HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-10-11, Page 5, Lower Interest Rates NOW AVAILABLE ON 1st and 2nd Mortgages anywhere in Ontario on RESIDENTIAL INDUEM4AL COXIVIERIDIAL and FARM PROPERTIES interim financing on new, construction or land development" REPRESENTAITVES 'IN YOUR AREA FRIONy.41 SAFEWAY INVESTMENTS & CONSULTANTS OD. AREA CODE 519-741-6135 COLLECT HEAP OFFICE: 56 Weber St. 14Iiitehener, Ont, WE BUY EXISTING MORTGAGES FOR INSTANT CASH PUNCH LINE OF THE WEEK 4 .1114,‘ t• I MIR AVONDALE ELECTRONIC SERVICE '307 Church St — Stratford, Ont. 273 -.1300 ADMIRAL FLEETWOOD Authorized FACTORY SERVICE Repairs to Ali "Makes of Rome Entertainment Equipment. NO MILEAGE CHARGED HEMSTOR Liquid Preservative Reduce Harvesting and Storage Costs . . . Store Corn Without Drying • FERTILIZER For Fall Land Storage Your Headquarters for Farm Supplies NOW AVAILABLE LIQUID PROTEIN FROM Y OUR comeop buy IGA's economical ac cer cuts and save even more! THIS WEEK IGA IS OFFERING SEVERAL "PACKER PRIMAL CUTS", THE WAY WE RECEIVE THEM FROM THE MEAT PACKER, OR WHOLESALER. THESE PACKER CUTS ARE VACUUMED PACKED CANADA GRAIE."A" RED RIBBON , BEEF,' THE SELLING PRICE INDICATED, INCLUDES CUT- + • TING AND WRAPPING TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS. WE SELL CANADA APPROVED GRADE "A'' RED RIBBON BEEF • PACKERS PRIMAL CUT (VACUUM PACKED) . BEEF RIB •dB Les Ili (price includes culling & wrapping) PACKERS • SUB•PRIMAS CUT PC. (VACUUM PACKED) Bottom Round R,E4 woo. IS Ibs (price includes curling & wrapping) 0 vcr„5,4,''PA`A(17 BEEF LOIN wRre` f517'1" lb 29 lance includes tutting & wraPPiNG et PACKERS • SUB-PRIMAL CUT (VACUUM PACKED) , TOP ROUND STEA bf 94 20 Ili. (price includes culling ES wrapping) sWIFT PREMIUM • OVEN ROASTING • 3 N44 lbs. CORNED BEEF 11.48 TOP OW • 1 LB PACKAGE SLICED BOLOGNA • 84° TOP ULU , 6 Of. PACKAGE • SLICED COOKED HAM 89° SCHNEIDER'S • B VARIETIES 6 OZ. PACKAGE SLICED COOKED MEATS 44° SCHNEIDER'S • 1 Lk PACKAGE OKTOBERFEST SALLAGE 1.1 • flal° SWIFT PREMIUM • 1 LB. PASKEx SKINLESS WIENERS 89° SWIFTS • SUGAR PLUM - I LEI PACKAGE SLICED SIDE BACON 1.35 TOP .VMU • I L8, PACKAGE SLICED SIDE BACON 11.25' ( TOP YALU PURE PORK STORE PACKED ISN'T IT ABOUT TIME ,YOU TASTED IT? QUALITY PROTECTED BEEF We vacuum seal our "Clunhiy•P•ofec red Beef . and without additives, we .0 it age naturally in li ,ontrolled,, cord eh vironment . , 50 it will be tendr. nod good when it's fresh cut in out sr,' OS We buy Canada Approved Grade "A Red Ribbun Beet, it.s impe ,:ted, then or efOy cut and trimmed to our strict speolic, Lions. From the moment .we buy it .mill you do, our heel is handled under Idrat conditions, keeping it clean, cold, hos', Linty and delicious Quality•Protected Beef, it's not lust n ,name .t s guarantee. VALU TOP KU • SWEET PICKLED 3 to 4 LBS. „ table fresh produce the pick of the crop TREAT YOUR LAMELY TO A DELICIOUS BANANA SALO' THIS WEE(( lTS A TREAT EVE RYONE IS BOUND TO ENJOY DOLE PRIDE 9F THE TROPICS GOLDEN YELLOW BANANAS tibs. PRODUCT OF SOUTH AFRICA SWEET JUICY VALENCIA ORANGES t°,7' 79c CANADA NO I ONTARIO CRISP PRODUCT OF U S A WASHED AND 'RIMMED CELERY STALK 1 7 29c CELLO SPINACH 'n; 35' U.S A NO. 1 CALIFORNIA LUSCIOUS DOLE PRODUCT OF HONDUR45 TANG, SEEDLESS GRAPES rb 49e SWEET PINEAPPLE 7°'ra 49° CANADA NO I ONTARIO CELLO ANADA No I Wm, COOKING ONIONS 24, 290 Snowhite Parsnip 49° FOR THE COOT Tau EVENINGS S Noun .. 