HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-09-20, Page 9Featuring a.,
• A,
Saturday evening was the co
lebration of the year wizen the
.Legion Hall was packed to capa-
city to wish Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
liam Hodgert congratulations on
their 25th Wedding Anniversary.
oPrienda from Goderich, Exe-
ter, and Mitchell were among
the 350 or more present, which
spoke well for the popularity of
the celebrants. The order was
"no gifts" but gifts came from
'several quarters.
Unfortunately, your corres-
pondent was unable to attend.
It seems that tripping the tight
fantastic ,has ,passed me by, tut
Memories. Memories of the "Chariest all"
and "The Lambeth Walk" are
very vivid in Iny memory.
Lois and Bill have spent ten
years of their lives tending those
who have become handicapped.
hey and their staff have gone
far beyond the path of duty in
their care and kindness to us all.
I can speak with the utmost au-
thority on this point, as I am
about to complete my 9th year as
a resident. Give up hope?
Never! There is so much to be
thankful for even in convales-
cence. But back to the,frivoll-
ties even though floor space for
dancing was at a premium. All
sport- a wonderful time. Gifts
g n were many. I shall Just
men ion those from groups.
A large silver tray presented
by Bob Beutemillar on behalf of
the Beaver Hockey Club. Also
an engraved sliver tray from
members of the family. A cut
glass lead crystal bowl from one
Thames Road
In the final game of the Us-
borne-H ibbert playoffs ahames
Road defeated Hibbert South by a
score of 10-2 and took home the
Bantam Boys' trophy. The
local team and their coaches,
Cliff Marsden and Jim Miller,
are to be congratulated on the
excellent showing they made
throughout the playoffs.
After winning two games each
in their playoffs for the men's
slow 'pitch championshii), Crom-
arty and Chiselhurst met for their
fifth and deciding game on Sun-
C• Modified: Bob Henshaw, 440-; Greg Armstrong, Zurich -
Ilderton - Ski Doo 440; Stan; Alouette 440; Stan Shead Streets-
Shead, Streetsville - Alouette vine -.Alouette 440.
440; John McGuire, Bramalea - , ' (--"-
Alouette 440; Dan Bound, Mark- Remember! It takes but a ham - Hupp 440. ' moment to place an Expositor
D Modified: John McGuire,. ,,,want Ad and be money in poctet.
Bramalea -'Alouette 440;" Jam To advertise, just Dial Seaforth
On Wednesday night at the Goderich Raceway in
the first race Victor H. Vole owned by Fred Fowler
was second with Frank MacDonald 'on the bike. Fourth
wins Sunset Anne owned by Ron and Geo. Feagan with
Gerry Roebuck en the bike. Deep Run Billy owned by
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. McLean was fifth with Bill driving.
Just A Touch owned by Ross Battle and driven by
Robert Fau:ds was out of the money.
In the second race Herb Mon owned by Dan Lerch,
London was fourth with Gerry Roebuck driving. Fifth
was Flying Apollo owned by John Buxton and driven by
William Caldwell. Match Pick owned by Velma Baird
was out of the money with Dennis Jewitt on the bike.
In the third race Mighty Mickie owned and driven
by William Caldwell was third. Derby Bob owned by
Robert McLean was fourth with Randy McLean on the
bike. Callie Joe owned by Ben and Jean Feagan and
driven by Gerry Roebuck was out of the money.
In the fourth race Brenda Hope owned by Carl and
Grant Fisher was fourth with Carl driving. Fifth was
Heather McDonald owned by W. Worrell and M. Whit-
taker with Gerry Roebuck on the bike. Sammy Seaway
owned and driven by Mac Sewers was out of the money.
The fifth race winner was Jay Bee Blaze owned
by Benson Feagan and driven by Gerry Roebuck. The
mile was in 2.10:3 with a pay off of $3.80. Jimmy the
Butler owned by Robert and H.O.Jerry was second
with Robert on the bike. Third was Wayne Express
owned and driven by George Caldwell. Deep Run
Frisco owned• by Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. McLean
was fourth' with Bill on the bike. , C. E. Parker
owned by Elmer 'Williams, Stratford, and Fred Gage
was out of the money with Dennis Jewitt on the bike.
In the sixth race Tarragon owned by John Cox
was second with Ron Williamson on the bike. Fifth
was Rocky Supreme C owned by Alfred Grummet
with Dennis Jewitt driving. Joe Howard owned by
August DeGroot with Bob Faulds driving was out
of the money.
In the seventh race Claybrook Ricci owned by
Kenneth Holmes and driven by Ron Williamson was
fourth. Yarrone owned by wrn. and Linda Gooch
was out of the money with Gerry Roebuck driving.
In the eighth race Hylyn Mary owned by Robert
Doig was second with Dennis Jewitt driving. Third
was Scarlet Slipper owned by Grant and Carl Fisher
with Carl driving.
