HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-10-25, Page 14-FACTORY WORKERS We require women and men for production work in our Mitchell, Ontario and Stratford, Ontario plants. -No eXperience necessary -Good rate of pay plus bonus COMPANY PAID iiktsuranee -Hospital Insurance -Micheal Insurance -5tekness Insurance Apply in person to: PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT \LD ...crid.A.Z.4.41tewatedi).4,verse 1030 Erie St'. Stratford; Ontario. 4-11-i Coming Events at Hully Gully Oct., 27 - Hallowe'en Cos- tume Party and Dance- Music by the Homestea- ders. Prizes. Oct.28 Final C.M.A. Mdto - Cross. Nov. 3 - Dance Rodger Quick and Rainbows. Nov. 4 - Final Ontario Grass Drag. Champion- ship. Bookings for Christmas Parties are now being taken.1"11-1 • Is 1N--THE 'HURON EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, ONT., 04T, 2 5• 13173 15. Property for Rent 19. Notices 4. Help Wanted 11. Articles for Sale 12. Wanted to Buy WANTED.- flail-type harvester for zero grazing. Robt. Laing, Phone Dublin 345-2326, 12-11-1 4. Help Wanted 4. • Help Wanted 1. Coming Events REWARD$ TWO bedroom apartment,' hot water, heat - hot water, laundry room with machine, dryer or outside clothesline. 'Suitable for adults. phone 527-1073 or„jack Thompson's Footwear Sertricu, 15-8-tf ANTIQUE pine wardrobe in good condition. Phone 527-044121 - after x 2 6 P.M.. TO give, away to a good home small breed black male puppy from fall fair, 527- 0664. 1.1"-8-tf • ONF 7 by 18 foot overhead garage' door. Box Furniture, 527-0680 Seaforth. 11-10-2 DANCE at Crystal Palace, Mit- chell on November 23, 1973. Music by Royalaires. Admission $3.00 per couple. Sponsored by Dublin and District Athletic - Association. 1-11-1 ) We are now paying up to $18.00 for , bead and Disabled Cows and Horses and Stocker Cattle - all small animals piCk-up free as a service 'to you. we have three trucks to service you 24 hours 7 days a week. Phone Collect 31b. glass squirrel peanut bUtter Jars must be in good condition. Will pay .1t4 each. Wallace Ross, Seaforth, Ontario. Phone 527- 0246. 12-10-2 SENIOR citizen card party and Social St. Columban parish Hall November 7 at 8:30 P.M. every-- One welcome. Sponsored by St. Columban C.W.L. 1-11-1 FOR Rtnt - 2 storey frame house on High Street, 1 1/2 bathrooms, 4 bedrooms in good condition, Available end of October., phone 527,1513. 1 -10-2 OLD furniture bought, also crocks, bells, old tools and any Interesting items. H. Mitchell, 482-7584. 12-10-4 GESTETNER ink available at The Huron Expositor, 527-0240, Seaforth, 11-8xtf NEW BINGO Clinton ' Legion Hall 8:30 P.M. October 25th Admission $1.00. 15 regular games $10.00 each. Three Share-The-Wealth Games. One " Jackpot game for $160.00 in 55 calls or less, 1-11-1 Three Bedroom TOWN HOUSE for rent in Vanastra, ILLS, Clinton. ' $110.00 per month. All utilities paid. 482-9742 or , 482-7125 anytime gOir 13341 Brussels Pet Food . Supplies: Lic. 399-c-73 19-8-tf Timber Wanted 01-'D .with steel, headboard - spring and two mattresses $15; Thret1 lamps $1 each, one fix- ture $3. Phone 262-5848, second farm north of Kippen #4. 11-11x1 Immediate • payment for good standing timber gnd bushes at all kinds or will buy good tim- bered property. phone 527-0831 before 9:30 A.M. 12-8-t1 The Huron County clealth 1.1nit invites you to attend the follow- 'ing 2 Used Chesterfields, 2-piece sectional' and 3-piece suitesR.S. Box. 11-11-2 11oCKI Y Bags. - Special extra large, heavy duty, navy or black, $11,95. Bill O'Shea Men's Wear. " 11-0-1 FA es, FARROWING crat 2 standard models or can be custom built. George Troyer, Phone 262-5282 11-1,1-1 1.:S- i-.1) electric stove and used refrigerator both in good work- ing order. Can be seen at Frank, Eling's'' Store. 