HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-09-27, Page 1624. Card of Thaoks
I wish to express sincere thanks
to my family, relatives, neigh-
bours and friends for their visits,
gifts flowers, cards and kind
thoughts while I was a patient in
Seaforth Community Hospital.
Special thanks for visits from
Father Laragh and Father
Moylan, Drs. Malkus, Brady and .
nurses. Everything was deeply
appreciated. -. • Jim and Betty
Ryan. 24-7-1
— Registered Retirement Pensions —
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TELEPHONE: 527-0410
we are offering at our
corn storage
grq~n bank
There is a limited amount of space
available and we suggest that you
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An Expositor Classified will
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Ttif.9 T.. SETT, V.1973,
asilf -Topic
• ,
MUSIIR0041 cHuog DIP
1 can (10 1 /2 ounces) con-
densed cream of mushroom
3 ounces Danish Blue Cheese
1/2 cup minced celery
cup each chopped scallion's,
minced green pepper and
chopped dill pickle
Mix all ingredients until well
blended. Chill. Serve with
cooked shrimp or ham cubes
or meat balls and potato chips
for dipping . Makes about 2 1/2
cups. We would like to thank everyone
who helped us during -and after
the fire we experienced on Labdur
'ay. - Mr. and Mrs. John Boven
• ' family. 24-7x1
I wish to thank all who visited
me, sent cards, flowers and
treats while I was in Seaforth
Hospital and St. Joseph's,Lon-
don, Special thanks be Dr.Moyo,
Dr. Malkus and nurses for their
kindness. Also those who pro-
vided transportation for my
wife to visit me in London. It
is all greatly appreciated. - Alex
Finnigan. 24-7x 1
I would like to thank my rela-
tives, neighbours and friends for
the cards and visits while I was
in the hospital and since coming
home. Special thanks to those
who helped out with my family.
All was appreciated. Thanks
to Dt. Brady, Dr. Malkus and
the nurses in Seaforth Hospital.
- Claudette Elliott. 24-7-41
Stewart and' Carrie Cudmore
would like to express their sin-
cere appreciation to their family,
and to all their friends and
relatives who helped make their
anniversary party such a mem-
orable event, also many thanks
for the gifts and lovely cards.
The family of the late MargCrich
White wish to thank their many
friends, Rev. Britton and the
Whitney Funeral Home for the
many acts of kindness shown to
them during their recent sad
bereavement. 24-7x1
I would like to thank friends
and acquaintances for their kind-
ness and thoughtfulness while I
flowers and visits were very
much appreciated. Thanks to
the Nursing. Staff on 4th Floor
West for their care, and thank
you to 11r. Alain, Dr. Brown,
Dr. Spence, Dr. Malkus. Also
thank you to my niece patty
for her help at home for three
weeks. The kindness of all will
always be remembered and
appreciated. - Peg Coombs.
I wish to thank all my friends
and relatives who visited' me and
sdnt cards to me while a patient
in Seaforth Hospital. Special
thanks to East Huron Produce,
Dublin, the nursing staff and the
doctors who were so good to me.
- Bob McCaughney. 24-7-1
Thank you to—tirs. Brady and
Malkus, Mrs. Eisler and Mrs.,
Erb of Seaforth Hospital and
Dr. Sharpe and nurses on second
floor of University Hospital,
London.' Special thanks to
Pearl and Harold, all who re-
membered me with visits, cards
and treats. - Edward' Regele.
'25. la Memoriam
o - In loving Memory
of a dear brother, Thomas. 0",”
Reilly who died September 30,
It was that happy day
When we sat and chatted the
time away
So for you who has a brother,
Cherish him with care,
For you will never know the
Until you see the empty chair.
- Always remembered and sadly
missed by his sister •mary.
26. Personal -
Mr. and. Mrs. Ralph Fischer are
happy to announce, the forth-,
coming marriage of their
daughter, Starr Ann to Mr. Dale
Edward Bachert, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Bert Bachert of R. R. 2,
Blyth. The wedding will take
place October 27, 1973 at Brod-
hagen Community • Centre,
12 o'clock Noon in the will of our
Lord. 26-7x1
Mr. and Mrs. Ferg Stapleton of
Dublin take pleasure in
announcing the marriage of-their
eldest' daughter, Mary Joanne to
Mr. John Frederick Dreger, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick
Dreger of Kitchener, Ontario.
