The Wingham Times, 1893-06-02, Page 54 �j. 4 Morris, A largo <eornpany, Numbering 75 o afore, assembled at the residence 'rhos. Williamson, lot 7, con, 1.7, on Weans -day Afternoon to witness the naptielevt• :flies treadle 13., second daugliter.of the host mid hostess, ,and George fa. Walker, of East Wawanosh. At 4 p.m. the interesting ceremony was peefornieci in orthodox faehiorr by Rev, W, OttewelJ, of Walton The bride was attended by her sister, Mies Eliza Williamson, and Miss + tnley Poll.ar•d, while Will Pollard and Isaac Walker supported the groom. A very beco•rning dress of create cashmere, with lace trimmings, bridal veil, &c., was worn by the bride and the bridee'. maids :were similarly attired, mtnais the veil. flies Lou. Pollard played • ' the 'wedding march as the contracting parties tools their places for the cote - Pitney. A. sumptuous repast was served hi the best style of the host. ess. The evening was pleasantly spent in social chat, music, See, after wiled) the company separated for .their ree,r,+estive homes wishing M. and Ades. Waxlker all the joy of wedding bliss. They will reside in East Wawanoeh. Mts. Walker was a very useful neem- ber.of the eummunity hese and will be .greatly missed. The wedded ,gaffs bespoke, with no uncertain aotande ;the popularity of the bride. The Queen's birthday was celebrat- ed by William Gamete; and Miss Mary Ann Watson, both of 1loenis township, by having the natrimouial •bow tied,by Rev. R. Paul, of 13russele. The .cere- mony was performed at the residence of the officiating minister,. Mrs. Frank Smyth, 'of London, spent the 24th with hersister, Mrs. t1 bos Bone, 3rd line. Willie Wright, who /sae been lfor the past six months working in 'Lon- don, is home on a visit. Qnite a misfortune happened to ' a brood mare and a two-year-old kettr- elyle ecru, belonging to Frazer Jl,mbury, one day last week,• They ,got itittingle ed iau a barbed wird fence and in their effcxts to extric'tted themselvee they were lacerated in a terrible 'manner. Tite.colt is net expected ,to.recover. r (Intended for last issue,) )spring seeding is over. Apple blossom is very Sparingly dis- ; trilauted this spring. Plum trees are badly killed, owing, no doubt, to the severity of the winter. The woods are very backward this year and it is doubtful if they will be in fula Leaf before the first of .June, Fail wheat is looking very good this year .ae a rule ; some that was sowed very late laas been plowed .up, but take it.ali round leas is being ,re -sewed than for some years. Geo.. ,Eckri idr, of Ethel, has taken possession of the blacksmith shop at Jamestown. Mr, Forrest, .the old occupant, •has gone to visit il7ncle Sams -domains. Mrs. has. Sheriff, of Toronto., who has been visiting at Willows 1larrow's for the past.six weeks, was very sick for a few days last week and .Linder medical atter' dr.uce. The Morris WIC! Grey cheese factory commenced ,operations for the season last Monday, ,under the management of Neil McLautehlin. This' is Natiil's first factory as 'chief pusher" and we wish hila success. On Wednesday of last week, "Doe" Warwick, V. cam•'.,, Brussels, dehorned nine tnilch cows and about fifteen head ot young cattle for Jas. Martin, 4th concession. It is ,A pity that this fall could not be prohibited by law, as it, is nothing short of cruelty,. How in the name of common sense can it be, a benefit to a cow to have her head opened up so that you can see 'right through the head ,(as was the cane with some of these cowls) allowing the wind to whistle around the brain in read frolic3 How will it be if we have 7 a return of the horn fly this summer ? Seaforth• .A. pleasant celebration took place on May 24th at Inverness House, the resident of H, P. Kennedy, being the marringe of his eldest daughter, Miss E. A. Kennedy, to Mr. Edmund J. Clark, of Toronto, who is connected with a large wholesale house in that city, The presents were numerous and Mostly, inclining a magnifieient silver tea service, the gift of the uucle Uncle. The young couple left for Buffalo and other points followed by good wisheeand rice from their many friends. The seooed of the series of Hough cup football matches has been played and Seaforth still holds it. They played with the Ingersoll O.11egiate team and beat thele one to nothing. There is to be ono more match and it is to be hoped that the boys will do as well in it as they have in the past two. A very sad accident happened here on Monday evening about 7,30 which resulted in the death of lered Coven THE WINGJJAM TIMES, . JUNE 2', 18V3:, try, at about Q,3Q the cane evening, ft appears that two boys, T. Wilson atld H. Johnson, had been out hunt- ing in the afternoon. In coming home, true gun wee left loaded in Johnson's