5 A NO I ROSEBUD en Colourful Firelogs en 89c CELLO RADISHES ';:129 c clip and redeem these yaluable IGA coupons for extra sayings- -- Clip & redeem this valuable IGA coupon stock up this ;RAPES' 000.101 A APJII CRYSTALS 69e TANG NON ORANGE Flavour Crystals 2 ,.. piSP's° 39c OII r ANO SLIM 71DBI15 OR EFDSHED, PINEAPPLE 3 " .00 ,or rO,, inn(i• Errol, Srylp Tr.o, gee, TEA BAGS STUARI NMI IP och HEAT, DUI FOIL WRAP „"... 69e AYLMER TOMATO CATSUP II tn. Clip & redeem this valuable !GA coupon TOP VALU (N TOMATO SAUCE BEANS , With Pork .0,1 0 „„ Noun Mom MR resew SATURDAY, WORM 13. 110.3 Supplied and Serviced By M Loeb LIKnlyed QUANTItitS to 60E1608 WARP notritimr.ri PRI *851105 TRY 110181 T8 WAtt •1 Clip & redeem this valuable IGA coupon week -on I IT KEEENEX WHOLE OR ASSORTED COLOURS good things from IGA Octfoesbteivrais l time PAPER TOWELS 59e DP BALLARD C anon Bee! Ch.rk, or Over DOG FOOD 4 75 .?.A .00 OR BAUARD BURGERS DOG FOOD '6t4 890 MSS, MEW ASSORTED FLAVOURS CAT FOOD 6 .00 PUF45-1 POWDERED DETERGENT a X091.79 BATH DEODORANT BAR SOAP IRISH SPRING 4 b4-, 1.06 AJAX LIQUID AMMONIA ' Household Cleaner 89c VOL IPREPRICID LIQUID DETERGENT 12,: 49e LYNN VALLEY STANDARD PEACH HALVES more of the KLEENEX WHITE OR ASSORTED COLOURS 2 PLY, POP-UP FACIAL TISSUE. of 200 Pkg. teepee Elfectjre October 10 to 16, 1973 01 at IGA the owners in the store to quarantee your satisfaction every shbliping trip* Seaforth I6.A is openill day Wednesday and Friday night 9--m: 10 oz. tit 24 oz. loaf SHIRLEY GAY -WHITE ENRICHED SLICED - BREAD LIMO two 24 of IboveKEW family . with a '5 00 purchase and this coupon, tuna Iwo 10 01 nos per tarnits with a '5 00 pirchose odd tn.% coupon Coupon Effective Octeber 10 to 16. 1973 limit one pkg, of 200's per lank with a '5 00„purchase and this coupon Cooping Effective October 10 to 16, 1973 CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP PRIMROSE • FROZEN 4 OZ PORTION BEEF STEAKETTES FRESH - NUTRITiOU6 SLICED PORK LIVER FRESH • CUT 'FROM THE SHOULDER PORK RIBLETS rb 69e FRESHLY CUT SHOULDER PORK CHOPSIb 99e CUT FROM THE BUTT HONELESS PORK ROAST Ibi • FRESH • BACKS ATTACHED CHICKEN BREASTS lb. 994'' FRESHLY CUT' CHICKEN THIGHS & DRUMSTICKS Al .09 TOP VAN I LB PACKAGE SKINLESS WIENERS 84' lb 98° lb 79° CARLION'CLUB ASSORTED VARIETIES ' SOFT DRINKS non 16 returnable btl. 26 us. DEtSEY ASSORTED COLOURS Bathroom TISSUES 21roll3310 Pkg. IC WAX BEANS 4 99e CHICKEN 0; HE SEA 141.iNi LIGHT TUNA 45, ODD FAMILY Mir DISCIPTS OR I 401.11 ,01 Graham Biscuits 75' MONARCH ASSORTED II4VOURS Sponge Puddings 3 ,ak; 1 .00 155011110 VARIETIES SHAKEN BAKE rMg 29e BRIGHT'S FANCY TOMATO JUICE 174 19 tin SANDWICH BAGGIES 30V,1 .00 uToty BAGGIES ,,F1'49065! erOIODI710 TABLE SALT 2,4 I 8c, ROBIN HOOD ASSORTED VARIETIES PUDDING MIXES `;,:g' 29e NJAXWUI HOUSE li or fret Bows; INSTANT COFFEE 1.99 YURAN INSTANT COFFEE 1.95 RED ROSE ECONOMY KENO PLUS 70 FREE . KRAFT REGULAR PROCESS CANADIAN CHEESE SLICES 2.1',O 1.73 OVA BRAND COLD PAK" BLEND OF MEDIUM CHEESE 04?;11 IB 79c BADEN COLBY OR BRICK CHEESE 14 t'r 89° PLANTERS BLANCHED OR SPANISH PEANUTS cello Sky. 55e