HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-08-23, Page 6"SHOPPER STOPPER" ITEMS SAVE YOU EVEN MORE LISTERINE LOOK FOR THESE. !SHOPPER STOPPERS" SIGNS IN' OUR STORES FOR UNBELIEVABLE SAVINGS 18-oz. $1.39, NOXZEMA anti-porspirant . . 8-oz. 99c OLD SPICE stick 99c SOFTN DRI 5-0z. sPre,V . ." $1.12 NOXZE skin cream OLDS after shave SOFTIQUE bath oil beads 2.4-oz. $1.57 . $2.75 $1.49 CURITY cotton .balls 100's 49c BAYER aspir in low. 77c LISTERINE ozone 85c CLING FREE TONI LEMON-UP creme rinse allirkgaill • 2 Main Street, Seaforth. 7.07. $1.19 $1.45 ALBERTO BALSAM shampoo 15-oa- $1.59 -ammimmomaii0 Ay VIZ.t,,"V Expositor Action Ad;Ph/527-0240: ewe Of Egmond • •00r40100414ent, 'Mrs.Chttl'Sit004tIes \i THE HAIR SHOP Men's Hairstyling & Barbering NEXT TO FLANNERY CLEANERS "Your hair cut the way you want it" Closed appointments arranged for men or women Thursday or Friday evenings. . Styling Only Phone' 527-0183 • This new modern plant now open at Seaforth for your convenience. SEAFORTH BACK TO SCHOOL SHOES RUNNING SHOES North Star Joggers, Navy or White 'Canvass, Running Boots. CHILDREN'S SHOES Latest Styles in Infants,' Misses', Boys' and Girls' Shoes. Traditional and Mod Styles. MEN'S and WOMEN'S Go Mod or Conservative ,with a Wide Selec- tion of Shoes to Choose From. We Now Have a Complete Se€ction of TENDER TOOTS IES $6.98 and $7.9$ for WOMEN JIM CROCKER FAMILY FOOTWEAR 527-0102 Seaford; 51 Main St. 'We are open EVERY DAY from 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. EXCEPT WEDNESDAY MAIN STREET VARIETY Seaforth, Ontario -- Phone 527-1640 14RGN,9(P4ITGR, 4.11AFORTH, ONT„ AUG, 23, 1973 (Surprised on conriversary. NOTICE Citii:ens show int rest in Plan Building' collapsOs onhighway "There wawa cracking sound as the roof buckled and the'build- ing began to slide." said Clare Dechert of Goderich, describing , what happened to part of a build- ing lie was having moved. Mr. Dechert, a used furniture dealer bought a huge frame, former recreation hall at Vanastra and was trucking it in three sections Thursday to his store south of Goderich on High- way 21a "Itlad a massive stone fire- place and a beautiful bar," said Mr. DeChert sadly as he sur- , veyed the wreckage of the section which had come ungleed as the float was turning left on Con- cession 16 onto highway 13 near Clinton. "It was the best part Of the building," he said. He planned to convert the 6 ,000-square-foot hall into a , showroom for his furniture and use the current store as a ware- house. The all stone fireplace and bar would have been the show- case for his best merchandise. '-He had just purchased an iron '" fender and• fittings for the fire- place. The owners of Vanastra are planning to build a roadway through the area where the build- ing stood so Mr. Dechert was able to obtain the building at the bargain price of $5,00Q. It cost more to move the build- ing, $8,000, to place the sections on I-beams and immense dolly wheels. Movers were C. Meehan of Mt. Forest. One section is alrbady in place in the new loca- tion on Highway 21, and the other will be moved in the near future. The middle section, alas, is missing. The accident occured about 11;20 a.m. on the county road after the truck , unable to make the -sharp turn, had backed into the sideroad across' the highway for more room. The angle of the slope put a strain on the supports and caused the section to collapse, Mr. Dechert said, and the prized fireplace bacarne rubble. Bathroom fixtures placed inside the, structure were also destroyed. Power lines had to be moved and Goderich Pro- vincial Police, on hand to escort the sections on the move, diverted vehicles for about 30 minutes until the wreckage was shoved' off the road• and into a field. "We are thankful no one was hurt." said Mrs. Dechert. When the section still at Vanastra is moved to the High- way 21 location, Mra. Dechert says, "We're going to build on to 'the building but it won't be the sanie as' befOre.A', 'A --- (See pictures on page 12) It's happening in BruSselsl From the interested open minded reception of citizens who viewed .the village plans exhibit on display Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of