HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-09-06, Page 9t
a t-••••-•
-Kit:Chen and
Tasty -Topic
London, visited friends here . - _
during the weekend.
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Deborah pearl Smith, daughter blue flowered gown.
of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Smith, Randy Dayman of Kippen was
Hensall, Ontario to Franklin Paul the groomsman.
Ducharmee Hensall, son of Mrs. After the reception' at the
Lloyd Thompson, Hensall and Mr. Seaforth Golf and Country Club,
Ted Ducharme, Exeter on Friday, the couple left on their honey-
August 24th, 1973 at 8 p.m. with moon, .the bride travelling in
Rev. Donald Beck officiating at a brown hot pant dress ensemble.
the double-ring ceremony. Guests attended from
The bride, given in marriage Seaforth, Hensall, Gait, Clinton ,
by her father, chose along white L and Kippene
eyelet gown and carried a bouquet The couple will
of white daisies with yellow Hensel!, Ontario.
Hensall United Miss Gail
the setting for the Wore a pale
Church was The bridesmaid
marriage of Travers of Hensall
Katherine Jean MacKay (nee
MacLeod) married Charles
Bruce Stewart on Friday, August
M. Stewart is President of
Simpsons, Limited; the bride
the widow of the lateilonour-
able J. Kerner MacKay, 'former
•Lieutenant Governor of Ontario.
'The ceremony took place in
the chancel 01St. Andrew's Pres- •
byterian Church, King Street,
Toronto. Officiating were The
Reverend Stuart MacLeod, M.A., '
S.T.M., of Edmonton, Alberta,
brother of the bride, and The
Reverend H. Douglas Stewart,
B.A., D.D. brother of the groom
and Minister of St. Andrew's
Junior girls win 2nd
W.0:A.A. trophy'
In Detroit, Mich. and attended the
funeral of a niece Miss Kathy
Mrs. Marion Kelly and daugh-
ters Angela and Karen visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. wilfred
The bean harvest is well under
way and reports are very favor-
able - excellent weather and an
average yield.
Quite a number from Dublin
attended the Mitchell fair on the
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Maloney
and family spent the weekend in
Trenton with Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Overdulve and family.
Miss Teresa Ryan of London
visited with her mother Mrs.
Mary Ryan and Alice on the
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cleary,
Karen and Kevin of Torontospent
the weekend with Mrs. Frank
Mr. Tom Feeney of London
.visited with his brothers Louis
and Elmer on the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eckert
and family of Shefield spent Mon-
day with Mrs. G. Kramers.
Only the immediate PAW*
wore in attendance. Preaellt Were
the bride's three SOUS; The
Reverend IanRealblac154410.4+,
B.D., Of 'lIn fan, Manitoba;
Donald Alastair MacKay and
James Keiller MacKay of
Toronto, and the two sons of the
groom, David Bruce Stewart of
Toronto and Brian Edward'
Stewart of Ottawa.
Heather Jean, Is in Europe and
was unable to attend. Also pre-
sent ' were Mr. . Stewart's
brothers and sisters and Mr. A.
Murray MacKay, of Halifax,
brother of the late Hon. J.Keiller
MacKay. The couple left burned-
lately for Europe. ,
Mrs. William P. Morris, 86,
of Seaforth, died at Marian Villa,
London, Sunday, following a shores
The former Josephine Gal-
lagher, she was the daughter oi
the late Mr.; "ancrierrS.Trancls'
Gallag her of Dublin. She reef'
ceived her early education at
R.R. 1, Staffes
In 1911, she was married to
William P. Morris in Dublin,
who predeceased her in 1931.
She was a member of the
Catholic Women's League.
Surveying are: sons, John F.
of Burlington, Louis of Staffa,
Father Elwyn Of watereord, Fa-
ther wilriam of Windsor, Tho-
mas of Tillsonburg; daughters,
Mrs. Garnet (Mary) Kearns of
Merlin arid Mrs. E. J. (Angela)
Haggerty of 107 McCullough St.,
Stratford; 15 grandchildren; two
great-grandchildren, she was
predeceased by, two sons Jos-
eph and Patrick.
The body was at the R.S. Box
funeral home, Seaforth. Funeral
mass was at St. James Rohnan
Catholic Church Wednesday at
11 a.m., conducted by Rev. H.J.
Laragh. Burial followed at St.
Columban cemetery. Prayers
were at the funeral home Tues-
day evening.
