The Wingham Times, 1893-06-09, Page 341)
without halauee wheel of deep Bettee Rustle: NOW.
ev1111IN ii=1040114 thought in any direotion, without Ji
Oxman= 5i laWS
."For God «i Kmne and Native Land.'
well calf the atteon, of the mothers ilii swims
rto the fees, that the Woman's Christian Temper-
noce Union meets every Monday at three o'neek
mharp, for ouo hour,O Miss Uoughton'a room, All
,1adies'are made wukomo.
We held monthly .cespel meeting on the east
Monday of every oneft, except when otherwise
•advertlsed, to which auceting we invite the piddle
It BMW has kindly given is Part of .hia
•space. for our work, we ask friends of the cause to
.senti items of buena o all moral questlops .the
•day to any of ournannhenn
Scotland, .1relanc1 and %Aloe belie
already the benefits of a law probahlt.
Ing, to a certain extent, the sale of
etog drink on the Sabbath ,day.
Legislation oit. this question is not iso
rigid as that to eeltich we are emus-
tomed in Canada. It is, however,
effective andante proved of great .value
in curcailingithe evil of Sunda'? claunk-
eriness. Lately the Central Assooia-,
tion for stopping the sale of intoxicat-
ing liquors on ;Sunday memorialized
I. Celatistoutt in laver of a similar
law for England. The reply given by
the Prime &twister was that the se h-
jeet is tow eugegingf the attention of
Her Majeetyte.Goveenment,
The Sunits.t.y...solio$1 Department of
the'World's,and Ngional W. 0. W, U.
is steadily futtilling Its motto : '!And
q). all thy children she I be taught cif the
Lord, and wear, s all be the ,peace
• of thy children." Dver two million
of lesson leaves hae tieen sold by the
Woonto's Temperarthe Publication As•
etiolation in ellecado duriug the.past
• year, to say amahing of the vastly
greater newton: seU out by the regular
-Sunday-school. chatrnels, Throtegh the
;efforts of the ;evliile ribbon women
;Bible temperance +sons are regalarly
egiven tour times a year in the inter-
eiationel Sundey-selaciol lessens aeries
:for the Mined ,States end Cheadle
These lespone with the circulation of
the Temperente.Pledge and litertiture
lin the Sundayeschools, and the pineing
of temperance iSunday-school books in
ithelibraries read .by teachers andehile
,dreu, are a fottoe of incalculable wiles
jn the mouldingtof public sentiment,
land also in fever of total abstinence
;and the removal ,of legal safeguards
from the liquor traffic. Miss Lucie E.
'F. Kimball, %he has remarkable ine
telligence aud ;education combined
'with devoted Christian zeal, resigned
:her position in f8,7,4 at the head .af
tone of the school -sin Chicago beamsee
the .Bible was voied out of the :elm!
,by the municipail ;council, the inajorien:
•itif :the members ef .which were pubial
cans. Since that time, Mies Kimball
bleeds:voted heeseef to the introduction
of Temperance lessons in the reaulttri
Seniday School lessen series, and witlal
the itentarkable suocess herein describe;
Idle Mends.
Ile motion is far too prevalent that!
work, ;unless a »in:easily. as a means of
&ageing a livelihood, is not a very
portant fader in the ;education of,
children.; that unless they are obliged
to work, tr. is toot parttealarly neces-
sary for them to do so, at iestet fur the
first soot* years of their lives. Child-
hood and youth are looked upon as a.
season when cares and resavensibilities
should be as few as possible, and when
play, pleaeure, and attendance upon
school are the prime things etf import-
ance.' lelothers say, 'if want my chil-
dren to haye a good time led enjoy
life while they art young ; they will
have trouble enough as 'they grow
older," never realizing that the very
way to make their life burdensome as
they grow older is the very plan of
allowing thein to grow up with so
much unoccupied time, Much of the
danger to young girls lies in thetr lack
of systereatic home training. unoce
copied and uninterested at hotne, they
drift outside of home for entertainment
and amosemetit; they walk the streets
frequent the depots and parks, go any-
where and everywhere where some-
thing can be found to Occupy their
time and attention, while, as one
writer upon the subject nue said, "the
mistaken mothenengrossed with home
duties, her them fully occupied in work,
does not realize how much he daugh-
ter's active mind craves employment,
and this sacrifices her daughter's best
good to secure to her the very leisure
which is so dentl,erens. Insteed of
training her to the habitual thought-
fulness which industry naturiply
vates, she supplies her with all the
Money she can obtain, and all the
freedoni het self-sacrifice earl secure
for her, and lets her drift ahout, to the
Mores, to concerts,. &Mee, eild the
theatre, with im objeat in life bat to
pass the hours in pleastire•eieekinst.. It
witty be that the daughter is unwilling
to alma the home eares, but; this, too,
itt the mother's fault, and the result is
the same; and ea these young girle,
hetet of eystemetie lietieta iu any li»e,
fall (my victims to the itifinenee of a
stronger mind." The wonder is not
that so many fall, but that .any - es.
