HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-09-20, Page 15VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE ' ALL MAKES - BOB PECK VARNA 262-5748 19-4-tf *0, INN Tree Planting Assistance Those wishing to have land reforested in 1974 are requested to make applications by October 1st 1973 Contact the; Secretary-Treastrer, MAITLAND VALLEY CONSERVATION AUTHORITY box 6, Wroxeter, Ontario. 610-335-3557. 19-5-2 All small farm stock picked up tree .of charge as a service to you. YOU MAY OBTAIN A WRITTEN REPORT FROM A QUALIFIED VETERINARIAN UPON RE- QUEST. Call collect - 482-9811 7 days a week - 24 hours a day License No. 378t42 Call us first, you won't have to call anyone else:: 19-4-ti Mortgage Money Available $7,000 to $13,000. First mortgage only. Private source . Apply to Box 50, • Brussels, Ontario. 19-6-1 HURON PINES ELECTRIC 86 King Street Industrial, residential', farm wiring. Clinton - 482-7901 Prop. Budd 151-4-ft 1 1 $'REWARD$ we Are now paying up to $ 18e, for --Dead and . Dis bled Cows and Horses -and Stocker Cattle - ' all small animals pick-up free •as a service to you: We have three trucks to service you 24-hours 7 days a week. Rhone Collect - 887-9334 Brussels Pet Food Supplies Clean' Furnaces in Seaforth and surrounding district, fully licensed. 482- 9411. 19-6-4 Will PLOUGH' gardens. Contadt JOHN MU IR 527-1197. 19-6-5 Towers Antennas Rotors and Boosters installation and repairs HAROLD ELLIOTT ' Hensall 262-5372 19-6-4 tTHWELL'S A.1C-OSOCZfzirdistAll CLEARING AUCTION SALE To be held for Mr. Tom Shortreed, 1 1/2 miles west of Walton or 5 miles east , • of Blyth on SAT , SEPT 29 At 1:15 P.M. . Consisting of Machinery, furniture and antiques. Full listing next week TERMS - Cash No Reserve Farm Sold RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE Brucefield - 48?-3120 20-6-1 AUCTION CALENDAR Auctioneers '& Appraisers Clinton Monkton 482-3409 347-2465 482-7898 AUCTION CALENDAR Sat.Sept.22 - at 1 P.M. sale of ho sehold furni- ture for , orne Jervis, Goderich Twp. 21 west anti mile and one qu ter north of Clinton. Sat.Eept.2.9 - Napier St., Mitchell - Clearing Auc- tion Sale of Blacksmith Tools and Antique Car " Parts fOr Wesley J.B.Scoins Estate. 20-6-1 21. Tenders Wanted Township of McKillop SNOW REMOVAL for winter of 19'73 - 1974 SEALED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned until 12 Noon. a SEPTEMBER 28., 1973 for snow removal on Township Plans are set for big match September 25 to 29 are im- portant dates to keep in mind. The 1973 Internatioal Plowing Match and Farm MachineryShow will be held on these dates, on the J.D. McGugan and neighboring farms near Alvinston in Lambton County. The Match will be of- ficially opened September 25 by His Excellency., Governor- General J. Roland Michener. Ontario is also host for the Canadian Plowing Champion- ships, which will be held at the same site on September 27." En- trants from seven provinces will be competing for the right to represent Canada at the 1974 World plowing Match In Finland. About 600 acres will be used for the Match Site. Tented City, covering approximately 75 acres, will accommodate more thin 300 exhibitors in tents and buildings. Rural and urban visitors will see everything from the latest in farm machinery, to new automo- biles, to home appliances, on display. There are 37 classes for the more than 700 competitors in the tractor and horSe-draWn plowing competitions. As well. there Are special classes, such as the Queen of the Furrow, Wardens' Class and Canadian Open. Tractor-drawn wagons will Win. hand to drive interested Obe4. tators to the plowing fieldt via back. Tog HURON 40.0•ps.f:Tp1;..s.040R01;•;-0Oril••••;01.1..rt :1,1*-415: , .. • •• ..• • . ee.. vice. 15-4-tf _ Tpartnient for rent available SepteMber 15th, 2 bedrooms and bath. Heat and water supplied. lo • Apply J.C.Crich. 