HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-09-13, Page 14S REWARDS we now paying up to $1 y15' fdt Dead and Dis bi4d Cows-and Horses and Stocker Cattle all, small ..aairilels pick-up free as a service to you. . We have three trucks to .service you 24 hours 7 days a week. • Phone Collect 887-9334 Brussels Pet Food Supplies ' Lic. 390-C-7N 19-4-tf 'VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE ALCM AKES BOB PECK VARNA 262-5748 19-4-4 14 tie HURON EXPOSI OR, SEAFORT I H, ON P1c * T,, SE • 20. Auction Sales tables; hall tree; Kelvinator appliances; 2 door, refrig- erator with freezer; 30" stove; dryer, enamel top pantry table; assortment of stools; blankets; household linens. . ',TOOLS: Complete table saw and , Motor excellent cond., sabre saw, 01 1/4 horse electric power drill and -attachments; electric sander; emery stand and motor (com- plete); 50 ft. heavy duty trouble cord; large tool chest and assort- ment of tools; heavy duty saw horses; new steel lawn roller; Quebec heater; quantity of coal; power lawn mower (gas); steel wheelbarrow; garden hose; step ladders; lawn bench and chairs; many other items. Terms of sale Cash 7% sales tax in effect 4. Help Wanted 14. Property for Sale 19. Notices 1. Coining Events ' ST. JAMES' Catholic womens' League annual tea and bazaar, November 24. 2 P.M. - 4 P.M. 1-5-1 11. Articles for Sale 1. Coming Events A person for household cleaning 2 days a week. Transportation could be arranged, answers con- fidential. Apply :to Box 3072 The Huron Eipositor t Seaforth. 4-5-2 TWO Colonial drop arm love seats, make into beds, ideal for family room; used 20" color T.V. and stand all in good condition. 527-14936 WHITING Antiques,' used furni- ture, appliances and things. Bed- room suites, dressers, chest of drawers, chesterfield suites, odd- upholstered and wooden chairs, coffee tables and end tables, kitchen suites and sets of chrome chairs, . stoves, refrigerators white and colored, pianos. Many, many other items of used fur- niture, dishes and miscellaneous articles . Large ' supply of antiques. 63 Main Street, Exeter, Phone Exeter 235-1964. 11-5-1 pESTETNER ink available at The Huron expository. 527-70240. Seafdrth. Mini: Vacation 4. Help Wanted 7. Situations Wanted October 5 - 4 days to Nash. ville - Grand Ole Opry. Truck Drivers `Real Estate Ltd • WOMAN will babysit one or two children in her own home in Egmondvllle, 4 yearsexperience. Phone 527-1646. 7-4y2 82 Albert Street Clinton MASON BAILEY Manager/Broker FULLY EQUIPPED Restaurant with" modern living quarters in Huron County. This restaurant is showing good returns. ***** STONE HOUSE 1 1/2 storey on 145 acre farm 2Miles from Clin- ton, barn and silo. 135 acres workable. ****** 2 storey brick home in Clinton on Raglan Street. 1 acre wooded lot. * * * * ** New 7 roomed, split-level home in Hensall,, finished basement; electric heat, finished recreat- ion room. ****** 225 acres in Hullett Township, Large new silo. Full set of good buildings. 210 workable. Nearly new 2 bedroom home in Blyth with carport and electric heating. * * * * * 1 1/2, storey brick home in Hensall on a large lot. 7 rooms and an oil furnace. * * * * *. Block of 8 building lots for sale in Seaforth. 1 1/2 frame house'' in Dublin on large lot with trees. FOOD FOR THOUGHT '"An investrient in knowledge pays the best 4dividends." 