HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-08-16, Page 10for DIAMONDS, WATCHES JEWELLERY, FINE CHINA GIFTS FOR EVERY OCCASION All Types of Repairs Phone 527-1)9 70 George Vriese (Pam's liappe Change of Ownership Obituary HAROLD J. BONTHRON A well knownH ensall business man, Harold J. Bonthron, passed away suddenly at his residence in Hayfield on August '7, 1973 in his 56th year. •Mr. Bonthron was born on March 14, 1918, the son of the late James and Bertha Bon- Thron of Hensall. He started in business in 1948 In the furniture store and the Funeral Parlo r after the death of his father. In July 1947 he married the former Doris Sararas, who survives. Also surviving are two sons, Bryan of London and Bevan of Hensall; f two daughters, Janice and Shelley at home, and one sister Mrs. Jean Grear of London. "''''"ein'Beithron was a Charter member of the Hensel]. Kinsmen Club, a 25 year member of the Hensel). Legion, a member of the Oddfellows Lodge and the Shrine, and an Elder of" Carmel. Presbyterian Church. He was a Ili lifelong resident of Hensall until November 1972 when he and his family moved to Hayfield. The late Mr. Bonthron rested at the Bonthron Funeral Chapel when a private funeral service was held on August 10, 1973, with _Rev. ,Qeorge Veis and Rev. W. Jarvis officiating. Interment in vz e e carnAter ys 4 , a, I .., lbWetS' Were Kelf-Cclar' Bo 4 b° Drysdale, Jack Drysdale, Bill Easton, Lbrne Hay and Van Laughton. eso Lower Interest- Rates NOW AVAILABLE ON 1st and 2nd Moitgages anywhere in Ontario on RESIDENTIAL - INDUSTRIAL COltBIERCIAL and FARM PROPERTIES, , interim financing-on new construction or land development ' REPRESENTATIVES IN YOUR AREA - PHONE SAFEWAY INVESTMENTS & CONSULTANTS LTD. AREA CODE 519-744-6535 COLLECT HEAD OFFICE: 56 Weber S. E., Kitchener, Ont. WE BUY EXISTING MORTGAGES FOR INSTANT CASH W r a i al lk Y i E.e ra n p a 'iS S I.Lokyo u l : Yae" street, crass the 2.eep rr om b : weenakedCai 3. Ride Your bike sa fely and : a gn a is. saeYour 9anosind :e sDi4ce awayir° m 5: treet ' ec 7hen You leave 6W t rb iee i 1here•a re le Waksko the fac tside he°a? 9 tra Which ELMER rule is being broken here? The Elmer rule broken here is number 0 HOW TO ENTER 1. Show which Elmer rule is being broken above and colour the facture. 2. Full out entry form Print clearly. 3 Cut (nit along dotted lines and indil to address shown. 4 .Any Cal:altar) child between '6 and 14 may enter. All entries • become property of Elmer the Safety Elephant Judges deci• sion final. ONTARIO SAFETY LEAGUE NAME J. ADDRESS (Town or city„postal code) TELEPHONE AGE Boy .. . THE HURON EXPOSITOR ..•••••••* Oliar ALI.* irmar:o. ..••••••kawoo. .11.4.•••• oloirs,61/. WASH &WEAR CASUALS REGULAR $8.95 to $16.95 Now $4.50 to 58.50 Short Sleeve KNIT SHIRTS REGULAR $5.95 to $12 95 Now '3.00 to 56.50. PANTS Summer Weight REGULAR $15.95 to $29.95 Now 5 8.00 to $15.00n j SWEATERS SPECIAL GROUP REGULAR $11.95 to $29.95 Short Sleeve SPORT SHIRTS THIS IS AVERY SPECIAL GROUP AT VERY SPECIAL PRICES Now 5 6.00 to $15.00 OVER 200 PAIR Knit Dress Slack's PLAINS & FANCYS Reg. $19.95 to $29.95 s .1 200 ,o $21 35 * Special Bargain Tables * 10% OFF ?Anything Not Specially Marked Following This' Sale George Vriese Men's Slioppe Will Be Known As RAWSON & SWARTMAN LTD. • Style Shop for Men `GODERICH • 2 EXETER ifeSeAreeA eeeraitee• f••'••••••••-ee ANOTHER SPECIAL GROUP AT 1/2 PRICE & LESS Long Sleeve SPORT SHIRTS FURTHER MARK DOWNS iloovu,d4g4p 4.0 kOtVi, At 0c, ALL SALES FINAL - ALTERATIONS EXTRA. SHORT SLEEVE Dreis Shirts 207 0 OF, "It's st surprise" farewell_ Party In honour of LOW; and Gerry Kirk of R.R.2, Kippen was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Remember! It takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in p ocket. To advertise, just Dial Seaforth 527-0240. OR Me 9/4 Tv A1.10. 