The ninth race went to Miss Belle Bars owned
by Fred Fowler and driven by Frank MacDonald.
The mile was in 2.09:4 and the pay off was $3.10.
'Clever Larr3 owned by Wm. Laverty and Ron
Williamson was third in the tenth race with Ron on
the bike.
At the Clinton raceway Sun. afternoon the first
race winner was Pierre Harvester owned by John
"Smith and driven by Dennis Jewitt. The mile was
in 2.08:3 and the pay off was $24.20. Fourth was
Shadow Bars owned by Fred Fowler and driven by
Frank MacDonald. Janet Express owned and driven
-by Bill German was fifth. Miss Direct Baker owned
by Lorne Tyndall was out of the money with Norm
McKnight driving.
• In the second. race Scott's Boy owned by Edith
Semis and driven by John Duckworth was fifth.
41),;PIA. thirilaTACA.1°b and Ron Feagan
s •,,...PR,FAIME: Wice. Y D
1 • '
tailo Snowmobile Drag Cham-
The second event of the On-
Lakeside,- Ski Doo 290; Bob
A Modified: Fred Holden,
Henshaw, Ilderton - Ski Doo 290; pionships on Sunday provided
keen competition for Bully Gully Bob Henshaw, Ilderton - Ski Doo
290. racing fans.
The best time of the day was B Modified: Gary Vessair
turned in by Keith Vessair on an limey Harbour - Alouette 340;
Fred Holden, Lakeside - ski Doo Alouette 440 from Healey 290.
Harbor, the time 8.6 seconds for
1/8 mile strip. Top points man
for the day was Peter Nieuwen-
huizen on a Scorpion from
Watford with 145 points, John
McGuire on Alouette from
Bramalea was secdnd with 118.5T,
Top lady was Audrey Collins on
Roll-o-flex and chaparral from
Varna with 90 points, Nancy
• Walker from Mt. Brydges on
Roll-o-flex second with 66. The
next event in the championship
series is set for October 7th
at Hully ,
The following is a class by
class breakdown of the winners;
A Stock, Bill Empey, Auburn,
Ont. Ski Doo 250.
B Stock Darryl Gueguen, St.
Agatha - Roll-o-flex 292; Bill
Walsh, Galt - Ski Doo 294aDoug
Reid, Varna - Roll-o-flex 292.
C Stock: Bernard Verhoeven,
Kerwood -Rupp 340; Bill Walsh,
Galt e Roll-o-flex 338; Darryl
Gleguen, St. Agatha - Roll-o-
flex 292; Doug Reid, Varna
Roll-o-flex 292.
Stock; P eter Nieuwenhuizen
Watford - Scorpion 399; Dan
Bound, Markham - Rupp 400;
Lary Mordue, Lynden - Scor-
pion 440; Ross peters, Lynden -
Scorpion 400.
A Super Stock; Gary Mac
Donald, Dorchester - Ski Doo
B Super Stock: peter
Nieuwenhuizen, Watford - Scor-
pion •3994Sharon Bound, Markham
- Rupp 400; Wayne Saunders -
Ski Doo 398.
C Super Stock: Brian Kipfer,
Dashwood - Alouette 440; Larry
Mordue , Lynden - Scorpion 440;
Bill l'rearson, Hamilton -
Alouette 440; Wayne Saunders -
Ski Doo 398.
A Ladies: Betty Henshaw, Il-
derton - Ski Doo 250; Audrey
Collins, Varna - Chaparral 250.
B Ladies: Audrey Collin
Varna - Rol ao-alex 292; thy
Heyndrick, SI Cp.- Ski D o 340;
Audrey Collins am • - Roll-
o-flex 292; Gwen Dutton -
80-oftex 338.
Juniors: Mark Darling Ailsa
Craig - Roll-o-flex 292; Wade
Miller, Dutton - Ski Doo 294;
Andy Miller, Dutton - Roll-o-
flea 292; Patian Argyle, Goderich
- Ski DO6 2g4.
Hunter was fifth with Frank MacDonald driving.
Lady's David owned by John and Dennis Jewitt was out
of the money with John driving.
In the fourth race Timely Pat owned by May and '
Walter Pepper was second with Dennis Jewitt on the
bike. Douglas Bars owned by R on and Gera Feagan was
out of the money with Gerry Roebuck driving.
In the fifth race Prince Sherman owned by Bert
McBride, Zurich, was second with Gerry Roebuck
driving. Scotch A plenty owned by Brian Rutledge
was fifth with Robert Faulds driving.
The sixth race winner was Lee Camp owned by
Bruce Dupee with Wayne on the bike. The time of the
mile was 2.15:1 and the pay off was $4.40. Third
was Meadow J. Rhythm owned by Alfred Grummet
and driven by Dennis Jewat. Gar's Pride owned by
Lorne'Logan and driven by Robert Faulds, was fourth.
