HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-10-11, Page 12BAYER ASPIRIN ipois Ple:•!.e. cosin Effr;riive th.r'vt dt. 111$1131 .1%4.S.L.$1:1 "WITH Col1PON • `414 • 12—:111.E .HORON!, EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTM CONTI, OCT..11, 11973 $ OBITUARIES spr. r• . horseman, showing- at local fairs, The Ex., 'the Royal Winter Fair, in lved at the B-Tracksk In the •, thity; racing with al', the family ea and he Jockey ClubCircttit. son, -Mac is carrying on his father's ,i4erest in the Stables. He was a member of the Pres- byterian Churchqn Brussels and then St. Andrew's, Wingham. The funeral 'was held ThurSday, October 4, 1973 at 2 p.m. from S. J.Walker Funeral Home with Rev. ,RiMert Armstrong,, Wingham, offic- iating. . Furial followed in * Brussels Cemetery. MRS. ESTHER ELLEN WORE / Mrs. Esther Ellen Moore of Cromarty died, at Kilbarchan Nursing Ildme. in Seaforth on Saturday? October 6, 1973. 4lie 1939. 7as 91. Her husband, William B. Moore predeceased her in Born in Fenplon Township, Ontario, where she was. married , in Septe'mber 1909, she was the former Esther E, Worsley. She ' was educated in Fenelon Falls. • She came to this district in 1p54 after living in Western Canada from 1915 to 1943. She was 'a thembek of Pallbearers Cro- ,Troy, m16 . h.; Earl Foster, mmaarrttyy W.M.S.Presy terian•Chtirch and an honorer member of the Cr°- , . Cambridge (Galt); Norman Muff-,- ett, poWnsVieit; John Heal, The hate Mrs, 'Moore is sun- vived by -a daughter, Muriel,- Bensall;'' Garfield Dockendorff, Mrs. Thonia.s-L. Scott, Cromer,- Powassan; Hugh Pearson, Brus- ty, ,and a son, Hugh W. Moore,- sels. Hclnorary Pallbearer was Lindsay,'eight grandchildren and Alex Parsons, London. 'Flower ' great-grandchild, A sister bearers were Clifford Chapman, • Mrs. Arthur '..Hyrnell; Lindsay Tillsonburg; James Rollipga, • ▪ and two brothers wilourt andCe- Torcnto and John T. Baeker cil Apf.,v6,,,,Cmaomriearionseravliseoe was held Wheatley. O'R It& John D. Baker and after a -battle which lasted • Public Relatiops Officer , two days, the enemy Were dtisren .Branch 156 ' .. • off. A banquet was, held 'on Sun-L, 'LOAD TWE EDSMUiR. SP ENDS day: afternoon iyhe beautiful THANKSGIVING WEEKEND IN new :Belleville Legion Hall-, Lord , BELLEVILLE Tweedsinuir was the guest speak- , Lieutenant Colohel Lord John er. Two hunded and fifty.veler- ,TWeedstAu'ir visited his old regi-,' ans and 'their wives sat down to a ment fri Belleville Last weekend delicious' meal served .by tine La-. es Auxiliary. PAST EV EN kTS Last Friday the Bingtrattrac- lad seventy • players;. Priies to the value of $320 were' vton. . e ‘,, 'COMING EVENTS • • . d -- Thursday, Oct,. flt4,. ,General meeting commencing at' 8:.00 nion'. • p.m.,, Come out and vote on consisted ot-a wine and cheese• wheter-ai?ribt sons.' arid , party' for 'the wiles .on Satufday , daughters, o veterans'., may, : afternoon and a 'Social get-to- be'come,.asso'clate members. , , Wm. Hayes, Westgate Far -gether for the men, tur'saterdiy , Friday, Ott. 12th, Bingo as usual ) the Hairy Hayes 'Memorial evening a,dance in the'-armories,. • at, the 'Legion. Hall. and on Sunday morning 'a paracie Saturday, Oct. 21111 Social and ,( Junior Ayrshire Show at the C j winner in this .division. to"the cenotaph followeckl?y a•ser- 50 - 50 dd./taw. .on Sunday at the G;A'. Whitney MRS.