Pallbearers were: John
Kearns, Michael Kearns, Patrick
Morris, Wm. Haggarty, Gerald
Haggerty and Wayne Haggarty,
ITEM: If you are using sheer
fabrics for spring fashions,
• here's a tip: since sheer fabrics
eften ravel, French seams Or
small double stitched seams are
ITEM: In a recipe, for a cup of
corn syrup, you can substitute a
cup of sugar plus a fourth cup of
ITEM: Whimsical chil re n' s
print with story book characters,
'designs that look like neddle
point and cross-stitch or crewel
embroidery and satin strips are
Mrs. Ed. Andrews ga
tesy remarks.
Obituary Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ducharme
and family have returned to
Thunder Bay after visiting the
former's mother and other rela-
Mr. and Mrs. Maillous spent
the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. V
J. Lane.
- Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Pinson-
flea-it visited Mr. and Mrs. J.
McIver over the week end,
Mr. and Mrs. John Moylan
—,visited friends in Ste-Thomas and
Kitchener last week.
Mrs. T. Maloney aqd Francis
visited friends in LonciOn.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Moylan at-
tended the wedding of their cousin
in Brantford.
St. Columban Football Team
played in a tournament In St.
Thomas on Monday, winning one
game and tying one.
Mr. Tom McIver of Toronto
visited relatives here.
The sympathy of the com-
munity goes out to the Morris
family on the death of their
mother on Sunday.
School re-opened on Tues-
day with Sister Marian as princi-
pal. The other members of the
staff .are Mr. Wildman, Mts.
Melady and Miss Fuhr.
The beginners are Michelle
Barry, Dorothy Brooker, Sean
Lane, Anne Marie Maloney,Kevin
Melady, Margaret Anne Nolan,
Anne Ryan, Joe Ryan and mark
At a meeting of the Sunday
School staff of Duff's -Church,
Prom otion Sunday was set for
the last Sunday in September.
Regular classes will resume Sep-
tember 9, at 10:15 a.m.
A superintendent, two inter-
mediate teachers and an assis-
tant teacher are still heeded to
complete the staff for the coming
. A surprise party was held
Friday evening at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Fraser,
Stratford. The honored guests
Were Mr. and Mrs. Doug. Fraser.
Doug and Marjory had planeedon
celebrating Glenn and Kay's 30th
Wedding anniversary, which was
the previous week, but the Fraser
family and a few friends were
celebrating Doug and Marjory's
25th wedding anniversary Which
occurs in October. About 50
enjoyed a smorgasbord supper On
the lawn and honored guests cut
a lovely decorated cake. Every-
one gathered .in the living room
where two chairs were decorated
for Doug and Marjory. Glenn
welcomed everyone and ex-
pressed pleasure inecelebrating
this milestone in their lives.
Doug replied that he was really
shaken. He thought they had
planned 'to celebrate early as they
didn't expect them to be living
together In October, but they had
news for them, as they hoped
they would 'help them celebrate
their 50th • anniversary and
thanked everyone for the lovely
gifts'which they opened, assisted
by Dianne, 'Cheryl and Cliyton.
Miss Carolyn Fraser, their
'Synday: to04:
Mrs. Allan McCall
making it big in spring 1973
pepper and place on a rack in a fashions.
roasting pan. Cover securely with ITEM: In a recipe, for aft foil and bake in a moderate oven ounce square of chocolate, you
(350 degrees) for 45 minutes. Re- can substitute three tablespoons
move cover and bake 15 minutes cocoa plus a tablespoon of fat. longer or until chops are done.
6 servings. Classified Ads pay dividends.
Londesboro united Church
manse was the setting for a
lovely quiet wedding on Monday,
September 3, 1973, when
Margaret Hummel, daughter 'of
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hummel
Of R.R. 1„ Clinton became the
bride of James Harold Medd,
son of Mr. and Mrs. John Medd
of R.R. 1, Clinton.
The Rev. Stan McDonald of-
ficiated at the double ring cere-
The bride looked lbvely in a
full length gown of white puckered
polyester. Dainty white lace
enhanced the tiny stand-up collar
and bodice. The same lace en-
hanced the long sleeves that ended
in tiny frills at the bottom. Her
detachable lace train fell from the
waiSt and was enhanced by a
self-tie bow on her gown. Her
four tier veil was held in place
by a Juliet cap. She carried
• casettde of yellow tea roses
and whtts• and peseti WriValaisies
in fern.
The Maid of Honour, Miss
Janice Turner of R.R. 1, Varna,
wore a full' length gown Of peach
satin seersucker steleei similar
yellow regency striped cotton
voile, .and wore' toeing flowers
in their hair. They carried white
daisies and yellow. rosebuds.
The best man's duties were
ably carried out by Peter
Lageard and the groomsmen were
Michael Watling, brother-1n-law,
and Mr. Richard Newman, cousin,
and Mr. James Osborne, friend
of the groom.
