HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-08-30, Page 34-H Club holds Meeting The 1st and 2nd meetings of the C4thl1'riGallepingtourmets" were •held at. Mrs. Ethel Dever- eaux's. Officers were nomin- ated and are as follows: Pres., Vicki' O'Rourke, Vice-Pres., Clare Devereaux, Sec. Marg. Sills, Tres. JoanDevereaux and Press Reporter Mary Devereaux. The next meeting will be at Gerda. Willems, Sept. 8 at 10 a.m. Fascination (bagged) WHITE BREAD TOP VALLI 1ST GRADE CREAMERY BUTTER 1 Ih. print LIMIT 1 LB, PER FAMILY WITH '5,00 PURCHASE AND THIS COUPON EFFECTIvE AUGUST 29-SEPTEmIER 4, 1473 CLIP THIS VALUABLE COUPON Students and Parents Will Enjoy Our "School Headquarter*" SHOPSY'S 2 LB. TRAY Potato Salad 99c SHOPSY'S - VACUUM PACKED 1 LB, PACKAGE All Beef Wieners 98c Quality protected personally selected VACUUM SEALED BEEF ISN'T IT ABOUT TIME YOU TASTED IT! Time is Noturn's way of aging bee to make it lender and tiovourlut, .R's our way teal We vacuum tool oar "Wanly-Protected- Beet . . and ocithovt additives, we lel it age neurally in a controlled, cold environment . , so it will be tender and good when its fresh Din in MN ANTI. We do a for mare to Mkt sure the beef we sell will bring you complete solisloction every time. We buy Canada Approved Grade "A" Red Ribbon Beef, it is inspected, artfully cut and trimmed to our strict specifications.' From the Moment we buy if until you do, our beet is handled under ideal conditions for keeping if clean o cold ond fresh and luicy and delicrous. This is why we are able la bring you beef that is uniformly gor week after week • the bind of quality your tomily dramas, "Votuum Sealed Reel", Ws nal put a name it's a guano-dee. Frozen • Knife C , CHICKEN LEGS • 70.. 2 roll pkg. CHOCOLATE. BANANA, or COCONUT - FARM HOUSE , FROZEN CREAM ar PIES 12 'I. pies al • 00 NI-C, ASSORTfb FLAVOURS Fruit Drinks 3 mi g, 1.00 stakvy•sedwpir encrHoory Pod Fent C'taT "OTC."'" °amasses 5 1.00 at IGA 'the owners in'the store' to guarantee your satisfaction every shopping. trip! 'PASCAL CfLERY "Zgc oa• O A Seaforth iGtt is open II day Wednesday and Friday m 'till m THE DIMON IWPO,P179Rr 5PAigORTtio ts for Huron ,ufll Si -South Huron Rabbit club, The following cluh marrther. ships should attempt to attend the Exam Night at East Wawanosh Public School. -Senior Dairy Management Club -Blyth 4-11-Dairy Club -Howick 4-H Beef Calf Club rHowick 4-11 Dairy Calf Club -Brussels 441 Calf club -North Huron 4-H Trailblazers -North Huron 4-8 Corn Club -Blyth 4-H Rabbit Club -Howick-Turnberry 4-H Bumpity Bumps • -Dungannon 441 Calf Club -Lupknow-4-H Calf Club -North Huron 4-H Swine Club Several area 4-H club mem- bers will represent Huron at a new 4-H dairy club competition in Orangeville, Septmeber I. These participating are: Don Carter, #3, Blyth - Blyth Calf Club; Harry Frankeni #2, Auburn- Blyth 4-H calf Club; Margie Eckert, #1, Seaforth - Seaforth 4-H Calf Club; Joe Phelan, #2, Blyth - Blyth 4-H Cali Club; Brian Oldfield, #4, Seaforth Seaforth 4-H Calf Club. Knowledge, creativity, show- upeded by the members who tnanship ri good calf will be compete. I the show., The 441 Dairy Sliver Dollar dorapetititm will bring together the top dairy club members from central and midwestertn Ontario. They will write a senior level quiz onlive. Stock knowledge, and an impromptu essay on some phase .of the dairy business'. Sh.sWinan- ship competitions .will held, and the calves. Judged, atOrange- vill fairgrounds beginning at 1 P.M., September 1st. • Each county served