16 1973 Kirks surprised at party Bell reunion features pig and trailer four RE LOVES SPORTS Brian is good company, always cheerful and co-operative, usually smiling, as you see him here. ' At 15, Heti n is tall and slim with dark hair, blue eyes and fair skin plus a few freckles. His background is Austrian and Anglo-S axon. Brian excells in sports. He is a runner and plays soccer, but hockey iS his favorite. He plays regularly on two hockey teams and community leagues and his ambition is to be a professional player. With the 'enthusiasm he has andithe skills he is developing he might make it. Brian is well liked by his team mates and is a keen competitor. He is inclined to think summer is a waste, with no hockey. He would like to devise an outdoor rink that would be operational all year. Brian has just finished Grade Eight and will be entering a two-year occupational course in the fall. He is interested in wood-working and good at it, his latest accomplishment being a handsome, functional birdhouse. He has recently developed an interest in nature. lle sings. in the school choir. He needs warm, understanding, involved parents - and 'especially a father who will share his hockey' interest. To inquire about adopting Brian, please write to Today's Child, Box 888, Station K, Toronto M4P 2H2. For general adoption information, please contact your local Children's Aid Society. ObA. D LAN ALM- WINCHELSEA , Orville Workman, R.R.3, Kippen on Wednesday evening, Aug. 8th. The Kirk family is moving this week to Mansfield, Ont. Mr:Kirk is a fireman posted to Camp Borden. "What was really a surprise for Louis and Gerry" said Mrs. Workman, "was that their par- ents, his from Port Stanley and hers from Aylmer were et the party." Oyer 45 of the Kirk's friends and neighbours applauded as Erne erson Kyle, Kippen, presented the couple with a swag lamp and their son Paul With a monogrammed wallet. SEAFORTH JEWELLERS The descendants of the late Andrew Bell and Mary Blair , gathered on August 4, at the old Bell homestead for their fifth weekend reunion in eleven years. . The '75 perions attending, he- rived from Kenneled and Langley, B.C. Boston, Halifax, Toronto, London, Seaforth, ,Grand Bend, Kitchener, Goderich and Streets- ville. The reunion began with a lun- cheon. on Saturday hosted by Dorothy and Bill Bell. Sports events followed under the able direction of Bob and Dianne GOrs- line., Winners of the various sports events were: 5 years and under: Becky Morris, Jackie Bell; Peter Morris, Elaine,Milan, Intermediate ' sports; Wendy Milan, Vicky Bell, Beth Morris, Karen Ford. Adult sports events; Toni and jack Bell; Jim and Kathy Morris; Phil Peters; Fessie. Brooks. An added attraction during Saturday was a tour of the new pig feeding operation owned by R.J. MacGregor and Sons which was conducted by Robby John himself ,and. a most interesting tour it was; After the sports activities the group gathered at Kippen United Church to enjoy a hearty dinner served by the Ladies of the congregation. At the conclusion of• dinner the guests returned to the old Bell Homestead and were enter- tained by Mr. Don Bell from Bos- ton with ashowing of moviesfrom previous reunions. Music and song