HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-09-20, Page 7*NW, 4111**•• Seaforth, Ont. Phone 5274559 The Exciting All New NEWS OF , Kippen Correspondent „Mrs,, Rem: C aldwell 1 i.e.), ; • The U,C.W. of St; Andrews Church Kippen met at the home of Mrs. J. Sinclair ii, Seaforth on Tuesday, September 12, Mrs. Hank Binnendyk was co-hostess and was in charge of the worship„ the theme'of which was, "Work- ing with God". • Mrs. 13e11, President, ' chaired the business portion when reports" of .the Sunshine Com- mittee ‘iere given by ,Mrs. N. Dickert, the Rose Comthittee by Mrs. Laird Finlayson and thr. visiting^ committee by Mrs. PC Elgie. Sixteen riiembex.s an- swered the rt.))) call. J'Where I spent my slimmer vacation," An invitation .ton Zurich United Church for dctober 4 was ac- oepted.r It was derided to have ' a collection in lieu of a fowl supper and to buy a second hand amplifier to replace the one that .disappeared. The, topic, given by 'Mrs. -David Cooper, was a - quiz on India and the discussion of ten other religions besides 'Christianity in India, followed by a, crossword puzzle. Mrs. Ross Broadfoot gave courtesy remarks and-'the meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction and hymn 577 -: Mrs. 'Harold ,lenes con- ducted a contest mr. ann Mrs.. Art Wearrting., London, called on Mr. and Mrs. ,W;;L. Mellis last week. r. FRESH' PORK SHOULDER ROAST 79 BUTT PORK CHOPS s or ROAST .113. 89C HOME RENDERED LARD . . ... 29 SLICED MINCED HAM lb.894 CAMPFIRE BACON lib pkg BURNS DINNER HAMS .. l6.1.49 OUR OWN PURE PORK SAUSAGE ‘` lb. We reserve the right to limit quantities The Closer You Look The Better ,We Look GRAN TORINO BROUGHAM BECAUSE OF OUR.QUALITY*SELECTION•SERVICE! You're Invited To Our PUBLIC SHOWING 4 Friday Evening IN OUR SHOWROOM * Free Coffee & Donuts * Free Door Prize See Our Display of New Fords At The Exeter Fair On Saturday Lorry Snider Motors Ltd. EXETER 235-1640 Mrs. Eric Luther was the to 8:30 p.m. and will continue guest soloist at Hensall United ' every Wednesday. Latecomers Church, Sunday morning. She may register at 7 p.m., wednes- 4 sang two numbers while her hus-, day, October 3, if infornpd ahead band Eric accompanied her on of time. ' the piano. Rev. Don Beck Interested boaters , or in- preached on• the sermon topic tending boaters may sedum ',Walt for the Lord". The flevaers further information from Lt. Cdr. in the ChUrch were from- the A.J.R. Elder, Squadron Training funeral of the late. Mrs. Edith Officer, phone•482-7679, 'or F/L Barnes held last week. Next R.S.' Stkey. Squadron Public Sunday will be the Sacrament of Relations Officer, phone 482- Infant Baptism at both Chisel- 7380. hurst and Hensall churches. , "BE A SAFE BOATER"' ••••••••••••••••••••••4 PLUMS ITALIAN PRUNE Good for canning, feezing and eating Fox Peach Orchards SHAKESPEARE, ONT. 625-8751 40. 1144••• -• • •••••••-••••••• . 1' Boardcreviews policy • coverinti:.organization,',p. '.HURON 4,X#01,itAk SPOinttA..9 4 Wm* r",""P"., ..01 40? agly(AW Oat a Amber Rebekah resumes Amber Rebekah Lodge re- sumed their 'fall meetings re- cently with Noble Grand Mrs. Irene Blackwell presiding, assis- ted by Vice Grand Mrs. Aldeen Volland, who reported for . the visiting committee. Mrs. Bertha McGregor,' representative to the Rebekah Assembly in Toronto in. June, ARNOLD CIRCLE CARMEL PRESBYTERIAN The Arnold Circle of Carmel PresbyterTan Church met Monday evening for their September meeting. After a pot luck supper, President, Mrs. Joann Bell pre- sided for the meeting and opened .with a poem entitled "God make me brave". Joanne and marg., Baker conducted the worship 04f itiA the theme "Child of a King". The Arnold Circle 'members of- fered to help canvass for the G.N.I.)3„, and are responsible to look after tea tables for the bazaar on November 3, and are also responsible to' decorate the Church 'in October. A motion 'was made for metnbers to buy supplies foie the C.O.C. group. After the conclusion of the meeting, members of'the Arnold Circle presented 'Mrs, Mildred • Ulch with' a wedding gift. PERSONALS. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Robb of ',lieu and Mrs. Margaret Thorne dyke of Clinton visited recently with Mrs. Rachel Schwalm. