HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-09-13, Page 3NEW POTATOES LASAGNA 43e 6 °,°;,, 73. 4'.° 99* it FRUIT JUICE V ,ain FANCY GREEN PEAS I Mrs. Stanley Qre was in if charge of devotions a the Sept- ember meeting • of t e D.C.W. Egniondville . United „Church. Stressing fiCount your Bless- ings" she said, 41So much belongs to us and the only way we can pay is by giving thanks to our Creator l" Mrs. Leonard Strong read a/ scripture passage and Mrs. Ed Boyes dealt with "The Land - A Gift of God" from the study book on India, Punjab in particular. "Punjab is experiencing a -green revolution," she said. Through scientific and govern- ment aid the scarcity of water is gradually being overcome and with •the application of commer- cial fertilizer, the country now is realizing its best yield of wheat' ever. Many thousands of tractors are now being used apd grain• is being threshed by ma- chines instead of being trampled by _oxen. Seed grain is being brought in from Mexico and in 23 years, the yield has doubled. . As, yet only the affluent far- mers can take advaneage of these benefits that are available and imports of many foods are scarce. Mrs. Earl' Papple presided and announced that the 12th cen- tre Huron Regional Rally is being held, in Clinton on October 11. News o Auburn A number from here' attended the Thresherman'S Convention in Blyth on Saturday and reported the biggest crowd ever. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Redmond attended Mrs. William Morris' funeral in Seaforth on Wednesday. -Three from one, .family left this week to attend University. Cathy and Jerry Foron leave to attend London western. Janice goes to Kitchener. Edward Franken is in London this week preparing to take part in 4-H work at London Fair. Mrs. Angus Kennedy is visit- ing her daughter, Mrs. Wm. leinahan. St. Augustine church is getting a new organ and church roof. 4-H dub 1969 FORD, 2-do or, HT. 1969 CHEVELLE, 4-door 1969 MUSTANG, low mileage 1967 MEV. TRUCK 1970 FORD, 4-door, SEDAN 1971 COUGAR 1970 VALIANT, 4-door on% .4.Et.4.,ktis.kkAtRtt„ We NEED Used 'Cars Lowest Prices and Best Trade-ins Now on All 1973 Models In Stock Try us today as we must make room on the lot for the new 1974 models. ... BILL McLAUGHLIN MOTORS LTD. Ford - Mercury Dealer PHONE 5274140 -SEA:FORTH USED CARS AT POCKET-PLEASING PRICES AMER PIECES I SUMS MUSHROOMS N TOMATO SAuCF. Heinz Spaghetti Nrr noy AR tgE Spaghetti Meatballs n • 39` ▪ 33* 43* (WIEN Of THE SEA Chunk Light Tuna a 69* REGULAR CUT PRIME RIB 1st FOUR RIBS ONLY BEEF RIB STEAKS CUT FROM THE BEEF LOIN WING T-BONE STEAKS (LIT FROM THE LEG FRESH PORK HOCKS 67e FRESH CHICKEN WINGS 68e• FRESH CUT INTO THREE PRICES CHICKEN BREASTS $1.09 FROH CHICKEN THIGHS & DRUMSTiCKS$1 .09 TOP VALU STi Y COOKED , in d ., Its $1.78 top Vain ',MEI PICK: ID in 4 To COTTAGE ROLLS i $1.08 001010 5101.(FT r1111 r COOK( SWEET FRY CHICKEN $1 .29 DINNER HAMS Be*, Ciooe, Vq• CnIie Frosting Mixes 2 )c,°.; • '88 MrCORM,CF 1:10100 pot pi BISCUITS `:r! 59* AELLOG55 RICE KRISPIES 4,ACE4NA TEA BAGS PURINA SEAM, CAT FOOD 59* 65* • 99e NEAS,f4 A LA ... 4 . ,OR ,IE. 44RIE'IES CAT FOOD 7 ° 1.00 1 74,'Z'gctg:gfi 1111110M %IMMO 11•11, VEGETABLE HEINZ SOUP 10 oz. tins fat 23c 0,4NCY HALM OR SLICES DEL MONTE PEACHES 14 oz. tin 31` health and beauty PLUS 6 01 MORE LISTFINNI MOUTHWASH "br 1.37 COMO PLASric 'BANDAGES 010 69. Vices COUGH SYRUP 75e PIPSC5DENT REGULAR FAMILY TOOTHPASTE o sob, 91* IGA's bon us d iscou nts mean greatpt savings FACIAL'ISSUE 0°1`1°1 39* MEAT DINNERS SUM DUTCH POWDERED TOP VALU FROM CONCENTRATED CLEANSER 21:4: 39* Orange Juice 3 12 0 1 1.00 ROYALE 3 PLY WINDOW BOO, ASSORTED COLOURS &Bunko From. Scrotum-v. Torkoy or Meot loal Mar IE fte oke sunitinn - Tow Bowl Cleaner STAFFORD ASSORTED VARIETY SUNDAE TOPPING FAASERVAIE FROZEN FANCY tPr 49e GREEN PEAS . WA GROVE 110% !UTTER) IAZ 38e DAIRY SPREAD 216 65e ',A!ba 59° HOSTESS REGULAR FARMER OM PURE, ASSORTED FLAVOURS POTATO CHIPS 'El:t 59e FRUIT SPREAD cmg6 55° Egnionciviiie United Church Rev. T. E, Hancock, Minister Mrs. Arnold Scott, Organist 138th ANNIVERSARY- SERVICE Sunday, September 16 2:00 p.m. - Visiting Preacher -.