HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-10-25, Page 1322. Legal Notices 22. Legal Notices 22, Legal Notices 22. Legal Notices- 22. Legal' Notices 22.. Legal Notices
. The EXpropriations Act
IN THE MATTER of an application by the Hydro-Electric
Power Commission of Ontario for approval to expropriate
land insthe Townships of Turnberry, Morris, Hullett and
McKillop, all in the County of Huron, for the purpose of a
right-of-way for an electrical, transmission line extending from
Winghain Transformer Station, to Seaforth Transformer
Station. •
NOTICE IS HEREBK.GIY that application has been
made for approval to. expropriate the land described in the •
schedule hereto attached as Schedule "A". A definition of the
limited estate, right or interest therein which The Hydro-
Electric Power Commission of Ontario desires to expropriate
is hereto,attached as Schedule "B". The.figtires in parenthesis
in S4liedule "A" indicate the number of towers to „be placed
on the land.
Any owner of lands in respect of which notice is given who
desires an inquiry into whether the taking of such land is fair,
sound and reasonably necessary in the achievement of the
objectives of ,the expropriating authority shall so notify the
approving authority in writing,
(a) .in the case of a registered owner, served personally or
by registered mail within thirty days after he is Served
with the notice, or, when he is served by publication,
within thirty 'days after the first publication of the
(b) in the case of an owner who is not a registered"owner,
within thirty days after the first publication of the
Minister of the Environment, The Hydro-Electric Power
Parliament Buildings, Commission of Ontario
TORONTO, Ontario, N. J. McMurtrie
M7A 1A2 Director of Property,
• Property Division,
Refer f6„Application OH-34 620 University Avenue,
TORONTO, Ontario
M5G 1)(6
1. The Expropriations Act provides that,
(a) where an inquiry is requestedo it shall be conducted by
an inquiry officer appointed by the Minister of Justice
and Attorney General;
(b) the inquiry officer, -' •
( i) shall give every party to the inquiry an opportunity
to present evidence and argument and to examine
. and cross-examine witnesses, either personally or
by his counsel or agent, and
(ii) may reconlmend to the approving authority that
a party to the inquiry be paid a fixed amount for
his costs of the inquiry not to exceed $200 and
the approving authority may in its discretion
order the expropriating authority to pay such
costs forthwith.
2. "owner" and "registered owner" ire defined in the Act as
"owner" includes a mortgagee, tenant, execution creditor,
a person entitled to a limited estate or interest in land, a Com-
mittee of the estate of a mentally incompetent person or of a
person incapable of managing his affairs, and a guardian, ex-
ecutor, administrator or trustee in whom Ian dis vested;
, "registered owner" means an owner, of land whose inter-
est in-the land is defined and whose name is specified in an in-
strument-in the proper registry, land titles or sheriff's office,
and includes a person shown as a tenant of land on the last re-
vised assessment roll;
3. The expropriating authority, each owner who notifies the
approving authority that he desires a hearing in respect of the
lands intended to be expropriated and any owner added as a
party by the inquiry officer are parties to the inquiry.
Schedide "A"
plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the
Registry Division of Huron as Plan 22R D # 139; (4)
(2) That portion of the West half of Lot 8 Concession 4,
in the Township of Turnberry, in the County of Huron
and, the Province of'Ontario, designated as Part 1 on
a reference plan deposited in the Land Registry Office
for the Registry Division of Huron as Plan 22R D
#13,9; (5)
Those portions of Lot 8 Concessions 2 and 3, in the
Township of Turnberry, in the County'of Huron and
the Province of Ontario being:
FIRSTLY: That portion of the said Lot 8 Conces-
sion 2 designated as Part 1 on a reference plan de-
posited in the Land Registry Office for the' Registry
Division of Huron as Plan 22R D #143; (5)
SECONDLY: That portion of the said Lot 8 Conces-
sion 3 designated as Part 2 on the aforesaid Plan
22R D # 143; ( t)
(4) That portion of Lot 43 Concession 1, in the Township
of Turnberry, in the County of Huron and the Prov-
ince of Ontario being a strip of land 120 feet in per-
pendicular width, lying and being contiguous to and
on the Eastern side of the Western limit of the said
Lot 43 and extending from the Northern limit of the
said lots 43 tp the Northern limit of the King's High-
way according to the Ministry of Transportation and
Communications' Plan P-2766-19, registered in the
Land Registry Office' for the Registry Division of
Huron as Plan 1711; (6)
That portion of Lot 43 Concession 1, in the Township
of Turnberry, in the County of Huron and the Prov-
ince of Ontario, designated as Part 1 pn a reference
plan deposited in the Land Registry Offi for the Reg-
istry Division of Huron as Plan 22R D #141; (4)
(b) In the Township of Morris, in the County of Huron.