filled the evening under the direction Wally Walper and Howard Brooks. During the evening Bill and Dorothy Bell were presented with plaque (designed in Scotland bearing the Bell Coat of Arms) by Mi'. and Mrs. Walper in ap- preciation of their hospitality. Sunday morning the group at- tended a Church Service at St. Andrews United Church. A special musical number was sung by Wally Walper: Sunday after- noon, family members gathered at the Bell Homestead for a fun- filled garden party. Later a smorgasbord dinner was served under the supervision of Mrs. Alga Chlpchase, Mrs. Jean Morris, Mrs. Ruth Adair and Mr s. Verde. Sinclair. During the afternoon, Mr. Ernie and Bill Chipchase gave a conducted tour of the North- lender Mobile Home plant at Exeter, Ontario. At the conclusion of supper, a brief meeting was conducted by Elaine and Irvin Ford. The new committee elected for the 19'76 reunion were Mr. DonBell (hall- fax) Mrs. Alice Bell, Secretary; Mrs. Arlene and Jim Stiles, sports directors. Tony Kyle has returned from a trip to the United Nations. He was the winner of a free trip to the United Nations sponsored by the Amber Rebekah and Odd- fellows Lodges o° the Huron Ms- triet. A letter of thanks• was received from Tony in apprecia- tion for having had the honor of the opportunity to take this very worth*hile trip. At the Sunday morning Worship Service in Hensel]. United Church, Rev. Don Beck preached on the sermon topic,. "I believe; Help my unbelief". Sam Rannie was the guest solo- ist. The flowers in the Church were from the funeral of the late Harold Bonthron, KEEP TWO! For well organized menu planning, keep two recipe file boxes - one for new recipes, and one for-testec and approved ones. EASE -r"Tticiowlve ovens are easy to clean and should be cleaned after each use. Just wipe with a damp cicith. Miss Ruth Horne 3.1,4 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sperling of London visited on the weekend with Mr. and Mrs . Freeman Horne. Miss Janet Herb of Toronto spent the holiday weekend with Mr. and Mrs.-,,Phil Hern and boys. . • Mr. and` Mrs. Sanford Hutton spent the weekend in "Listowel with their daughter Diane and relatives there. Mr. and Mrs. Bill 'Mier, Vickie and David of Harriston visited in Winchelsea on Mon- day. Mrs. Freeman Horne and Mrs. Sanford Hutton and Mrs. Phil liern„ were guests on Wed- nesday evening with Mrs.John Coward celebrating her birth- day. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Sugdan, granddaughter Beth Sug- den of Detroit visited recently with Ditatg,. Isabel sugden and Tennyson Johns. Mr. and Mrs. Oswald But- chereit and boys of Toronto visi- ted recently with Mr. and ,ivIrs. Sanford Hutton and Dennis. Mr. and Mrs. Rueben Pehlke of Monkton visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Hutton. Mrs. George Frayne of Exeter visited on Saturday with Mrs. Wm. Walters. Miss Ruth Horne of London visi*(15•eer the, w,eeketi, mtk Mr. and Mrs. 'Fi4einan'HiStlfer l Mr. and Mrs. Phil Bern and boys spent the weekend at their cottage at Chesley Lake. CONT1NU ON ALL THESE ITEMS Now '45.00 to '62.50 Now $30.00 to 542.50 Now 56.00 to $14.00 Now 5 6.50 to 5 11.50 4 Elmer's Summer Safety Contest 2Vo. 1*,414 HURON, Q 1 11 INSURAng Auto, The, Life Donald . 6. Eaton insurance Agency Limited Office in Masonic Block Main Street Phone 527-1610 - Seaforth 2 SUITS a. REGULAR $89.95 to $125.00 SPORT JACKETS REGULAR $59.50 to $85,00 JACKETS REGULAR $11.95 to $27.95 BAGGIES REGULAR .$12,95 to $22.95 1 I. .rommin.frlimos. .01*** ;-