Mrs. David MacLean of Port
Stanley would like to announce
the marriage , of her laughter,
Miss Nancy Anne Phillips-to Mr.
Lou 'Haggerty of F ingal, Ontario.
The bride was given away by
her step-father, Mr. David Mac-
Lean of Port Stanley. 26-7-1
Mr. and Mrs. A. George Gray,
R.R.2, Dublin, are pleased to
announce the forthcoming mar-
riage of their daughter, Marjorie
Sandra to Mr. Gary Alvin Kemp,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Kemp,
R.R.1, Fullerton. The marriage
will take place at 4 P.M. on
October 20, 1973 at Reorganized
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints, Stratford. 26-7x1
The family, of FlorencaDolmage,
Seaforth, wish to announce the
marriage of their mother, to Mr.
Ralph Warnes, Seaforth, son of
Mrs. Edith Warnes, Sarnia. Mar-
riage to take place 6:00 P.M.,
October 5, 1973 in First Pres-
byterian Church, Seaforth.
27. Births
JEWITT - To Mr. and Mrs.
Gary Dewitt, R.R.4, Clinton, at
Seaforth Community Hospital on
September 25, 1973, a daughter.
28. Deaths
KNUCKLE - At Woodstock Gen-
eral Hospital on Sunday, Septem-
ber 23, 1973, Hanna E. (Nash)
Knuckle, widow of James w.
Knuckle of 18 Chapel Street,
Woodstock, in her L9Oth year.
Dear mother of Mrs. Victor
(Phyllis) Petersen of (Galt)
Cambridge. 2 brothers and 3
sisters predeceased her. Funeral
service was held from the M. D.
(Mac) Smith Funeral Home,
Woodstock, on Wednesday, Sept.
26 at 2 P.M. Interment was
made in Oxford Memorial Park'
Cemetery, Woodstock. z8-7-1
' DETIUZ ems 9.1WRCI Eignondville
Sun. Sept.3d
at 11100 and 7i20
Special speaker...
Rev. Win. Cramp
Mgr. Fair Havens Bible
A11 Welcome
Queen contestants wait anxiously for the results of the
competition for Queen of the Fair to be announced. From
left to right are Patti Carter, Mafg Van Dyke, Susan Hilde-
brand, Joan Noble, Karen Regier and Janet Scott. The
contestants were judged by the administrator and two staff
members from the Ingersoll Hospital. (Staff Photo)
With drums beating and banners blowing, the colour party
and band from S.D.H.S., under the. leadership of George • Hildebrand, led the parade to the Fairgrounds on Friday.
(Staff Photo)
1 pound knackw-urst
2 tablespoons brown sugar
2 teaspoons prepared mustard
1 tablespoon vinegar -
1/4 small green pepper, cut
1 tablespoon.fieely chopped
2 cans (16 ounces each) pork
and beans
Combine brown Sugar, mus-
tard and vinegar. Add green
pepper and onion and combine
with- baked beans. Cut knack-
wurst into,1Linch pieces and fold__
into bean Mixture. PlaCe in
a 1 1/2-quart casserole, Bake
in a moderate overn(350degKees_.
F.) 30 minutes. 4 to 6 ser vi ngs.
students from • St. James school learned to do household chores the'llard way, with a
churn, a wooden cookstove and a flat iron on their prize winning 'Remember When?' float in
the fair parade on Friday. (Staff Photo)
The busiest lady the Pair on Friday (and for several
days before) was Mrs. Kathleen Cuthill, secretary treasurer
of the Seaforth Agricultural SOciety, who kept trank of the
whole show. Mrs. Cuthill took a minute off from her duties
in her portable office to take a look at the Fair in aotion.
(Staff Photo)
• New utility tractors
• New big diesels—with more power, less noise, less smoke
• New big Hydros
n New wide choice of gas, diesel, turbo, non-turbo, gear drive and Hydro
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• New IH ISOMOUNT isolators to reduce vibration
• New operating ease and comfort
• More choice, more productivity, more tractor value—now
Name 'the date... we'll demonstrate
Member Canada Deposit ,
Insurance Corporation
HarteY -arid Steven, three year old twins of Mr. and Mrs.
Leen Vandeban, Boxoboro, toured the Fairgrounds On Friday
and were pleased with everything they Saw (including their
father's booth where he gave away samples of cantaloupe).
(Staff Photo)
Go IH Red