HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-09-27, Page 1174 Mustang Come see the reasons why it's being called `Mini Thunderbird' USED CAR BUYS '1495 9995 1195 1295 1969 PLYMOUTH Satellite 2-door hardtop, V- 8, automatic. Licence DDP117. 1970 IMPALA Custom 2-door hardtop, power brakes, power steering, V-8, automatic, finish- ed in silver metallic and bl'ack'top. Licence DFU238 1970 FORD Custom 4-door, V-8, automatic, power steering. Licence DHA887. 1968 FORD Fairlane, 2-door hardtop, 6 cylinder, automatic, radio,' whitewalls. Licence DFU215. -BUY OF THE WEEK 1967 PLYMOUTH FURY III, 4-door, hardtop, V-8, automatic, power brakes, pow2rsteering, needs paint. CERTIFIED Price . . You Tell Us! Door Prize Winner At Our '74 Car Showing Earl Ratz, RR 2, Dashwood 111121,0112•11, It's Our ' 9th Anniversary SALE 10% Off -All RegUlar Merchandise. Not Already Discounted Don't Miss The Savings In Our 7 WAREHOUSE SALE ( Located 2 Blocks North of Our Store 105 RICHMOND ST. FORMER HENSALL MOTORS BODY SHOP OCTOBER 2 to 6 Open 9:00 to 9:00 Saturdey to 6:00 p.m. Savings 50% -.6.*".60WWWW•rWww,..WN,r-anWwW~~•.0%.0 .1 • Chesterfields • Lamps • Dining Room Suites • Mattresses • Chairs • Bedroom Suites • Kitchen Suites • Hoover Appliances • Odds 'n Ends Many One-of-A-Kind Bargains — Shop Early For Best Selection Bonthron Furnituro. Hensel' 2824016 WatclrFor The Signs Leading To Our Warehouse Sale • TOR HURON EXPOSITOR, $ Folow, ONTIMErr, of Irrrn NEWS OF Winchelsea 0111TUARY r r-71N—s""uft—illi-"""cg ""1 .Correspondent Mrs. Wm. Walters Miss Ruth Horne of London, visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Horne on Sunday. Mrs. John Coward visited on Sunday with Mrs, ,tat isson Woods 2?,f Elimville. Mrs. 13111 Taylor, David and 14 Vickie visited over the weekend with Mr.-and Mrs. Laurence Tay- lor and family. Miss Phyllis Taylor has entered Western University for the coming year. Mrs. Howard Daynaan, Lau- rie Charlene and Darcy of Kippen and Mrs. Danny Walters of Hensel! visited -on- Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walters. Mrs. Ray Cottle of Exeter visited on 'Tuesday with Mrs. Wm. Walters. Jack Riddell, M.P.P,, for Huron and Hon. Leo Bernier, Minister of Natural Resources, announced the approval of a pro- vincial grant of an additional $3,550. to the Ausable Bay- field Conservation Authority for the Authority office and work- shop. „ Previously a grant was authorized to apply on the cost of certain alterations to be carried out on the office and workshop building which included en- largement of the boardroom, pro- vision of a staff room, additional storage space and washroom facilities and improvements in the 'workshop section. When these alterations were being undertaken, it was dia. `covered that the entire building *, - EDWARD J. McGRATH Edward J. McGrath of R.,11.2, Dublin died spddenly in Stratford .on Tuesday. He was stricken " • - while at work at Cleaver Brooks Ltd. where he had been employed for some years. He was 43. Born in Dublin, he was a son of Mrs. Harriette McGrath and the late p,atrick J. McGrath. He is survived by his widow, the former Helen McLlwain to whom he was married at Dublin in 1949 and by a son John E. of Kitchener and a daughter Patricia Mrs. Michael MacRae of Dublin. He also is survived by his mother and by brother Patrick of Dublin andMichael of Egmond- ville and sisters Miss Mary Mc- Grath, London and Eleanor, Mrs. George Murray, London and by three grandchildren. Resting at the R. S. Box Funeral Home,Seaforth. Funeral mass in St. Columban Church on Thursday at 10:30 a.m. with Rev. 4 presents ELIMVILLE W.I. Elimville W.I. met Wednesday at the hall with Mrs. Phil Johns in charge. Roll call was ans- wered by "How parents can co- operate with school teachers", Mrs. Eric Clayburn sang a solo and read a selection. Ruth Skin- ner also gave a reading. The Fall Rally will be at Centralia College, Oct. 1 with Elimville to supply a musical number in the morning session. An invitation was -accepted to visit DaShwood W.I. .October 2. It was agreed to send $25 to Information - South Huron and to send a letter to Hon. WM. Stewart and Jack Riddell M.P.P. opposing the closing of Centralia College of Agriculture and Tech- nology. work in the Area to provide recreational day-use facilities which will include fishing, pic- nicking and bathing and intends to construct a service road, erect fencing, construct a parking area, carry out tile drainage work, provide toilet facilities and carry out other general development work. All member