• F'..LESLIE 13tliSON Funeral Home, Ooderich St. W. Mrs. F. Leslie Butson, R.H. The funeral w,as held Ttfesday in 2, Staffa passed 'away Tuesday, lLowinedds.ay and buriai. in zion Ce- October 2, 1d73, at HillSide, Rest , ' tient since June. She was -the metery, Fenelon Township :fol- Home, where she had been 'a pa-, former Christina McDonald, a JOHN -GEORGE GALBRAITH at horne'on Tuesday, October 2nd 'land Nov: 28, 1895.. She spent , ' Sgt. M cD oMnaajlodr, John A: oafndthemlrast! . 'John George Galbraith died ' and was born at Inirernessi, ,Scot- Z. after a short illness at the age of her early years in Stratford and on the occasion 'of their 29th annual reunion,' — Former merpbe of tlieregi .ment gathered in B•ffileville fro as far, awaoras British„Columbia Durban, Soulti Afrida, 'Aberdeen Scotland, Pittsburg., Pa'., USA a froth all parts of ontarta. The program fin- the fACH WEEK 1-1‘ERE„ ,the. m, Pieketing, Ontario presenting Trophy .fOr Showmanship in the to BrianOldfield, Seaforth, ,‘ • 'graduated; as, a teacher from , He was a sap of the late'John, Stratford.Normal School. She Henry Galbraith of Brussels and ' taught until her marriage August' -Mrs. Ida Galbraith, willowdale. 13, 1919. She was a member of, Mrs. Galbraith, theforrner Verne Hibbert United Chch, and alife Walker survives., They 'were member of the \M.S. of that' married on July 11, 1945 in •chnrch.: • , Wingham United, Churph4 Surviving. fare 'her: husband,' • ,Continued froth Page transportation problems,'? he • Children survivink ire Dr. ,J*k one son,, Jack and four grand- term source' mit4 fourtd," he •s vice conducted by Archdeaco.n • • A. S. McConnell, M.B,E., ilton m ars Farmer 'new: recognized,, 'The parade''was led by Lieu- • • • tenant Colonel A Neti ,A; riedy and . • .. o C il ,,p.. • . reaci • . r" ' .the salute was' vel taken bye Lord . . W1 ",,preach '2 Tweedsm.uir. Approximately two . . •".' „ 4 ,• - warned. p. . . warned. p Walker 'Galbraith, Essex; Mrs. children.-Rae, Keith, Jeffrey and • shortage InSthe spring." '_ "willowdale. , . A . • ,brofher, peg predeceased her. . '.'We are advising farmerssto Bowman, . 0.C.,- Tpronto prude- • ”' Funeral services were held, . put' as m,uch- fertilizer ,in the ceased'him. . ground or in their 'awn storage , ' Since- 1553 •Geo-rte Galbraith , l' ath_unr esdathay4L0ecstli..e4F, -u19n7e3rai at Home,' as as possible before spring,. so as worked as Yards Supervisor villth' Mitchell. Rev."A.A. Daynard of-'. to avr ..c.1 transportation, problems , at that tim.,.."., the OPPA,Marketing litga.fd ' gild • ficiated. The pallbearers were • recently was appointed. Yards, , Elmer Dow, Arthiti Smale, Alf - . Mr. Hill refigied to M ". whe-,. Ian's .s_pech given, earlier, when - Supervisor for all the marketing • red' RoSs Sr.,` William 'Butson, .