by United Breeders Inc., the sponsoring organization, has a quota of up to five competitors. They must be over fifteen years old, and are selected by the 4-H Co- ordinators of their County on the basis of their 4-H record. The prizes will be worth the effort. Division winners, (quiz, essay, showmanship, calf) will each receive 25 silver dollars. Overall winners will be deter- mined by a point system baSed , on their performance in all divi- sions. The winner will receive 75 silver dollars on a 'Silver\ tray. Second prize will be 50 dollars, third prize 25 dollars. The quiz will be prepared by • n541/4.14 OAPP,-71,0:10,P $pecialsIfit with th ',UhAstrY.Of AffilegItamo mid 704 • Essays ale to PO Judged bY,DAil• Jose Or the Department of promatloth• University of 01101Pht : • dodge 014 thri allAvonitil$1110' g Alt op.:Dodd- llemaidalo ' P•arnill• And JILNell.knewn for the. 'ilidginif Of ,:44ry catg5 Oct oaye, ,t4perforinence,,f. • • • According to the HIlr9A,A1F7* cultural office; ,.the to4O_Wing • Arrangements hayp been Age he hold the 4-8 Exam Mgt for Huron County 4-H Agrt0 tura,' Clubs. Wednesday, August 29th 13'73 -Huron Centennial Pliblic School in Brucefield -for clubs in South Huron County. Thursday, 'August 30th, 1973 -East Wawanosh Public School Belgrave -for clubs in North Httion Connty., • The 4-H demonStrations will take place before the examina- tions.. Both meetipgs will commence at 8;00 P.M. The following club member- ships should attempt to attend the Exam Night at Huroncenten- nial Public School: • -Hayfield 4-H Dairy Calf Club -Seaforth 4-11 Calf Club • ' -Tuckersmith 4-H Corn Club ' -Zurich 4-11 Calf Club -South Huron 4-H Swin e Club -South Huron 4-H Multi- Project Club -Exeter 4-H Calf Club. -Exeter 4-H Sweet Corn Club -Exeter Horse and Pony Club Thursday was the last day for the S.N.A.P. girls at KIlbar- chive and the Manor and they en- tertained the residents of both NUftillig Homes with a farewell party. Original plans were to hold It on Nilbarchan lawns but due kto the cool weather, Mr. and Mrs*, Pekin, offered' the recrea- tion room at the Manor for the party. The program opened with a sing-song, Games 'followed. Ring-toss, musical hats, etc for which prizes were given to the winners. A few of the resi- dents danced. Local stores donated cakes to top off the luncheon. The girls hated to say good- bye but promised to keep up friendships with letters., and visits. We give all the.S.N.A.P. group our best wishes for their coming school year. Their summer associations will mean much to them in the moulding of „ their characters. Lower intere NOW 474'414413 01. 1st and 2nd Mortgages .anywhere in Ontario' RESIDENTIAX4'— ICNIMIWRIAX4 COIViIMC1 RI A1. and FARM PilOrARTIES interim financing on 11/eW ekbliStrIPIAO11 or hind development nEruusglirrAny-Es IN YOUR AREA' FBIONE SAFEWAY INVESTMENTS & CONSULTANTS LTD..r. AREA CODE 519-744-6535 COLLECT READ OFFICE: 66 Weber St. E„ Kitchener, Out. WE BUY EXISTING MORTGAGES FOR INSTANT CASH Rev. Stanley MCDonald of Londesborough United Church was elected High Chaplain of the High Court of the Canadian Foresters for the Dominion of Canada at a recent meeting held In Hotel Vancouver, Vancouver,, B.C., Approximately 250 delegates faro's across Canada met in Hotel Vancouver for , the by-annual ••rneeting. Delegates and visitors attending from this district along with Rev. McDonald were Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Strickler of .R.R.