HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-06-16, Page 8:.r 0 000 tration, at Walton, $1.70; Wm. Cantecon,1 • J``"' " wood to Ivfnrpb', t2,; W. Clark, wvitnoss fees and expenses re bridge arbitration, 173asa Goat Iteu»sra, from our $20; Misses Nfor 1, charity, 06; A.rbitra- lingthis series; and ascii remnants,tors, re LTaton Sen W, °lark, pa4 sal regiment tt new remnant; hnntlreds of expenses re titbitst at hell price, in 2 to 0 -yard ends. son, A sseesor's sal On motion of ^Oassae Airs JAcease take a downward shoot lime, that the C1 mice, wltinh will clear balance out soon, the 'moat astonishing reduction of high has jackets, Tlxr arses AND Cn tr4Lr1;s are forefront stock t now, The most sought-after pat - us are here, the small, neat, genteel de- ns aro here, the customers are here and trey will fret what they come for. Drees P4rriniNs.- Our foreign novelty in eaa patterns, no two alike, in silk and ool, welling from $8 to $12 each, reduced 46 and $8. This is a marvellous money- saving opportunity. mol at 14elgrave, 513.50; try, $40; H. Mooney, tion, '015; John Wat. ry, $80, rector, seconded by unoil do now adjoura to meet again after Court of Revisiou, on the 10th June, W. Cz.Ar;rt, Clerk, Lostdeaboro, Rev. W. W. Leech. and Dir. Wm. Stevens, returned hotno from conference last week. Mr, Leech goes to Varna and Rev. Mr. Pair, f>lom Hensel', comes here. Mr. Jas. Stevens, of Auburn, is attend- ing the high court meeting of the C, 0. F. at Ottawa this week. He represents the mart of thin pia4e. Mr, Wm. Youing, of Clinton, was in the village thislweek, prior to leaving for Chicago, where be has secured a situation THE WIN GIIAM TIMES, JUNE 16,1893. i:ltt:ii3a. Another Qk the Pioneers of Culross has gene to. her rest, lo the person of Airs. Mcllonnld, wbu dieJ. on the Oth inst., at tt the tivaticed t+ge of ninety tied was buried in the Reams O;itholio oemetery, Teeswater, on :Mout ay, the 12th. , Mr. and Mrs. Cob , trout Mt. Fore • Were visitint;.at ,sit. rte \Velwood'e this week, Mr, and btrs..'1, ( abet,. wore visitie fr'iend's end relntiveatdose Loudon In week, Mr. Jos Moir, es reeve of Culross is at s present nursing it very sore band, sup- posed to .be a Potion. Last week, Air. .las, Stark, sold two steers which weigh d over 3200 pounds, receiving over 11100 for theta. Farmers are now enjoying a few heti- days putting in their statue labor. Some of the citizens are in the Count town this week as Jurymen, d i; ytir. iter, tit'itliant Be is having a large delivered for the ew livery staple. n,lebell, patter of p1taehes his fare- .d+,y evening, June ;:quantity of atone f. undaticn of I Mr, Quintet is having his house 'Fire itsv lir. C. s greatly to its a - ,. aaren which del P 1 roll Reales iVlAnm CLururNo.—Qui loss your painted, Ea Y 1VIetlrodiht .1 ill , } in, The unseasonable weather for the a liearanee. well sermon, on Su est six weeks has left us with a surplus of Mr Walter Cunningham will represent 25th. North Star Lodge at the Grand Lodge Mrs. lla ald Alt a„1 I,ny.' flue tailor-made suits, session I.O. G. T. to he held in FIamil- are visiting friends tion and low prices will ton on the 27tb inst. Ott Friday Fs.^ni Jommencing, Saturday, we w1.1 make terrific cuts right and left Mr. Jhon Sh new residence throaglt oua flue stook, so bo on hand early Clinton, The Metbodi in the morning, at on the 27th instt Alw Vii, ; tIN0po',S'. Sunday school, Rev. Mr. Pauli, of Brussels, preached the funeral serthon of the late Mrs. Garrett, in the' Methodist church, on stock,is visiting Sunday evening hast. • On Sunday afternoon next the Rev. his barn last alas. Ferguson,. of 'Trenton,' will preach a one foundation special sermon to'the Sons of England, in the blethbdjet Church. Jas. Martin, 4th con., is now very busy The Presbyterians will bold a