HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-10-11, Page 3do ,9M10-49i PRING TONIC SUPREME MATTRESS AND BOX SPRING .., PRICED , A TO SELL ..x4CMS This IS sonelderid one of .1 the finest orthopedic, mattresses on the $ - market today. Available 1199' In 54" size. In Stock. Queen size slightly MAkRESS AND higher. 10 SPRING ITEM: Cooked, peas, such as great northern beans provide 19 grams of pro- tein per cup. This compares favorably with a pork chop which yields 16 grams of protein. ITEM: Ricotta is a rich, creamy, fresh cheese made of ewe's milli, or cow's milk or from whey. It's very close to cottage or pot cheese. ears and COMPARE REXALL BRANDS AND SAVE .st FAMOUS.,„,„ A HUGE SELECTION OF OUTSTANDING VALUES - "TWO FOR MANUFACTURER'S LIST PRICE OF- ONE PLUS A PENNY" AS WELL AS LOW LOW PRICES ON "BONUS BUYS" ( NOT 2 FOR MFRS. LIST PRICE OF ONE PLUS IC VALUE SAVE VALUE HERBAL, )1 ,Shampoo ii The soft fragrances of herb.. cad wild flower essences is like b-summer's day. 12 FL. OZ. LIST 1.49 /150 ALL DAY/ADULT Multiple Vitamins PLUS IRON 100's All the necessary vitamins plus iron to fortify against wirit\or colds. LIST 4.75 ANTI- r. .440DORANT MFRS: LIST PRICE 31.61 NOW 2/162 it...„/L.) :,,. updr 1-Dry PERSPIRANT 1 ZEORDRANT SUPER DRY YOU SAVE MUCH MORE AT A REXALL DRUG STORE DURING SPECIAL ONE CENT SALE DAYS FAST PERMANENT 4 Typo. 11.1 T.. * 212.50 `New' Medicated Skin Cream Dual Pack Two 4 Oz. Jars 1.19 'tb CAEW,4friiN5, I ttq ••Es.c,s CHEWAM IN S • Multiple Vitamins Plus Iron =a)A 1 cigy 4-1171,. `1`.! All DaylAll Night Decongestant Cold Capsules 10's List 1 .59 .• 300'.-List 2.65 2.66 2/ Bakam Instant Hair Conditioner 12 Oz. List 1.49 211.50 100'. 1,0 4.99215.00 250', 1 " 9 '89 2/9.90 211.60 `Ba4arn • 1.n.starg Hair • C'onditiowv, 1'rrlte•ir? RASCaivi MAKES A PENNY DO MORE. FOR YOU DURING 'OUR FAMOUS ONE CENT SALE • OCTOBER 11 OCTOBER 20. Rexpnn kettisiciiiiii BP. FAST Raiff HEADACHES COLDS NEURALGIA REXPRIN -PAIN RELIEVER 5 gr. Tabs. ,• 100's-List 1.12 2 /1.13 00's-List1.89 2 /1.90 a4vgathered around for a bount- iful lunch served by Mrs. Hous- ton and Mrs. Fraser, Sunday awards Sunday School promotion and awards were given to the child- ren at a special service at Duff's United Church, Walton. Mrs. Ron Bennett, secretary of the Sunday School was in chaste when the seals and pins were given out to the following, each child coming to the front to receive their awards from their. • The Executive of the U.C.W teachers. They are: Kindergar-: held their October meeting on • ten, Gary Godkin, second-year Wednesday evening in the base- seal, missed "one Sunday; Jeff- ment of Duff's United Church. rey McGavin', diploma for first- Mrs. -Don Achilles presided Year seal, missed five Sundays; for the business. Mrs. W.C. Sandra , Sholdice, second-year Hackwell, recording secretary, seal, missed two Sundays; Joan read.the minutes. Bennett, teacher, ten-year seal, Plans were made for the An- missed two•Sundays • nual Fowl Supper on the first Primary 1, Elaine Dennis, Wednesday in November. Tickets sedbnd-year seal, missed five' were given out for each unit, Sundays.; Cathy McGavin , second y the congregation money to be in year seal, missed threeSundays; to Mrs. Ken McDonald no later Jeanne McDonald, perfectVend- than Sunday November 4th. Pos- ance, pin and second-yea seal; tens' were made by the Lost and Murray Sholdice, fotirth-year Found group and these are to be seal, missed three Sundays; pe- distributed to different stores. ter Bennett, second-year seal, • Resignations are to be in to the missed five Sundays. nominating committee by Octo- Primary 11, Ronnie Godkin, ber 31st. Mrs. Reid and Mrs. five-year seal, missed one Sun- Hackwell are to polish the brass day; Neil Mitchell,five=year seal, articles in the church: Missed one Sunday. Invitations were read from Juniors, Nanci Bennett, third--• Brussels United Church to attend' year seal, missed five Sundays; their fall Thanksgiving service Laura Dennis, seventh-year seal, on October 24th at 8 p.m and to missed four Sundays;DianneGod- Burns Annual . Bazaar on Wed- kin, eighth-year seal, perfect at- nesday, October 24th at 2 p.m. tendance; Jimmie McDonald, se- in the Londesboro Community cond-year .seal, pin and perfect