HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-08-09, Page 3SEAFORTH JEWELLERS for DIAMONDS, WATCHES JEWELLERY, FINE CHINA GIFTS FOR EVERY OCCASION All Types of Repairs Phone 527-0271) fRO/EN CANADA GRAD( A to 10 It, 0 YOUNG BROILER TURKEYS th.5111 IL MORON 10C-POILib .111111APONTWollti-AWP rilk4 POI, fr 010 0,01104.11104.04.01.ae410 Soo, le 09:0 I 11 111. al11011141141101•4 • • • • • 'o e5 moo* OW liaTh0 rShAfe a W lisod elir• • *torso roe of *Lie over ••nlopoo. Ma- !En .psqmOntA. . io Iv* A Stratford General RI:Mita NI--lowing a car ' accident • on Fri- day evening, Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe visited Donald Wolfe, Steven and Jamie in London and Mrs. wolfe at Victoria Hospital. On Monday and Mrs. Roy Beuerman and Christopher, MonIcton visited with Mr, and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe. Miss Joyce Vock, Kitchener is holidaying this week at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oarlirock. Remember! It takes nut a moment to place an. Expositor Want 527 -20 0 A411 and be money In pocket. To advertise, just Dial Seaforth - Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Heuer.. man , accompanied Mr. and Mrs. `*-Wayne Beuerman, Jeffrey, Den- nis and Jill to Montreal where they visited with Mr. and 210. Jabques Levasseur and family. Guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. Lea Weitersen were Mrs. Roy Krohn, Elkton, Michigan, and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hall and Charles, Missouri. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Krugel, Lindsay Visited Mr. and Mrs. Ken Elligsen and boys. Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe were gtiests of their grandson Douglas Watson at -a ceremony at Wolseley Barracks in London on Friday, Doug was one of three successful candidates from St. Thomas to be sworn into the Canadian Forces along with other successful candidates from SOu- thern Ontario. As cadets at the Royal Military College, the stu7 dents will take courses leading to commissions in the Canadian Forces and to degrees in eng. ineering, sciences and in arts., On Sunday, the annual Sunday School picnic of st. Peter's Lu- theran Church was held at Sea-, forth Lion's Park. Approxi- mately 150 attended. A service was held followed by a pot luck dinner, sports and swimming. we are sorry to report that Gordon Miller is a patient in the • • • See, A Aumbof*IrsinOgiiixi.g0Z,111:4' OldeMObileS" and ChetiO1Loe. foIlyp40.4). • • • • • 0040 2 Di, J.4't 40'44 or gqda: 1 ,Custom: Mt IT. 1.....POntine Catalina 4 /OP 1 - '70 Ford OeiaXte 'BOO 1' .- '70 Met*** MontralM 4 Pk'. - • '70 impala Custom 2 44'4.7". * 2 - '69 Pontiac POrMietNui Dry* 473 4 1 - '69 Chev, Impala 2, Dr. H.T. • .. . . • 1 - '7.1. Dodge 4 Dr. Sedan 0 • . : 4- '72 Chev.BiseaYne 4 Dr.S0dan P.46.P.B# : 2 - '72 Fords 4 dr..Sedan P.S,P.E1,, . • 2 - '71 non ntcTP. arisienne Br oughatne 2& 4 • H.T . • • 1 - '71 .Chev. Impala Caprice 2 dr.. H.T. te, • 3 '71 Chevrolet impala 4 dr. H.T. '- 4, • - 1 '71 Pontiac Laurentian 2 - dr. • • 1 - '71 cougar XR 7 Air Cond.fully equipped • Mrs. Rose StapletOn left on Wednesday on a two-week holiday to visit her daughter and son-in- law, ,Mr. and Mrs. Dan' Williams and family in Jacksonville, Flo- rida. Kathy