Straw- prepareing to move hi 3 csiato its new berry Festival en July let, in aid of site. Mr. Martin se :io build the their Sunday Schdol, stone wall himself. t `' Brundson .4a Son have sold 23 binders Wm. Gray, of Maple • n, Montona Co., this season besides a lot of other farm: Iowa, is renewing old quaintances on implements, West 'W aveanosh• The roadwork is the chief employment of the day. Mr, F. Welsh who has been working in Saginaw for the past few months has re- turned home, Mrs. Davidson wha has been sick, for the past few weeks is still progressing towards permanent recovery. Mr..1- Stonehouse, of Belgrave, is at present engaged putting the stone -work under Mr: John Symington's barn. Miss B. Wilson, of /l.uburn. is taking lessons on cheese -making from Mrs. Chas. Washington, of Pleasant Valley. Mrs. Wm, Neaves Who has been bed -fast for the last four or live weeks, is able to be up again we are glad to hear. Mr. T. McKenzie is building a large hog - pen, and intends going into hogs extensive- ly. Mr. R. Plunkett was visiting at Mr. Wm. Hill's a few days ago. The Misses Brure, of Swamphill, were visiting at Mrs. Oliver's, of Ebenezer. D. Bell, of Dungannon, has the contract of shingling H. G Taylor's barn which was damaged by the Windstorm. The anniversa#y services of the Bethel Methodist Sabbath school, lot 24, tson.11, will be bald en Sunday, June 25th, at 10.30 a. m., 2.30 P. m., and 7 p. tn., by the Rey. J. Mills, of;Lueknow, In the atter- noon addresses 1;vi11 be delivered by Rev. J. Mills and Mr. Anderson. from Africa. Collections will! be taken up at each service in aid to the Sunday school. On the Motirlay ev ning following, a grand tea -meeting w41 begiven,when addresses will be given b' Revs. J. Mills,Lucknow; J. W. Pringe, 4luevale ; Mr. Anderson, Presbyterian, St Helens and Mr. Win. Anderson. Amission to tea 25 cents; children under 12,15 cents. Bluevale• Rev. Mr. Anderson and wins, of God - era, were visiting Rev. A. Y, Redly last week. Mr, anti Mr4. Muga Ross, spent Thurs- day to Teeswtyter. bliss McTOish, of Shakespeare, and Mils McLaren, of Winghant, were visit- ing at Mr, John 'Robertson's last niek, ick, seconded by Miss Addiel lticl3ougall, of Winghaln, Mr. IL N. Duff's this Watson, of Winghana h her sister, Mrs. Jae. s place, oils and Miss l{ettie Max- g a couple of weeks with Galt. Kellar and family In Strathrov. a last a football the park hetweeu teams, resulting in bbrock has moved to bis match was p,lyrrl M1 In the gravel road near Brussels end Blyth a draw. s will have a lawn social Mrs. Harrington I as returned home Smith , formerly of Brussels, aged 10 years. for the benefit of the from her visit to frio Ida in E>teter. :harms —In Grand Rapids, Michigan., on The many frteeds!•,f Mrs. Hannah 1 May';0th, Mrs. A. H. N. Jenkins, formerly Jenkins will 'asset to hear that she is of Brussels. seriously igdisltoo.-+i' at present. ''Laato5'r---In Turuberry,on ihe,l4thinst., Curtis urtis wits visiting friends in ' lizabeth Ano, wile of Mr. Malcolm La- Wintrhattl this tv..'Ji, tout, awed 35 years,3 mouths Rad 26 days. Negotiations are afoot at present for 7 SPRING . fthe establisin ant of a large furniture nT , 89,3. factory in Per Elgin, BURN. ]3oy»—In Cu rocs, on the 7th iaat , the 0110011 wife of Mr, John Boyd ; u sou. McLsoe—In ulross, ou the 6th inst.,0 the wife of Mr J. McLeod; a daughter, Forurs—In urnbarry, on the lith islet„ the wife of Mr. James Follis; a daughter. atlLl hers. Foam—Sus is—Qu Wednesday, May 1st, at the roe lance of H. D. lienderson, Ears.. uuole of le bride, by Rev. W. R. Geddes, aseiate by Iter. A. lieudereou, sad Itev. B. enderson, nooks of the bride, Maggie "lidrpe, daughter of Mr, Jae, Sharpe, Te swater, to N. M. Forbes, o Bartuey, iii n, Nicuoa—Joux`'rox—Iu Tnrnberry, at the residenoo of he brides father, by. Rev. Is G. Wood, M John Nichol, to Miss Charlotte, daugl ter of lir. William Tobias - ton, both of Tur berry. McTavrsu—.M of Mr. John M• Oth, by Rev. W. 