HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-08-16, Page 11VACUUM CLEANERS SALES 8 SERVICE ALL MAKES BOB PECK VARNA 262-5748 13-39-tf $ REWARDS We are now paying up to $18.00 for Dead and -Disabled-Cows and•Rorses and Stocker Cattle - all small animals pick-up free as a service to you. We •have three trucks to service you 24 hours 7 days a week. Phone Collect ' 887-9334 Brussels Pet Food Supplies Lic. 399-C-7a 19-99-tf 4 SEASONAL WORKERS REQUIRED To Help Process Delicious Aylmer and DelMonte Vegetables * Light and Heavy Labour * Day or Evening Shift Free Transportation Arranged * No Previdus Experience Necessary * Cafeteria on the Premises CANADIAN CANNERS LIMITED is once again recruiting men and women for work in their food. processing. plant in Exeter. Anyone wishing to take advantage of this opportunity to earn extra money, please register in person at your local Canada Manpower Centre orAt CANADIAN GAMMAS Lairrm AYLMER: *MO* ATTENTION' STUDENTS:.Tlere will,be part time work avajlable during Septemb-r and October. 4-1-4 INCREASED WAGE RATES 14. Propei Sty for FOR SOMEBODY!:' Cosy little home. Two bedrooms plus a den. Living room, kitchen* bath, etc. Very nice yard.40king price $10,500. Coming up next week -- -Metal- lad storage shed on a conven- ient corner in.Seaforth. The following week - - "An investment set-up with appeal. WILLIAM' M. HART. Daytime.....Seaforth 527-0870 Evenings....Eayfield 565-2855 GEORGE R. JOHNSTON REAL ESTATE LTD. 1. Corning Events 4, Articles for Sale GOOD used Seaforth Oracle 13 text books, 262-5264. 11-1-1 8. Farm Stock for Sale 19 pigs for sale. Jim Henderson 527-0435. , 84-1 60 chunks for sale. Lawrence Ryan, Phone 527-0558. 8-1-1 , 14. Property for Sale 3 Bedroom 2 storey home situated on a 1/2 acre of land on the Egniondville River Road. Beauti- fully landscaped; completely renovated; wall to wall broad- loom; paneled den, separate diningroom and new garages 527- 0797. • 14-1-1 Mini Vacation gycm Aro40000.otitio3.14:4.: 4.049r • ANTIVEA gie 'lepom Wewot SEAFORTH MANOR requires reliable Kitchen Help PEACHES, Shady Lane Fruit Farm, Arkona, phone Casey Bon,. gars, 828-3305. 11-1-2 3 Furrow Case plough trip bot- tom, 527-1776. 11-1-1 9. Poultry for Sale KIMBER LEGHORN Day Old and Started 'Pullets SCOTT POULTRY FARMS, LTD. Seaforth Phone 52'7-0847 Fum NORM' WHITING Exeter, 235,1964 We ,buy estates, household lots or single articles, . 19-99-If August 31 and October 5 ,4 days tq NashVIlle Grand Ole OprY, , requires for September 1, 1973 Teacher's also mature person for night shift. .Phone 527-0030. 4-1-2 From $66.00 GOOD TIMES TRAVEL -AGENCY BOX 789, 1-Seaforth Phone 527-0050 1-99etf 3 Bedroom AM Conditioner Clearance now on at Crown Hardware„ 2 only, 5,000 & 10,000 BTU. To clear at near cost. 11-1-1 .Operator for Mobile Feed Truck Aide House (mornings only) for • QUEEN ELIZABETH SCHOOL' GODERICH 50 Acres second cut standing for sale. A. D. Gertsch, R.R.4, Walton, 527-1026. 11-1-2 • 4 Month old male pup, part, Collie, to give ,away. Phone 527-0535. 11-1xls Box 168 2 .storey hoMe with kitchen- dining room, playroom, detached - garage and 18 ft. swimming pool. Phone 527-1892 or 527-0990. 14-100-3 • HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL to lay pullets Poultry Farm, 527- 9-100-3 STARTING Moore's 0508. NEW BINGO Clinton Legion Hall 8:30 P.M. August 16th.Admission $1.00, 15 regular games $10.00 each. Three Share-The-Wealth Games. One jackpot game for $180.00 in 57 calls or less. 1-1-1 NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY USE, EXPOSITOR WANT-ADS Phone 527-0240, Apply at 218 Francis Street, Mitchell, Ont. 4-1-2 READY to lay pullets, vaccinated and debeaked. Bruce Roy, Lon- West Lorne. 