The seventh race went to Pink -Panther owned
by James Lam and driven by Dennis Jewitt. The
mile was in 2.12:2 and the pay off was' $9.70. Fourth
was Nancy's Duke owned by R.A. and B. R. Lawson
with William German on the bike. Judy Mathers
owned and driven by Mac Sewers was out of the
David Henderson and d In the eighth race ven by Gerry RoebuCk and
fitful Louise owned by
Artie John owned by Iyarry Dale and driven by C.
O'Neill were out of the money. Sebringvllle owned
by Ray Mathers was 'second with John Mathers
In the ninth race Goldies Cross owned and driven
by William, Caldwell was second.
In the tenth race Imp Mathers owned by Charles,
Eugene and John Mathers was third with John on the a
We have feceived the entries for the Seaforth
Fall Fair for Fri. Sept. 21st.
Sammy Seaway Mac Sewers
Lady's David John and Dennis Jewitt
Douglas Bars R on and George Feagan
Trouble Master Ed Wilson
Glib - Harvey McLlwain
Claybrook Ricci Kenneth Holmes
Danny's Delight John Jewitt
Also Eligible
Dream Camp Wayne Dupee
Wayne Express Geo. Caldwell
Jay Bee Blaze Benson Feagan
Hylyn Mary Robert Dote'
Judy Mathers Mac Sewers
Josie Brookie Arnold Campbell
Wednesday night will be the final race ght
of the season at the GOderich Raceway.
The Clinton Raceway will close out the, season
hosting the final of the O.H.H.A. Belvedere "B"
Track Packing Series Sept. 23.
group of neighbors anda"Fuhire
Rose 'Garden" from another, A
table centre arrangement of flo-
wers froM the s taff. We all join In wishing Bill and Lois• the
very, best of health and happiness
in the years to come]
Bill thanked all for their kind-
ness. He caused quite a laugh
when he insisted that he and not
his brother-in-law was "best
man" at the wedding 25 years ago.
Visitors with Mrs. Lantz were
and Mrs. Noah Land and
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lantz from
Neustadt and Mrs. Eugene Lantz
from Clifford' and Mrs. Dorothy
Lehman, Richard Lehman and
Susan from Mitchell.
Visitors with Mrs. Mary Mal-
colm were Mr. and Mrs.
John Quinsy, and Miss Bella
Robinson, Mitchell and Mrs. Art
Roy, Hamilton.
Current rumours which have
been floating about town for some
time• have become a reality. Kil-
barchan Nursing Home has been
took possession,
:;sVioinc,tosrepCthadembeeerw1h5o. sold to
The present staff are remaining
on duty so change to the resi-
dents will be mieimal.
We are sorry to lose Bill
and Lois but we welcome the
new owner and wish Bill and
Lois a well-earned rest.
St. Columban was defeated
1-9 by marconi last Sunday in
The first half of the game
was scoreless as both teams
played very cautiously and there
were few scoring threats for
either side. In the second half
of the game, the play was very
evenly matched as both teams
had good chances to• put the
ball into the net. The game
looked as- if it' was going to be
a 0-0 deadlock with both defences
refusing to give up a goal. With
a minute left in .the game, a
Penalty shot was called against
St. Columban 'when the ball
took a funny bounce and touched
a St.. Columban forward's hand.
A Marconi forward took the
penalty and scored giving goalie
inter pit, pp ,new Cojia
AREA corm M0444-6660 C/14.
HEAD OFTICE: 00 Weber St, E.,,Ifitebesler, GI*
taus a;libted rbfe VonM' 6 0)1
Entries numerous at Hully Gully
McGuire, Alouette 527 Bramalea -0240.
Tom Murray no chance on
the day aighta It was CroanaMs, Atty,,plat a.f
in the ;topaa' gam all all the way aim eh't !fa trount4‘hd Criselhurst 28-8. Fol- ri le coxfTle-P.
lowing' the contest, the players st. Coltanban's next game is in Seaforth on Sunday, September and their wives gathered at the
Ross Riley home for a corn and 23rd when the team meets London
wiener rpast. White Eagles.
Book Early
. PHONE: 482-7725
Ph. 527-0240i' Expositor Action. Ads
k Si,
t 49 • i
a*, ,744 '' ; 411 Ili tit ' ‘:. 4. 4 a %,,,, . . ik i . !
,1441)nui.,* 0 wit .t.!
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1141*1•41:Irltlfli fli14.4*.‘, :4;111111:1184:11:71:4114:49:1111:4-'111:l triZatittt. la.
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Priced $89.50 to $125.00
Deliveries have been very slow, but we do have a
nice rum of newest check worsted suits now.
We feature pure wool worsteds that 'realy wear-end
steal? presses. Shorts, regulars and talus.
and North America's Small Car VEGA
We invite you to come in and see the difference. Open till 8 p.m.