par with other municipalities that have
heel' bridges built and that bridges now in
existence be taken into consideration at
their par value.
Iu reference to grautiug of 1200 for re-
pair to Henfryn road it was recommended
that 110 aOtiOU be taken.
In reference to removal of Grand Bend
bridge it was recommended that it be
granted if the contractor of the Grand
Beud'cut become responsible for auy no.
cident that may occur on temporary'' bridge
and approaches. Also that the read cam-
tnissiouer be instri:cted- ti, receive tenders
for Grand Bend bridge to be erected after
Sept. 15th next and iu event of a- higher
price being paid that contractor pay differ-
The supplementary report of the execu-
tive committee was adopted.
motion forbidding parties from going that clause 1 be amended by grauttng East
' over these bridges with loads of over a the Grand Bend bridge and that this
council do not erect the new superstruc-
ture of said bridge, until "after Sept.
. ton except at tho risk of party going
Report of the committee appointed
last January to investigate the matter re
claim of John Carpenter was read and
referred to the finance committee.
T:iree tenders fur heating the court
Louse were referred to the county pro-
perty committee.
The council then adjourned to meet at
10 o'clock a. m. Thursday,
Council Room, June 8, 1893,
West and South FarmersInstitute,the
usual sum uf $25. Lost. .
Motion of Messrs. Torrance auil Mooney
that clause 4 of the report of the executive
committee be stuck out gaud that uo grant
be given toward the fruit exhibit at Chica-
go. Lost.
The report of the executive committee
was then adopted.
Report of the road and bridge commit-
tee was reag.
10 o'elook, a. m.
- Tito council resumed. All members
preeent. Minutes et last meeting read
ani al proved.
Communication signed by Iviessrs..
Willem, Holmes, Gordon and Beck ask -
in; the. council to grant 25 cents per day
tier member of the 33rd Huron Battalion
Wm read and referred to the executive
Clem n nice.tion signed by the presi-
ent and secretary of the Goderich Hor-
ticultural Society, asking a grant for cost
tf making it fruit exhibit at the Chicago
oak, was read and referred to the ex.
Votive committee.
Aoeounte of Signal and Hy, Cookwere
eiferred to the finance committee.
T. W. Scott, of Goderich Township
ade application to have grant for keep.
The following reeomtnendetioos were
made :
1. That the bridge on the Zurich gravel
reed in Hay township bo assumed by this
county and be placed on list of county
2. That uoticea be placed on Bayfield
and Holmesville bridges warning the pub-
lic against drawing loads of over one ton
over said bridges,
3. That, the engineer be iustructed to
have e, wingwrll of the Manchester bridge
repaired as soon as possible.
4. That all the iron bridges be repainted
if necessary.
5. That the tendering of the Grand 'Bend
bridge be left to the engineer to award the
contract in conjunction With the warden of
Lambton or committee.
6, In reference to letter from John Be..
son, asking fer an iron bridge at Bayfield,
tg 'ire), Collin;, a county ward, was re- it was reeommee ed that it be filed.
1the finance committee, 1 1. Ie reference to applications of town -
aA plication from Grey 'Township to I ships of Ashfield, Stephen, linnet and
are t p
count assume share of cost of Grey for a contribution or percentage ton
100 feet
• 'tion u,3;3 a {Jr M. A. f vrartis the erection of bridges and
under Kat, i, l
At the
This is to notify •_i
you that your ac.
count at the bank
of health is over,
drawn; at this rate you
bankrupt, unless you take
will soon be
Of Pure Norwegian Cod Live.- 011
and tlypophosphites to
build you up.
It will STOP 4. CODOR; CURL 4
COLD" ancZ chock CONSTL1[PTION arta
alt forms of WASTING raISL.4.SLS,d1-
most as palatable as Milk. Prepared by
Beott & Bowne, Belleville. For sale by
all druggists. c. •
For full particn ars about
to the
RV10E, Etc,
Apply to
J. NIC IL, Agent,
CES. 'rd IRViN
public and that the road commissioner be 1
instructed to ask the same of Lambtou.
Referred to the road and bridge commit-
Moved by kir. Milne, seconded by Mr.
Dames that the county .council make a
grant of $20 to assist in constructing and
repairing the Henfryu road immediately
uorth of the bridge, the4Township of Grey
having a very muoh increased burden upon
it through the change uf bridge site, and
the county having benifited to a consider-
able extent. Referred to read and bridge
The counoil then adjourned until 4 p. m.
Cot1:;CIL Itooir,
Friday Oth, 4 o'cloek p. m
Opinion" of J. T. Garrow on questions
asked was read.
fiosiguation of .john Reid, caretaker,w:es
read and accepted, 'Resignation takes
place on July 1st.
The report cf finance eomtnittee was
read and adopted.
In reference to a letter of Donald Mc,
Innis for damages, it was recommenced
that he be paid $100.
Applieatien of J. W. Scott for inereased
grant from 375 to 59100 for keeping of
Writ. Collins, recommended that . it be
granted. ;1
The following persons were put on list
reference to grants to Farmers' Institutes
the matter be reconsidered and each
granted $925.
Motion of Mossre,Proudfootand Sperling
that the council of each municipality be
requested to take a vote of the electors of
their muuicipalities at the same time as
the question of prohibition to be taken as
to whether or not it house cf refuge be
erected in this couuty—Carried.