14-1-1 Ctinton, Ontario This position involves the ability to work with Trainable Retarded children. Written applications indicating qualifications, exper- ience and telephone number should • be addressed to the Principal: PUREBRED blonde Cocker Span- lel puppies. Phone 482-9136. 11- lx1 We are now paying $5.00 - $15.00 for fresh dead or disabled cows and horses over 500 lbs. Two trucks to serve you 'uetter. Fast, efficient service. Houses for Sale Joseph McCAnnell desboro. 523-4237. e_99-ti 10. Used Cars for Sale Chevelle, 2 door hard top 6 cylinder. Goou condition. 527- 0458. 10-1-1 . RNA GIRLS snowsuit size 24 months, good condition, 345-2094. 11-1-2 SEAFORTH Non Nibblers are holding a potluck supper on Mon., .'August 20th, 1973 at '7:30 P.M. in Seaforth District High School. Members pleaSe bring Silver- ware and your favourite dish. 1-1-1 Wanted for Charge Nurse Duties in Nursing Home. Alter- nating shifts. Apply RIVERSIDE NURSING Mrs. Joan M. Graham, 15 Caledonia Terrace, Goderich, Ontario N7A 2M9 New and Used Equipment at Realtor 30 Victoria Street, 527-1560 Seaforth. 3 bedroom house in excellent condition. New roof and fur- nace. Large lot. Located in northeast section of town. $20,000. WHY PAY RENT? 3 Bedroom house, in excellent loCation. Gas furnace, bath- room; good cupboard space. Sacrificed for quick sale at $4,000.00. All small farm stock picked up free of charge as a service to You. ' YOU MAY OBTAIN A WRITTEN REPORT FROM A QUALIFIED VETERINARIAN UPON RE- QUEST. , Call collect - 482-9811 7 days a week, - 24 hours a day ' License No. 378C-72 Call us first, you won't have to call anyone else. 1962 Dodge stake truck 13 ft lined box, new motor clutch-and brakes. 8 Cylinder 4 speed trans- mission with two speed aril. $700.00 or best offer. Bill South- gate, 527-0131. 10-1x1 HOME . Interviews will be arranged with selected applicants. D. J. Cochrane, E.C.I1111, Director, Chairman 4-10Q-2 AUG. 17 & 18 Arctic Cat Open, House Si. Fashion Show; Aug. 18 Tom Collins' Trio; Aug. 19 Moto Cross; Aug. 25 Lesperance Trio; Aug. 26 Snowmobile Grass Drag Warm-Up #4. 1-1-1. Mitchell, Ontario _Phone 348-8903. 4-1-2 Vincen t's • 45 new plows left (all types) Quantity used mounted and semi plows - All makes. Used M.C. 600 and Meyer Dryers in stock New Tox-O-Wik and M and W Dryers in stock - Nuffield 4 /6 5 w/New motor - Massey 1350 W/Hyd. Bucket loader Ford Ind, 4000 W/Loader Order Your New Equipment Now for Fall and next Spring- Avoid Price Increase 11-1-1 11. Articles for Sale TROPICAL FISH' BUDGIES, CANARIES Nursing Aides PORK Barbeque sponsored by Blyth Agricultural Society held in Blyth Arena Saturday, Sept. 1, Supper 5;30 - '7:3 0 P.M. Adults $2.50. Public School $1.25. Barbeque to be held in conjunction with 4-H Achieve- ment Day. Entertainment during supper hour. Tickets available from directors. 1-1-3 MALE AND Female 19-99-11 in nursing home. No experience necessary. In Service Training. Apply RIVERSIDE NURSING Help A complete line of pet „supplies 14-1-1 East Huron Produce Dublin, Ontario 345-2270. 4-100-2 PAT'S . PET SHOP 15. Property for Rent Three Bedroom TOWN. ' for 'rent in Vanastra, R.R.3., Clinton. $95.00 per month. All, z EAV ESTROUGHING aluminUan ized.. EE.stiRmotanatei,wvi -7 9 l ham, Phone 357-107'7. 19-99-tf .HOME 350 Main Street Exeter phone 235-1951 11-99-tf Mitchell, Ontario. Phone 348-8903 4-1-2 REGISTERED Nurses - part Time - 2 days a week '7 - 3 shift, 2 days a week 3 - 11 shift. Kilbarchan Nursing Home Ltd., Seaforth, Phone 527-0046 after 5 P.M. 4-1-1 Help Wanted Seaforth Creamery CO. LTD. 527-0610. 4-1-1 2. Lost, Strayed • 21 inch black and white console T.V. good condition. Phone 537 - 0828. 11-99-tf Wide selection of used °A BAILEY 2 bedroom apartment for rent, newly decorated, phone 527- 0828. 15-99-tf 48 2 3 6 anytim utilities paid, o or r galvanized. R e 15-99-tf STRAYED from Lot 32, Con. 5, McKillop, one Hereford steer between 900 and 1,000 lbs. notched in the bottom of both ears. Sam McClure, phone 527-1668. 