HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-08-23, Page 4A HURON EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, ONT., AUG. TWO., SHOWI .140 ;;."'•Ciet1119171Sta'ate eleetreniCally how ..8l1:Ii/VeStOrs Registered Retiree 33. • #teilt. Plan . Cali save you tax Our portable viewing 1P9chine Jells the whole story in • 8 .nanates, Ask for a home or Office demonstration. You'll find it most interesting.. xon' will 2"978 P NI gtVed SYNDICATE' LIMITED •I• A Services in the United Church ' will be withdrawn next Sunday, . but will resume on Sunday, Sept, 2nd with the pastor,. Rev. Mur- ' dock Morrison in. charge. - Mr. and Mrs..Bob McClyment, Michael and Shannon of Guelph visited here with l relatives 'at Clinton during the .weekend. , . Mi'. Floyd'MeAshofBalrilltan, is visiting ,at tne_home of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. • John Molsh. Mr. and Mrs. 'Murray Merri son and Shawri7of Ilderton,. spent ' the weekend in the village. • The directors of the Bayfield Agriculture , Society ',held their float meeting last week prior to the fair which Will be. held 'on SabirdaY, Sept. 1st.• Mr. and Mrs. Mac Webster have reterned ' from a nine-day tour of the. Gaspe Peninsula. Miss Emma Shortreed is fisiting her, . stster, Mrs: Wet ter. • (. Confirm adults-or St. Peters - Sunday was a special day at St. Peter's.- Lutheran Church. During the .service adult' Con- firmatien 'was -held -with four new members joining the Church,. They were Mr. and Mrs. Reg, Badley, 'Gordon Byers, and Ross Wood.. Robert Loren Badley, in- fant sari of Mr, and Mrs.NReg. BadleY was. baptized with his " sponsors petng, Mr. and Mrs; "Garry Givens of Owen. Sound. , Communion followed' for anyone • wishing to take part', Flower's were' placed in the church frofn 'the funeral of Mrs. Ray Hart Of London. ' See the 2 • Canadian NatiOnal Exhibition in , ioro-nto. ,Special buses lea Cleave's Surioto Saturday Wednesday, August 22nd. August 25th.,Wednesday, ye 8:35 A.M. ,August -, Saturday, August 29th. For t:ickets—and -information. contact Cleave's Sunoco 527-90.10.. Coach w ay's P.O."• Box 426 •',Stratford • Year End CLEARANCE of all 1973 Models A Few Left At 146 Deer park circle, London 4714006 be leadership ie G . Liberal leader Robert Nixon announced last week that he will be a candidate at the provinCial Liberal leadership convention in October.'' , Mr. NiXon said, "A number of i;easons have prompted me to make my decision. The most , important is my conviction that after 30 years of Conservative . government in this province, the people are now prepared to elect a responsible alternative - an alternative which I believe only the Liberal Party cart provide:" •,,Since - the elevation ofMr.„ • Davis to the Premiership, a dark cloud has hung over the Conser- vative government at 4ueen's Park..• The Fidinam affair, the Hydro investigation;andcoailicts of interest in the cabinet have created° a crisis in confidence which 'must spell the end of a third of a century, of Conserva- tive rule, at the next election he added. ' "r`) Mews of Varna Correspondent Fred McClymont Gardens' in London arid, rodintS of Merest in London and district. On ;Thursday they visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Konynendyke in WoodSteCk. Mr. Sim Roobal and cCor- neilus Roobal visited ith Mr. Tony Gelderland in Ridg town over the weekend and While there visited, Uncle Tom's Cabin rand the 011 Museum at Petrolia and surrounding, area. Mr. James 'Cochrane of TorontO visited On -Monday with his sister Mrs. Hugh McMurtrie. Mrs. Sim Rciobal is a patient in .