The Huron Expositor, 1973-08-30, Page 2Since 1860, Seeming the Community Find .SEASIORTH. ONTARIO, every Thursday morning by MrfanAN BBOrS., 'Pttbitabezo Ltd. ANDREw Y, Me.„144N, .Editor Member Canadian Weekly. Newspaper Association Ontario Weekly Newspaper Association ••• and Audit Bureau of Circulation Newspapers Subscription Rates: Canada (in advance) $8.00 a Year Outside Caiiada (in advance) $10.00 a Year SINGLE COPIES — 20 CENTS EACH Second Class Mail Registration Number 0696 Telephone 5270240 SEAFORT}I, ONTARIO, August 30, 1073 Correspondents • contribute • From My Windo SY Shirley J.•ry Keilei. • • 11: vj By Bill Smiley "There's. anether couple diat Itesiet -Veen to the movies * • 7?. 4 ..,1#5:1 (Photo; by Haley) Woodland beauty ,„ Any weekly paper that , ' really wants lo be con- ' sidered a friend of, the -family relies very heavily on a small group of people - its rural. correspondents. .They are indispensible, and this week we'd like to say thanks to them. • Regularly and faithfUlly Avery week copy from these writers jn small, communi- ties all over -the area this paper serves is mailed in to the office. In one case cdpy:is-often picked up 'from a box on a tree, but that's another story. ' OUf—torrespobdents give, our readers news they can get nowhere else -- the important day to day de- tails of thejr friends and ,neighbour's lives. Those who send us this 'news make our paper-per- sonal and me believe that the personal is still im- portant. ' Of. course there are world issues and everyone should do-their best to keep' tnformed aboUi them. -But the local (and what some, people consider tri- Never underestimate the power of the press. That's an oft-quoted saying in newspaper circles, 'generally with tongue - In-chee k. But every once in a long while the truth 'of that statement is pounded home in a most dramatic way, and it happened again this week when a huge brown envelope reached my desk marked The United Church of Canada, Division of Commuoi, cation. Yon guessed it. It was a letter in connection with a column I wrote not long ago quoting from The United Church Observer and discussing the trend toward "shacking up" . . . or for you who don't know the lingo, living together without benefit of clergy. . I suppose that has been the most controversial'- column I've written for sometime. It has sparked the greatest amount of comment I've heard in a long time about From My window, and much to my surprise, a good deal of it was most favorable. • The letter on my desk today was from Norman K. Vale, Director of News Services for The United Church of Canada. He writes that while the news release to which I referred was 'written by him, it had failed to mention the fact that The Observer Editor, Rev. A. C. Forrest, had made editorial comment in the same issue disagreeing with the author, Barrie Zwicker. Enclosed in the envelope was a copy of the July Observer, the second such magazine to come into my possession since the column hit the street. The first one came from an acquaintance who apparently reads. The Window faithfully. With both copies came the gentle admonishment fairness to Dr. Forrest". And now, turning our attention to D. Forrest's editorial we read: "This move to co-habiting without marriage, which is apparently increasing in our society, is by no means new. There are many places in the world today where the, chief or obvious difference between a Christian and non-Christian home is that the parents• are married, and that husband and wife have 'assumed a life- long responsibility. to each other and to their children." -Dr. Forrest continues: "One thing that seems to be overlooked in all this discussion is the tremendous, almost overpowering- infleence of many in our society who live in open immorality and , seem almost evangelical in their desire • to impose their life-styles upon others. While we respect the apparent honesty among the young people in their relation- ships, they should be aware that in some of their attitudes, they simply reflect the insecurity of our chaotic society. Because mother and dad did not measure' up to what they preached or now hope for their' children, is no valid reason for their children to choose lower standards." Dr . Forrest concludes: "Among the many foundations for healthy human relationships are continence outside mar- riage and fidelity within a relationship that involvei a lifetime commitment. The erosion -Of these foundations are, we believe, a threat to all that is good in our society. We fear they are being eroded fast." Amen. And again I sty Amen. Not long ago, I had a rather long and -somewhat heated discussion with a minis- ter (I hesitate to ,say from what faith) 'over this same question. This mai gave me every, argument in the book for young people setting up housekeeping together without being married first. They were all the same arguments I've heard over and over from the young people With whom I've come in contact over the years. Just when I thought this minister had taken leave of his senses - Just when I was about ready to scream with frustration at the blatant way in which he was twisting God's Holy word - he made a statement which is so much akin to Dr. Forrest's editorial comment that I'm amazed. My minister friend said, "If a young couple comes to me to be married I tell them I'm not in the business of marrying people. tell them if they want to set up a Christie n home, I can help them ... , otherwise I'm no miracle worker". I guess that's just about what it boils down to then ... a question of whether or not young couples- ( or older ones) want to set up a Christian home built on Christian principles. If youngsters get married just to live together, to