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The Wingham Times, 1893-06-23, Page 3
-tet-7•snr, yr '.'Pita Drummer and the N41aionaire. Traveiitlg in a Pullman car one day were a ooramel'oial traveller and 1110111• jog millionaire who Owed Nyle fortune to itis faculty of talting advantage of ;an eppootunity and of bis,fellow men, As the Paoia° Mail sped •along, the :pair dropped into a friendly lone of euchre, An both or ao passed. Ton the milliQnair,+ dealt nod turned up n silueen. Tee t'yes of the ,elenrmercial ;traveler brightened es lie ;gazed upon aWS hand. I wish we were playing vorker, he ventured. The mine owner looked .over his $cards and said nettling, lKIow would you lila to•olrange the •ganle ? Auggested the dtu juner. I'd . dike to play this hared at poker. The nl'tllionare glanced et his cards again and remarked pteasantdLy, well, I =don't ears if I do,bue you most let me discard and take this queen. Oh,certainly.was the eagorrresuonse. all bat yon $50 on my 'baud. I will see that and go •a ,hundred better, returned the miner. The commercial tea'veler-srr-ilfd with ;great glee, *I'll rrise you twohundred awl fifty, ale said, counting oat '$400. f 'kelt, remarked the. millionaire •oaamly, if you want to • atty,polter, Pr„ ,your man. I'll justgo you•a•tdaousand abetter. :This bold het somewhat .staggered ,the young man, but he had e©nfiCience .aunt $ 1000, and he fouled. :What have you tasked ,the thine owner. tEhave four kings, ant young Stan answered, throwing. them on the `board. '.then I'll take the money,•`t:he mil aionrtire remarked. + 4ieie+four aces, •and;he threw thein ,dawn ,b,aforit the aiastotttsbed cornt ercitult+raveler•. '11'hhat's all right, acarid 'tit• Utter as soon•,ss he bed caught ,hie +breath. 'That's ail right ; this tr)tiocaey4istg,ont.•s. ;Buttl'd titre to know ashy in blazes ,you took that queer,. Thais wo see that there.can'beti`lnesse iin•poker• even as in wisest•—New,Fork �Workl. .iHad a Good. :Rad. Iihtad stopped to melte a pipe -with ratGeorgia °reciter on it Ittg; at•hi•s•door, =and •uotieing the gecv„rei shiftless - mess 6f the surrounding , il lfiti,ally :asked; .Why don't you lie tit.ciitocrf.of +yoir ,Fabite? cC wine tersorne dtty, 1t Errp4tlilied. That chimney ought to +be ,rebuilt. lI'tn ti considerin', to de it.. T. should be afraid that viable .wou>td stall down and kill the intake. IIie4tkon I've,,got to prop +t,. The weeds appear to lye tee imnol; ifrorYyonr Corn. Yes, weeds is poelerfui amend yew, He was so plotcid and goeai-tia'te ed;, *bout it that 1 ventured further and ,aide It seems to Ine.that with etnel,ti:tionf and thrid work _ you could not ,only� nnnlae:fit good livir+t; on this plane;, rbutl pet Fonnething ahead. "tonic', fur nail, lie answered.. They 4%1.1 don't •ttou do it ? Wtbltirtg for what. ' VAitit4'.fur to git that atubigik+ate 10. you rrpohe,of, , Alnd eeou tlninh ,you'll ever pest! it? He refilled his pipe„ lighted it, sed °slid eff t )e i og to get to brace for hist back. Whim he had ate: comfortably Settled he ga^aried Strangerepo' duan' live around yere,i I reckon ? No Obtuse, if y6 ,did you'd eliisitiver that 1 hey a mighty .ef it as it is and would be as fool to let go fur sum• Olin' new I 1t,To ltoont. Some Irishmen tramping t;lee,00un- nary on the look -out for work pleated a coat•ptt month jus as the Cage was lof colliers, o coming up fl ul C They stood astounded for x flew moments, when one of them snide() tie other : Ott1,, shore it's n6 use coming into this country to look for, work, as they are drawing men up out of the 'arth Os they wants 'em.. It is hard to tell a man's bent when be is in straits. Try rovivitig leather chair seats with white of egg. tri ]Norway the, eterag e length of life is greater then in Any other on the coon - try g . globe, The Orangemen of Wellingtoo, Peel itnd Dutfeeitt will eelebrate the h03rd anniversary of the battle of the Boyne by holding one of the largest demon- strations ever held in Western Ontario In Stanley Park, grin, on duly 12th,. THE WINGIIAM TIMES. TI,e Greed for Offloe. He turned the Wale1e, 1 have been reading of the ;amnion- He was at wild young fellow, and,aa ly soramblo for odic$ at Waellingtonl, MS sweet heart imagined, witltont said the titan who ,just !old down the much force of character, as he Rept newspaper, putting of the "ask papa," (ley laden... There semis to he considerable of a tritely. So the young woman prompt- scramble, ttsse1tect the other. ed him to be Sure to be right end go Yes, sir, We actually disgusting, Iiaea&. Why, eir, one might think that the Y041 see, papa has a great deal of witole intent lino purpose of the gove bluff' and bluster, but when you mine ernment is to portion off the spoils—. right down to it he is perfectly sate. that the president is elected for ne Only you meet show been that you ether purpose than to dispense patron. 11ave iota of pluck—real frit, that is, a,e, what he lutes. Some people seem to have that idea. Yes, sir, they do. Now cats you conceive of a More reprehensible sight then the invasion •o.l the city of Wash. ington by dins of thousands of wed with no oth v eject in the world than to harry the president or a cabinet officer into hplloirtting them to some place on which they have set their hearts? It is slasoeptihle ofethat view. It certainly i&. at is not only die - gusting, ser, but positively painful. Kt is something which ought to be put a stop to, I tell you, sir, the insapiato greed for ofii.oees the canker at the+root of the t3uteriean system of Dive], gov- ernment. 1 suppose you ,never :sought office yourselfl asked the mean who had been listening to cite titled:: against office seeking. Well---er--the fact ie, said the severe critic aftelecleariug his theea4t, the !dot is!" am holding over a $41000 pnsitiott ;from the ,former AtiminIstra• Lion .<—,3aroek1yn Life, By 1672frggoneMairo. Kansas. A war.=gon trip of,1,i100 miles in*he spring; of the year is not Stn overpleas- ant aux £,orient:e, so Mr,,and Mrs. Jelin 111eJliereon-a.n.y. They ,arrived in Lon- don on Monday in. a four wheeled cauvtts.earsavun, and lied driven all the way from Wyandotte, !Kansas Their vehicle we:est-clued with the variation of. eeeli eioil between 1'Iiutasas and `G at. The earusttatn g ponies attached to tke rig, thoush+.i)ardy littie•beasts. showed sighs of ehtrt:tiried,feeliug which isnot to be wondered .at after a,continttous trip of nine weeks' duitation, The McPherfiou'n ,fortuerly Clived.near Til- sonbulg. Wheydeft foreKansas, along with thousands of other Canadialr% but did not:make things go, and took this unusual /means to ,return to his, old Lome. They were often delayed by storms entd+•aftenor •by well intend- ing perso©s•directing thou wrongly., At nights they $dept in •the woods, their tnOsb:nuga itethered and their. faithful doenon ;guard. £.heir worst experience .on Abe whole grip .: was a cyelonie ode, and Ypsilanti, Miob.,was the scene. At looked as if a Kansas cyclone had followed thein almost to the borders of Eisele Sam's dotnatns to give him a ileellpinta.hand out. Consid. arable damage was done to the outfit by the eyeti/12 , rbc t after repairs they eontinued o, i their way. Mr. Mc - !Pherson intends settling somewhere in , diddlesex— Sentinel•Review. Everytemseg 3lllas a U. 'They had hf'en itm.rried about a year aat&d where peesnag through their first tegtoerience in housecleaning, lie didn't walk .•to take a Band. but ,Leis dear little wifely ,vowed she'd be :inieerably unkaepy ¢tf the did not, and ex, to maintain peace he had put on this old clothes aaad was prodsLiiig around at various things. At the time of this writing he was te'.Vit+,-to drive a pieties* nail with a tack hammer. He ,might as well try Ytu,drive a yoke of steers with a straw. • Ncl:t $ally his otherwise delightful disposition was ruffled, and of course his wife was to blame. Rut he would not quarrel with her. Ile was not tact kind of a man. Mary, he said, looking down at her from the top of the stepladder and making all effort to appear ealrn, will you bring mobile of those bisuaits you wade for breakfast this morning ? Why,Horace, she responded. look. leg at him wonderidgly, whatever do you want with it ? I want to drive this confounded nail with it, lie said. This hitnnner is too light to do say good at all. Then he. laughed a raw, rattk'taugb and stood up on the top of the steplad. der where she couldn't reach him. -- Detroit Free Press. Milner's electrometer was invented in 1788. A similar device was invent. ed by Peltier. He that would make sure of success should keetfhis passion cool and his expectations low, The man ivbQ thinks the world owes hide a living. is always.In a hurry to levy oil the dent, A B1es; ing to Every liousehold. --1 iatdlott, llavu ,your garments traria by 7 t Aline dice, batoth. Gregory block,garments HoLLo L AND OI TM the Queen a Clotet. 