- ''' he said prices are better,. but'M r. Assembly' Yards,in the Province ' Alex Miller, and Lorne Fell.Ross for' the Ontario Pork‘,Producers. ",Sraale . and William Kerslake,; Hill Hill warned that they are not go- ' , ing to stay .there by‘them,selvos. He, was corn. in-Brussels and ''',:acted as flOwerbearers.' Lovely , was a lifetime ' reside& except floral tribute's, heart, mission ..,., Be said that Mairlsetingprograms• for his .overseas service until' and Ritz' Lutheran Villa Me,mor-a'' .. companies are telling "home. Also surviving is sister, , Stratford and one sister. passed by.-the'sZuting base near-• rat rop hundred,. and , twenty-five R1.011, t w• h said, are going' need -,iifore fertilizer • is.produped I.Jonald (Sally) Haines; Guelh; Jim, all of R.Ft: 2,, Staffs. One ieased amounts u d he Farm • , to Canada than is used but 0,-some George Malcolm Galbraith, '-at brother, Lt. John McDonald of • R. G.- IIaZiewdod 'of -Pink- 'fey United •Church.,!H am ilton will be the gueSt minister at the cd'vai United.Chnich anhiversal'y serv,1 tees on Sunday, October 14th in 11:00 a..rtr.: and 7:30 porn. services, Dr. ..liaszlewood was born--in Kirkton, ordaVed 'in 19314:arid has served the .pastoral. charges of Benmille'r,,\,yaltan,•Mount'Forest, • and HamlitOn: • " 'He alSo has been elected' chairing of • the ilurun r duelph,• rid. HarriTon.presbyteries, and ly all of whom had, heen in action in Sicily, and -Italy' with Coi. Tweedsrnuir and Col. 'Kennedy; and many of diem remembering the first action' after Cplonel TWeedstraiir took overe'thee'coni:- mand of the Hastings and$,13.6ncie E edWard,Regtrrient. It was a-rotilid -July ,1943 .that the regiment was called .iipan to scale the.. Assoro Cliff iu S.ieily; this was a, night attion. 'and it was" intended. to take ;the:, enemy 'by itIrpris, the sliff 'being so steepttfat• thee enemy • , were dayekess •, about Iniprovenint,Loan. Ct.: Higher ' land' pribPs,• higher machinery costs antrhigher Prices for mast farin inputs dernand tht,farmers have access to larger amounts of Credit if they are to stay in buS1-, ,ness," 'he stated; • : 'Mr. 'Hill 'spoke also of the, impOrtance -of a fairTax.sYstem.,• ' a, .prope rty ssessrn era system that',relates taxes- to_ the 6tioduct- ' ivity'of the farm, `,, A -iyew Sy.stein af-getting wor-, k..?son 'to Our farm,3-isneeded,". , war- Arm,- their dealers that there will be a , MrS. Elliott (Wilma) Breden, ", 'Mrs. William Murphy of vannie- WEDDINO INVITATIONS THE HURON EXPOSITOR ork. PHONE 527-D2410 SE XFORTH . • ^ • • , guarding, 'it, as the thOught ih:. :- resident . of ••the Hantilton con, . keers can ba fohndAf we ,can pay • are needed t9.,,instire',. adequate in: rkets at fa prices. . .. 960 hen -hen the family moo to` ials were feceived.' command of Lt. Co1:14orcl,Twepiis honorary degree fro V iq 1 ' ' I i r'' them, •need ' - t ' . . • This is ...one of the jabs of W ' ail).: George joined the . Interment 1n StaffaCernatery. impossible to • climb, under the 'ference.in 1970,4 He recei'ved"hiS^ . ell in, and if we, are going'to be rrk - a or a , a ) ( to ,,ay we rea- R.0 A .F and went. verseas toe Friends attended froin.tratford, , •, : - • iistie priceS,'' he. said. , . your organiiationOhe,Federation -England, in•lpin., Rd later re-. - Staffs,- Rodney, Z,mbrO, Seaforth, muir the ,regirnent scaled the cliff , ,•,• Ignivei,sity in 19'72 of Agriculture), I tvge farmersta , • SOaking ..an en.?,rgy policy mustered to sikir.GUnrier and 'Was St: Marys; Mitchell and district. A stick , rogethw and• work' hakd.". attached •to the-R.A.F. lie1 c,orri- '. Chapter #233 Eastern Star, Sea- ' for C1nada. whi is badly needed he said, "we, •heed, as''.4.nranc,e of • 'he en.lphasizer4' ' 'i ,sufficient gasoline, desel fuel,, propane,'ett. to. Plant and harvest our.crops.. Weproduce more en- • ergy in danacia„sthan we require, ma-c1,,,,ps 4to,b$iiiall,.exiiic4ecir lig retif of llie'd'OrintrY." , pletedllis qperationaltour Of duty„, forth paid their respects wed- ,---ra-a"ri-ii.einVr df 624 aqup.driin tin ;Aesday evening at - the funeral ,. Ralltax, bombers. The squadron home. - - °petaled Out of Blida, North ' Africa, . Ttigis, Btrigazi 'ard , III A M • . ( n ea.$. OV 04 4 W ed . It ne'et tied to BANGHXRT,, KELLY:tiOIG '4•Fec Chartered AcCluntants . 474 476 Main St. S. ‘14 EX - 23516126: W. REID, C:A. ••• Breen es ,iFerkdizer supplies could be I Canada ln October 1944, and was , KIRKBY, - HAN' OOD HEA.LTHI •-stationed at Final. a • in ,hrt stilipl.w. in' the spring,- Flight in- partly because•of shortage of in- - • structpr until released in March - , Viola Machan Brussels and ' gredieTits because of BE A4IBLOOD DONOR 1945. • . Prank Kirkby of Walton announce'., BOAR • George was' veteran ", their marriage at Binkely Vnited. • Church, Aamllton, - at h"gh noon ' on Septeinber 29t.11, by. Dr. R. G Hazjewooc. They, were attended' by 'Mr, and 'Mrs. John, Bryans , - of prussels, With /471,Ilazlewoodt. • as -a' guest. • • ' ' . • 'Dinner was, served, at the, ScOttish Rite Club, In Hamilton, •-(5 following the ceremony.' In.the • evening', a dinner was served for the .twatamilies at-the home 'of Mr. and Vrs: Glen Machu? of Goderich.1 • s- • • Sni the coupons and snap up the savings at Megilllrg CLIP THESECOUPONS and BRIrSIG THEM bil7 DIAPRICEGARD• STORE. , -Larry Snider Motors is •pricing Fine Used.cars iOw,..lowcpriee . to move them out fas.. UCW : has- meeting , . Unit 1 of Northsidd'ipet at th▪ e lionie of Mrs. Connell on October 2, with president Mrs, McKenzie in the chair and who open4,51 the meeting 'with a poem "Friends." The business ineltded plans for ,thee Bazaar and Autumn Tea on_October 13. poem “knee Dep: in Autumn"- was read by Mis‘ Gordon whn alSo read Psalth 100. Miss Ruth Cluff led In prayer and 'Ann Stewart told of, %her trip to London, England last' ,Winter. Mrs. Papple thanked Ann and others taking 'Art. , PRICES.E1 kLenvE THURS:, OCT. 11th THRU SAT., OCT.'13th • .. LISTERINE MOUTHWASH • 24 Oz, 6 O. tree! - s. .1 14.f ( 1141011it Effective thru Oct. '13thS 1 no .t. 4,9 S 2.;9 - WITH COUPON 'OIL OF OLAY GLADE - FRESHENER COME IN AND CHECK OUR PRICES • • WE BOTH SAVE MONEY' Effective thru Oct. 13tI, . S2,39 ..,$4.25' S WITH COUPON • , 1.1i'Verti,..'tkrii Oct. 13,(h 'M.S. L. 8 9c • ARRID EXTRA DRY EffectivM.S.L. • 87 $1.59 „ I( WITH COUPON j`\ 4 ., - -CREST TOOTHPASTE , i \. O. Family.site. Reg. & Mint. I %i ' t ,,, , 3 Orr r,,,,t-'01f ,r ` k or Effective thru Oct, lath -,3, , ‘ msL C WITH COUPON' ,Glade,G16de •••• i llEAD4SHOULDERS SYLVANIA LIGHT .KLBS. • '25, 4.0; 60,100w, t i t ,.1 3 pot CURICM1(`P '• Effective thrit Oct. 13th, . C4 . 