15-5-2 • 16. For Sale or Rent &WO mdchine tapes for most rd adding machines avail- at , The „Huron Eipositor.' -0240, geafor. i _ticti '19. Notices ,HARDTMAN & STRACK LTD. ,Mortgages are our only business, 4 Confidential, competent service, ,you to purchase a home or cot- for mortgages -from $1,501 to Phone; Clinton 482-9892 'Let Waterloo's oldest and most construction loans, call collect, • home to consolidate debts or to improve it without ember- easing credit investigations; for experienced mortgage firm help' tage; to uSe the equity in your Monday to United Co-Operatives: pick-up at your farm phone by: of Ontario. To arrange fot Saturday night. we—aie shipping cattle eve-ry WILLIAM J. DALE • NOTICE 19-4-tf .Waterloo 884-6030. , 19-4.4 Phone Clinton, 482-3320. 19-4-ti EAVESTROUGHING - aluminum or galvanized. Estimates without obligation. R. E. Ruttan, Wing- 'ham, Phone 357-10'77. 19-4-tt WE SELL AND SERVICE' ACCUTRON BULOVA CARAVELLE WATCHES 527-1720 1 9-4-If Ross Jewitt's Service-, wishes to Lic. 399-C-7a 19-4-tf If you are thinking of buying 01 Oelltng vi a w f..,1 ,m tJl v T 04.1,tim ,QUES t ifew --2"b OR USED FURNITURE :contact • NORM WHITING Exeter, 235-1964 we buy estates, household lots or single articles. 19-4-tf • HURON -DEAD STOCK REMOVAL Clinton, Ontario We are now paying $5.00 - $15.00 for fresh dead or disabled cows and horses over 500 lbs. Two trucks to serve you better. Fast, efficient service. 20. Auction S les AUCTION SALE For AT 1 P.M. Farm machinery including 3 tractors, bean equipment, tillage • equipment, tools, miscellaneous articles. No reserve farms are sold JACKSON & JACKSON' Auctioneers L istowel 20-5-2 - AUCTION SALE Of Farm Machinery for P. J. Keller, 1/2 mile east of Exeter on No. 83 Highway, • FRIDAY, SEPT. 28 Af 1:30 one Colsa sprayer with attach- ments, un. grain auger, 1 HP motor, lwo sets '9 section hat. rows with draw bars, one 8 sec. draw bar, one 12 ft. land packer with transit wheels, one 2 wheel , trailer, one John Deere rotary hoe, one open face bale elevator, Stewart electric clippers, 3 tarps, fanning mill, pump, hose, 1972 Blyjagd skido, model 340, set harrows and levelling bar, 4 row bean' puller and' extra set knives, bean windrower, one MH and one John Deere hydraulic TERMS: CASH R. J KELLER Proprietor HUGH FILSON & TOM ROBSON Auctioneers. 666-0833 - PHONE - 666-1967 20-6-2 AUCTION SALE Of„ and Antitiuu. . for Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Jervis at Lot 25, Con- cession 14, Goderich Township, 2 1/2 miles west of Clinton on Highway #8, then north 1/2 mile, oh SAL SEPT, 22 At 1:00 P.M. Vacuum cleaner nearly new; Flour bin; Antique doll cradle; Christmas tree stand and decorations; Wicker, baskets; Large antique washstand with towel bars, antique- wash- stand; Large oval mirror, wood frame, several other mirrors; Antique clothes box; Boot rack, vanity set; Wooden bed, dresser, and washstand; chest of drawers, antique; Press- back chair, pedal sewing machine over 100 years old; pressback rocking chair; hand carved picture frame; china c abing; ches- terfield and matching chairs, excellent condition; round wicker parlour table: round parlour table, antique fumed oak lounge, new leatherette covering; several other parlour tables; Mason and Risch piano, piano stool; coffee table; steel folding picnic table; Coleman oil heater; electric heater; table lamps; two floor lamps; pin up lamps; foot stool; carpet sweeper; fumedOak round table centre pedestal with 3 leaves, six match- ing chairs and buffet; cook stove, ranget; bookshelf; quilting frames and clamps; Kelvinator fridge; two clothes racks; 4 1/2' x 6' rug, picture frames; 2 pairs of drapes, lawn chairs; several wooden chairs; 8 place setting of dishes; 4 place setting of dishes; utensils and many items not mentioned; pots and pans; 22 rifle, croquet set; 35 gal. oil drum; 19" lawn mower; 24 ft. exten- sion ladder; garden tools; flower pots; 200 ft. elec- tric wire new; 100 ft. of garden hose, sap pails and spiles; misc. tools. TERMS CASH No Reserve Owner or Auctioneers not responsible for accidents - day of sale. RICHARD LOBB Clinton R. G GETHKE Bornholm Auctioneers VY-6-1 '20. Auction Sales Otititetiding • Bankrupt Auction' '('\' Sale Thursday and Friday .Sept. 20 & 21 of New Furniture. Appliances and Gift wares 8 p.m. Brussels I, Ronald Ball Auctions, have been authorized to sell a large stock