HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-10-04, Page 1126" COLOR Model R403 (Illustrated) Other models to choose from MODULAR 4 CHASSIS FEATURES • SERVICE IS A SNAP 4 major panels snap in and snap out • LOW COST SERVICE is due to the easy to replace panels 0. MODULAR 4 IS COMPLETELY • AUTOMATIC • AUTO FINE TUNING • AUTO HORIZONTAL CONTROL • AUTO VOLTAGE REGULATOR • AUTO COLOR CONTROL • AUTO DEGAUSSING •i• PREFERENCE CONTROLS • CRISPER SWITCH • SYNCROTINT SPECIAL CLEAROUT PRICES On a very limited number of 1973 .RocerviVialestie CROWN HARDWARE Phone 5274420 Seaforth Donald J. Diehl Guarantee your tomorrow today! CALL ME SOON 393-6610 atbean I a. As; sa4s. r s *ma,. (An All-Canadian Company) BALL ••1 MACAULAY HOME CARE CENTRES In appreciation of your loyal patronage to our Clinton, Seaforth and Hensall Home Care Building Centres dur- ing the past 24 years, WE OFFER YOU THESE OUTSTANDING inflation Fighting CASH SALE ITEMS. STYROFOAM, 4z8- 1" 2 15 Other thicknesses in stock 4x 8 atm 4x 8 I*" 4 x '8 MIN 4x 8- -MS Color-Lok X-NINETY SIDING Pre-Finished WhitJ No Painting for 10 Years 49•7 5 sQ. PLY '`OOD 1/4" GIS. FIR - 6.66 5/16" I .SP6, ‘,STD. a i.w 479 3/8" .51). STD. --- 5.40 1/2" FIR SELECT --- 9.92 INSULATION For those hard to get at places CUT SOARING FUEL COSTS • MICAFIL 2.10 `. PAL-0-PAR 1.59 - BUY 9 - GET 1 FREE Post Formed Moulded COUNTERS Good Assortment 24.95 29.95 35.93 r. PANELLING 4 x 8 Sheets No. 1 Quality - No Seconds Spicewood 4.29 Teak 5.89 Walnut 5.89 PANEL G;iIP ADHESIVE 99t tube All other items in our Home Care Building Centres are subject to a 10% Cash and Carry Dijeonnt. HOME CARE CENTRES IN SEAFORTH 527-0910 CLINTON 482-9514 HENSALL 262-271 No. 1 Construction Grade • SPRUCE 1 'S 1/2c If. 2 x 8 f --- 321/2c If: MINHINI 23c If. 2 x if) 46c If. 2 x 4 •11.1•11 2 x 6 WINDOWS House lots of Mason quality Windows 'with the exclusiVe Thermo Pane, 20-year guarantee. LESS 20 IY° ASPENITE 4 x 8 -- 1/4" 3 .77 • It ! • L'itiaranteol 5 Li, av , • W.1,11 apin ;Ind ;ipiin 1 I/4 " ALUMINUM COMBINATION DOORS -While the stock lasts 26.98 CEILING TILE ' Super Coat White 12 x 12 - % ff 131/2c Square foot We have a complete stock of B.P. pattern Tile at slightly higher prices.' GALVANIZED ROOFING 30 gauge Std. 12.86 28 U.S. gauge 15.90 sq. Famous Glidden SPRED SATIN latex wall paint 8' 10' 12' 7.99 GAL • , r More prize at eafoith Barbara 'Kirkman meets. ReSults of the Judging at Sea- forth Fall Fair are Still coming in. Lists of winners in elemen- tary school classes, and field crop competitions follow. Queen of the Fair contestant Joan Noble was sponsored by Sea- forth Superior, not Bill Eisler as • was reported in last week's issue. Mr. Eisler donated a prize to the Queen contest. High point winner for Jr. exhibitors in light horse and pony classes, donated by John pullman's Barber Shop, was Kim Riley, R.11:1, Seaforth. Most points in flowers, (Sea- forth Jewellers Special) - Lori rtii;' most ,points in Brett Finlayson, winners Fall Fair Oliver pry0e. Ensilage ,Corn - Robt. Fo- theringham; Robt. Broadfoot. Bale of first-cut hay - David Townsend; Carl Bolton; George Townsend; Robt. Fotheringham. Bale of 2nd cut hay - Russell Bolton; Barry Gordon; Robt. Fotheringham; David Townsend. Field chopped hay - Barry Gordon Se orth Jeweller's Special - Russel Bolton, In the Field Crop competition the final score is based on 75% field score and 25% exhibit at Fair. -Scores were: Barley - Larry Wheatley, 91; Art Bolton, 90.76; Ken Campbell, 88.75; Robt.Fotheringham,87.75; Russell Bolton, 84.75; Earl Mc- ' Spadden, 84.50; Carl Bolton,84.25 Wayne Hoegy, 82.; Stanley Hillen, 81.75; Donald- Dodds, 81.; John Henderson, 76.75. Mixed Grain - John Oldfield, 89.