Mete Mary 41ie Livermore, writing
upon this subjeet, says::•"Lack of
industrial training not only makes dee.
pendent and niefficieet 'women of our
deegliters„ but it pute. them. in tearful ,
peril morally.. Intioletme is always.
demoralizing, It r Ulna health, des,
troys. beauty, ,and enfeebles tho will,
When temptation comes in the prose
pect of ti life of ease, eilthette,b coupled
with dishonor, it is patent to allure an
indolent, light heerted,,frivolotte young
woman, unless names bas endowed
her With .superior .nacteril instinct."
"Out of two ttioneand fallen women
in the city of New Work, eighteen
hundred and eighty ima been broughti
up to do noting, ,tive• hundred anal
twenty.fiye pleaded destitution as the'
cause of their sad lifeeend all but fifty-
one bad beam religiously ecluoated."
Idleness itea;plairelevitatien to vice,:
All will apes that ,00rner loafers and
street loiterers eepreeent one of the.
meet depraved .elastes among young'!
men- The levy thanes busy from thei'
time he is cid ;enough to work- an
study, will not he view likely to wane;
der into tile paths of vice, sinless exei
posed to sarneepecial temptation.
The late Dean Stanley • once said t
"Leisure misused, anadle hour waiting'.
to be employed, idlethends witb no eon
cupetine, idle And erapty minds with/
nothing to elnalt---these are the mairn
temptations .to evil. Ftil up thati
empty void, .empliey those vaeasen
hours, occupy those 'Wiese hands; the'
evil will depart ;because it has no place,
to enterinnbecause it ris eonquered by
good. ' It !is a simple (act, and well;
known, thatiifacup istuI1, it cite boh
no more; end likewise the child whose!
time is fully occupied, with good andi
usefuloccutpation, will have no time;
for the sine which Satan always finds;
ror idle Intocketo -de. lldleness is aa
active as weileas a passive evil. God;
made the eland to be busy ; and if it
is no; busy with good,.it will be busy,
with evil."
Leta love ;of work for work's sake;
be created, then idleness will not item
pleasurable; and with mind and hands
well occupied, the opparrt'znities for
evil will be giseetly lessened and temp-
tations easier to overcome. The
training in this direction needs to be
tiegun in the eerliest childhood, with
such simple ocoupanon andtasks es
are suited to the • childni age and
strength ; not those of An irksome
-character, but such as will dill his tittle
with helpful, nuteresting,and enjoyable
amenpatioon teeding to instiill into his
.cluirActer a &nese for neefulneas and
ilove of enmlyament,—Mre. E. E.
Kellogg in "Good Health."
klorzowee's Panes,—aWeak Stein-
ache—The wisest -cannot enumerate
ene quarter of the diatressine symp-
totes arising from enfeebled ingestion,
alit of tvhieb might be readily &spelled
by .these admirable Pith. They re -
mono all unpleasant tastes from Un
month, flatulency. and constipation.
Holloway's Pills roeee the stonaach,
liver, and evens other organ, helping
digeetion to that henithy tone welch
fully .enables it to convert all we eat
and drink to the nourtehment of our
bodiee. Hence these Pills are the
surest strengtheners and .the safest re--
storativeu in nervousimes„ wasting, and
chronic debility. Holloway's Pills are
infallible remedies for itapeired appe-
tite, eructations, and a anultitude of
other disegreeable symptoms, which
render miserable tho uses of thous-
ands. These Pills are approved by all
Avoid bathing within two'houes of
a meal.
If every house in London consumed
its awn smoke'fogs would be almost
unknown in the great metropolis.
Only one dopy of Shakespeare's first
folio bas lately come into the book
market, ant': this realized $1,040.
A wonderful new combined -eel is R.
