HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-09-06, Page 3Re 79c Ips you beat h meat prices... hi with a fall week of specially planned economical main dish suggestions St. Williams' Assorted JAMS 24-o3. 494 Reg. 73c Mason Royal 4-oz. Black PEPPER 194 Reg. 55c Monarch 7-1b. PASTRY FLOUR 89t Reg. $1.59 Top Valu LIGHT BULBS 69's and 100's 4 Bulbs 7% Reg. 99c One Sizi PANTY HOSE 494 BALL-MACAULAY BUILDING. SUPPLIES CLINTON - 482-9514 SEAFORTH 52710910 HENSALL - 262-2713 ALUMINUM DOORS 26.98 Mill finish Not exactly as illustrated: Stock only, while quantity lasts f' Frozen - Nutritious SKINLESS BEEF LIVER STEAKS b 99' IGA BEEF QUALITY PROTECTED Ingredients: Beef - Water - Textured Vegetable Protein Fresh Ground Super Burger Top Valu - Country Style STORE PACKED PURE PORK SAUSAGE ,.19' EtFfCallliF rEADMr:. 1 N • • ati Tyrol e)(641 6 g*tiOSITOR, OAPORTM,;:coirrw per,:rt. 'or T e Urban-Rural xchangeo 107$, is over. Opel Y, bowe er, the benefits of the MT gram the knowledge learned, the friendships made - will con- tinue on into the future. The Urban-Rural Exchange is a program for. 12 to 15 year old students, 'allowing city young- sters to spend a week on a farm, followed by a week in the city for the farm host or hostess. The idea is to reduce urban- rural misunderstanding by offering the opportunity to learn about the other way of life by being acrively• involved in it. Sixty-three city youngsters bat Kitchener, Waterloo, Guelph, Stratford, London and Toronto made farm visits in Huron and perth counties, in- volving a total of 51farm families .441.1;Stratford :MAW. A big change in tin.-• program was the Increased num- ber of farm youngsters making the return visit to the city. About 15% of the Perth-Huron farm participants did make this vigil , • , • cotrinz, favourably, with the PrOTAW41 aVT*0 of about AO returns,. A `More 'complete OrectOlon',0 the .simiiiritiesind ..'differences between tark„.And.„ city life is possible with these two-way exchanges. .11..i.ILAA.I.a.a.s A AU ARNOLD STINNISSEN Life - Health and Accident ,-- Registered Retirement Pension* - Income Tax Deductable Registered • Retirement Annuities Representing Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada "TELEPHONE 527-0410 117 GODERICH ST. EAST - SEAFORTH WANT 'ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: DUI 5274240 T. PRYDE & SON. LID HELP YOU DECIDE ON YOUR MEMORIAL HEOumgmpos 'PHONE MCETER-2 3 5 ..-6-6101 Whetbir It'. . MONUMENT • MARKER,* Ifif!CrEPTIO.. . You ins re11111111b0f1INI Is 10**0 LET On Saturday your correspond- ent discarded the routine of the Nursing Home and with the co- operation of very kind friends attended the unveiling ceremony of the Van Egmond Foundation plaque by Miss Susan VanE gmond great great great granddaughter of Col. Van Egmoncl, After studying ,the history of the Huron Tract, I became int- erested in the Van Egmond his- tory and saw possibilities in the Van Egmond Home as 'something very precious to this community. After teaching the story of Egmondville to my Grand VII class, some of the boys went to 4, the Van Egmond Home, knocked on the door and were received by Earl Van Egmond, who lived in the house at that time. He took them to the basement where they could see for themselves what I had told thenra .2 was the "jail" they were interested in. Many - stories are told as to its use and I Teel the Van Egmonds them- selves can best deal with these. I became so interested myself that I went along one day and