by auction • of new furniture, appliances and gift ware with everything to be sold to highest bidder. ChesterfieldS, French, Colonial and Spanish material in velvet, herculon and 5 different colors of eachrSfYie. Stereo and component sets, AM FM solid sate 4 speed record playeri, built in. 8 track, tape deck. Bedroom suites, Colonial, Spanish, French Provincial with 9 drawer dresser, 5 drawer chest and headboard. Lamps, bedroom, table, swag , pole, oil , many styles and colors. Kitchen suites - swivel Colonial, barrel and ladder back. 7-piece Spanish with round, and oval table. Coffee and end table sets, Spanish, hexagon Colonial, French Provincial with brass handles and beautiful carving. Refrigerators, Leonard, frost free, 15 1/2 Cu, ft. 2 door height 59", width 30 ", colors, white gold,. avocado. Recliners 3, positions, swivel, maple, Boston, rocker, green, gold and black. Continental beds, 120 springs, multi quilt material, nylon. Sizes, King, Queen, double and single. Eectric stoves, Leonard, 30" or 24", porcelain lined, snap-in burners, clock, timer, removable oven door, colors, green, gold and white. T.V. cabinet model, colored or black and white, portables with 30 day guarantee. • Washers - Fully automatic 18 lb. capacity s ud saver timer. Colors, green, gold and white. Dryers - Automatic timer, green; gold and white. Gift ware and hardware. Watches, radios, sets of dishes, socket sets," tools, silverwear, kettles, irons, toasters, bathroom scales, brass, crystal, etc. Terms of Sale - Cash, cheque or handy - plan. T.K.M. budget rates. $250 - pry $ 9.81 per month $500--pay $19.67 per month $1000 - pay $39.39 per month ' $2000 - pay $78.78 per month. Sale conducted by RONALD BALL AUCTIONS BrusSels, Ontario. , Audtioneer - Ronald Ball 887-9363 Sales every Thursday and Friday nights. • 20-6-1 • :THWELL'S 1d), .40 r's# ESTATE AUCTION To be held in the Village of Blyth on SATURDAY: SEPT. 22 At 1:15 P.M. For the Estate of Mrs. Alice Radford PROPERTY - Two bedroom red brick, one storey home with large sun porch, living room, dining room, 3 pc. bath, back entrance, full basement, oil furnace, single car garage. Large treed lot must be seen to be appreciated. 10% down, balance in 30 days. Selling subject to low reserve. FURNITURE AND ANTIQUES - 5 pc. Walnut dining room suite; Rogers Majestic color T.V.; chesterfield and matching chair; swival rocker; chesterfield; upholstered chairs; chrome table and 4 chairs; writing desk; three pc. bedroom suite; cedar chest; steel bed; vanity; dressers; chest of drawers; end table; small tables; Westinghouse upright freezer; G.E. 4 burner stove; McClary refrigerator; kitchen appliances; Singer tredal sewing machine; folding table and chairs; ginger bread clock; lamps; pictures; glass and china and many more items. TERMS Cash RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE ,41~,~41,10.1010.4.4.~.~1,01.400041. EXECUTORS - Mr. Jack Lee Brucefield - '482-3120 No Reserve on contents. Mr. Bill Radford 20-6-1 • ' Meads for the VIiter of 1973- 197-4." " Tenders must state, specifIcat.. ' ions of eqUipMent, price per hr. and proof of WOrkinen'sCompen- Sation and Public Liability In- surance. Standby time will be paid only those days the machines are not in operation. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. William .G. Campbell Road Superintendent, R.R.1, Seaforth, Ontario.. 21-5-2 COUNTY OF HURON Tender For Trucks SEALED' TENDERS on forms and in envelopes available from the office of the undersigned will be accepted until 5;00 'p.m., op: MONDAY Oct.15, 1973 for the following: HC-73-10'7 - 6 - 1/2 ton pick- up trucks HC-73-108 - 3 - 3/4 ton vans Trade-ins will be offered on each new unit. • The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. W. Britnell, P. Eng., Huron County Engineer, Court House, Goderich, Ontario. 21-6-1 22. Legal Notices Tax Sale Township of Tuckersmith The Township of Tuckersmith is holding the adjourned tax sale on October 2, 1973 at 9:00 P.M. in the Huron Centennial School, Brucefield, at which time the Township intends to purchase the property listed. James I. McIntosh Clerk-Treas. 