-St. Joseph'Hospital in Lop on. Mr. and Mrs. on Dodds and family, and Mr. Cornelius Roobal, and Mr. Sine Roobal mo- tored to Niagara Falls forAsight seeieg,tour Tuesday andWednes- day of this week. and Al Scholl. Zinc, manganese, chromium; cobalt and selenium are words that may soon become familiar to you even if !you've never had 'a chedlistrycourse in your life. -,For scfentists are finding that • these,trace 'elements ar,e needed nutrients, important in your diet. • By choosing foods from the Four Food Groups, 'you can be reasonably sure of getting ade- quate amounts of these elements. . Green leafy vegetables, ' flesh:" fruits, whole grains- and organ and than meats all contain gen- erous amounts., - With a well"- balanced 'diet, the risk -of de- ficiency is slight. However,. all the tr‘e, eleinents are known to cause ininry It'high levels of intake. Don't•.take `food supplements to supply ,any. of these, 'elements without the recommendation of a: phyAie.ia.n. Geordie is considered to be of average intelligence but his performance in kindergarten was below average. This ,- youngster is perhapsa bit-immature and it takes him a While to get accultemedetir a new routine, like 'school. .He is-usually . co-operativewith adults, however, and responds well to kind explanations,and firmness. *7'; „, Geordie needs warm,. understanding parents who will give - him stimulation WithOut pressure, firm giiidtrice• and a great deal of innividual attention. It is eapecWly important-thathis\ adopting father will enjoy sharing many activities with his small-son. - MRS, EMMA J.SIIEPHERD Mrs, Emma J. Shepherd died , at .the Bluewater Rest Home, Zurich, on Sunday, August 19, 1973, in her 91st -year, The former Enima "J: Dickson 'of Hensall, she was the wife of the _late, John Shepherd. Surviving are; two stepsas Clarence and Harold Shepherd Of Toronto; and two neices, Mrs. Bill (Mona) Finch, and Mrs. Morley (Helen) Sanders, both of Grand Bend. The late grs. Shepherd rested at the Bonthron Funeral Home in Hensall when a private funeral • service was held on August 21, 1973, with. Rey. Don Bfick offi- ciating. Interment in laTaggarts , emetei.y.s • allbearers. - were: Fred Sanders, TedSanders,13111Piricsi Jeff Finch, Bill Gibbs.. and Jack O tt English,. Irish arid Scottish ;in descent, Geordie,five, is , , healthy and active. He has light brown. hair, blue eyes and fair ":Skin. `•An pperation, hen corrected a turned eye-and he wears glosses' to maintain the correction. . He 'Is • light ' sleeper, always wakiugtarly; . • Geordie is curious and' adventurous. He is fUll.of queStions... Indlikes to .go.;.e.xploring. He. Mixes well with otherchildren; being .happy to visit or be visited, but is not keen on'rough • • games. He'd rather ride...10 tricyble. . . • "‘ To inquire,' about.adopting Geordie, please write to Today's, Child, Box 888, Station K, Toronto MO MM.' For general adoption information, please contact your locall Children's - Aid SoCietY. , CROSSWORD PUZZE 1. AACjoROueSsS.3031 -rpci s 2. Harem .-, 18. Archi-: Counter- ' cEhxampeb6e7r. 20. K teeistsural —AN •E• R 3. Site of • pier 8,. Tutenrmoroil 4. Anecdotal , Tebaldi d 3 d 0 N 2,4. , Defeat' e ertit ,9. Comic, Jack' collection 23. Al- 9 H. -5. Fat l a aa' 0 2 12. Pallid 0 ,.'Is 6. Violin, p de- • 01 21.,Frencb • 15. Well 7known capital • - - sucker - at the Park.. The roll call was , .auth,or,. /',. • ' Hun 32. Opposed '40. Table scrap . answered by "A jObGrandmother , ' Claude —, 17. "A Boy .,- .. to . 