14-5-1 From $66.00 -GOOD TIPS,S,, TRAVEL AGENCY Box 789 Seaforths Tree- Planting Assistance Experienced dump truck drive for major aggrate, producer and construction company. Apply' in person to Gordon McKellar 9. Poidtry for Sale KIIVLBER LEGHORN Day Old and Started PO* Those wishing to have land reforested in 1974 are requested to make applications by October 1st 1973 Phone 52'7-0050 ,, 1-4-tf Armstrong Bros., Brampton,Ont. 4-5-1 SCOTT POULTRY FARMS, LTD. Contaci the; Secretary-Treasurer, SOMETHING of Interest for all ladies . The ladies division of Seaforth Agricultural, Society presents ',Fashion, Travel and Fun", Seaforth Fair Day; Friday, September 2,1, 1973 at 2.30 p.m. Light rereshments. Door prizes. Tickets $1.00 from members. ' 1-4-2 • J. School Bus DriVer, SteRhen Central public School Crediton applications addressed • Seaforth phone 527-0847 Box 149. 9-4-tf. MAITLAND VALLEY a. CONSERVATION AUTHORITY aCtarp 3 P.M. Carpentry tools sell at 12 P.M. Antiques at 1:15 P.M. Property Estate Tel: 262-2103. Estate or Auctioneer not res- ponsible for accidents on day of ot sale. PERCY WRIGHT 11-4xtf 10. Used Cars for Sale 1/2 Ton G.M.. truck. Gilbert Murray., 345-2285. 10-5x1 Nri° ‘0 01?,..4 *01.`" w et) Tomatoes $3.00 bushel; Cante: lopes 3 for $1.00. Leen Van De Ban, R.R.#1,, Seaforth. Phone 527-0705. 11-5-1 Box 5; Wroxeter, Ontario. 510-335-3557. Written' to: TWENTY-FIFTH Wedding Re- ception for Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Feeney on Saturday, September 22, 1973 at Seaforth Legion, 9 o'clock. Everyone welcome. Lunch provided. 1-4-2 11. Articles for Sale • traften rWin* Amid eiticrikmo 103 Albert Street, Clinton, Ontario. will be received until 12 o'clock noon on Thursday, Sept 20, 1973 Duties to commence as soon as possible. R.L. Cunningham AuctiOneer Kippen, Ont. 262-5515 20-5-1 HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL NOTICR are shipping cattle eVAPY- Monday to• United Co-Operativeu of, Ontario. To arrange for pick-up' at your farm phone by Saturday night. WILLIAM J. DALE Phone: Clinton 482-989A 19,4-U - TROPICAL FISH. BUDGIES, CANARIES A Complete -line of pet 'supplies. SIZE 16 to 18 white Wedding dress, very reasonable, 527- ,094.3. • 11-5-1 Visit Clinton, Ontario AUCTION' SALE PAT'S PET SHOP The Royal Winter Fair We are now paying $5.00 $15.00 for fresh dead or disabled cows and horses over 500 lbs,. Two trucks to serve you i.,etter.. Fast, efficient sery lc e. Of modern household furniture and appliances for Russ Archer. at 166 Beech Street in Clinton, across the street from Brownies' drive-in theatre 1\15M‘S„OUS windows and doors, pas and fittings, large book rack, bath tub, numerous other. items. Apply. at Bob and Betty's 527-1680. 11-5-1 350 Main Street Exeter • Phone 235-1951 11-99-tf HARDTMAN & • STRACK LTD. Mortgages are our only bUSineSS.- Let Waterloo's oldest and most experienced mortgage firm help you to purchase a Mime or cot- tage; to , use the equity in your home to consolidate debts or to improve it without ember- 'Aissing credit investigations; for confidential, competent service, for mortgage's from $1,501 to construction loans, call collect, Waterloo 884-6030. 19-4-tf by Special Bus Leaving Seaforth STRIP tickets for admission or refreshments, single and duplt- mite. The Huron Elincisltbr Seaforth. 