1iateet styles, good ,.-., -.• • These remedies hare stood the test of any years experience, and aro pronounced the best Afeilebis! ArantUy taro, work, always iirst•olass fit. The pulsation of an ilifatit le from 1:10 to 140 i,eats i minute; of alt old matt. 75 to 80, Wiiether,ou pleasure brut or business, should take on every trip e bottle of Syrup, 411 right; suppose ya i ask win tri of figs, as it acts most pleasantly and step in now. .I may as well het uty effectually on the kidneys, liver and bowels, laud m if that is ?lie way it works. Preventing fevers,ehea4aohes and other But, dearest, be is awfll blit anti forms of sickness, For sale in VI sent hot. strong, you know. Oh, if .it conies to personal violenceill will defend tnvself with the furniture, The Osttwewii le.•:fortner fedi cit a Trot him in. fernier who Fold a calf to a t+uict,or Ancl.you won't let hills bluff you'? that teen the other ibis for thre,. ,lot Not et bluff! lartt. Oa returning twine he .sent to ':There were two .Chances of escape pump water Ior his stitch. Beira ask - for the young man, one by way of the ed by kite son rvh,.thor he got hi, moth door, the other the window, lent he be reutied, yes Pulling the !till' rrut didn't. avail himeelf•of either. When of hie pocket he held them tip for his the 1Lher strode inrto the room with son tosiee, when a yearling heifer his best knock-down;.and-drag-gout air, standing; by stretched our her Beek,the youth rose indiferently to meet linked eche hills nut of his hand and t,iili. went .oft' on the 9'ou bl,• quick with the Well, well, whet'„ all this about ? farmer after her, hot it Ives the Rite. 1 understand yeu want to 'bee tile. Tlier went ,iown, too repel' r4 morsel Well, pool, at meetow, and ibe•qulck to give up. about tt, growled,the peter. ild'm. Oen't Hay your tuueh to look at, Mr.--.. 1 merely wished to men tion to you that Miss Clara bus engae., ed herself to me with inycealeent, and J, tpropose to fill may part of the con • tract to the Letter, r?diot! idiot:! :may daughter. �, ¶Cake cafe, old man. Call me as '1 .1 ' et!t • timely nerves its yon plenserhut refer to nuy future wife with proper respect, %Get mit et tide li0us,•, you-- ! Unlocks aIi the clogged avenues of the aCerraiuty. As •Boon as to wife— ;bowe1s, Kidneys eeid. Deer's =Ulna eff gradually witho+r;; weakening the syrn that is to he—cal, conveniently pack ! Item, alt the impurities and:tettl humors +tsp her belongings, we will go. : 'oftho secretions; at the granctime Cor - Why, you impudent—. meting Acidity of tha Stomach, fill, curing. Biliousness. Dysuopsia,ce$ enol, kre (!(nt1 Sou I-ieadeeehes, ;�ieziue e, Bc:rltburn, ihdicl you out af.the .window ,with o11e Constipaelon, I rynnee o't the Skin, hued mid,calt,for the police with tete Dropsy, Bttnnees of 7:cicll, Jauu- other. I •was chain plot Itirter and elle$, Sa1t idiroum, l~r�,sii.clzs, Sero- ot anger 1 college: } ilia, F'littol'ing Cf 'filo iioart, Nel'- �o .deock at that.Inus- votisness, and.Gerio-aI.»61)ility;all nle,•and he rleneilwd a No. +7 :hand in- theso and many other similar Complaints Ito IL rifilly fonunicla,bletfisb ieldtothehappyin;tucneoofBU1?DOCK LI never •wies SO— Far B1TTJ:'= ;; Far St,1., t;; .,i° D aeras. Nor 1.. Call it quits lI want wool, Lis- P i, t 'nyn],ttii tl104011P1e•and31',.doii'tmore awonei11@i1- t d.a.t • r a-, . eel rfor your money or :your -blessing. - 7itire,can begin -the world .withoee eith. 