• l Robt, Fotheringham, 88.25; Gordon Papple, 87.25; Lewis Coyne, 83.; Staley Hillen, 83. (tied); Wayne Hoegy, 81.; Barry Gordon, 80.; John Henderson, 80. (tied); Jos. Devereaux, 77.50; Earl McSpadden, 69.75. Corn - Kenneth Campbell, 92.50; John Henderson, 88.; Lar- ry Wheatley, 86.75; Donald Dodds 86.25; Barry Gordon, 86.; Oliver Pryce, 84.25; Jos. Devereaux, 83.; Gordon Papple, 82.; Lewis Coyne, 81.75;- Donald McKercher, 81.50; Wayne Hoegy, 80.75; Robt. Fotheringham, 80. Sea,forth Farmers' Co-Oper- ative donated $50.00 toward these prizes. Seaforth News- Printers Spe- cla.10 for most points,(was won by 'Robert Fotheringham. Aerial balloon featured at Teeswater Fair QUEBEC ELECTION Prem'er Robert Bpurassa called a general election in Quebec for 'Monday, October 29. At dissolution of tile National Assembly, the party standings were; Liberals 70, Union Nationale 16, Creditlstes 11, Part' Quebecois 7, Indepen- dent 2, vacant 2. SHARP AT U. N. External Affairs Minister Mitchell Sharp was in New, York City this week Co address the U.N. General Assembly. Mr. Sharp told French F oreign 'Minister Michel Jobert that the Greenpeace incident must be resolved in a way satisfactory to, Canada so as not to harm good relations. While in New York, Mr.Sharp also had his first formal meeting with the new Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger. MORE CARE A report prepared for the Solicitor Genera1 Warren All- , mand recommends that a psy- chiatric care programme be established in conjunction with the provincial governments and medical and educational centres. The report urges the establish- ment of regional psychiatric cen- tres in the Canadian pent- tertHary Service and unified psychiatric services in the five regions of Canada. BEEF TARIFF Agriculture Minister Eugene Whelan announced last week that -the' tariff on beef and imported live cattle had been re-imposed. Tne Minister said that the rein- statement of the tariff will be beneficial to both consumers and- cattlemen and that it was con- sistent with the government's Winterize your money now policy of, increasing the supply ,of beef. MONEY REFORM Finance Minister John Turner and representatives of 19 other member countries of the Internat- ional Monetary Fund are meeting in Nairobi, Kenya, -to find a method of reforming the world monetary system. While sow countries are pressing for ''''''a complete reform package, Canada is proposing a step-by- step approach. AID TO CONSUMERS Consumer and Corporate Affairs Minister Herb Gray, proposed regulations under the Consumer Rackaging and Label- ling Act. Tile new regulations will help consumers in the selection of prepackaged g ds by providing m )re factual or- rnation on labels and pro ecting against fraud and 'deception in packaging and ,labelling. Interested parties have two months to make representations with respe-ct to the proposals. Mrs. - A. glo Sharp presided at a meeting of the Barbara ,Kirkinan of First Church Tues- day evening. An article on toiler- vest and Thanksgiving season" and a story concerning the Pilgrim fathers were given by Mrs. Sharp who also reported that Christmas cards and a lay- ette had been sent to Mrs.Dick- Son in Formosa. Miss Janet cluft gave the treasurer's report. The Thanks- giving meeting will tie held on VOvember 17th with Mrs. W. L. Whyte as speaker. Mrs. Elmer Rivers read a letter regarding 'the Fall pres- byterial on October Ilth. The FOR SALE MOVING - 1‘111 SELL 30" Finlay El "c Stove Chrome D ette Table and four hairs Buffett, Chesterfield and chair Bedroom Suite and a Universal Encyclopedia Set with Bookcase. PLEASE CALL: 527 - 1616 scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Jas. A. McDonald prayer by Mrs. Li, S. Habit it. Mrs. Rivers, Mrs. C,R Ith and Mrs. RAllabkirk each gave a story on India, which had been prepared by