#2, Brussels, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hulley of Londesborough, Jim Jamieson and Oliver Ands rson of R.R.#1, LOndesborough, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin • Vail of Listowel and Mr, and Mrs. Jamieson Ribey Goderich.- Mr. McDonald is at present Chief Ranger of Court Atwood, C anadian.,F °resters , on the Huron District Connell and Chaplain for the Ontario Assembly of the Canadian Foresters. Hp is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Carle McDonald of Ethel and a brother of AIM Chester Earl of Ethe 1 and Mrs. Norman Coghlin of Atwood. During the meeting of the High Court a cheque for over $55,280 was presented to the Canadian Cancer Society for Cancer Research. • WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS; Dial 527-0240 24-oz. loaves Next Week's Regular Price 40c holidpy Weekend style • THIS. WEE. - WE SELL CANADA APPROVED GRADE "Ir RED RIBBON BEEF eastammidestavasam. PRODUCT OF SOUTH AFRICA VALENCIA ORANGES las: REGIONAL OFFICES Region-.1 Economic Expansion Minister Donald Jamieson an- nounced, as part of DREE's de- centralization program, the establishment of regional-offices in Moncton, Montreal, Toronto and Saskatoon. The purpose of 'the• decen- tralization program ',1s,to.nettert, identify opportysitles porcreacHr: nomic develops:lent:5 bay:1112WD respobd more swiftly to regional needs. • PARTY STANDINGS A Gallup Poll conducted early in July shows Federal Party 4* standings at about the same level ; reported in April of this year, but decreased from the June figures. • y The Liberals stand at 41%, down one percentage point from June; the Progressive Con- servatives at 30% are down 1% from Jdne; while the ND? are at 19%, up 3% from June. MEAT PRICES DOWN Following the federal govern- ment's announcement of export controls on beef, and pork last week, meat prices have started to come dotvn in supermarket' chains. In Ontario; Miracle Food Mart Stores and 4.• & P stores have lowered their -beef prices by six to 10 cents a pound. In Quebec, Steinberg's and Marche Union • have reduced their beet prices by six to 15. cents a pound, while Dominion Stores are making their second price cut of the week. Most other food chain stores will also be cutting their meat prices. • ND? CAUCUS MEETS .":" A't-'+he'etvi of a two-day meet- Polop Caucus, .•tirjeiddiscishitd tiVstd§ urged the minority Liber -,1 Government to adopt four anti-inflation mea- sures proposed by his party. The NDP Caucus recommen- ded that the Government - fire Beryl Plumptre,Chair- man of the Food Prices Review Board, reconstitute the Board with powers to roll back. prices, and take punitive action against profiteering by corporations - subsidize bisic foods like fluid milk, meat and bread - direct more money into housing and cut mortgage interest rates , - provide immediate Family Allowance increases, increase basic pensions and allowances to veterans, and others on fixed incomes. • Mr. Lewis laid down no' ulti- matum nor he insist the Government adopt all the measures. But he did call for an early return of parliament to deal with inflation. CANADA NO. 1 ONTARIO GROWN - LARGE 79 GOLDEN YEILOWCHICRATA OR DOLE CAHAO., NO, 1 ONTARIO GROWN • FRESH 2 lbs, 29c WAXED TURNIPS lb. 113c BANANAS . 