(6) That portion of the North half of Lot 43 Concession
1, in the Township of Morris, in the County of Huion
and the Province of Ontario, designated as Part 1 on
a reference plan deposited in the Land Registry Office
for the 'Registry Division of Huron as, Plan 22R-D
102; (4)
That portion of the South half of Lot 43 Concession 1,
in the Township of Morris, in the County of Huron
and the Province of Ontario, designated as Part 2 on
a reference plan deposited in the Land Registry Office
for the Registry Division of Huron as Plan 22R-D
102; (5)
Those portions of the East half of the North half of
Lot 21 Concession 2 and the West half of the North
half of Lot 22 Concession 2, in the Township -of
Morris, in the County of Huron and the Province of
Ontario, designated as Part 1 on a reference plan de-
posited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry
Division of Huron as Plan 22R-D #119; (4)
That portion of the South.half of Lot 22 Concession 2,
in the Township of Morris, in the County of Huron
and the Province of Ontario, designated as Part 2 on
a reference plan deposited in the Land Registry Office
for the Registry Division of Huron as Plan 22R-D
(10) T#L1s9e; portions of the North half of Lot 22 Concession
3, in the Township of Morris in the County of Huron
and the Province of Ontario, designated as Parts 1 and
2 on a reference plan deposited in the Land Registry,
Office for the Registry Division of Huron as Plan
22R-D # 124; (4)
(11) That portion of the South half of Lot 22 Concession
3, in the Township of Morris, in the County of Huron
and the Province of Ontario, designated as Pair 3 on
a reference plan deposited in the Land Registry Office
for the Registry Division of Huron as Plan 22R-D
# 124; (5)
(12) That portion of the North half of Lot 22 Concession
4, inthe Township of Motris, in the County of Huron
and the Province of Ontario, designated as Part 1 on
a reference plan deposited in the Land Registry Office
for the Registry Division of Huron 'as Plan 22R-D
#123; (5)
(13) That portion of the South:half of Lot 22 Concession
4, in the Township of Morris, in the County of Huron
and the Province of Ontario, designated as Part 2 on
a reference plan deposited in the Larid Registry ()See
for the Registry Division of Huron as Plan 22R-D
# 12 3; (4)
(14) That portion of the North half of Lot 22 Concession
5, in the Township of Morris, in the County of Huron •
• ' amithe,Promince,..of Ontario, designated as Part f on
a reference plan deposited in the. Land Registry Office
for the Registry Division of Huron as -Plan 22R-D
#118; (5)
(15) That portion of the 'South half of Lot 22 Concegsion
5, in the Township of Morris, in the County of Huron
and the Province of Ontario, designated as Part 2 bn
a reference plan deposited in the Land Registry Offi
; (R5)egistry Division of Huron as .Plan 22R-D
(16) That portion o'f, the South,half of Lot 22 Concession
6, in the Township of Morris, in the County of Huron
and the Province of Ontario, designated as Part 2 on
a reference plan deposited in the Land 'Registry Office
for the Registry Division of Huron as Plan 22R-D
#120; (5)
(17) That portionof the North half of Lot 22 Concession
7, in the Township of Morris, in the' ounty of Huron
and 'the Province of Ontario, designated as'Part 1 on
a reference plan deposited in the Land Registry Office
for the Registry Division of Huron 'as Plan 22R-D
#122; (4)
(18) Those portions of the East half of the South half of Lot
21 Concession 7. and the South halfof Lot 22 Conces-
sion 7, in the Township of Morris, in the County of
i2s2t rRy
HUron and the Province of Ontario, designated -as
Part 2 on a reference plan deposited in the Land Reg-
- # i.
