HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-09-06, Page 11• SEASONAL WORKERS REQUIRED To Help Process Delicious Aylmer and DelMonte, Vegetables • * Light and Heavy Labour * Day or Evening Shift * Free Transportation Arranged * No Previous Experience Necessary Cafeteria on the Premises INCREASED WAGE RATES l a•• CANADIAN CANNERS LIMITED is , once again recruitiRT men and -Oirien for work, in their food processing plant in Exeter. Anyone wishing to take advantage of this opportunity to earn extra money, please register in person at your local Canada Manpower Centre orat CANADIAN CANNERS LIMITED AYLMER Staatt ATTENTION STUDENTS: There will be part time work available during Sentember and qctober. 4-1-4 HURON PINES ELECTRIC 86 King Street teat:stria', residential;, farm wiring. Clinton - 482-7901 • Prop. Budd Kuehl. Buy 41.4h4V*4ded PER459N t0.017011te cool 41,3rer. Apply to Ken H, CampbeA,tt.H.i, 5274241. 4-4-2 4. Kelp Wanted ell) Wan 4,, Kelp Wanted.' eYawm ~et 1 garaccAmt 1. Coming Events Mini Vacation 14 Of -REMO. 040:91);. Oetaiiti. • Agricultural WIPPNYga wishes middle-aged moo to do light hcceekeepingt ceept, e 'accepted. Live in preferred.' Phone 527-0695 Seaforth. • 4-3x2 SEEPS WANTED - Career Opportunity :rite one of Canada's 'largest and oldest FARM EQUIPMENT Dealers, ".. PERSON for general farm work must he able to operate farm. Machinery. Apply to Ken R. R.R.1, Dublin, 52 &ma ANA 0 7- 4. Buyers of Timothy Red Clover and Bird.sfoot Trefoil Seed WS are now paying 5 $to.go for fresh dej/d e9W5 and, IfeSele 500 lbs. • l'wO, 0000 ' to serve• you better. Feet; efficient service. • All small farm stook •picked up. free of charge as a service You, YOU MAY OBTAIN A WRITTEN. REPORT FROM A QUALIFIED VETERINARIAN UPON' REr QUEST. Call collect 482-9811 7 clays.Na week - 24'hours a day - LiCense-No. 378c-72 Call us first, you won't hiare,te• call anyone else. I October 5 - 4 days to Nashe vine - Grand Ole OPrY. FULL or part time. Phone 527- 1180 after 5. 4-4-1 requires From . $66.()() GOOD TIMES TRAVEL AGENCY MAPLE LEAF MILLS Secret9rial Help 1,1RTS - to assist in parts dis- tribution and control ,parts sales, anal processing of service centre work orders. Possible future ad- vancement into retail sales. • VILLAGE -HOME This 1 1/2 storey asbestos sided home Is completely *redecorated; Features 'carpeted living room 'and 2, bathrooms. Full basement with 'propane furnaCe. Detached bWrANassTEaDrufuelersni,tubreel,ls:oeppt:.r garage and steel Covered barn. also accept' consignments for $19,500. ._„1/2 acre lot on. edge of Walton. auction. H. Mitchell, 482-7584. 12-2-4 = BROWNIE 'uniform size 8; Girl Guide uniform size 12 - Mrs.' Francis Hunt, 527-1948,. ..-12e4-2 Seed Div. (Jones, MacNaughton) Exeter, Ontario. Phone 235-0363 12-99-8 ELEVATOR . HELP WANTED Turnberry Central Public School Applications stating experience and telephone number should be addressed to: Mr. Paul Statia ' principal, Turnberry Central Public School, R.R.#4, Wingham, Ontario. Deadline for applicatibns is September 13, 1973. SERVICE - (a) to assist in set- up, repair and overhaul of Farm tractors, machinery and equip-- meat. (b) to adjust, repair and over- haul small engines such as chain saws, lawn mowers, garden trio- tors, snowmobileS, etc. , Box 789 , Seaforth Phone 527-0050 1-4-ti REMEMBER Seaforth Fall Fair dance Satirday, September 22, 1973. 1-2-3 4 GRASS FARM . We require maenad and fun UM dairendabli wirdarril for our Aerator. Top pay rates, ovarthes altar 40 hours. • Company *Mead modlcal,• drag and 01. Insurance, 50 acres all workable with small barn, in Monkton area. Priced at $16,000 with terms. The Huron County Health Unit invites you to attend the • a, *Experience preferred * Farm Background an asst • 19-4-tf McKILLOP FARM Vincent CHILD HEALTH CLINIC Health Unit_-Office,' SEAFORTH COMMUNITY HOSPITAL WANTED Cockshutt 40 any condition. Phone 345-2557 after '7:30 p.m. Ivan Rapien, &RA, Walton. 