HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-10-04, Page 10NOTICE to OWNERS o DOGS and CATS Free Rabies Clinics The Huron County Health Unit, in co-operatiori with the Health of Animals Branch of the Canada Depart- ment of Agriculture w i be holding free rabies clinics at the following: • "Friday, October 5:- 2 p.m. 8 p.m., CLINTON ARENA Monday, October 9:- 1 p.m. 8 p.m., GODERICH ARENA Tuesday, October 10:—'2 p.m. — 8 'p.m. BRUSSELS LIBRARY Wednesday, Oct. 11:— 2 p.m. — 8 p.m, SEAFORTH COMMUNITY CENTRE Thursday, Oct. 2 p.m. -7 8 p.111,, BMEIFELD TOWN HALL NNW 10-u•THE HURON EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, ONT., OCT. 4, 1973 ' Attention AILHog Prod cord ,The Ontario Pork Producers' Market. ing Board, wishes to advise that they are now operating the marketing yard at Blyth two, days of each week. HOURS: MONDAY — 7 a.m. till 2 p.m. WEDNESDAY — 7 a.m. till 1 p.m. AVONDALE ELECTRONIC SERVICE 307 Church St. — Stratford, Ont. 273 ;1300 ADMIRAL FLEETWOOD.' Authorized FACTORY SERVICE Repairs to All Makes of Home Entertainment Equipment. NO MILEAGE CHARGED Members of the Huron Unit of the Cancer Society of Carlene met in Holmesville last Wednesday for their annual meeting. Local officials are (from L to R) President Gordon Richardson; Treasurer Harry Merriman; Vice-President, Chester Archibald; SeVretary mrs.Gordon Rathwell; Exeter Campaign Chairman Norm Whiting; Educattion Chairperson"Mrs, Ted Davies and Planning and Development Chairperson, Mrs. Ina Mae Derst. • (News-Record Photo) Its bedtime for lawns NEWS or Consta ce Correspondent Mrs. Mary Merner 50 Foresters bow here Coming . NEXT WEEK (ReXai0 ORIGINAL BEGINS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11th • WATCH for DETAILS in NEXT WEEK'S PAPER KEATING'S AMARMACY PHONE 5274990 SEAFORTH Editor's Quote Book (111',?%ic :('hat,; a bod i obliti'd to do. and play yolcia, of whatcz.er a' borli .pot ()Nig( d to do.': .ark OPEN HE OPEN 5e7A74.4* PAYSA S E DAY OCT. 8 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. NelarOd*A7 FACTORY WIRE 'Milli NOW LOCATED ON HWY. 4 - SOUTH OF CLINTON AT VANASTRA STORE HOURS: MON. THROUGH FRI. 1 1 A. - 9 P.M. SAT. 9 A.M. -t9 P.M. FURNITURE DEPT. FEATURES $5997 $67" $6997 COLONIAL & PRINTED PATTERN COVERS SWIVEL ARM-CHAIR ROCKERS VINYL COVERED HERCULON COVERED SPACE SAVERS VINYL $7997 COVERED 2 PIECE SETS DAVENPORT MATCHING?CHA1R Low $ 17997 AND $ 19991 AS ALSO LOVE SEATS TO MATCH $119" A listings 4:30 Alphabet Soup 5:00 Dick Van Dyke 5:30 Lotsa Luck 6:00 FYI 7:00 Flip Wilson Show 8:00 Mary Tyler Moore ShOw 8:30 police Story 9:30, Front Page Challenge 10:00 Grey Owl 11:00 The National 11:20 PM 11:45. Movie: "Strange Lady in Town' ' - Greer °arson and • Dana Andrews. WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 10, 1973 8:00 QntarloISchools 8:45 Mon Ami 9:00 Friendly.Giant 9:15 Ontario Schools 10:30 Mr. Dressup 11:00 Sesame Street 12:00 Cartoons ' 12:30 News 12:45 Movie: "His Excellency" Eric Portman and Cecil Parker. 2:30 Dick Berryman 3:00 Take 30 ' 3:30 Edge of Night 4:00 Family Court 4:30 Drop-In 5:00 Dick Van Dyke 5;30 New Dick Van -Dyke 6:00 FYI 7:00 Emergency 8:00 This Land 8:30 TO See OurselvesNe " 9:00 Vacation Canada 10:00 Gallery 10;30 Tommy Banks 11:00 The National 11:20 PM ' 11:45 Movie: "A Certain Smile" 'Rossano Brazzi and 'Joan Fontaine THURSDAY,OCTOBER11, 19'73 8:00 Ontario Schools 8:45 Mon,Ami 9:00 Friendly Giant 9:15 Ontario Schools 10:30 Mr. Dressup 11:00 Sesame Street 12:00 Cartoons 12:30 News 12:45 Movie; "Battle of the Villa Fiorita" - Maureen O'Hara and Richard Todd 2:30 Shirley Taylor 3:00 Take 30 3:30 Edge of Night 4:00 Family Court 4:30 A Place Of Your Own 5:00 Dick Van Dyke 5:30 Room 222 6:00 FYI ,7:00 Bob & Carol & Ted& Alice 7:30 The Bob Newhart Show 8:00 Carol Burnett Show 9:00 Movie: "The Fortune