HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-08-30, Page 5EAFORTH
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Miss Jean Copeland
Back To School In Shoes
Children's Shoes were never brighter - Never Better
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BRUSH: 4-Eyelet tie in Dark
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These are two of the Many
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Try us today as we must make room on the
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Ford - Mercury Dealer
PHONE 5274140
Vandals Were at work in the
community on Friday night and
in the early hours. et, Saturday
Morning. Not.enly were bicycles
'belonging to 010 Kiesman twins,
Janet and David, boated over
half way up the light towers at
the park, but a road sign was
left leaning against the backstop,
mallboges were overturned; and
two large tombstones in the
Cromarty Cemetery were upset.,
Ron Edwards, assisted by a man
from Elimville, rescued the bi-
cycles before the Bantam game
on Friday night.
In the first game of the best-
of-five play-offs between Cro-
marty and Chiselhurst men's
slow-pitch teams on Sunday night,
Cromarty handed Chiselhurst a
16-3 defeat. Roh Howard was On .h
the mound for Chiselhurst while
Eldon Allen pitched for Cromarty
with John Scott taking over for
the last couple of innings.
With Maurice Ruston on the
mound and Ron Elliott behind the
plate, Hibbert South,Bantam Boys
eliminated Blanshard in the last
game of their best-of-three play-
offs. Unlike the first two games,
Hibbert took an early lead that
was never threatened. Ruston had
13 strikeouts to his.credit in the
game, which ended 21-5 in their
favour. Brad Marsden was again
the big man with the bat, getting
his second grand slam homer in
as many games. The game. was
played in Kirkton on Wednesday
On Saturday night in Cro-
marty, the Bantams won their
first game of the semi-finals
against Elimville by a score of
26-9. Home runs were scored
by Brad Marsden (2) Andrew
Laing and Dwight Kinsman.
In the earlier game on Friday
night, Hurondale. Bantam girls
defeated CroMarty girls 1'7 to 3,
to take home the trophy for the
Bantam League.
The Usborne-Hibbert Peewee
At League completed their season on
Sunday with a totirnament at Cro-
marty Park. In the early games ,
Breeders win
CNE awards
The swine breeders o f the
Brussels area c eptu red a number
of the top awards in the Friday,
August 24th competitions at the
C.N.E. This comes as no sur-•
se as it has become a tradition
our local breeders to be con
ent top winners.
Bill Turnbull had the York-.
shire Reserve Champion Boar as
well as ,placing first in two
Yorkshire classes and third in
,. another. „ •
In classes other than York-
shire or Landrace, Wilbur
Turnbull had Reseree Champion
Boar and also received a
first, two seconds and a third in
various classes.
John Van Vliet carried off
two top awards. He had both
the Landrace champion boar and
the Champion sow. He also won
three firsts and a-second prize
in the Laadrace classes.
In any breed other than
Yorkshire or Landrace, Jan Van
Vliet won the Reserve Cham-
pion sow award and also placed
first and third; .
Congratulations once again
go to the Turnbulls and Van
Vliets for their continued success
in swine breeding.
Elimville B defeated Elimville
A, 15-13, Hurondale woh over
EUraville Hibbert A de,
feated Hibbert C 21-2, and Huron:,
dale defeated' Hibbert B, 15-0.
Playing in the championship
games, Hibbert Peewee girls de-
feated Elimville 2'7-9 to win their
trophy and . Hurondale boys
defeated Hibbert A 11-5 to take
home the peewee boys' trophy.
Farewell party
On Friday evening Miss Olive
Speare was a guest of honour
at a farewell party at the home of
Mrs. John Jefferson. A short
programme included readings by
Mrs. Glen Elliott and Mrs.
Calder McKaig, a contest con-
ducted by, Mrs. McKaig, and a
solo by Mrs. Thos. L. Scott.
Mrs. Roy McCulloch •was at the"
piano for a sing-song and Mr.
Barningham entertained with
several plane selections. Otto
Walker gave the address and
Miss Speare was presented with
a set of bathroom accessories.
The evening closed with euchre
and lunch.
Miss Speare has sold her
home to Mr. and Mrs. Dan
Cronin of Mitchell and is moving
to an apartment in Mitchell.
Mrs. Garnet Taylor, Miss
Qlive Speare, and Mrs. Russell
Scott were guests of Mrs. John
Jefferson on Friday for a supper
in honour of Mrs. Scott's
Mr. Alec Scott has arrived
home after spending several
weeks in the western previnces.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gardiner
spent several days in United
States and attended the Gardine r-
Clarke wedding in Sault Ste.
A large family gathering was
held at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Miller in honour of the
twentieth wedding anniversary of
Mr. and Mrs. DonSwindall (Mary
Scott) of London.
The sympathy of the com-
munity is extended to the fimily
of the late Mr. Earl Dick.
News of
Mrs. Robert Hulley
Visitors this week at the Eu-
gene St. Louis' were his
Mrs. Marie St. Louli kg, *MI-
mother ,
stone and his son Mark whocame
up to celebrate his birthday.
Also visitors at the same
home were Mr. and Mrs. H. G.