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Evans and family of Clinton visited Monday with Mr.' and Mrs. Gordon Schwalm. • Mr. and, Mrs. Desmond Ivey of Sarnia visited with the formers mother, Mrs. Daisy Ivey , of Montreal who is making her home with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon, Schwalm. • • Mrs. Rachel' SchWalm and Mrs. Elizabeth Faber attended the Christian Educational work- • shop in Seaforth Presbyterian Church last Saturday with re- presentatives attending from Bruce; 'Owen Souhd and Huron County Presbyterials. Miss Jean Gardner, Regional Resource spokesman directed the pro- gramme. 4:1 Mr.' Lorne Eller- of-Toronto 1,s visiting relatives in this area. imr.-and Mrs:Lorne ThoM son, Hensall Womens Institute mei in the Legion Hall .Wednesday evening fOt the September Meet- ing. The theme was Public Re- lations, President Hilda Payne presided... The roll call was answered by 25 members with "Hints on good shopping". Sec- retary Grace Peck read the" minutes and a financial report Was given by Treasurer Mani. W.M.S OF CARMEL CHURCH. The fall meeting of Carmel Presbyterian W.M.S. was held recently in the Church, with President Mrs. Rachel Schwalm presiding and opening with a verse composed by herself en- titled "Why as I born?" Act- ing SecretarY- r the evening was • Mrs. Maggie Campbell. Corres- pondence included -- A letter from the Huron Presbyterial President Mrs. Enright, Announ- cing the Presbyterial meeting to be held October 10 at 1:30 in 'Knox Presbyterian Church, God- erich, with Educational Resource spokesman, Miss Jean Gardner Of London who will introduce the new study "Why Christian Missions to-day?" Mrs. Enright stressed that if possible members are asked to attend and bring a friend. _l a/1;p. Elizabeth Faber gave study and 'devotion, with Mrs ., Florence. Hyde reading scripture ,from St. John. The Ladies Aid meeting fol- lowed with Mrs..Aldeen Volland presiding .,and Mrs. Maggie Campbell acting as Secretary, .A qPPI,sion, was spade to hold a Baariar on .Noyentber 3. The Huron County Board of Education at its meeting in Clin- ton Monday reviewed policies and procedures for board meetings and made some • amendments, where there apaeared to be con- flict with existing Policle& and where problems have arisen dur- ing he year. In election years, an orgael- zational meeting. will be set at. the November meeting for a date and time In December whennew- ly-elected trustees will be sworn in and a chairman and a vice- chairman, elected. OtheT ap- pointments at such, a meeting will Include auditor, solicitor, consulting architect, and a steer- ing committee consisting of the chairman 'and three members of the Board. The Board approved a proce- dilre for electing a chairman by deciding to continue the arrange- ment adopted in' January 1973, which called for nominations by ballot. Previously the Board had- followed the by-law adopted in October, 1971,' which called for open nominations from the floor. Thp Ad Hoc Policy Review conimittee which has been stu- dying all by-laws and procedures had been concerned that a ritimith and a half goes by before the sye stem IS working normally when the present method of electing the chairman and vice-chairman and appointing a steering comm?..e ttee was been carried•out at the first meeting in January.' Other minor amendments were also approved, including one that removed consideration of tenders from committee of the whole to the regular meeting of the Board. The representatives of the news 'media now may at- tend meetings of the committee of the whole as. a source of background information regard= leg- decisions made at a public meting, but not in a "reporting role." They shill withdraw when requested to do so by the chair- man or by a majority of the com- mittee or when personnel or pro- perty, etc. are being discussed in camera.. . , The Board accepted a request for increased secretarial assist- ance for elementary schools from the Elementary, Principats and Vice-Principals' Association, to be implemented upon ttie. request of individual 'principals com- mencing January 1974, • The original retptest !TOW" the Principals bad been for 787 hours per week, an increase from the actual hours tier week, now in effect of 566 h"...aa poi?, lowing a meeting thi has re- vised 'to a maximum possible amount of secretarialtlme