11-4xtf Sat., Nov. X17 SAT, SEPT,15TH 6 acres of silage corn, 262- 5253. 11-5x1 All small farm stock picked up free of charge as a service to you"' - YOU MAY OBTAIN A WRITTEN REPORT FROM A QUALIFIED VETERINARIAN UPON RE- QUnT. Call collect - 482-9811 7 days a week - 24 hours a day License No'? 378C-72 Call, us first, you won't have to call anyone else. 19-4-ti At 1:00 o'clock , at 9:30 a.m. See the prize exhibits, flower displays, auto show, Hear Country Music Royal Horse. show RCMP .musical • -ride Full price including return bus and admission $13.00. 1 large saddle in good condition and one poney saddle, 345-2103. Transportation Manager , Huron County Board of Education 4-5-1 Admiral refrigerator Avo- cado green; Admiral colour TV; Kelvinator refrig- erator; Kelvinator 24" stove; Electrohome stereo set; Continental bed; Inglis automatic dryer; • Beatty automatic washer; Admiral dishwasher, 1 year old; 9 x 12 gold rug; old style cabinet radio; number of scatter rugs and sheepskin; 1 green runner 3' x 10'; large living room mirror; old style desk; chesterfield and chair;3 hostess chairs; 2 antique chairs; child's rocking • chair; student desk; dresser; 2 antique phones;, antiqne ' rakfild;'• 26' bike; portable record player, antique• ' vacuum cleaner;' utility table; drapes and curtains; steel typewriter table; square table; trunk; fan; waffle maker; old ironer; motors; silver -trays and servers; blankets and pillows; 30 ft. TV tower rotary head with booster and colour head; double stainless steel sink; Ram riding lawn mower 42" with three blades; 1970 Snowjet _snowmobile with twin cylinder 396 Yamaha motor. NOTE: with tuned exhaust, snowmobile, hel- met and suit; dishes and many other items.' • NOTE:Russ and 'his family have sold their house and 'they are moving to a new and 'smaller home with new furniture in Clinton. FOUNDATION Genesee Seed Wheat treated or untreated. Apply Lorne Fell 345-2697 or Spencer Jeffery, 345-2529. 11-3x3 12. Wanted to Buy PERSON to operate corn dryer. Apply to Ken R. Campbell, Dublin, 527-0249. 4-4-2 -,7 WANTED blanket box, old kit- chen cabinet, brass bed, press back chairs, 482-7584. 12-2-4 WOOD for sale, 'hardwood slabs, 7 Cord lots, $4 per cord, delivered Craigs Sawmill, Auburn, 526i-' 7220. 11-98-10 1 PERSON for general farm work must be able tb operate farm machinery. Apply to Ken R. Campbell, R.R.1, Dublin, 527- 0249. 4-4-2 • 'Timber Wanted COPIES WE SELL AND , SER1MDF' • ACCUTRON BULOVA CARAVELLE Copies of your important"paper or documents while you wait. Letter size, 25 each. THE HURON EXPOSITOR 11-4xtf GOOD TIMES TRAVEL AGENCY LOCAL MAN REQUIRED Immediate payment for good standing timber and bushes of all kinds or will buy good tim- bered prope 10 rty. Phone 527-0831 before .9:3 A.M. 12-5-tf WATCHES I need a representative for my firm in this area. This-opening may be 'Worth up to $10,000 yearly for the right person. Fdll or part-time. Age over 21. Can you make short auto trips? We hope you will start soon and stay with us a long time. Apply to Ronald Anderson, St.Pauls, Phone 393-5387. 4-4-3 VILLAGE HOME ANSTETT TEWELT,,FR,S LTD • • reaforth 527-17mi 19-4-tf Box 789 Seaforth Phone 527-0050 , 1-5-8 This 1 1/2 storey asbestos sided 'home is completely redecorated. 