22-6-1 23. Bus. Directory R. Si BOX -FUNERAL HOME Atones: Day 527-0880 - Night 827-0885 z 3-4-tf NORM WHITI NG LICENSED AUCTIONEER - APPRAISER Prompt, Courteous, Efficient, ANY TYPE, ANY SIZE, ANYWHERE We give complete sale service. PROFIT BY EXPERIENCE Phone Collect 235-1964 Exeter 23-4-tf PERCY WRIGHT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Kippen, Ontario Telephone 262r5515, Hensall '23-4-tf SEAFORTH ELECTRONICS ZENITH & PHILCO. DEALER Service to all makes T.V's., Radios, 'Etc. 17 Sperling St. - phone 527-1150 23-4-ff JOHN E. LONGSTAFF , OPTOMETRIST By Appointment Only Seaforth Office Tues,wed., Thurs.,Fri., 9 to 5:30 P.M. Thursday evenings ' tionday only - Clinton Officb For Appointment -Phone 527-3240 - or 482-7010 2.3. Bus. Direct* G. A. Wilnlay FUNSRAI.J. Goderich StoW*,130ifeakk. Phone 527-1390 , gerfdrth W. J. CT A ttY Seaforth, Ontario LICgNONP NMHAtiolilD AND • FUNERAL DIRE Night, anoil Day Calls - 5 23-3-tt Loa ROWMP TRANSPORT utp -t P.C. V. Class CDF & M , Serving Dublin & Seaforth arras Phone. 345-2301 Dublin anytimet 23 tr 24. Cards of Thanks I would like to thank my relatives,.. friends, the doctors and nurses of Sea-forth, University & Victoria Hospitals and Thamesford Lodge, druing my illness. Their kind- ness will long be appreciated. A special thanks to Dr. and Mrs. R.A.Whitman who were so kind to me. - Fred Lithgow. 24-6-1 I would like to thank my friends, neighbors and relatives for cards, flowers and gifts sent me while, a patient in Sea-forth Com- munity Hospital. A special thanks to. Dr. Haertsch and Dr. Malkus, the nurses and Rev. T. Mulholland . - Edith McMillan. 24-6x1 Words cannot express our sincere thanks and appreciation to the Town a Seaforth, Seaforth Fire Department, Seaforth Fire Area Board, Huron County Mutual Aid for the beautiful gifts and a social evening we will never forget. - Jack and Hazel Scott. 24-6x1 Wilfred and Dorene Coleman would like to express their sincere appreciation to their family, and to all their friends anti relatives who helped make their Anniversary party such a memorable, event; also many thanks for the gifts and lovely cards. 24-6x1 25. In Memoriam McNICHOL - In loving memory of a dear mother, Elizabeth A. McNichol who passed away 4 years ago Sept. 21, 1969. Deep in my heart lies memory More precious than silver or gold Is a picture of my mother Whose memory will never grow old Not a day do I forget you In my heart yOu are always here For I loved you dearly and miss you As it dawns - another year. -Remembered always --daughter Annie. 25-6x1 BROWN - I n loving memory of a dear husband, father and grand- father, Edward Brown who passed away 12 years Sept. 21, 1961. They say time heals all sorrow And helps one to forget • But time has only proved to us How much we miss hiin yet. - Lovingly remembered by wife, Liz, sons Jim and Bill, daugh- ters, Bea, Jacqueline,Helen Ann, Marg., Linda and family. 25-6-1 26. Personal Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Wynja are proud to announce the forth- coming marriage of their daughter }Jessie to Mr. David Harold Kipfer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Kipfer of Hensall. The wedding will take place October 12, 1973 at Bethel Reformed Church, Exeter at 7:00 p.m. 26-6x1 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mansfield, Vancouver, B.C. and Mrs. Anne Carnochan, Seaforth, announce the marriage of their children Dorothy Eileen and Grant Alexander. The marriage took place on September 7, 1973 at Banff, Alberta. 26-6.. 1 27. Births KNETSCH - To Mr. and Mrs. F red Knetsch , Shelburne, Ontario at Alexandra & Marine Hospital, Goderich, on September 14, 1973 , a daughter. 27-6x1 lu ,(Continued P • ceive A 'compllileentary kit she esiffilt PT,' 0:1"1, Milies WO* Pfileur, ef Health for NPrulkt attended the' Cemmittee meet to how the, slides, *Ore transparencies, b00,10, etc.could be used by the Physical Educe,- tiOn teacher who Will use tbeKit She 'said Dr. Phis will set up, workshop te:assist the te4hing (MVO). . Mrs, Me said the subject is not new but has been on th,e, seer l prevention, like t rn net ri lectures es is 144100 he cSr on s ae students rrn la r t 1 're" ndrcr)et hit; • wasiviarld'Zinnif Vsalepd. thwaasIrre.VMeltt In the County but he Stated (IOC* tors 'do not report cases and that a visit 'to a doctor by a student is kept confidential. John Henderson asked dUr- ing the year, any time during the year, one, of the teachers could attend a Board meeting =Pogo through a regular lesson just as If' before- students."