TOP P50) FROZEN CONCENTRATE ORANGE JUICE 6 ';:"/1.00 CARNATION FROZEN REGULAR CUT FRENCH FRIES 'a% 47c PIC)(1000 FARM FROZEN . CHAR PROUD b BEEF PATTIES 7 t l roy 1.79 MeCA161 FROZEN FANCY FRENCH STYLE GREEN BEANS Wa 29° LADY P8101(14 REGULAR CREW RINSE OR SHAMPOO "g 65° /IFFY (7 or BONUS PA(K) BAKING CHIPS 44 49° BERRY BOA STRAWBERRY RASPBERRY OR CHERRY JAM 24 ; 64° ASSORTED FLAVOURS HAMBURGER Mealmaker s 49° LIPTON ASSORTED 5 TS to' Casserole Mixes 6 Tas'Az pkg 65° CATEW SPAGNMIDOK1 or READY CUT MACARONI 34141 .00 CORONATION SWEET MIXED BREAD A BUTTER or Baby Dills Pickles 24 49° TULIP and HYACINTHBULBS SEAFORTH FARMERS Phone 527-0770 Seaf orth PUMPKIN Pumpkin lends a distinctive flavor and delicious moistness to a variety of baked products. To tempt autumn palates Food Advisory Services,„Agriculture Canada, suggest spicy pumpkin pie or moist pumpkin bread. Food for pumpkin eaters Say cheese. . please! whether you're posing for a picture or about to dig .into a tempting cheese casserole, the, word 'cheese' is bound to evoke a big, bright smile. Last year smiling Canadians consumed, a- bout 298 million pounds of cheese of which nearly two-thirds were cheddar. Cheddar cheese is madefrom whole milk and it is the only cheese, in Canada that is graded- most of it qualifying for Canada First Grade. It is graded ac- cording to flavor, .texture and color and Must conform to stand- ards set for fat and moisture con- tent. Cheddar cheese' is also labelled "mild", "medium" and "old". Under. carefully con- trolled conditions, mild'cheddar is held to ripen for two to three months, medium cheddar forfour to five months, and old cheddar, at least• nine months. Cheese of all types adds high quality protein and calcium to family meals and foods come a- live with flavor when it is a principal ingredient. For these reasons and more, Food Advisory Services, suggest stretching your food dollar by substituting cheese main dishes for meat or by com- bining it with smaller quantities of meat. "Macaroni and Cheese- Stuffed Tomatoes" "and letaaked Cheese Puff" are delicious fam- ily-type dishes which are sure. to receive requests for more. Today's consumer is faced with a tremendous choice when buying breads and cereals, When you consider the great array of breakfast cereals of various de- grees of refinement and breads and pastries both plain and fancy the choice is indeed difficult, especially whep you wish to obtain maximum value from your food dollar. To make a wise and economical decision it is help- ful to know certain facts. ' Whole grain cereals such as cracked wheat and rolled oats provide good food value for the money. Refined_ cereals which Include farina 'and most ready- to-eat cereals, may be enriched with thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and iron. Before'buying refined breakfast cereals, carefully check the labels for food value, weight and cost. Usually, the more a cereal is processed, the more it costs. Ready-to-serve, '12 medium tomatoes (about 3 lbs.) 2 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons flour 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoka dry mustard 1 cup milk 1 1/2 cups (6 ounces) grated cheddar cheese 3 cups cooked macaroni (1 1/2 cups or 6 ounces