42. George's had that I don't have"- and the ' Natried Sue" 34. COlurnnist's ' 'librettist • "motto ,,To be'lerealc Y61,), must •• .. !. fsiti ' r .tidbit V,,,i1 (19V 2143bMitkitUtr q Cag jlt11161 pank Vdik'ertiwtti given by . Mrs: dilarles"Ekte."it,Nrs, John - Sinclair, the, 'Curator, , was in 29 :•icharge 9f the meeting and was I 2 5 • 721,/,.• /' . //A ,,.//,.14 ' S - 4, ' . 7 • • 8 f0 ,also 'in charge of" the lunch.. . Holidaying in the. Eastern Provinces are; Mr. and krsSs.,, Ernest Whitehoute; Mr. and km:: ' Wm.' Bellk Mr. and Mrs. Camp- bell Eyre. " 3 14 Tantalize • 7, Smell . cisively 8 13. See 39 'guitar and across ' piano 16. Click , , 9, Singer,' '. 25, With- beetle _ .---. Rawls i'' ``tired 17. Market , 10. Sicilian city 27. Saskat- wagon 11, Capital chew- 19. Swiss river ,city• an's . 'INSTITUTE. TOURS MUSEUM , Kippen East women's Inati- 35. Accdm- lute 'enjoyed. a--visit to the • plished . • 6.0derich museums part of the 36. Ionian gulf Curator's meeting. After the tour 38. Take for the rest Of the meeting was, held 1 V 0 "13 NIP:NVS t,49—V-5 O y 9 Ci v 0 22. Useless pla.n6e''‘. 6..Step, Gide German city 30. • sian river. Moslem VIP 33. Two of ' Hamlet's words • 34. Miss Lupin° 37. Of, an old Peruvian, ,empire 39. capital of 13 across ' 41; Tout's suggestion. 44. Eroarde, sleeper 45. Pay .dirt 46. Food 47. Forty winks DOWN 1. Playing Marble Just Arrived New Fila FABRICS SEW AIR mum at SAVINGS Materials and Acces, sories now available. Newest. Easy-Sew . 415 u • ... . 12 _ ; r/ 14 IS r,;'," ii, , • / 24 ,g/AIWZAII as 21 7 ...e. ,;(01 22 , 25 26 • 27 22. _ 29 ,s, • . 4: , % . /r / 1 SO . • 34 • /iAs sz A.." • 1 3s Ma • , .7.,64 3n . 55 •• 1, V W / A 59 • 40 • .- , ' 41 . 42 441 44 45 . . 46' z*,, 47 - 'Scott Cooper visited last week - with iris, 'aunt . and Ample, Mr. and Mrs., Robert Dinsmore at Barrie, . Mr. d aritan ,„ Woodburn Greenway, spent 'Sunday evening . with Mr., and-Mrs. Elsar Mous- seau. . Mr. Larry Wright 'spent the weekend with Isi.s parents, Mr. e .and Mrs. Percy w. k ight., - . ' Mr=s. Steve P.in , Sault Ste. Marie visited last week with hir pUrents, Mr. and' Mrs. Ed Mc Bride, , Mr. and Mrs. Alex McGregor spent last' week with relatives at Sault Ste: Marie. ' Mrs. Mildred Cornelissea, Clearwater, Florida, and Mrs. - Annie Todd, Eau Claire, 'Wis. „ visited .with' Mr. and Mrs. W.L.'v Meats during the-5 .past'..week. Mr. and kr. L. Kirk and pail, who have resided. in the village for -some time have, sold-.their home and moved to Mansfield.. An. Expositor Classified will j ay' you dividends. , Hare, you , tried one? piai '527-0240. 'Mc Gregoti Top Quality BEEF Government Inspected Whole Half BEEF BEEF 1.14 1.15 Price subject -tea change' 114,1CLIIDES: CUTTING WRAPPING AND QUICK FREEZING. Free DeliVery - Within 10 Mile Grant McGregor Phone 262-5839 arone's HOOKS AM) STATh)NE1tY ;STORE • fhe Friendly Store In Etenforth — "the friendly town" We Are Your, School Suppky H e.aclq uti rters ACti0 Ph. 527- 240 • 1695 '1050 1500 '2495 Substantial Savings Canada Packers Thrifty bacon Burn's smoked picnic shoulders.,... 1, Butt. Pork Sliced Pork Liver ,6.59t Sliied Minced Ham We reserve flip AMA t6 limit quantities lb. AL'S MARKET 1969 FORD GALAXIE 500 4-door sedan, V- 8, automatic, power brakes, power steering. 