'THS LAKB ROUT TOTlfg 1Wb1R4D'S FAIR +erijust as other yeeug'fotrls have done. VIA PICTURESQIJR MACKiNAC. riLhle is bu-sinesll, fere, hoeio0S8. Avoid the heat and dust Thy traveling The father felt of ,leis own head 'to 'on the Floating Palaces of the Detroit ee see ifl+e was going. to ha.ve,an up0plec- ,Cleveland Steam Navigation Company. fit, then answered gmienlye 'd'u'o new steel passenger steamers have All right; 'I 'like Your fi4YIe• I iaosting$t300,000 each, and are guaranteede st been built for this eineuid have said Yee anyway, if you.•Ao be the grandest, largest, .safest and hall given ane time, but won took roe lastest steamers on tho Lakes.; speed 20 1r3, •surprise, I may say It ,was tateeer I= =dies per hour, running time between so. uprise in my. life. 1CC1eveland, Toledo and Chicago :Iess than or iT, assented the lover•„ as 1ne 40lhours. four trips per -week between Teledo, Detroit, Alpena, Mackinac, Petos: some::ulmost feinting into ,a.ckair, but .key and Chicago. Daily trips between Iiia a hustter, and .don't you forget it. Detroit and Cleveland; during July and I do%n't.•stand any foolishaaese, •either in d-ugilst double daily service iviTi be main. love or war, and he wiped the cold Mee. , givly a daylight weride Cle Lain die. Daily service between Cleveland presperation off Cie forehead with ,a and Put -in -Bay, First-class stateroom nervy hand. a'ccommbdations and menu, and exceed- ffn toad won the day an the ;iii inglygow Round Trip Rates. The pala- t0o.—Detroit Free Press. :tialequipment, the luxury of the appoint. nnents -makes traveling on these steamers *last Not be Mailed oto Great thoroughly enjoyable. Send for illus- trated pamphlet. Address A. A. Schantz, Britain. G. P. A., Detroit ez Cleveland Steam Nay. The Britas�lt post office hail given Co.„ 311etiloft, Mich. notice that hereafter the following' articlee, even though samples only, if sent by maid will not be delivered on arrival, bat will be delivered over to the customs itu•thorities : Coeor,eoffee, chicory, entrants, figs, fig cakes. dried plums, prunes, raisins, apricots, tea, tobacco (manufactured or not, ineind• ing eigars,elgarettes,and suuff),hydrate of chloral, playing cards and transpar- ent soap in the manufacture of which :alcohol is used. The public is there. fore cautioned against the posting of these articles addressed to Great Brie lain or Ireland as they will not be forwarded by mail. Articles of glass and liquids oils and fatty substances are also excluded from British mails. IrisLast Will. ties by all leading druggists. iz S,.,a V.) An Irishman, who was pretty well to do but who had been ill for a long thee, thought be ens going to die. Calling his wife to his bedside, be said to her : Well, my darling, I think I'ln going to leave thee, Sure then, Pat, "said she ; and if you do, what shall I do with the num.. ey? Faith, said bet bury lee clean and decent. And what shall I dal with the re. maiuder she siced Spend it at leisure, replied Pat, Shall I spend it before we bury you, 'h a h or when we ate cot a tt i e orb c 1 o boded, said Pati; spend it when High Quality --attest (at the ex. we're tloiug,. for I shan't be with you position city) -What 1 Five dollars coming back, for this little apolony of it roomt Why. it doesn't hold more than a pint of air. A. mete is never ser wedded to his bltitive (blandly) —'Yes, but then It is t Balling that he 'can't be diverted from Cibiesgo.air.• it when lie is Calted try luS'w+ ddilfg 'o+i0.4'F:>ir' When we assert that odd's eeeneeeeeeteeeeeni Kidney Pills a�4�Yy,afawytnr�.ts. Cure Backache, Dropsy, Lumbago, Bright's. Dis- ease, Rheumatism and all other forms of Kidney Troubles, we are backed by the testimony of all who have used them. TKSv CtfR . TO STAY CURED. By all druggists or mail on receipt of price, so cents. Dr, L. A. Smith & Co., Toronto. T yrliy the blood, correct all disorders of the LIV3:14, STQDIACII, I{IDNSYS AND. To't's' invaluable in all complaints inoldentat to females ol,ull ages. 11‘1-1M QI T M 1 T 1. Is the only.reliable remedy for had lege, sores, ulcers, and old wounds. l'Olt 13RQNCIIIIIS, SOi THROATS, .0010I18, ('OLDS GOUT, ItFF UMATI$ 8, GLADULAIt SWELLINGS AND ALL SK..,.. DISIMSES IT HAS NO IRUAL. Manufactured only at 78, New Orford. Late 1353, :£*ford Street, Louden. and sold by all 51041010 Vendors throughout the world. r 'Purliasers should leek to the Label on the Boxes and Tots. If tato