34: 490 CANADA NO. 1 ONTARIO GROWN - CRISP CANADA NO. 1 ONTARIO GROWN 24: 254 CELLO ONIONS CELLO CARROTS CUT FROM THE BEEF CHUCK — BONELESS — let's make this a bar-bpi weekend!! -,, An Expositor Classified will pay you dividends. Have you tried one? Dial 527-0240. ROAST CUT FROM THE BEEF CHUCK BONELESS Short, Rib SHOPSY'S' 4/2 OZ. PACKAGE Smoked 1b1.28 Meat 1.38 TOP VALU VARIETY PACK 1 LB. PACKAGE SLICED Cooked , -Meat • CLIP THIS VALUABLE COUPON TOP VALU E OZ. PACKAGE SLICED Cooked Ham WHITE SWAN • Assorted Colours 89c BATHROOM TISSUE Specialize las" uirN Medical or Executive Secretary! (Did you know that Con- estoga College offers a two year secretarial pro- gram atCLINTON? Applicants with good typing and shorthand may complete the pro- gram in one year! If offers an unique advantage: °Books, Binders, Pens, Paper, Book Refills, Math Sets. othes and many. other items can be had at one stop. BEST VALUE ,IN REFILLS Largest selection of refills at as much as 20',; less than usual prices tociiy• Check Our School Opening Special Values TOP VALU • 6 LB. BOX SKINLESS WIENERS give your budget a break with these money savers ASSORTED COLOURS PANTRY SHELF WHITE SWAN SOLID LIMIT TWO 2 ROLL PKGS. PER FAMILY WITH '5 OD PURCHASE AND THIS COUPON EFFEcrivE AURUST 29.SEPTEPAtill 4, 1973 FACIAL WHITE cm till TISSUE TUNA 39c ekes, .1 200 14Ctie} CLIP THIS VALUABLE COUPON MIR See Our " Absolutely Wild" Range of BINDERS and REFILLS SPECIAL COMBOs Binder, Refills, Index, Exercise 1.49 Books 10 pieces LIQUID DETERGENT TOP VALU WIENER or HAMBURG ROLLS APPLE oe. JUICE SUN SQUEEZE RECONSTITUTED CHARCOAL BRIQUETS 5 lb. bag 24 010 plastic dors. MEDIUM OR EINE TIPS BIC CLIC Ballpoint PENS WITH 10 OZ VACUUM BOTTLE CHILDERN'S 4a ox. tins Am) Pressi Binders , from 89 `I 1/4"-I i/str 39c 4.99c 3 4.00 LUNCH 4 LIMIT ONE 7 w 24 Ok TWIN PACK PER FAMILY WITH 00 PURCHASE AND THLS-COUPON EEFICTIVI AUGUST 294/1114111111 4, 1973 299 you'll. love these bonus discounts TOP VALLI ASSORTED NAMES quality and value, make these a shoppers "MUST"' veers FANCY weiton't th.• Onio, e 0..1,0 n% Snack Crackers 2 te.; 89' TOP VAI.U'EVAPORATED Pail/ Skkisened Milk4 1' Else Heinz Kosher Dills, Sweet Mixed or B,00d BUTTER PICKLES IS ; 39e STAFFORD APPLE OR PUMPKIN PIE effe TOOK4ROZEN 'CONCENTRATE Orange Juice 3 '2,?", 1.00 uotLANrA s mots COOKIES POST SUGAR CRISP MAXWELL HOUSE Instant Coffee CHASE & SANBORN SAVE All, come BOX 1°°,:ii 390 CANDIES 3 :11 .90 WAXED ,PAPER "Z• 1.00 , .a. 2 '0; 89' VINYL BINDERS EMIRS ; 1.99 scam mut • IN METAL BOX . TOMATO ASCE Tr. 43e TANG LENIONAN FLAVOUR CRYSTALS 5 ;k°,:, 79' TANG ORANGE FLAVOUR CRYSTALS 4 790 ECONOMICAL, ASSSORTEO COLOURS CAPRI, ASSORTED COLOURS 77' Bathroom Tissue 64. 790 CHEESE SLICES , sr,4: 43c WHITE SWANskssorted or Rainbow Coker% TOP VALLI . . 5 X, 290 SERVitITES 416 590 LUNCH BAGS A 15* BOO STRETCH ed SEAL - PLASTIC MOM'S COLOURED 0E:g 930 MATH SET . 79e. FOODWRAP "Zit 3Sc MARGARINE 4 4.1 eat KAM, Astorm nom* a '',14:. 79' REFILLS • "ot?..;., ss. LUNCHEON MEAT 12 °,'in 730 SHORTENING lot 470 SCHNEIDER'S REGULAR PROCESS BaCk - To - School Specials Are. Featured in Our To reserve your place in class . . . register now. Please send me an applica- tion form for the full-time secretarial program. Ground Coffee STUARTHOUSF (Sleeve PROO SOUP MIX CHICKEN NOODIE VAtU.PAK 3.RING WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES PRICES EFOICTIVE UNTIE. CioSINQ SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 10/3 DR BALSAM'S CHAMPION Assorted Varieties CAT FOOD "g, 1.00 PAPER VAILE.PAX TYPEWRITER 2507wgee ls 88' Supplied and Serviced By M. Loeb Limited Name Address Phone Larone's ....... Please return to: Regis- trar, Conestoga College, 299 Doon Valley Drive, Kitchener, 653-2511 Mkt. 261 2Vfes. SHE. BOOKS and STATIONERY STORE 't The Friendly Store In Senforth - fri • "^.