- REV. STANLEY McDONALD Londesborough United Church - MUSIC Londesborough Male Trio • met for their general meeting on The Lost and Found group for The United Church Women of the Hills and the Valleys." Wednesday evening September girls of the community, grades 5th in the basement of the church 4-8 will begin on Tuesday with all units pre*sent. evening. Next Sunday the church will, Mrs. George McCall, in charge of the 8th and 16th unit, celebrate its 108th Anniversary ie opened the devotional period, Service with the guest speaker the Rev. Dr. R. GOrdontliaziewood hymn 290 was sung with Mrs. Bak.; D.D., of Hinkley , Martin Baan as pianist. Mrs. United Church,, Hamilton, mini- Don Fraser read the scripture ster her from 1942 to 1951. from John 8: 31-36. Mrs. Mc Call followed with prayer. Hymn • 208 was sung. Personals Rev. D. Docken showed a film - strip on" ',Mission Is". It Congratulations to the Rev. stressed what people do with their and Mrs. Derwyn Docken on the arrival of their son on Tues-lives, it is helping people help day. themselves, it is love and under- standing to help the ones less Mrs. James W. Daley of Blen- fortunate. Small groups were helm has beenspending a few days formed for a discussion period, at the Manse with•Aev. and Mrs. Mrs. Walter Bewley, the D. Docken and Kris en. U.C.W., President took over for Mr. and Mrs. James Smith the business and thanked those of Brussels accompanied Mr. and that helped with the meeting. Mrs. Fred Dunk on a camping trip to Eganville and Pembroke The minutes were read by Mrs. W.C. Hackwell. A lengthy dis- for several days this past week. cussion followed on the prices Mr. • and Mrs. Ray Nelson, for the Fowl Supper to be held on Robert and Michael have the first Wednesday in November. returned home to their home in It was agreed to advertise in Vancouver, B.C., after a holiday at the home of her parents, Mr. all local papers and music will be played in the church and M: s. Earl Watson and her brother., Mr. and Mrs. Gerald auditorium during the supper hour. The treasurers- report Watson and family. was given by Mrs. Ken McDonald. Mrs. Richard Moore, R.R. 5, The Fall Rally will be held Octo- Wingham was the fifty-fifty ber 11th in the Ontario Street winner at the Blyth Rabbit club United Church, Clinton with a Achievement Day onSeptember 1, delegate to be chosen from each held at the Blyth Fair grounds unit. The draw was made at the pork Anniversary services are Barbecue at 7 p.m. The Rabbit scheduled, for the tnire,Sunday in Club are planning a meeting in September at Duff's United The Blyth Council Chambers Church with The Rev. Dr. R. Thursday evening. ' Gordon HazIewood, of Binkley Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stevenson United Church, Hamilton, as and Ronald, and Mr. and Mrs. guest speaker for both services. Allan McCall visited with Mr. Lunch will be served, following and Mrs. Warren Brown in the morning service, with Walton Fergus on Sunday. unit to' serve and 8th and 16th Mr. and Mrs. Torrence unit to tidy up after. Walton Dundas and Mr. and Mrs. Ernie unit, are responsible to put Stevens enjoyed a I3-day bus trip flowers in the sanctuary for the with the All-Star Tours to the • , month of September. 