sleep together, to eat together, to. spend their time together, there's no real need to be married, Brit a Christian home is another matter . . . another matter indeed. Well chaps, we haven't been to• The Tower yet, nor have we seen the Chang- ing of the Guards, and my wife was looking out the wrong side of the bus when we went past Buckingham Palace. But we did have breakfast in bed on Sunday morning and watched a dandy American western on TV, so you might say we're have a swinging time in London town. This still has to be one of the most exciting cities in the world, despite its basic ugliness. I rather expected to be disappointed. I remembered war-time London;- hub of the empire; streets alive with young men in the uniforms of fifty, different forces; pubs jammed; nights electrifying with promise despite blackout and air raids; great theatre despite the bombing. It's not • the same, of course, but it's still tremendously alive, at least in the downtown core. I know there are thou- sands of acres of bleakness and ugliness and even squalor outside that, but the old heart of the city is still thumping away, as strong as ever. Despite all her premonitions of disaster, I think I'm going to have to use dynamite to get my wife out of here and off on our travels. • Her first Impression was one of. horror, as we drove in from the air- port. "I've never seen such a dirty place!" And it is pretty drab in the suburbs; rows and rows'of grimy, grey housing,'. interspersed by grubby little shops andApizza joints. I couldn't blame her. No woman is ecstatic about anything after 4,000 miles ,of travel and about twenty-six hours without sleep. I wasn't exactly feeling like Tarzan myself. But she's almost fallen in love with London. She wouldn't want to live here. Nobody in his right mind would. But I could spend a month out of each year in this ancient pile Of stones and never tire of it. ,London hal 'something for everyone, and perhaps that''s why everyone and his wife and kids seem to be here. 4From everywhere. walk along the•-street and you'll hear ten different tongues. "Go into a restaurant and the only English you'll hear is from the waiter, and you won't understand him until the third try, because he's speaking West Indian Enge lish. • If your kick is history, it's right here, whispering bid tales and old. names. Hampton Court, where; Henry VIII preasured Sir Thomas Moore to help him get a divorce so that Henry could shack up, legally, with Anne Boleyn, The tower, where the same Sir Thom aS lied his head lopped off for refusing to hel Arid a hundredothert. Supposing you like visiting graVeitards and. such. There are nine great museums. There are the homes of people like Charles Dickens and Samuel Johnson. And there's .the greatest of all, Westminster Abbey,• where you can tread on the tombs of some of the greatest_ names In British history and literature. I couldn't be bothered, myself, but every man to his ,own thing. Maybe you are a bird-watcher. Well, I am here to tell you that there is no greater bird-watching sanctuary in the world than London:There are birds here of every race, colour and creed. I think I know now why Englishmen refer to young ladles as "birds", It's- because the girls chitter constantly, in a very pleasing manner. If you're a boozer, this is heaven. There are pubs of every shape, size and sound and there are enough of them to keep every man, woman'and child in Canada drinking around the clock. speaking of th e clock and boozers, keep an eye on it. If you decide you need a snort at four p.m., and head for the pubs, you'll find yourself frantiCally rattling locked doors. They were open at noon, are now closed, and won't be open again until 5.30. But all is not lost. Just go into that department store, go to the spirits depart- ment, and the kindly lady clerk will sell you anything from a cold three-pack of ale to an expensive bottle of giggly,while extolling to-day's special on Beefeater gin. What a crazy country. If you happen to be a theatre half, which I a'm'l among other things,you have arrived at the pearly gates. From our hotel,,,we can throw a stone in alrnost any direction and hit a live theatre. we've hit a different one four nights in a row. Last night Paul Scofield in a satire, the night before Lauren Bacall in Applause (a great musical), the night before Kenneth more in a comedy. we are just now debating whether we should go to see Wendy Hiller as Queen Mary, or Sir Alec Guiness.in a new comedy. Ha- Hum. Then there are about five big musicals. • The theatre scene here makes New York look sick, which it is, and makes Toronto look like Hayfork Centre. But perhaps the best entertainment in London is plain people-watching. The place is literally 'crawling with tourists and they come in every shape, size, colour and accent. There's too much in London for one column, so brace yourself for another., But you must admit, gentle' reader, that /have been faithful. Here I am, sitting in a hotel room, pecking away on a rented typewriter when I could be out in that lovely rain. . However, the pubs are,a.bout to open, , and there's bird-watching to be done, so - see you nekt week. In'the Years Agouti SEPTEMBEV24."1898. C . Prouty, clerk of Stephen Tvtp. is 84 years old and is probably the most active man of his age in the county. He drove 167 miles and served 240 papers in three and a half days. - Peter Lamont Zurich has tradedhis town propert otleib merner on the 14th concession and intends.,to form,. Thos. Fraser of Stanley has been appointed returning officer for the pur- pose of taking the prohibition plebiscite vote in SOuth Huron-. J. G. Millson of town is buying apples for Mt. Cantelon of Clinton. Hugh