121=4-2 Modern hog and corn set up on this 162 acre farm. Asking $120,000.with terms. Contact JOHN OR CAROLYN THOMPSON , Seaforth 527;0238 14-4-1 15. Property for 'Rent Apply to If you are thinking of buying Or jean E. C. Hill Chairman. 4-4-1 Box 158 Seaforth, Ont. 4- -1 D. J. Cochrane Director FARM EQUIPMENT LTD,;" • ANTIQUES ...... USED FURNITURE. 14. Property for Sale BUNGALOW in Hensall on two large lots, carpeted livingroom, and dining room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 4 pc. bath, 7 dry basement. Phone 262-2014. 14-4-2 Remember! It takes but a moment to place a Brussels Post Want Ad and be money in pocket.. To advertise, just Dial Brussels 887-6641. 11. Articles for Sale DIVISION OF GERBRO CORP. 1 Chrome high chair, excellent condition. Phone mornings or evenings, 527-1876. 11-3-2 'contact 1162-2605 , ;Mensal' Seaforth, on NORM WHITING _ THURSDAY,SEPT.13TH 1 Bedroom apartment for rent. 527-0990. 15-3-3 Exeter, 235-1984 We buy estates, household lots '.or single articles.. a9-a-u WOOD for sale, hardwood slabs, 7 cord lots, $4 per cord, delivered Craigs Sawmill, Auburn, 5260. '7220. 11-98-10 FACTORY WORKERS We require women and men for production work in our Mitchell, Ontario and' Stratford, Ontario plants. 1973 from 9:30 - 11;30 a.m. for: 1. Health Surveillance 2. Anaemia Screening 3. Immunization 4. Hearing Screening 5. Fluoride brushing of child- ren's teeth to prevent case- -ties for ages 3 to 5 years. 6. Vision testing. 1-4-1 . 1 1/2 white brick family home close to school and shopping area. Easy terms. Apply to Box 381. Seaforth, Ontario. 14-4,,t1 For Rent- One bedroom apart- ment, electric heat, wail to wall carpet, 3-piece tile bath. R.S. Box. 15-4-tf Clearing Summer Furniture At Box Furniture 527-0680, Seaforth. 11- 3-2 WE SELL AND nit vake:f ACCUTRON BULOVA CARAVELLE WATCHES ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. teaforth -No experience eisosiso, .:-Good rate' of pay plus bonus • Three Bedroom TO.WN_HOUSE . for rent in Vanastra, ILLS, Clinton. $96.00 per month. Al] utilities paid. 482-9742 or 482-7398 anytime 15-4-tf COMPANY PAID --Life Insurance -Hospital Insurance ...Medical Insurance -Sickness Insurance SOMETHING of Interest for all ladies.. The ladies division of Seaforth Agricultural Society presents ',Fashion, Travel and Fun", Seaforth Fair Day, Friday, September 21, 1973 at 2.30 p.m. Light refreshments. Door prizes. Tickets $1.00 from members. 1-4-2 3 Bedroom 1 1/2 Storey modern home in Seaforth, with, garage attached. F.A.O. furnace, aluminum siding, delightful back yard all on a nice street. Call JOE O'REILLY 345-2965 or 672-3333 Dublin, London. 14-3-2 COPIES 527-1721i 19-4-te Copies of your important papers or documents while you wait. Letter size, 250 each. • THE HURON 'EXPOSITOR 11-4xtf Apply In person to: PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT 2 bedroom apartment for rent, newly decorated, Phone 527- 0828. • 15-441 ' REWARDS NEW BINGO Clinton Legion Hall 800 p.M.September 6.Admiselon $1.00, 15 regular games $10.00 each. Three Share-The-Wealth Games. One jackpot game for ,..54 calls or- 1 - 1 TWENTY g'IFTkl Wedding Re- ception for Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Feeney on Saturday, September 22, 1973 at Seaforth Legion, 9 „ o'clock. Everyone welcome. 10.7. Lunch. provided. 