'A donation East Coast which included was made to the Mission Band to Quebec,Montreal, New Bruns- help defray expenses for wick, ove Scotia, Cape Breton material. It was decided to send Island and Prince Edward Island. • a bale later. Keith Clark, secretary,orthe Each unit went to rooms for a Brussels Calf Club reports the short business period With the meetings, are beginning again Presidents. of each in charge. Thursday evening, new members are welcomed to join. W.I. Notes The Juveniles Ball team played in Brussels ball park last Friday evening and won over The Walton W.I. will hold Maryhill 6-3. Sunday evening an open meeting September'21 they played in Maryhill and were featuring Family and Consumer victorious again 8-3. They will Affairs when Dr. Jean (Mills) play another game this Friday Westermann -of Burlington will evening in BrusSeIs.. speak. The Henderson girls will . - , contribute mueical selections and ' ,'. pgeWeee b DER USE roll call wilt nee"insve4,,Oil)Vith9l!w ,,NagiPtistk a.foodgrinder,put a gift to tie cancer gOoliefi: a piece of sandpaper, rough side down, on the counter and fasten WORK OF THE CHURCH the grinder over the paper. to At the Sunday morning service prevent slippage. at Duff's United Church, Walton, '4i Mrs. Neil McGavin was ' guest TWO RECIPE FILES soloist: The offering was For' well organized menu received by KeithCiark,Clayton planning, keep two recipe file Fraser and Ross Mitchell. Rev. boxes - one for new recipes and Docken took as his sermon, "God one for tested and approved ones. EjmondVille UCW meets Happy Citizens ROy MeGOnigle accounted for 54" on visitations made and mrs. ham Langford is to address the meeting. Oa! activities during the summer Mrs. L. Strong is (regional sident and Rev. Dr. Anne Gra* months. Mrs. Strong told • of Mrs. NqrvaiStimore reported I Gregor; Lone-hand r Miss Lillian August 3rd. Ladies' high - Mrs. Jno. Mc Brady who passed away Friday, Faulkner; Low - Mrs. Chris. observed in memory of Mrs. Ed. 71hursday afternoon in the loo ion rooms. Two minute, silence was Winners at euchre were: The liappyl Citizens met Turnbull. Men's high - Russell manse requirements. A bake sale is planned for Coleman; Lonehands Ed. Brady; the last Saturday in Septemher Low - Joe white. with Mrs. Alex Chesney, Mrs. The report of the year's ac- A. Lund and Mrs. K. Carno- tivities were reed by Sec.-treasi chan in charge. Mrs. Janet Baker and signed by A considerable sum was voted the president, Tenie Dennis. towards the installation of new Lunch was served by the social' committee. furnaces, etc. Duff's United Church ANNIVERSARY . SERVIEES ith Rev. R. Gordon Halewood, BA., BD., D.D. on SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 16th 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Special Music -.Guitar Sing-songs and Lunch after Morning Service bi QUALITY PROTECTED WE SELL CANADA APPROVED GRADE "A" RED RIBBON BEEF lb. REGULAR CUT PRIME RIB 101 FOUR RIBS ONLY BEEF RIB ROAST BOTTOM CUT FROM THE BEEF HIP • ROUND STEAK ROAST FRESH - NUTRITIOUS SLICED PORK LIVER 6191? :-:77---_, -- --- _......L .,, V-- CANADA'No. 1 ONTARIO AIL OgeFEEARONI o CANADA No CRISP roc CHOICE CREAM STYLE CELERY STALKS '2 e 45' CORN 5 '4 1.00 PRODUCT Of S SWEET goon VALENCIA ORANGES e, q9c ..... CANADA No Of4T4RI0 'A "CAULIFLOWER 49` U.S A No 1 CALIIORNiA HIS - TOKAY GRAPES 79` CANADA Na °WART) CARROTS roe 29c CANADA No ' '5104 oti Yam Assootto 0 1,1000,5 ORANGES • t,:4 69. PUDDINGS 1- C 1 r 1.64 OZ 41,5 N• 70 IV ,,,MCNAS,r .M0 r0,11.0,4 RKPIOINVII soniorse TVS at IGA the owners in th Thieves Legion ii.sor The BrUSsels Oratich of the loai CanadiaeL gionWasleoted f 'a quantity pt liquor and