Stark's Headaohe, Neuralgia and Liver
Powders, Mee to take and perfectly harm-
less. Mr. Alex. Rutesey, Imperial Ii3sak,
Welland, says: "They are excellent; I have
no hesitation in recommending them to all
who duffer from headaches." Mr. Nook,
G. T.I.e., Hamilton, writes: "Ivor three
years 1 was troubled with most severe
headaches. Since I have used Stark's
Headathes Neuralgia and Lim, Powders I
have been entirely free from them."‘ Mr.
Laneeneld, librarian of the public library,
Hamilton, says: "They are most velueble,
and give almost inatantanoorts relief ; 1 al.
ways keep e box ie my house." Mr. nfey.
Inarte Woodeckeirtys r "rey aro wonder
Hall, Brentfort, says : re
trierl many remediesbut all withou e Ceti
until I took Stark'e Ileaditcln, Neuralgia
and Liver Powders 1 can reeortenend
thine meet highly," Priee, 25 tette a box.
Sold by alt reediehte tlealers.
e good nine that's a 00111111'
When the bees will all be Jimmie'
An' the vines will be minty as the Ow;
Wizen the woollier will be riu»ny,
An' the rambles made o' money—
But you'd better get a beetle on you nowl
There's a good time tine's a canine
Wlien the people will be drammin'
For the matt to take the °Mee anyhow;
When piok up a position
An' a moneyenalen' nussion—
Ittithe'd bettor get a hustle on him nowt
There's a good time that a cornin'
Don't you hear it aummire hurambe I
When tit; world will roll along without a
rowAnd from °teen unto ocean
You will run it to your notion—
But you'd better get a amine ou You'll:AY!
• —AUelite, Constitution.
• • a.m...
.11istoey of the "Herd Laddie."
Jane e Wyllie, the "Herd Laddie,"
who is now in 8eotland, was born in
Edinburgh in 1822, and for a rnau of
yeas he is halo and frettle He
etteked up ft good, knowledge of the
game of draughts when a lad of 10,
,principully by watching others play,
and it seems to have far biananeculiar
,fascination. At. that time he wad em-
ployed as cattle dealer's boy., and had
,frequen.tly to drive stock between
.Biegar and Ediablargla His master,
Mr. James Porteous, was feud of a
game of draughts, and often played
with his "kiddie" at roerlside inns by
the way, A. &venni competitor of
Mr, Porteous' wean .clairilnan in Ed-.
inburgle whoa lienould rarely bent,
uut on one partieeler occasion he re-
Sei Ned to try his wattle arena u double
test. He kept het -"laddid" 1)1' biin
d oring the tiontest, w bid! was for six -
!pence a game, mitigator toting a good
,untneer of gauten the pretended he had
.business to„ and enfered to
•leave his old antagonist ,to <finish. the
,sittiog wth has "fuddle" ou the
.-sittne Urine. Tae .otrer was accepted,
and atter a few wounds the litakes were
doubled. The &Ingle:in .witit at iirst
elated, but as events showed differ.
ently to what he .ex,peoted,, Iie becotne
.disolayed, the Inoue so that by 1 tut
time the eattie .dealer retunued the
:mysterious "laddie" had pot:lofted
About R:0 of his money. From that
time forward Wyllie became celebrated
Ana draught playee.and was eenstant-
ly referredeo witla,greater truth than
anpresent as the eeHerd 'Addle." In
the occupation of a inavellina pedlar in
the then social condition of neotland
in the old coaching days he had many
opportunttie of keeenue bis "hand in,"
forethe game wase ;favorite pastime
in many buottish country housed. On
one occasion, when eravelliog in An-
liandlilo, he procured lodgings .at a
farm during a snowstorm, where the
farmer and bis sons were playing at
draughts, the old man Jievine theliest
of the game. Wyllie ;offered to enter
the diets, but the farmer's wife tried
to. dissuade hitn, assuting him that lie
would lose his money, se her husband
was the best player in the country stcle.
Wyllie, however,offered to play at ono
shilling a game The filet flame the
farmer lost, and then the stakes were
deubled. In a short wine, he won
several pounds, Wyllie taking evorty
game before hint. That eight he heel
to tak' the gate in such a night as n e'er
poor sinner was a broad in. Iesten.
rug at the window before setting off, he
heard ths farmer fervently praying to
be delivered from the hands of the
devil. A famous draught player ;it
Bathgate, who performed Lite nseful
function of e barber in the town, pact
a visit of Wyllie. The two set to a
game 01 draughts of which the barber
was known to be a skilful player.