of 680 hours per week, a total possible increase 'of 22%. presently the average hourly rate for secre-, taxies in the elementary schools Is $2.47. The Board approved a re- quest Trim Mrs. Mary A. Carson of Exeter that her contract as-a Home Edonomic teacher at Sduth Huron District High School' be terminated as her husband has been moved to Blenheim. The Board approved a field trip for 25 students, members of the Senior Outers group at South Huron District High School to go on an overnight excursion to the Morrison Dam area near Exeter. The group will travel on foot at 4:30 p,n7, Thursday, September 27 and return to the school on Friday at 8:45 a.m. at no cost to the Board. The pur- pose of the trip is to Introduce new members to the Outers' pro-, cedures in planning menus, set- ting up camp, campfire activi- ties, camperaft and outdoor cook- ing, Board Chairman, E. C. Hill and R. i3, Dunlop, Business Ad- mlnistrator, were authorized to negotiate union contracts for the se .1r.etarialstaff with the Canadian Union of Public EmPloyees (C,U,P.E,) which expires on Dec- ember 31, 1973, subject to rata-, fication •by the Board. Vice- chairman, Wilfred Shortreed, will and also. • The Bdard agreed as long as there was not 'al u idue increase in calls; Huron County residents wishing to phone the Board office could do so by reversing long, distance calls; An,announcement to this effect will te placed id the County papers. This was con- sidered to be more economical than a Zenith number ofjn-wats . Service, A ' lette" from the Ontario Public School Trustees' Asso- ciation asked fur comments on the needs of the Board in rela- tion to the Association Services and reaction to mernliarship fee' increase for 1974. The letter ex- plained that a loan from the Ont- ario School Trust000,oun911 and, a grant from Ministry Of Vduca* tion of WOO has ;assisted It over financial difficulties, Wilfred shorty ad, vice-chairman, Who 'attended the last meeting of the • Association re- ported that Toronto, L ondon, sud bury, Kenora and Late Superior SchOols have opted out of the Association which has.' cut Into the budget. Trustee 3. P. Alexander asked "If they have opted out because they are not getting _their money out of it, are we?" The Huron Board's fee to the Association, based on number of pupils, amounts to $3,708.75 for 1973. The Board also pays a fee of $2,586 to the Ontario School Trustees Council. Board Chairman, E. C. Hill stated that to belong io the Trps- tees Council it is necessary fOr the Huron Board to belong'to the Ontario Public School 'Trustees' Association/. The question arose as to whe- ther the Board was getting $6,300 value from membership in these two organizations. Director of Education, D. J. Cochrane, will provide information of the ser— vices provided by the next meet- ing.. It was reported that three trustees had' volunterred to act on the Outdoor Education Facili- ties Committee. They are Mrs. Mollie Ku nder, Mrs. Marion Zinn and John Henderson and they will meet with the Maitland Valley Cqnservation Authority to study the McDowell Property recently purchased by the Maitland Au- thority in East Wawanosh con- sisting of about 400 acres as 'a possible site for Outdoor recrea- lion. It was reported • that Alan Rook -of Huron Park was hired as custodian at J.A.D. McCurdy' Public School in Huron Park, effective September 4, The Board was Informed that a separate school ,zone will be • established in Brussels with the students being bused to 'Sacred Heart School In Wingham. When you 'come along to see the new T'NT„machines, you could be a winner in more ways than one! First of all, the:74 models are sure to win your approval! Secondly, you'll want to join the Millionth Machine Celebration!' PRIZES - 10 FIRST ELITE.'74 T'NT Totally new for '741 New slide rail suspension system with idler wheels. New lube free, maintenance free square 25 SECOND shaft clutch. Famous Ice-gripping carbide PRIZES - runners, Completely re-engineered. ELAN.'74 T'NT FREE AIR Light aluminum chassis with tough qteel,sub-frame. In three hot twin-cylinder versions,with dual, carbs and Polar Fire* ignition. T'NT EVEREST.A brand new T'NT with a 5-inoti longer track which will take you over deep snow aricLup steep hills with ease. 440 Rotax einem. INV