cig- arettes over the weekend. How the thieves gained entry has not been ascertained as there was no sign of forced entry. B. W. BB1D 17,A • The case is under pollee in- vestigation. OUND-11 OF VALUES! FRESHLY COT WELOlf OR HAI • (HOMER TOP VALU SMALL LINK -,STORE PACKED PORK ROAST u. 98c PORK SAUSAGE tb 88e FAMILY PACK • 19.11 CHOPS), TOP RAW • COUNTRY STYLE STORE PACKED LOIN PORK CHOPS t$1.28 PORK SAUSAGE lb. 84° TOP VALU • 6 OZ, PACKAGE SLICED BOLOGNA oks 45e • TOP VALU - A VARIFIEES • 6 01 PACKAGE SLICED COOKED MEATS 45° ' TOP VALU • 6 02 PACKAGE SOUP COOKED HAM Pks 89* TOP VALU VACUUM PACKED I IS Package SKINLESS WIENERS 6 $4c TOP CAW . VACUUM PACKED I Ih Petknio SLICED SIDE BACON R $1.29 FARMER JOHN UNKIES - 8 or Package ALL BEEF SAUSAGE ucu 68° FEARMAN. 1 lB 4LACKAGE ULSTER FRY STRIPS $1 9 50/DfN 5. ,11 EC BREADED FRESH CUTUP CHICKEN LEGS I gec ff79c lb. TOP VALU FANCY TOMATO, JUICE 48 oz. tin 39c CHASE & SANBORN ASSORTED FLAVOURS DOUBLE BLEND FARM- HOUSE FROZEN INSTANT REAM COFFEE4E1 10 02 7' C REAM PI,ESt., . 1.69 3f01.00 111140;11*Cl!Psrr'iMf $1041Mtrif'910,4'011n.. BANGOAFr; 436 Main St, S., SEAFORTH 3 4-H CLUB Seaforth 3 held their first 4-H meeting on September at the home of 'their leader, „Brenda Thompson;. The meeting wa0 e8pened e‘Viehl the 4e14uelleelet. ns Roll'÷eealle'lwastekrisWereeeiby dzui meitillerk fretitao lebwieg *Mc Otis be aude were selected: President, Marie Nolan; Vice-President, Janice Schenck; Sec.-Treas., Shirley McClure; Press Reporter, Sharon Thomp- son; Telephone Girl , Lyn Hugill. Brenda Thompson and Janice Schenck demonstrated cooking .Foods from Foreign Countries. 12 MOO Puec,onf arr'o Lois Coven, moicren strums 11-111, LIFE i i X\ IAA REEF We do a lot more to make sure the beef we sell will bring you complete satisfaction CHICKEN LEGS ,,,t BRE A ST, S , , ''.:.=c.time‘it \t1'ined buy ymnediatdaa oAr7srtZcetdGr9i specifications. '' Rr'or',i'ttnrn!,ernent it twe buy It 0 .' you do, our beef is dandled under ideal conditions, keeping it clean, cold, fresh, juicy ... . ., and, delicious. This is why we are able to bring you beef that is uniformly good, week otTeeweek - the kind of quality your family deserves -Quality-Protected" Beef It's not .just o name . . . it's a guarantee. . . ,/' IGA 'fitiS rounded up some big values. QUALITY PROTECTED BEEF to make this even.t better than ever! Time is Nature's woy of aging beef to make it tender and flavourful. it's IGA's woy too! ! FRESH BACKS ATTACHED We vacuum seal our "Quality-Protected" Beef . and without additives, we let it age naturally in a controlled, cold environment . . so it will be tender and good when it's fresh cut in our stores. C EN BEEF S PCHICIAKLENS WHOLE CHICKEN CUT INTO `I; PIECES PLUS NICK & GIBLETS ‘'WE'1 '14 BDr '71.°8',110)( KENTUCKY STYLE CUTLETS ;S TE4 KETTES .E10x r KNIFE CUT 1.73 HOME FREEZE buy in quantity and save more 0 I oz Lop5f,A,, .07,, Err HEINZ STRAINfr BABY FOODS 16` : take advantage of the extra savings on these items! 'Nis vsvuupiI COUPON JAVEX LIQUID BLEACH 64 oz. jug :LIP AND REDEEM THIS VALUABLE COUPON ASSORTED COLOURS 'VIVA BATHROOM TISSUE 2 id. (,4, AND' RECIFFM vAWARIZ CE)LiRoN ASSORTED FLAVOURS ALLEN'S FRUIT DRINKS 43 en AM 4 wit, DINNER P; 4 ,1 SR nip SAUCER Powdered Detergeirii 4, 1.99 ROY lit ASSOPTID CrRoliP5 59* Bathroom Tissue '4' 69e MAUR'S EXTRA DRY FORMER/. HAND CREAM 25 e'4 1.43 GT POLY BAGGED YACHT MOPS GM, 99° 11100M i .59 SEAFORTH IGA wow 54nm PUTTER, SMALL. MEDIUM OR LARGE GLOVES put 77e Supplied and Serviced By M. Loeb Limited' 2% PARTLY SKIMMED CARNATION. MILK 16 oz. tin 19c store to guarantee your satisfactiori every shopping trip Seaforth IGA is open oil nesday and Friday night till 9pm