municipalities will bear the Authority's share of the cost. 6 •2 sauce 1 can (4 ounces) sliced mushrooms 2 tablespoons sliced, stuffed .grepn olives P.A. Oostveen officiating. Inter- ment in St. Columban Cemetery. MRS. SAM McCURDY aAi Mrs. Sam (Sarah) McCurdy, Exeter passed away at South Huron Hospital, September 1'7, 1973 in her 75th year. She was the wife of Sam McCurdy and sister of Mrs. Wilbert (Annie) Miller, Staffa and Malcplm McKellar,Seaforth. She was the daughter of the late Mr.' and Mrs. Sandy McKellar. A brother , Duncan and sister, Mrs. John Hamilton, predeceased her. She was a member of Cromarty Presbyterian Church. Funeral service was held from the Hopper-Hockey Funeral Home September 19, 1973 with Rev. Wilfred Jarvis officiating. Interment was in Roy's Cemetery. Pallbearers were Jack Stewart, Floyd Stewart, Robert Hamilton, Jim Miller, Gordon McKellar and Malcom Dimond. GERMAN FOOD GERMAN MUSIC fedvrIng: THE ALPENAIRES and BOBBY DOWNS' ORCHESTRA With 17 applicants from all over the province to consider, Hensall council had a tough job last week picking the munici- pality's new clerk. Earle Shapter, 54,, a municipal clerk from the Huntsville area, was named to succeed Earl Campbell, Hensall's clerk since 1947, who Is ' retiring at the end of this year. Council selected Mr.Shapter because he had more experience than the others who applied, Mr. Campbell said. "Some appli- cants had three pages of quali- fications, but little experience", lie said. Mr. Shapter 'recently made his third visit to Hensall since he was named the new clerk. Mr. Campbell, a former Huron warden who farmed on the second concession of Hay Town- ship until 1960, says he is retir- ing because the municipal clerk's job is becoming " too complicated", with an excessive number of forms being required by provincial government depart- ments. "It's a younger man's job. I don't think Toronto even News of Woodham Correspondent Miss Jean Copeland Dr. and Mrs. Grant Mills and Doug of Calgary, Alberta and Mrs. Ray Mills of St. Marys, visited during the week with Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne Rodd and family and. Misses Blanche and Rhea Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Beve rley West- man of Granton and Miss Janet Westmap of London were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. lenn Copeland, Cynthia, Ellenand Deanna. Mr. and Mrs. William ence, David, Susan, Steven a Sandra y guests with Mrs. Florence o na .pf Exeter,, - wing 14cWrct.TAIs cam it took in' the Bus trip to Stoney Creek and St. George on Thursday sponsored by the Kirkton Women's Institute: Mesdames Lawrence Beckett, Vic j•ansson, Lloyd Jaques, Gerald Brintnell, Duncan Mc- Naughton, Robert Elston, Otto Reimer, Fred Parkinson, Wil- liam Spence, Austin Timms, Harold O'Brien, John Rodd, and Miss Jean Copeland. Mrs. John Butters, Mr. and Mrs. George Wheeler and Mr, and Mrs. David wheeler and Steven visited Sunday, afternoon with Rev. and Mrs. John C. Cooke of Thamesford. knows 'much about what the var- ious departments serdout and ask us to do", he said. He expects to find lots to keep him busy when he retires, Mr. Campbell, who admits to being "over 70", added. Baptismal service held The Sacrament of Infant Bap- tism was held In Hensall United Church Sunday morning. Denise Nicole infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Brown received the rights of baptism. The choir sang the anthem "God's Child am 1". Rev. Don Back preached on the sermon topic "The claims of Baptism." At Chiselhurst - David John, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Jacobi, and Jodi Beth daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sararas received the rights of baptism. St. Pau's' AC The A,C.W, of St. Penis An- glican Church met at the home of Mrs. D. Windover. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President, MI-s. Windover presided. The meeting opened with the members prayer and devotions from the Living Mes- sage which was taken by Mrs. Windover and Mrs. Serabulk. A motion was made to send $25 to the United Pledge Fund. Roll call was answered with a , Bible verse having the work 'Joy" in it. Saturday, Octob• er 20 was the date set for the Bazaar and Bake sale. Amber Rebekah lodge meets Amber Rebekah Lodge met Wednesday „evening with N.G., Mrs. Irene Blackwell presiding and assisted by V.G. Mrs. Aldeen Volland. It was reported that Sister Hazel Corbett is confined to her home. It was decided to invite Tony Kyle to ,,the Lode rooms on iS9pteniber to 304 .21/Mit ,fiti,IOMO WIAti the Pligriniage for Youth nited Nations tour in New York which he attended in July. The . Com- mittees in charge will attend to lunch, after which there will be a social hour of cards. Mrs. Alice Ferg and Mrs. Leona Parke volunteered to visit the Queen- sway Nursing Home. Installation of officers will take place on October 3 in the Lodge rooms with D.D.P. of Huron District 23, Mrs, Mary Gregg and her staff installing new officers of Amber Rebekah Lodge. Mrs. Aldeen Volland and Mrs. Marg Ingram volunteered to can- vass for the C.N.LB. sometime in October. The Charter was draped in memory of three past presidents of the Grand Lodge. A number had had birthdays since the last meeting and Happy Birth- day was sung to them. A card was sent to Mrs. George Walker who celebrated her 92nd birthday recently. WHEN YOU NEED PROTECTION S bmeone suftera an accident on yolar property - suit is entered and the judgment eats up every- thing you've made and saved. Don't face such a chance, see us , about Liability Insurance NOWI 1N5UROICE OF ALL KINDS Ad GUARANTEED INVESTMENTS • DUBLIN MITCHELL 34 -2512. 34 -9067 MILL STREET • DUBLIN ,ONT WM, At!FER'X' 13g14. Wtlliauui Rpbert Bell of • paquel away at Huroaviei Clinton on Saturday, September 22, 1973 in his SW year. He was th,a..heloySti husband of the late Gertrude Zuefle and father of John, Chatham; Willie)* B. Hensall; Ronald, Winduor; Donald, Toronto; Robert Thamesford; Mrs., John (Mar- garet) Brown, Peterboro; Mrs. Henning (Alma) Ingamensen, Chi- cago; Ellen Knight, Exeter; brother of Elliot R., Toronto, and Mrs. (Jessie) Campbell, Windsor. He also is survived by 17 grandchildren and twogreat grandsons. The late Mr. Bell rested at the Bonthron Funeral Chapel until Monday September 24th thence to Carmel Presbyterian Church when service was held at 2 p.m. with Rev. Donald Beck officiating. 3 DAYS ONLY This ThUts. Fri. and Sat. Corduroy, Brushed Denim, Cotton Pants Girls Sizes to 16 UP TO Boys Sizes to 18 , SAVE 500/it Boys and Girls FALL ; JACKETS WHITE 1/3 OFF Balance of Childrens & Ladies LEATHER SHOES To 50% OFF Children and Adults SNOWMOBILE , • BOOTS 15°A.OFF TAYLOR'S READY-TO-WEAR'''" MAIN ST. Huron's Largest Selection of Children's Wear New clerk visits Henson , ZURICH ARENT! )FRIDAY, SEPT.28 S PA. - 1 A.M. Huron M.P.P. announces new grants for area PORK CHOPS MADRID pork loin or rib chops, cut 3/4 to 1 inch thick tablespoons lard or drippings I/2 teaspopn herb seasoning needed a new roof, as well, '1/2 teaspoon salt • installation of additional wash- 1 /8 teaspoon pepper room facilities, a new septic 1/2 cup chopped onion tank and tile bed was essential, 1 can (8 ounces) tomato and also additional furniture and equipment were needed for the enlarged boardroom and offices. The Authority proposs to under- take these essentia jd improve- ments to complete this capital development program. Brown pork chops in lard or A grant of $1,500 also has drippings. Pour off .drippings. been approved for the Clinton' • Season with herb seasoning, salt (formerly Maynard-Carrie)• and,: pepper. Cover tightly and' Conservation Area. cook slowly 30 minutes. Com- The Area comrises some 12 bine onion, tomato sauce and acres of land in Tuckersmith. mushrooms, including liquid. It is traversed by the Bayfield Pour over chops. Cover tightly Riven for a distance of about and , cook slowly an additional 1000 feet. 30 minutes or until done. Stir .. The. Authority proposes 'to in olives., Serve sauce with carry autlt initial. ders1opment chb4s,,`0 sekVino. 01iITUARIE$— Zurich Lions CIO & Chamber of Commerce ZURICHFEST'73 Admission: $1.00' per porml Remember ... It's Sense To See Snider's ,Huron County's Largest Ford Dealer LIMITED EXETER 23S-1640 LONDON 227-4191 Open Weekdaks Until 9:00 SC Jrdays Until 6:013 Snider Motors Cluetmereteinernyt. Way in 130#41$ . Pall,* ere were flv0 4139010,-, . 1011114.9xne0041,1117144.D24044.411, .tWRO:birrt 51:01 I x ono!, ., 1 G and Allan Knight. in . Abanuto •AA Expositor Classified will I f4 pay you dividends. Rave YOU I rwne, "M74tne„ tried one? Dial 527-0240. • Chartorad Accountants 476 Main St. S. EXETER B. W. REID, C.A. BANGIIART, KELLY; DOIG COr •:# LADIES * Dresses Pant Suits * Blouses * Sweaters ;' Slacks Sizes 8 to 44 CLEARING AT 4 les PRICES UP TO 1/ OFF * Boys' Winter Jackets To Size 18 Girls Winter Jackets • To Size 14X * Girls' Winter Coats 6 To Size 14X * Snowmobile Suits 150/0 OFF • AII'Ladies & Girls SNOW- BOOTS - • UP .1050% OFF HENSALL aa.amanowaremb 285412.0 LADIES . . . FALL JACKETS 1/3 OFF