last week, it is obvious that Brussels has an exciting future. Many dropped by- the former village workshop on Turnberry St. to examine layout maps pre- pared by Nick Hill, HuYonCoupty Planner, who was on 'hand all three days to discuss proposals with individuals, "I am very pleased with the village responSe to the storefront exhibit", he said; "Citizens are becoming in- volved in the plans and interest is high". He remarked upon Brussels' positive attitude toward growth and development. Mapt on display "were numer- ous, large, colourful and easy to read. They outlined proposals for village land use; the existing open space on the Maitland River and proposed open space of the river environmental corridor. The commercial core, existing and proposed, was indicated along with areas designated for zoning for institutional development, housing, agriculture, and industrial. Historical features and plans for tree soaping were also on Sketch maps,, The plans are for gradual long term progression and are far reaching but will not change the friendly ' rural atmosphere present in the village. Jim Cardiff, .realtor,' who aided planners on housing pro- posals, commented on the fact that planning will be good for everyone especially for residen- tial areas increasing the attrac- tiveness of the homes. "It's great, I'm certainly in favour' of it." said Mrs. Verna Thomas at the storefront display after looking at the plans. Mr. D. A. Rand whO owns a hbme on the riverfront says, "I lived here for 42' years and I wouldn't leave"., He feels a riverside park would not only attract newcomers but add immeasurable scenic beauty immeasurable pleasure and scenic beauty for present resi- dents. Mrs. Bonnie Wilson has been engaged as researcher for Brus- sels by the County Planning Board, She will be talking with citizens, beginning in the downtown area in September fol- lowing the emu:, :redo!' of Huron County. Along with reserach work on the village, county planners will De involved in meeting with the Businessmen's Association, Vil- lage Council and the Conservation Authority. "The purpose of these meetings is to prepare a frame- work for action", explained Nick Hill. "A public meeting will be held about mid-October when final plans for the village will be presented". Mr. Hill mentioned a recent trip to Petrolia where he dis- covered a "most fantastic paint- up scheme" underway. Students working on a OFY grant there are restoring the downtown Main Street in natural, earthy and cheerful shades of browns, olive greens and reds. "A few pots of paint and there you are," he said. Talking to businessmen he found they are„greatly in favour of the seteme and people on the street aie saying , impressed, "Petrone has picked up!" USE EXPOSITOR WANT - ADS Phone 5Z7-024Q,, (Dublin and District Athletic Association Annual .House League SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT Sunday, August 26th Commencing at 12 noon Exhibition Soccer Old Timers vs. St. Cohunban — 3 p.m. 8 p.m. — Dublin Bantam Girls vs. Brodhagen Bantam Girls Playoff Game SATURDAY, AUDI= 25, 1973 10:00 Alphabet Soup 100 11:00 Hl D The 11:34) ReacbihdictitFtolerpTtariyeob'fop 12:00 Io Thea Outdoorahie Sportsman 12:30 Let Them Live 1:00 The World of Man 1:30 2;0030 FYI Canadian Open Tennis 4:00 Canadian Water Skiing 6:00 Dragnet 6: 5;00 Bugs Bunny/Road Runner - 7;00 Sanford And Son 7:30 On The Buses - 8;00 CFL Football 1030 PM Sports Week 11:00 The National 11:20 11:45 Movie; 44 Farewell to Arms" Rock Hudson and Jennifer Jones, SUNDAY, AUGUST 26, 1973 10:00 woobinda 10:30 Quelle 11;00 Ontario Schools 12:00 Travel Canada 12:30 News 12;35 Gardening 1:00 Canada/U.S.S.R. Hockey 3;00 Summer Country' Canada 3:30 Roy Jewell Farm Show 4;00 Muslim people 5;00 Music To See 5;30 Wonderful World of Disney 6:30 Act Fast 7:00 The Beachcombers 7;30 Black Beauty 8:00 Helen Reddy Show 9;00 Sunday At Nine 10:00 First Person Singular 10:30 Of All People 11:00;20 PM The Ntional 1 11:45 Under*Attack MONDAY, AUGUST 27, 1973 10;00 Mon Ami 10:15 Friendly Giant 10;30 Mr. Dressup 11:00 Ontario Schools 12:00 The Hilarious House Of Ftightenst in 12:30 News At No 12;45 Afternoon Mo "April In Paris" - Doris Day and Ray Bolger. 