Cookie" - Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau 11:00 The National 11:20 PM 11:45 Movie: "The Easy Way" Gary Grant and Betsy Drake FRIDAY,OCTOITER 12, 1973 8:00 Ontario Schools 8:45 Mon Arni • 9:00 Friendly Giant 9:15 Ontario Schools 10:30 Mr. Dressup 11:00 Sesame Street 12:00 Cartoons 12:30 'News 12:45 Movie: "Woman's Angle" Cathy O'Donnell and Lots Maxwell 2;30 Movie Review with Claire Olsen 3:00 Take 30 3:30 Edge ofalight , 4:00 Family Court 4:30 Drop-In 5:00 Dick Van Dyke 5:30 Roll Out 6:00 FYI i• 7:00' Brian Keith Show 7:30 The Odd Couple 8:00 All In The Family 8:30 M*A*S*H 9:00 Tommy Hunter Show 10:00 Hawaii Five-0 11:00 The National 11:20 pm 11:45 Movie: "on The Beat" Norman Wisdom and Jen- nifer Jayne Approx. 1:50 Double Feature' - "Follow a Star!' - Norman Wisdom and June Laverie • p. p "1^ 41, good looking stand of grass to one that will taRe traffic. You can't go wrong with Merion, Ken- tucky Blue .FYlking, 11}3,--2, and the new Baron. All are, good right . across Canada. Some will require more attention than others but a good fertilizing program in the spring and fall •are all that•is required, providing ' you use ,,the proper. fertilizers. The art of seeding .a lawn is not a, mystifying one. Good coverage is all that's needed. Many will use fel too much seed, and others will use far too little. If you'll remember that 2 1/2 to 3 pounds will cover approxi-, mately 1000 square feet of lawn an l'as such build-up occurs, it area, then you've used just the prevents the roots of the grasses proper amount. If one • could from absorbing much needed devise a method whereby one seed moisture and fertilizer. It would per square inch could be applied be wise, if you are. riot, using a. to .,the soil, , then it would turn gr catcher •on your lawn out to be the finest turf ever moVer, to get rid of thisebuild- up. grown by that person. The reason is simple to understand. These It can be done easily, if you'll rent tiny seeds need enough area to a de-thatcher from your produce a root system, and once local rental agency or'nursery- they have this, the better stand, man. The de-thatcher is a of grass You are going to have.. motorized machine that has about A seeding, if applied heavily, three -hundred teeth, cuts only, means you are wasting it, down through the thatch, • and as the seeds _start to ger- loosening it so that it can be minate they will fight for raked out and then collected and 'existence, and the weaker seeds I either put on the compost' pile or out for collection, are killed off. , You'll be surprised how much thatch will be removed from a sown seed needs water to ger- minate during the first twentye, eight days, so don't let ..a day go by without watering. " This also is the time to put down some winter lawn food for root stimulation throught the win- ter. - • There's no point in•feeding the lawns with a high nitrogen fer- tilizer in the fall. You certainly don't want a tall stand of grass to be produced, only to have it bent over by heavy snows and become a breeding spot for various lawn fungi. DE-THATCHING , During the regular mowing season, many "Lawn-Makers" leave the cuttingS on the lawn. This tends to build up a thatch, GOOD GUYS WIN? , From watching television, one can easily worry. The good guys _win out on every prograre but the Evening News! FARM LIFE There's• something fresh and vital about living on a farm. Where else can you find people getting up to watch the•Late,Late Show? IT SURE IS! You've got to say this about; Few, people give much thought to a fall maintenance program for their lawns other than col- lecting leaves, yet it's the time of year when a little. effort can bring big results and give you the best looking lawn on the street. So let's take a look at some of the things you could be doing before putting your lawn 'to bed for the