'Features carpeted living room and 2 bathrooms. Full basement with propane furnace. Detached garage and, steel covered barn. 1/2 acre lot on edge of Walton. $19,500. FARROWING crates, 2 Standard models or can be custorn George Troyer, Phone 2,62-5282 11-5-1 USED girls 20 inch bicycle, 527- 0925. - 12-5x1 Try to attend one or two COM- munity meetings re the problem of "personal air pollution" on Tuesday, September 18, 1973. 8 p.m., .Legion Han; Clinton, and Wednesday, September 19, 1973, 8 p.m., Regional School of Nursing, Stratford. Dr. Norman C. Delarue, Chief of Surgical Chest Service, Toronto General Hospital, just one of many chest appointments will be the speaker. Dr. Delarue Is now on the Tech- nical Advisory Committee on Health concerning Smoking and Health, Federal Department of Health and welfare. Mr. Ed. Thompson, Executive Assistant, York Toronto TB and Respira- tory Disease Association and formerly with ',Pollution Probe" will also be present. 1-5:1 WANTED Cockshutt 40 any condition. Phone 345-2557 after 7:30 p.m. .Ivan Rapien, R.R.4, Walton.. , 12-4-2 WANTED furniture, copper and brass articles, bells, etc. we also accept consignments for auction. H. Mitchell, 482-7584. 12-2-4 TWO boxes boys clothes sizes 4 - 6X, including snowsuit , jackets, coat, etc. Also 2 •boys 'winter jackets size 14. Phone 527-1.802: 41-5-k SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED 140dern equipment. tire. • grantee all work. , write or call Harvey Dale, Seaforth;' Phone Clinton, 482.3320. 19-4-tf GRASS FARM' RELIABLE experienced person to baby, sit in my home 5 days a week. 527-1846. 4-5x2 50 acres all 1.,yorkable with small barn, in Monkton area. Priced at $16,000 with terms. GOOD young beef by the quarter or half, Government inspected, also new potatoes , 4g2-7578. 11-5-2 McKILLOP FARM Modern hog and corn set up on this 162 acre • farm. Asking 4 120,000 with terms, - Contact JOHN OR CAROLYN Help _Wanted. The Ministry of the Environment requires ' a part time 20. Auction Sales 2 Student desks must be in good condition, 345-2189. 12-5-1 PRUNE plums ready picked or pick your own. Good picking. shady-Lane Fruit Farms, Ar- kona, Phqne Casey Bongers, 828- 3305. 11-5-i ESTATE AUCTION Of property, furniture, antiques., household and carpenters tools on the premises '71 Lorne St., Hensall, 1 block east of Highway No. 4 for ' Mrs. Edna Weekes" Estate on Operator SEEDS WANTED 'THOMPSON • to hook after two pumping stations and lagoons in Seaforth. Please send, applications by 1 Admiral, B & W T.V.; 1 Brownie uniform, size 8. Good, condition. 527-0463 after 4p.m. 11 -5x1 Seaforth - 527-0238 • EAVESTROUGHING - alumina* or galvanized. Estimate* witboihi tbligatihoonn. e 57R3.E-.10R7u7 an . tt ,irg441 - ani, p SATURDAY, SEPT.15TH • Buyers of Timothy Red Clover and Birdsfoot Trefoil Seed - 15. Property for tent Three Bedroom TOWN HOUSE for rent ' in Vanastra, Clinton. $110.00 per month. All? utilities paid.. 482-9742 or 482-7396 anytime 15-5-tf PERTH Wilmot Liberal Asso- ciation Pork Barbeque, 'Friday, September 28th in the Sebring- ville 'Community Centre, 6 to &30 pm.Tickets Adults $3 and children 12 and under $1.25. Call 345-2398. Meetidg to elect delegates .to the Leadership Convention 8:30 to 9:45 P.M. Card party 10 to 12 p.m. Special draw for' hind quarter of beef 50C or 3 for $1.00. 1-5-1 Sept. 21 1973 UPRIGHT piano Phone 345-2019. 