Game after game fell to the stranger,
and the barber, being unable to stand
it loner, threw down the board, ex-
cleimue, Nae main nee main ye'er
either the Herd Inclifie, or the deevit
himself. At the age of eighteen he
played a match with Price, who was
thee champion of England, for the first
won eleven, and he gained. Over
thirty years ago be played Martins,
then regarded us formed in England.
He lost the first matcb but afterwards
won other four. He asserts that he
has not lost a match for twenty-eight
years. In a contest with Martins
for the ubampionship of tho world the
latter was four times defeated. In
1873 he made his tiret voyage to
Areetieit, His first mach ht America
wits with one Sullivan in • Now York
and the conditions he offered were
that hts oppouent should not get one
game in twetity, the stakes being
twenty dollars. He 'won, Ile not
played with a brother of the present
champion of America, Barker, for 400
dollars in a match of fifty games.
This he won. Barker tried it cumin.
dation watch for a kindred dollars,
and lost bis emeey. A, ureses Oita -
admit in Quebec- was fain to enter the
lista With hint hunto his aetonishateht
the Sootchinan offered to bit him count
drawn iptnitn3 as Vine. Itt thirty•three
gimes be well, the test fall.
itte to the Frenchmen'who went bie A B1essjng to Every Rousebold•
way. In that tour l%0 played ill ell
about 15,000 gamma and won evel:y
Match w which be erweae.-1. One
HoLLowAys 7 .
French cable paineeger on rioard the plus A stir,
AND (inn!:
American eteerner conlitiently chal.
longed any mitt on board to elan tt
winch of three genies for 410; which
Wyllie quietly pocketed as it fair ooup-
inenr, nf enrrent expensee. Wyllie
regards the 0,4-44f" Of i he ince play
as u ism ft) Ili. tr itgtlt of
his.poentone, and this he titig4
an) synistematie study, but only it)
general way. Re itt elways, he says,
seeing something nest' in the gnine,
and believes be bite yet teueli to learn
in it, a slew move or an unforseen coin-
plicatioe 00011i:a before his notice
every tette iihd (Wahl. He proeeecis
on no lixeal style, but seems se trust
to his skill when the game is in proe
gross, not infrequently iss kiln; it good
long pause before a move. quirk play
or even the common fake of •'first off
tag board," he deepisee es unworthy
of n thoughtful imam his devotion to
which tied tis pride in which es a life
calling is as great as that uf Charles
Lamb's old Mood, Aire Battle, fir
Hooe's Sarsaparilla, positively cures even
when alletthers fail. It has a record of
successes unequalled by any other medi-
11,02 rift'd 'i5t
. elertiegeZI:nee
Ilnloolat all the °legged 9.70111.109 of the
Bowels, Kidneys !and Liver, carrying
off gradeally without weakening the eye.
tem, ttI Ake impurities and. foul humors
of the secrefions; ;at the scene time Core
reeting ,Acidity of tho Stomaeh,
meting .Bnlionsness, Dyspepsia,
Headaelien, Dizziness, Heminburn,
Constipation,..Dryr.ess of the Skin,
Dropsy, Dimness of Vision; Janne
diee, 'Salt Rheum, Eqsipolas, Sere -
Tina., Fluttering of tem Heart, Her-
VOUstaeSS, andt. General 130bility ;all
these and many other similar Complarato
Yield to tho happy infeentee BUIIDOnK
For Sata b cab ;Do %Zan.
3.100151 co Talk*
Avoid the heat and dust by traveling.
on the Floatingl'alaces of the Detroit et
Cleveland Steam Navigation Company.
Two new. steel passenger steamers .have
just been built /or this 'Upper Lake route,
costing$300,900 :each, and aro gualanteed
to be the grandest, largest, safest and
fastest 3.118atireza .011 the Lakes; speed 20
miles per hour„ sunning time between
Cleveland, Toledo and Chicago lees than
50 hours. Pour vips per week between
Toledo, Detrolt,,Alpena, Mackinac.Petos-
key and Chicago, Daily trips between
Detroit and. Cleveland; during July and
August double daily service will be main-
tained, giving a daylight ride across Lake
Erie. Daily service 'between Cleveland
and Put -in -Bay. • First-class stateroom
accommodations and menu, and exceed-
ingly low Round Trip Rates The pala-
tial equipment, the luxury of the appoint-
ments makes traveling.on these steamers
thoroughly enjoyable. Send for illus-
trated painphlet. Address A. A. Schantz,
G. P. A., Detroit tt Cleveland Steam Nen.
,Co., Detroit, Mich.