11-11-2 FuR Sale - lone slfik-Irojector, a day bed, sin•gle barrel 12 eauge shotgun. Phone 527-0497 in• the' mornings or Saturdays. 11-11-2 15-8-ti SPECIAL CLINIC' being held in your area for your convenience: ADULT -HEALTH APARTMENT for rent avail- able September 15th, 2 bedrooms and bath.Heat and water supplied. Apply J. C. Crich, 15-11-tf 13. Wanted SOMEONE to take in cattle and feed for the winter, 527- 1674, 13-11-2 HURON READ STOCK REMOVAL Clinton, Ontario ONE bedroom air conditioned apartment in Hensall; one bed- room town house In Hensall; both self contained. Phone 262- 2014. 15-11-2 ONE bedroom apartment for rent. Phone 527-0990. 15-11-1 - 1 SOMEONE to feed 30 cows for the • winter by the month, 527- 1167, 13-11-1 GUIDANCE CENTRE (for adults of all ages) Place: Huron County .Health Office, across from Clinton Public Hospital, Clinton. Date; Tuesday, GENERAL MAINTENANCE DRIVER wanted: Experienced driver wanted to take car and mobile home to Florida in November. Away approx. 10 days. AOly to P,O.Box #568,, Seaforth, 13-11-1 we are now paying $5.00 - $15.00 for fresh dead or disabled cows and horses over 500 lbs. tq Two trucks to serve you • better. Fast, efficient serv ice. All small farm stock picked up free of charge as a service to you. YOU MAY OBTAIN A WRITTEN REPORT FROM A QUALIFIED VETERINARIAN UPON RE- QUCEaS11T. collect - 482-9811 'I days a .week - 24 hours a day License No. 378C - 72 Call us first, you won't have to Call anyone else. I9-8-tf • We require...maintenance personnel for our plants in Stratford alit, Mitchell. Applicants must be experienced in the general ina•ntenance; of inuchiner!" equipment and buildings or have mechanical experience, 17.Wantedto Rent WANTED to-rent inSeaforth area 100 acres of land suitable for Groping. Apply to" Box 0081, Huron • Expositor. 17-10x2 'WAN TED - 2 bedroom apart-111Ra ,. with stove and frig. included, be- fore November 1st. -345-2638. 17-11-2 OCTOBER 30TH 14. Property for Sale RATE OF PAY after Probationary Periods - 3,72 per hon, as of February I, 1974 - 3.90 per honr Time: 1;30 - 3:30 p.m. Offering the following services: 1. Health Surveillance 2. Foot Care 3. Anaemia screening 4. Urine Testing 5. Blood Pressure 6. Hearing Tests t BAILEY 18 ft, truck ra'Ck 'with steel floor and roof. Four track Cassette, car stereo outfit with attached tape recorder and 2 speakers,: also 10 •;mail Cassette tapes. ',Voiding dress and veil, size 10 - 12. 345-2335. 11.-11-1 Life Insuranee 1rto5pital Insurance Med ic nsurance- Sic -Hess Insurance Pe Sion Plan - COMPANY PAID - 19. Notices Real Estate Ltd. TO give 'away - five pups, goor with children. Phone 527-1006. 19-10-2 82 Albert Street , Clintoe • ,,. MASON BAILEY • Manager/Broker 1 1/2 storey aluminum siding home, 7 rooms, 3 bedrooms, oil heating situated on 5 acres of land near Walton. VOLUNTEER DRIVERS. ARE AVAILABLE - call 482-3416 1-11-1 SKI-Dtn,12 h.p., new track, new sprihg•s, also medium:in171- mobile suit in good condition. Don Bray, 887-9474, 1 APPLY TO PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT WILL teach piano leSsons starting November 1,1973. Barb Brady, 527.-1456. 19-11-2 NOTICE we are shipping cattle every Monday to United Co-Operatives of Ontario. • To arrange for pick-up at your farm phone by • Monday 8 A.M. WATCH REPAIRS FAST SERRCE All work guaranteed ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Phone 527-1720 - Seaforth 19-8-tf WHAT? WHEN? WHERE? SuaaadeoViogdial-ez;arev For Sale Drapes. Phone 527- ,1442, 11-11x1 WHAT? Euchre -Party WHEN? ,pct, 30' 8:15 WHERE? St.Thomas Anglican Church. 