The bride's mother wore a
dress and coat of eau che nil
silk with matching beige coloured
accessories. The bridegroom's
mother wore a tailored chocolate
brown linen dress with a picture
hat of-beige straw.
, The bride and groom -were
driven to the 'reception at St.
George's Hill Laron Tennis Club
•1n a registered (veteran car, a
1913 Rolls Royce. \
Among the guests, the family
were particularly pleased to wel-
come, Mrs. Muriel Hudson of
Mr. Arthur Shepley of Walton
on-Thames 'proposed the toast to
the bride.
Alter the reception, the couple
left on a honeymoon to Norfolk.
On their return they will live
in Guildford, Surrey, where the
bride will take up her duties as
an anaesthetist at aiocal hospital.
to the bride's with a dainty ruffle
on the bodice, long sleeves ending
In a full and self tie bow at the
Bridesmaid was 'Miss Kern
Medd, sister of the groom. Her
dress was styled identical to the
maid of honour's in lime green
voile with embossed flowers
of peach, pink, and mauve. The
attendants carried colonial bou-
quets of white and peach tinted,
daisies nestled in fern with green
streamers. They wore white
cornflower in their hair. They
also wore lockets given to them
by the bride.
Groomsman was David Medd'
of Wirth, brother of the groom
and Mr. Bruce Johnston of Grand
Valley, cousin of the groom was
the usher.
A lovely informal wedding
dinner was served at the home
of the. groom's parents following
the ceremony.
Prior to the wedding, showers
were given by Miss Janice Turn&
of R.R. 1, Varna and Mrs. Ray-
mond rnch, aunt of the grootn.
The young_ couple will reside
at Rats 1, Myth, Ontario.
The Dublin Junior girls wen
the W,O.A.A. Junior Home brew
Championship for .the second
straight year when they defeated
Ripley Tuesday night by a score
of 26-11, in Ripley. Dublin won
three of the series four games.
Joe Cronin, Dublin, Is the Junior
Girls' coach.
Later this moth the W.O.A.A.
grand championships will beheld
on the Dublin Athletic Field for
the first time. See next week's
issue for more dOtails.
The Dublin Pee Wee girls won
the WOAA Pee ,.Wee champion-
ship in their first year of play,
keeping the newly donatedCronin
Transport trophy at home in
Dublin. The pee wee's defeated
Tavistock in the fifth game of
their series last week.
Visitors at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Dan Costello on the ho-
liday weekend were Mr. and Mrs.
Doug McGilvery and children,
Paid, Kim, Mike and Tim 'of
Chatham; also Mr. and Mrs, Pete
G,roshck and daughter Debhee of
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kroskie
spent the past week with friende
News of
Fred McClymont
Servicee in the United Church
.were resumed last-Stlnday 'with
the pastor Rev. Murdock Mor-
rison in charge.
Anniversary Services in the
United Church will be held on
Sunday Sept. 16th. S
Rally Day services will be
observed in the United Church
next Sunday, Sept. 9th.
The United Church Women
Will hold their September meeting
on Thursday of this week. -
Mr. Allan Keys and daughter
Elizabeth were recent- visitors
In, this area.
Miss Fran Carpenter of
Stuffed Curry Pork Chops '
6 pork fib 'pops, cut 1 '1/4
to 1 .1/2 inclids thick
2 cups toasted whole wheat
bread qubes
1/3 cup flaked coconut
1/4 cep finely chopped celery
2 tablespoons finely chopped
1 teaspoon curry powder '
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup 'milk
2 tablespoons lard or drippings
11/2 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon pepper
Make a pocket in each chop
by cutting into the chop along
the rib bone and parallel to the
surface of the chop. Be careful
not to cut through the opposite
• side. Combine bread cubes, coco-
nut; celery, onion, curry powder,
'and 1/2 teaspoon salt. Stir in
milk. Fill pockets in chops with
the stuffing and lightly brown in
lard or drippings. Season chops
with 1 1/2 teaspoons salt and
The September meeting of the
Ladles Aid was held in the school
room of First Church when there
were 26 ladies present.
Mrs. Ed Andrews presided
and the hymns were chosen by
Mrs. John McGregor.
Mrs. -wm. waddell read the
scripture lesson and Mrs. R.S.
Rabkirk led in prayer. The
minutes were read by the sec-
retary, tirs. Reg. Kerslake and
Miss Jean Scott read a satis-
fying treasurer's report.
Miss Alice Reid introduced
Rev. T, C. Mulholland who spoke
on the 84th psalm and related It
to his years in the concentration
camp during the lastwar.
eldest daughter v4,4 -unable
Attend ase,elie is working tolYth,
tom; Hospital' for the' Mr.oaeller
befOre returning lo her third
year University Lond0,,,
progressive • euthre was
played daring the rest ofthe even-
ing with Melva Fraser Incharge.