'ravish, of Gad's Morrison, of Me most— At the residence risen, McKillop, on June tt.well, Mr. Alex, F. Me - Hill, Ont,, to Mies Edith shop, tine/aces --1V rsox—In Grey, on June 7th, at toe resid-nee of the bride's parents by Rev. D Fort est, of Walton, Miss May, only daughter o Mr, Peter Watson to Mr. James Sholdiee of Morris. DIED.. McAiu'nUn—I Turuberry, on Jape 11th, at the residence of her brotbar.iu-law, Mr. Geo. Fortune, fi trey McArthur, aged 62 years, 4 month and , days. ,may S S''iz21t—In Nwant, N.:,,, ou May 23111, 4 s' Bella, oldest daughter of Mr. Thomas Are now opening up the finest display of SPRING 000DS in all the different departments of their large trade that they have ever been able to place beforethe public. Come and see the beautiful 1Mti1;'ri vl'za. Pbippen, of Woo at Thos Bone's this wee Thos. Warwick raises week and will have a Placed beneath it. the 3rd litre. Mr. Gra left the 3rd line e i4 e years ego for that State and it elyspeakingpoor man. He fr teased 80 acres, but he soon ltri:fioo small f r his growing family offouy ,Sc bout four years .ago he sold, it and pre used'tba'Maplo Valley Stock Farm,,coat 'ning 45 acres, for the,sum of $11500. st year he bad 5,000 t,ushels of corn and this year he has 140 acres in corn alo e. His stock at present consists of 19 orses, 75 head of cattle ;and about 160 •••gs. Mr. Gray` gives glowing accounts o the prosperity in the State, but says th he does not want his friends to thin that every one. has met with the same g..dluck that be' has. He would not adv ' -e any person who is doing will here t• leave for that State with the hopes .' making a for- tune in a shoat time. The Court of Revision ., en according to adjournment in the t• • n hall, Morrie, on May 29th 1893. Me c • =re all present and 'subscribed the o. b required by Statute. Appeals were dispose •: of as follows. namely : J. & J. Living ton, complained of being too highassosse. ,dismissed; Wm. Jackson complained of •,:ing too high as- sessed, dismissed; Chas. anser, entered tenant N W C 2, con. 4 Ed. Brewer en- tered owner S 4 23, con 4 ; Jas. Den - wan. entered M FN ;r and 36, con 1; E C Laundy, entered oc upant S % of N g 11, eon 7 ; Duncan Millan, entered tenant W part 21, con 6 R. Scott, en- tered owner 51 22, .c.n 5; William Marshall, TLaidlaw,H erdue, E Irvine, R Anderson, A Clark, H Hanna and Peter Barr, had each o.: dog struck off, On motion of Proct'r, seconded by Caldbick, the Court;; • t Revision was then adjourned,to me again on the X9th June at ten o'cloc a. m. Council business wa then taken up as follows: Plans and specifications for bridges were prese ed and posters prepared calling for to ders for building, tenders to be opened the town hall,on the 1£th June. Moved by Mr. Cuid' ick, seconded by r, Rowe, that Mr. Hi kby be instructed expend 040 in reps ring sideline, be- ts 9 --Carried. s'tween lots i0 and 21, c ,'. Moved by Mr. Cald R irkby, that this Cou on the East gravel roe 'West gravel road, Prov and East Wawanosb e .-Carried. On motion of Xitk Proctor, the followin ordered to be paid r repairing culvert, $2.50 pairing culvert, 01.50; G by removing gravel, 02 witted to'E•xfords and VD; Jahn Wheeler, b *450; W. J. 3ohuston, WHAT -A SURPRISE Your spring Louse cleaning always is. You are surprised to find the carpets so mucin worn and the way the lace curtains have gone also prt.ves a surprise ise to, Your counterpanes, sheets and linens, every- thing, needs replenishing. We have made large purchases in all these lines and eau ive you a genuine surprise in the way of variety and' prices. oil expend $200 was visiting a ! and 00 on the week, ding that Grey