HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-09-06, Page 6Tore--007,, -)scv TEL SEAFOR 4444 ** SEAFORTH #0, ge. THURS — SRI. — SAT Coleman Valley Trio COMING ' NEXT WEEK:— Tex Noble- Sat. Matinee AT THE FOR ONLY $130 you canet beat this entedain- ment BARGAIN! "Y• Police MAYS' A. L. vAU61914N CHIEF OF POLICE During the week the Seaforth Police Department investigated 11 occurrences consliting,Of the following; 2 Animal COMplaints; 3 ASSIStanCe to other Police Depts.; 1 Missing person report; 2 Traffic complaints; 1 Distur- bance complaint; 1 Bank alarm. There were no traffic accir dents during the week. 6 motorists were cautioned and 3 cyclists were cautioned. There were 2 charges under the Criminal Code of Canada; 4 charges under the Highway Traf- tic Act. RAT OF THE WEEK The brainless person who threw and broke a beer bottle on the sidewalk of Goderich St. W., Seaforth on Priday night. A child visiting Seaforth sustained a cut foot as a result. WARNING To drivers of vehicles follow- ing a Fire Department Vehicle; Section 106(2) of the Highway Traffic Act provides that no driver of a vehicle shIll follow a fire department vehicle when responding to an alarm at a distance of less than 500 feet. Persons violating this offence in _the future will be charged. Ii • SEAFORTH FALL FAIR SEPTEMBER 20th and 21st r Thursday Evening Official Opening Program Including Huron Junior Farmers and Local Talent' Merchant Displays • Indoor Displays Preliminaries on. Queen of the Fair, ALL DAY FRIDAY Parade — Harness Racing Selection and Crowning of the QUEEN OF THE FAIR Livestock Shows 4-11 Competitions Giant Midway — Bands Etc. Machinery and Commercial Mplays_ Saturday Evening Cabaret-iStyle DANCE Music by the ELUEWATER PLAYBOYS Tickets available from Directors $3.00 per couple Competition 1 "Fashion Travel and Fun" sponsored by the Ladies' Division ALFRED ROSS, President Prize lists avaiIable from Secretary or at The Huron Expositor Mrs. Wilmer Cuthill, Secretary-Treasurer Sistorth Music by SOLID SILVER TRIO Tickets $3.00 per Couple — Limited Number of Tickets — Tickets available from Legion Members or Phone 527-0443 LET'S START the YEARmith a CROWD Sponsored by Dublin District Athletic' Association Food and refreshments available — 8 Teams in Competition , First game — 10:30 a.m. INAL GAME — 7:30 p.m. • 1 I LEWIS PITEL'S WEIGHT TRANSFER SLED TO BE USED FAIR GROUNDS Sunday Sept, 16 , 1973 PURSE - $1400 TIME 1 RM. WEIGH IN 10.00 a.m. — 12.00 Noon At SEAFORTH Ont. ., . . OPENS 4, AT 8:00 , Show time 8:30 SHOWS., . START AT : DUSK 4657114A Vey DRIVE-IN • GODERICH ' HWY. 8 AT CONCESSION RD. 4 • PHONE 524.9981 Open Thurs., Fri., Sat., and Sun. for Remainder of Season :•u . pv jlijigif 1,0 1 toy A S AT . q",1,,, , ii 7,,, :,.A. . 0 ie. ,m..' s-..; ,L.r. • . , - -...., • •2 .. 45(44;z9-: ..,' - ' Al 1 140.1t1IRD E , ' 0 • amigo cowl - - MSS/IBMS ADULT ENTERTAINMENT FRI. NIGHT - BONUS. ANDUIGHLTT "SKIN GAME" WAT5 046FA5fit4tOte4 kryag aNK I pi UP° PO4? i OPENS • AT 8:00DO , SHOWS we - .,...-.. START AT ... ' - SUN. SEPT. 9 ONLY • /P a etzwa....../. , ...,.„...._,..,..._ 7SCIMOIGIRIS THE EROTIC EXPLOITS Of PROMISCUOUS US AND THEIR DANGEROUS ,.. 4 , THE G ('''fi AMES ' '-' NAY" BOTH IN SENSUOU S i COLOR! ej if TEERAGE GIRLS... mytaRTES... Oin fORRICKSI. i Sh011111 II igh001 Girl . TEll IF 9, wHAr YOUNG GIRLS GO Ana scHOOL t Holm • 16.41.1if HUROI,RXPOSITORf ,ff!AFOri, ON; tOrT, br 1i73 r mniummunionninnomminnommook EL:14NT RESTAURANT and TAVERN — Entertainment Sept 7th 8th September Walk Fully Licensed by L.C.B.O. Bayfield"Road in Goderich — Phone 524-7711 Ph. •527-0240: Expositor Action Ads • • I 46th ANN UAI.4 HU ON PLO NG MATCH SATURDAY - SEPTEMBER 15 ..Cotruiriencing at OM 'a.m.