_ He said, "I'm afraid a lot of the board members do not know what is going on. I feel that what is be- ing taught about sex, instead of thheelpmin.4 students, is hindering When asked if he wanted the initial lesson in the Kit, or a middle one, mr. Henderson re- plied, "I want one they think would be real interesting." Clarence McDonald asked why the V.D. teaching kit would start in Grade' 7 and Mrs. Zinn said she had questioned this too. She reported that she was informed Grade 7 students would net get the same lesson as High School students but on a level suitable for their age group. The Board denied a request from John Ball, Geography tea- cher at the Seaforth District High School, for assignment as a tea- cher with the Department of Na- tional Defence Schools overseas for a two-year term, oil the grounds that due to declining en,- rolmerts in Huron County schools it is becoming more difficult to release teachers for such two- year terms and hold their posi- tion open for their return. The Board reversed its de- cision re Paul Johnson of God- erich and he will be permitted to enrol in Central Huron Sec- ondary School in order to take the subjects of his choice. It was the feeling of the Education Committee that Board Policy really left the decision on this matter to the discretion of the Administration. A recommendation from the Management Committee to ac- cept the trade of Ross Scott Li-. ' mited of Brlicefierd as the fuel supplier for 16 schools and that of Sterling Fuels of London for two schools was accepted. Theirs were the lowest tenders. A request for an easement by the Town of Seaforth to construct about 600 feet of drain along the northerly boundary of Seaforth District High School for the pur- poses of a better drain cutlet for the Seaforth Community Centre area was approved subject to the ,playing field being returned to its original condition after con- struction of the drain. The Board approved -paying the frontage chlyges for the con- struction of water works in the Village of Zurich' relating to the water service to the Zurich Pub- lie School in one payment amount- ing to $3,250. The Board approved an in- crease from $25 per room per month to $35 per room per month to the Huron-p erth County Roman Catholic Separate School Board for the use by Queen Elizabeth School for Trainable Retarded of three classrooms in St. Peter's School, Goderich, for the period July 1, 1973, to June 30, 1974. 15. Property for Rent 19. Notices TWO bedroom apartment, hot " water, heat - hot water, laundry room with machine, dryer or outside clothes line. •Sultable for MAIM REPAIRS FAST BERME 527-1720 •19-4-tf SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern eqnipinent. adults. Phon a 527-1073 or All work guaranteed Jack Thompson's Footwear Ser- ANSTETT t Walton JEWELLERS LTD, THURSDAY, SEPT, 20TH' foliibrch :GORDON (TOM MURRAY a One MF 180, tractor with cab„ 1075 hours, one MF 135 tractor, 1280 hours, one MF seed drill, 'one MF disc, 12 ft, new; one ,MF 4 furrow plow, one John Deere planter, 4 row with insecticide attachments, one 3 drum roller, one New Idea 5 bar side rake,: two 7 ton John , Deere wagons , with heavy duty tires, Wagon box, hay rack and turnco grain box. One each Kongskilde and John gUarantee all work. Write Deere 11 ft 6. in, cultivators, or call Harvey Dale, Seaforth, cylinder two way, 2 large gates, ANSTETT buck rake, new fenders for 180 JEWELLERS . LTD. and many other Miscellaneous items. ittaforth T.K.M. budget .10 Use Expositor Want - Ads `Phone 527-0240 20. Auction Sales a, Tenders Wanted EVER SINCE THAT BIG RUBBER BAND DROPPED INTO THE COMPUTER, IT'S SEEN COMING. UP WITH A LOT OF SAP DECISIONS. 60 CLA