Mrs. Reg. Kerslake, Strong, Se vegetables Sealorth. st prize winners were: Wilma Westerveld, brown eggs; David Scott, white eggs; Scott Driscoll, bran muffins; Gordie DeJony, drop cookies; Stephen Hildebrand,- uncooked squares; Nancy, Kunder, date squares; Da- vid Kunder, maple cream; Ste- phen Hildebrand, school lunch; Scott Driscoll, light layer cake; Kevin Drager (Gingerich's Spe- cial) white layer cake; Murray Drager (Gingerich's Special) chocolate cake. Poetry competition - Grades 1-4; 1st, Tahya DeGroot; 2nd, Cindy AnStett; 3rd, Janice McCue all from St. James. Grades 5-1 8; 1st Eileen Con- nolly, St. James. Essay Competition - 1st, Jen- ny Reinink; 2nd, Elaine Hopper; 3rd, Debra Van Vleit, all from Sea-forth Public. School Displays - 1st, Sea- forth Public School;, 2nd, St. James School; 3rdi Huron Cen- tennial. Parade - Grades 1, 2, 3, 4 - Room with best identification headdress, sash' or apron. 1st, Grades 1 & 2, Sea-forth Public School; 2nd, Grades 3 & 4, Sea- ' forth Public School; 3rd, Grades 2 & 3, St. James School; 4th, Grades 1 & 2, St. James School. Grades 5, 6, 7, 8 - Room with best banner, plaCard, flag or pen- nant. 1st, Grade 4 & 5, Seaforth Pub!lic School; 2nd, Grade 5,Sea- iferth public School; Grade5 St. James School; 4th, Grade 8, St. James School. " Floats - 1st, Grade 7, St. JaMes, Pioneers; 2nd, Grade 7D, Seaforth Public, Mounties; 3rd, Grade IC, Seaforth public, Book- worm; 4th, Grade 8, St. James, Farmers Lib. Canadian Legion, Seaforth Branch donated $40.00 toward parade prizes. Grain winners -in order of placing were; Timothy Stanley Hillen; Carl Bolton; Russell Bolton. Red Clover Russell Bolton; Arthur Bolton. Fall Wheat - Donald Dodds. Barley, 2 row - Russell Bol- ton; Earl McSpadden; Jos. Dever- eaux; Donald Dodds. 401 Barley, 6 row - Art Bolton; Larry Wheatley; Carl Bolton; Russell Bolton. F.,- Oats - Russell Bolton; Ar- thur Bolton. Mixed Oats and Barley - Gor- don Papple; Barry Gordon; Lewis Coyne. Champion Ribbon won byStan- ley Hillen. • Husking Corn on Cob-Donald Dodds; Robt. Broadfoot; Robt. Fotheringham; Gordon Papple; Teeswater Fall Fair which has become an annual tradition for many, people in this part of Ontario is set for Thanksgiving weekend, October 5 and 6. Donald M. Gillies of Toronto who will officially open the 118th annual Fair is a former native ' of Teeswater, and presently is Regional Director of -the Ontario VIA. • Four new features this year . will be a Clown Contest, a metal sculpture class and Bruce Countys First Tractor Pull. A chicken barbecue will provide, a full meal for the first time. - The gates will, open to the . ,. public Friitay, _.October 5th at . 7:00 P.M. Saturday progrim features harness racing, an aerial. balloon in free flight demonstration and, a' -number, of bands. r INSURANCE , • AUTO • FIRE • LIFE , Insurance Agency Limited Office in Masonic Block I Phone ri'27-1610 - Seaforth Donald G. Eaton Main Street Now k the time to put yourfroney in a sale, dory place for the Winter, where it can't he lost or stolen or risked. Winterize your money in..a Quaranteedinvestmcnt Certificate paying high, high'interest and availaple to you today at - Victoria and Grey. get ffeat comfort , in watching it grow you a lot more money by Spring. Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation VICTORIA and GREY VG TRUST COMPANY SINCE lean COME SEE WHY MORE PEOPLE ARE SWITCHING TO 1974 Rogers COLOR TV Majestic PHONE 5274240 Nab: .111Y.R. t. THE 'RN E I ARE YOU TIRED OF PAYING CO.INT Let me show you how you can KEEP those tax dollars for , your OWN • retirement. Don't wait until the LAST 1VIINUTE, budget your savings' NOW and -you will qualify for a tax exemption at the end of the year. THE if,I410.1V-EXPOSITO!/, '44AFORTHie 9t4T4. OCT 4*. If 4711 t