The Wingham Times, 1893-06-02, Page 6PPP,
�'� r..c'lstlin, brought you a Two o'clock struck, but Mr. Aapin to the semitone
�thtj t'ormei�. Marie()
I sleds, young > x ,
t m me about the second batch of had not returned, l►Sesars• Bulling sen ea
MAR'S t 1 seip, rig be withdrawn trusted messenger for the bonds. Mr. r and the second officer were aakedto hold
N {� S S Vii'. securities whish are to a ser Wage and re- . themspeves in readiness for a summons
l :,ustod - of the Bank of Eng Price Made the necessary I lf- ret' to pin them,
S it sg, you doing there"." c from the y 10,000 ei circumstances ahead entailed in
land to inorro5v, Saturd<lY, —' have, quested himliu no ago Q0 Mr. Aspin. , dna ex
tithing, sir."b worth, the receipt for wliicn 1s, 'believe, two came,
e h e from apale and Indeed, when the manager returned, ' the conversation between
he h cote*
answer nm r in your patsessipn• ,Y and .the cashier were,.
looking fe youth, um of the manager . w er made no' remark in shortly after 8 o'clock, accompanied b
- The manager o d teetives, Mr: Aspin. had not yet gut in municated to the Iuspeotor. The man,
]pevfe 111 the sanctum, Of the manager response to elle lotto: assertions— e
Corporation, andthe recoil) earauce, In short, Mr. eaispin did ; ager, moreover; opened the cele ofe f bode-
Coiitaiaental Banking Corpox , concerning' the bonds an Lipp ! acribed how the various pa
r st. E.C., his possession. But be tly'n the etron r room had been
eel} Uhl o aa,id , t believed to be in p sten clerk. not retttxn. He sloe bolted, evpiden
a soon had re-entering put by he i dl sante to the young t And this is bow it came to ase. On brought fiomv t1 este middle shelf; and
` sue r referred s gi fi y leaving the bank at 1.80, the m g laid in n
aa�►gsr lai111ae1f on ro•entering his room ;and his eiIr, . how he had perceived, immediately after
a rani clery Abse ce in the outer t „ r As lin was here fora few crossedthe street, and, instead of her" , Mr, hegap in
such was the • es,I . l , laced himself ; un had left the :polis, a €,
The clerk for su t I don't like to suggest any tying to Scotlanal Yard, placed where he the row where Moises. Bulling & to,'s
� man's 11
position in the bank, ?; moments.
,. tin the Shadow o : a .
his hair as the : suspie against him--- lel not 1 through the t acripthad been laid. The' inspector was
:cots of r The manager hesitated. Mr. Price
d t ta• sou.
d• 1 s8 wi t
weer thrust him aside, followed up the tlnead iciouh sir, that gam g leis woe y
e reel the door to the safe. ! „ somewhat cusp , , whore ho had a full view of elle street , of the i011A wag doing this, the rtlanagvT hands d t' of the wrong done
sou It is so h 1 While•
be perceives roue bested to make a carefulsurvey
ndows of the bank, and ; tlienreci
o •c'
p ' Hulling a c ompa»y, WW1 he a •
infant mt the game emembered oto stolon and, restored,
exc(mge et rat will be You know this gentleman?" asked a
land fora receipt of the of h 1 of
os t- , voice in .ng1is ;ands, hand was laid on•
elana e310,OQ0 worth Messrs. But- Aspifl'a shoal P I dill" staanmexed
ling. users and agerbelonging do i +,i—I—I—thought
t,The manager made
tolbe excuses
iniI the lad, fearing too betrayr a mess . Mee
the directors, nd weAsp "role
u 2 dmba dPtPcyy y
half an soon as, and went out, him I tiv0 front Scotland As ae semi es, he Crump tkurned
, Yard, and I nreaumo that this gen
to be off the p_ xomisPs, he turized to the I is the •person I expected to iia sooner or
directors and said, sharply : if ,later in your company,
"Gentlemen, you enlist excuse ins TIM your man made a virtue o RPS
Iain abrupt. I a1l acting. in your in, ' cessity, Ho allowed himsolf to be taken
te1'est, untilstake obliged to be plan sp [ back to England in tow, and confessed
I will m , reputation that the his share intherobbery of the bank,
n who has just aeft thea room is re -point which went in his favor in set-
num • disappearance of Messrs.
spanaibloforteiecllsapl(ling up,
Bulling & Compa,iiy's bonds."The manager followed latex, also in
ei g
la o 1
as t 1 as as
no, not Inipossiblo 1"1g tow• Hewes scarcely let off so ea y
th listeners, throwing up their i the lad Aspin, and he is not likely to da
in a thin ion tbankin far fioine pars to came,
it faithful servant by the mere any i•, g�
thing more possess betweenthet tot Mr. Aspin was actually alone antis from right to left.
lad a slip of paper with 1 half a minute, having He watched here for about five or ton deftly help es of paper lodger within the
clerk upon it on the manager's roomfor nearly door,from behind the minutes., when the figuregof Mr. Aspin, . into the 1
p entered by tillsnitwit in the same manner, it will
; a• nd having thus apparently fol- ;counter, at the very moment you were on his return from dinner, was pa�rceav ' safe,
h h Bron ht him tg ids of Yonder door ed o,n;ng clown the street on the oppo• •f be remembered, as he Hadacted t with he
o the
eug• estion, said the detective. ''I ! "How did the manager escape?' said
n ccu pardon," guilt or inne- , Inspector Crump, deeply mortified at
am accustomed to readb is • having been "bested," in spite of all his
till ash
the duty wheel' n '. standing an the o er setae o a sus• . a other packet.
eat Out closing the doorh outer ofnce; while site side, het 't u * to the door, which fastened cense in a man s manners, as
then hew Q opening on the tion," g man reached t swan a actions. Your manager •
tries to tido susrRTlryh it was this way. The manager
tly behind, milt. , re- 1 tamer asked you a goes had Before theay'k ho was stopped by the i with a. snap. 'from me a guilty conscience and ho can 1 goes liomg that Saturday afternoon,
Tho managere d o hem as he "That is perfectly true, price. I stops of the b Inspector , not da it." ' looking as innocent as asaint, and carry
hila through a transpar-dg that. Moreover—•now manager, who said sharply: 1 Duringas looking wale opposite dim, "What right have you to say Board>3o in a handbag crammed full of afternoon,
a1,'Watched door after he had ; not thongs oft Crump
pane in the glass' that I come to recall the circumstance— "Follow mol' asked briskly along, tion, But he was doing and to some p ,things?" asked the indignant . f , , So I says to him. Not much fear
red.pewatched tun as phea took his hat t youngAspin was stooping over the open The manager walked
in order to see pose for he saw the movements of thethings?" s one voice. . my troubling y crammed
tillMonday. f ar of
and -watched him with a p looking back frequently y groundThe. Inspector continued in his own 1 youngrascal Asian. won't betray him -
he assed through safe en aa most a room."
manner, when that his conunand was attended to. Themanager clears reflected in the p
pedal eagerness as p Ire entered the room 11 dared not disobey. Pres -1 gloss partition separating the apartment way of the boy Aspin,'`self all at once, I guess, wherever he is
faswce doors and the way out (no "Subject to your approval, sir, I to miseralllo boy tooted side street, ;