2-99x3 Refrigerators PART time Registered Nurs- ing Assistant 2 days a week 3 - 11 shift, Kilbarchan Nursing Home Ltd., Seaforth. Phone 527- 0046 after 5 P.M. 4-1-1 BUILDING material for sale e.g. 2 x 6,, 1 x 8 x ,16, barn timbers, 8 ft. ,poles. Contact 'Steven Sproul 482-9912 or come to the site - 1 mile east of Clinton on Highway 8. 11-99x 3 all in good condition BOX FURNITURE 52 - $eaforth 11-100-2 'Real Estate Ltd, 82 Albert Street Clinton 100 acre farm 6 "Miles from Seatortli, with good buildings, river crosses property. Land can he purchased with or with- out buildings. Terms can be arranged. ** * * * Must be sold. FULLY EQUIPPED RESTAURANT, with modern liv- ing quarters -in Huron County. Showing good returns. Make an offer. * * 4, 1* * 3 bedroom cottage near Bayfield. Contents included in purchase price. ***** 2 storey red brick home in Clinton on 1 acre wooded lot 2 fireplaces. * * * * * FOOD FOR THOUGHT Each generation must find out for itself that the stove is hot. 14-1-1 An Expositor Classified will pay you dividends. Have you tried one? Dial 527-0240. MATURE person to babysit two small children in my home one or two, days per week. Apply to MEWAN1C,, wanted: 401/ 4-113' : " Mr, ,E$positor. Bill" • McLaughlin Motor s ea- ' '- forth. 4. Help Wanted TRAILER for rent last two weeks of, August. MacLeans Flowers,' 527-0800. , 15-1-2 FACTORY WORKYZS, we require Women Men work in our Mitchell, Ontario and Stratford, Ontario plants. APARTMENTS for rent on Main St. Heated and hot water laundry room with washing machine and dryer 'or outside clothes line. Suitable for adults. Phone 527- 1073. ' 151-1-2 4. Help Wanted ONE bedroom apartment. Phone 527-0990. 15-100-2 No experience For production necessary. 16. For Sale or Rent * Good rate of pay plus bonus .* Company paid life insurance, hospital insurance, medical insurance and sickness insurance. HOUSE for sale or rent on Weal William St. also apartment on Railway Street for rent. Apply 527-0702. 16-1-1 Apply in person to the Personnel Department, 17. Wanted to Rent .S te:)..itsv COUPLE wanting to rent a farm- house in Seaforth or Clinton area. Phone 527-1035 after 5 P.M. 17-1-1 1030 Erie St. St ratford, Ontario 4-1-1' 4-0 - Wanted to rent - 2 bedroom apart- ment preferably on first floor, within walking distance of business section. Phone 345- 2155. •17-1x1 Mechanics Opportunity STRIP tickets for admission or refreshments, single and' dupl.!. oate. The Huron Exposttor-t, Seaforth. 11-99xtf A Gendron baby buggy in excel- lent condition, phone 482-3104. 11-1x1 HURON PINES ELECTP 3-Piece Chesterfield suite $60.00; small cook stove $30.00; space oil heater with copper tubing and tank in good condition $100.00; 2 .burner oil cook stove e $15.00; washing machine, good motor $7.00; Moffat electric stove $65.00. 527-1577. 11-1-1 WOOD for sale, hardwood slabs; 7 cord lots, $4 per cord, delivered Ciaigs Sawmill, Auburn, 52E- 7220. 11-98-10 19. Notices Vincent Farm Equipment at Seaforth continues to grow and offers a rewarding opportunity for mechanics. Experienced and aggressive individuals are re- quired. Ideal working conditions, fringe benefits. Excellent opportunity for the right people. To arrange an interview; Contact 86 King Street' Industrial, • residential, farm wiring. • Clinton' - 482-7901 Prop. Budd Kuehl. HARDTMAN & STRACK LTD., TOWN 'AND COUNTRY Enjoy the best of both on this shady 2 acre village edge lot, on a paved road. Large 2 storey 9 room red brick home features modernized kitchen, large brick fireplace in den and French doors on first floor rooms. Full base- ment with oil furnace. Priced at $22,000. MOBILEHOME 10 ft by 40 ft. has wood paneled interior with livingroom, kitchen-dining area, 2 'bedrooms and four-piece bath, oil fur- nace, propane stove, electric re- frigerator and water heater.Only $2,500. • - MODERN HOME 2 year. old 4 bedroom ranch style home has large carpeted living- room, finished basement and electric heat. Steel covered in- sulated building 28 ft. by 40 ft. could be used for a business. $42,000. with tefms. GOOD young beef by ~the half or quarter. Cut wrapped, government inspected:41m East 482-7578. 