Karsten with Dianne and Shannon
and fia ce, Neil James ofPensa-
cola, Flo' da and Mr. and Mrs.
J. H. Lauc ner and Allison of
Windsor. Miss Sheila St. Louis,
Julien Lesperance and daughter
Julie of Windsor were also up
to celebrate Mr. St. Louis's
birthday and stay for the past
week. .
Mr. ancrMrs. Steve Argyle,
Bayfield visited Sunday with Mr.,
and Mrs. Robert Harris.
Miss Judy McGhee, London, is
visiting Debbie Hulley ti ,reek,
Sandra Hulley is, visiting with Jac-
kie mcGhee, London.
' Miss Carolyn Young, Seaforth
spent the weekend with Vicky,
An Expositor Classified will
pay you dividends. Have you
tried one? Dial 527-0240. .
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Benninger
and Marvin motored to Edmonton,
Alberta recently to visit Sr.
Marie Brebeuf also visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cronin at
Mrs. Don Warren of London
Leaving this week for Bangla-
desh, were, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
Eaton and family. They will
travel via Rome and Bombay to
Ootacamund, South India. The
two oldest children, Kimberly and
Richard will be boarding in High
School there. Mr. and Mrs.
Eaton, Elizabeth and Andrew will
proceed to Dacca, Bangladesh,
where they will be living for the
next two years, Mr. Eaton was
recently appointed by Inter-
national Voluntary Services, to
serve the Christian Organization
for relief and rehabilitation as a
technical, supervisor 9a, water
Misses Jane Ross, Ruth
Chappel, Marion Smale, Jeanna
Lou Elliott, Nancy Templeman
and. Betty Ann Miller were all
guests of Bonnie Norris onSatur-
day. The occasion was Bonnie's
13th birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. Buce Eaton
and family were Saturday evening
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
John Templeman and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Baker and
Tanya, Stratford, visited recently
with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Norris
and family.
Miss Patti Norris and her
cousin, Miss Judy Norris,
Brampton, lef4 Toronto by air
on Monday for St. Johns New-
foundland, where they will visit
with their aunt and uncle, Mr.
and Mrs. Anthony Breit and
A bus load of Hibbert young
people enjoyed a trip to Sauble
Beach, Douglas Point, Coiling-
and Mrs. Bill Warren and chil-
dren of Stratford were recent
visitors with Mrs. Jean Dill.
Mr. T.M. Kelly of Kinkora
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
fred Maloney on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cos-
wood and Wasaga on Sunday.
Mr. Earl Roney provided th
transportation and the-group were
chaperoned' by Mr. and. Mrs.
Les Riley. The committee plan-
ning' the event were Misses
Valerie McPhail, Brenda Gar-
dener' and Bill Docking.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Norris and
family visited' Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Norris and family,
ITEM: A woven fabric that
'gives with body movements and
recovers shape permanently is
now on the market, thanks to two-
way texturized polyester yarns.
- •
Misses' B:anche and Rhea
Mills were guests on Wednesday
with Mrs. Candace Wilson of
Listowel who also had as her
guests, Mr. and Mrs.' Kenneth
Mills, Christopher and Candace
of Orillia.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd• Jaques
and girls and Mrs. Mary Jaques
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
MrS1' Glenn Lam'llert of•Davisoq;•
Michigan,M r 5.' J aques
remained for a few days with
her daughter and family.
Miss Sandra Wilson of Lake-
side spent Several days with Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Thomson and Mr. and Mrs. Glen
Jeffrey of Thames Road enter-
tained Mr. and Mrs. William
Rohde also of the Thames Road
at the Royal Edward Hotel in
St. M trys on Sunday in honour of
their silver wedding anniversary.
Also attending was Mrs. William
Thomson of Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. John Rodd,
Pamela and Calvin visitedSunday
evening with Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Spackman and Paul of Stratford.
The Messengers 'held their
annual outing on Thursday after-
noon when they toured the
Museum in St. Marys followed
by games in Cadsow Park and
tello and family of Kingston,
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Dan
, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Oulette.,
and daughter of Windsor visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
Donald and Maynard Fischer
of London spent the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Marriott.
Mr. and Mrs. Len Morrison
of Kir-kora and Mr. and Mrs.
Peter Maloney visited, on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Maloney.
Mr. and Mrs. Carlo Grassi--
and daughter Mary Kay of Detroit,
Mich., visited with Walter and
Mary Kroskie over the past week-
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Flanagan
of Toronto Lye spent the past
weeks with Mr. and Mrs.
'Matt Murray and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Don MacRae
spent Sunday with friends in Nia-
gara Falls.
The second meeting of the
Dublin Designers was held at
the home of Frank VanBergen.
Members heard reports and dis-
cussed materials on which to
print and methods of transferring
design to block,methods of print-
ing a design and•spreaders. Roll
call was name .one kind of paper
and stamp that can be used.
The annual festival of flowers
sponsored by the Kirkton Horti-
cultural Society was held inRus-
seidale Hall on Tuesday. A
large number of entries 'were
entered. Mrs. Ellis Strahan
took first prize with ninety-two
points. Mrs. Tom Hern was
second with sixty-five and Mrs.