Miss Luein pend e4051 sums Sundayed wi TinStnins, of th, y seconded by Mrs. Hugh 1 acounts were well,ate speedi Garet Maxwell, Mrs. Moffatt, WE HAVE q 1RGE RANGE OF CARPETSP A special lime of American goods, 47:j, 55 and 05 cents a yard. They are always ahead of Canadian goods in both quality and price. When they are gone we cannot repeat them owing to late tariff change, s r is Cra Notts ani .tint Mus rn We have the 'best Assortment,iftown, 16 yards of good art must lin for one dollar and better liner 6t etj it'.ity low prices. Double wtdh- curtain nett in white. cream with taped edges from 10 to 40 cents a,- yard. Lace curtains Oen! 45 cf,'Pt1 to. $8,O0 a pair. Curtain poles com- plete with i ins And brackets for 25 cents each. A line of carpet sweepers, newest makes :tnd1atest improvements, at low prices. Come to head- quarters for your sprin'.r house, furnishings. • OUR PRiNT DEPARTMENT . Is 3 net now attiactine• the attention of shrewd buyers. A good Print' at 5 and 6 cents a yard, a special case lot of regular 10 cent print at 71 and 8 rents a yard. You cannot get as good value elsewhere. AMERICAN SATt ENS, guaranteed fast colors at 11 and 1:3 icts. a yard. Delaines and ebailies at all prices. Black and colored dressrigoods in all the new materials and shades. lies' arid Cnts Boots and Shues In au paces and styles. A special line of ladies' fine shoes in buttoned and lace at $1.25, worth $1.75. Men's fine flannelette and sateen shirts in light or dark effects. Hats, Ties, Gloves, Collars and Cuffs for everybody. Ladies' undervests at 5 Cts. each. t'iose, 3 pairs for 25 cts. Pure silk ribbon 3 yards for 10e. Shirtings and Jottonades at mill prices. We carry the largest selection of FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS in the county: A. car of corn to hand this week of the following var- ieties: Comptons Early Pride of the North, Learning Golden 13c:rajt: Canada Flint, King of the Earlrees,Red Cob, Mammoth Southern Sweet, and Giant Prolific, ,Special prices in large quantities. All kinds~of Clover and Grass seeds. Win. Scott, re- is4ist Aggie 1 gas, of Brueeltled, Miss afar: welirda►naae Rertie does and Miss Nellie McDonald, Wm. Martin, of Wirighti n, ' spent Thursday with 1 pairing bridger friends' here. Wing culvert, Rev,. A. Y. Hartley, ie attending the rvicee on arbi. Assembly at Eraicttford. 10,0(10 UCES or woos WANTED, Highest price paid, ivlake all you can out of your money by spending it with us. HARNESS AND GOLLARS. in all the latest tints and textures that the European and American. markets offer the. Canadian trade. We offer great attractions in every department. All goods marked in p in figures p andr"at cut . ;prices. GORDON & McINTYRE, The Anchor House, GEO. E. KING. Raving bought out the Ambler Harness Business and started hi hie old stand, eau prepared to furnish the public with everything usually kept in a hareems shop math as HEAVY, LIGHT and t'11AOI{. HARNESS, NETS, MISTERS, tf tl 1I'S, CURRY COMBS, BRUSHES, SWEAT COLLARS, TRx:IJ',t1S, VALISES and TRAVELLING 13AGS, .tc., .h'6 Gift me I caake- alt my' OWn leollere and guarantee 'satisfaction. trial ritid T will use you right. ”Oa Ass. *144141)c(1342 Having; Ia.ici. In a fill] stock of ;> BLANKE YARN t,.. ,` &c., T am prepared to Iandle any quantity of wool. • Respectfully yours, MO_ Mt, VOL. XXL -'-NO. 1 The hot weather is D looking for cooler clothing of all kind have everything you waft, In ladies' we are showing a big range, different It weights and prices. Heiser), and. took s co n 1 e t e, We I av oa beat t dne ofPrintodIrish ltvIe exe]ts1v kis store) and which make up very pre in dresses and blouses, our chillies at 1 10 cents a yard, are fine values and ea be beaten, We have a lot of remnant, want to get rid of. For you meta, we have a wide rang neglige