11-100-2 Mortgages are our only business. Let Waterloo's oldest and most experienced mortgage firm help you to purchase a home or' cot- tage; to use the equity in your home to consbildate debts or to improve it without embar- assing credit investigations; for confidential, competent service, for• mortgages from $1,501 to construction loans, call collect, Waterloo 884-6030. 19-99-tf 10-99-01 GESTETNER ink available .4 The Huron' Expositor, 527-02-40. Seaforth. 11 --1,9xtf 8 ft. double disc; 2 furrow Case Pelt type tractor plough. Call 345-2614; lot 11, con. 1,Hibbert. 11-100x2 SEPTIC TANKS 'CLEANED Modern equip nent. We guarantee all work. write or call Harvey Dale, Seaforth, Phone Clinton, 482-3320. 19-99-ti MARLEN VINCENT VINCENT FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. Seaforth, Ontario Telephone 527-0120. 12. Wanted to Buy Fridge with left handed opening door. Phone 527-0171 evenings. 12-14 STEEL secretarial desk A-1 con- dition $75.00. Phone 482-9226. 11-100-2. STRAW Harry Arts, R.R.4, Sea- forth, 527-1795. 12-1-1 COPIES WATCH REPAIRS ' Copies of your important papers or • documents while you wait. Letter size, 25 each. THE HURON EXPOSITOR 11 -99xtf FAST SERVICE All work guaranteed ANSTETT .JEWELLERS LTD. Seaforth • 527-1720, 19-99-ti PERSON needed for baby-sitting small baby Monday through 'Fri- day, commencing in September, preferably in our home in Sea- forth. Apply to Box 3058,Huron EQXPOSITOR Expositor. - 4-1-2 5, Bus. Opportunities • BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES EARN MONEY IN SPARE TIME SEEDS WANTED Additional Classified on BLACK and white portable T.V. 2 years old. Price $50.00. 482- ' 7234. 11-1x1 Buyers of Timothy Red Clover and Birdsfoot Trefoil Seed MAPLE LLAF, MILLS CHROME arborite family size table 40 x 60 extends to 83" in new condition.. Phone 527- 0668. 11-1-1 NOTICE. Contact we, are shipping cattle every Monday to United Co-Operatives of Ontario. To arrange for pick-up at your farm phone by Saturday night, WILLIAM J. DALE Phone:, Clinton 482-98921 19- 99-tf 14-1-1 Seed Div. Men or Women to t`:•-stock and collect money from New Type high quality coin-operated dis- pensers in yoir area. No selling. To qualify, rn, st have car, "re- ferences, $1,000.00 to $3,000.00 cash. Seven to twelve hours weekly can net excellent income. -More full time. we establish your route. For personal inter- -view write; including phone num- ber. JOHN. OR CARQLY N R.R.2, Seaforth ; * 527-0238 THOMPSON EXCELLENT corn /f6r eating or freezing., 'Bring your own Con- tainers. Self picked at .351 doz. mile east of Brucefield. Mary Haugh, .527-1909., 11-1-2 (Jones, MacNaughton) Exeter, Ontario. • Phone 235-0363 12-99-8 WANTED, old kitchen cabinet, four or six pressed back chairs, commode and washstand, 482-7589. 12-98-4 14. Property for Sale 0..04m. Page 12 • WE SELL AND SERVICE ACCUTRON . BULC)VA CARAVtLLE WATCHES, ANSTETT , JEWELLERS LTD. Seaforth 5274720 19,-996:?' ADDING machine tapes for most standard adding machines aysil- able at The Huron Expositor. 527-0240, -Seaforth. 11_,eextf USE EXPOSITOR WANT-ADS Phone 527-0240 B.V.DISTRIBOTORS LIMITED Dept. "A" 1117 Tecumseh Road, East WINDSOR 20, Ontario.' 5-1%1 1 1/2 whited brick family home doge to school and shopping area. Easy terms. Apply to Box 381, Seaforth, Ontario. 14-100-ti ELEGANT Siamese kittens, purebred with papers. Lively, hekthy and ready to go. 527- 072; after .5;30 p.m. 11-1-1 4.