The council tlfbn adjourned.
The Council met in the house of Mr.
David Dunkins, lot 13, con. 10, on Mon-
day, June 19th,persuant to adjournment.
Members all present. Tie Reeve in the
chair. Minutes of last meeting were
read and adoptee).
The Reeve reported that the committee
had purchased three scrapers as directed
at last council meeting and that account
for same would be placed before the
cuti ncil.
The Deputy -Reeve reported that ho
had let a job of gravelling 60 rode, on
Jenkin's hill, to Mr, Jas. Johnston at 70
cents a rod„ the township to pay for
gravel, also let a job of putting hi culvert
on 10th oonee.eion line to Mr. Ddward
1rerguson, fur ~51.
Mr• Diment t•eporte.i hawing let a job
to be paid : Win. Gannett, 3 scrapers,
822.20; W. B. A.itkiu, gravelling on
north boundary, ass; John Johnston,
gravelling on 13 line, 1121; 3!'. W. Wright,
gravelling et Dougla's swamp, 510; 11
Dunkin, rent of house 01.
Moved by Mr. Diment, se,oncled by
Mr. Gemmell, that this council do now
adjourn to meet in McDonald's hall,
Bluevalo, on Monday, July '241b, at 10
o'cloek a, m, Carried.
Jetta BERGIN:5, Clerk.
Wishes to announ
Wingham and vicinite
tailor shop IN THY, S
TAURANT, and sat
Patterson, watchmak
WXL'4 to HAM 'MAli1S.E'ra.
WI:60am, June 22, 1803
Corrected by 1'. Deans, Prosaic,: 1)outur.
a 1 10 to
CO to
68 10
3)4 i
40 to
55 to
18 to
1:3 to
1) to
1 75 to 2 00
60 10 i 0u
35 to 40
):i to. t8
Moor 1.1ar100H
1 01 1Viteat per basltel,
spring „
Butter, tub
do 1(0115,
1lg,ls per dos.
Wood per cord,
tray per ton,
2 00
to the people of
that he has opened a
ly occupied by M.
°All clothing made i
the latest styles.
Arta TIT
The l.atronege of the ublic solicited avid
satisfaction guaranteed.
Wingham, March 17th, 893.
r6 r
xa want us I I 1
p t tho ante of a choice Lino of
iiALDY CANADIAN GeoWN Stock, ,) xperleltce 1101
no:ossary.. We Want real Lvorkora alai to tit111 such
aroWON apprll uItno situation at a good income'
with chance of adv,mcenient. As we now hate over
700 nem, under cultivation, aro cal, give 1)111 Stiles•
mon .brain superior advantages, We also desire to'
secure a gruod Mali In yeardi5trlct to soli tho purrs nv
PUNT', for whie9 we Irate tho Oenorat Agency. This
is something. new and indispensable to the farmer
or fruit grower. sena for terms mai testimonial
circular. ,
STOein 11 WIILIANoTO,I, Nurserymen, out'
wanted at the Wiugham Tannery.
$5.00 PER CORD
Will be paid on delivery.
Parties peeling 15 cords or over, can
deliver half in summer and balance in
winter, if desired, and same price will be
Wingham, May 10th, 1803.
Shoulder Braces,
Chest and l.t cb P Otctfl.
A large assortment at 'very
reduced prices.
Central Telephone Exchange,
The flank of
ink; for tenber
premises, corn.
Greet r'
etc., for
be h
r their b1
Mr, . J ,, Bo1
ptocic of general
Dr. Philip's 310
There were al
the L, 0. L, 11
last. After are
order, the cold)
dismisses!. It
that Milverton
county elebrati
.decided to go to
Among the
the 'Toronto l
J. H. M!cBaii
philosophy tort
Clayton, se•iond
language. y
of Mr. J.
the -3Oth ult.
Birrie, N. W
sincebe left tor
well remember
friends scud go
Mr. James
late of.Durhuii
Ctias. Wilson t
Rouse: at the
,possession. M
few days on rt)
visit the: r00etle)
- At the late
.Ontario •.Collet
.Burgeons amen
didates were r
vey, Newry ani
.2. A. Downie,
Mr. and a\Irs
returned .front
World's Fair.
Messrs Moss
McGregor left
..Port L+ torr!
They will take
by the wtay,
.Mr. Robert
'Garricii, 'i.Cor0
3Mrs. W. A..21
The ,tory ho
days has had t
. of which our
tthe showers..of
.have cooled
Messrs., 14,,y
:warehouse and
.ed ,which :has
riltpearancie (5
direr always ,l
,good repair at
:x1 solnewha
ibe,fatul raisink
1Nlr. W. Ward'
of ;Bram, on B1
fabling of it bet
iuj.urod, one
fat.nlly. The a
reso.it of pure
as 14600l frost
in Wallace, w,
of his lam ca
in good health
but ali.t';x'onci
man weialdrig
assistance, bol
fellow was dei
When the 1
:Stratford 'Tue
number of p
around the de
glianps of Mr
bride, whn we
train, but Rai,
of ,fellow and
an ,overtlow o
the carious on
intolta carriage
the one end of
away ,down tc
body was ttwa
train. The n
the pct a cf
!Marshall, of i.
noon by Rev..
Every bod y,10
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