acitlrees ie mit 533. Oxford street, Loom:, they are spurious. WOGHAM MARBLE WORKS. MESSRS. VASO, E BROS., of )iincardlne have bought the Alert*, Business of 18r T T Watson, formerly carried on by W Smyth. Parties requiring work in their lino will (10 well by calling on them or seeing one of their agents before purchasing. You will anal our prices are away down, Our workmanship is unsurpassed. We will use node but the very best stock and by square dealine hope to secure a Ilueral share of the public patronage. Mr T T Watson, who has been running the business for the past year, will represent us on the road. call an see our stock and prices, VANSTO11E BROS. u MCCOLL'S A. E THE BEST ILS MACH',NI?, OIL CHAMPION GOLD MEDAL OLL OF THE DOMUiION racoon's CYLINER 01 L will wear twice as long as any other make THE FINEST If IGH GRADE OILS ARE M.ANU1i'ACTURED, BY COLL ti n ' O ONTO, FOR SALE BY ALL THE LEA1)IN`e: DEALERS IN THE COUNTY.. HALSTED &SCOTT Josephine Street • - J. A. ILttsrer, Mount Forest. Deposits Received and Interest allowed. Money Advanced to Farmers and Business Men, On long or short time, on endorsed notes or collateral security. Sale notes bought at a fair valuation. Money remitted to all parts of Canada at reasonable charges. Special Attention Given to Col- lecting Accounts and N otee. S - Vti;'lailfdlil, Ont, W. SCOTT, Listowel gents in Canada --'rhe Merchants' Bank of Canada mike Hours—From a, tn. to 13 In. A. E. SMITH, Agent AOSEPII COWAN, CLIME, 9•rx1 Div. Counr, Co. Ilunov, ISSUER 13,i'7,AVAC OF 1-3 MIL A ©N, WINGHAM. Capital, $1,2,50,000. beat, $650,000, President—Jotls STUART. Vice,Presideut—A. G. ltaats.tr. • =MOTORS 40na PROCTOR, Curls. GURNEY, 010) 140.1013, A. Woo», A. B. LEE (Toronto), Cashier—J. TURNBULI., Savings Bank—iiours,10 to 3 ;Saturdays, to 1. Deposits of 81 and upwards received and interest allowed. Special Deposits also received at current rates of interest. Drafts at Creat Britain and the 'United States bought and sold 13..VILLSON, AGENT. i1U9YEIt & DICKINSON, Solicitors. ZETLAND SAW MILL GEORGE HUSH, , Proprietor. Lumber of all kinds, F irst-class Shingles, and Cedar Posts, , Car Load Orders i i tit !ty AUCTIONEMR, 1 vz OOD delivered to any part of OP MARRIAGE IAG.E LICENSES t Wiugllnul. I Coitatxsaxoeen xa II, C. T., Lee. WItoxittnn, ONT. rteOrt1ersby mail promptly attoude to 0110110E T1310318013, 00 itl6, Wiughem How many persons know that Ripans Tabules, now solargel y tldvertised and used, are simply tit favorite prescription of their family doctor prepared in a scientific manner' and a faun convenient for hand- ling, con%eyfxlr,,, pieservation and use? In the great hospitals of the rrletropolitan cities, where the wealthy find better care than in their own luxurious honles,the ingredients of 1 ipane Tal,ules are administer. eii to thousands of' rich and poor alike With beneficial t'%fect. They are the main dependence c,t' the most eminent phyaieiaw in cases of derangements of the digestive organs, such as dyspepsia,constipation, biliousness and otitet' ills contlected with the stomach, liver and bowels. I+i'or some yeas one of the principal hospitals in New ' York Oity Through used a formula, differing slightly from the common one, that has been found of unusual efficacy. 'Through commendations of' physicians its m seiotr of healing has been so widely and rapidly estendiit:f that it finally seemed desirable to prepare the pt'escription in a convenient form, so as to make it 'av`1alivthe whole1e�t l to at rices and toannoaace the fact through the recognized gmlze c medium for sem rn)g pnbhcity—advertisetnent in the columns of the newspapers of the land. This .has been clone,anrl now the the is not tier distant when every family of intelligence will be as certain to possess lz supply of itipltrls Tabil;Ies as 41, clock or a cooking stove. They are already to be found on sale almost every- where, and any drn,I,gis$ or dealer will supply them. A box, containing six vials, is sold 1.01' '75 cents, and a gross package, containingfoul' boxes, for t. They will be sent by snail, post paid, to any address, on re. t of price, by the lti . ens Chemical Company, No. 10, S rate St., Now 'York. .1