Come in soon.You-may win one of 35 Ski-Cloo snowmobiles. f r,, p,phopp,*0 onley Info Oho inglo•ti yvars 'al age of oltlf 'farads YR. of Bo.ansar 1140I. abeam. A4.11.73 0.41/. of col... end ropulsnons ypyr Nec.ging ItIO-Doa CNOMe. Arrangements were made to drape the charter in memor y of Bro. Reg. McFadden, Past Grand Master of the home , in Barrie who passed away April 12, 1973. ,• The installation of officers will be held on Wednesday, Oc- tober 3. Mrs. Elizabeth Riley re- ported attending the Auxiliary meeting at Huronview Home and they have purchased' the van for the residents. - discusses publicity Ingram. The following corres- pOndence was read and discussed --County Rally will bp held at Centralia Agricultural. College on October 1. An invitation was accepted to attend Dashwood W.I. meeting on October 2 and it was decided to invite Zurich W. I. to the October meeting of Hensall W.I. Huron County Historial So- ciety 'rheeting will be held in Zurich on October 170 The Fall 'bazaar, will be held at Huronvfew October 3. Hilda Payne introduced Miss Nancy Elliott from Seaforth who spoke on learning how to read the 24 hour clock in the Metric System. It was decided to send a gift to Maude Redden in North Bay, as she has been a member of the W.I. for a long time and has now moved away. k Nellie' Riley gave a report as Card Convener,P rogram me Con- veners for the evening were Susie Purdy and Pearl Koehler, Angela Duttmann favoured every- one with selections on her accordion. Pearl inTrbduced Bob Reaburn who gave a talk on the public Relations theme. Courtesy remarks were given by .Myrtle Sherritt. Hostesses Were Beryl Elgie and Vera Brihtnell. Seaforth 4-H club has meeting The ,Seaforth V Homemaking 'Club held its first meeting on September 11. The meeting 'Was held at the home of their assis- tant leader, Mrs. B. Coleman.• This fall's project is, "A World of Food in Canada." Officers elected were: President - Janet Haney; Vice President - Cathy Coleman; Secretary - Jackie Van Doornik; Treasurer - Marilyn Guichelaar and Press Reporter - Patricia Menheere. During the meeting, Cathy Cole- man and' 1171rs. Coleman demon- strated making a "Chicken pot Pie." Everyone enjoyed a sample_ M Hurst, Atwood; r. and Mrs. gave a detailed report of .' the assembly and thanked the mem- bers for - the opportunity to attend. Mrs. Leona Parke, who also attended the assembly gave a report of the district meeting in Clinton. Tony Kyle who attended the "United Nations Pilgrimage for Youth" in New York City sent a letter of appreciation to the Lodge. He will show slides and report On his trip in the Lodge Hall in the near future. fslington; Mr. and Mrs. Lester Fisher, Blenheim; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hastings, Mr. and Mrs. Bill s afe boati ng Chapman Listowel; Mrs. T. family. This week-end was ,a big occasion for Mrs. Buttery (the former Maggie Thomson) as she celebrated her 85th birthday while here. It n‘ay interest some to know that Ws. Buttery was the first child to be baptized in Hensall United Church, then County and portions of Lambton the Presbyterian Church in Sep,, 1,(Grand Bend area), ,and- Bruce • tember of .1888. Mrs. Buttery: (Kincardine area). along .with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne This year, registration will Thomson and mr. Lester Fisher take place in Central Huron attended Herisall United Churehecondary School, Clinton, on then the Presbyterian Church in Wednesday, September 26, from service Sunday morning to mark 7 to 8:30 p.m. Classes will coin- the event. ' mence on Wednesday, October 3, UNITED CHURCH NOTES in the ''same place from 7:30 Robert Mowbray,- Whitechurch; classes to °and Mrs. Maggie Buttery of San mer and Mrs. Anita Bengough and Francisco visited over the week- • end.With Mr. arid Mrs. RoyQarl- $ t cur...„,, .s o o n Goderich Power Squadron is one of 120. units of Canadian Power Squnrons, a nationwide organization which instructs classes in safe boating during' the fall and winter months. This squadron serves all of Huron THE SEPARATE SHOPPE Main Corner — Clinton • • 'PAN • SKIRTS OPEN 2 to 6 p.m. CLOSED WEDNESDAY 4+.• •••AT PUL LOVE RS BLOUSEST s 7.744'f -11;; t Thpy're Here '74 FORDS HOPPER MECHANICAL SERVICES No pareaan ragalred; all pines WO Is satardikt..