122; (5)
the(5) Registry Division of Heron as Plan
(19) That portion of the North half of Lot 22 Concession
8, in the Township of Morris, in the County of Huron
and the Province of Ontario, designated,as Part 1 on
a reference plan deposited in the'Land Registry Office
for the Registry Division of Huron as Plan- 23R D
# 12'5; (4)
(20) That portion of the South half of Lot 22'Concession
8, in the Township of Morris, in the County of Huron
and the Province of Ontario, designated as Part 2 on
a reference plan deposited in the Lind Registry Office
for the Registry Division of Huron as Plan-.22R D
#125; (5)
(21) That portion of the North half of Lot 22 Concession
9, in the TOwnship of Morris, in the County of Huron
and the Province of Ontario, designated as Part 1 on,
a reference plan deposited in the Land Registry Office
for the Registry Division of Huron. as Plan 22R-D
# 126; (5)
(22) That portion of the South half of Lot 22 Concession
9, in the Township of Morris, in the County of Huron ,'
and the Province of-Ontario, designate&asTart-2 on ,
a reference plan deposited in the Land Registry Office
for. the Registry Division of Huron as Plan 22R-D
# 126; (4)
(23) That portion of the South half of Lot 21 Concession
9, in the Township of Morris, in the County of Huron
and the Province of Ontario, designated as Part 3 on
a reference plan deposited in the Land Registry Office
for the Registry Division of Huron as Plan 22R-D
(24) Those portioi of Lot 22 Concession 10, in the Town-
ship of Morris,`'{' the County of Huron, and the Prov-
ince of Ontario, 3 signated as Parts 1 and 2 on a ref-
erence plan deposi ed in the Land Registry Office for
the Registry Divisi n of Huron as Plan 22R-D #121;
(c) In the Township ellen, in the County of Huron.
(25) Those portid'ns of Lot 1-Concession 14, in the Towgz
ship of Hullet, in the County of Huron and the ProN-
inc'e of Ontario, designated as. Parts 2 and 3 on a ref-
erence plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for
the Registry Division of Huron as Plan 22R-D #115;
(4 ) (26) That portion of Lot 2 Concession 14, in the Township
of Hullett, in the County of Huron and the Province of
Ontario, designated as Part 1 on a reference plan de-
posited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry
Division of Huron as Plan 2'2R-D # 115; (5)
(27) That portion of Lot 1 Concession 13, in the Township
of Hullett, in the County offluron aid the Province of
Ontario, designated as Part 4 on a reference plan de-
posited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry
Division of Huron as Plan 22R-D # 115; (3)
(28) That portion of Lot 1 Concession 13, in the Township
of Hullett, in the County of Huron and the Province of
designated as Part 5 on a reference plan de-
posited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry
Division of Huron as Plan 22R-D # 115; (3)
(29) That portion of Lot 1 Concession 12, in the Township
of Hullett, in the County of yuron and the Province of
Ontario, designated as Part 1 on a reference plan de-
• posited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry
Division of Huron as Plan 22R-D # 110; (4)
(30) That portion of Lot 1 Concession 12, in the Township
of Hullett, in the County of Huron and the Province of
Ontario, designated as Part 2 on a reference plan de-
posited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry
Division of Huron as Plan 22R-6 #110; (1)
(31) That portion of Lot 1 Concession 11, in the Township
of H Wien, in the County of H uron and the Province of
Ontario, designated as Part 3 on a reference plan de:.