Hall, also to the Seaforth pros- attendance; Bruce Godkin, sixth-y byterian Church on Wednesday, Year seal, perfect attendance. October 17, at 2;30 p.m. Intermediates, Doug Mitchell The Lost and Found 'group eighth-year seal, perfect attend- will have •a bake table al the ance. Cameo display at the Walton Kindergarten-Teachers, jo'an Community Hall onSaturday, No- Bennett and Cathy. McDonald. vetnber 3rd, 2-5 in the afternoon Names that are staying in Kin- and 7-9 in the evening, spon- dergaeten are; Cathy Humphries, sored by Mrs. E. Mitchell. " Chris Achilles, Jeffrey McGavin, Rev, Docken reported he had Joyanne Van Vliet, Sandra Shol- sent for the Film Strip to Wood- dice, Jimmie Humphries, Benny av stock. Hoegy, Jennie Brennan, Kim Fritz, Dwayne Achilles, Cheryl Smith, Susie Hickson, Donna GO- • Names. moving on to Primary The fourth meeting of the .1 with Marilyn McDonald as tea- "Giggling Gourmets" of the pro- cher, assistant DorothySholdice. ject, "A World of -Food in Ca- are Daryl Smith, Lori Smith and nada" met at the home of Mrs.. Blaine Hackwell, McDonald on Saturday, Septem- Names moving on to Primary ber 29th at 1: 30 p.m. 11 with Carol wilbee as teacher The President, June William- are: Elaine Dennis, Cathy Mc- eon, opened the meeting with re- Gavin, Jeanne McDonald, Danny peating the 4-H pledge, followed Achilles, Greg. Humphries, Mur- by all members answering the ray Sholdtce, Peter Bennett and Roll Call . "A Food commonly Carl McCalluM. purchased today_which formerly . Names moving from Primary was made at hdeniee!' Patf.,YyMqt:-. II ' to.- Junion:mith teaehers Joyce Donald read theuse-latitosre,,&444DmitE17111.0-tPaprit /at-ego...If Ou sten are-, last meeting and-they wereLefgned' Ronnie Godkin,'Patricia. ilackwell ' by the President. Cheryl Fraser, Neil- Mitchell, The, record books were dis- John Huether,.Kevin Smith, Paul cussed and a suitable cover,cho- Kirk by, and Janet Rock. sen. Francis Blake was elected Names staying in Juniors are ,,,a, to be the commentator for our Peggy Humphries, Nanci Bennett tr 'exhibit at Achievement Day. pam Hackwell, Jeffrey Hackwell, In the group work Janis Van' Steven Huether, JimmieMcDore- Vliet and Yvonne Blake 'made yald, Brian McGavin, Bruce'God- the Dutch Chocolate drink. kin, Heather Brennan,, Jimmie The 4-H pledge "Learn To Do Brennan and Janet Flood. by Doing" brought the meeting to Correspondent Mrs. Allan McCall The Walk-A-Thon will take place this Saturday leaving the Walton Community Hall at 9 a.m. Everyone has been working hard to get pledges to be made, So if you haven't already been ap- proached it Is not too late to give your support to the Minor Soft- ball and park improvements. Hot dogs will be sery ed at the com- pletion of the walk. UCW meet Gourmets meet kin • -L • • y WV rov kt; Rxxl THE HURON EXPOSITOR, $EAF:C?RTHI SEAFQRTI! Nice to get home to. CONTINUES ESTONIC® 7. 4i1 Honour Mis Hackwell Mrs. Ethel Hackwell of Hu- ronview was entertained at a sur- prise birthday party on Friday evening, October 5, 1973 at the farm home of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Fraser, Morris Township. Mem- bers of her immediate family fibm Walton, Grey and Morris TownShips gathered for an even- ing of fun and games. Also present NA 're friends and relatives froth Alberta and Maaitoba, also grandchildren from Grand Bend, WincWor, Lon- don and Guelph. • Assisting in the evening's en- tertainment were Mr. and Mrs. Rae Houston, daughter and son- in-law of Mrs. Hackwell. Cheryl Fraser, granddaugh- ter anctlittle Stephen and Jeffery Mathers, great-grandchildren from Grand 'Bend assisted Mrs. Hackwell in opening her surprise birtbdaygiftS. The evening concluded when ter of Wroxeter spent ,Thanks- giVing With her mother, Mrs. Charles McCutcheon. Rev. and Mrs. D. Docken, and family ispent a few days at their cottage • •Der Dor'n Inn." • MrS. Margaret Hillstrand of Erickson, Manitoba has been hol- idaying with her brother, Camp- bell and Mrs. Wey and family. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dunk Jr., Wendy and Russel of Frankfort spent the Thanksgiving -holiday weekend with the former par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dunk. Miss Carolyn Fraser, who I. attending Western University, attending Western University, London and Dianne Fraser, nurse in-training at St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London, Spent the Thanks- giving weekend at the home of their parents, Mr. ,and Mrs. Doug Fraser: we are glad to report that John Leeming' has returned home- from St. Joseph's Hospital, Len- don and Alexander Gulutzet Jr. from Wingham Hospital. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Dave Watson, R.R. 2, Wal- ton on the occasion of-their 45th Wedding Anniversary; they were entertained to a dinner a week ago Sunday at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Maier of Thames- ford, when other members of the family were present. STORE HOURS: MONDAY THROUGH FRI. I I A.M. to 9 P.M. SATURDAYS 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. It i-.-.----- `1 , *- . 0111tT.A.DREAM MATTRESS AND 10X SPRING joir„.. los PRICED ii,' '-. TO SELL I r ....* ^.0 . /if . .,_ • 15 • •-0 - ..---, ., • • .0 - Enjoy firm sleeping cm- i 7997 fort on this better quality mattress. Buy now and spa.. Available in 54" in MATTRESS AND Stock. 80X SPRING ••• ;arc , t4".• 41, ' DREAMER MATTRESS AND BOX SPEW Finest inner spring con- t9997 structlon available In 54" '7 size. In 'Stock. Queen size slightly higher.' MATTREg AND tOX SPRING ••• News of Walton Walkathon happens on Saturday a close. Church news .Duff's United Church was dec- orated appropriately :for Thanks- giving when the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was observed. Rev.•Docken had as h is sermon, Remehnber the LOrd. The first practise of the Junior Choir will .be held this Thursday evening from 8-8;30 p.m. and the Wal- ton Youth' Club holds its first meeting next Sunday night at 8:30 p.m. In the church basement, all high school youth of the commen- t* ity are invited. Adult supervi- sofs are still needed for the nursery. WI meets The Walton Women's Insti- tute meeting will be held in the Community Hall on Wednesday, October 17, at 8:15 p.m. with con- venors on Resolution, Mrs. Alvin McDonald and Mrs.HirveyCraig in charge of the program. Mrs. McIntyre will demonstrate her homemade crafts, any of these articles may be purchased alter' the meeting. The roll call is to be answered by "A New Year's Resolution I've tried to keep dur- ing 1973." The hostesses are Mrs. Don Nolan, Mrs. Keith Rock, Mrs. Emmerson Mitchell and Mrs. Nelson Marks. Names moving on tolnterme- diates with assistant teachers Howard Hackwell, Keith Clark and Murray Dennis, are: Laura Dennis, Dianne Godkin, Dean Hackwell, Ruthie Thamer, Bob Leeming, Janis Van Vliet and Terry Smith. Those staying in Intermediates are Doug Mitchell and Ronald Smith. Teachers last year Helen Craig missed five Sundays and Mrs. Baan missed one Sundiy. Personals Visitors over' •Thanksgiving at the home of Mt. and Mrs. Dave Watson were Mr. and Mrs. Robert pritcha.rd,'Kim and Mark from London and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crich, Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Reid visited recently in Sarnia with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Machan and family. Miss Amy Love of Tordnto spent a few days over the Thanks- giving weekend with her sister Mrs. Walter Broadfoot. Mr. Mervin Smith was admit- ted to Seaforth Community Hos- -.pital last Friday evening. We hope he is soon much improved in health. Mrs. Oliver Riley and daugh- NOTICE to OWNERS of DOGS• and CATS • Free Rabies Clinics The Huron County Alealth Unit, in. co.-operation with the Health of Animals Branch of the Canada Depart- ment of Agriculture will be holding free rabies clinics at the following: • Thursday', October 11:- 2 p.m. - 8 p.m. • SEAFORTH COMMUNITY CENTRE Friday, October 12:- 2 p.m-S p.m., BAYFIELD TOWN HALL Monday, October 15:- Z CM:11 ,,,-7,8 Pi.41,j1g. AREN Tuesday,,Octoli,er,16,: ,1 2 p.m. - 8 p.m., EXETER ARENA Wednesday, October 17:- 2 p.m. - S p.m:, Grab(' Bend Fire, Hall W ILE OUR STOCK LASTS ... MigT YOU SAVE MORE! AT THE BASE FACTORY OUTLET THE BASE FACTORY OUTLET LOCATED ON HWY # 4 SOUTH OF CLINTON AT VANASTRA rL • AFTER 70 YEARS • •STIIILL CANADA'S GREATEST SALE EVENT WEDDING THE HURON. EXPO, PRONE 527-024Q Keatings Pharmacy Ltd. M. E. Hoover Phm.B Seaforth Phone 57-1990