uncooked) 1/3 cups buttered bread crumbs Cut a, slice off stem end of each tomato. Hollow out centers and turn unside down to drain. and sugar-coated ereals and those packaged in I. dividual por- tions are generally higher priced. Uncooked cereals are available in quick-cooking or instant and regular form. Both uncooked and ready-to-eat cereals may have added food value in the form of vitamins and minerals or wheat germ. Bread, an indispensable food, Is very economical when you consider its nutritive 'value. White bread enriched with thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and iron has about the same nutri- tive value as whole wheat bread. Nearly all white bread is enriched so check the - label carefully before buying. Specialty breads, such as fruit, cheese and cinna- mon, usually demand a higher price than white or whole wheat bread. If you have a freezer, buy extra bread when it is on sale. Wasted food is expensive Melt butter, blend in flour and . seasoning's and gradually add milk; Stir and cook until smooth and thick. Add cheese and stir Willi melted. Combine sauce with macaroni. Sprinkle inside of to- matoes with salt, fill with maca- roni and cheese and top with buttered bread crumbs. PlaCe in greased baking dish and bake at 350 degrees F until tomatoes are tender (about 15 minutes). 6 servings. „ L• food so rather thee •WOW gale ' bread out, use it in dresSingge for puddings, to ppnfg7 CtO7tiZtruPPlaYb! old bread IS sometimes uposper " than fresh bread and can be freshened by heating. It fox' five• minutes at 350 degrees F. in a damp paper bag. Large loaves of bread often are a better buy than small ones. The type ,of wrapping may also determine the , cost of the bread. Don't forget the Canada Fo'od Guide recommends that you eat bread with butter or fortified margarine and one serving GI' whole grain gdieal each day." 1)01101 :6'10 • In tiSt I -mom 40,4ixi;igpsdo nit,k I 118,f, *too.* none 5z14.310 Seatt4:irtk support the mentally retarded THE HURON Good value for inon in bread Cheese stuffed tomatoes • • six to seven hours or overnight.' Pumpkin gives a rich color, distinctive flavor and delicious moistness to quick breads. This one, bursting with raisins and, nuts, can be filed with your+ best-liked recipes, PUMPKIN BREAD 3 1/2 cups sifted all-lpurpese flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1 1/2 teaspoons salt 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon ground cloves 4 'lightly beaten eggs 2 2/3 cups sugar 2 cups canned or cooked pumpkin 2/3 cup'water .1/2 cup oil • 2/3 cup chopped walnuts 2/3 cup raisins Sift first sik ingredients.. Beat eggs, sugar, pumpkin, water and oil. Make a well in 'center of dry ingredients and add liquid ingredients at one time: Mix' only enough to moisten. Mix in waleekawand Jaisins. A,gou5. into ; two greased 9 x 5-inch loaf pans. Bake 1 hour at t350 degrees F. Wrap and store. 