2:30 Secrets From The Kitchen 3;00 Thirty From "" 3:30 Edge of Night 4;00 Family Court 4:30 Drop-In 5;00 Bewitched 5;30 Let's Make A Deal 66::0300 pByeSit-of RefOn 7:00 Gunsmoke 10:00 0 Cannon V .I. 0 Partridge 9:30 This Is The Law 8;3 p.Family 10:30 What on Earth 11:0011:20m Thep National 11;45 Horror classics: "Diary Of A Madman" - Vincent Price and Sebastian Cabot TUESDAY, 000Mon-Ami AUUST ,213, 1973 1 101:1 05 Ontario Friemil so Friendly Giant 10:30 Mr. Dressup 10 Mr. and Mrs. John Watt of Scotland have returned home af- ter spending a very enjoyable month with their, son, daughter- in-law and granddaughter, Mr. "and mrs. John Watt and Jenni- fer. Visitors with the Watt family on Saturday were Miss Mabel Bonnell and Mr. Ivan Carp of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fraser and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Watson have returned 'from Halifax af- ter visiting their son Jon who is in the Navy. • Mr. and Mit. Charles Ged- des and family spent a week-? holidaying in Barrie. visiting with Mr. and Mrs. George Sills and their family. 12:00 Ijhe Hilartons House Of rightenstein 12:30 evis 12:45 Afternoon Movie "Follow That Man" Sidney Chaplin and DawnAddams 2:30 Secrets FrOm The Kitchen 3:00 Thirty From 3;30 Edge of Night 4:00 Family Court 4:30 Drop-In 5:00 Bewitched 5:30 Horst Koehler Show 6:00 Best of Berton 6;30 FYI 7;00 The Waltons 8:00 Summer Movies 10:00 Ascent Of-Man 11:00 The National 11:20 PM 11:45 Movie: "His Majesty . ' O'Keefe" - Burt Lancaster and Joan Rice. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1973 10:00 Mon Ami A 10:15 Friendly Giant * 10:30 Mr. Dressup 11:00 Ontario Schools 12;00 The Hilarious 'House Of Frightenstein 12;30 News 12:45 Movie; "Silver City" - Yvonne, DeCarlo and Edmond O'Brien 2:30 Secrets From The Kitchen 3:00 Thirty From 3:30 Edge of Night 4:00 Family Court 4:30 Drop-In 5:00 Bewitched 5:30 Let's Make A Deal 6:00 Best of Berton 6:30 FYI 7;00 The Bold 0 s 8;00 Expo Baseball 10:30 Canadian Sports 11;:00 The National 11;20 PM 11;45 Movie: "Dead Of Night" Mervyn Johns and Michael Redgrave. THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 1973 10;00 Mon Ami 10;15 Friendly Giant 10:30 Mr. Dressup 11:00 Ontario Schools '12;00 Pet Set 12:15 The Hilarious House of Frightenstein 12;30 News 12:45 Movie: "Death pays In Dollars" - Steve Forsythe Dominique Bosehero 2;30 Secrets From The Kitchen 3;00 Thirty From 3;30 Edge of Night 4:00 Family Court 4:30 Drop-In 5;00 Bewitched 5;30 Reach For The Top 6;00 Best of Horton 6;30 FYI 7;00 Midweek Magezine 7;30 The Partaers 8:00 It's A Musical World 8:30 Mary Tyler Moore Show 9:00 Movie:, "The Failing Of , Raymond" - Jane Wyman and Dean Stockwell 10:30 Monty python's Flying,' Circus 11:019(Ths, Nat-Ulna' '• 11;80 PM 11:45 Movie; "Amazons of Rome" - Louis Jordan and Sylvia Syms. FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 1973 - 10:00 Mon Ami 10:15 Friendly Giant 10:30 Mr. Dressup 11:00 Ontario Schools 12:00 The Hilarious House of Frightenstein 12:30 News 145 Movie; "The Love ' Lottery" - David Niven and Peggy Crimmins. 2:30 Secrets From The Kitchen 3:00 Thirty From 3;30 Edge of Night 4:00 Family Court 4:30 Drop-In , 5:00 Bewitched 5:30 Let's Make A Deal NO0 Best of Berton .6:30 FYI 7;00 Love American Style 8:00 M*A*S*H 8:30 All In The Family, 9;00 Country Roads 10:00 Hawaii Five-0 11:00 The National 11:20 PM 11:45 Movie; "The Truth" - Brigitte Bardot and Charles Vanel. A surprise party was held on Sunday August 12 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thornton for Mr. and Mrs. George Thorn- ton, Brussels on the occasion of their anniversary.- ' Mr. and Mrs. Thornton have two children, Robert of Dublin; and (Margaret) Mrs. Art Weiler, Toronto; also five grandchildren. Many lovely gifts were opened and thanks given-followed smorgasbord- supper. Prese were: Mr. and Mrs. John Ella- cott, London, attendants of the couple. Guests were from Toronto, Brussels, London, 'Dublin, Ethel Molesworth, St. Marys and Clinton. INSURANCE " Auto, Fire, Life Donald G. Eaton . Insurance Agency Limited Office in Masonic Block Main Street Phone 527-1610 — Seaforth , CFPL TV listings