11-5-1 12:00 P.M. Sharp• PROPERTY: MediuM size frame 1 1/2 storey home, kitchen and cupboards, living room, modern bathroom and bedroom -on Main floor, 2 bedroorni and sitting room .upStairs, sun porch, oil furnace, garage, also a handy.t. man's shed 14 x 20. The lot is approx.. 70 x 132' ft. Large garden also landscaping is beautiful with a selection of shrubs and trees around house. If not sold prior to sale this, property will be offered for sale at 3'P.M. subject to a reasonable reserve bid. 10% down balance in 60 days. ANTIQUES: - pale blue scenic soil lamp with brass base, large assortment of china vases and figurines; iron Lion; large assortment of plates by Royal Wilton, Meikin, Pickwick, Aus- trian Limoges; beautiful assort- ment of china cups and saucers by Royal Bayruth, London cro- ckery, Booths, Nortake. .„ In- complete set of A. Meikin (Dun- kirk) 1933 variety of cut glass, five press . back kitchen chairs (excellent); rare old dining room table embossed carving on edge; patio wicker table; market bas- kets; pittures including settlers log cabin 1812; oak mirror with 2 matching fiddle back chairs; D:ulton china mug; 5 drawer bur- eau with porcelain, knobs; large beautiful jardiniere; pine stand with drawer and shelves; 3 drawer Pine chest; parlor table; hall seat; rare old parlor chair with scenic upholstery; assort- ment antique chairs; easel stand; Pine bench; drop leaf end table; 2 parlor arm chairs; treadle sew- ing machine; small ann ,st stove; many other antique item FURNITURE: 2-piece Chester- field suite; excellent '(Tangarine) corresponding drapes; platform rocker; easy chair; pole lamp; fern stand; sewing cabinet; bed; springs and mattress; dresser; 2 blanket boxes; iron cots; coffee. 'Terms Cash no reserve to Mr. Mike Auger, division of plant operations Ministry of the Environment 135 St, Clair Avenue West, Toronto M4V 1P5 MAPLE LEAF MILLS • PART Sheltie dog to give away, spayed 2 years old, loves child- ren. Phone 527-0198 after 4p.m. 11-5-1 Owner or auctioneers not responsible for accidents day of sale. Seed Div. (Jones, MacNaughton) Exeter, Ontario. Phone 235-0363 12-99-8 HURON PINES ELECTRIC AUCTIONEERS THREE speed, Glider bicycle in good condition , - $30.00, 527- 1866. 11-5-1 USED G.E. spin dryer' in good condition. Frank Kling Ltd. 527-1320, Seaforth. 11-5-2 RICHARD LOBB 86 King Street Timber' ' Clinton Industrial, residential, farm wiring. Clinton' - 482-7901 prop. Budd Kitehl. ANNUAL Ham .and Turkey Smor- • gasborg Supper in the Varna United Church, Wednesday, October 3rd from 4:30 - 7:30 P.M. Adults /$2.50 - 12 and under $1.00.5 Children under 6 free. Auspices Varna U:C.W. - 1-5-2 1 Bedroom apartment for rent. 527-0990. 15-3-3 Wanted • If any information required phone Don McLean, Seaforth" 527-1082 after 5 p.m. 4-5-2 R. G. GETHKE Immediate payment for good standing timber and bushes of all kinds. Write Robert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig , or phone collect 23,2-4450 before 8:3 0 a.m. 12-5-tf Bornholm 20-5-1 TWO bedroom apartment, hot water, heat - hot water, laundry room with machine, dryer or outside cloth-et line. Suitable for adults. Phon e 527-1073 or Jack Thompson's,Footwear Ser- vice. 15-4-tf . COLEMAN - Hi Boy gas fur- ance for sale, uses one season. Charles Reeves,„Seaforth. 