posited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry
Division of Hurim as Plan 22R-D # 110; (4)
(32) That portion of Lot 1 Concession 10, in the Township
of Hullett, in the County of Huron and the Province of
Ontario, designated as Part 1 on a reference plan de-
posited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry
Division of Huron as Plan 22R-D' # 11 I; (5)
(33) That portion of Lot 1 Concession 9, in the Township
of Hullett, in the County of Huron and the Province of
Ontario, designated as Part 2 on a reference plan de-
posited n the Land -Registry Office for the Registry
Division of Huron as Plan 22R-D # 111; (4)
(34) That portion of Lot 1 Concession 8, in the Township
of Uullett, in the County of Huron and the Province of
Ontario, designated as Part I on a reference plan de-
posited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry
Division of Huron as Plan 22R-D # 112; (5)
(35) That portion of Lot 1 Concession 7, in the Township
of Hullett, in the County of Huron and the Province of
Ontario, designated as Part 2 on a reference plan de-
posited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry
Division of Huron as Plan 22R-D # 112; (4)
(36) That portion of Lot 1 Concession 6, in the Township
of Hullett, in the County of Huron and the Province of
Ontario, designated as Part 1 on a reference plan de-
posited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry
Division of Huron as Plan 22R-D # 1 13; (5 )
That portion of Lot 1 Concession 5, in the Township
of Hullett, in the County of Huron and the Province of
Ontario, designated as Part 2 on a reference plan de-
posited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry
Division of Huron asPlan 22R-D #113; (4)
That portion of Lot 1 Concession 4, in the Township
of Hullett, in the County of Huron and the Province of
Ontario, designated as Part 1 on a reference plan de-
osited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry
ivision of Huron as Plan 22R-D #114; (5)
(39) at portion of Lot 1 Concession 3, in the Township
_of Hullett, in the County of Huron and the Province of
Ontario, designated as Part 2 on a reference plan de-
posited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry
Division of Huron as Plan 22R-D #114; (3)
(41) In the Township of McKillop, in the County of Huron.
(40) That portion Of Lot 35 Concession 3, in the Township
of McKillop, in the County of Huron and the Province
orOntario, designated as Part 4 on a reference plan
deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry
Division of Huron as Plan 22R-D #127; (2)
(41) Those portions of Lots 33-and 34 Concessiori 3, in the.
Township of McKillop, in the County of Huron and
the Province of Ontario being:
'FIRSTLY: That portion of the said Lot 33 desig-
nated as Part 2 on a reference plan deposited in the
Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of
Huron as Plan. 22R-D #127; (1)..
SECONDLY: That portion of the said Lot 34 desig
nated as Part 3 de the aforementioned Plan 22R-D
(42) T4thle2i se;p(o2r)tions of Lots 31 and 32 Concession 3, in the,
Township of McKillop; in the County of Huron and
the Province of Ontario, designated as Part'l on aref-
erence plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for,
the Registry Division of Huron as Plan 22R-D #127;
..(43) Those portions of Lots 29 and 30 Concession 3, in the
Township of McKillop, in the County of Huron and
the Province of Ontario being:
FIRSTLY: That portion of the said 1.314 29 desig-
nated as Part 5 on a reference plan deposited in the
Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of
Huron as Plan 22R-D #129; (1)
SECONDLY: That portion of the said Lot 30 desig-
nated as Part 6 on the aforesaid Plan 22R-D •# 129;
(44) That portion of Lot 28 Concession 3, in the Township
of McKillop, in the County of Huron and the Province
of Ontario, 'designated as Part 4 on .a reference plan
deposited irrthe Land Registry hDffice for the Registry
Division of Huron as Plan 22R-D #129; (2)
(45) That portion of Lot 27 ConcessiOn 3, in the Township
of McKillop, in the County of Huron and the Province
of Ontario, designated as Part 3 on a reference plan
deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry
Division of Huron as Plan 22R-D #129; (2)
(46) That portion of Lot 27 Conceision 3, in the Township
of McKillop, in the County of Huron and the Province
of Ontario, designated as Part 2 on a reference plan
deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry
Division of Huron as Plan 22R-D # 129; (1) •
