HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-10-25, Page 8Want your leaves raked, storm windows put up? " STUDENT' WORKERS are available call SPHS 527-038.0 Seaforth District High School FALL WORKORAMA Saturday, Oct. 27. Annual Meeting HURON P.C. (PROV.) ASSOC. Clinton Legion Hall FRIDAY, OCT. 21; p.m. AGENDA - 1- Election of officers and directors of the Huron Riding. 2- Notice of a motion to amend the Constitution. Anyone wishing to view the proposed Constitution before the annual meeting please contact the officers or director of the Association. 3- Balm,: Tony Naylor end his One Man Band. EVERYONE WEI COME' Huron Progressive ConservatiVe (Provincial) 'Associalibn Wm. J. Dale, President Earl McFadden Secretary-Treasurer JUNIOR FARMER Hallowe'en Dance • SEAFORTHARENA ,ry 4A o e• la4.4. October 27/73 Dancing 9 - 1 P'.M. Refreshthepta available poStumes or BardtiMe Dance Prizes Admission $1.00 per person. PARK GODERICH 30. THE SQUARE PHONE 5'24 '811 AIRCONbITAONE T..25 Fri. 26 sie. 27 The Gospel according to today 80SP Anvxtraordinary experience for everyone, everywhere! i.28 Mon. 29 'Tue.30 They had Just 3hhours to share.the lore 4aillellme.• A Robert Wise Oicvc?Peopie) I I ESTELLE PARSONS;7,,..bv„,°=ZZILRo, PETER FONDA • UNDSAY WAGNER it 11—THE HURON EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, ONT., OCT. 25, 1973 L111111111.111111111111.1111111111111111111111111111111111M11111111111111U a , ei NI a a gip a a . .2 .4 a Country and Western Entertainment a a a SAT URDAY — IN THE RED KNIGHT•RO044- . : a 4 . 4 IN . Elgin Fisher 4 a a • MN a (The Family Affair) a a a ... .. • .. • • ., a a IN THE LADIES' and ESCORTS' ROOM i FRIDAY SATURDAY )A O ti4k SEAFORTH ire THURS. — FRI. — SAT. Entertainment by Tex Noble a Shorty NEXT WEEK:' Tee Kee"s Saturday Matinee at the ,60 T. t. SEAF qt a cAN-DELITE — Restaurant and Tavern — Entertainment , FRIDAY and SATURDAY "CAVALIERS" Wed. finite entertainment! THE MAITLAND TRIO - FULLY LICENSED BY — Hayfield Road in Goderich — Ph. 524.7711 ANNUAL FIREMEN'S BALL SATURDAY, NOVEMBER '17th Seaforth Legion Hall Music by - The Bluewater Playboys Admission $3.00 per couple Dancing from 10:00 to 1 Limited number of Tickets Ava from Local Firemen ( immummunnammnummommommanniman CA.BA.RET DANCE Brodhagim Community. Centre Saturday, October 27th .. MUSIC 131( Dianne & The country Cavaliers linimumilituummimurnimpumulimmumm a liable ENTERTAINMENT AT FAMILY PARADISE Saturday,. October 27th HALLOWE'EN DANCE —7 Few Tickets Still Available Musk' by the "LORMAINES" FAMILY___PARADISE CAMPING PARK RUSS & DALE, F WE SERVE BEVERAGE ROOM LUNCHEONS E 12 to 2 And 6 to S ft AT VERY LOW PRICES We Sell Ice COMMERCIAL HOTEL Seaforthi, TASTY CHICKEN WINGS for SNACKS AMPLE FREE PARKING VW WIS 11. 'TON Turk7 Supper Wed. Nov, 4:30 to 8 o'clock DUFF'S UNITED CHURCH, Walton Adults $3,00 Children $1.50 Editors Quote Book "Leisure is the mother of philosophy," — Thomas Hobbes Elm Haven Motor Hotel ' CLINTON Now Playing:— Green Lite Pop, Rock & Country Group Coming Next Week:— WESTFAUSTER Nasco Recording Artist. - VERSATILE GROUP playing different ' ins"truments top. Rock. & Cdultiy EVENING OF !MN° , presented and. led by the 'HURONIA MALE CHORUS Exeter in FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SEAFORTH WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7 at 8 P.M. • Everyone Welcome Admission Adults $1.00 - Students .50/ FIRESIDE FELLOWSHIP GROUP STAG for KEN JANMAAT NOVEMBER 3RD HENSALL ARENA Admission $1.00 St. Thomas' Church Annual RUMMAGE SALE will be held in St.Thomas' Parish Hall OCT. 27th at :1:30 p.m., Reception, and Dance for Mr.