sketched the house and surround- ings from which I did an oil painting which hangs in the living room of Mr. and Stewart. I'm sure Alley vile341#1991,4 glad to show it to anyone int- erested, We must remember an oil painting is not a photograph as an artist takes some liberties and embellishes where the effect might be more attractive. Some • dates are a bit hazy but I think it was done in early Spring of 1954. It was one of my first at- tempts at oils. j(ilbarchan notes tory, Seaforth had two rivals, Egmondville and Harpurhey, both of which soon outstripped Sea- forth in growth. When Seaforth donated land for a railway sta- tion, business places of which there were many began moving into Seaforth and thus Seaforth became the town. In the last year or two, Egmothiville has had quite a building splurge, as many new houses have been built and many old ones modernized. But back to the unveiling ce- remony. At 1 o'clock a delicious Smorgasbord was served with Mrs. Velma Miller in command. We can be sure thatiler cuisine 'is always of the best. Tables were arranged out-of-doors and I found myself seated beside Ann Van Egmond. I could remember hearing her name mentioned very often as a child but I can't remem- ber in what capacity. I knew Earl, the musician, • Who could take his 'place equally well at a church organ or a dance or- qhestral- (-) 141sePlItglw Ruth Van, Egmond Bell and taught herodhilldisen, Fer- gus and Van who was killed in the R.C.A.F. in the second World War. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Short of Toronto were on hand. Mr. Short is a direct Van Egmond descendant. For me, it was a happy reunion with town folk whom I have not seen for year a. These included former Mr. and Mrs. Ken Larone. When the episode of Montgomery Tav- ern was re-enacted, Ken played the part of Col. Anthony Van Egmond. Call him a renegade if you will,but with William Lyo.i McKenzie in the rebellion of 18417, he fought for and was will- ing to die for policies which all Canadians now enjoy - The prin- ciple of Rep. by Pop. After the luncheon and visit- ing, the speeches were called for 3 after which the actual unveiling took place. In the ab- sence of Mr. James Doig, who was attending the funeral of Mr. Earl Dick, a valued member of the committee, Dr. Rodger Whit- man ably took Mr. Doig's place. Ile introduced the various speak- ers who, in turn, had ••:enething to say for the good of .ne cause and said it. My best wishes go with the hard-working committee in charge of the project. Mere birthdays! Congratulations to " Mrs. Grace McCuaig who celebrat:Li 'ler 91st birthday Aug. 3i. With her were her daughter, Mrs: George Powell, a former trea- sured member of the staff, her niece Grace Krauter of Toronto, granddaughters, Eleanor, Mrs. Dirfid Bell, great grandchildren, Vicki, Susan and Robert Bell of Islington. Mrs. Jean Furness ev e rsham One brother James McDonald lives at Walton. Our centenarian, Miss Belle McClure' hurdled the century mark and is 101 as of Sept. 2, our eldest 'resident now. Mr. Thos. Grieve had "" ;Open our eldest resident at 102. When the nurses told Migi-W-C. lirreshe would have a birthday cake, she was all smileS anti she 'q'T'Lied .''it: would ,be. a paprw clay. „ Celebrating with Miss Mc- Clure were a nephew, John Brown and wife Peggy, o Lam- beth, niece Mrs. Irene Brown, KOmoka, Mrs. Keith 1VIeClinehey Staffa,niece Miss Ethel McClure Seaforin, Edith McClinchey,Sea- forth, nephew Walter McClure and wife Muriel; grandniece Anne of Milburn. I would like to take this op- portunity to thank my many read- ers both near and far for their kind and encouraging comments. I do not aspire to journalism, I leave that to same of my ex- ;,3upi!.7. 