1-11-1 ' 1030 Erie Street, Stratford; Ontario, ONE Cockshut tr actbr price • $400.00; 1 Corkshutt tra•tor priced $200.00. International 3- furrow plow on rubber price $50.00. W,D.Wilson, 527-1123., '11-11-1 175. acre, 'dairy farm in Grey Township. 145 acres workable. Large ba'n with milk house and bulk tank, vacuum pump milk line. 2 storey, 7 room home with oil furnace. * * * * * * CHARTERED bus leaving sea- . forth for Royal Winter Fair Nov. 14th. For inforniation "call 482- 7627. 1-11-1 Situations -Wanted 6' Dining rO'ohn chairs abouf t•I0 years/ old. .527-0578. 11-11x1. WINCHESTER shotgun model 1200 for sale, go'od shape.Phone 482-7578. 11=11-1 WILLIA M J. DALE ' Phone -"" Nita "52'7•=o4tt 19-10-tf E SELL , AND , • ,4SERVICE ACCUTRON BUI.OVA CARAVELLE Marlette Homes of Canada WILL babysit in my home in Kippen; Monday through Friday; $20.00 a week per Child. Phone 262-5516. 7-11-1 "CAMEO Open House. Mrs. Phyllis., Mitchell invites you to See new ideas in tube painting (liquid embroidery) on Saturday, Nov. 3 at Walton Hall, 2 to 5 and 7 to 9. Sale of painted arti- \\__ cies, bargain table, discounts, door prizes, Lunch fashion show • and program 4 and 8;30. Every- one welcome. Bake sale by United Church girls, 1-11-2 Newly decorated, 2 storey colour-lock 8 room home in Clinton. NeW bathroom. Carpeted throughout. Gas furnace.' Nice. large lot on the main street. * * * 100 acre farm, 95 'acres work- able. 1 mile from H1yth. Gobd barn equipped for hogs. • ****** Block of 8 building lots for sale in Seaforth, ****** 100 acre farm in Morris Town- ship, large frame barn suitable for hogs or cattle. 9 room home with 4 bedrooms. **'**** Fully equipped 'restaurant in Huron County. 2- storey brick building with modern living quar- ters, above. This restaurant is showing good returns. * * * * * 1 1/2 storey brick home i n Hensall on a large lot, 7 rooms ,and oil furnace. * * * * * "FOOD FOR THOUGHT" "Whatever else may be causing pollution, it's sure not the peace pipe." HAVE cattle to put out for winter. Some •by the month and some by • the gain. 'Alvin Beuetman, 345- • 2306. 19-11-3 WATCHES WILL babysit in my home in Seaforth full,-time or part-time„ Phone 527-0636. 7-11x1 703 Doiiro Street, • Stratford, Ontario. Requires Good Stecidy Men ANSTETT - JEWELLERS LTD. BE -r;1/ by the quarter, or half, government Inspected, also•some potatoes for sale. Phone 482- .7578. 11-11-2 HURON PINES ' ELECTRIC 86 King Street . Industrial, residential, farm wiring. Trencher and Backhoe' Service Available Clinton 482-7901 Prop. Budd Kuehl ' 197:1.1-tf 8. Farm Stock for Sale HOLSTEIN bull calf, one week "old. Tom Kale 343-2908. 8-11-1 Seaforth 527-1720 19-8-tf new Artic Cat 440 BRAND 20. Auction Sales Pailther only $1295. Limited time only. Hully Gully Sport and Recreation, Varna, Ont. '11-11-1 1973-74 Florida Tours to 450 lbs. . C. Wilson, ' 8-13-1 35 Beef calves, 300 half Charolais: W. 527-1167. Who want to work and earn a living and a chance for advancement in a steady growing industry $2.65 per hour plus production 'bonus-earned to start. After 6 weeks , $2,85 per hour plus production bonus. After 6 more weeks $3.05' per hour plus produCtion bonus. Company Benefits: O.H.I,P. Company Paid, Sick Benefits (aft‘r 3 months) - Company Paid, Life Insurance $4,500 (after 3 months) ConiPany paid 8 paid Statutory Holidays (after 3 months) Overtime Premium after 40 hrs. Working Conditions Excellent. 