wtriter. Though it seems natural to control weed growth during the spring and summer, the weeds are actively growing and produc- ing seeds, some of which will have taken root. So, your lawn i will respond to a treatment of qmality fertilizer ' in the fall. The bluegrasses you are growing will respond well to the feeding. The weed killer will get rid of unwanted growth, and thin the good bluegrasses will have a much better chance to grow thicker in the area where you want good growth. RE BUILDING 'The fall is the best time to establish, renovate or rebuild a lawn. The cooler nights, 'and moisture in the air are -just the right combination for turning a good lawn into a superb one. when it comes to buying grass' seed for a new lawn or for re- seeding, buy the best and make sure. it is just what you want for your future "lawn-beautiful': When You sow the new fresh seed, you'll cut it two or three times before you put th awn mower e0 x 50 foot lawn. Once it is 'being poor today - it's expensive! away for the wif — de-thatched, then it's ready tre.,•• .. Rememberoo that f Ely a receive the fresh grass seed and fertilizer. Cancer Society honOurs Mrs. Elston Mrs. Emily Elston, chairman of the Wingham Branch of the Huron Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society has received a certificate of service iri recog- nition of her untiring efforts on behalf of the Society in this area. "I just do the best 1 can," Mrs. Elston told the annual meet- ing of the Huron Unit as well as tr Southwestern Ontario Dis- .ct in Holmesville at the White, Carnation last Wednesday even- ing. Special speaker at the event was Mrs. Egmont L. Frankel, CC., Toronto who is one'of the spearheads .behind the volunteer movement within The Canadian Cancer Society. Mrs. Frankel's work centres around princess Margaret Hospital but she is well-known among cancer volun- teers in Ontario and throughout the world. "The word cancer is not a dreaded word anymore," said Mrs. Frankel who told her aud- ience that Canadians are well respected in the field of cancer research and treatment. She said ther e was a time that professionals within the field of medicine feared volunteers. However, today's volunteers are "professional volunteers" she said. She stressed the need for each volunteer to be placed in his or her "proper echelon" where talents will be best util- izid. The view of the volunteer has changed over the years, said Mrs. Frankel. She says that in working with cancer patients as well a s with many other dis- eases, it is a matter of morale. "One can heal with the mind as well as the body," said Mrs. Frankel. "You fight with your mind as much as you do with the surgeon's scapel," Joe Wooden of Exeter whoWith his wife Val wrote a history of Exeter, presented Mrs. Frankel with a copy of his book. She was introduced by Mrs. D. Sk, Mac- Naughton, Wingham. In the brief annual meeting of the Huron Unit and the South- Western District, the officers for the new year were approved. Entertainment during the even- ing was provided by Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Zonneveld, Benmiller. The Western Ontario Fores- ter Bowling Tournament was held on Sunday afterhoon followed by a banquet in the evening. The Lady • Foresters Court Constantine ca- tered to about 50 players. There were 8 teams compet- ing with the Norwich Court being high team. Trophies were pre- sented to Isobel Roberts of Court Norwich with the high single of 348 and the high 6 games for the ladles. George Longstreet of Court BelfOunta in withmen's high single of 308; Bill Marshall of Court Middlesex with high 6 games of 1468,, SEAFORTH 111 Seaforth 3 held their 3rd 4-H meeting at the assistant leader's home on Septemer 25. Roll call was answered by 8 members. Cooking demonstra- tions, were done by Brenda n Thompson and Marie