1-4-2 Sragmartesagd‘Aegaugst TWO bedroom apartment, hot water, heat - hot water, laundry room with machine, dryer or outside clothes line. Suitable for adults. • 'Phon a 527-1073 -or Jack Thompson's Footwear Ser- vice. 15-4-tf , PELLET gun for sale. Good t'oondition. Apply to Box 3069 he, Jauron Expositor, Seaforth, nt., :„.1.1s-2 We are now paying up tg. $1 se for Dead and , Di.bled CRIVe aAti,Hereele.,‘, and Stocker Cattle all small animals pick-up free as a service to ate. We have three trucke sexvice you 24 hours '7 days a Week. Alone Collect „4030 Erie ford, 'eV art a inch Electrohome window fans ' $21.00. Box Furniture Store, phone 527-0680, Seaforth. LOCAL MAN REQUIRED MODERNIZED 3 bedroom home In Seaforth. Living room, dining room, attractive . kitchen, laundry, Box 3071, Huron Ex- positor. 15-4x2 11-4-1 I need a representative for my filen in this area. This opening may be worth up to $10,000 yearly for the right person. Full or part-time. Age over 21. Can you make short auto trips? We hope you will start soon and , stay with..us a long time. Apply to Ronald Anderson, St.Pauls, , Phone 393-5387. 4-4-3 Real Estate Ltd. COKE cooler - good condition, upright model. $1.t.00. Phone 527=1750. 11-4-1 82 Albert Street Clinton 8814334 Brussels Pet Food Supplies Lie. 39d.C-7b THE Seaforth Happy Cilizeitsavill meet for euchre games in the Seaforth Canadian Legion Hall on September 6th, Thursday at 2 p.m. Ladies please bring lunch., I-4x1 2 Bedroom apartment for rent heated. Available Oct. 1st. Phone 527-0840. 15-4-tf THREE speed Glider in good. condition - $30.00, 527-1866. '11-4-1 MASON BAILEY Manager/Broker 16. For Sale or Rent ADDING machine tapes for Most. Attu:Ward adding machines vial-. able at The ,Huron Eapositor. 027-940, Seaforth. 11-4xtf t ith ,o 114:11 rea out able. 100 can bu GESTETNER , ink available ak The Huron Expositor; 52710240. Seatdrth. 1 -4xtf COMING EVENTS at GULLY • * * * * FULLY Equipped Restaurant with modern living quarters in Huron County. This restaurant is show- ing a good return: Pricei right for said. • * * * * STONE HOUSE 1 1/2 storey on 145 acre farm 2 miles from Clinton. Barn and silo. 135 acres workable. * * * * * 2 storey brick home in Clinton on Raglan Street, 1 acre wooded lo t. This home must be seen to be appreciated. * * * * * * JUST LISTED: New '7 room split-level home tot__ietteetre Hensall finished basement, c heat, carpets throughout. -- 225 acres in Bullet Township. Large new silo. Full set of good buildings.210 workable. -- FOOD FOR THOUGHT "Nothing is impossible, we just haven't discovered how." Liz Bell and Dorothy Sok:etc:1,2r Skies Representatives 14.4-1 7. Situations Wanted WOMAN will babysit one or two .ehildren in her own home in Egmondville, 4 years experience. Phone 527-1646. 7-4x2 Summer Clearance Of Air Conditioners. Your chance to save money. BOX FURNITURE 527-0680.„ 11-3-2 18. Property Wanted WISH to purchase 50,100 or 150 acres in McKillop Township, with or without ,buildings, preferably good crop land. private. phone 527-0621: 18-3-2 Sept. 8 Holly Gully on Beli- da ----- See you, next a week. Sept. 9 - Ontario Snowmobile Grass Drag Champion- ship Series (1st event) Sept.15 - Roger Quick and the Rainbows Sept.16 - Ontario Snowmobile Grass Drag Champion- ship Series (2nd. event) Sept.22 - Joe Overholt Sept.23 - Moto-Cross (C.M.A. sanctioned), 1-4-1 8. Farm Stock for Sale 18 Chunks, castrated. - Also a cattle chop feeder holding approx. 1 1/2 tons. Apply Doeald Kelly, Lot 11,` Con. 4, McKillop. 8-4-1 -WATCH REPAIR • FAST' SERVICE All work guaranteed 19. Notices Med. Blue Fibreglass drapes, '70 x .84 and 76 x 84; Carpets - Entrance 4 x 6, med. blue, red nylon 6 x a; 2 Scandinavian Divans; Bookcase bedroom suite; air conditioner; vinyl chair; record player stand; TN. ator and motor; pink ball fringe bath- room drapes and shower set. 527-0076. 11-4-1 15 Pigs for sale. Han a Van Euw, 527-1798. 