24,hours before serving. Makes 2 loaves. areducts by mixing and matching ingredients such as brown sugar, !honey, cinnamon, nutmeg, all- „Spice, cloves, raisins, dates and, nuts. These simple additions top transform fresh, cooked and 'mashed pumpkin or canned pump- kin into tempting puddings, cook- `ies, muffins, cakes, custard/4, breads and of course, pies. The next time you Make a pumpkin pie, why not make sev- eral and freeze, them for later use. Pumpkin pies may be fro- zen either baked or unbaked but tests conducted by Food Advisory ;Services ' Agriculture Canada, indicate that it is best to freeze them unbaked as the pastry be- comes soggy when baked pies One often hears people say are frozen. that they don't like turnips. It To freeze unbaked pies, pre- is certainly true that the yellow pare your favorite recipe and set table turnip or rutabaga as it, them in the freezer until thefill- is more properly called, is not ing is frozen (about hours), then wrap in a. natal:fere-proof very appetizing if it has not material and seal. To serve, been properly cooked. However, bake frozen pies at 400 degrees the home economists would like F ;for one hour, reduce oven to to save the reputation of the.„„, lowly rutabaga 'by stikeenting a most ''''"ClegIrees'Feand centiane ,bak- JEitid dEteu l way tit I Jt• toki.., 1 944, u11141,,ttiq Me 4,0;4 iabglrit-, 2° ing it a 1P*tes)• ArYqM(PrAterAgir'?gze - the pies after baking,they may Baking helps retain the color be thawed in the refrigerator for and sweetness of the rutabaga without overcooking it. Cut the rutabaga in 1/2 inch slices and place in greased baking dish. Seasdn with 3/4 teaspoon salt and 1 tablespoon sugar; add 1/4 cup water and dot with 3 table- spoons butter. Cover and bake at 3'75 degrees F about 1 hour or at 425 degrees F for 50 minutes. Stir part way through cooking so that it will be even- ly done. For six servings, you will need 2 1/2 pounds rutabaga. For added flavor, add season- ing to the vegetable at the -be- ginning of baking. There are several interesting ways to perk up the flavor: add 1/2 teaspoon caraway seed or 1/4 teaspoon ginger or 1 /4 teaspoon nutmeg or 2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley. For extra special flavor, ser- ve honey-baked rutabaga- • Com- bine the rutabaga with 1/2 cup liquid honey and 3/4 teaspoon salt and dot with 2 tablespoons butter. Bake as above. Are there any other vege- tables scorned by your family? Their views may change if you follow some of the recipes and suggestions in the new booklet "Fresh Canadian Vegetables” just released by the Canada De- partment of Agriculture. It is an excellent guide to the buy- ing, storing, preparing and cook- ing of our common vegetables. The publication is available free from Information Division, Can- ada Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. Ontario, K1A 007. 200 To Try! • There are more than 200 vari- eties of sausages available, , teday, ,,,,, to proVide many possibilities for making menus interesting with at new casserole salad, and sand- wich combinations. A WOMAN I5 IDEAL MAN VERY/OFTEN IS THE ONE SHE TURNED f;k9WN 20 YE-MG AGO BE ING rOo ORPINARy "Nothing'$ as loving as some- rthieg from the oven," . .espe-.. cially' if ,the something is spicy,t sweet pumpkin. pie or, rich, moist, • umpkin bread. You can be sure' hat the Indians who first grew pumpkins in the early days would marvel at the wonderful array of foods which can be made from ,this golden, vine-ripened fruit, Pumpkin alone has quite a bland •flavor, but it be de- lightfully perked up in baked Turnip can be tasty