Coffee and, doughnuts were
served". on the lawn.
Thanks was expressed to Mr.
and Mrs. Glenn Fraser and the
families of Don Fraser Walton,
Myrtle (Mrs. Jeff Livingston).
Guelph and Iva, (Mrs. Frank
Marshall) Bramalea.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Marks;
Brian and Blain spent a recent
weekend visiting with her brother •
Don Hulley and family at Fraser,
Mr. and Mrs warren Brown
of Fergus visited on the holiday
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Stevenson and Ronald and Mr.
Allan McCall.
Mark McIlwain and his cousin
Susan Coleman of Seaforth spent
a few days with the former's
grandmother, Mrs. Edna Hack-
r. and Mrs. Fred Kerley of
Tor to spent a few days last
week with Mrs. waiter Broad-
Mrs. Dorothy McCauley of
Brussels, and Mrs. Allan McCall
spent the Labour HolidaY week-
end on a tour to Nashville; Ten-
nessee. where they attended the
Grand Ole Opry on Saturday night
and visited Oprylend amlisemeet
-park On Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Smith,
Sandra, Monica and paul of Lon-
don were Sunday guests with Mrs.
Edna Hackwell.
Those attending Kindergarten
are - Terry Cronin, Martin Fe-
eney, Nichols Klaver, Anne
Marie Malone, Colleen Maloney,
Paul Menheere, John Ryan and
Barbara Sloan. .
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Remp of
London visited Mr. and Mrs.Fred
Malone on the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ducharme
have returned to their home in
Thunderbay after spending
weeks visiting his mother and
other members' of his family.
Visiting at-the home of Mr.
and Mrs. T. Melady war e Mr.
and Mrs. Brian Melady, Deborah
and Sean; Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Ryan, Lorilyn and Kevin, Miss
Anne Melady and Jean, wife -of
Jim Fisk with her husband.
Ottriiy holidayed ,et Piro. X413,
Afre and Mrs. Hay gonsitt and,
14041,* attended "-the Gibson
reunion at Homestead Heights on
chell, Miss liyAS Alderdlee and
Mrs. RA. ,C4PAYIsil mpg* a few
dos with Mrs. StirlinsGraham-
at cedar Vista on -Lake AtfrOu Offie9, in qionle, Bean Harvest-Is in full swing
"hill St, $PAVOR with fall cooperation at the
weather man. 'Phone 527-1610 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Asharci
from Waithemotow, England are
visiting their son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Al llog-
An Expositor Classified will
pay You dividends. Have you
tried one? Dial 527-0240.
Sales — Repairs — Rentals
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PHONE: 482-7308
Typewriters, Adding Mach
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See the latest in
Pocket Electronic Calculators.
Repairs made to all makes
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Sterling Trusts Corporation
Guaranteed Trust Certificates
Today's interest rate:
Let your money make money. Good
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Call or,yisit your nearest ,Sterling
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Mrs. Margaret Sharp, Phone 527-0400, Seaforth John Moore Insurance Agency, Phone 345-2512, Dublin
Head Office
372 Bay Street Toronto* 416:364-7495
The marriage took place re-
cently in England at the Church
of St. Mary, Oatlands, of Godfrey
Newman, only son of Dr. and Mrs.
S.L. Newman, Durfold Wood,
Sussex and Dr. Valerie Turnbull,
elder daughter of the late Arnold
R. Turnbull and Mrs. Turnbull of
Weybridge, Surry England. The
bridegroom is an industrial
Chemist for Shell Research Ltd.
Cannon J.H.B. McKitteric.k
conducted the service Ind the
Ian Engelmann Singers, a well-
known local choir led the singing
and gave a beautiful rendering
of "God Be in My Head". Dur-
ing the signing of the register
they sang the Chorus from
e. Elijah - "He Watching over
1,srael," by Mendelssohn and
"Ave Verum" by Mozart.
The bride who was given in
marriage by G.H. Coley, a close
friend of the family, wore a full-
length French gown of vehite gros-
grain trimmed with gnipure lace
and carried a bouquet of yellow
rose buds. Her headdress was
tudor style with a small cir-
cular veil.
The bride was atteaded by her
sister Miss Gillian Turnbull and
Miss Ruth Newman, twin
sister of the groom. They wore
long empire line dresses of pale
CO r-
Sewing Machine Operators
Apply Genesco of Canada
Ladies' Aid Meets
reside . in
News of Dublin
St. Columban
Mein Corner Clinton
"PEN 2 to 6 p.m.