When we assert that
Kidney Pills
Cure Backache;) Dropsy,
Lumbago, Bright's Dis-
ease, Rheumatism and all
other forms of Kidney
Troubles, we are backed
by the testimony of all
who have used them.
Then opals tres STAY CLIIRMD.
13y all druggists or mail on receipt of price,
so cents, Dr. L. A. Smith & Co., Toronto.
These renedtes hare steed the teat of fifty years experience, one ars pronounced the hest Ateifleseei
eamily uvo.
Punt) the blood,- correct all disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, XIDNBYS AND PYWELS
invaluable In all emple,ints incidental to females ofi all eges.
TE 0.11\77111/1.1%711'
Is the Only reliable remedy for bad les. soresWeans, and old wounds. MPR
DiSgoS IIAS NO EQUAL. Maeufacturce only at 78, New Oxford, Late 553. OXford Street, 1.4
and sold by all tieclielne Venders throughout the world.
twePurbeeent should look to the Label ou the Boxea and Pete. If the addreeir
5511 Oxford Street, Loudon, they aro spurious,
of Rincardine have bought the Marble Business of T T Watson, formerly carried on by w Smyth.
purchasing. You will find our prices are away down, our workmanship is unsurpassed, vin vie use no
Parties requiring work in their line will do well by calling on them or seeing one of their agents WI
butthe very best stock and by square dealing hope to secure a liberal share of the public patronage. Mr
T Watson, who hat been running the business for the past year, will represent 05 00 the road.
(ail an1 see our stock and prices.
mccorsCYLtNER OIL will
wear twice as long as any other make
Capital, $1,250,000, Rest, $650,000.
President—J arts ertrArtT.
Josephine Street • - Whhain, Ont, ViemPresident—A. G. RANSAY.
J. A. ZIALBTRD, W. Score,
Nfount Yoresp. I Listowel
Deposits Received and Interest
Money Advanced to Farmers and
Business 1VIene
On long or short time, on endorsed notes
or collateral .sourity. Sale notes bought
at it 1 air valuation. Money remitted to all
parts of Canada at reasonable charges.
Speoial Attention Given to Col-
lecting Accounts And Notes.
gents In Canada. -The Merchants' San Is
or Canada
Office Hours—From 9 a nt to 5 p. re.
CLFAIC Otto Div. COUTtr, CO. Ilreeit,
Commissumen ix 11. 0. Ere.
Wnoxerue, Orr.
TWIN PROCTOR, 011.A5. GURNEY, G.140 lt0.1011k 1.
Wool), A, B. Lee (Toronto).
Cashier—J. TURNBULL,
Savings 33osale—Ilours,10 to 3 ;Saturdays, t
1. Deposits of 81 and upwards received and intcres
Special Deposits also rot:dyed at ourren
rates of interest.
Drafts on Great Britain and the United Sta
bought and sold
Lumber of all kinds,
First-class Shingles
and Cedar Posts.
Car Ica Cieise
WOOD delivered to any part ot
lafrOrciersby promptly attentie fo
!testes. Winghata P.
T -Tow many persons know that Ripans Tabules, now solargely advertised and used, are simply thet
favorite prescription of their family doctor prepared in a SCier tifitt mantle'. and a form convenient for hand
ling, conveyance, preservation and use It the great hospitals of the metropolitan cities, where til
wealthy find better care than in their Own luxurious hemes,the ingredients of Ripans 'rabules are administer
od to thousands of rich and poor alike with beneficial effeet. They are the Mean dependence of the mos
eminetit physicians in cases of derangements of tba digestive organs, tiell as dyspepsia,constipation, biliousn
and other ills connected with the stomach, liver and bowels. For some years one of the principal boqiit
'hi New York Oity has used a formula, differing slightly from the common one, that has been found '0
innusual efficacy. Through commendations of physioians its mission of healing has been so widely an
rapidly extending that it finally seemed desirable to prepare the prescription in a convenient for so as
make it available to the whole public at a moderate price, and to announce the fact through the recogniz
medium for sem-tyingpublicity—advertisement in the columns of the newspapers of the land. This has bee
done, and now the time is not tar distant when every family of intelligence will be as certain to possess
supply of Ri pans Tabules as a clock or a cooking stove. They are already to be found on sale almost every,
where and any druggist or dealer will supply them A. box, containing six vials, is sold for 75 cents, and
'Koss packsge0 contalning four boxes, for a They will be sent by mail, post naid, to any address, on
otpt ot via), by the Ripans Chemical Company, No.10, Sprue St, New York.