woodshed, while H Johnson went to Get something with which to clean the gun, While lie was away a younger brother, a boy of eleven, was left in the woodshed. Coventry went over to the woodshed and the little fellow, alot !glowing the gun was loaded, picked it up and pointing at et him said, "I'li shout you." The charge i(of birdshot) entered Ills right lung and as above stated bee died about 10,80. He was on;y eixteen years of age. The bereaved fatuity have the entire sympathy of the whole town, in this their hour of serrtow, Listowel. The sad news has been received of the death of Miss Clark, 'daughter of Rev. W. F. Clark, of Guelph and sise ter of Mr. F. 0. Clarlt, of this town, who went to Africa in June, 1800, re'. presenting the Congregational Church of Canada, The following details, ad- dressed by Rev. Wilberforce Lee to a friend in London, will be of general interest. The letter is dated Cisanaba North ,13ihe, West Africa: "Miss Clark, the beloved school teacher, whose Health has been suflsring`for some time, died 5.15 a.m. on Saturday March 18. Miss Clark had been urged to leave the station ata :it was unheal- thy, and had decided that if the fever returned she would doso, hut the at - t ick was too sudden." .Mr. Lee adds: ".Dr Fisher, of 1 utajalulu, could not attend Miss Clare because of the ill- ness ot a mei-Ober of :his own missies, viz., Mi. Linn, who died the same morning as Mass Clark. To Mrs. Le:-; and myself 1vLiss Clark was a true and tried friend. ip'ai•th'ful'uuto death has Miss Clark been. Her grave is in our. garden, surrounded by bauantt trees and made bright by bouquets of tion-- ers. Fier memory will long and lov- ingly be cherished by+both ourselves and the natives. The result of her work will eternally .endure." Miss Clara 1i,otia.woll, daughter of Mr. 13. I-loch:well, ,principal of our ,public echool, as making her mark as a vocalist in Toronto,; she has been en - .gaged as soprano soloist in Trinity Methodist chta,rch choir. The Breitisaupt Leather Company will rebuild their tanenory•on condition ,vf the town granting them exemption of taxes for ten years andgiving there free water and lire;protection. l t is ex• petted that the Council will accede to teleir request. :111r. Wm. Reberta•, an employee of Mr, Jacob Large, had two fingers rak- en•ofi' in a jointer he was running, the other day. The license commissioners have re. fined tavern liceneestto the Royal and Auaerican hotels A license was grant- ed to the Krauss hotel, on condition of Mr. Krauss assuming possession of the house. Our town now has only five hotels. A daring attempt was made last Friday at noon to burn the storehouse ot the tricker Hardwarr,Oo. Tee lire was started underneath the guarding but fortunately was discovered in :time to be put out before muco: damage was done. flad the building been buirnt a large explosion would have taken place, es there were over 700 lhs, of gun powder and some coal oil stoned there. After the recent fire the Breithaupt Leather Co., whose tannery here was burhfd, presented the members of the fire company with a purse of $30, also a free breakfast at the Queen's as a slight recognition of the excellent work done by them at the fire. This is the first tithe tient the fire company has been treated in this liberal manner, and the boys have nothing but praise for the Breithaupt Bros. We trust, they may see their way clear to re- build the tannery. • Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Wallwiu were I Binevale favored by.a visit on Wednesday from two of their young friends from their last circuit, Btuevale. They were \7r. William A. Mills and Miss Lizzie Churchill, and besides wishing to pay their respects to their former pastor and his lady, desired also the nuptial knot to be tied. Mr. and Mrs. Wall - win gaga thein a hearty welcome, and very rnuch appreciated the young couple's remembrance of thein on so important occasion. There were two couple made happy at Waterloo st. Methodist parsonage on the 24th, the other couple being from Guelph.