7 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. - 5 clays per week. CLEAINb AUCTION Of Furniture, Household Effects, Antiques,' Etc. in the village Of St. Columban, three miles east of sea- forth, on No. 8 Highway, on ONE Case rotary field cutter suitable far corn stalks, brush, etc, used very little Apply Jim Rose, R.R.4,,Seaforth, 527- 1217, 11-11x1 12 'days departing 'Dec, 22 20 days. departing Jan. 12 14 days -departing Feb. 2 14 days departing Feb. 16 14 days departing March 2 • .9 days departing March 16 Prices from $154. Ask about reservations now. HAMPSHIRE boars registered- and government approved, ready for service. Contact Paul Mc- Nally , Wingha - m, Ontario.Phone 357-3724.8-11-2 SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment, We guarantee all work. Write or call Harvey Dale, Seaforth. Phone Clinton, 482-3320. 19-8-tf USED boys Bauer. skates, pair size 11; 3 pair size. 1; pair size (3.,, pair size 4; pair size 6; pair size 6 1,'2,' Jack Lane, 345-2631, 11-11x1 ONE Holstein bull calf, Apply Donald Kelly, Lot 11, Conces- sion 4, McKillop. 8-11-1 SATURDAY, OCT,27 GOOD TIMES :TRYEL • AGENCY • Box 789 Seaforth `Phone 527-0050 1...8-ft BIATTH Lions Bingo, Blyth Memorial Hall, Saturday at 8:30 p.m. $150.00 Jackpot. Big cash prizes. 1-8-tf ' 9. Poultry for Sale At 1, P.M. OFFERING INCLUDES - Chesterfield and chair; chrome table; four chairs; refrigerator; electric stove; antique bureau;•drop leaf table; two beds ; two dressers; swivel chair; cedar chest; vacuum cleaner; electric lawn mower and cord; odd chairs; steamer trunk; Ax- minster rug; crocks; antique telephone; mirror; pictures; oil lamp; three rockers; dishes; pots; pans and many other items toe numerous to mention. TERMS - Cash Samoyed pups to give Seaforth Electronics. 527-1150. 11-10-2 • STRIP tickets for admission or refreshments; .single and dupli- cate, THE Huron Expositor, Seaforth, 11-8xtf PART KIMBER LEGHORN away. Phone Call collect: HARDTMAN & Day Old and Started Pullets SCOTT POULTRY FARMS, LTD. Seaforth 527-0847 Box I6C Mrs. Dorothy Smith, 519-271-3700 to arrange an interview at your STRACK LTD, Mortgages are our onlybusiness. Let Waterloo's oldest and most experienced mortgage firm help you to purchase a home or cot- tage; to use the equity in your home to consolidate -debts • ar to improve it without em- barassing credit investigations; for confidential, competent service, for mortgages from $1,501 to construction loans, call collect, Waterloo 884-6030, 19-8-tf 14-11-1 convenience. You have found your own GROCERY' STORE 4-6-tf Phone USED lum'ui w::izking brick fa:m house, southwest of Hed3all. Lo• ;•..eri on the first road west of #4 high v'?,' i" I n les d•-•,•,•8 0:" to Zurich paved road, Corrugated aluminum roofing, two inch pine door frames, 4 x 4's 2 in. lumber and 1 inch sheeting. Apply at job site week days 10 to 6 p m. 11-11-1 9-8-ti PERSON required .maintenance and 'clean up in egg plant. Hours 12' - 6 A.M. Apply Gay Lea Foods, 527-1590. 4-10-2 for general HOUSEKEEPER wanted ,5 days weekly full or part time. In- cludes care of one baby and rou- tine housekeeping. Appointment only 527-1583. 4-10-2 11. Articles for Sale - For Sale: 1973, 340 T.N.T. ski- doo snowmobile and -one double snowmobile trailer. Phone 345- 2148. 