and Bonnie Monaghan, Dundas visited with their grand- mother Mrs. D.P. Monaghan on Tuesday. Pat and Terry O'Connor of Scarborough spent the week- end with friends. Mr. end Mrs. MattMcCreight visited with his mother in Kin- cardine on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Darling and son Alex visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. Jabk Darling on the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Murray of London visited with friends and relatives on the weekend. The Dantger family front Lon- don spent the weekend at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Palln of Toronto spent Wednesday and Thursday with Mrs. D.P. Mona- ghan and Mrs. Lloyd McCarthy. Mr. and Mrs, Peter Nekon and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Feeney of Waterloo spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Martin Feeney. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Costello and Sharon of camp Borden are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Dan Cos- tello. Mr. and Mrs. Pat woods of Georgetown spent a few days last week with Mr. F#rg. Horan. cottage at Pt, Franks. Sr. Theodore Doyle of Chat- ham and Sr. Agnes Coyne of Strathroy are visiting with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Maloney., spent Saturday with Mr, and Mrs. Steve Maloney in Kitchener and visited Mr. litirold Maloney who is a patient at K-W Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Charles O'Neil of Windsor are spending their holidays with friends here. ' Miss Lori Ann Madman of Mosley is spending a few days with ' her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Connolly. Miss Alice Ryan is holiday- ing at Pt. Burwell. Miss Theresa Ryan of Lon- don spent the weekend with her mother Mrs. Mary Ryan. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cleary, Karen and Kevin of Toronto spent the weekend with Mrs. Frank Evans. Mr. Tom Feeney of London is visiting with his brothers Louis and Elmer Feeney. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Byers spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Edgar at Gorrie. Mr. Mike MacRae who spent the past week in Seaforth hos- pital has returned home, much improved in health. Miss Cheryl •McGrdh, daugh- ter of ,Mr. and Mrs. Pat McGrath who has joined the army, left on Friday for Cornwalis where she will be stationed for a term. Guests at the christening of Denise Nicole, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mike MacRae on Stin- day were the sponsors Mr. and Mrs. J. D. MacRae of Londbn, also the grandparentii Mr. and Mrs. Ed McGrath and Mr. and Mrs. Don MacRae of Dublin, Mr. John McGrath of Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs. Jim McIlwain of Seaforth. Rev. Vincent Eckert of Gary, Indiana and Mr. and Mrs. George Coville spent a few days at their • ki A'number of '66 to '68 model cars. • • • • • • if J.- • TRUCKS 1 - '70 Ford 1 Ton Pickup 2 - '70 Chev. 1 ton pick-ups V8 Aut. Number of vans in Chevp. & Fords Auto and Standards. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • STATION WAGONS 1 - Fora Qataxie 500 Wagon 1 * "68 Ford Ranch wagon 10 passenger. 