Nolan. CFPL TV SATURDAY,OCTOBER 6, 1973 8:00 woobinda 8:30 professor Moffatt's Science Workshop 9:00 The Littlest Hobo 9:30 Yogi's Gang 10:00 Huckleberry Hound 10:30 Roman Holidays 11:00 Amazing Chan and the Chan C 11:30 Juniorlan Talent Hour 12:30 Reach For The Top 1:00 Grand Prix Wrestling 2:00 CFL Football(Calgary at Toronto) 4:30 Sports Week 5:00 Bugs Bunny/Road . Runner Hour 6;00 FAydaIm 12 6:30 7:00 O Mu aude 7:30The Buses 8:00 Charlie Brown Special 8:30 Opr, y Land a:30 Wilderness Award Wihner 10:30 Singalong Jubilee 11:00 The National 1111::1250 PM Provincial Affairs 11:45 Movie: "Villa Rides" Yul Brynner and Robert Mitchum. SUNDAY,OCTOBER '7, 1973 8:00 Quelle Famille 8:30 The Hilarious House of Frightenstein 9:30 Max The Mouse 10:00 Spiderman 10:30 Ontario Schools 12:30 Hymn Sing 1:00 Roy Jewell Farm show 1:30 Horst Koehler Show 2:00 Pierre Berton 2:30 Under Attack 3:30 ' Inquiry 4:30 Country Canada 5:00 Music to See 5:30 Wonderful World of Disney 6:30 Act Fast 7:00 The Beachcombers 7:30 The Waltons 8:30 Needles and Pins 9:00 More Joy In Heaven 10:00 The Wonderful Day When I Reached 65 11:00 The National 11:15 Nation's Business 11:20 PM 11:45 The Sensuous Man 12:15 Comedy Classics: "Mountain Music" - Bob Burns and Martha Raye ' MONDAY,OCTOBER 8, 1973 8:00 Ontario Schools 8:45 Mon Ami 9:00 Friendly Giant 9:15 Ontario Schools 10:30 Mr. Dressup• 11:00 Sesame Street 12:00 Cartoons 12:30 News 12:45 Movie; "Kettles on Old MacDonald's Farm" - Parker Ferinely and Marj- orie Main, 2:30 Dick Berryman 3:00 Take 30 3:30 Edge of Night 4:00 Family Court 4:30 Drop-In 5:00 Dick Van Dyke 5:30 Dusty's Trail 6:00 FYI 7:00 Gensmoke 8:00 Partridge Family 8:30 Cannon 9:30 This Is The Law 10:00 In The South Seas 10:30 Man Alive 11:00 The National 11:20 PM 11:45 Sherlock Holmes Theatre: "Sherloeit Holmes and the Voice of Terror" - Basil , Rathbone and Nigel Bruce. TUESDAY,OCTOBER 9, 1973 8:00 -Ontario Schools 8:45 Mon Ami 9:00 Friendly Giant' 9:15 Ontario Schools 10:30 Mr. Dressup '11:00 Sesame Street 12:00 Cartoons 12:30 - News 12:45 Movie: "Seven Against The Sun" - Gert van der Bergh and Elizabeth Meyer 2:30 Dick Berryman 3:00 Talce1 30 3:30 Edge of Night 4:00 FaralY Court spent the w kend hunting at Mil- lers Lake. Wat McClure and Les Camp- bell spent last Thursday 'attend- ing a large cattle sale at Little. Current of Manitoulin Island: Mrs. Bill Storey spent Sat- urday evening at Mrs. Harvey Jacobi's home at Chiselhurst, when her sisters gathered to celebrate her birthday, Cynthia King of Goderich is spending some time with the Fred Buchanan family, while her mo- ther is in hospital. Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson, Sharon and, Bob, Mr. and Mrs. Ne afeeClure and Bryan spent the weekend in Detroit and vi- sited Greenfield Village. Mrs. Jim Medd is a patient in Clinton Public Hospital, hav- ing had an appendicitis opera- tion on Monday evening. We Would like to wish her a speedy recovery. Miss Vicki Powell of Auburn any home "Lawn'Makers" will buy seed on a basis of cost' versus quality. Let me suggest yo buy "the best seed available, m. sure the seeds as listed on th- grage are just what you want. There are new species coming on the market each year, but the old standby seed to pro- duce good lawns are those you've known to be the best from a Miss Kim Medd of Blyth spent spent a few days with Mr. and a few days with her grandparents Mrs. Fred Buchanan, Bill, Doug, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Medd and' "Betty and Bob. Kern.i Mr. and Mrs. John Jewitt, Miss Evelyn Woods of Van- Carol, Judy, Danny, Billy and couver visited recently with Mr. Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jewitt and Mrs. Reg Lawson, John and and Lori of Clinton were Sunday Elizabeth. visitors with Mrs. 'Ella Jewitt Mr. and Mrs. Ken Preszcator and boys.