— Stratford Herald. Mr. and Mrs. Jat:kson, of Brusaele, yei'e visiting at Mr, j'.olrn Robertson's, est week. Mrs. Adam Gray, of Atwood, is visiting Mfrs. William Gray, of this f PUMP, who is very ill eft present. Miss Lizzie Churchill, daughter of 111r. George Churchill, of Turnberry, and Mr. William Mills, went to Strat- ford on the 2ith May and were mar- ried by the Rev, L I3, kVttllwin, for- welly or- merly-of I3luevale. A. reception was tendered them in the. evening. at the home of the bride's parents. Mrs. Charles Sherrill', of J-'streeto, end Mrs. Bray, of Morris, were visit- ine at Mr, William Smith's last week. Flow to Get a "Sunii„ht" Mature. Send ii •'Sunlight"Soap wrappers(wrap- per bearing the words" Why Does a Woman Look Old sooner Thema IIau") to Lever Brea., Ltd., 43 Scott. St., Toronto, stud you will receive by post a pretty picture, tree trent advertising, and well worth framing. This is au easy way to decorate your home. The soap is the hest in the market and it will only eost one cent postage to seed in the wrappers, if you leave the ends open. Write your address oarofully. Wroxeter. Dominion Day will be celebrated hero in „Tend style, an energetic cnme mittee having the matter in hand. A Ladies' Aid Society has been or- ganixt:d in eouueetion with the Metho- dist church in this place. The fel- lowing :are the office bearers; Presi- dent, M•rs. E. A Shaw; 'trice; President, itirs.John Bray; Treasurer, Aire. F. biooree ,Secretary, Miss E. Jotanston; Assistant Secretary, Mrs, T. ECeuaphill. The outlook for the Society is good, Wend has been reeoived of the deatbi •of ver, John iilcLaughltn, ot Rapid City, Manitoba, The deceased was tt�bout '70 years of .aizo, and was well tinown in Lowick, where he has tuaaay relatives. He was :formerly a resident of. this village, Teeswater, Mr.:iLL. Stephens is home from attend - nag Toronto University. Some •of the yeu.n' ladies will require to.12<ave their elaoos,half soled a little ,oftoner .now. A ,number of the ,rnemhers of the Ile -sonic Lodge bereerent to Wroxeter on Monday lass to pay their Larethren in that place a visit. A very enjoyable time was ,spent. Ni. tOhas. Fraser spent a tety days in town :seeing his sister, who is very sick. We understand that three of the Teachersin the Public School. have re- signed their positions. C.hanges:are very frequent. here. Mr.;Zinger, proprietor of the •Commer- eial iootel, gave a ball in the •town hall, i prior to'his leaving thelaotel. St3r.:Zinger, we aro pleased to state, intends,remain- lug in town and carry on his .woollen mill, as tasuvl. ai'he pupils in the 3rd department were given a tholiday on Wednesday, on ea - count of amiss Sharpe's sister le+vng•united in the bonds of matrimony at ;White- church. No doubt the little 'gaffers" would be :pleased if fortune favored:them a Iittle:reener in this way. Miss Nona Little left last week ter To- aonto, where she intends to spen,d,a year or more at the Academy of Music. Miss Little will .be missed in many:a:good work. Miss Lizzie Strachan is spending :a few days in town, renewing old acquaint- ances. Miss S,'ttracban taught in rite ah department of our Publics School, Mast year, but was taken 111 with typhoid foyer while home. Her illness lasted so long, she was compelled to resign her position. Her many friends aro pieased at seeing her again. Tho football .club won the silver tank- ard at Harristen, +sn the 24th. Geo. Fowler, L. D. S., L). D. S., of Listowel, has beeoine a resident of our town,+having opened a dental office. He comes highly recommended. Mr. S. B. Kirkland will represent Court Victoria, Canadian Order of For- esters, at the High 'Court meeting to be held in Ottawa, commencing on June 13th. Rev. W. M. Walker will ;begin his Iabors in the Lucknow and Teeswater (geld, in counection with the Baptist denomination, shortly. He will reside iu this place. The many friends of Mr. A. F. Turn- bull, formerly merchant of Teeswater, etillUbe pleased to hear that he is able to r nine work after being nearly six months in the General Hospital at Medi- cine Hat. The accident whish rendered him a patient for the hospital was a severely fractured in stop caused by fall- ing from a bridge. Mr. Turnbull is a inember of the Teeswater Court of Can- adian Foresters,and clrow for sick benefits front this Court one hundred and one dollars. At a .pithtrc meeting held in Toronto on the 2(3th May, to promote the g. f` 1 G o eau Baycanal chain to supply 1 scheme1 pp Y Toronto with water and provide, a short water way for vessels froin Lake Huron to Ontario at a cost of $65,000,000, it was announced that a company had been formed to under- take it. This scheme proposes to supply electricity for power, generated by water power, at the rate of one teat' per font per horse power. 15 is said ill do he eitnal would sliorteti the leke route ....w. from the west to Toronto and Mon -1 ureal by four hundred miles. The It meeting wry; delighted to find that the ,telt. company proposed to ask no bonus ram the pity or the I'rovinoial Gov. erntmenf, mind widened the atoht tae. oro1N,J'4YS i3otlt the method and results when, Syrup of Figs is taken; itis pleasant anti refreshing to the taste, and act gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the syse tem, efl'ectuaIly, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Pigs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro. diced, pleasing to the taste and ae- ceptablo to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances,its many excellent qualities commend it to alland have made it the most popular remedy known. ,Syrup -of Figs is for sale in 75c 1,tatles by all leading druggists.. .41ity reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly forany one who wishes to try it. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO,, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE— KY. l•EW YORK. N.Y WIN ...41.1.1141.611VIWAVW1.110...041•111 The Liquor 1 ioense Aet. The Provincial Secretary has issued a circular to license offioials,calling at- tention to the criticisms of the acts of some of them indulged in by tnambers of the Legislature. Mr. Harcourt roe minds the officials that they mut comply with the spirit and letter of the law,, and adds: "It is my du y to remind yon that political consider ations should not .be allowed to enter into or influence the .adnainistratio.i of the law (if, as is alleeed, they hav•, heretofore found any place in that administration), but that they should stand aside and that the law should be adinieeiatered impartially and with- out reference to seals cot,.stderationa. A striet investigation into any irregularity, neglect of duty, or charge of miecoe•duot wilit le pror+e,ptty held, and those •of its officials Mei ern shown to be negbectful of duty. ,:areless, par- tial, or incompetent will not be reh aaiued in office." It is understood taut by his will the late Georg Elliott, of Guelph., has left, $10,000 tea n nucleus for the now wing to the General Hospital, of that city, and a further suer of :clew :11t5, 000 for the erection of ti lrctattt' for• the poor. He has left 05,000 f,,r the willows' and orphans'fund of the 1.100-s of Niagara and $4,000 for the aid of disabled clergymen. His own church, tdt. George's, receive: 8:3,00:i for :peed objects. A large i.i.tu.,,,r r,l' b..clnests are made to relatives anti friends. The result of the stunt,,, .t, lanai option i u 1e est .ia :,l••„gt '1'ue:,uay was, for, 233; ttaatin', EY SPECIAL APPOINTMENT, SOAP MAILERS (Kk Why, If you To ais ., Eget MAJESTY e ,r^ ", THE QUEEN O © fl o (3•o 0 wish 13ncauso SUNLIGHT SOAP is perfectly pure, and contains no Injuri- ous Chemicals to injure either your clothes or your heads. Greatest care is exercised in its manufacture, and its ' . quality's so appreciated y ®Li� by the public that it has Y .�. the •L•tesest Salo of any , soap in the World. Linen to. sr.srVecottalzial• No. be White as Snow, anlight Soap SOW Can you test this? If you have never tried STJNLIGT•IT SOAP, ask those who use it what they think of it, then try it for yourtelf. The re- sult will please you, and your Clothes will be washed in far loss time, with Loss Labour, Greater Comfort, and Will be whiter than they have ever beoa b'fore, when you used ordinary soap. Is That not the beet way to do- Side the matter? First by enquiring tvbat the experience ie Of these Who already use it. Secondly, by it fair trial yourself. You sr% not cbn5mitted in guy Way to use the seep; all WS ask is: Deh't Delay, try it the next washing Delay, s*sas•s MRS. HERD Begs to announce to her numerous patr she has DECIDED ON CONTINUING Miliinery -s,.ant1 BUSINESS at her old establishment on Josephine St., Wingham, 'UNTIL SEPTEMBER NEXT I Full lines of S of the newest styles and. desripticons are noiwn stock. Wingham, March 10th, 1803. Ike dt�a ro 181 is the place for you to get your FARMING I i• PLEM NT ' Latest improved; no equal or no sale. SPRING TOOTH CULTIVATORS, FROST & WOOD'S WIDE OPEN REAR SINGLE APRON BINDER, ANDER, . FROST & WOOD'S RAKES, HAY FORKS, PLOWS, Four different kinds to choose from, Frost & Wood, Fleury (of Aurora), Hilborn (of Ayr), Teeswater and Twin Plows. Repairs for these plows constantly on }land. COLEMAN PIVOTED STEEL LAND ROLLERS with or without Seeder, WHITE'S THRESHING ENGINES. Come one, come all and inspect the implements. Second to none. WM. GANNETT. Winglio.m, March 8th, 1893. M. rantTTERS , WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER, LR, 1 have just received a full supply of Christmas goods, consistin•eeef WATCHES,CLOCKS, %SILVER ARE, and Jewellery of all kinds and latest designs. BIG BARGAINS From Now Till Christmas. All eooda bought fer onslr and 'No can sell tie cheap at the cheapest and cls eia per. Repairing Promptly Done and ,{f rG-ive me a call. Satisfaction Guaranteed M. PATTERSON, - 10/iISS .A . WALLACE 1VIILLIN]ER, 'Begs to announce to the people of Wingham and surrounding country that her stock of SP; ria ,.M illinerY is complete in all the latest novelties in HATS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, LACES, Sze, MISS A. WALLACE, Meyer's Brick Block Wingham, March 30th, 1893.