1,,,--770 Pontiac Wagon 1 - '70 Chev. wagon Nevis of St. Cols. moan :BRUSSELS MOTORS BRUSSELS ONTARIO • - PHONE 11874173--"Tha Home of Batter Used Cars" OPEN EVERY EVENING ' • •••••••••••••••••••• ....... •• ..... ••• ....... • ..... ••• ..... •••7 Correspondent Mrs. Joseph Kale miff CLIP THIS VALUABLE COUPON' '.1 ...... CLIP THIS VALUABLE C6UP6Isili n Mrs. Mary Murray of British Columbia' is visiting friends and relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Melady and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ryan have returned from a trip to Moosonee on the Polar Bear. Ex- press and a fishing trip on Lake Nipissing. Mr. and Mrs. John Shea and Mr. and '1 Russ Pringle have returned freitt a visit to relatives in Saskatchewan. Mr. Don' Melady flew this week to Calgary to visit rela- tives there. tit Mr. and Mrs. Don Moylan and children have returned from a trip to the north to Cochrane and Moosonee. The -St. Columban Soccer dance held In Brodhagen July 27 was a great success. Miss Judy Dorsey has re- turned from Toronto where she had spent a week on the rural- urban exchange program. FROZEN CONCENTRATED GRAPEFRUIT OR MINUTE MAID PEANUT BUTTER JUICE ti 41 ' • ti mil TIN PER FAMILY WITH 15.00 PURCHASE ARMS tat#'911 . ammo Aaallit 1140,,Ift/lJ LIMIT 1 COUPON PER 12 OZ. PURCHASED *NMI WOW AUGUST 14,1173 MINUTE MAIO IS A RED. TRADE MAIM ETF COCA COLA CO LIMIT • 1 JAR PER FAMILY MTN 15.00 PURCHASE PLUS COUPON pric*A ituatqf 1-14, too 11.1114111 1111 91111 111 4 1 (1 10i ! 11111 III VII 91191 IMMO S UMW!, IMMO 0••••Y iMMIm• im•••• OMNI MIAMI reeine arm sway IMMO 111•1 IMMO WON= .111MMINI 111.111 SWAN NINO UMW MINI See the Canadian National Exhibition in Toronto. GIVE YOU M IM * THE FINEST * THE LOWEST MEAT SPECIALS QUALITY IN TOWN Special buses leave 8:35 A.M. Cleave's Sunoco "Saturday,August 18th, Wednesday, August 22nd.. , Saturday, August 25th.,Wednesday, August 29th. * PERSONALIZED SERVICE Anyone interested: in taking PIANO l.,-ESS,ON$1.- Please Contac t ,Joan\Joan Hopper at 527;17371 Lessons will begin' the week of Sept.lOth t. -For-t-i-okilts and information contact ,f.., 441,) S5'91,!11 Cleave's Sunoco 527-9016 F. 'I d, t t MARY MILES RIND ON ENDS CUTS By the Piece L. & H . Coachway's Ltd. P.O. Box 426 Stratford KNIFE CUT FROZEN CHICKEN LEGS 79c lb yul fROAA THI T1A111 ilLoeiN PORK MARY MILES 6 lb. box HOT DOG WIENERS Sec AeReerE.M. mmeINAI -********************************-A .................. . . . .... GUARANTEED USED CAR BUYS! S 8 M BITE SIZE 1 lb . FROZEN RAVIOLI CHEF PRIDE 20 AZ. size PEPPERONI PIZZA BURN'S TRIPLE PACK I lb. pkg. SLICED COOKED MEATS DAVERN FARMS LINK BREAKFAST SAUSAGE MAXI-CHEF COOKED 2 lb. box CNICKEN,PARTS MARY MILES POLISH SAUSAGE BURN'S VACUUM PACKED 1 lb pkg 99' ALL BEEF WIENERS ULSTER FRY BRAND 1 lb. pkg. lb 85°' SLICED COOKED SAUSAGE FROM CANADA GRADE 'A' Ala 9 lb YOUNG WE SELL CANADA APPROVED GRADE "A" RED RIBBON BEEF AUSTRALIAN FROZEN - BUTT HALF LEG OF LAMB FRESH 3 1/2 TO 4' z. LB. SIZE CUT UP FRYING CHICKENS FROZEN CANADA GRADE "A" 4 to 5 lb size 99° DUCKS PRIMROSE FROZEN 4 oz. serving 1.09 BEEF STEAKETTES TOP VALE) CHOI DIR 1.19 1 pkg of 1:98 ip 69c be.2.79 ft9C b 89e IS 69c 890 V 89e TOP VALU TURKEYS ........................ DAVERN VACUUM PACKED 1 lb pkg. SLICED SIDE BACON . 