8-4-1 /10TIGE We are shipping cattle every Monday to United Co-Operatives -of Ontario. To arrange fot tick-up at your farm phone by Saturday night. WILLIAM J. DALE Phone: • Clinton 482-9802 19-4-tf -JEWELLERS LTD., Seaforth 527-.142(11 19-4-tf 35 weaner pigs York Aire„ Apply 5 3- Ramp- • 8-4-1 THE SEPTEMBER meeting of the Seaforth Horticultural. Society will be held on Wednesday, Sep- tember 12th , 8:00 p.m. Seaforth Town Hall. Slides on fall plant- • ing of bulbs will be featured, also a panel discussion on fall bulbs. 1-4-1 9. Poul ry for Sale '1111111110,- , SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment. We guarantee all_ work. write or call Harvey Dale, Seaforth, Phone Clinton, 482r3320. 19-4-tf IMBER LEGHORN Day Old and Started Pulleta SCOTT POULTRY FARMS, LTD. Seaforth Phone 527-0847 30'4 electric stove in working condition; wringer washer with water pump, good as new; one venetian blind 52" ,x 6', Phone 262-5510. • 11-4-1 r T: 3-Year old spirited Gelding, quarter horse and Arabian, has champion sire. Phone 482-7410. 11-4-1 HARDTMAN & STRACK LTD. REGISTRATION only at Town Hall for 1st and 2nd Seaforth Brownie Packs on September 11th at 7 o'clock. Nee, Brownies must be accompanied by their mothers. Leona Anstett. 1-4-1 Box 169 9-4-II Mortgages are our only business. Let Waterloo's oldest and most experienced mortgage firm help you to purchase a home or cot- tage; to use the equity in your home to consolidate debts br, to improve it without ember- - assing credit investigations-, for confidential, competent service, for mortgages from $1,501 to ate constructionrloo84 loans,8-6030,19.4-u call collect, EAVESTROUGHING - alumtntc or galvanized. Estimatee wititmu eblization. R. E. Ratan. Wier. ham, Phone 357-1077. 19-4-ft LO 10. Used Cars for Sale '64 G.M.C. Handi-Van. Phone 527-0533. 10-2x3 ORDERS taken for dressed hens for sale. 527-0457. 11-4-1 GRAVEL! THE Seaforth Egmondville Harpurhey Religious Census1973 IP. will be conducted on September 23rd, in the afternoon. Every home in these communities Will be visited by census takers. 1-4-1 500 A.Rannes Windrower with cross conveyor in excellent con- dition. Arnold Taylor. Phone 482-9155. 11-4-1 1972 Ford V8 half ton pick-up '"'Heavy duty equipment. Phone 482- 3555. 10-4-1 20 acre MU of gravel plus 15 acres of cedars, priced at $20,000. Additional .Classified on Page 11: Articles for Sale WILLIAM M. HART EDELWEIS , Rebekah Lodge meets • Monday, September 10. Potluck supper at 6 P.M. (Sun- shine pal gifts). 1-4x1 1051..100% 0 Go rcien TROPICAL FISH Phone 527-0870 or 565-2855 GEORGE R. JOHNSTON REAL ESTATE LTD. West Lorne 14-4-1 BUDGIES, CANARIES A complete' line of pet supplies PAT'S PET SHOP 350 Main Street Pick your own tomatoes, squash, brussels sprouts, white cabbage, savoy cabbage, beans, corn, pie pumpkins and cantelope. Leen Van De Ban, R.R.#1, Seaforth. Phon e 527-0705. 2. Lost, Strayed - , LOST - one brown leather wallet in Seaforth. Reward 527-0831. 2-4x1 . TWO full size building lots' one block from mainStreet,Seaforth. 11-4-1 .Phone 527-1090. 14-3-2 Exeter Phone 235-19.0 '41-99- USE , EXPOSITOR WANT-ADS Phone 527-0240 ---4 STRIP tickets for admission or refreshments, single and duplIA °ate. The Huron Elnosftbi Seafortie 11.4xtf 20 inch Electrohome window fans $21.00. Box Furniture Store, Phone 327-0680, Seaforth. 11-4-1 Use Expositor Want - Ads Phone 527-0240 'VACUUM CLEANERS SALES I SERVICE ALIT. MAKES 12. Wanted to Buy WANTED blanket box, old kit- chen cabinet, brass bed, press back chairs, 482-7584. 12-2-4 BOB PECK FOUNDATION Genesee Seed Wheat treated or untreated. Apply' Lorne Fell 845-2697 or Spencer Jeffery, 345-2529. • 11-3R3 VARNA 2824748 19-4-tf •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••404•4•404•••••••• 11,,,,e,,V4 ;•14