11-5-2 19-4-tf Waitress Lobb Gethke WATCH REPAIRS FAST SERVICE All work guaranteed • ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD.. wanted to work dining room REMEMBER the Walton Fowl Supper Wednesday, November 7, 1973. 1-5-1 TOMATOES - 4 acres, excel- lent canning varieties, pick your own $1.85 per bus., also' squash, muskmelon, etc, etc. Road sign located west of Dashwood on Highway 83 or east of Shipka on Crediton Road. Bill' and Melva Rammeloo, Dashwood,' 237-3228. 11-5-1 Auctioneers . & Appraisers Clinton Monkton • 482-3409 347-2465 482-7898 Alternate - Weekends 14. Property for Sale BUNGALOW in Hensall on -two large lots, carpeted livingroom, and dining room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 4 pc. bath, 7 ft. dry basement. Phone 262-2014.- 14-4-2 NEW BINGO Clinton Legion Hall 8:30 P.M. September 13th. Admission $1.00, 15 regular games $10.00 each. ThreeShare- The-Wealth Games. One jackpot game for $160.00 in 55 calls or less. 1-5-1 MODERNIZED 3 bedroom home in Sea-forth. Living room, dining room, attractive kitchen, laundry. Box, 3071, Huron Ex- positor. 15-4x2 AUCTION CALENDAR Phone 482-3489. Sat.Sept.t5 - 1 P.M. Sale of household furniture, appliances and antiques for Russ Archer at 166 Beach St., Clinton. Sat.Sept.22 .- at 1 P.M. sale of household furni- turettprvz Jervis, God rich 2 1/2 west and mile and one quarter north of Clinton. 20-5-1 (Seaforth 527-17201 r19-4-ti , 4-5-1 ONE bedroom apartment for rent. 527-0990 15-5-1 1/2 white brick family home close to school and shopping area. Easy terms. Apply to Box 381. Seaforth, Ontario. 14-4-tf EUCHRE in I.O.O.F. Hall, Oct. 29, 8 P.M. sponsored by Edel- weiss Rebekah Lodge. 1-5-1 Faoory Built Home Manufacturer ONE bedroom apartment furnished, all utilities paid.Phone 527-0964 or 527-1365, 15-5-tf THE Ladies Orange Lodge will meet Monday; September 17th. Will all members please try to attend. '1-5-1. ...••••-•••••-, 2 Bedroom apartment for rent heated,' available immediately. Box 3073 Huron Expositor. 15-5x1 requires good steady people who want to work and earn a living and a chance for advancement in a steadily growing industry. $2.65 per hour plus production bonus earned to start. After 6 weeks 12.85 per hour plus production bonus. After 6 more weeks $3.05 per hour plus production bonus. Company benefits. O.H.LP. company paid. Sic,,k benefit after 3 months company paid.- Life insurance $4500.00 after 3 months, company paid. 8 paid statutory holidays after 3 months. Overtime premium after 40 hours. Working conditions excellent '7 A.M. - 3.30 P.M. 5 days per week. Call collect Mrs. Dorothy Smith USE EXPOSITOR WANT - ADS Phone 527-0240 If you are thinking of buying or selling COMING EVENTS ANTIQUES. Additional Classified on Page 15 AT Apartment for rent available September 15th, 2 bedrooms and bath. Heat and water supplied. Apply J.C,Crich. 15-5-2 OR USED FURNriURE HULLY GULLY. Sept.15 - Rodger Quick and the Rainbows. Sept.16 - Ont. Snowmobile grass drag championship series (second event). Sept.22 • Joe Overholt. Sept•23 - Moto Cross (C.M.A. stitiction). 1-5-1 16. For Sale or Rent contact NORM WHITING 'standar ddi machines avail- ADD machi e tapes for most able at The ,Huron Expositor. ,p27-0240, Seaforth. 11.4xtf Exeter, 235-1964 We buy estates, household lobs Or sing16 articles. 19-4-tf 519-271-3700 to arrange an interview at yodr convenience. 4t0