& 'Mrs.Frank Dolmage (nee Grace Longman) CLINTON LEGION HALL NOV.' 2', 1973 9:30 to 12:3r' Music by BLUE WATER PLAYBOYS Everyone welcome Ladies please bring lunch. Halloween Masquerade Dance Music by The Casuals at 'the WHITE CARNATION Saturday Oct. 27th from 10 1 Including smorgasbord and dance. For Reservations Call 482-7535 Admission 6.00 per couple 44114111114114114 WEDDING RECEPTION DANCE- , for MARION NOTT 4 and JOHN A. ALBLAS (Bridal Couple)" Seaforth Community Centre SATURDAY, NOV. 3 at 9 P.M. Music by Country Music .Men Everyone welcome Lunch pravid.ed CASH BINGO Legion Hall, Seaforth FRI., OCT. 26th 8:15 p.m. 15 Regular Games for $10.00 THREE $25.00 GAMES — $75.00 Jackpot to Go TWO DOOR PRIZES Admission $1.00 Extra Cards 25c or 7 for $1.00 (CHILDREN UNDER 16 NOT PERMIT.14.1)) —Proceeds for Welfare Work— Auspices Seaforth Braneh 156, Royal Canadian Legion, Seaforth THIS WEEK AT THE ROYAL HOTEL MITCHELL FRI. and SAT. in the Crown Room THE' REVOLS lamommar SEAFORTH LEGION . Costume Dance - October 27th Music by the' ROYALAIRES PRIZES GIVEN FOR:— • BEST COSTUMES • SPOT DANCE • DOOR PRIZES ETC. Costume Parade at 10:30 — $4.00 Per Couple — REgfitieft15 :to IS YEARS and OVER Tickets available through Legion Members' and Also at 557-0143. Admission by tickets only. Litnited number being sold. P. half a mile. Down about one hundred feet you could see the lava crust with the occasional open fissure from which steam was escaping. To the North West was the city of Naples; to the North a village whose name I can't remember, and to the im- mediate South was the old Ve- suvius .cone that erupted and co- vered the city of Pompeii around 79 B.C. with almost sixteen feet of lava. Over the years many , of the streets have been exca- vated along with the buildings, and a trip through, this old city can prove to be very intbresting. I remeneberbeing surprised at 4) seeing some copper fittings that had been used, for a fountain in someone's garden - and we think we are modern! I forgot to tell you that they have a small cable car railroad that takes you up to the base of the main cone and you scramble from there upwards. Also sit- uated at the base is scientific laboratory that kept a running record of the temperature and • noise emanating from the bowels of the volcano. Later' I' was moved to Lake Albano south of Rome but had the good luck to be sent south on an overnight mission, to a Radar siteon one of the hills just north of .Naples. It turned out that this was the day that Vesu- vius decided' to erupt again, so we had a grandstand seat with the wind blowing from north to south to give us an uninterrupted view. The eruption was really im- evening. pressive - belching fire, stones, Saturday, Nov. 3-Veterans' Ban- dust-into the air and red hot lava quet at Branch 156, Seaforth. pouring, over the side. You would Banquet starts at 7:00 p.m. think that huge naval guns were The guest speaker will be_,..going off with a loud va-room. Comrade Bing Forbes, 2nd The earth trembled and evpry- Vice president, Provincial thing would fly into the air and Command. the whole thing was crowned with Sunday, Nov. 4-Poppy drive, all fine dust thousands of feet over-a., members are urged to assist, head. At night the .red hot lava: Thursday, Nov. 8-General Meet- boiling over the northern edges Ina, of the crater and winding down Saturday, Nov. 10-Pot Luck Sup- 'the' Slope provided a picture of per, and,-social atothe Legion, ,t,.- pOwer*rid terror that' is hard to Hall. Sunday, Nov. 11-Remembrance describe. One stream engulfed some of the village and although Day, Parade to the Ce,notaph I didn't see it myself the locals for service, and from the Ce- claimed that It divided and went notaph to St. Thomas Angli- can Church for Remembrance Day Service. Assemble at the Legion at 10:00 a.m. fall in at 10:15 a.m. List Post at 11:00 a.m. ' (Intended for last week) we are once again indebted to Cdmrade Frank Sills for in- terrupting his busy life to relate some more of his experiences while overseas during World War U. When one looks back on the war years it is easy to thank of many types of powerdisplayed by man made things, but they all pale In significance when com- pared to some,displays put on by • Mother Nature. can think of ,two storms in particular, one in the