'One of whom, namely' Bruce West, has n.ade quite a name for himself as columnist In the Globe and Mai'. He is recently s.3n1-retired ani carry on as a free-lance writer. He also has some books in mind to finish. Primrose - Frozen 4 OZ. PORTION BEEF STEAKETTES lb. 89c erness cbrhes naturally to ICiA'sit rr.to personally selected"VaCtifirh' 'packed Beer' QUALITY, PROTECTED BEEF We vacuum seal our "Quality-Protected" Beef ...and without additives, we lel il age naturally in a cdinrolled, cold environment „ . so It will be tender and good when it's fresh cut in our stores. We buy Canada Approved Grade "A" Red Ribbon Beef, it is inspected, carefully cdt and trimmed to our strict specifications. From the moment we buy it until you do, our beef is handled under ideal conditions for keeping it clean and cold and fresh and juicy and delicious. "Quality•Protected" Beet. It's not just a name .. . it's a guar nntee. TOP VALU & or, Prkkirdesrydr I loll Pre11111/111 • Four YarieOes 6 or PaAage • Sficed Cooked Cooked Nam 980 Meats pkg. 38c loll PREMIUM - OVEN ROASTING lt, 1 .78 Corned Beef AtT I 'r° lb. 1.49 BONELESS - Cot from Hie Beef H,p . n 'r Prenrrum Fully Cooked Top Round Steak 1b -1..18- Dinner Hams CUT FROM THE. BUTT - BONE IN rr Premium - Sweet Prrkled 3 10 4 lbs. Buff Pork Chops lb 1.18 Cottage Rolls .- e 1.08 Marti Chef - Cooked E. Breaded 2 lb Bo. ' Preaure S,. V,B et 0., .9 or Pockoge Chicken Pails 2.79 ',Self Serve Rolls 58c , Bacon11).84c ib.1.39 IGA's fresh, produce the pick -of the crop" U.S.A. NO. 1 CALIFORNIA RED TOKAY OR GREEN SEEDLESS lbs. A NO 1 eA,,FoRNIA eR.,P HEAD LETTUCE ri! 29° I RODUCT Of SOUTH AM(A swEi do; VALENCIA ORANGES 59 c , ASIAN NO '; OOK ONIONS 29e 5 A NO I CM IFORNA ,,k)114' SIN' BARTLETT PEARS 5 59e A NO 1 MILD 15511 PITS floc. ASSORTED OR PRINTED COLOURS WHITE SWAN PAPER TOWELS t roll pkg. 4;iiiiiR** gt1 100 Rfk fnMitY wino ts oe ouoctIOS1 ANA Tots COUPON . , . tfotttivl SEP411.411E1 5.11, T971 L PIRIalliIRFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1873 Guess what was cooking at the Huron County pork Producers barbeque at the Seaforth arena on Wednesday? From left to right Willy Kroonen, Leo Kroonen, Mrs. Leo Kroonen and John Renne, all of Dublin, cook some of the 800 pounds of pork chops consumed at the event. Over U00 hungry people attended and ate more than 2,000' pork chops. Mr. and Mrs. Kroonen were in charge of the barbecuing. It was refreshing to 'see the interest of the boys who were just bubbling the next morning to, relate their experiences. His- tory is often so remote and bor- ing to young minds that it is al- most impossible to keep their interest. Here they had something close at hand that roused their interest something they could "bite into." This little story itself would be a good reason to preserve this his- torical site. According to his- CUT FROM THE BEEF HIP, Sirloin Tip Roast to 3' , '1,S 1.78 FROZEN • KNIFE CUT Chicken Legs, TOP VAN Vacuum Pocked Skinless Wieners 0 'I Peert•ruel Varoo.Pd-lred • I Ih (io(ine Ib 89° Skinless Wieners Ib 66. rotiligz .1. au ad., d and ' PT Age ',,ATT C 1 1- 1 r r 1 FRESHLY - CUT WHOLE OR HALF SHOULDER Pork Roast lb. 95 lb. 79 „ss Australian - Frozen Whole or Butt Hall LEG OF LAMB lb. 5 ----- KENTUCKY ST YLE Fresh Cut-Up CHICKEN 790 89 Here's What Meat Identity Labelling Does For You OUR NEW MEAT IDENTIFICATION PROGRAM TAKES I, MD at AMAT ND SEED I0 GUISE Ili 1,11 OF MEAT. THE GUESSWORK OUT OF THE SELECTION AND PRE. riPST MP , 1.4k suonS THE !'Pt Of MIA! . BEEF, CCM, PARATION OF MEAT . . 