11-11x1 in a very aggressive town (small down payment) all equipment, shelving and walk- in cooler plus 'stock. Approxi- rnately$200,000.00 turnover, TERRIFIC POTENTIAL' REAL ESTATE ' SALES AGENT- Seaforth Manor REQUIRES R. N Apply SEAFORTH MANOR Phone 527-0033 4-10-2 HONEY for sale. Wilmer Kelly, 101 James Street, Seaforth,phone 527-1023. ' 11-10-2 NO RESERVE - as property is sold. Not responsible for. acci- dents on day of sale. If you are thinking of buying or selling DE LUXE doll Easy-Bake oven„ tits size 2 clothes size 10 .All itew are 0637. pram, Kenner Girls fall out- 6. Maternity - 12 new styles. excellent, .-527- 11-11-1 Statement in office. For information call ANTIQUES or USED FURNITURE contact NORM WHITING Exeter, 235-1964 USED 23” Admiral T.'S/, in excel- lent condition. Mime*. Kelly, Phone 527-1023. 11-10-2 ---------------- - - TROPICAL FISH BUDGIES. CANARIES A complete line of pet supplies PAT'S' PET SHOP 350 Main Street Exeter Phone 235-1951 11-8-tf Experienced ',necessary. Iola Bailey Clinton, preferred but not MRS. AGNES KALE Proprietress R. G. GETHKE RICHARD LOBB Auctioneers , 20-11-1 GERRY GINGERICH 236-4028 • N. SIROTIC Real Estate Real Estate Ltd., 482-9371, 4-11;1 BABY buggy and m • sh play pen, both ex••ellent condition. Phone, 527-1217. 11-11x1 57Bus. Opportunities B raj r 14=1"i-1 DOMESTIC HELP WANTED Apply SEAFORTH MANOR 527-0030 4-10-2 APPLES - Macs, Courtland, Talman Sweet, Red and Golden Delicious. Bring containers, also Jack O'Lantern pumpkini for Hallowe'en, Wilfred Mousseau, 2 1/2 west of Hensall on High- way #4, Phone 236-4110. 11-11-1 12. Wanted to Buy ' BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES EARN MONEY 3 Lots In One We buy estates, household lots or single articles. 19-8-tf IN SPARE TIME Men or Women to re-stock and collect money from New Type high quality coin-operated dis- pensers in your area. No selling. To qualify, must have car, references, $1000.00 to $3000.00 cash. Seven to twelve hours weekly can net excellent income. More full time. We establish your route. For per- ional interview write: including phone number. B.V.DISTRIBUTORS LTD. Dept. "A"' 1117 Tecumseh Road, East WINDSOR 20, Ontario. 6-11x1 Norm Knapp auctioneer and appraiser will c buy USED FURNITURE Pups We have a large lot for building purposes near the apex of the Harpurhey triangle. Frontage on both the aid and the new highway is 182 "feet with a depth extend- ing upwards from 135 feet. Nicely levelled and with town water piped to it. " WILLIAM'MJ HART 527-0870 or 527-1972 GEORGE R. JOHNSTON REAL ESTATE LTD, West Lorne 14-11-4 2. Lost, Strayed Additional To Give Away Mother Irish COMPANION - Housekeeper in good health. Preferably pen- sioner who would like to live ifi the country. References. Apply in writing to Box #3080 Huron Expositor, Seaforth, Ont. 4-11-1 Setter LOST OR FOUND Timber Wanted Classified Call -527-0032 after 6 p.m. or sell by auction. Phone 527- 1338, Seaforth. 19-8-4 Would the person who borrowed the lend measuring wheel from the Ontario Ministr y of Agri- culture and Food Office, Clinton, please return same. 2-11-1 MRS.NOliMAN MaeLE AN 11-10-2 on VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE ALL MAKES BOB PECK Immediate 'payment for good standing timber and bushes of all kinds. • write Robert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig ' or phOne collect 232-4450 before 8:30 a.m. 12-8-tf COPIES Copies of your important papers or documents while you wait. Letter size, 250 each. THE HURON EXPOSITOR 11-8xtf SALES clerk, full time. Must be a• good worker and capable of cooking good lunches. Apply J. C. Crigh, C rich's bakery. 4-11-tf "NM./ Page 15 An OlaSSifitv will ply you dividends. ir..ts ton fried one? if.qal• 5'1'74149. VAINA 262.5148 19-8 :{f