Atlantic with sixty-foot waves and ano- ther in the Mediterranean that snapped in two a Liberty ship following ours, but I believe the most awesome power was dis- played by Vesuvius when it e- rupted in 1944. It-was a compara- tively small eruption when mea- sured against some: but Mother Nature moving in low gear is still the most impressive power on earth. When stationed near Naples I had the opportunity of climbing up the slopes of Vesuvius and looking doWn into the crater that has a diameter of approximately By John D. Baker Public Relations Officer Branch 156 PAST EVENTS The Bingo last Friday attrac- ted ninety-two players. prizes to the value of $324 were won. Last Saturday District C held their council meeting starting at 10:00 a.m. and adjourning at 5:00 p.m. followed by a dinner and dance. - Last Sunday District C held their convention In , Hanover, Branch 130 were the hosts for both the council meeting and the convention. The guest speaker was Comrade Dave capperauld, Provincial Commander. Three bands led the large parade to the Cenotaph where wreaths were laid. ,The Ladies Auxiliary ser- ved a delicious banquet which close to five hundred. attended. -..Attending from Seaforth were Comrades Gordon Scott, Al- lan Nicholson, Cleave Coombs, Tom Young ,and John Baker, also from Seaforth were Mrs, Gordon Scolt, Mrs. Allan Nicholson, Mrs Cleave Coombs , and Mrs. Tom Young. COMING EV,ENTS Saturday, Oct.` 27-First World War Veterans' banquet is be- ing held at Branch 140 Clin- ton. Saturday Oct. 27 - Halloween dance at Branch 156 Seaforth. Get your -costumes out and maybe you will win a prize. The costume parade will be at 10:30 p.m. also the 50-50 draw will be made during the around their Church. The next morning. I had to leave for the north again and didn't get back for another three weeks. This time I once, more climbed up to the top to have member and everything was back to that the early bird Note-All Legion members re- another look down the share sides nor- campaign is already in pro- mal, with just a few trails of guess, pay your membership and bubbling pools. The dues before Jan. 5, 1974 and lava on the sides was hard en- you will be eligible for the steam draw for prizes, ough to walk on but still warm to the touch, you could sense that the old giant was Just having ano- ther snooze before awakening to assert his authority. This dust I mentioned is con- sidered to 'be very beneficial to the surrounding land especially for the almond erchards, but it must be the bane of all good housekeepers until it is Con- tained. I happened to travel about 40 miles south of Naples to Sal- erno and there the streets had about two inches of this fine dust all over, and as our jeep went dowii the street it kicked up a great 'cloud of dust that couldn't help permeate into their houses because the dwellings have their door steps right on the road allowance, and the only gaps between houSes occur when there is a street intersection. A fellow could have made a for- tune if he had had a carload of vacuum cleaners to sell. An interesting thing about this eruption was that while I viewed it' from the north it was being witnessed by your regular col- umnist, John Baker; from the east. John was at the conval- • escent camp at Avellino recov- ering from his wounds, so he too had a grand view of the whole proceedings. John 'is in agreement with me that when you wish to see the most spectacular things, keep your weather eye open for Mo- ther Nature and she'll provide you with shows Barnum and Bailey never dreamed of or could.' If she ever decided to use her destructive nature at quarter po- le i. wer there would be none of us see wf gentle ortunatet wally her sides played at the present tim her spectacular show of leaves, blue skies and white clouds. PAST EVENTS Last Friday the Bingo attracted eighty-five players. Prizes to the value of $320 were won. USE EXPOSITOR WANT - ADS Phone 527-0240 we us- dis- with lored ajestic