Stevenson, who has been engaged in Coleman's foundry for many years has gone to Hensall to work for , Mr. Bell. Harry Speare goes to ,Hensall to take Charge of the clothing anCients fur- nishing business of MeSsre.Ctreig and Mc- Donald of Seaforth. • Captain Norman McLeod, who has been in yancouver, B.C. says he has accepted a good 'offer from Governor Ogilvie to go to the Klondike., WIn. McCully, of Constance, left for TOrolito,-, to take-charge of-the---cream separator on exhibition for Mt. Ballan- tyne of Stratford. • The flower show, under the auspices of the Seaforth Horticultural Society, held In the central store of Cardno's block, was a decided success. Miss Scott of Roxboro had a very fine display of cut flowers. • The final match on the home grounds in the senior championship*Canadian La- crosse Association was played on, the recreation grounds when the BeaVers de- feated the Dufferins of Orangeville • by a score of 5 - 2, in one of the hardest contested games ever played here.,. Bert Hill, formerly of S. Wilett & Co. has gone to Winnipeg where he has secured a position in a hardware and tin shop. Miss Jennie Ballantyne left here for Beamsville where' she has been engaged as a teacher in the public school. AUGUSt 31 1923. An impressive service was held on the banks of the Sauble River on the, farm of W. Cooper, at Chiselhurst, by the Plymouth Brethren who have been holding camp meetings "here during the summer. After the service four c9,n- verts were baptized by immersion in the presence of a large number of people. Jack Johnston of Stanley is erecting a new house just helot Bannockburn hill. It is very classy loogg, white with red trimmings. Work on the bridge across' theBay- field river at Bannockburn Hill is pro--- greasing rapidly . A new pier has been placed in the middle pf the river and \the floor will be larger than the old one. .,1 Thu AnexibigA barn of-Wm.-J.-Taylor- -- on the-,payfiald-Hgucefiebi)Teadc West Of i‘ • ..-J•19 L, bly.Wcomplekcly dolstroyed btiefirel.ot v'3ii ("41 Spontaneous combustion was supposed to be the, cause. His loss may run as high as $10,000, The dance at Winthrop, held in the Orange Hall, was very successful. The music was furnished by Hogg Bros. , H. Shannon and I. Agar, with Misses E. Shannon and D. Brown accompanists.,, Peter McLaughlin of • Manley is -en- gaged with John Connolly completing his ditching contract in Hibbert TWp. During the past week, Messrs. James and Russel Scott, Cromarty, had a ditching machine engaged and put iv several hundred rods of tile drain. Sandy McKellar of Cromarty has erec- ted a new cement silo. George Guhr of Mitchell was the contraceor. Thos. Workman of Kippen on • going out to the field, was very much sur- prised to find both of his work horses dead. Misses Beatrice and Abbie Seip, Evelyn Cudmore, Gladys Holland, Gretta Den- nison, Muriel and Beth Willis, Ruth and Sadie. Thompson of Seaforth have re- turned from sOndIng their holidays at a cottage in Jowett's Grove, Baytield. Jack Scott left town to take a position in Detroit. Miss Verna Adams left for Fenelon Falls to fill a position on the staff of the high school. SEPTEMBER 10,1948. A feature of McKillop school activi- ties for many year's prior to its aband- onment during the First Great War the fair was opened when over 1000 people from the township enjoyed an out- standing program. Foster T. Fowler, teacher at S.S.no. 6 was secretary and Ed. Godkin the president. The parade Wks formed at the farm of Frank Johne- , ton, which included the Brodhagen band and gaily costumed children, a power- driven children's wagon was operated by Malcolm Bolton and 100 year old wood- splitting machine by Gordon McGavin. Mr. and -Mrs. Robert Duffy, well known McKillop couple, marked the 55th annt- versary of their wedding in their home in-Eureka, Calif. He has been in business for 61 years operating the Robert Duffy Cigar Store. Mrs. Alfred Clarke,' Hensel', won a brand new 1948 sedan when she held a ticket in a draw sponsored by the' Ilensall Chamber of Commerce. The draw was made by Frank Taylor and A. Butler. Miss Leota Hoegy of McKillop, left for Detroit where she has secured em- ployment. vial) news'in the Huron Expositor helps our read- ers keep their perspective in an exploding world.The- kind of news our corres- pondents send, and it is mostly goad news, comes as a sort of,,relief from the daily horror of a lot of our international, and national news. The cheerful personal , news that our rural cor- respondents contribute is, not, however, an excuse -to ignore the problems of the rest of the world, be-' cause everything'is rosy arlound here. Our "Mr. Smith visited Mrs.Jones" type of news should be a reassurance that a sense of community and, of caring what happens to our neigh- bours exists in this in- creasingly •impersonal world. From this base of se- curity we can afford to work outwards and extend some -of o,ur neighbourly,: concern to the rest of the world's problems. Thanks to our correspon- dents who help make this possible. Mr. and Mrs. warren 'Ament of Detroit were here folloiting a business trip to South America.. Miss Marian Scarlett has returned to Fort William where she is on the teach- ing staff there. Miss Helen Smith has completed her training course at St. Joseph's Hospital and left on a motor trip to 'New York City. Misses Peggy Willis,. Edith Blanchard) Eleanor Weaver and Donna Watson left to attend Stratford Normal School. Mrs. Joseph Atkinson of Dublin had the misfortune to fall down several steps to the baseinent, dislocating her shohlder and minor injuries to face and hands. Garfield Broderick of Henan has .sold. hit farm 'to' the Elder Brothers, who get possession in April.