O.C. MacDougald third with
at Aijillfe10$11111ga016.0
at Wallowers and to enjoy the
prOgram: The' evening opened
with a sing song led by Miss
Jean Copeland accompanied' on
the piano by blVirs. Phil Johns.
Mss Arden Bryan of Granton
played several numbers on the
violin accompanied by her
mother,. Mrs. Elwyn Bryan, on
the piano.' Miss Barbara West-
man did a Hungarian dance fol-
lowed ' by a speech on
"Enthusiasm". Laurie Westman
played a violin number and Mrs.
Eldon Westman accompanied by
Mrs. 'Jim Bearss also a violin
Miss Anna Peterson was the
guest demonstrator for the
evening and made up several
floral arrangements, .which were
given away later for door prizes.
She was introduced by MI's. Etdon
Westman and thanked by Mrs.
Jim MacDougald.
The Brodhagen Juniors, de-
feated the Allenford Juniors in
the first game of WOAA finals
on. Thursday night, Doug Vock
pitched , a 16 strike-out, A hitter
with relief help ..!rein Calvin Au-
nits in the 10th inning. The score
was tied 1-1 at the end of the 9th
inning. In the tenth Larry Horan
led off with a single. Vock flew
out tor :.he first out of the inning.
Dennis pepper then hit a single.
John Elligsen rapped another
charge grounder causing an Al-
lenford erroli Another single by
Mer.e Hoegy, an error on Calvin
Annis and a single by Dennis
Smith made the score 5-1. Al,-
lenford bounced back for 2 runs
before Annis shut off the rally.
Final score
Sunday night the Brodhagen
Beavers slow-pitch team de-
feated Rostock 32-23 in the best
three out of five series. The
series ncre stands at two games
each. It seems that: the Beavers
started out poorly for wins but
are picking up at the end of the
season, and with practice should
be at the top of the list next year.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mes-
serschmidt, Datroit spent a few
days with, Mrs. Norman Benne-
Wies and Cheryl. Other guests
.41 the same home on Sunday
'Were Mr. and Mrs. Willard Ben-
newies, Keith and Perry; Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Bennewies and
Vicki; Mr. and ML-s. Wilfred Dra-
ger, Brian, Janet and Larry,
R.R. 5, Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Bossence and David, Strat-
News of
Miss Lucy Thompson of Oak-'
ville spent the weekend with her
brother,_ Donald Thompson.
Mr. Norman Foran is a patient
in Wmgham General Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. ,George Hackett
and Nancy of Calgary are visiting
for two weeks with her father
and mother, Ted Redmonds.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Symonds
of London spent the' weekend
with John and Mrs. Foran.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kinahan
were in Hamilton on Saturday
attending the wedding of her
at the
Mein Corner - Clinton
Mrs. Ethel Lyall, Toronto,
visited for a few days with her
mother, Mrs. Sam Norris. David
.and Nancy returned home. with
'their mother Sunday •after holi-
daying for two weeks with their
k, grandmother. Susan Norris
returned with them to Toronto
fol. holidays.
- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller and
Dianne, Mr. and Mrs. John
Templeman and family attended
the “Miller-Burns" wedding in
St. Joseph Church, Clinton on
. -Miss Joan Burleigh,Goderich
is holidaying with her cousin,
Jill Norris.
Steven Miller, holidayed last
week with his aunt and uncle,
Mr. and Mrs. -Jack Duncan, Kirk-
(Intended for last week)
Mrs. John Templeman
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Sholdice and
family in Waterloo on. SundaY.
Congratulations, are extended
to Dr, and Mrs. Roger Hicicineier
on the Safe arrival of their baby
boy. .
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ahrens
received word last Thursday that
they are proud grandparents of
their first granddaughter; a wee
girl for Mr. and Mrs. Clayton
Ahrens, Burlington.
ford and Mr. Lucia 13enne4,400,
Rev. and Mrs. Calvin GAO,
Susan, Brenda and Carol, Penne
sylvania, are holidaying SylthAft.
and Mrs. August selt4rtiarth.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Elligsen,
Terry and Warren visited with
Dry .:viter 4aprts.q4..
'Mm,, .FRCS :ML.•: 4
gradilate of Wininr11.14YPIS"
SitY, Australia..f9riller reT
gistrar at Rdink,argh
Teaching Hospitals and at
Harold Wood.
Essex, England, will be v
assisting Dr.CharlesM9Y9
at the' Moyo Surgicalclinic
for the next month. (A)
utstanding values in en c
fall underwear, shirts; dress slacks, etc.
Long and short sleeves in knits and
perma nent press cottons. AB sizes.
1.95 - 4.95
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30-40 5.95 - 9.95'
Junior petites and misses sizes in .
fall ,fortrels and arnels. Size- 7-15,10-
,20. ONLY 17.95 - 25.95
Seersuckers, fortrels and knits
5.95 - 15.95 '
INnitde knits and fortrels.
• Haggles and flares in the new. fall
. shades.
8.95 - 15.95
Pullovers, cardigans and shells by
"Golden Crown". •
4.95 - 9.95
PLUS: Many other. items at