(47) That portion of-Lot 26 Concession 3, in the Township
of McKillop, in the County of Huron and the Province
of Ontario, designated as Part 1 on a reference plan
deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry
Division of Huron as Plan 22R-D #129; (2)
(48) Those portions of Lot 25 Concessions 2 and 3 and the
South half of Lot 24 Concessioo 3, in the Township
of McKillop, in the County of Huron and the Province
of Ontari‘,being:
FIRSTLY: ' That portion of the said Lot 2-5 'Conces-
sion 2 designated as Part 1 on'a reference plan depos-
ited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Divi-
sion of Huron as Plan 22R-D # 128;
SECONDLY: That portion of the said South half of
Lot 24 Concession 3 designated as Part 2 on the afore-
said Plan 22R-D #128;
THIRDLY: .That pooh of.the said Lot 25 Conces-
sion 3 designated.. as- Parx•.3,,,oci the,,aforesaid Plan „
22R-D # 128; (2)
(49) That portion of Lot 24 Concession 2, in the Township
of McKillop, in the County of Huron and the Province
of Ontario, designated as Part 4 on a reference plan
deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry
Division of Huron as' Plan 22R-D' # 130; (3)
(50) That portion of Lot 23 Concession 2, in the Township
of McKillop, in.the County of Huron and the Province
of Ontario, designated as Part 3 on a reference plan
deposited in the'Land Registry Office for the Registry
Division of Huron as-Plan 22R-D #130; (2)
(51) That portion'of Lot 22 Concession 2, in the :Township
of McKillop, in the County of Huron and the Province
of Ontarib, designated as Part 2 on a reference plan
deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry
DivisiOn of Huron as Plan 22R-D #130; (3)
(52) That portion of Lot 21 Concession 2, in the Township
of McKillop, in the County of Huron and the Province
of Ontario, designated as Part 1 on a reference plan
deposited in the Land Registry Officefor the Registry
Division of Huron as Plan 22R-D # 130;
(53) Those portions of Lot 22 and the West half of Lot 21
Concession 1, in the Township of McKillop, in the
County of Huron and the Province of Ontario being:
FIRSTLY: That portion of-the said West half of Lot
21 designated as Part 3 on a reference plan deposited
in the, Land Registry Office for the Registry Division
of Huron as Plan 22R-D # 131; (1)
SECONDLY: That pOrtion of the said Lot 22 desig-
nated as Part 4 on the aforesaid Plan 22R-D # 131;
(54) Those portions of Lot 20 Concession 1 and the East
half of Lot 21 Concession 1, in the Township of
McKillop, in the aunty of Huron and the Province
of Ontario being:
FIRSTLY: That portion of the said Lot 20 desig-
nated as 'Part 1 'on a reference plan deposited in the
Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of
Huron as Plan 22R-D ,# 131; (4)
SECONDLY: That portion of the said East half of Lot
21 designated as Part 2 on the aforesaid Plan 22R-D
#131. (1)
This Notice -first published on the 25th day of October, 1973.
Schedule "B"
A limited estate, right or interest is required in the land (herein
called "the strip") as set forth in the description hereunto
attached as Schedule "A" and made part hereof, namely, the
right, privilege and easement in perpetuity.
1. To construct, repair, rebuild, replace, maintain and Oper-
ate an electrical transmission line (herein called "the line")'
including towers, and all necessary or convenient guys, anchors,
wires, cross-arms, apparatus, accessories and appurtenances
belonging thereto, in, over, along and upon' thestrip.
2. To clear the strip and keep it clear of all buildings,
structures or other obstructions of any nature whatever and of
all brush and trees. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in all cases
where in the sole discretion of the Commission the safe opera-
tion and maintenance of the line is not endangered or inter-
fered with the landowner from time to timear tbg person or
persons entitled thereto may with prior written approval of
the Commission at his or their own expense construct and
maintain roads, lanes, walks, drains, sewers, water pipes and
fences on or under the strip or any portion thereof, provided
that prior to commencing any such installation the landowner
shall give to the Commission 30 days' notice in writing so as
to enable the Commission to have a representative inspect the
sire and bepresent during the performante of the work and
that the landowner complies with any instructions that may be
given by any such representative in order that such work may
be carried out in such a manner as not to endanger, damage
or interfere with the line.