— The Howard Datargi Farm 1 mile north of DASHWOOD QUEEN CONTEST - - Horseshoe Pitching — Admission Free MINOR CASH BINGO Legion Hall, Seatorth FRI., SEPT. - 7th 8:15 p.m. 15 Regular Games for $10.00 THREE $25.00 GAMES — $75.00 Jackpot to Go TWO DOOR PRIZES Admission $1.00 Extra Cards 25c or 7 for $1.00 (CHILDREN UNDER 16 NOT PERMITTED) —Proceeds for Welfare Work— Auspices Seaforth Branch 156, Royal Canadian Legion, Seaforth THIS WEEK AT 'HE MITCHELL Elm Haven Friday, Saturday. In the • Motor Hotel ruvroN THIS WEta:— CROWN ROOM "TROLLIE" • Denfield MON. lutn:— COUNTRY WALLY & COUSIN JIM TUES — SATURDAY:— "THE RING" Classified Ads pay dividends. giiimminsomliemmumimmissisimimemmintme Country and Western Entertainment SATURDAY •-:= IN THE RED KNIGHT 11(“`M ..: IN THE LADIES' and ESCORTS' ROOM 'FRIDAY:— DALE and CLAIRE • 3 SATURDAY :_ Elgin Fischer i (The FaMily Affair) TASTY CHICKEN WINGS FOR SNACKS — AMPLE FREE PARKING — E • E WE SERVE BEVERAGE ROOM LUNCHEONS late 2 and 6 to 8 AT VERY LOW PRICES - — . . . We sell ice,— . ▪ , . . i COMMERCIAL HOTEL -- Seaforth . 1411111IIIIIIIIIImillimmil....m.11.1.18.ggiummiliplia VV. 04A. A. Ladies' Grand Championship Tournament • — DUBLIN BALL PON— SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 Intermediate, Junior and Juvenile Ladies' Teams Competing f SEAFORT-H AGRICULTUR4L SOCIETY OPEN TRACTOR PULLING CONTEST SEAFORTH LEGION Hard Time Dance come as you are Saturday, September 15 Bantam Gi Is' Invitational T o u rnament SUNDA , SEPTEMBER 9th DU BUN BALL PARK (Vote Admission: Adults $1.50, Children 5 to 12, 50c; un- der 5 free) HERE'S WHAT YOU GET: FREE Grandstand Shbws: , 75 action-packed minutes of star-studded Titer- tainment, three times daily. • Sept. 7-8-9 — The Hubert Castle international Circus • Sept. 10 — Ladies Day program — starring Vic- tor Sorge • Sept. 11 — Senior Citizens Day — starring Pat Buttrom • Sept. 12-13 — Kenny Rogers & The First Edition • Sept. 14-15 — The Stotler Bros. plus big supporting casts bf famous entertain- ers. FREE Attractions throughout the Fairgrounds! Park Stage, Marco Polo Theatre, Horse Shows, Dairy Princess Competition, Film Festival, Clowns, roving minstrels, singing groups. FREE Gate. Prizes! Draws every evening for $1,000 adult award and 5 C.C.M. bikes for kids. Final Grand Prizes — $2,500 for Adult and $500 for child. FREE -- Hundreds of Exhibits! Plus livestock judging, handicrafts and culinary arts, fine arts and photography, flower show, produce and fleece displays, poultry & pet stock, amateur winemaking competition. Western Fair mra4r seoeemser7is London Dining room open on Sundays from 12 noon - 2 p.m & 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the evening. nWwwwwwwownsoronna.aannofte ROYAL, HOTEL OM OW UM fi BROWNIE'S tisivE0 CLINTON - ONTARIO 1111EAritt .14/11VITE/ 141)11ClqUI The new screen excitement that gives you the biggest kick of your life! Bruce tee Yw.yt ,b.4h 6601.dI.it oIw.aMa ln ADULT ENTERTAINMENT WEEKEND SHOWS ONLYfistarting Friday, Sept. 7 FRI.. SAT.. SUN. — September 7, 8, 9 "Barbra Streisand gives the best performance of her career." —JUDITH CRIST Today Show anselselemeninnalleineeeplemprimeiresieeme, ADULT .EN TERTAI N M ENT An Expositor, Classified will pay you dividends. Have you tried one? Dial 527-0240. 25th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY for BILL and LOIS HODGERT at Seaforth Legion Hall September 8th IAN WHIREE'S ORCHESTRA — No gifts please EVERYONE WELCOME Ladies pleas* bring lunch USE EXPOSITOR WANT-ADS Phone 527-0240