HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-08-23, Page 11TCHELL MOBILE FEED SERVICES N
California Pellet, Mill Equiriment
for the new mill was
supplied by . •
• s •
. on the completion gf
the new.
he management and staff`
rr 40-
Sales and Millwrights
Elmira, Ontario
wish to copgratulate you. on
the Opening of Your new mill.
We have enjoyed working for you and would
like to .wish you every success for the future.
to 4-
Mobile Feed Service Ltd.
on the opening
of their
Pitme, 527-1750 • SEAF9RTH
, . A large
variety of • machi neryy iv _necessary to ..keep a big mill functioning and modern. °Here
and below are some of the machines recently installed. These and other features at ;the new
` Mitchell Feed Mill can"be seen Saturday at the Grand Opening. •
strtictive:y about pork" and its
presentation in the store and/or
'1m the table.
Another possible 20 points 'go
for appearance, a posgble 30
points for poise and delivery,
including voice, and another, 30 on
the 'content of the presentation.
This,presentatiOn would be in
the form of a 60 second com-
mercial to sell pork 'to a day-
time homemaker audience or a
speech under two :;,minutes 'in
length. ,m
7 The county associ4„tion will
be Supplying prizes for the com-
petitors. Winners on the county
level will go on to compete at
a zone level.- Senifinals ftom
these zones will go on to com-
pete on a Provincial level at
the Royal Winter Fair, Novem-
ber-8 to 13 at Toront o.
Prizes for the 'finalists at
' the Royal Winter Fair will be
$300 for the winner, and $100 •
for the 'second and third place
. girls. .'
Any girls, interested in the
contest are asked to contact their
local township director of the .
Huron County Pork Pr ucers or
Len MacGregor throng the De-,•
partment of Agriculture od
office at Clinton.
The Western Ontario Here-
ford Zone is • also looking for
girls to enter the Hereford Belle
They want girls.-between 16
and 21 years of age who are show-
ing a Hereford calf in 1973.
The winner would be asked'ao
give out ribbons at their show
and ' sale and at a fair or two,
throughout the County.
The winner would also com-
pete with winners from four other
zones for the title of Hereford
LaSt year's Hereford Belle,
Karen Tyndall of Clinton, went
on to become the Provincial
Hereford Queen for 1 P73.
Girls interested in applying
are asked to contact Mrs. D.
Louise ,Fisher, secretary of the
Western Ontario Hereford Zone,
• The "Queen of the Furrow"
competition will be held in con-
junction with the Huron County
Plowing Match September 15 at .
the farm of Howard Datars, R.
R. 1, Dashwood.
Nominees for this com-
petition must be 16 years of age
and not have reached her 25th
birthday by November 1 of 1973.
Girls may be married or
-single and must reside on afarm
in Huron. No entry fee will be
required by entrants must place
their entry and other information
with the Plowmans' Associa-
All co
strike ou
on their l
ntestants must tnake'a q'
t and plow two rounds
and. If a contestant will
require a tractor and plOw they
are asked to notify the committee. .
All co
ted to w
.skirt and
ntestants will be expec-,
ear either a ,.dross, or
top, to the interview,
luncheon and speeches. Slacks
•may be worn for plowing.
. Contes
On the sit
tams will be expected
e by 10:30 a.m. to be
interviewed by the judges before
the linich
on planned for them.
titiors will be judged
out of 100 Points on the inter-
view, 150 points for a three to •
five minut
feel the f
e talk on "What do you
uture of Huron County
can be?",
ability , 20
100 points on plowing
0 points on appearance
and depor
'an improm
tment and 50 points on
The Quee n will receive a
trophy pl
from the P
us a gift , and $20.00
lowman's Association.
All contestants will receive gifts.
FOr further Information • . the•
girls are asked to .cOntact 'Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Armstrong* at
Wingham (357-1651) or mrs and
Mrs. Maurice Love at it.R.3,
Exeter, Phone 235.2886.
• 7•
let !ego
Legume 'meadows mutt, be
rested `'during 'the autumn to
ensure good stands andtop yieldS
next year; 'says R.S. Fulerson,
'crop scientist, Ontario' Agri-
cultural, College, University of
Guelph. ' '
Cutting or grazing should not
take place on top quality leguine
meadows tiring September or
October in southwesternOntarlo,
if these Meadows are to get the
rest they require. Thine rest
permits alfalfa and other forages
to' Store sugars in' their roots
protecting the plant against lo*
winter timperatures. This pro-
' cess must be completed before
he yt frosts have killed' the
le es, making a rest during
September-October essential.
Cattle must, however, be fed
during this autumn period. Here
are some suggestions for
• planning •your forage program. •
Each year farmerS'ploughrun
out meadows. These are the
meadows that should provide the,
c e feed during the auturen rest
period. So don't cut or graze
thete " meadows duriag the late
summer. Let them grow and tem
' them for feed' during the autumn
when the best "hay atri pasture
Meadows are being regted.
Another feed alternative is to •
undergraze a pasture or hay .
Meadow diming the critical
harvest period. This under:-
grazing .will permit the plants to
.,build up fOod reserves sa they
will better withstand winter con-
In late °etcher or November,
meadows with knee-high growth
can be lightly browsed. .But
' don't take off all the 'growth.
Leave a •foot.'pr more of top
growth.It' will hold tie know,
prevenCicing, and keep the-soil
warm. Such top growth is good
insurance against-winterkill.
Legume meadows may be ,
severely injured if -cut or grazed
near the critical fall harvest date
{September), Since • this date .
varies across the province, far-
mers should consult .Ontario
Ministry of Agriculture and Food
"publication 296, ,,Field Crop
Recommendations, or cOtiet
their loCal agricultural. re-
presentative, to . find out the
critical 'harvest date for their
Only one p rson in a thousand
is 'a bore a he is interesting
because he is one, person in a
His personality . isn't split -
it's shredded. .-
You neverr-get a second chance
to make a gtiod first imUression.
• I never bad a hankering to go
away on,vacation. When I'loaf, I
want "some' work handy to 12af
. And then there was the one .
about the fella who quit smdking,
started chewing' toothpicks, 'and
died of Dutch elm disease. •
Girls of an agricultural back- ducts.
farm Organizations.
Producers have decided to
tition ,at this year's Pork bar-
becue on August 14,
sponsor a Pork Hostess Compe-
18 to 25 years of age possessing
ground in Huron County are being
c'Queen" 4 contests 'by various
invited to take part in . three
Those eligible are girls from
The Huron County Pork
-her recipe,; at the finalist level
base' of 20 points, is held with
marks will be on points out to
follows. Ten points are giVen
for the fai,orite fam'ly pork dish
recipe the girls must produce.
At the county level a contestant
gets ,the 10 points for bringing
1 0.
An interview, counted on a
They will be judged as
some interest and knowledge. of . each girl on an. informal level
the pork industry and pork pro-. to decide her ability to talk con-
LS 4 6 m.. r • 4.064i
4 '6..6 ..•s.
Agricultural organizations sponsor queen contests