3. To erect, maintain and use bridges and such gates in all
fences which are now or may hereafter be on the strip as the
Commission may from time to time consider necessary.
4. To install, maintain, and use an underground conductor
for grounding purposes when and where required within the
strip, such conductor to be at a minimum depth of 12 inches
below the surface of the land. •
5. To enter on and to pass and repass at any and all times
in, over, along and upon the strip 'for the servants, agents,
contractors and sub-contractors of the Commission with or
without vehicles, supplies, machinery and equipment for all
purposes necessary or convenient io the exercise and enjoy-
ment of the right, privilege and easement hereby expropriated
subject to payment by the Commission of compensation for
any crop or other damage to the person entitled thereto (wilted
by the exercise of this right of entry and passageway.
A limited estate, right or interest in the following lands:
(a) In the township of Turnberry, in the County of Huron.
(1) That portion of Lot 8 Concession 5, in the Township
of Turn berry, in the County of Huron and the Prov-
ince of Ontario, designated as Part 2 on a reference
Londesboro congregation telebrat
TH 4114R "OKPOSITORtSOAFowilif, •Out, Octl
Londesboro United Church
congregation celebrated three
quarters of a century of worship
in the present church building on
The Rev. A. E. Menzies of
London was The guest minister
for the morning. service at 11;00
a.m. Mr. Menzies led the con-
gregation -,Ins their minister
through the crises-of the Second
world War, serving the Londes-
bore pastoral Charge from 1938
to 1945. Mt. Menzies, father of
Beecher Menzies, Q.C., Clinton,
' is now retired and lives in Lon-
don. Special music was . pre-
sented by the choir under the
direction of the choir leader Mrs.
Allen Shaddick and the organist
Mrs. Allen Bosman.
Rev. Harold Spell of Exeter
was the guest minister for the
evening service. Mr. Snell was
reared at Londesboro and was re-
ceived as a candidate fot the ,
Christian Ministry through the '
Lendesboro cringrega,lIgn, lie
was ordained in 1936 and this
year retired from the s.ctive
ministry and is serving as re-
, tired assistant of the Exeter 4
/ United Church. It is significant
that Mr. Snell should preach the
41' anniversary service, on the year
of his• retirement , at his home
church from which he went forth
into the full time ministry. The
Bell"-ringers from Wingham will
bring special music to the even-
ing service and following the ser-
vice an open reception will be
• held in the church hall with the
United Church Women in charge.
The present church building
was built in 1898 following the
amalganiation 'of the Ebenez,er
congregation , with the Londes-
boro Methodist church, with a
committee consisting of Messers
Will Lyon, Elijah McVittte, Wil-
liam Moon, Richard Carter, wit-
liam McCook, JohnTamblygiWill
4` Hiles and Marshell Braithwaite,
in charge of the building arrange-
ments. In every way the build-
ing of the church was a commun-
ity•effort with everyone lending
e • a hand. The members of the sis-
ter congregation of Knox Presby-
terian proved eager to advance
the cause and generously offered
their church for services during
the building program. ,
(Intended for last week)
The Thanksgiving meeting of
the United Church Women was
le held in the church basement with
twenty-two members present.
Mrs. Nelson Baker opened
with quiet music. Mrs. JohnRodd
led in the singing of• two songs
"There'll Be Sunshine in the
Morning" and "Thank You Lord"
She also read the Call to Wor-
... ship. The Scripture was read
from the "King James Version"
anti "The Way" by Mrs. Harry
Webber and Mrs. Alex Garten-
burg. Mrs. Rodd gave a read-,
ing and also led in prayer. Mrs.
Ted Brine favored with a piano
solo followed by wpoem by Mrs.
Oscar Brine. A hymn was sung
after which. Mrs. Oscar Brine
introduced the speaker, Rev.
Grant Dawson, who gave a very
informative talk on the history
of Thanksgiving. Mrs. Alex Gar-
tenburg thanked Rev. Dawson.
Mrs. Jas. Miller gave a summary
of her time spent at the School
for Leaders held at Alma Col-
lege this past summer.