11 HELPS YOU BE A ,x,kre OR 01101 ''SMARTER - MEAT SHOPPER AND A BETTER COOK T. P1111.1 CUT CHIA, RIB, 1.0114 OR HO, . Mti MAT PART CUT SIMPLY USE THE RECOMMENDED COOKING.,,......PniM114, (1,1 IMF MEAT 10,415 FROM METOOD IN OUR `MEAT EXPLAINED" FOLDER_ ' CUT ANO THE SPECIFIC PORTION OF THE PRIMAL ' MO OR TOP ROUND 11E01 . Ili., 101 IBACTLY WHIT Ty0HIUS AIMPARGOLVAENDCFMTEHAETI4FENOTFITMY ELAATBETLHLIENPGRTIMELALSL 0,,...tI EFC ,A,.NICIA,0•rA anT,I0I:ont A I. „FE 051.1",FuRTO:,, a .4,, ,...4 1 4. TWO LARGE [MARTS 01 WAIL MEAT CUTS ARE 010 DISPLAY IN ALL DUR SINE; TOR YOUR CONVENIENCE BEEF AND PORK MARIS ISIL1 MI, B YD,, IDENTIFY OUR CUTS OF MEAT ON DIS- . 431.00 GREEN VALLEY STANDARD GREEN PEAS 19 oz. tin 23` Deep Brown BEANS 19 oz. tin 29c PORK IN •WITO SLIP LIBBY'S McCAIN'S FROZEN Th FANCY GREEN PEAS 2 16. bog 49. VEGETABLE SOUP 8.1.00 CLARK'S TOMATO or 10 oz. tins TOP VALU Coloured Margarine 1 lb. pkgs. for! .00 JELLY ;31 POWDERS Royal 3115. pkg. !$ 10c L everyday low prices ASSORTED FLAVOURS ROYAL ASSORTED COLOURS WHITE SWAN BATHROOM TISSUE 4 roll pkg. 59c TOP SOLO TOMATO dal 85` KETCHUP WELCNADE GRAPE DRINK To. VALU FANCY WHOT I Kernel Corn TOP YALU. ALL PURPOSE GROUND COFFEE SARAN WRAP REGULAR SIZE FOODWRAP '2 ,°,;, 39` 4 '2 ,1 89` Ilb 93' baq rll 39c 3 15b% 1.00 KAI RAN ASSORTED FL AO, Ir. DOG FOOD 4 1.00 NESTLES. ASSORTED FLAVOURS PUDDINGS 3 ',5 11 1II°1',.101. 88c PAMPER ASSORTED FLAVOUR', CAT FOOD 6 1.00 DARE'S, ASSORTED VARIETIES CREME COOKIES 15 1:1 °Ok: 59e ,.{AYGO. ASSORTED VARIETIES SOFT DRINKS Y'2.39 BACK'S ASSORTED VARIETIES 5 al jar 39c LANCIA SPAGHETTI. SpogherrinI or Ready Ere MACARONI 2,4; 47c TYPES OF ARRID EXTRA DRY Spray Deodorant 6 %. 89., TOP vow FROZEN CONCENTRATE WOole or !Nob LEMONADE 4 °,7,;, 49` RUPERT FROZEN Golden Battered Cod;: 99° SARA LEE FROZEN BANANA OR CHOCOLATE CAKE toc:i. 79` CLOVER VALLEY PROCESS CHEESE LOAF 71Z 1.39 it Powdered Detergent PLAIN, SATED OR SALTINES MCCORMICK'S CliiiCKERS giant box Um, ONE ROT PER FAMILY MTN'S EIO imams 4t6 imccimeti maws strata/Its-it 1973 1 lb. pkg. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES Monday uesday I Wednesday Thursday I Friday s Saturday , Sunday MAIN DISH SUGGESTION MAIN DISH SUGGESTION iJ MAIN DISH SUGGESTION MAIN DISH SUGGESTION J 1_, MAIN DISH SUGGESTION „I L MAIN DISH SUGGESTION ^ J MA'SN DISH SUGGESTION nl R MEAT1DENTITY PROGRAM' MAKES YOUR SHOPPING EASIER 7,11:712:4 VALLEY FARM FROZEN t FRENCH FRIES 2 lb. bags VEGETABLE shop and save with BABIES ONLY NEASF ASSORTED COLOURS Bathroom Tissue .'k°911 37c MEAN NCH FOILWRAP 1.19 Lur05 STANDARD 'WHOLE TOMATOES 3 1.00 ;HY 5 W"N PNETcT 'N *nmATo SAUCE SPAGHETTI 4 1 Atm, 88c TOP vALL. GRADE 4 CELLO RADISHES 25c EGGS ANADA NO I ONIARIu Ivl H 1(51,5I RISE 4 SHINE DRAMA E. AYOUR, THREE VARIETIES • HAMBURGER GREEN CABBAGE 25c CRYSTALS 59c MEALMAKER 'Pk: 49`. PICKLES, r- r Clip & redeem this valuable IGA coupon Clip & redeem this valuable IGA coupon PREPRICED 1.09 FAB BORAX LIMO Ott BEER PER BMW Witit.%Sitiotigesitteviti•AS bull* J L_____BEiternivormAnk Supplied and Serviced By M. Loeb Limited at IGA the owner's in the store to gUarantee your satisfaction every shopping trip Seaforth s open all day Wednesday and Friday tight 'till 9pm