2 rw• pkri Pkge ,S . L. 59c ITHNCOUPON • • brake')power sterin4, y-8, 'finished -1•970N,IMPALA Custom 2-door hardtop, power ,t s 5 n silver metallic and black.top. Licence DFU238., ' 199 • NOXZEMA Sr,•1(1, p(•(')d()(tini ii) n1 I 5, ••1 5 (I ,c(1711(1' • •' Effective thrit. el..13th Erfeetivo The, Ort. 131h .$1". ,wirlicoupoN • 77c .S.1.. Wirgerize your money now $1.69 WITH COUPON WITH COUPON • a trc, 41695 L 1970 FORD Custom 4otioor, power ;leering. Licence DHA887, ON • A DAY VITAMINS -1-k iho A.111 (••,1 • EffectivelkiiITIct,136, S 1 9'•9 C LA I ROL lierba! Essence SCHICKB BLADES • 7,, • I rwr Directive airu-Oct. 13th $1.09 ^ . 77C, . 'WITH COUPON KLEENEX' - 1968 FORD Feirlone, 2-door *drop, 6 cylinder, $1295 automatic, radio, Altewalls..LicenCe'Dp..t .5. .. . . , 1968 PONTIAC' PAR1S1ENNE 4-door, V,-8', t automatic, power'power'br6kes; po'wer -„ steteping, radio., .4 Licence CXZ196 ° is - . IAL TISSUES 1003 while 3,°Pr customer ' Effective thru ,'Oct. 13th Effe.••r\r, thrp Oct. 13th 'et 2/45 WCOUPON i,L1014 - .S L $ 2 9 WITH COUPON .7' WITH COUPON r.° ADORN HAIR SPRAY ‘, • ROLAI DS • w 5 8, automatic, power, brakes, power steering'.),"e 1968 MOEOR Rideau 500, 2-door hardtop, V. 89 Licenc'e DFV675 JOHNSON'S, • "1., 14 ,11:11ferti•e thru Oct. 13th 77c' WITHH COUPON • NI a 'RI EASY Now is the time to put your money in a safe, ., cozy'place for the 'Winter, Where it can't be lost or stolen or risked. Winterize your money in a. guaranteed Investinent Certificate paying high,- . high, interest and • available to you today at , Victoria and Grey-. You'll get grew—comfort in watching it grow you a lot more money by Spring.su Member ran c ec C anada Deposit n 'Corporation 3-1$1,rrolortririg • _-Leut 3 per customL___ Effective thru 6 Tt."13th M.S.L. •. 5 )1 37 $2.7S 'Nam 63 oz 4knds L.re I 3 op, „1$1211114,f Effective thru Oct. lath • Effective thru Oct. 13th $1.29 79C WITH COUPON 1 • TRUCKS M.S.L. 5109 M.S.L. $1.89 $1.29 hoist, Licence 137901 , • 1955 GMC 6-wheel drive 'Army' stake body and 62595 • 1972 INTERNATIONAL Pickyp,Model 1 &,„ 209 V-8, 18,000 miles. Licence C26771. Door Prize Winner At Our '74 Car Showing- ,Earl Ratz, PR 2, Dash wood • Remember It's Sense To See Snider's • Hurbn E'Ounty's Largest Ford Deafer L WITH COUPON - _4- WELLA .BALS' rtistant Hair Conditioner, 1.6 oz . VASELINE Intensive -Care Bath Beads CURAD VALUE PACK COURTESY LIQUID Ni DETERGENT 24 oz. 3 per poslemer s'EffectWe thru Oct. 13th 25c M.S.L. 49c WITH COUPON SI L Effecti.ve thru Oct 13th M.S.L".$1.59 99 s 2 19 W 1TH- COUPON Effective thru Oct. 13th 1. 88C M $1.75 WITH COUPON Effective thru Oct. 13th M S.L. $3.49 • • WITH COUPON L r —r I-- liffiggased . Thurs. & Fri. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturdays 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Snider Motors 4 2 MAIN ST. SEAFORTH - nice people: nice placei, nice,pricer. VIC TORM a GREII LIMITPD EQNDON 227-4191 Open Weekdoys Until WOO Scour dayl Until 6:00 0 •EkETER 235-1640 VG F ( • TRUST doNIRrN.Ny *SINCE 1080