Mrs. Miller conducted the
business and read the benedic-
tion. Lunch was. served byGroup
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brock
of Exeter, Mrs. Harold Hem of
Zion, Mr. and Mrs. William
Strong, Lorie and Lisa of Eg-
mondville were guests with Mr.
and Mrs. William Spence, David,
Susan, Steven and Sandra on
News of
Mrs.Wm. Walters
(Intended for last week)
Mr. and Mrs. Doulas Rhode
of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Danny
Walters of Hensall were supper
guests on Sunday with Mrs. Wm.
Walters. 6
Mr: and Mrs. Raymond Horne,
Shelly and Jody, Miss Ruth Horne
of London visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Horne.
Mr. Wm. Etherington of Ex-
eter and Mr. Wm. Walters spent
the weekend at the French River.
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Bern and
boys spent the weekend at Chedley
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Tay-
lor and Toby visited on Sunday
with Mrs. Wm. Taylor, David and
Vicky of Harriston.
Mrs. Howard Dayman, Darcy
and Charlene visited on Wednes-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Wm..ival-
Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Hutton
and Diahe spent the weekend at
Liet0Wel with relatives.
..Te Corner Stone of the new
chureh was laid by' Mr. I,
then proprietor of the corner
store. The stone is said to con-
tain certain important • docu-
ments of the church, the names
of the ministers, several cotes
and other objects of interest.
• The contract for the mason-
ery work was let to Hiram 11111, a stone mason of Clinton, Oliver
Rhynas of Goderich contracted
forthe frameWork and Danprior
of Clinton took the contract for
the brink work. Most of the
labor was done free by the resi-
dents of the district. Bees were
organized for digging the base-
ment, hauling stone and brick,
cutting stone 'and other tasks.
Finding the right kind of stone
for the foundations proved to be
something of a problem, as the
common- field stone proved un-
suitable for the 'purpose. How-
ever, thig problem was solved
When it was found that suitable
stone could be taken from the
river nearby Maitland River and
still better stone could be taken
from the river at Ball's Bridge.
It was no light task to remove
these stones from the river, haul
them to the building site and dress
them for use, but many willing
hands completed the tasks: The
red brick for the ornamental
trimming was obtained from the
brickyard at Henfryn in Grey
A rather humerous story is
nS4tiected with the red-brick.
Xbotit 2500 of theM were required
and accordingly two men were de=
tailed to team them from Hen-
fryn, about thirty miles away.
HoWever, the distance of travel
made it necessary to stay over
night at Brussels. When they
were ready to leave in the morn-
ing, foi"bome unaccountable rea-
son they forgot where they were
to obtain the bricks and the name
of the manufacturer. After some
enquiries, they were advised that
Gorrie was the place red brick,
were manufactured. Upon ar-
riving in Gorrie the owner of the
brickyard informed them he had
no order and moreover he did
not have 2500 •bricks to give
them. However, they, might try
Henfryn brickyard, At the name
of Henfryn they remembered this
was the place they were to go for
Sunday. '
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thomson
of Parkhill were Sunday guests
with Misses tklanche and Rhea
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Small
and family and Miss Thelma
Small of Culloden and Mr.'Doug-
las Webb, Steven and Scottl-Lee
Ann of London visited on Saturday
with Mr. and Mrs. Norris Webb,
Julleind Lorie.
Mr. and Mrs. George Wheeler
spent .Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
John Rodd, Pamela and Calvin.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Lambert
of "Davison, Michigan spent the
weekend with Mrs. Mary Jaques.
`Miss Jean Copeland visited
on Sunday with Mrs. Vera Moun-
tain of St. Marys.
A number of the ladies of the
United Church' women attended
the South Perth Regional meeting
oh Wednesday evening held in the'
St. Marys United Church.
Guests on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Jaques and fam-
ily were Mr. and Mrs. Glenn
Lambert of Davison, Michigan
and Mrs. Mary Jaques and Mr.
Charlie Webb of St. Marys.