shirts in clifi°erent colors and m mals, underwear in all sizes, Bulhivga:n light weight natural wool. Groceris Usual, fresh and well assorted. Pour:1 is hard to get now.a days, we have Don't forget that this is the only r where you can get a first-class ton for Shop early and secure prompt delis This store closes] at seven. fi_ Th 6ttifr e°,"',*a0';. ""0114... O:1111 d; HISCOCK$, Direct Dry Goods Impor las DEO, May 18, 1898. marriage Licenses Issued by Bennis PATERSON. No 23, toria street, Wingbam,Out, Nowitue required. LOCAL 1\T E. —Haying will'eo:'ii1 euoa very slloril --General repairs + i'0 made to w ks and crossings a ttO y +, —Fon 'tire Bo1S:A?tij itl ' rwo gnu f soda water for 5`tioiife; tet 1i Ilrrr s. 1114 --Bend along the personal and I items. They ars slit' ys welomnecl by Trails, —The luev Mr. an occupied the piilrit church on Sunday.l,s , —The Public Ti`s, las ing a number of th+ gradelled, which will prevenient on thein. —Call at the Star Hesianrant for assort nt of fznit.. Was. McIinLv, i 'ho *irrgham la' mate 1 with the Ilarris{ day last, at',.tlarraston or 8 to 2. —The Atitoinatio Tel Company of Canada o at • Mitchell, en:gees eclat. ray, of Kincaid of Iha Presbytel Committee is streets in the t ake a great THE WHITEMAN 'PEA ` HARVES' The Best' in: the World, Pot the iollovviiag reasons list--tt is built entirely of the best onallealrl . iron • s 2nd—It requires ► tt y f• and reel. end ! qu no boleti.to be drilled in cutter bar. $rd --°.It bad no rod at the bask to hold obstructions and cause cat►kirrg. 4t11—.The outside divider can be raised or lowered at back or front, independernt,of littera. &th--It has no springs to get out of oder. 6th ---'Each Viral...him a guard stay, and breaki»g rnower guards is impossible, Itlf --1t has movable clips, and can he pet in dine with tongue of machine, if cutter bar dregs hack, goh-- Eaeh lifter is independent of the other and cep be raised or lowered In front, should sooner guards Cin° out of line Oth—mte ntnnitrr of machines sola Purring the last eewanlr, en' cblee a lar.e number of leading farmers of Ontario to testify to its merits. Every machine is a arraiztrd send given on teat. Gilt and +sere sntnple r>QaChina WM. GANNETT, AGE n,,irT J,1tr , ,} /1, Jl T A M, havg wiffi, acco said cltt„} --As anaphor of oat town su'.,criber ttnable„ ,tti1d See i $ lui'Ip;,r the we extt3 i?, invitee11• to those' wisli_td 'pat: their s' bcriptions to at til ninon on Sato lay evening 24th. Tlie office will . ' open be opens 7 o'cloc :until 9.00.. I indly call and i as we fa in need of tI='rrzoney. --Thos. Irwin, sext,n, of the Win Cemetery, has set i10i day, June 20tl 't9 purpose of )Physae a number- of t ;(ones repaired, as f o1 are looso in sockets and' 'falling «+t, some of broken. Will y :,,:'!; aeacultet>+deepenthOltt 'drs tared pro cemented utnderato. :t initsre ted+vfil r. thrreor no'if previous to "!liar riot Will also t Teeswater oereteey . n the the day fc int+, Juno 27th --Tho i eei oii'tt o ., +I `.;half mile at Brussels t*Isr on 'Thursday 0 week, 20th i;inrt. ;La te4forenoon tw ball inatclres, mare e cpe+tod. to 1•o playe between BIOS and;. e, assels uud the ligpglitirn vs: Ihnos.' , The races Jibllowe :.---Poise 01 0, 3 n bran, to tr pace; purse $150, 2.40 lass, trot er parse, $306, niatclred aro between S "Walter G.” and s =acids' "13eaah Some of the beet Isar es in the E r+ will take part. The 'eat—Dead! twill be one o£ the »+o exq'ting over the afternoon. '.I'Ito t. +' ns will ire r canted from lake Ilurot to Stratford, ten, Xfarriston, &c.e' cap rater o'r irosse clubpla} ou club on. Tl and won bya1 phone ti,ad Ek ened an exeln iy. last with t. sit will pay for 'Geer: Ti itbsertbers, till the en+ t'1ers of't11 Mellindist ani sb l tit in clnriot arch; w icli will ;ivo i a'" to t'' farmers gait,