1.22 TOP VALU VACUUM PACKED 1 lb pkg SLICED SIDE BACON TOP VALU VACUUM PACKED 1 lb pkg SKINLESS WIENERS ROYALE 1 I ASSORTED COLOURS PRICES uncle( UNTIE , SATUNDAT, AUGUST II, 103 WI RIMY. THE NIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES SuPplInd and Serviced By At lamb limited .1968 Plymouth 6 cyl. automatic sedan 1968 Pontiac 8 cyl. automatic' sedan 1.29 790 ASSORTED COLOURS ROYALE SMALL BOX FACIAL TISSUE pkg. of 100 19. TOP VALU COLOURED' MARGARINE (parchment wrapped) 1 lb, pkas. 51.00 . SHIRLEY GAY FRESH APPLE PIE 24 at. pkg. 39c ALLGOOD LIGHT ALBACORE TUNA FLAKES 6.5 oz. tin 39c 1968 Plymouth 8cyl. automatic 2-dr. H.T. 1969 Ford Fairlane 8 cyl. automatic 2-dr. H.T. 1969 Chev. Biscayne 6 cyl. automatic sedan 1969 Chev. Impala 8 cyl. automatic sedan 1969 Chev. Impala 8 cyLautomatic 2-dr. H.T. 1970 Meteor iemoyn 8 cyl. automatic, stereo, power steering, power brakes, electric seats, air conditioning 1969 Beaumont 8 cyl. automatic sedan 1972 Vega automatic 1970 GMC 1-ton truck with racks TOP VALU GRADE "A"-" 1 , EGGS 1 BATHROOM 1 I TISSUE I I 2 roll pito 1 1 .1 .00 3 , GR PEAS 14 oz. tins . 1 taiga Ake 41 MO 7t .1.1. IOW ••••im woe. WITH PORK , IN TOMATO SAUCE HEINZ I TOP VALU I SALAD I DRESSING I 1 AYLMER TOMATO CATSUP 11 or btl 22c I ROY-ALL I I LUNCHEON I LIQUID I MEAT 1 BLEACH 12 or tin 1 192 or. mu. 45c 99c JAVEX BEANS 14 oz, tin 230 1 • 32 Oz. 59c IGA's QUALITY PRODUCE FRESHER BY FAR DOLE OR CHIQUITA GOLDEN YELLOW ) BANANAS 4 lb,. SHOP THESE BONUS DISCOUNT INFLATION FIGHTERS KY FANCY PEAR HALVES 5101111 NEW ORLEANS STELE OR DARK RED KIDNEY BEANS BEEF IRISH. OR CHICKEN TURKEY 23° TOP VALU STEW 1 ' 49c ?",n 59c TOP VALU CHOICE. CUT GREEN BEANS OP HEINZ WHITE TOP VALU ASSORTED FLAVOURS SOFT DRINKS 24 2.19 RIG JOHNS BEANS'N FIXINS MONARCH ASSORTED VARIETIES PUDDING MIXES MILKBONE ASSORTED FLAVOURS DOG FOOD 4 MOTHER PARKER'S All PURPOSE GROUND COFFEE HIGHLINTR FROZEN OCEAN PERCH FILLETS RIM GROVE 110% BUTTER) DAIRY SPREAD TOP VOW PROCESS CANADIAN CHEESE SLICES 25c VINEGAR '28 ioq 69° 6 1.00 WAX BEANS ASSORTED VARIETIES AYLMER SOUPS MACARONI K CHEESE CATELLI DINNER 25° SANK A DECAFFIENATED FREEZE DRIED COFFEE °„: 1.39 BABY SCOTT pkq of 30 1.09 DISPOSABLE DIAPERS p10 •.9~0,1 .29 BABY SCOTT OVERNIGHT DISPOSABLE DIAPERS ROYALE, ASSORTED COlOURS PAVER' TOWELS MoNARCH' ENRICHED Al,.11. PASTRY FLOUR V.', 430 39. 3 :4 1.00 Nm 1.00 'a, 89c "A 85c IA. 59c ' 1.69 HEINZ MEDIC Majp1/0 GARvi" YfISFIVY o. POLSKIE DILLS " 69c SPECIAL 1967 Skylark convertible 8 cyl. automatic 1966 Chevrolet 12--foot van PREMIUM vAlto THE TEA THAT DARES TEA BAGS nl uloo ,65c A B.0 PREPRICED 1 49 POWDERED DETERGENT 1 1 • 15 BANQUET FROZEN ASSORTED FLAVOURS CREAM PIES " 39c TOP VAtU FROZEN WHITE LEMONADE 4 ",":. 49c SNOWCAP FROZEN FRENCH FRIES 3 1.00 CANADA NO. 1 ONTARIO SNOWHITE CAULIFLOWER 49c Ca. CANADA NO 1 ONTARIO YELLOW COOKING ONIONS 2balbg, 49c CANADA NO. 1 ONTARIO TOWN GOLDEN 4 0 49. SWEET COON I, sibs U.S.A. NO, I CALIFORNIA SALMON FLESH CANTALOUPES U.S.A. NO. 1 CALIFORNIA RED OR GREEN GRAPES 69° 'r19' 59c "°,, 530 a. 49c 49c larCs tile Prices are reduced on all vehicles to reduce stock. NO REASONABLE PRICE REFUSED. ST. WILLIAM'S Imm who) PLUM (MARI Apple Jelly or Marmalade Seaforth IGA is open all day Wednesday and Friday night 'till 9pm SAL ES c,.7frwe. VICE. t SO, SEASOIMI v 6,,HITV/1- Vtt 141.10-,