4-H dabs
The 5th meeting of the An-
cestral Assortments was held at
Mrs. Stall's on October 11. The
roll call was "Where my an-
cestors came from," Carol
Chalmers and Susan Hoornent
made pizza with bacon, cheese
and mushrooms.
Clinton IV held their 5th meet-
ing at the home of Rose Flynn on
October 10. The topic was on
Italy and Eastern Europe includ-
ing the Balkan People, Ukrain-
ians, Poles and Hungarians. On
this topic, Joanne Gibson made
Lesagna. Rose Flynn made Beet
and Cabbage Salad. Darlene Car-
nochan made Ablekage (Ap-
Seaforth '11 4-H •,Club held
their meeting at the home of
Margaret Sills. Vicki O'Rourke
opened the meeting and plans
were discussed for the 8th meet-
ing, Northern Europe and home
assignments. Margaret Sills de-
monstrated how to make Rhubarb
Seaforth 11 held their next
meeting at the home of Joan and
Eleanor Devereaux and planned
for Achievement Day on Nov. 24.
Eleanor Devereaux machrfor-
tune cookies (almond cookies)
also the leaders- made chicken
chowmein. Kim anstett thanked
Mrs. Devereaux for having the
meeting there.
An Expositor Classified will
pay you dividends. Have irou
tried one? Dial 527-0240.
The opening date of the church
was set -for Sunday„November 24,
1898, but a minor hitch arose.On
'the afternoon preVitius to the op-
ening the pews had not yet ar-
rived from the manufacturer in
Chatham. That evening the pews
did arrive by railway and the
committee worked most of the
night and part of Sunday morn-
ing, setting them up and putting
them in place before the hour of
opening service. The completed
church, as it stands today, 14(1
been built for a total of $5,500.00.
At the time of opening the build-
ing committee announced that the
church was clear of debt except
or live hundred dollars. This
deficit was raised on-the spot by
popular donation and when the
church was dedicated it was com-
pletely free of debt.
• The church is substantially
the same today as it was at the
time of dedication, On Good
Friday, March 21, 1913, a wind-
storm lashed'the district and the
church steeple' crashed to the
grouful aleng with the church bell.
However, the damage was re-
paired and a new belfry replaced
the old steeple. The awe bell
was installed and still calls the
faithful to worship Sunday morn-
ings,. and peals forth the joyOus
news of a church wedding. At
the opening of the 75th year of
'worship In the church, January
1973, a Memorial Chime system
was installed and each Sunday
morning the well-known andloved
hymns peel forth over the vil-
lags and surrounding
The history of. 14.9099b0r9
United Church, howeVer, did pet
begin with the building at the
present edifice. The first reli-
gious services of the Methodist
church in the district was held'
at the farm of Simon McVittle.
Sometime later a frame church
was built on the McVittie farm
which became known as the Mc-
Vittie Church, which later be-
came part of the Londesboro Cir-
cuit. The first record of the
)00104+ Church in Londesboro
to in a form of a deed, dated'
API% WOOD which records the
Bale at the land, on ,which the
church how sten* from Tho-
mas Haggard to the conrega.
tion of the. Wesleyan Methodist
Church 10 Canada. This church
grew and became the head of the
londesboro-Holmesville Circuit
which was formed in 1870, The
Circuit, was` composed of Lon.
(lesboro; turner's, mcvittles;
TiPerarY, Kinburn,
Girrels', Penins, and Ebenezer,
:4100000k, charg.a,,.
In ' 1925 the .Londesboro
.thodiSt•VhUrehbaeaniel40140 ,
4esbdl'o United '00011 444-Iii •
1932' 140 109i `0POPPYteriall,
chart* #.941 .09.69 ProPPrfailPt.'4.
neuron', :became' • on 1•Plignrp,t•
on,rgo *AI the f...,i,ktafeahero, and: •
%CinfAull ,Pastoral Charge *ith
Oren .onngregatiwin... TO4y:tho*n.
vongrePttonn Moe, 'OnOwnn one:.
congregation, wor,ehiping, In the:
church 'building ,gleflinatel!,
years ago on hrovernher 24.#1.00,8
in lOndesbore. •••
the brinks.