1967 CHEVELLE MALIBU SS 2-door hardtop, V 8, automatic, power brakes, power steering. Licence DJL424 TRUCKS 1962 INTERNATIONAL 3 ton with 14' steel body. Licence P39551 1955 GMC 6 wheel drive, s+oke dumo. ticPrice T37901 1969 CHRYSLER NEWPORT Custom 4-door sedan, V-8, automatic, power brakes, power steering, licence DON772 1971 FORD GALAXIE 500 2-door hardtop, V-8, automatic, power brakes, power steering 1969 THUNDERBIRD 4-door Landeou, power brakes, steering and windows, original 38,000 miles, licence MDE526 1970 CHEV IMPALA Custom 2-door, hard top, V-8, automatic, power brakes and steer ing, Licence DFU238 1969 FAIRLANE 500 sports roof, 351 V-8, automatic, Licence DDP600 1970 CHEV BISCAYNE sedan, 350, V-8s automatic, radio, Licence DEW554 1968 FORD 10-passenger country sedan wagon, V-8, automatic, power brakes, power steering, 32,000 miles. 19 71 FORD CUSTOM 4-door, V-8, automatic, power brakes and steering, 40,000 2595 one owner miles, licence DHF694 1595 $2595 '3095 '2095 1695 1650 1795 Remember ... It's Sense To See Snider's Huron County's Lorges! Ford Dealer Laney Snider Motors LIMITED EXETER 235-1640 LaNDON 227s4191 %or. 'i.00:,uturdc.y ,, hl 6 00 HENSALL ONTARIO Roobals celebrate' 40th anniversary TODAYS'PHIt11.1 HELEN *LEN ' Mr. and Mrs. Sim Roobal celebrated :their. 40th wedding, anniversary recently by having a dinner in the Fellowship Hall of'Hensall United:Church. Thir- ty-six relatives Ora friends were present from Woodstock; Ridge- town, Goder-ich, Seaforth, Bruce- field, Exeter and Ifensall. The happy • couple. 'received many 'beautiful gifts.' ,Very special guest for the event was Mr. Roobal's brother Mr. Cornelieus Roobel of Holland. Several moriSr `performed by Rev.' Donald Beck took place inHensall United Church on Saturday, August 18th 1973. , Following a honeymoon to Antigua, •, the young conple.• will reside to TIllsonburg. Orie day last week, Mr. Cor- nelius Roobal of Holland was entertained by Mr. and - Mrs. Dore Dodds an family of Sea- forth. They - sited Storybook . • ADIJEU Z Add flavor, zest and nutrition to ;fruit Salads with sherbet, yo-. gprt or cottage cheese.;, DON'T USE METAL! Metal pans can't be used in- a microwave oven. Foods reuet,be cooked on paper, glass or earth- eriware so that electronic waves -can pass WOLFE-KYLE . Nancy Louisa Kyle,daughter of Mr, and Mrs. David Kyle of Hensall, was wiled in marriage to James Max Wolfe, son of Mr. and .Mr-s. Blake Wolfe ' of Straffordville; The quiet -cere- • ., through.. 4 UNITED CHURCH SpVICE. ICK CHARLES. BEER - ED Fr at 11 Au • • r . • congratulatory telephone calls OBITUA-R.IES HE IS ADVENTUROUS , were received from Holland during the ay.- . A- go9,dly %crowd attended erick Charles Beer died Hensall United Church for the • ate residencd on Sunday morning 'service on Sunday, morn- •st 19,,1973, in his 76th. Year. the,' Rev. Don Beck preach()• is survived by his wife, the on the sermon tepic rewhe. former HildaBlo g; sons,Ge The musical contribution to thee of. Hensall; Jon of C. . . service was prOvided by Jdhn, Borden, onedaughter, Mrs. Ralph Beatrice, Mary and Bruce, family (Elaine) McArthur ..of Edmonton; .• of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thompson ' and eight grandchildren. John accompanied on-the guitar The late Mr. Beer rested at while Mary, Beatrice and Bruce the Bonthron Funeral Chapel in sang. The flowers in the Chui'ais Hensel' when funeral service was were plated - there from the held August '21 at 3:00 pm.' with Wolfe-Kyle wedding.. Rev...Den Beck officiating. In- terment in 1-jensall Union • ,metery; - easing ce metery _Pallbearers were: Ron Mock, Jim Taylor,,Dave Sangster, Wil- mer Dalrymple; Jack Simmons We're sorry Due to technical difficulties' a small amount of news is not available this edition. It- will appear next Week.,